Showing 342 results for karimi
Volume 6, Issue 1 (9-2006)
In this research behavior of bubble due to under water explosion and it’s effects on ship structure have been studied. For determination of these effects field equations must be derived and solved them by mathematical simulation. Mathematical model is com in follow, it show physical rules on impression of bubble oscillation on body ship. This model is solved by combination of Euler method, 5 step Adams-Beshforse method and 4 step Adams-Moltone method for explaining the response of ship structure due to oscillation bubble. In order to agreement of solution way, stress-strain curves that obtained in this paper, is compared with experimental results. Also this results compared with FEMA results. Ship structure is modeled in ANSYS software in free beam form with variable mass and stiffness elements. Internal ship’s equipments and buoyancy are modeled by local mass and spring. The effect of explosion depth and explosive mass on stress in ship structure is studied. These result show when explosion depth is increased, stress is decreased and when explosive mass is increased, stress is increased.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2014)
The Constitutional revolution in Iran at the late Qajarid dynasty resulted from a coalition of middle classes; however, it failed to be consolidated. This paper applies the structural-institutional approach to explain the instability of constitutional achievements and fragile coalitions between the revolutionaries. Five structural-institutional factors will be discussed as the causes of fragile coalitions. Analytical narrative is the method for explaining events. A matrix of institutional arrangements including imbalanced class structure, economic deficiencies, world-system situation, and incapacitated state were identified as the main factors that created instability. But the effect of weakly founded political institutions of constitutional period was the most important factor of the fragile coalitions, which resulted in conflicts between the political actors, loose agreements, and lack of structured system of decision making and achieving common aims.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 22), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of semantic and syntactic rā morpheme in Sorani Kudish based on Van Valin’s (1996, 1997, 2007) Role and Reference Grammar. In this paper, it is shown that attaching –rā to the verb causes to absent all specific roles related to actor, e.g. agent, force, instrument and other specific roles such as experiencer, performer, consumer, etc. in the syntax level. These specific roles directly affect the undergoer. Since in all of the mentioned cases, the manifestation of -rā causes to the absence of actor in the syntax level, the crucial role of this morpheme is an anti-actor. In terms of semantic properties of NP, the more agency of NP, the more attaching –rā to the verb. Although the manifestation of -rā often occurs in the sentences containing two-argument verbs. It also occurs in intransitive sentences containing actor, and causes to the absence of the actor. Moreover, based on the presence of –rā morpheme in a structure, it further plays the role of a non-active morpheme, and it is shown that all non-active structures have semantically actor.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)
Aims: Soil organic carbon (SOC) is contemplated as a crucial proxy to manage soil quality, conserve natural resources, monitoring CO2 and preventing soil erosion within the landscape, regional, and global scale. Therefore, the main aims of this study were to (1) determine the impact of terrain derivatives on the SOC distribution and (2) compare the different algorithms of topographic wetness index (TWI) calculation for SOC estimation in a small-scale loess hillslope of Toshan area, Golestan province, Iran. (3) Comparison between multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural networks (ANN) methods for SOC prediction.
Materials & Methods: total of 135 soil samples were taken in different slope positions, i.e., shoulder (SH), backslope (BS), footslope (FS), and toeslope (TS). Primary and secondary terrain derivatives were calculated using digital elevation model (DEM) with a spatial resolution of 10 m × 10 m. To SOC estimation (dependent variable) was applied two models, i.e., MLR and ANN with terrain derivatives as the independent variables.
Findings: The results showed significant differences using Duncan’s test in where TS position had the higher mean value of SOC (25.90 g kg−1) compared to SH (5.00 g kg−1) and BS (12.70 g kg−1) positions. The present study also revealed which SOC was more correlated with TWIMFD (Multiple-Flow-Direction) and TWIBFD (Biflow-Direction) than TWISFD (Single Flow Direction). The MLR and ANN models were validated by additional samples (25 points) that can be explain 65% and 76% of the total variability of SOC, respectively, in the study area.
Conclusion: These results indicated that the use of terrain derivatives is a beneficial method for SOC estimation. In general, an accurate understanding of TWIMFD is needed to better estimate SOC to evaluate soil and ecosystem related effects on global warming of as this hilly region at a larger scale in a future study.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)
Objectives: Despite the benefits of antibiotics, their residues in foodstuffs prepared for human consumption could be cancerous and mutagenic and cause allergic reactions with toxic side effects, disorders in intestinal wall, adverse effects on microbial intestinal flora, and the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the residual antibiotics in liver and muscle tissues of poultry samples using the four-plate test (FPT) method in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province.
Materials & Methods: A total of 6406 samples were randomly collected from liver and muscle tissues of 3203 poultry samples from June 2016 to March 2017. Antibiotic residues were detected in liver and muscle samples using the four-plate test (FPT) method.
Findings: During a two-year study period, from a total of 6406 samples collected, 3203 (50%) samples were collected from liver tissues, and 3203 (50) samples were collected from muscle tissues of poultry samples, respectively. Among the liver and muscle samples, 12 (384/3203) and 6.4% (206/3203) were positive for the presence of antibiotic residues, respectively. According to the seasonal distribution of muscle samples, the highest rate of antibiotic residues was detected in the autumn with 3 % (95/3203), while the lowest rate was observed in the winter with 0.25% (8/3203) for both bacteria under study (Bacillus subtilis and Micrococcus luteus). According to the seasonal distribution of liver samples, the highest rate of antibiotic residues was detected in the autumn with 5% (159/3203), while the lowest rate was observed in the spring with 1.1% (35/3203).
Conclusion: In conclusion, a large number of liver tissues collected from poultry samples were contaminated with antibiotic residues, especially at pH=6 and in the autumn season. Therefore, it is recommended to implement appropriate strategies for managing and controlling the use of antibacterial agents in the veterinary industry. Also, it is necessary to monitor the withdrawal time of antibiotics and screen the maximum residue limits (MRLs) in poultry products including liver, egg, and meat.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)
According to great number of experts, having a distinct positioning regarding other competitors in one or more cases, are Critical factors of industrial success. These CSFs can create a golden and exceptional opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, main goal of this study is to identify and prioritize CSFs in lubricants industry of Iran. Research method is practical use and as data collecting method is descriptive – survey. Interviews and questionnaires used to collect data in research population which is Iran lubricants industry experts. In this study, Thompson and Strickland models has been used to identify these factors. This model define critical success factors in seven different dimension and sets indicators for each one. Based on those factors and network analysis process a questionnaire has been prepared and has been placed at the disposal of industry experts. Obtained data were analyzed by using "super decision" software and five factors of " experience in product innovation", "technical knowledge", "production quality", "access to raw materials and additives", "access to skilled labor" were identified as critical success factors in this industry. Therefore successful companies in this field can gain the competitive advantages investing on these factors.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aims: The environment surrounding human includes physical, social, and psychological factors, each of which plays an important role in health status of human. The studies have shown that several psychological factors may play role in occupational burnout among the nurses. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between psychological capital and occupational burnout in nurses.
Instruments & Methods: The statistical population of the present descriptive correlational study comprised of employed nurses in hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, who were totally 4,000 participants selected based on the Cochran’s formula for sample size as 351 respondents, using stratified random sampling method in 2015-2016. The research tools included Luthans et al.’s psychological capital questionnaire and Maslach burnout inventory. The data analysis was performed, using statistical SPSS 19 software by stepwise regression, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and ANOVA test.
Findings: There was an inverse significant correlation among psychological capital (r=-0.179; p<0.05) and resiliency (r=-0.318; p<0.05) with occupational burnout, while self-efficacy, hope, positive attitude- optimism were not significantly related to occupational burnout. Accordingly, at the first step, resiliency interprets 10.1% of variance of occupational burnout (p<0.01). Therefore, regression can be extended to statistical population. Beta coefficient reduced occupational burnout up to 0.318 units against 1 unit increase in resiliency (p=0.001).
Conclusion: There is an inverse correlation between psychological capital and occupational burnout in nurses. However, there is no correlation between self-efficacy, hope, positive attitude-optimism of psychological capital with occupational burnout.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aims: The psychological capital is one of the important indicators of positive psychology and it has positive outcomes for students. The present research aimed at studying the status of psychological capital of students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences and its related factors.
Instruments and Methods: The present descriptive-analytical cross sectional research was conducted among 384 students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in 2016. The samples were selected by simple random sampling method. Luthans et al.’s psychological capital questionnaire was employed for the data collection and data analysis was performed, using SPSS 22 software by descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test).
Findings: A total of 150 participants (39.2%) were male and 233 (60.8%) were female; 351 participants (91.6%) were single and 32 (8.4%) were married. The mean score of the psychological capital of students was 89.09±9.98. Minimum and maximum means were measured for Optimism and Self-efficacy. There was a significant relationship between sex, field of study, academic degree, and faculty place with psychological capital (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Factors such as sex, field of study, academic degree, and faculty place are effective in the psychological capital of students.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)
In recent years, air separation using membranes has received much attention as a cost-effective technology for producing relatively pure streams of nitrogen and oxygen. The results of studies show that the design and fabrication of new polymers with the desired structure for the industrialization of polymer membrane technology in the field of oxygen separation from nitrogen is considered very important. The results obtained from various research works show that polymer membranes made on the basis of aromatic polyimides and PIMs due to high selectivity, suitable mechanical, thermal and chemical properties and also benefiting from different structures due to polymer substitutions are a suitable option for separation of oxygen and nitrogen. Moreover, the membrane modification process can greatly increase the mechanical, chemical and selectivity of the membranes and be an effective way to improve the separation of oxygen from nitrogen. The results indicate that the fabrication of blended membranes has increased the selectivity and permeability of the membranes, and the creation of transverse connections in most cases has increased the selectivity of the membranes. Meanwhile, carbon molecular sieve membranes that are made by thermal decomposition of the polymeric raw material under controlled temperature and pressure conditions due to their properties such as high selectivity and permeability, stability in corrosive environments and applicability at high temperatures are suitable options for separation of oxygen and nitrogen. Also, carefully in the results obtained from various research works, it can be seen that the use of driving force and magnetic particles in the polymer simultaneously improves the permeability and selectivity of membranes. As it is predicted, this method is one of the efficient methods in improving the performance of polymer membranes in the field of oxygen and nitrogen separation.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (No.3- 2014)
“Globalisation” is one of the most influential philosophical thoughts with direct effects on the economic, political and cultural entities of countries in the modern era. Most scholars relate the emergence of this phenomenon to the period after Renascence. However, with little contemplation, one could trace the roots and origins of philosophical thoughts and mythical concepts – of course not in their present form – to ancient civilisations. Doubtless, Sasanian empire (224-651 CE), with 427 years of glory in the world,s political arena, can be considered as one of the greatest and most powerful cultural foregrounds of ancient era that was managed by the direct instructions of Zoroastrian philosophers. The founder of this empire (ArdašīrPāpakān: 224-241 CE), in response to the question that why have you risen against your reigning king (Ardavan V Ashkani), clamed: “To make a world with a single-God”.
Now, the question is. Can “Ardašīr’s efforts in establishment of a world under governance of a single God” be counted as the first efforts toward unification of the world and the initial steps in globalisation? – efforts that were accompanied by practices and widespread endeavours. The principal hypothesis is that the thoughts of globalisation were nurtured in the thoughts of Zoroastrians’ eminent Mōbads and practiced by the founder of Sasanians Empire. The main aim of the present research is to investigate the first veinsofglobalisation notions and the associated practical measures of Sasanian kings. In doing so, all of the Sasanian historical and archaeological evidences that certify the research hypothesis are envisaged and discussed in the context of globalisation and cosmopolitanism thoughts. The cosmopolitanism idea, with roots in the ancient world, is also used to associate the today’s globalisation concepts with the ancient ones. These concepts together with archaeological and historical evidences are clear indications that globalisation and cosmopolitanism thoughts have been introduced 1800 years ago in Iran; and indeed practiced on the relevant scale by Sasanians.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Horizontal development of the cities has resulted in much destruction environmentally and economically. Two of the major consequences of such destruction is imbalanced development and inappropriate application of lands in the cities that are referred brownfield in this article. Brownfield in the urban planning jargon, a brownfield site (or simply a brownfield), is a type of land formerly used for industrial purposes or some commercial applications. The brownfield concept was first introduced by the British government and was used in accordance with the sustainable development policies which is mostly focused on the environmentally polluted lands. In the last two decades, redevelopment policies of brownfield as a crucial practical solution for preventing disperse growth of cities and also supporting the concentrated growth of cities have been attracted more attention. The main features of the brownfields are: -1 Pollution: each land in which an environmental complication has the occurrence probability. -2 Empty and leaved without using and in general lands and properties that their activities have been closed or not been used anymore. Of course, some of the terms that must be separated from the brownfield areas are: greenfields and grayfields.
Greenfields are those lands that previously has not been developed and often are rural or suburban. These green sites are located in the edge of small or large cities and have better accessibility and more palatability with additional space for future development.
The term grayfield, was defined in 1998 by new urbanism congress. Unlike the famous terms of greenfields (the rural undeveloped) and brownfields (polluted urban sites), the gray lands are called to the large undeveloped sites that have good reasons for redevelopment. The term of grayfield can be used to describe any kind of redevelopment that significantly is not polluted. But regarding the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development and realization their policies, it is essential to eliminate or reduce the environmental pollutions purposefully to achieve the redevelopment of brownfields.
For the sake of importance and novelty of the subject, redevelopment of Brownfield with the objective of efficient applications of lands in cities and reducing the environmental pollution and also improving the social-economical context of these fields is the subject of this article. Brownfield of Kan stream in Tehran was selected as the case study. The field was selected as it is one of the few major barren Brownfield in Tehran. They are not only in the leaved brownfields but also regarding the river-valley nature, the fields has specific ecological and tourism features. Unfortunately, due to lack of planning and management, these brownfields have been converted to the locations of rubbish depot and uncontrolled polluted waters and therefore infected with the environmental pollution. The methodology of this article is descriptiveanalytical using library studies. After studying the theoretical framework, defining features of brownfield, literature review, objectives and the importance and of these fields, the redevelopment process of Kan stream Brownfield are presented. Finally, the conclusion and analysis of the actions are conducted in redevelopment of brownfield with social, economical and tourism approach.
After comprehensive studies, in order to determine the kind of landuses in Kan brownfields, establishing a national and even an international performance scale park is designated as the planning vision. In this context, the objectives of the redevelopment planning process Kan brownfield included:
creating a touristic space to enhance the region›s tourism identity, planning with emphasis on providing recreational services for all social classes, such as children, elderly people and women and people with disabilities (all divisions with regard to sex, age and physical aspects), strengthening of the relationship between people and nature and to replacing normal social activities and improvement environmental conditions; Developing ecotourism in urban environment regarding and it s benefits beyond natural landscapes, enhancing green space for per capita in Tehran city and attainment to the standard limits for
environment qualities by using marginal lands and rivers sanctums.steel plates. In addition these bars are pre- tensioned by means of cable passing through them in order to behave properly to the applied forces.
The way that the bars are moved through the retraction process and the function of the building effects on the selection of the covering materials. In this structure, as the distance between the bars is changed during the deployment process it is required to use a flexible but strong material that can resist repeated retraction. Therefore, a flexible membrane that is strong enough during movement and has a proper foldability such as ETFE is one of the best alternatives for covering the roof. ETFE is also able to penetrate enough light inside of the building when the roof is in fully closed position and this in turn reduce the energy required for running the building.
The membrane is also attached to the bars though the slots that have already been created during fabrication and is fasted by means of pinned curve plate. This is also worth to mention that in this structure, the placement of the moveable components underneath the covering material support the whole structure even in severe weather conditions. Therefore, this increase the life cycle of the system and decrease the maintenance cost.
In summary, this paper proposes a new solution for a retractable curved roof system that can not only be transformed from an open to closed configuration but is also able to support itself structurally even during movement and transformation. In other word, the structural and transformable components are integrated and are able to make the whole structure stable during transformation.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Citrus swallow tail butterfly, Papilio demoleus L. is a pest of citrus in many parts of the world. We examined the effect of four different citrus hosts including Citrus sinensis (L.) (Tarocco and Valencia) Citrus limon (L.) (Eureka), and Citrus paradisi Macfad. (Shambarg) on its life table parameters and biological characteristics at 24 ± 1 °C, 75 ± 5% RH and a photoperiod of 16: 8 h (L: D). The developmental time of immature stages was longest onC. sinensis (Tarocco) (12.3 ± SE days).The intrinsic rate of natural increase was significantly affected by variouscitrus, being the highest on C. sinensis (Tarocco) (0.099 day-1) and lowest on C. sinensis (Valencia) (0.011 day-1).The highest and lowest finite rates of increase were observed onC. sinensis(Tarocco) 1.10 andC. sinensis(Valencia)1.01, respectively.The highest gross reproductive rate and the lowest mean generation time were observed on C. sinensis (Tarocco) and C. sinensis. (Valencia), respectively. The findings indicated that C. sinensis (Tarocco) appeared to be the most susceptible host to P. demoleus among the tested varieties. The results of this and similar studies in the future on other hosts may be considered as a basis for finding resistant host/hosts in monitoring this pest.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)
Aims: Today, scholars and researchers, while collecting and applying traditional methods, are an attempt to consolidate the indigenous and scientific approaches into a superior body. This study was performed to apply a consolidated approach for the assessment of harvesting medicinal plant Ferula assa-foetida in Tangsorkh Rangelands, Boyer-Ahmad county, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In the descriptive study, a number of interviews were held with the local stakeholders along with a literature review to solicit information on the possible set of indicators determining different aspects of harvesting F. assa-foetida. The main method applied was the exploitation of indigenous knowledge based on a participatory-exploratory research method. For this purpose, the researcher traveled to the area during the harvesting season in the spring and summer 2015, to accompany the beneficiaries of F. assa-foetida in the Tangsorkh rangelands. During the interviews and direct observations, questions were asked to explore the factors affecting the utilization of F. assa-foetida and the results were qualitatively analyzed.
Findings: Indigenous and scientific knowledge shared similarities in terms of cutting intervals, plant viability and cutting age, yet differing in cutting method and frequency. The consolidated approach of Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge suggested that conventional method, one and two-sided cuttings, four-day intervals, 20 cuttings per year and a plant age of 5-10 years as the suitable harvesting principles.
Conclusion: There are evident differences between the indigenous and scientific knowledge of harvesting F. assa-foetida, with Dominated convergence. It appears that scientific knowledge has been considerably concerned with plant viability to achieve a sustainable level of production.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2020)
Background: Many parasitic diseases cause parasitic complications in humans, in addition to causing significant damage to the livestock industry. This study intended to determine the prevalence pattern of some parasitic infections observed in livestock slaughtered in Kermanshah province.
Methods: Data were obtained through the examination of livestock carcasses in Kermanshah province during 2013-2017 (4367 cows, 29809 sheep, and 8995 goats) and further evaluated descriptively-analytically.
Findings: The highest prevalence rate of a parasitic disease referred to as hepatic hydatid was observed in cows with 166 cases (3.8%), followed by goats with 116 cases (1.28%), and sheep with 320 cases (1.07%), while the highest prevalence rate of Hydatid cyst was observed in cows with 252 cases (5.77%), followed by goats with 304 cases (3.37%), and sheep with 708 cases (2.37%), respectively. Fasciola infection was recognized in 115 cases of cows (2.63%), followed by 37 cases (0.41%) of goats, and 73 cases (0.24%) of sheep, and the disparity between the rates was deemed significant. In terms of the prevalence rate of Dicrocoelium infection, a considerable disparity was observed between cows with 85 cases (1.94%) and sheep with 464 cases (1.55%), while 247 cases (2.74%) were recognized in goats.
Conclusion: Moreover, a significant disparity was observed in the seasonal prevalence of infections between different livestock breeds. Ultimately, the results of this study provided essential information for the implementation of developmental and prevention programs in the monitored area.
Volume 6, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 26), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Many linguists have studied argument structure and argument realization in causative/inchoative alternations within the framework of lexicalist approaches. In the present paper, we will study, criticize and compare various derivatives of lexicalist approaches. Subsequently, we will test the main hypothesis underlying the mentioned accounts. In these accounts it is assumed that the verb’s lexical semantic features determine its argument structure and alternation. In this paper, based on Persian data, we will show that verb’s lexical semantics plays an important role in determination of its alternation, but the verb’s participation in causative alternation cannot be attributed sole to the verb’s semantic content. Overall, the findings of this survey cast doubt on the results of previous researches and show that other factors which transcend the verb’s lexical features determine its argument structure and its participation in causative alternation. With this regard, the other aim of this paper is to specify the factors affecting Persian verbs’ participation in causative alternation. Amongst these factors one can point to contextual factors such as semantic features of verb’s arguments and non-arguments alongside encyclopedic factors which coalesce at the level of logical form of the utterance.
Volume 6, Issue 6 (No.6 (Tome 27), Special Issue, (Articles in Persian) 2015)
The Present research is a semantic attempt to the semantic exploration of Persian non- compound verbs and their formal-sematic equivalent compound verbs with the aim of showing which kind(s) of synonymy there are between these equivalents. In this study, first, the author’s point of view about Persian compound and non-compound verbs are explained and then, after mentioning different methods of making compound verbs out of non-compound verbs in Persian, different kinds of synonymy from semanticists’ point of view have been introduced and explained. After a short discussion about different kinds of synonymy, through using examples, we try to argue which kinds of synonymy there are between discussed equivalents. To reach this goal, 363 non-compound verbs which have formal-semantic equivalent compound verbs have been collected from Sokhan 8-vol. Persian dictionary. The corpus has been attached to the article as an appendix. The results of the investigations have shown that absolute synonymy and implied synonymy do not exist between these equivalents, but other kinds of synonymy; namely near synonymy, analytical synonymy, descriptive synonymy, partial synonymy, propositional synonymy do exist between the studied equivalents.
Volume 6, Issue 23 (12-2018)
Folk tales reflect the cultural identity of each nation and show the dominant ideology and context of that society. By adopting a semiotic research methodology to the analysis of literary discourse, the current study seeks to explore underlying structure of this tale taking into consideration discursive elements such as action and to become. Mutual interaction of these semiotic elements crystalized between prince and foal is considered a core element of ongoing changes in narrative chain. In this discursive regime, action feeds to become and meaning is achievable through the interrelation of sensation and perception. In addition, in this research, the authors have been explained different stages of promoting the material and spiritual capacity of the horse as an instinctive and material creature to the mythical and celestial actor namely the horse’s transcendence mechanism.
Tahere karimi, Zolfaghaar Mehmandoosti,
Volume 6, Issue 24 (Winter 2013)
Many of our fundamental concepts such as time, quantity, state, change, act, cause, purpose, way of doing, modality, and even concepts of categories understood through metaphoric concepts. To show his theosophical world, mevlana mostly used metaphoric concepts. Feeding is one of the most commonly used concept in Divan e-Shams for showing all the materialistic and spiritual realms and other family words helped the poet to reflect these concepts. Life of Sofia and attention to reduce feeding, esurience, fasting and avoiding businesses and valuing the trust theory caused unconscious adoption of such metaphor for mevlana. Accordingly, the eight categories of beauty, wisdom, mystery, citation, hearing(samaa’), joy, love and light as a feed can be explained. In this paper, using the metaphor of contemporary cognitive theory to explain this metaphor will be discussed. Finally, it is clear that the notion of "Feed mysticism" the fundamental proposition of text feed a metaphorical thinking that he has released over the Divan-e Shams.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: Floristic survey of an area is a useful tool for identifying the biodiversity, particularly endemic, resistant, and endangered species. In the current study, plant species were classified to describe the flora of Galehdar watershed in Southern Fars Province.
Materials & Methods: The environmental data including climate, geology, and topography characteristics were obtained from Iran Meteorological Organization (IMO), Geological Survey & Mineral Explorations of Iran (GSI), and National Cartographic Center (NCC), respectively. The specimens of the study area were collected, identified, and classified according to Raunkiaer's method and life-form class.
Findings: The flora of study area includes 164 species belonging to 129 genera and 55 families, which most frequent species belong to Asteraceae (25 species), Papilionaceae (21 species), and Poaceae (11 species).
Conclusion: The chorological studies indicated that 57.9%, 12.8%, and 29.3% of species belong to Irano-Turanian, Sahara-Seindian, and Irano-Turanian, Sahara-Seindian zone, respectively.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
Background: Calf scours (diarrhea) in unweaned calves play a major role in economic losses of animal farming industry worldwide. The present study was conducted to investigate and interpret the presence of BRV, BVDV, and Escherichia coli K99 by molecular and serological approaches simultaneously.
Materials & Methods: A total of 73 E. coli-negative diarrheic fecal samples were collected from one-week to less than one-month-old calves of Holstein dairy cattle herds of some provinces of Iran during autumn and winter. The samples were directed to antigen detection by ELISA (Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay), RNA extraction by semi-manual approach, and cDNA synthesis for PCR amplification.
Findings: Out of 73 calves’ diarrheic fecal samples, 28 (38.3%) and 1 (1.36%) were positive for BRV and BVDR by ELISA, respectively. However, 31 (42.4%) samples were positive for BRV and non for BVDV by RT-PCR. The Kappa coefficient showed significant differences in BRV and BVDR detection between ELISA and RT-PCR methods. The distribution of the BRV-positive samples among bovine diarrheic calves was 80, 52.6, and 50% in Eslamshahr, Qazvin, and Hamedan, respectively.
Conclusion: ELISA and RT-PCR indicated high prevalence rate of BRV in autumn and winter, respectively. The present study results showed that positive cases detected by RT-PCR were more than those detected by ELISA. Further studies are needed to achieve a comprehensive preventive and therapeutic strategy to address diarrhea bovine pathogens.