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Volume 8, Issue 35 (11-2020)

Folk poems are one of the most pleasing types of oral literature among the Iranian ethnic groups, which represent the spirits, thoughts, and ideas of the masses, and arise from their natural and daily needs. Songs and poems are forms of popular literature and are diverse in the cultural geography of this land. Folk poems in Kerman province are titled differently and are mostly composed in the form of couplets having a particular prosody. The common couplets of this region in different ceremonies have titles such as Sharma, Ajaghboos, Birghi, Kheloon, Mordekhani, Abado, Sar-Asyabi, Aino, Biabani, Kurdish reading, Hujlashshoon, Gharibi Khani, Hanabandi, in the bathroom, etc. These poems fall into the realms of server, mourning, work, sleep and caressing poems, lullabies, game songs, entertainment, and prayer. This study employed the descriptive-analytical and library methods in order to introduce the folk and local songs of Kerman province, and analyze and classify the poems based on their themes so that the cultural prospects and local elements can be obtained.
Kerman; folk poems; oral literature; theme; popular culture.
 Research background
The first person who has done a study in the field of popular culture of people in Kerman is Lerimer. Ali Tavakoli (2015) has studied the literature and popular culture of Amjaz in another research. Moayed Mohseni (2007) in her book on popular culture of Sirjan has introduced the popular culture of people of that region, and since her work is based on the method of observation and participation, she has been precise and delicate.
Koohi Kermani (1966) is another pioneering work in collecting rural legends and songs of Kermanians. In 1931, he published a book of national songs, which attracted the attention of literary circles. Also, on the music and couplets of Kerman, case studies and only a few articles have been done so far, which are as follows: "Music of the regions of Kerman province" by Towhidi (2011), "Themes of local songs, a case study of Sirjan songs" by Moayed Mohseni (2013), "Analysis of rhyme and line structure in Kermani native poems of Shahrbabak city" by Riahi and Radmanesh (2019). In the latter study, a real view of the folk songs of Kerman province is provided.
What distinguishes the present study from the others is that so far no research has been done in relation to Kerman folk poems. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap.
Aims, questions, and assumptions
The aim of this research is to study and classify the popular and local poems of Kerman province, which are performed in different ways and sometimes with music. It is also aimed to examine any poem that refers to their indigenous elements and religious beliefs in order to be able to show the manifestations of Kerman culture.
Considering the variety of melody types, songs, and chants in this vast region, it can be said that Kerman is a treasure trove of oral culture the richness of which can be seen in less places, because it has never been invaded by foreign and non-Iranian tribes, and because of this, its songs, chants, and music are kept intact to a large extent.
This article seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the content of the popular and local poems in Kerman province?
2. How many categories are there for the popular poems and songs considering their content?
Results and Discussion
One form of folk literature is folk poetry, which are sung on various occasions during work, celebrations and rituals, mourning, play and fun, putting children to sleep, and entertainment. They are mostly in the form of local songs, accompanied by traditional music. They are the source of human manifestations and thoughts, and represent the history of culture, life, and expressive thoughts of people who express their feelings in a completely obvious and untouched way. In the meantime, popular and local songs and chants have a prominent role that have been passed down from a distant past, and have circulated around Iran, particularly in the geographical area of ​​Kerman.
Popular art and literature in Kerman province reflect an important part of the rich and diverse culture, a culture that is rooted in the turbulent history of thought and customs of different tribes, ethnicities, and races (Persians, Arabs, Kurds, Lors, Turks and Baluchis) and the ancient natives of this region.
Considering the variety of melody types, songs, and chants along with the vastness of this region, it can be said that Kerman is a treasure trove of oral culture, the richness of which can be seen in few places. This has made the songs, chants, and music in this area remain pristine.
Folk music and local songs in Kerman province have various names such as Shink Bilal, Holoo Halo Holoo, Seriao Gonal, Ey Dalak Sar Tarash, Ji Saro Ji Saro, Dokhtare Dekandar, and Hey Ya Lalal. The most important types of Kerman musical instruments are Nay, Anban reed, drum, and harp (Nazari, 2011, p. 146). The classification and arrangement of these poems, based on the theme and content of the songs or local hymns, are as follows: 1. Sur hymns, 2. mourning, 3. work, 4. romantic, 5. epic, 6. childish, 7. entertaining, and 8. religious.
Considering the variety of melody types, songs, and chants, it can be concluded that Kerman music and folk songs are unique in terms of quality and quantity, and have a special place in Iran. Further examination of the songs reveals that their composers were tasteful, but anonymous, and in only a few cases, titles such as "Hosseina, Mehdi and Baqir" appeared in some of the songs. Also, the content of some songs shows that their composers were women.
Kerman folk songs and literature are still prevalent in many cities and among generations to come. Some songs are a combination of common songs in other parts of the country that have reached Kerman from elsewhere and after brief changes, have been combined with the dialect and living environment of the people in Kerman for many years. In some cases, it can be said that Kerman's special couplet is written in that line. The folk poems and songs in Kerman could be divided into seven groups based on the theme and content of the songs.
Koohi Kermani, H. (1966). Seven hundred songs from rural Iran (in Farsi). Ibn Sina Library.
Moayed Mohseni, M. (2007). Sirjan folk culture (in Farsi). Kerman Studies Center.
Moayed Mohseni, M. (2013). Themes of local songs; A case study of Sirjan songs. Culture of the Iranian people, 32, 183-200.
Nazari, G. (2011). A study of climatic elements in the poetry of local poets in the south of Kerman. MA Thesis of Hormozgan University, Hormozgan, Iran.
Riahi, F., & Radmanesh, A. M. (2019). Analysis of rhyme and line structure in Kermani native poems of Shahrbabak city. Local Languages, 1, 53-70.
Towhidi, F. (2011). Music of Kerman province. Culture of the Iranian People, 27, 85-111.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (10-2021)

Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by Zymoseptoria tritici is one of the most important wheat diseases in the world and causes significant annual damage to wheat crops around the globe. The use of resistant cultivars is the most effective method for the management of this disease. Recently, the use of acquired systemic induced resistance has been proposed to manage wheat leaf blotch. In this study, the effect of salicylic acid (SA) on the relative changes of PAL and PR2 gene expression was investigated using qPCR technique. The expressions of catalase, peroxidase, and ascorbate peroxidase enzymes were also assessed in a sensitive wheat cultivar. Controlled and contaminated plants were sampled and compared at 0, 12, 24, 48, 96, and 240 hours after inoculation. The results showed that treatment with salicylic acid significantly reduced the level of disease compared to control plants. Comparison of gene expression patterns also showed that the expression of both PAL and PR2 genes in control and SA pre-treated plants increased after fungal inoculation; however, their expression was significantly higher (2.6 and 1.3 folds respectively for PAL and PR2) in plants treated with salicylic acid than the control. Moreover, treatment with salicylic acid significantly affected the activity of all three enzymes. It can be concluded that the high response of PAL and PR2 genes to salicylic acid pre-treatment, as well as increased activity of peroxidase along with the reduced activity of catalase and ascorbate peroxidase enzymes indicate the effective role of SA in inducing wheat resistance against STB.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Aims: Occupational safety, contact care, safety policy, as well as mental-environmental conditions, are supposed among the most significant factors shaping the levels of stress in nurses. Therefore, this path analysis was fulfilled to test a theoretical model to reflect on the relationship between Safety policy, occupational safety, mental-environmental conditions, and Contact Care.
Instrument & Methods: This predictive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018-19. A total number of 530 nurses were selected from 11 hospitals in 4 provinces in Iran. The Stress of Exposure to Sharps Injury Scale was used. A path analysis was also utilized by SPSS 24 software.
Findings: The mean age of the nurses was 35.72±7.78. As well, 12.5% of the nurses had associate’s degrees and 82.2% of them were holding bachelor’s and higher degrees. The path analysis also explained 57.6% of the variance in contact care. Moreover, the findings indicated a direct effect as a significant positive relationship between occupational safety and mental-environmental conditions. Likewise, safety policy could mediate the relationship between occupational safety, mental-environmental conditions, and safety policy.
Conclusion: The study findings suggested that safety policy could mediate the relationship between occupational safety, mental-environmental conditions, and contact care. therefore, designing and implementing suitable safety policy statements can play a vital role in reducing the levels of stress among nurses in terms of patient care.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (2-2025)

Aims: Diabetic Neuropathy Pain (DNP) is a chronic condition that arises from nerve damage caused by prolonged hyperglycemia. It leads to burning, tingling, and sharp pain, primarily in the extremities. This study examines the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in mitigating recurrent negative thoughts, reducing anxiety sensitivity, and enhancing emotional adjustment in individuals with DNP.
Method and Materials: The study employed a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with a control group, involving 36 patients with DNP from Ardabil clinics located in Ardabil, Iran in 2024. Patients were purposively sampled and randomly assigned to intervention (n = 18) and control (n = 18) groups. The intervention group underwent eight 90-minute CBT sessions, while the control group received no intervention. Data were gathered using the Repetitive Negative Thinking Questionnaire, Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3, and Emotional Adjustment Measure. The collected data were analyzed using MANCOVA in SPSS-27.
Findings: The results demonstrated that CBT significantly improves emotional adjustment (F = 49.46) and reduces recurrent negative thoughts (F = 45.41), as well as physical (F = 52.27), cognitive (F = 59.61), and social dimensions of anxiety sensitivity (F = 38.34) in individuals with DNP (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: The findings highlight CBT's transformative impact on the psychological resilience of DNP patients, fostering adaptive emotional regulation and diminishing maladaptive thought patterns. By addressing the interconnected dimensions of anxiety sensitivity and emotional adjustment, CBT offers a pathway to holistic pain management, emphasizing its potential as a cornerstone in the psychological care of chronic pain conditions.


Volume 10, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)

Aims: After the attention of the global associations to optimal using of energy, exterior walls of the buildings became one of the most important parts of the designing process. The present study aims to investigate the effect of airflow type and also the optimum spacing between two walls in this façade in the warm and humid climate of Iran (Kish Island).
Methods: In order to achieve this goal, various configurations of double-skin facades have been investigated using computer simulations (Fluent software 19.2). Two types of air evacuation of airflow and external air layer were investigated. Each of these two flows was simulated with three different distances of 1000, 1500, and 2000mm. In the present study, “the simulation and modeling research method” has been used. In the software simulation and numerical analysis sections, the type of research is “quantitative” and the research method is “analytical”, and the results are obtained based on “induction”.
Findings: The results show that during the peak periods of heat and humidity, when the outside air is not in a comfort state, the type of air evacuation causes high temperature and humidity inside the offices, and makes trouble for the thermal comfort of the residents and users.
Conclusion: In warm days and months, it is necessary to use an external air layer. It was also found that in the case of using air evacuation, the optimum depth of air cavity is 2000mm and in the case of external air, curtain layer is 1000mm.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2010)

Abstract For seismic design, it is important to estimate the, maximum lateral displacement (inelastic displacement) of the structures due to earthquakes for several reasons. Seismic design provisions estimate the maximum roof and storey drifts occurring in major earthquakes by amplifying the roof displacement and drifts of the structures obtained by elastic analysis subjected to seismic design load, with a coefficient named “displacement amplification factor” which is greater than one. Here, this coefficient depends on various parameters such as ductility factor and overstrength factor. The present research aims to evaluate the value of the displacement amplification factor in seismic design codes and then tries to propose a new value as displacement amplification factor to estimate the maximum lateral structural displacement due to severe earthquakes. In seismic codes, since the displacement amplification factor is related to “force reduction factor”, hence; this aspect has been accepted in the current study. Meanwhile, two methodologies were applied to evaluate the value of displacement amplification factor and its relation with the force reduction factor. In the first methodology, which is applied for all structures, the ratio of displacement amplification and force reduction factors was determined directly. Whereas, in the second methodology that is applicable just for the R/C moment resisting frames, the ratio was obtained by calculating both factors, separately. The results were alike and both of them could estimate the ratio of the two factors from 1 to 1.2. The results also indicated that the ratio of the displacement amplification factor and the force reduction factor differs to those proposed by seismic provisions such as NEHRP, IBC and Iranian seismic code (Standard no. 2800).

Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2021)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of replacing phosphorus chemical fertilizer (triple superphosphate) with biofertilizers as an environmentally friendly approach.  In this study, Possibility of replacing Triple superphosphate fertilizer with phosphate solubilizing bacteria "Pseudomonas deceptionensis Persian10 strain" in 10 treatments with two bacterial factors (in two levels of inoculation and non-inoculation) and chemical fertilizer (in five levels 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the recommended amount of fertilizer in the pond) was examined in aquarium conditions. Treatments included: 1: 100% fertilizer + bacteria, 2: bacteria, 3: 25% fertilizer + bacteria, 4: 50% fertilizer + bacteria, 5: 75% fertilizer + bacteria, 6: 100% fertilizer, 7: 75% fertilizer, 8: 50% fertilizer, 9: 25% fertilizer, 10: control (without fertilizer and bacteria). Bacterial densities, soluble phosphorus, phosphatase and pH were measured on days 0, 2, 7, 12 and 17. The results showed that the phosphorus of all treatments had an increasing trend on different days and at the same time, an increase in the pH value and a decreasing trend was observed in the bacterial population and the amount of phosphatase enzyme. The highest amount of soluble phosphorus was observed in treatments 4 and 5. According to the obtained results, the application of 50% phosphate fertilizer + phosphate solubilizing bacteria can be recommended as a suitable ratio for the fertility of fish ponds and reducing the use of chemical fertilizers.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Introduction: Fish consumption is increasing due to the global population growth. Therefore, taking advantage of new methods such as marine aquaculture can be a reliable source for the production of fish in the world. The purpose of this study is the spatial analysis of marine aquaculture farms in the coasts of Mazandaran province.
Materials and methods: In this study, three categories of criteria (water quality, economic-social and physical-environmental) were considered for spatial analysis of aquaculture farms in the coasts of Mazandaran, which are based on the Geographic Information System (GIS) and hierarchical analysis process (AHP), is used according to the definition of the decision law, and at the end, the existing aquaculture farms (9 farms) are analyzed using the Extract function.
Results and discussion: The results show that the location of the present farms can be transferred to more favorable areas with less risk. Among the existing farms, farms 1 and 2, located on the coasts of Joibar and Babolsar, have the most suitable condition and the highest amount of desirability. Also, the results of weighting between the three groups of water quality parameters show physical and socio-economic; Due to the importance of temperature, turbidity and chlorophyll criteria in marine aquaculture, water quality group has more weight than other groups (0.4034) and then the group of physical factors (0.3808) than social factors. (0.2168) more weight is given.
Conclusion: The findings of this study show the ability of GIS as well as satellite imagery to locate and evaluate marine aquaculture.

Volume 10, Issue 19 (9-2023)

Many Arabic words, upon entering the Persian language, have been transferred with the preservation of sound and script but have acquired completely different meanings, to the extent that in Persian, either the intended Quranic meaning is not understood at all, or the meaning is abrogated and not intuitive. These words can pave the way for misconceptions; in translating such words, the Persian interpretation of these words may subconsciously come to the minds of some translators and steer them away from the Arabic meaning. This deviation can be referred to as "Persianization" in translation. The present study, using reliable lexical sources of Persian and Arabic languages with a descriptive and critical approach, the semantic differences of the words "Tafāwut, Ḥājat, Ihlāk, Imdād, and Ṣāḥib/Aṣḥāb" in Arabic and Persian have been explained, followed by the examination of the performance of 41 Persian translators of the Holy Quran. The research findings indicate that the issue of Persianization has a widespread prevalence among Persian-speaking translators to the extent that no translator can be identified who has made fewer mistakes in this regard.


Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2022)

The long nose sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus, Pallas, 1771) is an anadromous sturgeon species, yet little is known with regard to salt bath effect on bacterial adhesion on superficial organs of this species and its growth. This study was conducted to determine the optimal salt bath concentration on growth parameters and total bacteria count on juvenile stellate sturgeon gill and skin. A total of 200 fishes with mean initial weight 494.5 ± 2.17 g and length 62.63 ± 0.18 cm (mean ± SD) were randomly distributed into 12 concrete pools in groups of 25. Fishes exposed to acute salinity of 0, 5, 10, and 15ppt for 30 minutes. Salt bath is used 5 times for 60 days (1, 15, 30, 45 and 60). At the end of 60th day, growth indices including body weight, SGR, BWI, ADG, PER and FE revealed a significant increase at 5ppt salinity (P< 0.05) and fishes exposed to 15ppt exhibited the poorest growth. No statistical significant difference was observed between control and other treatments in total protein and albumin, also in total bacteria count in gill and skin of fishes (P>0.05) but higher levels of total protein and albumin and lower level of total bacteria observed in 5ppt treatment. The results of this study indicate that high acute salinity may compromise the growth of juvenile long nose sturgeon and suggest that, in commercial operations, salinity should be 5ppt.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)

Computer games, due to being new and overlapping with cinema and literature, exhibit two different aspects of themselves that deserve comparative studies. In this paper, elements of modern art and the history of modern literature are studied in the formation of video games, and then similar ones are analyzed and adapted in James Joyce's novel Ulysses and Hidetaka Miyazaki Dark Souls Games. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of modern art characteristics on modern literature and video games and also to express the change in the nature of their common elements. The sub-purpose of the research is to compare these games with other titles in the media of computer games and to answer the question: How can games, and new media in general, form a classic and modern identity at their core? And where is the place of the studied games in this arena? The research method is analytical and adaptive. The research findings show that the novel Ulysses by "James Joyce" and the games of the "Dark Souls" series by Hidetaka Miyazaki in the elements of "rejection of the novel's narrative method", "rejection of the traditional hero", "rejection of incident", "new linguistic experiences", "Freedom from time and freedom of time", "giving importance to the association of meanings", "not giving importance to conventions", "tendency to illusion and fantasy", "participating the reader in the novel", "proposing the issue of truth" and "discussion of opinions" and philosophies" are similar and compatible

Volume 12, Issue 1 (8-2020)

Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist, believes that the tastes, judgments , and talents of people are social things, resulting in the social process of being a person during life. He regards the taste of the artist as the creature of taste for society, the taste of the class with cultural, social and symbolic capital. This paper aims to explore the comparative study of the signs of change in the works of Kamal al-Molk and Jacques - Louis David, based on Bourdieu 's ideas. Each of the two painters has worked on the milestone in their history. In this study, we have tried to explain a descriptive and historical method in addition to finding the cause of specific style selection of each of these painters, why or not the signs of change in works of David and Kamal al-Molk, can be explained using Bourdieu 's ideas. Findings indicate that the selection of naturalist and naturalist styles is influenced by the two artists influenced by the educational system, cultural capital, and their position in relation to the field of power. In relation to the signs of change, you cannot see a change in Kamal al-Molk works, given the inclusion of him in the category of independent artists of the field of painting, while in David, due to his position in the ruling class opposition, the change will be seen.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2010)

To determine ancient seed species, 3250-3450 year-old charred seeds obtained from different Iranian archaeological sites were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and molecular analysis. SEM analysis of ancient seeds revealed that the surface of the seeds was damaged. Therefore, we could not accurately identify their species. Molecular analysis on ancient specimens was done on different samples obtained from Masjede Kabood (Tabriz), Tepe Rahmat Abad (Pasargad) and Tepe Sagz Abad (Qazvin plain). The specific primer pairs were designed based on a part of the promoter region of the High Molecular Weight (HMW) glutenin gene and a short fragment of the vrs1 gene were verified on samples of modern wheat and barley varieties, respectively. The designated primers failed to amplify ancient DNAs (aDNAs) obtained from Masjede Kabood and Tepe Rahmat Abad, but successfully amplified the aDNA obtained from Tepe Sagz Abad. This finding was expected since the latter seeds had a better morphological preservation in comparison to the former ones. The accuracy of the amplified products was further proved by cloning and sequencing.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2010)

Objective: The secreted aspartic proteinases (Sap2) of Candida albicans has prominent role on Candida adherence, invasion, and pathogenicity. The aim of this study was cloning, expression and characterizing of Sap2 enzyme. Also in this study for the first time, the expression system P. pasturis was used for expressing the recombinant protein. Materials and Methods: C. albicans Sap2 gene was amplified by PCR with sticky ends, EcoR1 and SacII, and it was subcloned into the T/A vector. The sequencing of this gene was done with universal primers and then the Sap2 gene was cloned into pGAPZαA expression vector. The construct was transformed into P. pasturis yeast; the Sap2 gene integration into the yeast genome was accomplished by the homologous recombination. The expressed protein was confirmed by western blotting using monoclonal antibody against Sap2 protein. Finally, the recombinant protein was purified by Ni-NTA chromatography column, and the activity of the enzyme was confirmed. Results: In this study, we successfully amplified C.albicans Sap2 gene and subsequently integrated into the yeast pichia pasturis genome by homologous recombination. Moreover, we were able to identify a yeast clone secreting the recombinant protein. The optimum over expression of sap2 protein was obtained after 96 h, at 30ْ C. Conclusion: Expression of Sap2 gene in P. pasturis, in comparison to bacterial expression system, leads to a high-level expression, and also need for post translation modifications, that might be required for the activity of enzyme, is obviated in the yeast system. Based on our results, the purified acid aspartyl proteinase purified from P. pasturis was capable of degrading BSA as a substrate in-vitro. The recombinant Sap2 protein had maximum activity in an acidic pH.
Fattaneh mahmoudi, Mozhdeh Sharafkhah, Golamreza Pirooz,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (Winter 2019)

Antoin Sevruguin is an artist and photographer of the Qajar periodical that, despite having the king's attention and interest, could demonstrate a critical perspective, appeal and protest of the conscious and protesting class of the society, by displaying a subject in different strata of society through the camera. Lucien Goldmann, a structuralist sociologist and theorist, used this method in his innovative approach called "genetic structuralism". Therefore, finding the worldview of its work and its relation to a social class is the basis of the genetic structuralism. The library and documentary data collection method is used in this study. In this discourse, the researcher has attempted to find the hidden worldview of the works by using the genetic structuralism and link it to the influential social group and examine the relationship between them. In the following, using the components within the works and the meaningful structure of society, he answers the following question: What is the role of different classes in shaping the forms and themes of Qajar period photography? The results indicate that there is a dialectical relationship between the artwork and the class. Antoin Sevruguin in all his works used themes and concepts such as class differences, presentation of Shah's power and superiority, considering people inferior, misogyny in society, Western influence, ignorance and negligence, humor and disorder in the community, along with the role of the protest class in informing the people.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (Winter 2025)

Aims: Individuals with schizophrenia frequently experience impaired social functioning and reduced relationship satisfaction. This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Social Effort and Conscientiousness Scale (SEACS) in individuals with schizophrenia.
Methods: This study examined the psychometric properties of the Persian Social Effort and Conscientiousness Scale (SEACS) in 83 Iranian individuals with schizophrenia (55 men, 28 women, aged 18-65). Participants, recruited via purposive sampling from Ahvaz medical centers, completed the translated SEACS, Social Functioning Questionnaire (SFQ), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS). The SEACS translation followed a forward-backward method. Data analysis, conducted using SPSS 27 and SmartPLS 3, included descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), assessment of convergent validity (AVE), discriminant validity (HTMT and Fornell-Larcker), and reliability analysis (Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability).
Findings: CFA confirmed the SEACS's two-factor structure, with all 12 items loading above 0.40. Model fit was acceptable (SRMR=0.067, CFI=0.94). High internal consistency was observed (Cronbach's α=0.92 overall; 0.93 for social effort; 0.77 for conscientiousness), as was composite reliability (0.92 overall; 0.94 and 0.77 for subscales). Convergent validity was established (AVE>0.5). Discriminant validity was supported by both HTMT (<0.90) and Fornell-Larcker criteria.
Conclusion: The Persian version of the SEACS demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties in individuals with schizophrenia, demonstrating strong evidence of validity and reliability. This culturally adapted tool can be used in research and clinical settings to assess social effort and conscientiousness in this population.


Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2024)

This research aims to isolate phosphorus-solubilizing fungi from the sediments of warm-water fish farms and evaluate their performance in phosphorus solubilizing from various insoluble sources of phosphorus (tricalcium phosphate, iron phosphate, aluminum phosphate, and calcium phytate). For this purpose, four stations in Mazandaran province were sampled and isolated using NBRIP solid culture medium (49 mushroom isolates, including 19 isolates from organic phosphorus-containing culture medium and 30 isolates from inorganic phosphorus-containing culture medium). Then, the ability of isolates to dissolve phosphorus in solid and liquid culture medium was evaluated. Among the isolates, isolates PS3D, PS3F, and PS5F had the best performance among isolates solubilizing organic phosphorus (average phosphorus release 179.85-191.08 mg/liter). TS4E isolate was also selected as the best inorganic phosphorus solubilizing isolate. Then these isolates were molecularly identified by S18 rDNA gene sequencing and were registered as Talaromyces austrocalifornicus (PS3D), Trichoderma harzianum (PS3F), Aspergillus niger (PS5F) and Penicillium oxalicum (TS4E). In the final stage, the ability of these isolates to dissolve phosphorus in microcosm conditions (water and sediment-containing jars) was evaluated for 15 days. Contrary to the performance of these fungi in a liquid culture medium, the amount of soluble phosphorus in microcosm conditions showed a decreasing trend compared to day zero. However, the amount of phosphorus in the treatments containing mushrooms was higher than the control group. In general, the performance of the fungi introduced in this study has been positive in phosphorus release.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2013)

Abstract: A large number of slabs (floor and roof) in industrial and residential buildings were constructed by steel I-beam, brick Jack arch slab in Iran. Jack arch masonry flooring system consists of a number of closely-spaced, parallel steel I-beams and a number of shallow brick arches filling the spaces between the steel beams. The spaces over the arches are then filled to create a flat floor. This kind of slab did not indicate suitable reaction during past earthquakes. Collapse of a large number of these non-homogeneous one-way slabs during past earthquakes has highlighted their poor seismic performance. They do not behave as rigid elements. However, due to their easy construction together with low cost, the jack-arch slab is still widely used in many countries. Thus it is necessary to study the rigidity of this kind of slabs by more accuracy. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the rigidity of the jack arch slab and influence of X-shaped bars and top layer concrete in their rigidity using nonlinear analysis (Ansys software). Finite element numerical analyses are then conducted to investigate the effects of a number of parameters on the rigidity of the slabs. In addition, appropriate tables and figures are presented to facilitate the investigation of the jack arch slabs. For this purpose, several steel-framed structures constructed by jack arch slab with different terms were selected. These terms consist of, number of buildings stories (one, two and three stories), diameter of bars (14, 16, 18 and 20 mm), thickness of top layer concrete (6, 8 and 10 cm) and different areas of slabs (3.6×3.6, 3.6×4.5, 3.6×5.4 and 3.6×6.3 m). To consider the rigidity of slabs, the 2800 standard's regulations were applied. According to the rules and regulations of standard no. 2800, the slab will be rigid if the ratio of relative story displacement and diaphragm displacement to be less than 0.5 and the slab will be flexible, if this ratio to be greater than 0.5. The result of an experimental model was used to clarify the result of this research. It was shown that the result of experimental model was in conformity with this research one. At the end two expressions was suggested for determination of bars diameters and the concrete layer's thickness needed for rigidity of jack arch slab

Volume 13, Issue 5 (Number 5 - 2011)

Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of thiobencarb and oxadiargyl herbicides on rice (Oryza sativa L.) and their possible residual effects on spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) at Dashtnaz and Gharakhil Agricultural Research Stations, Iran. Treatments included thiobencarb at 3.16 and 6.33 kg a.i. ha-1, oxadiargyl at 0.15 and 0.30 kg a.i. ha-1 and a non-treated control. After harvesting rice, trial plots were kept undisturbed until late September when spinach was seeded in half of each plot. In November lettuce was transplanted in another half of the plots. Soil residual oxadiargyl at 0.30 kg a.i. ha-1 stunted rice up to 31%, but this injury was transient and did not reduce yield. The adverse effect of oxadiargyl on rice was lower at Gharakhil possibly due to the greater binding by soil organic matter (OM). At Dashtnaz, spinach fresh yield was significantly affected by soil residues of oxadiargyl. Whereas lettuce fresh yield was significantly reduced in both thiobencarb and oxadiargyl treated plots. At Gharakhil, fresh yield of lettuce was not affected significantly. The experimental results revealed that soil characteristics, in particular OM content, are the main factors controlling the effect of thiobencarb and oxadiargyl residues. Furthermore, it could be concluded that oxadiargyl affected rice and spinach fresh yield greater than thiobencarb. Since no statistically significant differences were found in rice, spinach, and lettuce yield between the two applied doses of thiobencarb, from economical and environmental point of view, the lower thiobencarb dose is recommended to be used in paddy fields of northern Iran.

Volume 13, Issue 5 (November & December 2022 (Articles in English & French) 2022)

L’hybridité dans sa dimension linguistique a une esthétique liée au contexte de la littérature migrante, car cette littérature est un espace où le va-et-vient entre la langue de soi et la langue de l’autre se manifeste sous différentes formes. En considérant l’écriture migrante comme un terrain propice à l’hybridité linguistique, nous partons de ce principe que cette forme d’écriture pourrait être hybride par son essence même ; dans le présent article nous proposons donc de contextualiser la problématique de l’hybridité linguistique dans une des œuvres de Nahal Tajadod, romancière iranienne d’expression française. Le roman s’appelle Sur les pas de Rûmi et par cette étude, nous cherchons à étudier la place, les modalités de l’apparition et aussi le degré de l’hybridité de ce texte. Pour ce faire, nous nous baserons essentiellement sur la perspective microscopique proposée par Myriam Suchet qui tente d’analyser l’hybridité comme un trait stylistique de chaque œuvre. Ainsi, dans un premier temps, nous essayerons d’élaborer notre sujet d’étude à travers un bref aperçu théorique visant à souligner les rapports de l’hybridité avec la littérature migrante et la traduction en tant que déclencheur de l’hybridation, pour être ensuite en mesure d’illustrer nos propos grâce à des exemples tirés de Sur les pas de Rûmi. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que Sur les pas de Rûmi, comme un exemple de la littérature migrante, s’avère hybride sur le plan linguistique et que cette hybridité est corrélée à l’hybridité culturelle et intertextuelle.

Mots-clés : Hybridité linguistique. Hybridité culturelle. Intertextualité. Littérature migrante. Nahal Tajadod. Sur les pas de Rûmi.

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