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Volume 17, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)

Multi-environment trials play a significant role in selecting the best cultivars to be used at different locations. The objective of this study was to identify grain and forage yields stability of grass pea advanced lines across different locations. The 14 advanced lines of grass pea, developed by the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), were tested at three different research stations in semi-warm regions of Iran for three consecutive years. Ten non-parametric measures of stability were used to identify stable lines across nine environments. Three non-parametric tests (Bredenkamp, Hildebrand and De Kroon and Van der Laan) for Genotype-Environment (GE) interaction were highly significant, recommending differential responses of the lines to the test environments. Mean yields had a significant positive correlation with Si(6), NP2, NP3, NP4, Fox-rank and Kang’s rank-sum statistics. The results of correlation analysis and principal components analysis indicated that only non-parametric superiority measure could be useful for simultaneous selection of high yielding and stable lines. According to cluster analysis by forage and grain mean yields and non-parametric statistics, the line L3 with the highest forage and grain yields and Fox-rank as well as the lowest values of other non-parametric statistics could be introduced as high yielding stable cultivar for rain-fed conditions of semi-warm areas.

Volume 17, Issue 11 (1-2018)

Hydroforming is a convenient method for applying fluid to produce parts with high strength to weight ratio. Hydrodynamic deep drawing assisted by radial pressure with inward flowing liquid process is considered as a type of hydroforming. In this method, radial and cavity pressures are two most important parameters, the values of which at any moment play an important role on the quality of final part. In this study, based on a hybrid method, the cavity and radial pressure paths in hydrodynamic deep drawing assisted by radial pressure with inward flowing liquid process are optimized. In this method, an adaptive simulation that is integrated with the fuzzy control system with the ABC algorithm is used to determine the optimized radial and cavity pressure paths. The achievement of a cup with least thinning and without wrinkling has been defined as the optimization goal. The validity of radial and cavity pressure paths obtained from optimization algorithm is verified through an experiment. Results showed that utilization of the optimized loading path yields the part with lower maximum thinning and without wrinkling.

Volume 17, Issue 98 (April 2020)

To investigate of enrichment of breast and thigh meat using vegetable oil sources and effect on oxidative stability of meat during storage, the experiment using 1-old day chickens Arian commercial strain was conducted. Experimental diets were prepared with canola oil or pumpkin seed oil and their fatty acid profiles were determined. The chicks were fed one of two diets during the breeding period in four replicates per treatment . The results showed that thigh meat of broilers were fed with canola oil, significantly contained higher linolenic acid , oleic acid, and total unsaturated fatty acids (USFAs) and those were fed with diets containing pumpkin seed oil contained significantly (p<0.01) higher linoleic acid, arachidonic acid (omega 6) and total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUSFAs). The amount of linoleic acid and linolenic acid in the breast meat was not affected by the type of oil. But, oleic acid values (omega 9), ratio of USFAs / SFAs and ratio of PUSFAs / SFAs in canola oil-fed chickens and arachidonic acid (omega-6) in chickens pumpkin seed oil-fed were higher (p<0.01). The amount of malondialdehyde (MDA) in thighs and breasts were increased during storage at refrigerated temperature. Thigh meat MDA value of canola oil-fed broiler was significantly higher at the end of storage period (p<0.05). At freezing temperature, the oxidative stability of thigh and breast meat of broiler were fed pumpkin seed oil was significantly higher (p<0.05). Therefore, by manipulating the combination of dietary fatty acids with vegetable oil sources, can be altered the pattern of thigh and breast fatty acids profile. During the storage period, oxidation spoilage increases in meats enriched with PUSFAs, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Key words: Oxidation, Fatty acid profile, Omega 3, Oxidative stability, Vegetable oil, Enrichment

Volume 17, Issue 103 (September 2020)

The present study was aimed at investigating the effect of enrichment of sponge cake with pumpkin powder (0, 4, 8 & 12%) on the physicochemical, textural, nutritional and sensory properties of the final product during storage. The results showed that while increase in the level of pumpkin powder promoted the moisture content of the sponge cake, storage time affected it negatively. The changes in peroxide value revealed that pumpkin powder improved the oxidative stability of the product so that the control sample had higher peroxide value than the treatments throughout the storage period. The results of image processing showed that addition of pumpkin powder into the formulation of sponge cake was concomitant with a decrease in lightness and an increase in redness, yellowness and browning index. It was also observed that the highest porosity was belonged to the sample containing 8% pumpkin powder. The instrumental texture analysis indicated that increase in the level of pumpkin powder increased the hardness, the force required to punch and the force required to cut the samples and decreased the cohesiveness and elasticity. The storage time almost had the same effects on the textural parameters as the pumpkin powder. The pumpkin powder improved the nutritional quality of sponge cake in terms of fiber, beta-carotene and potassium contents, which remained unaffected during storage. The sponge cakes enriched with pumpkin powder were more appreciated by consumers compared to the control sample; however, the sample containing 8% pumpkin powder received the highest sensory scores. In conclusion, pumpkin powder could be used for the development of a functional sponge cake with desirable sensory properties and long shelf life.

Volume 17, Issue 106 (December 2020)

Formation of nanocomposites in biopolymer coats can provide a new opportunity not only to improve the properties but also to reduce the price of these products. Also, nanocomposites, increase the efficiency of natural antibacterial materials. In order to investigate the antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of lemon grass extract and the amount of nanoclay on the efficacy of alginate-nanoclay composite coating of chicken fillet refrigerated storage, an experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments including alginate (2%) – nanoclay (1.5 and 3%) nanocomposite coating, without and with levels of 1.5 and 3% alcoholic extract of lemon grass and 3 replicates each treatment during 9 days. Results showed that contribution of nanoclay in the structure of nanocomposite coating was affected on its performance. Enrichment of alginate-nanoclay nanocomposite coating with lemon grass extract, added to its efficiency. Applying 3% of lemon grass extract in nanocomposite coatings, especially when using 3% nanoclay, significantly (p<0.05) reduced the number of psychrophilic bacteria, tiobarbitoric acid index, free fatty acids and total volatile nitrogen compounds and increased chicken fillets water holding capacity during refrigerated storage. The contribution of nanoclay in without extract nanocomposite coating, did not significantly affect the number of psychrophilic bacteria at the end of the storage period. In general, the efficacy of alginate-nanoclay nanocomposite coating in increasing the shelf life of chicken fillets in refrigerated conditions depends on the appropriate contribution of nanoclay and enrichment with the appropriate concentration of lemon grass extract.

Volume 18, Issue 115 (September 2021)

In order to investigate the effect of savory extract levels and polysaccharide-based active bio-composite coatings on the shelf life of broiler fillets, 2 separate experiments each with 6 treatments and 3 replications, were designed in a completely randomized design and performed simultaneously. Treatments in experiment 1 included fillet with coating 0 (control), 0.75% or 1.5% of savory extract alone or in combination with 3% sodium alginate coating and in experiment 2, included uncoated fillets (control), containing 1.5% of savory extract, guar coating 0.5% - extract, carboxy methylcellulose coating 1% - extract, guar coating – carboxy methylcellulose and guar coating – carboxy methylcellulose - savory extract. Chemical and bacterial spoilage indices including PV, TBARS and TVB_N were evaluated every 3 days during a 12-day period of keeping the fillets at 4±1oC. The results of experiment 1 showed that in parallel with the increasing the concentration of savory extract to 1.5%, the sodium alginate-extract composite coating reduced the PV, TBARS and TVB_N of fillets (P <0.05). Minimum amount of PV (5.40 ± 0.30 meq/kg), TBARS (1.22 ± 0.00 mg MDA/kg) and TVB_N (26.50 ± 1.35 mg/100g) were seen in fillets containing alginate - 1.5% savory extract composite coating (P <0.05). Also, in experiment 2, the fillets containing guar gum – carboxy methylcellulose - savory extract bio-composite coating have the lowest ​​of PV (5.10 ± 0.33 meg/kg), TBARS (1.10 ± 0.05 mg MDA/kg) and TVB_N (25.30 ± 1.90 mg/100g) at the end of the storage period (P <0.05). Therefore, guar gum – carboxy methylcellulose - 1.5% savory extract bio-composite coating as a new packaging can be used to increasing the shelf life of broiler fillets during refrigerator storage (4±1oC).

Volume 18, Issue 115 (September 2021)

The reduction of sugar consumption is one of the major challenges for nutritionists and food industry. Therefore, it is significant to replace sucrose with other types of sweeteners, especially, natural ones. The aim of the present study is to produce low-calorie, low sucrose Iranian yellow carrot jam and to optimize the formulation by employing response surface methodology. The three independent variables were stevia, as a low-calorie sugar replacer (0.05 -0.3% w/w) and inulin as a prebiotic texturizer (2 -5% w/w) in order to compensate sugar elimination defect on viscosity and Brix. The fitted models indicated a high coefficient of determination. The results revealed that inulin and suger are as the independent variables which had significant effects on Brix, moisture, viscosity, and sensory scores (except taste), lightness (L*) and redness (a*) (p≤0.05). Also, pH and acidity and (b*) were not affected by stevia, inulin and suger concentration (p≤0.05). The optimization of the variables, based on the response surface, demonstrated that utilizing 5% w/w inulin and 0.23% w/w stevia and 49.3% suger produced the optimum Persian yellow carrot jam with the desirability of 0.721 without undesirable changes in the physicochemical and organoleptic properties. According to nutrition value of Iranian yellow carrot, we could use it for producing functional food and improve its healthy benefits.

Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)

In order to evaluate the effect of moderate dose gamma irradiation (10 KGr) on ​​antioxidant and antibacterial properties of Zataria multiflora Boiss, edible active coating containing normal and irradiated extract (1.5%) on base of Na-caseinate solution (8%) was prepared and shelf life of coated rainbow trout fillet was evaluted. An experiment was carry out with 4 treatments without coating (control), fillets coated with Na-caseinate (T1), and fillets coated with Na-caseinate enriched with  normal (T2) or irradiated (T3) Zataria multiflora Boiss extract and 4 replicates during 10 days at refrigerated (4±1oC) storage. Chemical (TVN, TBA, PV) and microbial (TVC and PTC) tests were measured on days 0, 3, 6 and 10. The results showed irradiation of Zataria multiflora Boiss with a moderate dose of gamma rays, despite the possitive effects, did not cause significant changes in its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. But at the end of the storage period, the lowest levels of TBA (3.23±0.23 mg MDA/Kg), TVN (25.23±1.12 mg/100g) and psychrophilic bacteria counts (5.00±0.13 log cfu/g) was found in fillets containing active coating of Na-caseinate and irradiated Zataria multiflora Boiss extract (p <0.05). Therefore, Zataria multiflora Boiss extract can be used as normal or irradiated in the active coating of Na-caseinate, to increase the shelf life and quality of rainbow trout fillets at refrigerator temperature for at least 10 days.

Volume 18, Issue 117 (November 2021)

Many foods have a structures base on foam; hence their stability has a key role in their textural, structural and acceptance properties. In food industrials, polysaccharides such as gums and gelatin use as stabilizer in foam-based food system. In this research effect of gelatin (1, 2, 3%) on foaming properties of albumin and sodium caseinatate (1 and 2%) has been investigated. Overrun, foam value fraction and drainage have been measured and also image processing used for evaluate porosity, fractal count, entropy and sphericity. Result showed that adding gelatin decreased porosity, entropy, fractal count, drainage, foam value fraction on and overrun. Adding protein caused porosity, overrun, fractal count and circularity increased while bubble size decreased. Therefore, we can use various amount of gelatin for stabilizing foam-base food.

Volume 18, Issue 118 (December 2021)

The methods used to maintain the quality of eggs during the storage period are mainly based on inactivating microorganisms and preventing mass exchanges. In order to investigate the effect of water washing and shell coating using active nanocomposite coating based on 2% carboxymethyl cellulose containing 3.5% nanoclay and 2% marjoram extract on internal quality and egg shell, an experiment with 4 treatments including control (unwashed and uncoated), washed and uncoated, unwashed and coated, washed and coated and 3 replicates during a 4-week storage period at ambient temperature (25±2oC) with weekly evaluation the studied parameters were performed. At the end of the storage period, the highest values ​​of  HU (49.71±0.15), YI (0.32±0.00) and the lowest values ​​of WL percentage (3.07±0.02), albumen pH (8.59±0.02), TBARS (0.125±0.03 mg MDA/Kg) and TVC (2.75±0.05 log cfu/ml) were observed in coated eggs (P<0.05). In the evaluation of yolk color indices, coated eggs had significantly (P<0.05) higher values ​​of b* (57.24), a* (-7.72) and lower value of L* (45/51). Regardless of the coating, egg washing had no significant effect on the evaluated parameters. Therefore, the use of active nanocomposite coating of carboxymethyl cellulose - nano montmorillonite - marjoram extract with barrier, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties is recommended to increase the shelf life of eggs at ambient temperature for 4 weeks.

Volume 18, Issue 121 (March 2022)

Reducing environmental hazards from the use of synthetic polymers has led to the diversity and development of new technologies for packaging perishable products, including animal, poultry and aquatic products. Natural polymers in the form of edible films or coatings can be used to produce biodegradable packaging. Cellulose derivatives including methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and carboxymethylcellulose are among the most popular polysaccharide hydrocolloids used in the production of films and coatings. The sensory, nutritional and functional properties of edible film and coatings can be modified by various materials and methods. Also, various active compounds are placed in the film and coating solution to improve the quality, stability and safety of packaged foods. Therefore, when using edible films and coatings, it is necessary to consider both the physical properties of biopolymer materials and their functional properties. Cellulose derivatives have been used in the packaging of animal products including raw animal meat, poultry and aquatic products, meat products derived from them and eggs in the form of  simple, composite and active edible films and coatings in order to maintain quality and increase shelf life. Legal, economic, cultural and marketing considerations must be considered in order to develop the use of biopackaging.

Volume 19, Issue 125 (July 2022)

In recent years, the use of natural and healthy compounds has been considered as a new method to control chilling and maintain postharvest quality of horticultural products. In this study, for the first time, pomegranate fruits were immersed in L-arginine solution at concentrations of 0, 1 and 2 mM and Its effects on the quality of pomegranate fruits ‘Malas-e-Saveh’ grown in Sari region was evaluated during 120 days in cold storage. Based on the obtained results, the treatment significantly increased the total phenol and antioxidant properties of the fruit compared to the control. Fruits treated with 1 mM L-arginine showed more antioxidant activity compared to the control. Moreover, the activity of antioxidant enzymes (CAT, SOD, APX) as well as PAL enzyme increased accordingly. Whereas, H2O2 accumulation and PPO enzyme activity in fruits treated with 1 mM L-arginine were significantly reduced. Based on our results, L-arginine treatment can be used as a useful and practical method to maintain nutritional quality and increase the pomegranate storability due to its safety and effectiveness.

Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)

In order to evaluate the quality and quantity of some important commercial Iranian pomegranate cultivars, in the climatic conditions of Yazd, the fruits of 12 cultivars including: Ardestani Mahvalat, Bejestani, Shishekap Ferdows, Naderi Badroud, Qajaq Qom, Gel Tafti, Shirin Shahvar, Robab Neyriz, Malase Yazdi, Malase Saveh, Malase Yousefkhani and Khazar Bardaskan were harvested at commercial maturity stage and were evaluated for important quantitative and qualitative traits. The results showed, there were significant differences among the cultivars in terms of fruit weight, skin and aril color properties (CIE L *, a *, b * and Hugh angle), soluble solids content, titratable acidity, antioxidant activity and anthocyanin content. Meanwhile, the highest fruit weight was measured in Shirin Shahvar cultivar, this cultivar also had the lowest titratable acidity and the highest taste index among the cultivars, and also this cultivar showed a bright color, however, the brightest color among the cultivars was observed in Naderi Badroud. Based on the skin and aril color properties, anthocyanin content and fruit taste, Malase Yazdi was the best among the cultivars. However, cultivars such as Shishekap Ferdows, also showed good quality characteristics. Also the correlations between traits was investigated and significant relationships were observed between color properties and amount of anthocyanin or between antioxidant capacity and amount of phenol or amount of anthocyanin. 

Volume 20, Issue 3 (7-2013)

Painted rocks may be considered the oldest manifestation of art in human society. The history of this art is estimated to be more than 30 thousand years. This art has also a long history in Iran.
This article introduces one of these rock art sites i.e. Ghalat Niloo which is located in Kazeroon County, south-east of Ghalat Niloo village. The purpose of this study is to identify and determine the location, the function of concepts, the history, classification and relationship of these designs with similar samples available from other areas. These designs have been engraved on the walls of the caves and include subjects such as hunting, human on horseback with a bow in hand, animal images mostly goats and in one case a dog. They probably date back to the 1st Millennium BC.

Volume 20, Issue 136 (June 2023)

To investigate the effect of molecular weight of chitosan and the type of plasticizer used in the composition of edible coating on internal quality parameters and morphology of eggshell, an experiment with 125 eggs in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments included uncoated eggs (control), coated based on chitosan with high molecular weight (450 kDa) or low molecular weight (65 kDa) and the use of glycerol or sorbitol and 3 replicates was conducted. Coating was done by immersion method and the eggs were stored at ambient temperature for 4 weeks. The internal quality parameters of eggs including weight loss (WL), Haugh unit (HU), yolk index (YI) and albumen pH were evaluated weekly. At the end of the storage period, scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrograph were prepared for eggshell morphology. The results showed that the edible coating based on chitosan improved significantly (P<0.05) all the evaluated parameters. At the end of the week 4, among these, the lowest values of WL (7.01 ± 0.90) and pH of albumen (8.90 ± 0.15) and the highest values of HU (± 3.23) 63.80) and YI (0.34 ± 0.06) were seen in eggs containing high molecular weight chitosan-sorbitol coating (P<0.05). In the SEM micrograph, more integrated and less porous and fractured in the mentioned group. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of edible coating based on chitosan as a biocompatible packaging to increase the storage time of eggs, chitosan with higher molecular weight and sorbitol as plasticizer are recommended.

Volume 21, Issue 153 (November 2024)

Rosemary is a plant from the Lamiaceae family with antioxidant properties, Therefore, the purpose of this study was to extract rosemary plant extract using different solvents, methods (maceration, hot extraction, Soxhlet, percolation and sonication), particle size (300, 500 and 800 μm) and plant to solvent ratios (1:100, 2:100, 3:100, 4:100 & 5:100) were. In this experimental study, the amount of phenolic and flavonoid compounds was measured by aluminum chloride colorimetric method and the antioxidant activity of plant extracts was evaluated by DPPH method. To extract these compounds, different solvents and methods were used and compared and analyzed and Data analysis was performed using SPSS software and ANOVA test. The best solvents for the extraction of phenolic, flavonoid and antioxidant compounds were water-methanol (20:80). The amount of total phenolic compounds using this solvent was 7.172 (mg/g) and flavonoid compounds were 28.157 (mg/g) and the antioxidant activity to inhibit free radicals was 87.2586 (mg/lit). The best method for extracting phenolic compounds was Maceration method with a rate of 7.481 (mg/g) and for flavonoid compounds with a rate of 47.85 (mg/g) and 73.524 (mg/lit) to inhibit free radicals.The results show that in order to achieve the maximum extraction of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidants in rosemary extract, use plant powder with a particle size of 300 μm, water solvent: methanol (80:20), plant to solvent ratio 1:100 (g/ml) and the use of maceration method should be used as optimal operating conditions.

Volume 21, Issue 153 (November 2024)

Eggs are one of the low-cost sources of protein and are also perishable, so maintaining their internal quality during storage is particularly important. The current research was carried out with the aim of the effect of nanocomposite coating on the physicochemical changes of eggs during storage for 4 weeks. Uncoated eggs (control) and eggs treated with a two-component coating of polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan (PC), a three-component film of polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan/montmorillonite (PCM) ), and PCM films incorporating concentrations of 2 and 4% garlic extract were evaluated in a total of 5 treatments and 3 replicates in a completely randomized design. The results showed that the concentration-dependent antimicrobial effect of garlic extract was higher against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The prepared films of active three-component PCM nanocomposite had greater thickness, higher tensile strength, and elasticity, lower solubility, less elongation at break, and lower water vapor permeability (p<0.05). At the end of 4 weeks of storage, the eggs coated with active three-component PCM nanocomposites had a thicker shell (0.400 mm) and a stronger shell (0.310 kg), causing less weight loss (About 4 %), Haugh unit (70.00) and yolk index (0.43) were higher and the lowest of total viable count bacteria (4.1 log cfu/ml). Therefore, using the three-component PCM nano-coating containing 4% garlic extract as a biodegradable packaging is possible to maintain the internal quality and eggshell and increase its storage time at ambient temperature.

Volume 21, Issue 157 (March 2025)

Eggs are one of the superior value natural sources of protein and other nutrients, at the same time, they are vastly perishable. Consumers' concern about egg contamination and transmission of pathogens, especially salmonella, increased the desire to use safe and packaged eggs. The environmental hazards of synthetic polymers as packaging materials have become a global problem, for this reason, their replacement with biodegradable ones has been developed. To overcome some physical and mechanical weaknesses as well as increase bio-polymers performance, they are combined (composite) and/or reinforcing agents and natural agents are used in their fabrication. A variety of plant essential oils and extracts are widely used in active packaging materials. The results of the studies showed that the barrier and functional properties of active biopolymers are improved due to their hydrophobic nature, as well as the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of polyphenols content of essential oils and extracts. Egg packaging with these active biopolymers preserves internal quality during storage and ultimately extends its shelf life. In this article, an attempt has been made to review the use of plant chemical compounds (phytochemical) in active biopolymers for egg packaging based on polysaccharide, protein and aliphatic polyester

Volume 22, Issue 4 (10-2015)

In this study, an evaluation model is developed to assess the credibility of the loan applicants. The proposed model is a multicriteria decision making (MCDM) problem consisting of numerous criteria by integrating analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and genetic algorithm (GA). In the case of apparent consensus for several measures, the research clearly indicates that both quantitative and qualitative information must be employed in evaluating loan applicants. The AHP approach is widely used for MCDM in various scopes. In 2008 Lin et al proposed the adaptive AHP approach (A3)in order to decrease the number of steps for checking the inconsistency in the AHP model. The study presents a MCDM model by developing the new adaptive AHP approach (N_A3) already proposed by Herrera-Viedma in 2004. The proposed model has led to fewer calculations, and less complexity. The model was applied to 200 clients in order to show its efficiency and applicability. A brief look at the implementation of the model showed that it is significantly valid in selecting clients with respect to the known criteria, besides decision making regarding the determination of the assessment factors.

Volume 22, Issue 7 (July 2022)

In this paper, fracture prediction accuracy was evaluated by the GTN ductile fracture criterion and the effect of its evolution. To investigate the stress states, three calibration tests, including uniaxial tension, plane strain tension, and In-plane shear tension, were used to calibrate the failure criterion and determine the accuracy of fracture prediction. For simulation of the fracture behavior in Aluminum 6061-T6, the GTN ductile fracture criterion was calibrated using the combined experimental-simulation method. ABAQUS software was used to simulate the forming process, and fracture criteria were implemented to the software by the VUMAT subroutine. The force-displacement values and the fracture displacement in the experimental tests were used to validate the numerical results and evaluate the fracture criterion accuracy. According to the results, calibration using uniaxial tension and In-plane shear tension tests predicts failure with an average error of 6.17%. While the original GTN criterion cannot predict the fracture of the In-plane shear tension test, the error value in the plane strain tension test reaches 24%. A U- bending test was performed to investigate the fracture behavior of Aluminium 6061-T6 sheets and validate the calibrated fracture criterion in a more complex process other than tension tests. The Extended GTN criterion was found to predict the onset of fracture in the U-bending process with an error of 3%.

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