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Volume 21, Issue 3 (March 2021)

Arak is ranked 71st in the worldchr('39')s most polluted cities. Arakchr('39')s air is more polluted than the Iranian capital in terms of pollutants. The influx of large amounts of pollution into the city shows that a high percentage of pollution is concentrated in a small town, and this volume of pollution is very dangerous for both humans and the environment. In order to reduce air pollution in the city, the Iranian government in 2007 approved a plan called the comprehensive plan to reduce air pollution in Arak. In this comprehensive plan, the construction of a highway called Amirkabir (58 meters) has been approved, which connects the east and west of Arak. In this article, numerically and experimentally, the effect of constructing this highway on the reduction of air pollution in Arak city has been investigated. In the results section, the details of changes in air pollution in Arak city before and after the construction of this highway have been compared. The results show that a 2.75 percent decrease is observed for Nox pollutants, 4 percent decrease is observed for Co, and a change is obtained for So2. As a result, the implementation of this project at a very high cost will not have a significant impact on improving air pollution in the city of Arak.

Volume 21, Issue 5 (9-2019)

Meat products are highly perishable and require protection to maintain their quality. Bioedible films incorporated with essential oils have recently received attention due to their benefits as AntiMicrobial (AM) active packaging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physico-mechanical properties and antimicrobial activity of Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) film containing Peppermint Essential Oil (PEO) on shelf life and sensory quality of raw hamburger. The ISP film incorporated with PEO at 1, 2, and 3% (v/v) were prepared by solvent casting method. The results showed that the incorporation of PEO caused a significant decrease and an increase (P< 0.05) in tensile strength and elongation-at-break, respectively. Increment of thickness, Water Vapor Permeability (WVP), and decline in moisture content was recorded as the amount of oil increased (P< 0.05). In addition, Lightness/darkness (L*), Whiteness Index (WI), and redness/greenness (a*), and yellowness/blueness (b*) increased, while the total color difference (ΔE) decreased by adding PEO. PEO-incorporated film (at 3% v/v) exhibited higher inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and lower for Salmonella enterica using disc diffusion method. Microbial analysis and pH measurement of raw hamburger covered with ISP-PEO film showed no inhibitory effect against test bacteria when applied on raw hamburger, whereas the inhibited total bacterial growth exceeded the acceptable limit until the end of refrigerated storage. This film was able to prolong the shelf life of hamburger for up to 7 days. Therefore, this new antibacterial film has considerable potential to be used as meat packaging material.

Volume 21, Issue 84 (4-2024)

In this research, we try to study and compare the mythical structure of Ebrahim Adham's story with an analytical-comparative method and with a mythological approach based on Vogler's travel pattern, and show the similarity of mystical memoirs with the author's travel pattern. The result of this study shows that the story of Ebrahim Adham is completely consistent with the stages of Vogler's model. After three stages of invitation, Ebrahim Adham enters the realm of wonders and after the stage of purification and cultivation in the womb of the cave, he experiences a rebirth. As a result of enduring difficult trials, he renews his life and returns to the heart of society in the stage of returning with the elixir of spirituality.

Volume 21, Issue 147 (May 2024)

The increase in the production and consumption of grapes in the world has increased the need for research in the field of creating conditions for further preservation of this fruit, and the lack of sensors that can provide accurate information from the production and storage process to control systems for decision-making is obvious and evident. Therefore, this study aimed to determine some characteristics of grape fruit (taste index, pH, firmness, ion leakage, ∆E, number of mold and general acceptance) stored in cold storage in the range of storage time from 0 to 60 days was measured and according to the importance Achieving these characteristics during fruit storage, a model using fuzzy logic was created as an expert system with accuracy (with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.96) and very high speed capable of predicting and determining these product characteristics only by using It was time to save it. This system was able to obtain the value of each of these studied characteristics at any desired storage time in the range of 0 to 60 days with very high accuracy and in a fraction of a second. On the other hand, it was found that with increasing storage time, the amount of taste index, pH, number of molds, ∆E and ionic leakage of the samples increased, but the degree of hardness and overall acceptance decreased.

Volume 21, Issue 149 (July 2024)

The purpose of this research is to investigate the physicochemical properties and mineral substances of sugar. In this plan, the effect of exploitation time in the form of months (October, November, December and January) and days (1, 10, 20 and 30) of exploitation of each month on the characteristics of sugar such as solution color, pH, Brix and ash content It was analyzed with analysis of variance test using spss 26 software. The results showed that the color of the solution, Brix, sugar percentage and ash content were significant (p<0.05). The results of the analysis of the technological quality of beet pulp selected from 8 different regions by Betalyzer showed that the results of the three elements sodium, potassium and nitrogen show that the sugar beets of region H have the lowest amount of the mentioned elements and the sugar beet of region B has the highest amount of elements in They had the amount of millimol/100 grams of sugar beet pulp. On the other hand, the results of the amount of alkalinity, percentage of sugar or sucrose, extraction coefficient and molasses are among the results of the technological quality analysis of the samples of sugar beet pulp by Betalyzer, respectively 8.56 for the samples delivered from region A and 3.03 for the samples delivered from region H. In terms of sugar percentage and degree of extraction, region F has the highest amount compared to other regions, so that the percentage of sugar was 18.72 and the degree of extraction was 89.41, which is in contrast to the beets received from regions E, which have the lowest sugar percentage (13.7). percent) and extraction degree (84.47).

Volume 21, Issue 151 (September 2024)

In the present study the effects of probiotic bacteria on textural and sensorial attributes of sour cream was considered. The cream samples were incorporated by three probiotic bacteria including Lactobacillus casei, L.helveticus and Bifidobacterium lactis as single culture. The pH values, viability of probiotics, textural and sensorial features were evaluated at the time of 1, 15 and 30 days of storage. The mentioned parameters were compared to the control cream sample. The pH values, probiotic survival, textural (firmness, consistency and adhesiveness) and sensorial (off-note, cohesiveness, creaminess, odor, sourness, metallic after taste, taste) properties of cultured cream samples differed depending on the used cultures. Totally, incorporation of probiotic bacteria into sour cream can result in manufacturing of a new healthy product in the market of dairy products.

Volume 21, Issue 152 (October 2024)

 Dairy products such as yogurt are considered as one of the most popular foods in the world. Beside the probiotics, functional ingredients such as prebiotics are also used in various products. One of the functional ingredients is propolis which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-tumor properties, and in addition to this properties it can be a prebiotic which can have beneficial effects on the human digestive system. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of propolis extract on the physicochemical, sensory and microbial characteristics of synbiotic yogurt inoculated with Lactobacillus casei. This study was conducted in five treatments (control (A), 1% (B), 2% (C), 3% (D), 4% (E)) and three replications. Physical and chemical properties such as antioxidant activity and total polyphenol, acidity and pH, syneresis, texture (hardness, stickiness, springiness and chewiness), probiotics survival as well as sensory properties (taste, odor, texture, color and general acceptance) of yogurt samples in days 1, 7, 14 and 21 were measured. According to the results of the sensory evaluation team, the highest level of favorability was related to the control treatment. The lowest pH value in the control sample was 1% and showed a significant difference with the 2%, 3% and 4% treatments. The highest level of acidity was related to the 4% treatment and also on the 21st day compared to the seventh day, the highest level of acidity was observed in the 4% treatment. The results of the survival of L. casei on different days showed that the effect of time and propolis percentage on the survival of probiotic bacterium was significant. The highest number of L. casei was observed in 4% treatment. It can be concluded that propolis can be used as a prebiotic in yogurt, which can improve the functional and textural properties of yogurt.

Volume 21, Issue 157 (March 2025)

Nowadays, probiotic products are among popular foods among the consumers due to their different health effects. One of the dairy products is sour cream, which has been less noticed, although it has high potential for inclusion of the probiotic microorganisms. The goal of the present research was considering the effects of probiotic cultures on fatty acid profile of sour cream. The cream samples were incorporated by Lactobacillus casei, L. helveticus and Bifidobacterium lactis as single cultures. The pH values, acidity and fatty acid profiles were evaluated at the time of 1, 15 and 30 days of storage period. The mentioned parameters were compared to the control cream. Concentrations of short-chain fatty acids in cultured cream samples differed depending on the used cultures. Moreover, probiotics caused the change in medium chain, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid content in fermented cream. Among the short-chain fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids, L. paracasei caused the highest production of linoleic acid in 1 and 30 days of storage as well as the highest production of butyric acid in 15 and 30 days of storage. Generally, production of probiotic sour cream can be a functional value-added product in the dairy industry.

Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)

One of the pillars of supply chain risk management is risk assessment and its aim is to analyze the risk. The first step to assess supply chain risk is identifying and classifying them. In this paper, after reviewing the literature and extracting supply chain risks, service supply chain risks  identified by focus group and Q-sort method. As the result 10 components of the most important risks as conditional characteristics in Rough modeling identified. Using Rosetta software, 5 set of rule were produced. According to extracted models among conditional attributes, market and financial risks were most important attributes. After completion of various models validation, the model by Conditional Mean/Mode fill and incompletes for complement data showed the highest reliability for predicting new observations.

Volume 22, Issue 1 (1-2020)

The purpose of this study was to analyze effects of using Farmer Field School (FFS) on the economic, social, production, and knowledge status of greenhouse owners in Tehran Province and surrounding, Iran. The research method was a comparative causal study. The statistical population was composed of 80 greenhouse owners who had participated in FFS program as treatment group and 716 owners who had not participated in this program, as the control group. Sample size for non-participant group was determined to be 152 people using the Cochran formula. They were chosen by simple random sampling method. The results of comparative tests indicate that the two groups significantly differ in crop marketability, job creation, production risk, cooperation, participation in social organizations and entities, use of macro and micro fertilizers, application of organic fertilizers, application of pesticides, and technical knowledge of safe crop production. However, there were no significant differences in annual income, marketing, and crop yield. The structural analysis also indicates that the FFS program has had some positive effects on participants in economic, social, production, and knowledge aspects.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (7-2022)

Road pavements are one of the most important assets of any country, and tremendous amounts of budgets are allocated for their maintenance every year. Unexpected distresses in asphalt pavement cause many financial losses. Winter maintenance of roads and infrastructures and the study of the effects of anti-icers and deicers on the asphalt pavements have always been of interest to researchers, departments, and agencies in the field of roads and transportation. As a contribution to this task, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Zycotherm on the fracture behavior of asphalt mixtures in the presence of moisture and deicers. In order to achieve the research objectives, PG58-22 bitumen and siliceous materials were used to prepare the asphalt mixture and also Zycotherm was used to modify the asphalt binder. Data were collected by testing on laboratory samples. The asphalt mixture samples were conditioned in the presence of distilled water and solutions of brine, calcium magnesium acetate, and potassium acetate in their normal concentration for 96 hours at 60°C. Then, the fracture toughness of the specimens at low temperatures (K1c) and the critical strain energy release rate (Jc) at intermediate temperatures were measured by performing a semi-circular bending test (SCB). The results showed that simulation of low-temperature environmental conditions in the vicinity of distilled water and all deicers reduces the fracture toughness of asphalt mixtures compared to the dry sample. Brine solution has the most negative effect among all the deicers and reduces the K1c parameter by approximately 30%. On the other hand, Zycotherm maintains the fracture toughness of the asphalt mixture at low temperatures in the vicinity of distilled water and deicers at an almost constant level and recovers about 70% of the lost fracture strength of the sample conditioned in the brine solution. The effect of Zycotherm at intermediate temperature is different and causes the softening of bitumen and the reduction of the critical fracture force and the reduction of the critical strain energy release rate. This reduction is 34% and 32% for the dry sample and the specimen in the presence of brine solution, and 23% and 12% for the samples in the presence of calcium magnesium acetate and potassium acetate, respectively, compared to the sample made of neat bitumen. Also, samples in the vicinity of distilled water and potassium acetate solution showed no significant change in their critical strain energy release rate compared to samples in dry conditions. Visual inspection also revealed that calcium magnesium acetate causes additional stress and cracking in the samples. In a general summary and based on the obtained results, Zycotherm has a positive effect on the fracture toughness of the asphalt mixture at low temperatures but reduces the Jc parameter at intermediate temperatures. All specimens have the minimum critical strain energy release rate recommended by ASTM D-8044 at intermediate temperatures. Potassium acetate has no effect on the fracture toughness of asphalt mixtures at low and medium temperatures and can be an appropriate alternative in comparison with other deicers in winter road maintenance.

Volume 22, Issue 5 (12-2022)

Proper and timely maintenance of concrete pavement plays a decisive role in increasing the life of these pavements. Joint plain concrete pavement is a type of concrete pavement used for roads. One of the important parts of this type of pavement is the joints created in it. The use of joints to provide conditions for expansion and contraction in concrete pavements and thus reduce stresses due to changes in weather conditions (temperature and humidity), friction, and facilitate the manufacturing process. Due to the fact that the joint in the joint plain concrete pavements is a weakened area for the conduction of cracks from unforeseen areas of the concrete slab to it, the entry of water and other materials into it causes penetration into the underlying layers of the slab to prevent penetration. Joint Sealants are used in these areas. Hot applied bitumen sealant is one of the most common sealants used in joints, which is based on bitumen. One of the key factors in the longevity of concrete pavement is the proper functioning of the joint and joint sealant. The adhesion and cohesion failures are two main damage types in the hot-applied bituminous joint sealants in concrete pavement joints. The mentioned failures are caused by the contraction of concrete pavement under the temperature drop and fluctuation as well as vertical displacement due to passing traffic load. The failure in joint sealant causes elimination of water proofing feature in joints leading to penetration of water into the sublayers. Subsequently, the presence of water in sublayers results in pumping of water under the concrete slab, which leads to other failures types, such as faulting, blow up, corner break. The resealing of joint sealant is the commonly used approach to repair the joints, which takes considerable costs, times and environmental consequences. In recent years, induction heating has attracted substantial attentions among the pavement engineers for innovative applications, specifically for induced healing. The researchers used this method in asphalt mixtures to heal cracks and microcracks. To make the electromagnetic radiations more effective, they used bipolar additives such as activated carbon and carbon black to raise the temperature of the asphalt mixture and cover the cracks and microcracks. In this study, the induction heating and induced healing of asphalt binder was carried out in reaping the joint sealant and to recover the cohesion-adhesion failures. To this end, a new testing setup and frame were designed to conduct the tensile test on hot-applied bituminous joint sealant. First, the sealant bitumen was placed between two concrete blocks, and then the specimens were conditioned at low temperatures (i.e. -10 °C, -20 °C, and -30 °C). After conditioning, the tensile under a displacement controlled loading test was carried out until failure point of joint sealant. Subsequently, the broken joint sealants were exposed to the electromagnetic radiation in a microwave machine to heat and heal the joint sealant. Then, the tensile test was again conducted on the specimen until failure point. The results showed that induced healing can recover and heal the joint sealant experienced cohesion-adhesion under contraction loading. This observation indicates that the induced heating is a potential technique to repair the joint sealants in jointed concrete pavements.

Volume 22, Issue 8 (August 2022)

The deformation behavior of the material in micro-forming processes is different from macro-scale due to the size effect. The size effect in micro-scale appears due to few grains in the deformation region and causes the material behavior to be affected by the thickness and grain size of the sheet. Because of this, conventional constitutive models are not suitable for predicting the material behavior in micro-forming processes. In this paper, a new constitutive model based on the Swift equation and considering size effect in micro-scale is presented to describe the strain-hardening behavior of the stainless steel 304 foil. Comparison of flow stress curves of specimens with different grain sizes showed that the prediction of material flow stress with the new constitutive model is improved compared to the existing model, especially at high strains, so that the average and maximum error of the new model is less than one-third and less than half of the conventional model error, respectively. Finite element simulation of the micro-tensile test was performed using the new constitutive model to investigate the size effect on the deformation behavior of the specimens. The new constitutive model was verified by comparing the results of experimental tests and finite element simulation of sheets with different grain sizes. Also, the results revealed that the estimation of the forming force using the new constitutive model is done with higher accuracy than the conventional and existing model for sheets with different grain sizes and high strain ranges.

Volume 22, Issue 10 (October 2022)

abrasive water jet is one of the most popular cutting methods today due to its ability and unique features such as the ability to cut complex shapes as well as the wide range of materials and non - creation of thermal distortion at the cutting site. The accuracy of the process is mainly due to selecting the cutting parameters. The sheet used in this study is aluminum 7075 with a thickness of 25 mm. In this research, for water jet pressure, forward speed and nozzle distance to the surface of the workpiece, three surfaces and for the impingement angle of two surfaces were considered. In order to investigate the quality of the cut - off area, the effect of process parameters on the high and low width of the cut section and also the cut - surface slope is investigated. Finally, the cut gap created by this process has special geometrical features that in some cases is the limitation of the process. The results showed that the change in the direction of the water jet from the perpendicular to the surface of the work piece, although the width of the cutting crack cannot be changed, the surface quality decreases and the cutting surface slope increases.

Volume 22, Issue 158 (April 2025)

This study showed the potential of the electrospinning (in this case electrospraying) technique to produce whey protein concentrate (WPC) micro and nanocapsules for applications in the encapsulation of canthaxanthin. The results showed that the solution concentration, feed solution flow rate and applied voltage had a direct effect  on the encapsulation efficiency. by increasing of the solution concentration, feed solution flow rate and applied voltage, the encapsulation efficiency increased. The results showed that solution concentration was the most effective factor in electrospraying, because its scale estimate was highest. According to the results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for this model, the regression model suggested a significant value for both linear and quadratic terms at P < 0.05. Also in order to obtain 0.93% encapsulation efficiency, optimum  point was found at the emulsion concentration of 39.4%, feed solution flow rate of 12.2 ml/min, applied voltage of 17.5 kV, and 17.1cm distance between needle tip and collector.

Volume 22, Issue 159 (May 2025)

Pollution in industrial areas due to the release of heavy metals is one of the important environmental concerns. Heavy metals can have very adverse effects on human and animal health. In this regard, food products contaminated with heavy metals, even in low concentrations, can have harmful effects on human health. In this regard, the use of microorganisms is known as a new and low-cost method for the biological removal of metals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the type of microorganism (Lactiplantibacillus paraplantarum, Lactobacillus paragasseri, and Limosilatobacillus reuteri), temperature, and incubation time on the removal of lead and cadmium metals using the response surface methodology. The results showed that the removal rate of lead metal using microorganisms was significantly higher than that of cadmium. Increasing the time from 0 to 24 hours significantly increased the amount of metal removal. On the other side, increasing the temperature up to about 38 °C positively affected the removal of metals, but increasing the temperature further reduced the ability of microorganisms to remove metals. In general, the software determined the optimal conditions to achieve the maximum removal of lead and cadmium metals by 45.9% and 39.65%, respectively, at 24 hours incubation time and 33.98 °C temperature using Lactobacillus paragasseri bacteria. Therefore, according to the results of this research, the use of microorganisms such as Lactobacillus paragasseri is a useful solution for removing heavy metals from various sources, such as industrial wastewater.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Expansion of communicational infrastructures and increase in grassroots’ access to media and cyberspace affect public’s needs, political participation and the citizens’ relationship with international, national and local political space. Nowdays[R1] , citizens in different countries have increased their awareness using communicational infrastructures and have spread out news and information in cyberspace and communicational media. They do not act passively in front of the other media like past , but they compare their life quality and legal freedoms with others by observing and evaluating the situation of their own country.  
In the late [R2] 2010, some protests were raised in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria that no one could anticipate them. The common point of these protests was their origin rooted in [R3] cyberspace. By dismantling Tunisia, Egypt and Libya’s governments and resignation of Yemen’s president, it can be expected that these movements can be spread in the Middle East, to other totalitarian governments of the region.
In the protests process in the region and in particular in Egypt and Tunisia, protesters used cyberspace to coordinate campaigns. The organizers of these  protests organizers [R4] in Egypt tried to take attention using devices that their audiences have, and shifted the leadership of protests from political parties and elites to the social networks.
The current study tires to answer this question using published documents and reports: In the framework of what process and under the effect of what factors cyberspace contributed to the formation of protests movements in Egypt?


Volume 23, Issue 2 (4-2016)

The peace and looking for ways to keep it have been one of the most essential obsessions of the human beings throughout the history. Creation of regional or international organizations is considered as a way to peace building and keeping. In fact, one of the causes of transformation of international organization after the Cold War has been settlement of peace and security. The role of international organizations in order to settle conflicts is more vital and important, because most of these organizations have the ability and legitimacy to play an important role in this regard. In this regard, this article using descriptive- analytic method is intended to investigate the question: “why after the Cold War we have witnessed lower conflicts and tensions in the South East Asia than Middle East, Central Asia, Caucasus and Africa?” Research findings show that ASEAN has had an effective role in peace building and peace keeping through creating norms and regimes of peaceful settlement of disputes and strengthening interdependency, and even it has been successful to make a security community.


Volume 23, Issue 2 (Summer 2019)

Global warming and climate change are nowadays significant challenges for humankind. It is widely and generally accepted that the increase of greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs) in the atmosphere are caused by anthropogenic effects especially in modernized and industrialized countries. Consequently, cleaner energy generation is needed in order to reduce global GHGs emissions (Waewsak et al., 2014). Wind energy becomes today a promising option to complement the conventional energy source, especially in region where the existing power plants are not sufficient to match the increasing electricity demand. This success is principally due the rapid growth of the wind technology which led the wind power to be more competitive by reducing the cost of electricity produced (Djamai and Merzouk, 2011). Since there has no comprehensive wind potential study in Kermanshah province, it is necessary to pay this important subject to reply for increased demand of electricity. Thus this paper aimed to assess economical usage of wind power in Kermanshah province.   
In this study we assessed economic feasibility of wind energy usage at 13 sites in Kermanshah province. In order to carry out the research, 3-hour wind speed data in 2009 to 2013, topography, land cover and obstacle maps were used, and ten models of wind turbines with different rated power were investigated. It has been calculated Capacity Factor, Operating Probability of wind turbines, and Annual Energy Production for selected turbines in 0.03m surface roughness using WAsP and Windographer software. Economical evaluation was down by Net Present value method and benefit costs analysis (B/C) in 13 sits and 10 models of wind turbines. Also in this research it was used Extra Investment Analysis (EIA) method to choose the best project from the initial Selected Projects. After investigation of cost analysis, it was determined the most economical wind turbine and site for utilization wind energy in Kermanshah province.
Results and discussion
The maximum Capacity Factor of selected turbines has calculated in Gilanqarb (46.4%), Tazeabad (44.2%) and Somar (39.2%). This is because of different wind climatology of these sites in comparison with the other sites in the Kermanshah province. In the other words orography characteristics of these sites leads to more nocturnally mean wind speed.
The costs of the construction and maintenance of a wind farm include initial Capital Costs (turbine price and costs civil work), and also operation, maintenance and Repair costs. On the other hand, the proceeds from the sale of electricity generated should be borne by the costs incurred. The cheapest turbine is 500- kW machine with 707 thousand dollars and the most expensive is 2000- kW machine with 2900 thousand dollars.
Benefit costs analysis indicated wind power plant construction in Gilanqarb area is more economical than other areas with all turbines except for 1300- kW machines which is more  economical in Tazeabad. Also the most economical machine is 2000- kW turbine in Gilanqarb area. The cost of wind power plant construction whit one 2000- kW turbine is 15.4 Billion toman right now, while the proceeds from the sale of electricity generated is 21.49 Billion toman in life time of machine. So this project is the most economical with benefit-cost ratio equal to 1.4 in comparison with other project in the study area. Obviously, the results of economic analysis will also be different if the prices used in economic analysis, such as the price of a turbine, the price of electricity or the exchange rate change.
 The results showed 750- kW and 800- kW machines have maximum Operating Probability of wind turbines and also it was the highest in Tazeabad site with 80 to 89%. While Capacity Factor has the highest value for 500- kW machine in all sites. Of course this turbine has the highest value in Gilanqarb (46.4%), Tazeabad (44.2%) and Somar (39.2%) sites. The most Annual Energy Production (AEP) acquired for 2000- kW turbine which is due to its high rated capacity. Calculated AEP for selected turbines vary between about 2 GWh in Kangavar to 6.7 GWh in Gilanqarb in the year.
Benefit-Cost index showed that wind power plant construction in Gilanqarb area is more economical than other areas with more turbines, and also the most economical machine is 2000- kW turbine in this area. Finally Calculations showed that usage of wind energy is not economical with any turbine in Eslamabad-Qarb, Kangavar, Sarpol-zahab, Ravansar, Sonqor, Harsin, Javanrood and Qasre-Shirin.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (5-2023)

Asphalt mixtures and bitumens are faced with different traffic loading and thermal stresses during their lifetime. Due to their viscoelastic behavior, these materials exhibit different mechanical properties at different temperatures and traffic loading. Viscoelastic properties of bitumens are commonly expressed using the master curves of complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) generally created by the horizontal shifting of the frequency sweep test results using shift factors. There are several methods for evaluating temperature shift factors, such as Williams, Landel, and Ferry (WLF) equation, modified Kaelble method, Log-Linear approach, and LCPC method. The LCPC method, developed using the Kramers-Kronig relationship, can be used to accurately evaluate the shift factor of bitumens, mastics, and asphalt mixtures. This study investigated the possibility of generating the master curves of bitumen based on temperature sweep test results rather than frequency sweep test results. Two types of bitumens were investigated in this study, neat bitumen with an 85-100 penetration grade (PG 58-22 performance grade) and SEPS modified asphalt binder with SEPS polymer content of 2, 4, and 6% by weight of the total binder. Temperature sweep tests were performed on all types of bitumens in a range of temperatures between 30 and 90 °C and the frequency of 1.59 Hz. Also, frequency sweep tests were performed on all kinds of bitumens in a range of temperature between 10 and 60 °C and a range of frequency between 0.1 and 100 Hz. The LCPC method was also investigated to calculate the shift factors for the master curves of complex shear modulus and phase angle, and the master curves of viscoelastic properties for all bitumen types are made based on temperature sweep and frequency sweep test results. The results indicated that the SEPS polymer could effectively increase the complex shear modulus and reduce the magnitude of phase angle. So, this polymer improved the rutting resistance of SEPS polymer-modified binders and led to better high-temperature performance of binders. In addition, the LCPC method effectively produced a valid and accurate form of the master curve using temperature sweep test results similar to the master curve using frequency sweep test results. Furthermore, the master curves of complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) derived from temperature and frequency sweep test results exhibited comparable patterns and values. By plotting the value of complex shear modulus and phase angle obtained from the temperature sweep master curves versus the complex shear modulus and phase angle obtained from the frequency sweep master curves at the same reduced frequency, it was observed that all points were scattered in the vicinity of the y=x line. It was indicated that the master curves created based on temperature sweep test results have an acceptable approximation and accuracy with the master curves created based on frequency sweep test results. As a consequence, it may be preferable to generate the master curve of viscoelastic characteristics of bitumens using the results of the temperature sweep test, which is faster and more accurate in some conditions, compared to the results of the frequency sweep test.

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