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Volume 22, Issue 10 (10-2022)

Electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) is a novel non-conventional micro-machining method that can be applied to machining hard, brittle and non-conductive materials such as glass and ceramic. Due to the hardness and brittleness of mentioned materials, the application of conventional machining is associated with serious technical problems. In this article, the machining process was performed in two steps, and hole depth is considered as the main machining output. The obtained results of the new method are compared to single pass micro-drilling (a common micro-drilling process). The achieved results indicated that depth improvements of 36% and 70% were obtained for voltages of 33 and 38V. Also, by increasing the diameter difference, a deeper hole can be achieved.

Volume 22, Issue 10 (10-2022)

Today, additive manufacturing methods have found wide applications in various industries due to their many advantages, including not needing tools and molds, as well as short production time. Among these methods, the FDM process is widely used due to its cheapness and ease of production. As a result, it is very important to discover the relationship between the mechanical properties of the product produced in this way and the parameters used in the process. In this research, the effects of layer lamination angle, infill extrusion width and layer thickness on the normal force and tensile strength of PLA printed samples are examined. In order to investigate the effects of the parameters, the design of experiment, using surface response and Box-Benken method was used with the help of Minitab software. The results of the tests show that the maximum tensile strength and normal tensile force of the printed samples were equal to 38.36 MPa and 1.50 kN, respectively, which is at zero-degree lamination angle, infill extrusion width of 150% and the thickness of the layer 0.3 mm.

Volume 22, Issue 10 (10-2022)

Magnetic abrasive finishing process (MAF) is one of the latest advanced machining processes. After eight decades have passed since the registration of the magnetic abrasive polishing process, the applicability of this method has been proven in finishing all kinds of surfaces, including flat, cylindrical and free surfaces. In this research, the influence of MAF process movement parameters on the concave surface of cold-worked steel has been investigated experimentally using the response surface method. These parameters include rotational speed, linear speed, gap between abrasive brush and workpiece, magnetic flux density and curvature angle. For this purpose, a spherical head magnet is used and the powder used is prepared by mechanical alloying method. Cold-worked steel is used in the manufacture of roll forming molds, which is used in air engines to shape compressor and turbine blades, and also to investigate the feasibility of the MAF process on the workpiece surface with high hardness and yield stress, such as Cold work steel is selected. According to the results, the optimal value of the magnetic flux density is 0.55 tesla, and with the increase of the distance between the abrasive brush and the workpiece, the surface roughness changes initially increase and decrease after passing the optimal value.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2023)

The main purpose of this study is to provide a simple and efficient method for calculating the capacity of fillet welds subjected to in-plane eccentric loads. Various methods have been proposed to determine the capacity of fillet welds under such circumstances over time. The existing design methods, such as the conventional elastic method, are very conservative and do not match the test results well due to neglecting of ductility and strain compatibility of the weld group. On the other hand, the instantaneous center of rotation method (IC) considers the above parameters but requires complex calculations. Therefore, in the present study, a method for the design of the fillet welds is introduced which considers the inelastic properties of the welds in a simple manner, while provides a very good prediction of the weld group capacity. The proposed method is much more accurate than the conventional elastic method in the design of fillet welds and is much simpler than the IC method which has limitations in use and complexity in calculations. In this method, considering the ductility for welds, it is assumed that the stress distribution in welds is uniform when the weld reaches its maximum bearable deformation.
The performance of the proposed method which is called Plastic Design Method has been compared and evaluated in comparison with the prequalified IC method. To this end, 8 different configurations of weld groups from the AISC Manual were selected and their capacities were calculated for different amount of load eccentricity. Accordingly, despite the fact that the new method has almost the same computational cost of the elastic design method, it offers more accurate strength predictions of the weld groups. For all considered cases, the ultimate loads obtained from the proposed plastic method are just slightly different from those of the IC method and they are mainly on the safe side. To be more precise, the accuracy of the results calculated by the proposed method is within 90% of those of the IC method.
In accordance with the authors’ parametric studies on the factors affecting the results of the plastic design method (e.g., the angle of loading (θ), the weld length (l), the weld throat thickness (d), the secondary parameter (k) and the tensile strength of the welded metal), it was found that the angle of loading has the most profound effect. Therefore, the influence of loading angle on the predicted results was included. Accordingly, three different loading angles (i.e., zero, 45 and 75 degrees) were chosen and the weld groups capacities were calculated in each case. The corresponding results showed that as the loading angle increases, the accuracy of the results decreases and the most accurate predictions are obtained for the case of zero angle loading as compared with those of the IC method. Nevertheless, the predictions are still in an acceptable range for non-zero angles. It is also worth mentioning that irrespective of the loading angle, the new plastic method strength predictions are always far better than those of the conventional elastic design method.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (1-2023)

These days, societies' need for energy increased due to the expansion of societies, industries, and technology. The production of electricity from renewable energy sources such as solar energy, which does not harm the environment and has little pollution, has attracted the attention of many researchers and engineers. This article will present a new plan for the dual polar axis solar tracker, its design and construction in laboratory dimensions, and the experimental evaluation of its performance using the open-loop control method. For this purpose, after examining the advantages and disadvantages of the previous designs, a new and different conceptual design for the tracker is proposed. Among the features of the proposed tracker, we can point out the ability to combine, install and operate quickly and easily, the self-locking feature, and the ability to rotate 360 ​​degrees around both axes. This tracker has no restrictions for use in different geographical areas, including areas near the North or South Pole and in the early and late hours of the day when the direction of the sun's radiation is strongly inclined. In the following, the detailed design of the proposed detector and the presentation of the open-loop control method will be discussed. Finally, by conducting experimental tests, the production power of the proposed detector is evaluated in comparison with a fixed solar panel. Based on the results, the electricity energy produced from the proposed solar tracker is 49% more than the fixed solar panel.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Today, companies with superior performance in the mobile phone industry (Mobile) have sought to create additional benefits for their products to form favorable psychological responses in their consumers. In light of this, the present study is an attempt to examine the effect of product design in explaining psychological responses of consumers considering the moderating role of consumption experience and product involvement variables. In terms of the objective, the study is a descriptive work and survey in nature, an applied work in terms of usage, and a cross-sectional work in terms of time frame. Study population consisted of all consumers of mobile phones in Tehran. The sample group participants were selected through Convenience Sampling method. Statistical analyses were carried out in PLS and revealed that all aspects of product design (aesthetic, functional and symbolic) had a positive and significant effect on the psychological responses of consumers. The results of hypotheses in relation to the moderating variable of consumption experience showed that consumption experience had a moderating role in the impact of all aspects of product design on psychological responses of consumers. The results also showed that product Involvement had a moderating role in affecting all aspects of product design on consumer behavior responses. In order to improve the psychological responses of mobile phone users, it is important to pay attention to product design and its three dimensions.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2023)

Transportation issues are categorized into three strategic, tactical, and operational levels, each of which has a different level of influence, required budget, decision makers, and time period. The issue of developing the rail transportation network is one of the key issues at the strategic level. In short, network design deals with the solution of allocating a limited budget to a feasible subset of the set of projects, in such a way that specific goals: such as minimizing the total travel time in the network, the developing costs of the network, maximizing revenue from freight transportation, or maximizing the attraction of freight demand to the rail mode should be taken into account. In this issue, two stakeholders are considered. On one side, the operators make the macro decisions to meet the criteria; such as maximization of benefit, maximization of travel coverage, minimization of development costs, minimization of casualties and minimization of total travel time. On the other side users who try to maximize their benefits such as finding the shortest route through the network.
The general form of the network design problem is a two-level problem in the category of NP-hard problems, which is difficult to solve in even small scales. To solve this problem, the solution algorithms are classified into two general categories: exact and approximate. The exact solution algorithm give the best global solution among the possible solutions, they are so-called intractable in terms of memory usage and solution time with the increase in the size of the problem. Therefore, the second category of so-called approximate algorithms was presented to solve network design problem. Greedy algorithms are classified in the category of approximate algorithms. In the greedy algorithm, reaching the goal in each step is independent of the previous step. That is, at each step to reach the solution, regardless of what choices was made in the previous stages.
In this article, the greedy algorithm is presented to solve the problem of network design trying to reduce network development costs. The proposed algorithm is designed to develop the blocks with priority of the lowest cost, and this process continues until the entire level of incoming demand can be transferred through the network. This algorithm is implemented with Java language and the railway of Iran is used as a case study. Considering the nature of two objectives in the problem, freight demand passing through and development cost in the network, "pseudo-pareto" solutions with different percentages of the importance of two mentioned objectives are discussed. The analysis has shown that with the increasing importance of the development cost, fewer blocks are developed and as a result, less demand is passed through the network. Also, with the increasing importance of freight demand, the algorithm leads to solutions that have caused extensive development in the network. The proposed greedy algorithm has a light computational load, and it achieves its solutions in less than 1 hour. Also, the algorithm is implemented for two demand levels of 70 million tons per year and 110 million tons per year and the results are analyzed.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Airports are one of the most vital infrastructures of any country, which play an important role in transporting cargo and passengers to different parts of the world. The preservation and optimal use of airport resources and assets is one of the main goals of airport managers. On the other hand, airlines have a special concern on saving time, fuel consumption, maintaining passenger satisfaction, and so on. One of the most important resources in the world's major airports are the gates of the passenger terminals of airports, which have an undeniable aspect in the better performance of the airport. The assigning of aircraft to these gates has long been a concern for researchers in operations research as well as air transport activists. This research deals with the issue of assigning aircraft to the passenger terminal gate. The problem of optimal gate assignment is a complex issue and requires consideration of many parameters and variables in order to achieve the desired result. In this research, it’s tried to solve the gate allocation problem by presenting a suitable model. Providing an appropriate linear model is one of the main challenges of the problem. A special attention has been paid to the issue of safety. Therefore, by applying safety restrictions, a suitable model is provided. The main purpose of this study is to minimize the scatter of idle (lost) gates while not preventing mismatch between flight size and gate and also justifying safety needs. These cases are assigned and examined in the framework of the optimization model in this research. To solve such problems, which are usually not possible by manual calculations or are very time consuming, the metaheuristic algorithms are used. Since because NP-Hard nature of problem, it is very time consuming and difficult in the usual way. Therefore, this study tries to provide an efficient and fast way to solve the gate assignment problem. In the proposed method, first all the sentences of the objective function were considered as, then all were divided into two categories of hard and soft constraints. On the other hand, in the model of the basic method, the power of two terms in the objective function is used. The proposed model was modified. In the end, it was tried to modify the terms of the objective function and constraints in such a way that in addition to meeting the expectations and constraints of the problem, it allows the use of two flights from the same gate (MARS effect) to increase resource efficiency. The method is based on a genetic algorithm that includes the initial population, selection, combination or mutation, generation of a new offspring, and re-selection. In this study, 5 scenarios with various flights and gates have been used. The improvement of total idle times in the first scenario was 72.75%, in the second scenario 76.92%, in the third scenario 82.38%, in the fourth scenario 82.38% and in the fifth scenario 79.67%. All of results. Show the efficiency of proposed model.

Volume 23, Issue 10 (10-2023)

When there is a need to transfer power between non-parallel shafts, bevel gears are used. Bevel gears are widely used in power transmission systems such as car differentials and helicopter gearboxes, so knowing and improving the performance of this type of gear is particularly important. It is important and necessary to accurately calculate the machining time of the desired bevel gear in order to reduce time and costs. In this paper, data are collected using Taguchi's test design method in three levels. The amount of machining time was calculated for each test, then with the help of signal-to-noise analysis, the influence of the input parameters on the design of the straight tooth bevel gear on the reduction of the machining time has been investigated. The investigated parameters are conversion ratio, allowable contact stress and allowable bending stress.According to the obtained results, the conversion ratio parameter was found to be the most effective parameter on reducing the machining time. The optimal value of the conversion ratio was reported at level 1 with a value of 1.5.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2020)

Due to the growth of world trade, companies try to enter foreign markets in various ways and maximize their profits while selling, one of the most common methods being export. The main purpose of the present study is to present a dynamic model for explaining the impact of export marketization and product design management on export performance of Iranian handicraft exporting companies. Semi-structured interview and thematic analysis were used to collect and analyze the research data, respectively. The statistical population of the study includes senior managers, expert experts of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Crafts of Iran and exemplary exporters of Tehran province. The validity of the research findings was ensured by using member, triangular, and paired survey methods. Reliability test was used to test the reliability. Based on the results of the research, product design management and market orientation were identified as the main pillars of handicraft exports. The results of the theme analysis also resulted in the extraction of 7 components for export marketization that were classified into four subgroups or themes. Identified themes include author branding, exhibition marketing, virtual marketing and export marketing strategy. The sub-themes came in the form of a main theme as export marketization. The results of this study can be used by export companies as well as export facilitators.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Today, most of the existing pavements in the country are asphalt pavements. This is due to the abundance of oil in the country and the lack of a suitable alternative for it. Asphalt pavements, despite their popularity and ease of implementation, also have disadvantages.  The low service life of asphalt pavements and the exorbitant costs that are paid for their maintenance, as well as the damages caused in some special areas of the pavement, such as airport runways, require the use of pavements that can have many characteristics. It is better than asphalt paving to meet the needs of these areas. In recent years, the use of concrete pavement compared to asphalt pavement has had a higher economic justification. Also, in some cases, the use of concrete pavement, such as airport runways, which must have high resistance to pressure, impact, and wear, is the only viable option. But concrete pavement also has disadvantages such as low durability against freezing and thawing cycles in cold regions. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the necessary measures to increase the durability of concrete, compensate for the disadvantages of concrete pavements against destructive factors and increase their service life to a significant amount, so that it is economically justified compared to asphalt procedures. The indigenous concrete mixing plan is a new approach that has been considered as an economic solution for the sustainable development of many civil infrastructures in the world. For this purpose, in this article, a practical and effective method to increase the efficiency and life of concrete pavements of Mashhad Airport by using potential mineral resources and also to minimize maintenance costs has been introduced. In this study, 8 concrete mixing plans were prepared with aggregates from two local quarries, Mehrizi and Rezaei, in relation to Mashhad airport, and then the mechanical properties and durability behavior of all mixtures were carried out to provide the optimal local mixing plan. The results showed that by adding polypropylene fibers to the samples containing microsilica, the bending strength of the concrete samples increased up to 8.7 MPa. Based on the results, concrete samples containing Mehrizi aggregates showed better performance in terms of mechanical behavior and durability compared to concretes made from Rezai mine aggregates. Also, among the mixtures of Mehrizi mine, the mixing design containing polypropylene fibers and 7% replacement of microsilica with cement showed far higher resistance and durability than other samples. In such a way that the rate of improvement in compressive strength, resistance to chlorine ion invasion, melting and ice phenomenon and silica alkali reactions compared to the control sample after the end of each of the aforementioned tests is 22.81%, 418%, 400% respectively. % and 189.31%. Therefore, based on the mentioned results, a local mixing plan using Mahden Mehrizi materials is suggested for use in the apron of Mashhad airport.


Volume 24, Issue 4 (10-2024)

   This paper investigates the effects of various parameters, including support conditions, the Demand to Capacity Ratio (DCR) of the member under gravitational loads, the section factor (the ratio of perimeter to area), and the fire insulation coating thickness on the fire resistance duration of steel columns under fire effects. To this end, four steel H-shaped columns and four steel tube columns with the height of 4 meters, are subjected to the standard fire curve (ASTM E119) from four sides, and the effects of different parameters are studied. Initially, a heat transfer analysis is carried out on the 2D cross-section of columns with its fire insulation coating in Abaqus software. Then, a nonlinear general static analysis is performed on a 3D steel column model subjected to gravity (concentrated axial) and thermal loading simultaneously.
Results of this study indicate that the columns only expand but do not deform significantly until approximately 250oC. After that, a decrease in the steel strength and stiffness and as a result, a decrease in fire resistance and bearing capacity of the steel column occurs. This is accompanied by an increase in the mid-span horizontal displacement of the column and an increase in the effect of the P-δ bending moment, which results in the column failure at about 500oC to 650oC. The results also show that the fixed or pin support condition on the bottom end of the column does not significantly affect the column failure time under fire effects. In square box columns, the increase in the section thickness increases the fire resistance duration of the steel column. However, increasing the section width does not significantly affect the column failure time. In H-shaped columns, the increase in the flange thickness and the decrease in the column web height increases the column fire resistance duration. On the other hand, the results indicate that the section factor, the initial load level of the member due to gravitational loads, and the fire insulation coating thickness have a significant effect on column failure time to the extent that with the increase in DCR of the member from 0.3 to 0.7, the failure time of the column decreases by about 25 to 35 minutes.
Based on the results of this study, two formulae have been presented to calculate the failure time of protected columns by CAFCO300. The results of these formulae have also been compared to a relationship proposed in Chapter 10 of the Iranian National Building Regulations. It is found that the results of these formulae are fairly similar, when the initial DCR equals 0.7. Therefore, the relationships of the present study provide a more optimal and accurate design of the fire insulation coating thickness, because this load level can only occur in structures that are not designed for lateral loads and are designed only under gravitational loads.

Volume 24, Issue 5 (11-2024)

Reduced Beam Section (RBS) connections are extensively used within seismic resistant steel moment frames in order to deal with the risk of brittle fractures in the connections, absorbing seismic energy through yielding and protect columns from damage. In this connection, at specific locations the beams flanges are trimmed back to provide weakened sections, in order to shift the plastic deformations away from beam-column connections and into the beam. Consequently, adequate ductility is provided by the frame to absorb the seismic energy and avoid the risk of brittle fractures occurring. The seismic performance of steel structures has been studied widely by many researchers. In general, the results of these studies indicate the good capability of RBS connections achieving these targets. In a reduced beam section (RBS) moment connection, in the region adjacent to the beam-to-column connection, a part of the beam flanges is trimmed selectively. Yielding and hinge formation are intended to take place primarily in the reduced section of the beam. Currently, in the design of RBS connections, the effect of RBS cutting parameters on the cyclic performance of the beam elements are not taken into account. However, using different RBS geometries for any beam with different sections can have different results in cyclic performance of the connections. In order to evaluate the effects of geometric parameters of RBS connection on the cyclic behavior of these connections, a parametric study is carried out on forty different European I-shaped steel cross-section specimens. These specimens are analyzed using ABAQUS finite element software under cyclic loading and the moment-rotation hysteresis curve was extracted for each of the specimens. In order to validate the FE model, a full-scale beam–column sub-assemblies were modelled in the general finite element (FE) software ABAQUS. An ideal curve was extracted from each of the hysteresis curves and using the curves, five parameters including Yield Moment (My), Peak Moment (Mc), Ultimate Rotation (θu), Ductility (μ) and Energy Dissipated Capacity (EDC) were extracted as the key design parameters for each sample. variation of the above-mentioned seismic design parameters in respect to the changes of RBS dimensions are analyzed. The results clearly illustrate that geometric features c do have most effect on the moment parameters. the parameters a and b have very little influence on moments which can be considered negligible, whereas these parameters have a small effect on the ultimate rotation, ductility and energy dissipated capacity. Increasing the value of c between its lower and upper limits, reduces the My more than 20% and Mc more than 17%. The effect of the distance of the cut area from the column face (a) and the length of the cut area (b) on the moment is close to zero and can be ignored. The effect of a and b on the ultimate rotation, ductility and energy dissipated capacity is less than five percent. However, the parameter c has significant influence over all the five seismic design parameters considered. Investigating the graphs of the variation of the key seismic design parameters respect to the changes of RBS dimensions shows that there is not enough correlation between the RBS parameters and the key seismic design parameters to propose a single equation between the key seismic design parameters and RBS parameters. Investigating the relationship between RBS dimensions, moment of inertia of RBS and full section characteristics showed that a relationship can be established between these parameters and the key seismic design parameters. At the end, the results of the investigation and relationships for calculating the key seismic design parameters were presented. This relationship was presented as a single equation, which includes the effect of all the above parameters. Using the obtained equation, the value of each of the key seismic design parameters can be calculated based on the dimensions and geometric characteristics of the section and the beam cutting dimensions.

Volume 24, Issue 10 (9-2024)

In this study, a droplet injection system based on a piezoelectric actuator was designed and built to evaluate the system's performance in producing droplets of varying volumes. Droplet injection systems are crucial in many biological and biomedical applications. These systems contain numerous adjustable parameters, making it challenging to predict the resulting droplet volume. To analyze the influence of different input parameters and predict droplet volume, a statistical design of experiments approach was employed using response Surface methodology. Five main factors were investigated in this research, including three parameters related to the input signal (rise time, fall time, open time, and signal amplitude), back pressure, and nozzle diameter. Different levels were considered for each parameter, and their independent and interactive effects on droplet volume were analyzed. The results indicated that all factors had a p-value of less than 0.05, confirming their significant impact on the output volume. The regression model obtained, with R2 of 0.98, showed strong predictive capability for droplet volume. Furthermore, the inverse performance of the regression model was analyzed using parameter optimization, and a comparison with the experimental setup demonstrated an error of less than 5%. This model enables the optimization of design parameters and enhances the system's performance, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of such devices in targeted applications

Volume 25, Issue 1 (4-2021)

The purpose of this study is to design a policy model of entrepreneurship development in Iran, this research is a mixed study. In the first part, based on library studies and specialized interviews, the policy indicators of government entrepreneurship development were identified and in the next stage, questionnaires were distributed among entrepreneurship experts. The statistical population consisted of qualitative academic experts and theoretical experts. The sampling process continued until theoretical saturation was achieved and 11 experts participated in this stage. The statistical population in the quantitative section (validation and presentation of the final model) were managers and experts of government organizations. Methods of data analysis include grounded theory, structural-interpretive modeling, and partial least squares. In this study, 9 main categories and 44 sub-categories were identified to design a policy model for government entrepreneurship development in Iran. These categories were categorized into 6 paradigms with the titles of contextual conditions, causal conditions, pivotal phenomena, strategies and actions, intervening conditions, and consequences. Following the research process, the fuzzy Delphi technique was performed in two stages of screening and validation of the criteria obtained from the qualitative analysis of the research. Then, the relationships between the criteria of government entrepreneurship development policy in Iran were identified and entrepreneurship development was identified as the first level variable. Also, based on the standard factor load and the value of t-statistic, except for hypotheses seven, nine and eighteen, all research hypotheses and the relationship between variables were confirmed.

Volume 25, Issue 2 (3-2018)

Shifting from collectivism to individualism has changed pleasure types along time and created a generation gap in Iran. So, how can the post-colonial design mix positive aspects of old collective and new individualist pleasure as a cultural builder and catalyst for change? The purpose of this research is finding culture-oriented pleasure which can decrease generation gap and make a more peaceful pleasurable experience for both collectivists and individualists. We suggested a counterpoint instead of the hegemony of collectivism or individualism. For decreasing the generation gap we proposed: Applying behavioral design for promoting and reviving socio-pleasure among young and old people; balancing between psychological pleasure (with respect to the other's choice, creativity and diversity (Individualism)) and normative pleasures (with respect to unanimous ethnic and cultural norms (collectivism)). As a suggestion “Safa” can introduce a culture-oriented pleasure which may satisfy both sides. It means hedonism, pleasure, calm, change hatred to love, honesty, treatment, purity, enlightening, sublime, and also sympathy, friendship, sincerity and unification of spirits. Safa refundable in different forms of Iranian arts, artifacts, texts, proverbs and behaviors and can be defined as a positive cultural design approach.

Volume 25, Issue 2 (12-2021)

The present article examines the Iranian intellectual property rights system regarding handicrafts; emphasizes the provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (WTO). Handicrafts as a subject that can be supported by the intellectual property rights system has not received much attention so far. On the other hand, this type of artwork has become increasingly important both globally and commercially. The main question raised in this study is what is the approach of the Iranian intellectual property rights system and the TRIPS agreement to handicrafts? And how can it effectively support these works?
The findings of the article indicate that handicrafts are examples of visual arts and there is no uniform approach to them in the Iranian legal system and the TRIPS Agreement and other international documents. In Iranian law, it can be protected in copyright or industrial design systems, geographical indications and trademarks. The TRIPS Agreement addresses the commercial aspects of intellectual property rights in general and in particular, and refers to the Berne Convention on literary and artistic rights.

Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Thinkers have suggested the enhancement of public transportation as an effective solution to mitigate transportation-related issues. The tram system is widely regarded as a favorable choice for urban transportation because of its minimal space requirements, low noise generation, and great adaptability. In the context of future urban development in Tabriz, the tram system emerges as a viable solution for improving intra-city transportation. The primary objective of the ongoing study is to evaluate the metrics related to urban tourism and architectural layout in the development of urban tram systems. The research methodology employed aligns with the quantitative nature of the research purpose. Through the conducted research, key indicators concerning the layout of urban tram lines and stations were identified. Subsequently, a comparative analysis of the gathered data was carried out utilizing Friedman and Kendall tests in the SPSS software, based on responses obtained from experts in academic and traffic management fields. The results obtained highlight that the element of accessibility, receiving the highest rating, emerges as the most crucial aspect, while fairness and inclusivity, scoring lowest, are identified as the least significant factors in formulating the design indicators for urban tram routes and stations. The indicators of connection and continuity, ease of access, fairness and inclusiveness, efficiency and responsiveness, and sustainable transportation are among the design indicators of tram routes and stations, which are important in all urban contexts. Considering the characteristics of the historical context, the indicators of identity and sustainable tourism are also important in the design of tram routes and stations, along with the mentioned indicators. For this purpose, solutions were proposed in order to realize the presented indicators.

Volume 28, Issue 2 (6-2024)

The rural guide plan, as a comprehensive development plan and the most important tool for managing rural development in Iran during the last four decades, emphasizes the preparation and implementation of projects that are all aimed at rural development, with the approach of limiting physical changes in the development of villages. The present study deals with the damage of the rural conductor plan by dividing it into four preliminary stages, preparation, approval, and implementation. The research method is applied in terms of objective and descriptive. In this study, 30 questionnaires were completed in the preliminary stage with the help of rural guide plan consultants, 48 ​​questionnaires were completed in the preparation and approval stage with the help of rural consultants and experts, and 159 questionnaires were completed in the implementation stage with the help of rural people and experts, and a total of 285 questionnaires were completed. Became To identify the damages of the implementation phase of the rural guide plan in 6 villages in Mashhad County, which have been implemented for at least 10 years; It was chosen randomly. In the pathology of the preparatory stage of the rural guide plan, 18 identified injuries were placed under the two injuries of "theoretical approaches" with an average of 3.83 and "methodology" with an average of 3.8. Also, the exploratory factor analysis of 27 injuries identified in the plan preparation stage was reduced to 9 injuries with a 71.2% variance. The most important harm of this stage is "not paying attention to the real needs of the villagers" with a 19.63% variance. At the plan approval stage, 26 identified damages were placed under 9 factors with a 68.36% variance. The most important harm of this stage is "the diminutive role of village councilor and village council in the approval meeting" with a 15.9% variance. In the implementation phase, 23 injuries were placed under 8 factors with a 63.4% variance. The most important damages in the implementation phase of the rural guide plan are "unprincipled, incomplete, and half-completed project abandonment" with a 17.5% variance. Solving the identified challenges gives higher-level managers the possibility to formulate and plan an effective and beneficial plan by identifying the weak points and fixing them.

Volume 30, Issue 2 (1-2023)

Literature is the cultural heritage of nations and a manifestation of their civilization, culture and thought. This heritage has recorded historical and political aspects as well as socio-cultural and religious events using literary genres and poetry. The sorrowful event of Wahhabism in the Islamic world created a split in the cohesive fabric of the Islamic Ummah with its sectarianism and false thought as well as perverted religious decrees. The system of "Al-Aqud al-Darya on Al-Wahhabi suspicions" documented the suspicions of this stream. As rational and narrative reasons in defense of this belief - it indicates the institutionalization of religious themes and beliefs that are worthy of research and investigation. But the poet has tried to answer the Wahhabi beliefs and their suspicions by referring to the Qur'an, hadith, the life of the Prophet, and the stories of the early days of Islam. The three hated symbols of extortion, apostasy or takfir and terror are among the most prominent features of the illegitimate Wahhabi movement, which caused them to distance from Islam and Muslims and created a crisis in the Islamic world. Like other destructive movements, they placed falsehood and deception in order to achieve their goals, by forwarding slogans of monotheism and avoiding polytheism and dismantling superstitions and heresies.
Allameh Syed Mohsen Amin, a committed writer and poet, aware of such dangerous goals, rose to fight against them with the language of poetry and discovered and exposed the misleading thoughts and divisive fatwas of Wahhabism. He used verses, narrations, traditions, anecdotes and historical events of early Islam to prove his beliefs. This article aims to take a brief look at the history of the Wahhabi movement with a descriptive-analytical method and then examine the thematic and rhetorical literary system of al-Aqud al-Dariyyah.

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