Showing 231 results for Character
Volume 19, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Geological hazard and the lack of appropriate survey, design and construction instruments, have always made the design and construction of underground works a risky affair, which could not therefore be faced with the same degree of accuracy as other civil engineering works. As a consequence a larger safety factor should always be considered for underground works compared to similar surface constructions. During excavation of a tunnel and by the opening a cavity the flow lines of stress field in a rock mass are deviated and are channelled around it to create a zone of increased stress around the walls of the excavation. The channelling of the flow stresses around the cavity is termed an arch effect. The arch effect ensures that the cavity is stable and will last over time. Depending on the size of stresses created and the strength and deformation properties of the ground, channelling can be produced in three states: 1- close to the profile of excavation, when the ground around the cavity withstands the deviated stress flow around the cavity well, responding elastically in terms of strength and deformation. 2- far from the profile of the excavation, when the ground around the cavity is unable to withstand the deviated stress flow and responds an elastically-plasticising and arch effect formes far from walls of the excavation. 3- channelling doesn’t produce at all, when the ground around the cavity is unable to withstand the deviated stress flow and responds in the failure range producing the collapse of the cavity. That’s how arch effect determines that the cavity is stable for short or long time or it is not stable at all. Therefore tunneling, especially in soft ground, should always be observed since it is always at risk of falling during excavation and the ground geotechnical properties must be studied beforehand. The gradual reduction of horizontal stress from the tunnel face during the excavation process leads to the formation of deformities on the ground surrounded tunnel. Face Extrusion is the first response of environment to the excavation process. This phenomenon depends on the resistance and properties of the advance core, as well as the main stress area exposed to it. Extrusion appears on tunnel face and along the longitudinal axis of the tunnel and it’s geometry could be symmetric or unsymmetric. In the present study with the help of 3D modeling a part of the Tehran Metro Line 7 tunnel (the selected part for modeling locates in (0 + 900 to 0 + 1000 meters from the beginning of the southeast of line 7), the relationship between the stresses of the tunnel face and its extrusions are investigated and the results are presented in the form of confinement stress-extrusion curve or “tunnel characteristic curve”. In the following, the characteristic curve is plotted under unidimensional axes and it is observed that these non-dimensional curves are placed on each other under special conditions for different tunnels. These conditions are also given at the end. All modellings are done in Flac 3D software.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (7-2017)
The Iranian species of the genus Holopyga (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) were investigated. Specimens were collected during four years of field research between 2010 and 2013, in northern and southern provinces of Iran. Twenty one species and subspecies were recognized, of which four species and one subspecies were recorded for the first time from Iran: Holopyga beaumonti Balthasar, 1953; H. fascialis Linsenmaier, 1959; H. ignicollis Dahlbom, 1854; H. inflammata inflammata (Förster, 1853) and H. jurinei Chevrier, 1862. Geographical distribution of all species and morphological diagnostic characteristics of the newly recorded species are given. The number of Holopyga species and subspecies in Iran is now raised to 21.
Volume 19, Issue 77 (12-2022)
Story design is a chain of events that adds direction to stories. Not only it determines the order and succession of events, but also an organized set of events connected through cause-and-effect relationships and arranged by a pattern or map. Design has a strong relationship with other elements of a tale. Examining the structure of design in folk tales enhances understanding and perception of the ruling system of tales and their attractions. Lakki’s written tales examined in this paper are based on design elements and the types included Pacha (eight tales in one book), Se-Charaki by Jahanshah Azadbakhsh and Lakki legends by Kiomarsh Amiri Kalejoie. The design of the majority of stories was linear and since the manufactured order of events and trends rule the natural order of tales, closed-design was the most popular design in Lakki’s Pachas. The drawbacks of extending Pacha’s design were in the mystery solving part. Magical agents with metaphysical forces solve the protagonist’s problem, while there is no introduction for the presence of the protagonist's supporting character. That is, the protagonist encounters them by accident.
Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)
ancient literature. In this process, the authors try to interpret the ancient literature in accordance with the spirits and mentalities of modern man. This plays an important role in enriching literary works and the relationship between cultures in different periods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the contemporaryization of ancient lyrical poems in some Persian novels(Winter 62 by Ismail Faceeh, Bamdad Khomar by Fataneh Haj Seyed Javadi, His eyes by Alavi Bozorg, Kiss God on the moon by Mustafa Mastoor, Dal Mahmoud Golabderehi, Night harmony of the wood orchestra by Reza Qasemi) is based on the documentary method. The results of the research show that the mentioned authors have mostly focused on contemporaryizing Hafez's poetry and have presented a new reading of lyrical poems according to the cultural, social and political conditions of the time and in accordance with their mental perceptions. They have used ancient lyrical poems to show the mentality of their characters and identities, and the themes of many of these novels have been conveyed through these poems or the theme of the novel is derived from the dominant thought. These poems have also played an important role in describing the place, atmosphere, creating realism and the connection between past and contemporary culture in Iran.
Volume 19, Issue 122 (4-2022)
Bioactive peptides are special protein components that have a significant effect on human body function. In this study, the effect of proteins and peptides resulting from the hydrolysis of amaranth proteins (total protein, albumin, and globulin) at levels 1 to 5% and different hydrolysis times (0.5, 1.5, 3, and 5 hours) on The properties of sourdough and the quality of bread were investigated. The results showed that the peptides obtained by hydrolysis of total amaranth protein in 3 hours had the greatest effect on the growth of Lactobacillus Plantarum (PTCC 1896) (11.40 Log CFU / mL) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PTCC 5052) (8.32 Log CFU / mL) in vitro. These microbes are the main flora of sourdough and different amounts of peptides on their growth were statistically significant compared to the control sample. The titratable acidity and pH after 16 hours of fermentation at 30 ° C in the wet dough containing 5% peptide were 13.33 mL NaOH and 4.6, respectively, which was higher than other treatments. The highest amount of water activity, specific volume, titratable acidity, and the lowest enthalpy in bread was prepared from sourdough containing 3% peptide. Therefore, bread made from sourdough containing 3% peptides was selected as the best treatment to increase the quality of bread.
Volume 19, Issue 122 (4-2022)
Low-fat dairy products don't have desirable texture and sensory properties because of having low levels of fat. Pear powder can be used as a carbohydrate-based fat replacer for fortification and improving the texture of low-fat dairy products due to having a positive effect on texture improvement and desirable nutritional compounds such as pectin, lignans, phenolic compounds and dietary fiber. In this context, pear powder was added to milk (1.5% fat) at levels of 1, 2 and 3%. The experimental yogurts were compared with control yogurts produced from whole milk (3% of fat) and low-fat milk (1.5% of fat). The samples were stored for 15 days at 4 ± 1 °C and their physicochemical, texture and sensory properties were evaluated during storage. According to results, increasing the rate of pear powder in yogurt samples caused to a significant increase in acidity, viscosity, water-holding capacity and hardness and a significant decrease in pH and syneresis (p<0.05). In all samples, while acidity, viscosity, hardness and water-holding capacity increased significantly during storage, pH and syneresis decreased (p<0.05). The yogurt manufactured with 1% of pear powder received the highest overall acceptability scores among the yoghurts fortified with pear powder. In conclusion, using 1% of pear powder for manufacturing low-fat set-type yoghurt had the best results in terms of physicochemical, texture and sensory characteristics.
Volume 19, Issue 123 (5-2022)
The use of natural ingredients such as edible coatings is considered as an environmental friendly way to control post-harvest fruit rot as well as delay fruit senescence. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of edible coatings for controlling fruit rot caused by Penicillium digitatum and some qualitative characteristics of Mexican lime during storage. Mexican limes were inoculated with fungi suspension and were immersed in carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and sodium alginate (ALG) coatings at four concentrations of 0 (control), 0.5, 1 and 1.5%. Then, Mexican lime fruit were stored at temperature of 8 ° C and relative humidity of 90-95% for 21 days. The results showed that edible coatings showed significant effects on fruit rot, weight loss, percentage of soluble solids, titratable acid, L *, a *, phenolic content and total antioxidant activity. Among the edible coatings, CMC at 1.5% reduced the fruit rot caused by green mold (77%) and reduced the weight loss (80%), TSS (5%) and increased the titratable acidity (33%) and total antioxidant activity (10%) compared to the control after 21 days of storage. Therefore, the use of edible coatings, especially 1.5% CMC, can maintain qualitative characteristics of Mexican lime and reduce the rot. Therefore, it can be used as an environmental friendly method to maintain fruit quality and reduce post-harvest waste.
Volume 19, Issue 124 (5-2022)
In order to reduce the sugar consumption in the pastille formulation and improve its nutritional value using Spirulina platensis microalgae, the effect of sugar replacement with stevioside-isomalt, gelatin replacement with Persian gum and effect of using spirulina as a bioactive compound on the physicochemical and textural properties of pastilles were investigated. In order to optimization the production conditions of enriched diet pastille, the response surface method (RSM) in the form of a central composite design were used in 5 levels of sugar replacement with stevia-isomalt (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%), gelatin replacement with persian gum (0, 25, 50, 75,100%) and Spirulina (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1%). The results of physicochemical, textural and sensory properties of the selected product were evaluated during 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days and compared with the control sample. The results showed that an increase in the percentage of sucrose replacement with stevioside-isomalt and gelatin replacement with persian gum, resulted in an increase and decrease the hardness, respectively. Density and adhesiveness decreased and increased significantly with increasing percentage of sucrose replacement with stevioside-isomalt, respectively. Among the investigated formuls, samples containing 13% sucrose replacement with stevioside-isomalt, 100% gelatin replacement with persian gum and 0.28% Spirulina; and 60% sucrose replacement with stevioside-isomalt, 100% gelatin replacement with persian gum and 0.02% Spirulina were determined as the best formulation. Comparison between treatments revealed a moisture reduction and density increment of the optimal samples (p<0.05), while the hardness of the optimal samples did not significantly change during storage time (p>0.05). Results of sensory analysis indicate that control sample had better sensory characteristics (taste, after taste, texture and overall acceptability) than the other samples. The addition of Spirulina platensis microalgae as a functional supplement can improve nutritional properties, especially protein and minerals such as iron in the product.
Volume 19, Issue 124 (5-2022)
Tomatoes are widely produced and consumed worldwide due to their high nutritional value as well as unique sensory properties. The high perishability and low shelf life of tomatoes necessitate the use of modern processing methods. In this research, the possibility of using vacuum frying technology in the processing of tomato slices, the effect of process variables (processing time, oil temperature and pressure inside the chamber) on some quality characteristics of the final product (moisture and fat content, Shrinkage, ascorbic acid, color and texture brittleness) as well as determining the optimal processing conditions in a vacuum lab-scale frying system with precise control of process conditions were investigated. Initially, by performing pre-tests, the range of variables of the study included frying temperature, pressure inside the chamber and process time was determined. The results of study showed that the process temperature has significant effects on the moisture content, shrinkage, fat content, ascorbic acid content and texture brittleness, so that with increasing temperature, the content Moisture and ascorbic acid content decrease and shrinkage, fat content and tissue brittleness increase. Processing time showed significant effects on the moisture content, shrinkage, fat content and texture brittleness, so that with increasing process time, the moisture content decreased and shrinkage, the fat content and texture brittleness, increased. Pressure of the study area had significant effects only on shrinkage and total color change characteristics. Increasing the pressure inside the chamber led to a reduction in shrinkage and an increase in total color changes. Optimum vacuum frying conditions of tomato slices were a temperature of 135°C, time of 21.92 minutes and pressure of 260 mbar, under these conditions were the moisture content, shrinkage, fat content, amount of ascorbic acid, total color changes and the breaking force were 45.93%, 70.54%, 34.64%, 2.92 mg/100 mL, 64.86 and 2.58N, respectively.
Volume 19, Issue 125 (7-2022)
Nowadays, citrus fruits, especially oranges, is very important in the human nutrition regime, and its quality characteristics assessment is very important. This study aimed to predict some biochemical characteristics of blood orange, using machine vision and artificial neural networks. In this experiment, the amount of vitamin C content, sugar content, and acidity (pH) were obtained using destructive laboratory methods. Images of blood orange samples were captured and 108 texture features and 57 color features were extracted on CIElab, RGB, HSV, and HIS color spaces and finally, the artificial neural networks method has been used to estimate the desired properties. To evaluate and select the most optimal artificial neural network, a feed-forward neural networks with Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm, the different number of neurons, and different transfer functions in the hidden and output layers was used. Finally, using the best neural network and 165 textural-color features, the amount of vitamin C content, sugar content, and pH were estimated with a correlation coefficient of 0.950, 0.968, and 0.884, respectively. Therefore, considering the appropriate correlation coefficient, machine vision and image processing technology can estimate some biochemical characteristics of blood oranges accurately.
Volume 19, Issue 129 (12-2022)
In recent years, the foam mat drying has been used in food processing. Due to the fact that the stability of the foam plays an essential role in improving this process, in this study, the factors affecting the structure of the permeate-based orange beverage foam and the physical characteristics of the foam have been investigated. For this purpose, the egg white (3-5%) and basil gum solution (0.1- 0.3%) was added to the orange beverage according to the experimental design and the desired mixture was mixed with an electric mixer with the highest speed was for (4, 6, 8) minutes. Then, initial tests of beverage foam including foam density, foaming ability, foam stability, rheological test, viscosity, and foam microstructure were performed. Then, the optimal treatment was selected using the RSM and Design Expert software. The optimal treatment introduced by the sample model had a concentration of 4% egg white powder and 0.2% basil gum and the mixing .time was 6 minutes, which showed the highest quality in the experiments.
Volume 19, Issue 130 (12-2022)
In this research, the effects of extrusion process ( at 120 c° and 140 c° ) on amount of fat, ash, protein, fiber and phytic acid in bran of two kinds of tarom and khazar rice are studied. According to the results, it can be summarized announced, the extrusion process significantly reduced the amount of phytic acid and temperature of 120 c° was more efficient and it caused a decrease of phytic acid about 53% and 52% in tarom and khazar rice cultivars, respectively. Amount of protein and total ash did not change significantly with extrusion, while we found an increase in fiber and fat percentage in bran. In fact, the extrusion process reduces the anti-nutritional composition such as phytic acid by helping to release oil and also improved the oil extraction efficiency. In addition, it did not have a significant effect on the protein content of bran of rice.
Volume 19, Issue 131 (12-2022)
In the present research, after extracting astaxanthin from Haematococcus microalgae and nanoencapsulation it with maltodextrin-sodium caseinate combination coating, carrier nanocapsules with different ratios replaced sodium nitrite (limit of 120 mg/kg) in the sausage formulation. Then, the microbial (Count of mesophilic, psychrophilic, enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid and pseudomonas bacteria) and tissue properties of the formulated sausages were evaluated and compared during the storage period (28 days at refrigerator temperature). The results showed that the treatments that were formulated with ratios of 1 (30 mg/kg) to 3 (90 mg/kg) and 1 (60 mg/kg) to 1 (60 mg/kg) of nanocapsule to sodium nitrite (C and D) have the same efficiency in terms of the ability to inhibit the growth and proliferation of bacterial groups compared to the treatment of 120 mg/kg (A) of sodium nitrite and in the all of storage period, the minimum count of bacteria is related to these treatments. The treatment containing 90 mg/kg of nanocapsules and 30 mg/kg of sodium nitrite (E) had the same ability as treatments A, C and D in inhibiting some bacterial groups until the middle of the storage period. Also, the count level in the treatment containing only nanocapsules (120 mg/kg, B) was significantly lower than the control. The results of measuring the texture characteristics of the treatments showed that the effect of nanocapsules carrying astaxanthin on increasing the water holding capacity of sausages and also reducing of cooking loss, hardness, gumminess, chewiness and tissue cutting is more than sodium nitrite. Springiness, cohesiveness and porosity indices of sausages formulated with different proportions of nanocapsules and sodium nitrite had no significant difference (p>0.05) and were more favorable than the control. In the following, it was found that the texture indicators of the formulated treatments (unlike the control) did not change significantly during the storage period (p>0.05).
Volume 19, Issue 131 (12-2022)
Today, the enrichment of baking products has drawn the attention of many manufacturers. Chia seed and psyllium husk are considered rich sources of various active compounds, especially hydrocolloids and dietary fiber. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the effect of replacing a part of wheat flour in cupcake formulation with the combination of chia seed (CSF) and psyllium husk flour (PHF) on the chemical composition and quality characteristics of the cake to produce a functional product. Different levels of CSF and PHF combinations including 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% were used in the cake formulation, and the viscosity and density of the cake batter, as well as the physicochemical and sensory properties of the cake samples, were tested. The results showed that increasing the level of substitution of flour led to a significant increase in viscosity (15%) and a decrease in the density of cake batter (p<0.05). Increasing the levels of CSF and PHF also significantly increased the protein, fat, ash, moisture, and fiber of samples and decreased the hardness of texture (p<0.05). Cakes containing 5 and 10% replacement had a higher specific volume than the control, and the specific volume of the cake containing 15% replacement was similar to the control. The addition of CSF and PHF by maintaining moisture and reducing the rate of hardening of the samples during the storage period reduced the rate of staling of the enriched samples compared to the control. Based on the sensory evaluation results, the cakes containing 0, 5, 10, and 15% flour replacement had high acceptance. In general, according to these results, it can be concluded that 15% of wheat flour in the cupcake formulation can be replaced with a combination of CSF and PHF to produce a functional product rich in fiber
Volume 19, Issue 132 (2-2023)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the physicochemical and sensory properties of yogurt fortified with chia seed mucilage and oil, as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. For this purpose, mucilage (0.213%), free and encapsulated oil (3.41%) were added to the yogurt formulation. The prepared sampleswere compared in terms of some physicochemical (pH, titratable acidity, syneresis, dry matter, peroxide values and color attributes) and sensory properties with control (without oil and mucilage) during storage for 30 days at refrigerator temperature (4 °C).The results showed that the addition of mucilage and chia seed oil in a free and encapsulated forms caused a significant increase in water holding capacity (decrease in syneresis), acidity (decrease in pH) and dry matter during storage (p <0.05). In addition, the sample containing mucilage and encapsulated oil showed the lowest color difference (∆E) with the control. Furthermore, this sample showed an increase in whiteness index (WI) and a decrease in yellowness index (YI) compared to the sample containing free oil. The amount of peroxide value in the samples containing free and encapsulated oil after 30 days of storage was 3.19 and 1.16 meq / kg of oil, respectively, which indicates the protective effect of encapsulation process against oxidation of samples. Evaluation of sensory attributes showed that the addition of mucilage and encapsulated chia seed oil did not have significantly effects on the sensory properties of fortified yogurt samples (p˃0.05).
Volume 19, Issue 132 (2-2023)
Evaluation of probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fermented pseudocereals has crucial importance to prepare microbial cultures. In the present study, after molecular identification, probiotic properties of the predominant LAB isolate were investigated. Sequencing results of the PCR products led to the identification of Lactobacillus brevis SKA01 as the predominant LAB. The survival of the LAB isolate after continues treatment of acid and bile reached to 106 compared to the control sample (108 CFU/mL), and it showed the highest antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) between inhibitory zone diameter of the S. aureus and Listeria monocytogenes in the present of the LAB isolate. LAB isolate was capable of good auto-aggregation (36.19%) and co-aggregation with S. aureus (71.24%), and it had no hemolytic activity. Furthermore, it was resistant to most of the tested antibiotics. By considering the proper probiotic potentials of the L. brevis isolated from fermented amaranth, it is possible to use the isolate as microbial starter or probiotic culture in fermentation industries.
Volume 19, Issue 132 (2-2023)
Adding the fiber sources in food formulation is one of the best methods for enriching and improving nutritional value of food. Cereal bran is one of the best and most economical sources of dietary fiber supply. In this study hydrothermaled wheat and rice bran in optimum condition and in different content (0, 4, 8%) were added to wheat flour. The result of Rheological experiment indicated that increasing in the content of wheat and rice hydrothermaled bran in dough leads into significant decrease of dough quality number and significant increase in water absorption. On the other hand, increasing the amount of rice and wheat bran was also associated with an increase in dough development time. Evaluation of texture and color changes also indicated a direct relationship between biscuit hardness, color and content of wheat and rice bran. Sensory evaluation performed by evaluators on biscuit samples also indicated a significant decrease, in case of increasing the amount of wheat and rice bran and replacing the hydrothermal rice bran in the formulation. According to the results, the use of 4% hydrothermaled wheat and rice bran is suitable for enrichment of nutritional value of biscuits and it is suggested.
Volume 19, Issue 133 (2-2023)
One of the most common problems in modern communities is long-term high energy intakes due to consumption of high energy foods, resulting in overweight and obesity. Therefore the aim of this study was to produce low calorie cake, by reducing fat and optimization of formulation with WPC, Maltodextrin and Inulin to calorie reducing. In this study, response surface methodology and central composite design In order to evaluate and optimization of the independent variables including WPC (1:3-13%), Maltodextrin (2: 0-0.3%) and Inulin (3:0-1%) on the characteristics of the final product were used. The results of optimization showed that with reduced fat and add Maltodextrin and Inulin, moisture content and water activity of the cake, better preserved which leads to reduced stiffness and increases the cohesiveness, therefore softer cake with a longer s shelf-life was produced. The uses of these compounds in the cake formulation can offset the negative effect from the fat reducing results in reduce the porosity and volume of the cake. Formulation optimization done to minimize stiffness as well as to maximize the volume and cohesiveness of cake that was confirmed in practical tests for Independent parameters of the WPC, Maltodextrin and Inulin 6.6%, 0.3% and 1% respectively. At this point, the optimal response levels include humidity, aw, stiffness, the cohesiveness and volume of samples was 18.07 %, 0.78, 0.18 N, 1.26 and 96 cm3 respectively.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (3-2016)
In recent years, the effectiveness of teamwork is proposed as a strategic and vital concept in organization which improves the business process and enhances human force performance. Members of group should rest assured that the group has the skills and necessary competencies to achieve the objectives and its prerequisite is the knowledge of good character of leaders and members. The objective of present research is to examine good character influence on effectiveness of teamwork among the artistic groups of Isfahan city. This research was conducted using descriptive-metrical method. The studying sample included ninety (90) members of artistic groups in Isfahan city in 2014 that were selected by means of stratified random sampling. Good character questioner and effectiveness of teamwork questioner were tools of data collection. In this research, data analysis was done by SPSS and SMART PLS softwares. Findings demonstrate that the good character has been effective on effectiveness of teamwork among artistic groups of Isfahan city. Keywords: Character, Good character, effectiveness of teamwork.
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2020)
The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between quantity and quality of children in Iran. The quantity-quality models of fertility primarily assume that there is a substitution relationship between quantity and quality of children. The ambiguity in sign and final effect of newborns on the quality of existing children and the linearity or nonlinearity of such effect led us to investigate the relationship between quantity and quality of children in Iran. In this context, by using cross-section expenditure and income data of urban households in 2015, first we draw out a sample of 5624 children over 25 years of age in urban areas. Then, we investigate the relationship between quantity and quality by applying OLS method with Huber-White robust standard errors. The results show that there is significant, negative, and nonlinear relationship between family size and quality of children, but the size and sign of this relationship are not the same for all children, that is for first, second, and third births there is a complementary relationship between quantity and quality of children, and for births of more than three children there is a substitution link between quality and quantity of children. According to the results, we recommend that the population growth policies consider the size of families. If the policy of population growth focuses only on small families having no children or those having less than three children, population growth will not be detrimental to its quality and will improve the human capital of society.