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Volume 23, Issue 3 (5-2021)

Strawberry Anthracnose Fruit Rot (AFR) is one of the main limiting factors for strawberry production industry worldwide including Iran. Due to the restrictions associated with fungicides application across strawberry fields, their adverse effects on environment and the possible fungicides resistance development among fungal strains of the pathogen, the use of resistant cultivars is considered the most effective method for the management of this disease. In this study, reactions of 25 commercial strawberry cultivars were evaluated against the fungus Colletotrichum nymphaeae, causing strawberry AFR using fruit, leaf, and crown-based assays. According to the results of this study, the strawberry cultivars showed different reactions to the disease depending on the inoculation of their leaf, fruit, and crown with C. nymphaeae PET1 under in vivo and greenhouse conditions. However, fruit-based assay was a better indicator of AFR disease susceptibility due to nature of AFR disease caused by C. nymphaeae. Overall, ‘Blakemore’ and ‘Kurdistan’ cultivars were significantly more resistant compared with others, except ‘Aliso’, ‘Mrak’, ‘Diamant’, ‘Yallova’, ‘New Kurdistan’, ‘Mac Donance’ and ‘Ten Beauty’, respectively. On the contrary, ‘Gaviota’ cultivar was significantly the most susceptible than the rest, except ‘Camarosa’. The common commercial cultivars grown in Iran including ‘Camarosa’, ‘Paros’, ‘Pajaro’, and ‘Queen Eliza’ were categorized on the list of susceptible and highly susceptible cultivars in this study. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating the reaction of some commercial strawberry cultivars against C. nymphaeae causing strawberry AFR.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2023)

Regarding the dependence of ductility response in structural components on their ability to keep stability after yielding of the material, in this paper, the influence of change in tangential modulus of work-hardening part of stress-strain response, was observed on the load carrying capacity and plastic buckling response of stainless-steel tubular columns. To keep cost-effectivity in the research, the objective of the study was followed by FE modeling, which was verified by simulation of plastic buckling in an experimental specimen with D/t=60, made of duplex stainless-steel. For all components of the models, S4R elements were used and both material and geometrical nonlinearity were included in the models. To conduct deformation of the columns according to the experimental observations, an initial imperfection equal to t/100 to combination of first three mode shapes of the columns was imported. The material stress-strain response after yield point was determined for the model by a multilinear curve according to the tensile stress-strain curve, obtained experimentally. The main parameters for comparison of the FE model and experimental observation were force-displacement curves. The FE study was extended by modeling of stainless-steel columns with various D/t ratios in range of D/t=30-120. Two main parameters comprised of energy absorption capacity and deformation of the column related to yield of the section and collapse threshold (e/g) were compared to the columns with various D/t ratios.
According to force-deformation curves, by decrease of D/t ratio, the energy absorption capacity increased considerably for the columns, for example the energy absorption capacity and e/g ratio increased by 12% and 12%, respectively for comparison of the columns with D/t=60 and D/t=30, however, e/g ratio for the columns of D/t=120 and 100 were less than two, categorized as a force-controlled column. Two models with D/t=30, 60 were selected to follow the objective of the study. The work-hardening response of the material was approximated by two linear segments, the first by a tangential modulus equal to E=7.9 GPa and the second was by the tangential modulus equal to E=2.4 GPa. The influence of change in tangential modulus through a range between 0-200% was observed on the structural parameters related to ductility, comprised of energy absorption capacity up to collapse threshold and deformation of column at the collapse threshold. The results showed different reaction of the columns with different D/t ratios, increase of tangential modulus at the first work-hardening part was more significant than increase of the influence by the later part of the work-hardening response for the column of D/t=60, however an inverse effect was observed for the column of D/t=30, i.e. the influence of tangential modulus at the later part was more significant for this column. By doubling the tangential modulus of earlier part of the work-hardening response, the energy absorption capacity and e/g ratio for the column of D/t=60 increased by 26% and 46%, respectively. By doubling the tangential modulus of later part of work-hardening response, the energy absorption capacity and e/g ratio for the column of D/t=30 increased by 111% and 71%, respectively. The results showed significant parts of work-hardening response of duplex stainless-steel, to be exploited for development of ductility in the tubular columns.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (March 2023)

The purpose of this research is to investigate the hot working behavior of the cobalt-nickel base superalloy with the chemical composition of Co-22.8Ni-3.4Al-8Cr-17.1W-1.5Ti-2.8Ta-1.5Nb-1.5Mo-0.06C-0.02B (%wt) by performing compression test, providing the constitutive equation and deformation procssing map and determining the safe and unsafe regions of deformation. In this regard, the hot compression test was performed in the temperature range of 1050-1200 degrees Celsius, with a step of 50 degrees Celsius and strain rates of 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001/s up to a strain of 0.7. The evaluation of the constitutive equations governing the hot deformation process of the superalloy showed that the presented model based on the hyperbolic sine equation predicts the experimental results with acceptable accuracy. Using the mentioned equation, the hot deformation activation energy of the investigated alloy in the present study was obtained as 497 kJ/mol. Based on the process in map drawn for the investigated alloy in the present study, at a strain of 0.4, an instability region was observed at a temperature of 1050 degrees Celsius and a strain rate of 0.01 1/s. the extent and intensity of instability region decreased with the increase in deformation temperature. According to the results of the processing map and the constitutive equations, the optimal conditions of deformation of the investigated alloy are in the temperature range of 1150  to 1200  and the strain rate of 0.1 1/s and the temperature range of 1100  to   1200 and the strain rate of 0.1 to 0.001 the peak efficiency of  45% energy consumption.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)

The global banking industry, driven by new technologies and changing customer behavior, has undergone major changes unprecedentedly all over its history. As banks contend with innovation challenges in their processes, fintech companies benefiting from digital capabilities, deliver innovative and customer-centric services. In the business world, the collaboration between these two institutions has taken many forms. This has also attracted the attention of the academic community, and several papers have been written in this field. The purpose of this article is to review these articles, and its main question is: What has the scientific literature contribute toward bank-fintech collaboration? To answer this question, a systematic literature review, based on PRISMA Checklist, has been utilized and various specific areas have been examined to understand the necessity, evolution, challenges, drivers, benefits, barriers, and types of bank-fintech collaboration in the scientific articles. The most significant achievements of the articles are discussed in the paper; furthermore, different types of bank-fintech collaboration in the scientific literature are listed, and a bank-fintech collaboration algorithm is presented. Ultimately, the gaps in the literature and suggestions for future research are expressed.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (winter 2023)

During the last two decades, with the increase in international exchange of goods and services, environmental problems, including climate change and global pollution, have increased significantly. The global effort to reduce environmental problems has put the importance of production and international trade of environmental goods on the agenda of many developed and developing countries.
Institutional restrictions influence trade and export of these goods. These restrictions include environmental regulations, quality of regulations and rule of law. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of this category of institutional restrictions on the export of pollution management goods in developing countries in the framework of the gravity model. In this article, the environmental goods under study include those goods, which are produced or consumed by industry in order to reduce and manage air and water pollution. The econometric model is estimated by panel data for period 1996-2021 and a sample of 131 developing countries, and 196 export destinations using the fixed effects method.
Results and discussion:
The results show that the institutional limitation from the perspective of strict environmental regulations and the quality of the institutional environment of the countries of origin has an effect on the export of environmental goods that manage pollution. This result is also true from the point of view of strict environmental regulations of export destinations. Therefore, in addition to the traditional factors affecting international trade, institutional restrictions are strong drivers of the export of pollution management goods in developing countries and their export destinations.
Therefore, policies based on institutional restrictions from the perspective of strict environmental regulations in developing and destination countries help the export flow of environmental goods that manage pollution and lay the foundation for the participation of developing countries in the global and regional value chain of environmental goods.

Volume 23, Issue 8 (August 2023)

In the present research, classic micromechanical methods and their application as constitutive models in conjugation with incremental theory were developed. Using the modified Eshelby model, the Eigen strain concept in polymeric composite, and a modified form of self-consistent model the elastic properties of nanocomposites were predicted. Also, the stress-strain behavior of elastomer nanocomposites was calculated and validated by the experimentally determined ones. The results showed that the new model can predict the stress-strain behavior of elastomer nanocomposite at different particle volume fractions.

Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)

Optimizing energy consumption in industrial robots can reduce operating costs, improve performance, and extend the life of the robot during manufacturing. In recent years, with the progress of science and technology, new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, etc. have continuously emerged, and in particular, cloud computing technology has been used in robot research that improves the real-time performance of the designed robot. It can also provide high energy efficiency, low cost, etc. One of the most important aspects of this technology is its use in continuous monitoring of robots' performance, which can guarantee its optimal performance. In this research, first, an overview of the methods of reducing energy consumption is presented, and then the effectiveness of using edge computing technology in reducing energy is analyzed. For this purpose, the use of algorithms to optimize the performance of the robot, including its trajectory and working times, is controlled by the edge. The results of the simulations show that the energy consumption can be significantly reduced by using edge technology.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (spring 2024)

Extensive and efficient infrastructure is critical for ensuring the effective functioning of the economy. Investing in public infrastructure represents an essential investment in economic development and standard of living of city residents. Therefore, it is necessary to find new methods of financing in providing services and developing urban infrastructure in metropolises and increasing the welfare of urban society. However, the current approach to revenue mobilization for cities is unlikely to meet the substantial financing needs. Instead, there is a need for a metropolitan public financing strategy that is integrated into national urban development plans and matches national development objectives. In the literature related to city finance, despite the importance of providing suitable urban infrastructures, the discussion about how to fund them, especially in Iran, is rarely done. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to provide a suitable model for providing financial sources for public infrastructure in metropolitan cities with an emphasis on Isfahan metropolis.
In this research, a mathematical model for calculating the urbanization tax has been introduced, in which the cost recovery coefficients are related to the optimal size of the cities. Therefore, an equilibrium model is constructed based on cost-benefit analyses and applied to nine Iranian cities with population more than one million people. The panel data regression analysis was performed on a fourteen-year period (2006-2020) using the Transcendental Logarithmic (Translog) function. The obtained results are placed in the basic mathematical model. It should be noted that Excel2016 and Stata12 software were used to estimate the model and analyze the results.
The results of estimating the regression models related to determining the optimal size of the cities indicate that all the metropolises have exceeded their optimal size. Among the nine metropolitan cities studied, Kermanshah, Karaj and Qom have the largest excess population. Isfahan and Ahvaz have the lowest excess population. The results of calculating the urbanization tax for Isfahan Municipality indicate that the recovery of public infrastructure depreciation costs in the first year can generate more income than the income from property tax for Isfahan metropolis.
Discussion and Conclusion
Providing infrastructure and public services by municipalities for the urban population, especially in metropolises, is a very difficult task and requires access to capital facilities. However, the way to collect these funds and how to provide the infrastructure budget has been less attention. In order to provide public services and urban infrastructure, municipalities should collect the costs related to a certain infrastructure as much as possible from the individuals, companies, localities and groups that benefit from it.
Therefore, in this study, all the urban infrastructures of Isfahan metropolis are divided into three categories based on the benefits they create. The first category is infrastructures whose benefits are assigned to certain individuals and groups. The second category is infrastructures whose benefits are mostly limited to one place or a specific area within the city. The last category also includes those services and infrastructures whose benefits are allocated to the entire city and its residents.
The results show that about 38% of infrastructure costs in Isfahan metropolis are related to the third category. Considering the allocation of these infrastructures to all residents, their cost can be collected through the urbanization tax and according to the optimal size of the cities. The results related to the city size model show that the population of all Iranian metropolises has exceeded its optimal size, so it is suggested to continue receiving infrastructure costs until full recovery.
The results of this research emphasize that although the urban costs have decreased with the increase in population, the urban benefits have decreased more, and in general, diseconomies of scale have been created. However, people will not necessarily involve these diseconomies of scale that they bring to the city in their decisions related to work and migration. Therefore, it is recommended to receive these costs from them.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)

Doubts and disagreements over the nature of the liability arising from delay in execution of monetary obligations have led to disagreements between the authors in accepting it. The extra contractual nature of this liability is similar to usury and interest, while its contractual nature is merely a requirement to fulfill a full obligation and does not contradict the public policy rules (such as the prohibition of usury and interest). Liability arising from delay in execution of monetary obligations is stipulated in article 522 of Iranian civil procedure Law and article 1231-6 of French civil Law (2016). Although both regulations express that, in cases of debtor delay to execution of monetary obligation, he is required to pay an additional amount of the original debt to creditor, but nature of liability arising from delay in execution of monetary obligations is different in Iranian and French law. Nature of this liability is matter of dispute in Iranian law, and correct opinion is that nature of liability arising from delay in execution of monetary obligations is contractual and the purpose of creating this responsibility by the legislature is to compensate for the devaluation of the money and obliges the debtor, in addition to the amount of the subject of the obligation, to compensate for its devaluation, in order to completely fulfill his obligation but in French Law, nature of this liability is extra contractual and the debtor which has delayed to execution of monetary obligation, irrespective of whether the value of the money has been reduced, is obliged to pay the excess amount of the original debt as a damages according to the legal rate. In addition to changing the annual price index, in Iranian Law, there are requirements for demand compensation of delay in execution of monetary obligations, Such as creditor's demand and debtor's possibility, on the other hand, in French law debtor's possibility is not necessary. In future amendments, the legislature should consider the contractual nature of this liability in Iranian law and determine the conditions accordingly.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (Winter 2020)

One of the important issues to be taken into account in investment agreements is to define the applicable law or resourcesgoverning the agreement. Upon defining the applicable law, based on the mutual agreement or through applying conflict resolution rules, it is possible for the parties to define the place of reference, interpretation, analysis, and inference of various topics. In the international agreements, such mutual agreements are binding and shall be applied by the
investigating authorityin analyzing and eventually granting the reward as for the disputes raisedout of the agreement. However, in the international commercial agreements, in particular, the investment cases, the arbitration authorities are hardly inclined to have exclusive use of the law or the defined resources. Actually, they commonly have direct or indirect useof other resources (non-defined resources)in different ways. The main subject of this article is the limits of arbitration authorities in referring the cases, using non-defined resources and the impact rate of such resources on the outcome of the agreement.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (7-2022)

Recent droughts have aroused extensive concerns on crop and food production in the world. Since agricultural sector is the leading water consumer in Iran and farmers are most vulnerable to drought, a correct understanding of farmers’ adaptation behavior towards drought can help policymakers develop proper drought-coping policies and strategies. The present study aimed to investigate farmers’ drought adaptation behavior and the effect of cultural biases on it among farmers in the Sistan Plain, Iran. A sample of 361 farmers was taken by the multi-stage randomization technique. The measurement instrument was a questionnaire whose face validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was estimated by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha in a pilot study. The results showed that the worldview of the farmers had a significant effect on their attitude, social norms, and perceived behavioral control. Also, behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control had a significant positive effect on the farmers’ drought adaptation behavior. It is concluded that farmers’ worldviews may be involved in the process of drought adaptation behavior and can influence their attitude, social norms, and perceived behavior control directly, and their intention and behavior indirectly.

Volume 24, Issue 6 (11-2022)

MicroRNAs are endogenous noncoding RNA that play vital roles in all plant cellular metabolic processes by mediating target gene expression. To date, miRNAs in Taraxacum spp., which is an important industrial plant, have remained largely unknown. In the present study, 970 miRNAs from 399 families were identified in Taraxacum spp by conducting computational approaches. The most frequent miRNAs in Taraxacum spp was miR5021. According to the KEGG results, miR5021, miR838, and miR1533 are related to the terpene biosynthesis pathway, while miR5015b, and miR1436 are involved in the starch and sucrose biosynthesis pathways. Quantitative real-time PCR assay was performed to validate the expression levels of five predicted miRNAs and 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase (HMGCR) and invertase as the target genes. Results indicated that the highest relative expression of miR1533 and miR1436 occurred in the flower, while the highest transcripts levels of miR5015b were observed in the stem. In addition, the higher relative expression level of the miR5021 and miR838 was consistent with the lower expression level of the HMGCR gene in all tissue, suggesting that miR5021 and miR838 are involved in regulating HMGCR gene expression. Since mevalonate pathway is the main source of isopentenyl pyrophosphate, which is used in the synthesis of rubber, miR5021 and miR838 play an important role in the production of rubber by regulating the expression of HMGCR enzyme. These findings will accelerate future perspective studies on the regulatory mechanisms of miRNAs in Taraxacum kok-saghyz.

Volume 25, Issue 3 (6-2018)

In- service professional development activities seem to be of much significance to teachers who face challenges in teaching or teaching related issues such assessment and curriculum development. Despite the rich literature review of teachers' professional development, in-service professional development needs of EFL teachers have not been assessed yet. The present study aimed at developing and validating an in-service professional development needs scale for EFL teachers. In doing so, a mixed research method was used.  In the qualitative phase, the professional development needs were explored through interviewing with 20 EFL teachers who were selected through purposive sampling. In the quantitative phase, the professional development scale was submitted to 220 teachers. Data were analyzed through running exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha. Results showed that extracted professional development needs were reduced to four main areas: a) teaching, communication skills and assessment, b) educational psychology and technology, c) material development, and d) language and meta-language skills. The findings can be used by language schools and educational centers to provide EFL teachers with the most urgent professional development needs.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (7-2018)

Teacher supervision has been one of the most researched, though debated, topics in education over the past several decades (Baily, 2009). Conducting a high quality supervision can be of substantial assistance in improving teachers’ instructional performance. This study was conducted to investigate the comparative effects of using three supervision techniques of data gathering including field note, audio-taping and video-taping on instructional performances of teachers and investigate the engaged parties’ (teachers’ and supervisors’) attitudes towards utilizing them in language teacher supervision. To this end, 12 novice teachers with less than one year of teaching experience and two experienced supervisors with 12 years of teaching and supervising experience participated in the study. The teachers were divided into three groups each supervised through one of the aforementioned techniques. The results revealed that video-taping technique of teacher supervision has the most significant effects on teachers’ instructional performance. Besides, teachers and supervisors have positive attitudes towards applying this technique for the data-gathering phase of supervision.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (5-2023)

One of the most important questions in the entrepreneurship literature is how entrepreneurial success can be explained. Despite extensive research on this question, the relationship between the satisfaction of psychological needs and entrepreneurial success has not been well understood, especially among rural entrepreneurs in developing countries. This study mainly aimed to examine the relationship between the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and entrepreneurial success and find out whether well-being and work engagement played mediating roles in this relationship. Data were collected from a sample of 110 rural entrepreneurs in Nahavand County, Iran. Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) in SmartPLS 3.0 statistical software was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs was not directly related to entrepreneurial success. However, this relationship was significantly mediated via well-being and work engagement. These findings highlighted well-being and work engagement as important pathways between the satisfaction of psychological needs and entrepreneurial success. The findings also provided important theoretical and practical implications for researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia, characterized by cognitive decline that is more pronounced than expected for age. While the exact mechanisms underlying MCI remain elusive, mounting evidence suggests that impaired mitophagy, a cellular process responsible for removing damaged mitochondria, may contribute to its development. Medicinal plants, rich in bioactive compounds, have shown promise in treating MCI. This review explores the potential of medicinal plants to ameliorate MCI by modulating mitophagy. We delve into the intricate interplay between mitophagy dysfunction and MCI, highlighting the pathways involved. Furthermore, we examine the reported effects of various medicinal plants on mitophagy, emphasizing their potential to restore mitochondrial homeostasis and protect cognitive function. Finally, we discuss future research directions and perspectives on the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants in MCI management.

Volume 27, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)

Cities as a political unit reflect the main lines of power and economic influence. With the same reason it can be argued that urban spaces are a source of power that consists of diverse physical, economic and social spatial layers. In other words, by recognizing and analyzing the existing patterns in the relationship between power and political organization in the city, urban space and planning, can provide the basis for the efficiency of spatial planning. Therefore, the present research, by studying five zone of the city of Urmia, has sought to analyze the physical-social arrangement of power in the cities by using the mentioned indicators.  The research is applied in nature and the method used is descriptive-analytical and the data are collected through library and field (refer to the departments) studies. In order to accomplish the goal, 15 indicators were selected from various factors, and standardized and analyzed through the geographic information system software. Then, in order to be able to analyze the spatial arrangement of power in the five regions of Urmia, the SECA model was implemented in Lingo software with the optimal value of 0.64 and β= 3. The obtained results show that the most power is in Panj, a residential zone of Urmia. In a way that the area consists of villas, commercial complexes, non-profit model schools, newly built buildings with resistant structures, residence of people with high social status such as doctors, capital owners, engineers, residential complexes.

Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2020)

The need for reviving historical textures has long been attracting a lot of attention and developed countries have tried to flourish their historical textures and precious historical sites and revived their past cultural identity. Reviving and maintaining precious historical textures is considered an important part of cultural configuration of a society and requires regular cultural activities and related trainings. District 12 is considered as one of the most valuable centers of historical monuments in Tehran because it is located in historical core of the city and includes cultural and historical centers such as Golestan palace, Abgine, stamp, national jewelry, coin, property and etc. but this texture has faced different challenges due to some of the problems like decaying, weak repairing and management as well as lack of proper culture training in reviving these areas. Present study defines three main steps for recognizing and reviving this structure. The first step focuses on identifying the main structure shaping historical cities and the role and location of residential neighborhood there. In the second step, values and the neighborhood texture pathology are discovered and citizens are informed about historical textures revival and required information about culturalization. The final step includes a precise and understandable perspective for the neighbors by using executives and likewise study about the knowledge of residents of the EmamzadehYahya neighborhood. In this regard, the residents are required to know their rights, know the duties and abilities the city management and their limitation in managing city affairs at different levels. Then they have to balance their expectations with duties and facilities of the urban management. Understanding these items appropriately, they can ask for their true rights and improvement of their neighborhood and city, ask the city management to meet their expectations and finally help in managing the city and neighborhood affairs.

Volume 27, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)

Background: Bronchiolitis is a common lower respiratory tract infection in infants. Apart from supportive care, no effective treatment for this disease has been identified so far. Accordingly, a double-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted on infants with a diagnosis of mild to moderate bronchiolitis. Material and Methods: Three clinical trial groups were designed, including Ventolin 0.15 mg/kg, Palmicort 125 mg twice a day, and normal saline nebulization every 4 hours. Clinical symptoms were monitored by asthma and allergy specialist daily, and the need for supplemental oxygen, recovery time from symptoms, and hospital days were recorded and compared between the three groups. Results: The results demonstrated that the frequency of oxygen requirement in both palmicort and normal saline groups was lower in compare to the ventolin group. But there was no significant difference between the three groups (P=0.765 and P=0.907, respectively). The duration of symptom improvement in the normal saline and palmicort group was significantly shorter than the Ventolin group (P=0.017). No significant difference was observed between the three groups of Ventolin, Pulmicort and normal saline during the treatment in terms of clinical score (P≥0.05). Conclusion: The obtained results showed that Ventolin or Palmicort nebulizer is not statistically better than normal saline for the treatment of children with bronchiolitis. Therefore, our results do not support the routine use of bronchodilators in the clinical setting for the management of mild to moderate forms of bronchiolitis in infants.

Volume 28, Issue 3 (7-2021)

This study, is a semantic attempt to find out if there is a significant difference in the linguistic representation of Iranian and British war literature in the Iran-Iraq war (known as The Imposed War (of Iraq against Iran)) and World War II. Authors chose these two wars for two reasons: 1. In both cases, the war was defensive for both countries, and 2. both wars lasted for almost the same period: The Imposed War lasted for 8 years, and World War II lasted for 6 years. Given the aforementioned similarities, we seek to compare the linguistic representation of ideologies that had governed in Iranian and English societies (i.e. Islamic ideology vs. liberal democracy and the monarchy). In this study, we ask if there is a significant difference in the linguistic representation of these two wars. We seek to 1. Describe the linguistic iconization of war based on the source domains of metaphors, and 2. Describe the ideological similarities and differences of war using linguistic representations. The views of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Gustav Jung have been used in the psychoanalytic analysis of these novels.

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