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Volume 2, Issue 3 (1-2022)
Introduction: In the present century, with the expansion of urbanization and urban development, impermeable surfaces (asphalt, concrete) have also increased and these changes have caused runoff to flow in the city and consequently problems such as traffic disruption, pollution of receiving waters, Reduce groundwater levels and the formation of floods. Traditional methods are not very effective today and in some cases even exacerbate these problems. Therefore, the need for new and creative methods to manage runoff is felt more than ever.
Findings: Three approaches including: water-sensitive urban design, low impact development and sustainable urban drainage systems are among these new approaches that are based on sustainability principles and have multiple benefits (maintaining environmental conditions and completing the urban water cycle) in addition to runoff management.
Method: In terms of purpose, this research is fundamental and from the point of view of analysis method, it is considered as one of the theoretical researches in which by using internet resources and library documents, an attempt is made to identify the concepts, goals and benefits of these three approaches.
Conclusion: Finally by extracting common goals, the success rate of achieving each goal is determined by using the utility matrix, and in addition to formulating a conceptual model of sustainable runoff management, a table of strategies for achieving this approach has been provided.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (1-2022)
Problem statement: Today, the issue of thermal comfort has been raised as one of the important factors in the quality of urban open spaces along with physical factors. Basically, citizens tend to be in spaces where they feel thermally comfortable. Due to the effect of various parameters in urban open spaces that affect the thermal comfort of users and the lack of codified principles in this regard, the creation of such a space in an urban area has become difficult to identify and meet the thermal needs of city designers.
Results: Studies showed that in the open spaces of the urban environment, due to the influence of various factors, absolute thermal comfort conditions can not be achieved throughout the day; Rather, thermal comfort conditions are expected to be provided for certain hours. To improve thermal comfort in urban open spaces, elements such as vegetation, water, proper orientation, type of materials, color, activity rate and coverage rate are important. It is obvious that by using these factors and observing the time of presence in the open space of Rudkenar sidewalk, thermal comfort will be provided in it.
Method: The research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose; And is based on analytical method. In this method, in order to study the microclimate, the software simulation technique (Envi met) has been used as one of the most complete simulation software in the field of urban microclimate, and the values of PMV thermal comfort index (average vote prediction) using simulation in different parts of the route The designed sidewalk that has different conditions and situations has been calculated and the changes of two factors of temperature and radiation and its effect on the thermal comfort of Khorramabad river in Lorestan in summer have been studied.
Conclusion: Finally, it was found that factors such as choice of direction, walking time, sidewalk width, the presence of trees and vegetation, shade and water, as well as some user characteristics such as metabolic rate and activity, coverage rate in terms of thermal comfort in this season of the year Has been impressive.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (1-2022)
Aims: there is a need for educational studies due to the 21st-century paradigm shift in higher education toward the social responsibility of universities and the changing challenges of urban design and planning. This article aims to provide the background for redesigning and adapting the educational program of urban design to the social responsibility approach, and it also identified the current teaching and learning methods applied in urban design master’s programs.
Methods: the study reviews the university social responsibility and urban design pedagogy literature to propose a social responsibility-based model for urban design education through expert discussion.
Findings: with regards to pedagogical approaches, there are four teaching-learning methods, including traditional education, project-based learning, service-learning, and sustainable education. Besides, the social-responsibility-based model for urban design education includes four steps, namely, values, management, practices, and impacts.
Conclusion: the fundamental difference between this approach with the current educational approaches of urban design is the matter of morality so that its underlying philosophy should be considered responsibility toward society and the environment, regardless of time and place boundaries.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2021)
Aims: The purpose of this article is to explain the place of the human in urban design and the dimensions and qualities of human-oriented urban design and its evaluation in the area of Tajrish Square in Tehran.
Methods: This research is a quantitative and qualitative approach and descriptive and analytical research methods and field research that has been done in theoretical and field sections, using documentary and library study methods, distribution of questionnaires and its statistical and qualitative analysis and field perceptions.
Findings: Urban design is a science, art, and profession that is the subject of organizing the environmental qualities of urban and public areas. This field can have different tendencies and approaches in technical, political, managerial, scientific, and social dimensions. The place of man in each of the urban design approaches can be varied depending on the principles of that approach. The modernist approach to man, the city, and urban design reduced man's place to a technical and universal phenomenon, regardless of social, cultural, or indigenous contexts.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that humanistic urban design is the study and design of public and public arenas in order to enhance environmental qualities as a vehicle to help human beings flourish and its qualities for application in the program. Urban planning and design are: identity and legibility, environmental sustainability, social, cultural, and economic sustainability, safety and security, efficiency and diversity, pedestrianism and ease of access, cohesion and integration, proportions and human scale, freedom, Flexibility, vitality, attractiveness and sensory richness, justice. In the case study, Tehran Tajrish Center, with valuable natural, historical, social, and cultural contexts, has several issues and problems, especially in the field of space and traffic. Analysis of this area, with the mentioned SWOT technique and qualities, can lead to the creation of urban spaces and a humane environment.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2021)
Aims: This study aimed to identify and rank the affective components of improving the quality of the urban landscape and sustainable design in the city of Pardis.
Methods: This research is based on descriptive and analytical research methods, citing internal and external library resources, and distribution of questionnaires, and also has a quantitative and qualitative approach. The statistical population of the study was urban landscape and urban design experts in the city of Pardis. Processing the collected data from descriptive statistics and ranking of components with the help of 5 Likert spectra in EXCEL software and using fuzzy TOPSIS has been done.
Findings: Due to the importance of improving the quality of the clean urban landscape, the ranking of components with the help of the 5 Likert scale showed that the criteria: functional-service, environmental, semantic-perceptual, physical-structural, cultural-social, aesthetic, economics Urban, and urban environment with a similarity index of 0.577, 0.567, 0.55, 0.509, 0.503, 0.489, 0.33 and 0.31, respectively, the most important to the least important criteria in the amount Improve the quality level of the landscape.
Conclusion: The results of the study according to the experts in the questionnaire showed that based on the similarity index of ranking the components of landscape quality improvement based on sustainable design in the city of Pardis is very important, so the distance to the ideal is significant and for Achieving the desired quality, the need for attention and coherent use of factors in the urban environment can be considered.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)
The Success of organizations and corporations depends heavily on the innovation and management of personnel's ideas and suggestions. The usability as a key indicator in assessing human resources and organizational systems can help managers to ensure higher level of performance. This paper offers a framework for assessing idea and suggestion management systems based on usability in 4 proposed systems. This descriptive and analytical study was carried out during 2012-2013 in Lorestan Gas Company. Data gathering was done using a researcher-made questionnaire and the validity of questionnaire was confirmed by academicians and practitioners and its reliability was verified through conducting a pre-test in 20 participants with a Correlation Coefficient of 0.92. Results indicate that the most usable suggestion systems has the highest participation rate and the least usable ones attracted the least suggestions from personnel.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)
An important task in the initial design stages of rapid-transit type systems or "metros" is the allocation of signals and control points. These are placed so as to achieve a specified minimum time-separation between trains (headway), whilst minimizing the amount of signaling equipment but maintaining the highest level of safety. Conventional signaling and control systems are based on the fixed-block principle, whereby the track (or guide way) is divided into sections of predetermined length. A train is only allowed to proceed into a block when that block and usually the next one is clear of traffic. With the moving-block concept, a train can follow a preceding train at a safe braking distance behind the tail of the train.
In this paper, the transient performances of the two signaling systems are compared. A multi-train simulator which was originally developed at Birmingham University (U.K.) with a fixed-block algorithm, has been adopted and modified to accommodate the moving block algorithm. Both signaling systems were applied to Singapore Mass Transit Railway (MTR) and the results were compared in terms of train movement and transient performances including headway and station delay under safety and speed restrictions. Results have shown that with a pure moving-block system a considerable improvement in transient performance can be achieved.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2013)
Usage of community architecture approach or different meaningful participation methods in architecture has been always a critical discussion among architects. There are many positive and negative points of this approach in architectural design especially after the World War II. Practical experience shows that the usage of participatory methods in housing design (cluster housing) is suitable to reach an environment according to human needs to improve sense of community and it emphasis on behavioral patterns of users. Assessing practical methods of participation in architecture shows a trend to use participation in housing design after 1960 (esp. Team X group). In the twentieth century the use of participatory methods that created responsible environmental for users can be recognized in three eras: 1. After world war II until civil rights movements of 1960 that some primary practice of participation can be seen. 2. 1970-1985: with theoretical discussion approach of architects and usage of theory in practice by some architects. 3. After 1985: definition of architect, user, client and other stakeholders in participatory design process and emphasis on behavioral patterns of user. Participatory approach in architecture of cluster housing has some benefits: • Development of architectural programming with community • Consider to concept of community in design process • A pattern language system to communicate with users • Architect is a facilitator not a target • Enhancing sense of community in user and architect • New tools and techniques of participation • User in all of design process So, participatory design process in cluster housing can effect on sense of belongings of neighbors and enhance sense of community of inhabitants.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2013)
One of the most important issues that have affected the basis of education during the last decades has been the realization of comprehensive objects of learning. In this way, emphasis has been mostly on instruction and not teaching, encouraging students to be independent and creative, regarding learning as a process, paying attention to how students learn, encouraging students to communicate with their teacher and others, and on the ground in which learning takes place. One way to reach such objects is to develop social schools in the framework of educational plans and a spatial background and frame proportional to those educational plans. In this study, we have tried to introduce functional indices proportional to community schools by a brief description of social schools and identification of spatial areas in learning environments. For this purpose, case and background research has been used and data have been gathered by referring to library and using case study. The result of this study is indicating the indices of exterior spaces and the manner in which each of these indices influences the process of fostering the skills and intellects relating to exterior environments. In addition to having multiple intelligences, each person possesses different talent or learning styles. While all human beings possess all of these intelligences in varying amounts, each person has a different intellectual composition. These learning styles can work independently or together. The learning environments that emerged in the twentieth century generally valued passive learning activities. Children who show talent in the active intelligences are not receiving the same positive reinforcement to encourage them to develop their learning styles. The theory of multiple intelligences can therefore help transform the way schools operate. The challenge is to create educational programs that give children the opportunity to learn in the ways that harmonize with their unique minds. In creating a learning environment that encourages the development of these multiple intelligences, teachers do not need to present their lessons and students do not need to learn the subject in nine different ways. Rather, this theory encourages teachers to develop their curriculum and present lessons in a variety of ways so that students will acquire knowledge and master skills in way that are appropriate for them.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2019)
The use of genetic engineering tools to produce industrial strains, especially from non-model microorganisms such as cyanobacteria, is always subject to limitations. In this research, a system-oriented method was used to design a culture medium instead of strain designing and its ability to increase ethanol production by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was experimentally evaluated. In this method, compounds are added to the medium to regulate the activity of target enzymes not for the purpose of being consumed by the cells, and thus, the designed culture medium eliminates the intracellular constraints on the production. A metabolic model was used to determine the minimum level of ethanol production and to identify genes that increase or decrease of their expression increase this minimum level. Then, regulators of the enzyme expressed by the target genes were extracted from the Brenda database and their effect on the production was evaluated experimentally and design of experiment was performed to optimize the concentration of the selected compounds. Among the compounds identified, two inhibitors (salicylic acid and mercuric chloride) and one activator (pyruvate) were selected to be added to the medium and their concentration was optimized using the central composite design method. The proposed regulatory medium increased the production of ethanol from 352 to 1116 mg/l, indicating the effectiveness of the added regulatory compounds on the cyanobacteria metabolism. The proposed system-oriented method can be used to design medium culture for other important bio-products such as recombinant proteins.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2022)
Method and Materials: after epistemological collapse of rational-technocratic planning which resulted in professional collapse, urban planning theory have got new capacity to study the sociological urban changes and analyze the influence of different discourses on constructing urban spaces. Based on this postmodern understanding of urban planning as a main product of historical challenges in “theology-gender” field of contemporary Iran, urban space seems to be the ground of conflicts between two forces: feminine social force VS theology of gender governance.
Goal: after literature review of planning theory evolution in past decades, this paper is going to study Ne’matollah Fazeli’s theory of “feminization of city” in the context of theological discourses of governing gender urban spaces, after Islamic revolution 1979.
Findings: from the perspective of theology of urban planning, it looks that we should segregate between two different discourses in revolution: Veiling and Piety; the former traditional discourse willing to hold women at home out of masculine public sphere while the latter, revolutionary discourse advocates of women political participation in a respectful, cleaned from sexual harassments. Conclusion: Iranian urban space from a gender sensitive view is construction of contestation between these two discourses of veiling VS piety, embedded by two different forces of feminization of urban spaces and patriarchal reaction. A prominent example is the Holy Shrine in Mashhad which includes two opposite spaces: in the new build hall of “Imam Khomeini Ravaagh” we confront an unsegregated space of male and female attendance, while the old part of Holy Shrine is the chambers assigned for men, making walls to veil women from the main part.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Developments, changes and increased competition in the field of industry in recent years, has forced organizations to focus on gaining competitive advantage. In general, many experts believe that organizational performance improvement will increase profitability, and therefore the organization's competitive position relative to other competitors will be dramatically enhanced. It can be accomplished through environmental conditions, resources and practices required. As results, organization can enhance its ability to value creation and achieve profitability. In this study, regarding to resources in achieving high level performance, the key sources of influence on organization performance is derived by reviewing the results of previous researches and according to experts’ points of view. Using the experimental design method, appropriate framework of factors presented. The results show that contribution percentage of following factors: total number of employees, inventory levels, the value of capital assets, the ratio of manufacturing employment to total employment and the cost of advertising on firm performance.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Statement Problem: The discourse model of participatory design is proposed in the world as a solution for the redesign of urban contexts. Extensive destructions in the historical contexts of Iran are due to the lack of implementation of the urban design discourse.
Aim: This research explores the pattern of discourse creation in participatory design with the approach of citizenship education in the historical context of Kazerun.
Methods: The qualitative research approach was coded by categorizing the clusters of the participating community and snowball sampling into 3 open, axial and selective categories, then it was interpreted with the content analysis technique.
Results: The categories extracted from the interviews were included in 7 axial factors and in 2 selective reasons, including residents' ignorance and incorrect urban management.
Conclusion: Considering the effective factors in the citizens' ignorance (lack of understanding of the characteristics of the context, social and economic factors), the urban designer as a facilitator, at the beginning with the aim of making the participants aware of the historical context and creating a context for central participation, provided citizenship education then with preliminary education Urban design helps to turn the proposal into the ideas of the participants. Then moderates the ideas and codifies them in the form of integrated and comprehensive policies and helps the city management to communicate the implementation policies of participatory urban design and solve the problems caused by incorrect policies in the field of urban management, economic, design and security.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)
Performance evaluation is prerequisite for many domains of human resource, which precise implementation of which will result in efficiency and effectiveness of performance feedbacking, training and development, promotion of employees, human resource planning, etc. Accurate weighting of evaluation indicators alongside with considering synergy and interaction force of indicators can affect evaluation results. Also differences of different levels of an indicator importance should be considered according to its great significance. This paper tries to realistically weight indicators using Taguchi experimental design method and considering two aforementioned points. An eight-stage model is presented and performance evaluation indicators for a bank cash register are specified. A questionnaire is designed based on proposed Taguchi orthogonal tables. Experts in banking sector are asked to answer the questions of each dimension to determine the weight of indicators. Results of implementing proposed model as ANOVA table show that Taguchi experimental design method can be a proper method in weighting indicators and taking into account the amount of error factor and decisions can be made according to stability of obtained results.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (9-2015)
Since his creation, the human has been concerned with the protection of his life and properties by any means possible such as exploring the surrounding environment, fighting against the threats facing him, and using a variety of tools and instruments. Among these tools was scorching. Scorching has been ever used for two main purposes by the human: marking and treatment. However, one cannot claim with certainty which application was the dominant one. In this study, the author has first dealt with the marking aspect and then with the treatment function. In its former function, scorching was practiced on the body organs of the slaves, enemies, and animals in order to distinguish and take ownership of them, and with criminals as a sign of guilt. In the latter function, it was used, according to some reports, as the last treatment possible for curing different diseases in both humans and animals. The most important therapeutic application of scorching was on wounds to stop bleeding and prevent infection. In the present research, both functions have been examined and classified with reference to the Persian literature, history, and folk culture.
Hadi Dehghani Yazdeli, Mohammad Amiri,
Volume 3, Issue 12 (12-2010)
Decoding Bibis` Narration Abstract Myths and mythical narration have several meaning and several values. This means that myths and mythical narration in meaning horizon of every tex and course , can be changed in term of surface structure and deep structure .Bibis`s narrations have two structures .one concerned custom of marriage and other depends on religious experience. Bibis` myth and narration such as " Bibi Shahr e Banoo " in Rey and " Bibi Shah Zeinab " in Yazdel e Kashan even if they have victimizing deep structure of fairies but in Islamic periods considering the recreation of stories again and also the form and appearance of restructured buildings are the indicator of religious matter and its joint to the holy time atleast tendency to it , " mysterious " , " awe " , and " splendor " which is at extreme the reason of revelation of descriptions of holly time. these signs and revelations in details and structure of narrator stories and related buildings is appeared . Key word : Bibi, sign,narration, religious experience ,myth .
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2013)
The current paper arose from the following thought: “What are the methods and techniques used in the translation of Culture-based metaphors?” The data used in this article is the result of a comparative study on the translation of Mathnawi by Reynold Nicholson. We used Harvey 2000 model to advance the research. In accordance with the needs of the study, metaphoric significance is presented. Six different types of significations are recognized here; than a sextet significance pattern, is presented, which might be used for any two languages being source and target for translation. As the final outcome of the research, different suggestions for these different signification types have been presented, which are based on the nature of the metaphors. Having these suggestions in hand, translators have a model to follow, so that they can overcome the translatability problems they may face in translation of metaphorical expressions. In the other words, applying this newly-born significance into translation practice and, finally, presenting a model for the translation of culture-based items are two main achievements of the research.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2023)
Issue & Purpose: Despite the passage of about fifty years since the establishment of the urban design course at the University of Tehran and after that teaching at other universities in Iran, it still seems that the potential capacities of this course and graduates have not been used well in the profession. The purpose of this research is to identify and explain the duties, roles and potential capacities of Iranian urban designers in their profession and seeks to answer the question of what their potential duties are in their profession.
Method: The current research was formed with a qualitative approach and in order to answer the above question, it used the methods of content analysis as well as qualitative survey. The techniques used in data collection include reviewing library documents and related articles, open interviews with professors, experts and experienced professionals, as well as a structured online questionnaire, and in line with the analysis The Interpretive analysis technique was used for the data.
Findings: The achievement of this research is to introduce and evaluate the importance of 8 activity capacities of Iranian urban designers in their profession, which are respectively: urban management, consulting engineer's offices, NGO, education, interdisciplinary activities, supervisor (supervision of design and implementation), contractor and research. According to the findings of the research, among these eight capacities in the field of urban management, offices of consulting engineers, non-governmental organizations, and education are respectively more important from the point of view of urban design experts.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2013)
In the domain of the Ezafe construction in Persian, sometimes, there is found a DP known as the possessor. This article aims at establishing the process of possessor raising in Persian within the Minimalist program (Chomsky 1995). To do this, it is argued that in the domain of the Ezafe construction in Persian, a syntactic constituent may be merged in the spec of the nP where it receives its possessor theta role. This constituent, then, raises to the spec of the dominating DP to get its [+definite] feature checked along the lines of Ritter (1991, 1992). This is a novel proposal for Persian and is important in that it takes the possessor DP as bearing a theta role and leads to the classification of Persian as a language with definite like possessive construction.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA, is one of the most destructive disease. Conventional methods of disease control using fungicides may develop new problems. Therefore, understanding molecular mechanisms of plant–pathogen interaction is necessary to adopt effective approaches for managing the disease. Here for the first time, by using bioinformatics tools and RT-PCR analysis and sequencing confirmed the presence of a Magnaporthe oryzae Avr-pita gene orthologous sequence designated as Rhiz-pita1 gene in three different geographic isolates of R. solani AG1- IA( A2,R1 and T2) genome. SignalP program predicted a secretion signal upstream of Rhiz-pita1 gene. Nucleotide sequences of 5' region of Rhiz-pita1 gene from geographical isolates showed 99% identity in exons and 100% in introns which are characteristics of fast evolving effector proteins. Also, 98% homology between Rhiz-pita and M.oryza-pita1gene suggests that Rhiz-pita encodes an effector protein. Howevere, more researchs are necessary to confirm of this suggestion. Keywords: Rhizoctonia solani, signal peptide Rice blast , Effector