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Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

ancient literature. In this process, the authors try to interpret the ancient literature in accordance with the spirits and mentalities of modern man. This plays an important role in enriching literary works and the relationship between cultures in different periods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the contemporaryization of ancient lyrical poems in some Persian novels(Winter 62 by Ismail Faceeh, Bamdad Khomar by Fataneh Haj Seyed Javadi, His eyes by Alavi Bozorg, Kiss God on the moon by Mustafa Mastoor, Dal Mahmoud Golabderehi, Night harmony of the wood orchestra by Reza Qasemi) is based on the documentary method. The results of the research show that the mentioned authors have mostly focused on contemporaryizing Hafez's poetry and have presented a new reading of lyrical poems according to the cultural, social and political conditions of the time and in accordance with their mental perceptions. They have used ancient lyrical poems to show the mentality of their characters and identities, and the themes of many of these novels have been conveyed through these poems or the theme of the novel is derived from the dominant thought. These poems have also played an important role in describing the place, atmosphere, creating realism and the connection between past and contemporary culture in Iran.

Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

The present study analyses the status of researchers in the field of Persian Literature with a scientometric approach based on the articles of Persian journals in the field of Persian Literature and tries to determine the importance and influence of each of the authors and research institutions in the field of Iranian academic Persian Literature, provided the possibility of evaluating the previous scientific policies of the country in this field. In this research, first, the trend of the rise and fall of the number of articles and co-authorship patterns over time has been investigated and researchers with the largest number of articles have been identified. In the following, after the formation of the co-authorship network, the relationships and importance of authors in this field have been investigated. Observations indicate that the number of articles has grown greatly since the 2000. According to the present research, despite the increase in the number of three-person articles, the collaboration of two authors in writing articles is still considered the most common pattern of co-authorship. According to the results of this study, the scientific centre of Tarbiat Modares University and Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and the scientific centre of the University of Isfahan are the most influential research centres in terms of publishing scientific articles in the field of Persian literature in Iran.

Volume 19, Issue 123 (May 2022)

Due to the concerns about the use of artificial colors in various foods, it is necessary to pay attention to sources with natural colors. One of these sources is the algae Spirulina, which contains the blue pigment phycocyanin. The aim of the present study in the first stage was to extract this pigment from the algae by enzymatic method and its nanoencapsulation. In the second stage, the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles were investigated. Finally, phycocyanin in both free and nano forms was added to the ice cream formulation and the qualitative and sensory properties of the product were evaluated in comparison with the control. The results showed that the produced nanoparticles have an average size of 397.1 nm. The encapsulation efficiency of the process was recorded 73.41%. According to the images recorded using scanning electron microscopy, the nanoparticle with different dimensions are scattered in the microscopic spread so that the particles are visible in different sizes. The release results of nanoparticles in vitro showed that at pH=1.2, the release percentage of phycocyanin is low (the first 2 hours). So that it fluctuates in the range of 7 to 13%. But after this stage (pH=7.4), the release rate increased significantly and from 35 to 71% at 3 and 4 hours, respectively. The use of pure phycocyanin in ice cream formulation improved the hardness, melting percentage, texture, hardness, crystalline intensity and coldness. But these indices were reported at a more favorable level in the treatment formulated with nanoencapsulated phycocyanin. The color index in ice cream formulated with pure phycocyanin was more desirable and more acceptable compared to the treatment with nanoencapsulated phycocyanin. Due to the properties of phycocyanin, especially the nanoencapsulated form, it can be used as a biological dye and improver the quality and sensory properties in various ice creams.

Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)

Following the concerns created in the field of using synthetic preservatives in various foods, it seems necessary to pay attention to natural compounds with preservative properties. Phycocyanin extracted from spirulina microalgae is one of these compounds. The aim of the present study was to extract (using enzymatic method) and nanoencapsulation of this pigment with maltodextrin-sodium caseinate combination coating and evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activity (against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia ruckeri and Streptococcus iniae) of nanocapsules in comparison with pure phycocyanin. The results showed that with increasing the concentration of phycocyanin (in both pure and nanoencapsulated forms), the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the treatments increased significantly (p<0.05). Comparison of the properties of the treatments on days 0 and 60 (stored at -18°C) showed that the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of pure phycocyanin was significantly reduced over time (p<0.05). But the nanoencapsulation technique prevents the mentioned properties from changing and helps to preserve them. Among gram-positive bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes was more sensitive than the other two bacteria and all concentrations used had an inhibitory effect on this bacteri. Staphylococcus aureus was resistant to two concentrations of 2.5 and 5 μg/ml and Streptococcus iniae to three concentrations of 2.5, 5 and 10 μg/ml. Among the two gram-negative bacteria, Yersinia ruckeri was more sensitive and the concentrations used, with the exception of concentrations of 2.5 and 5 μg/ml, had an inhibitory effect on both bacteria. According to the results of the dilution method, for the studied bacteria, the MIC range was between 50-500 and the MBC between 100-500 μg/ml. Also, the lowest MIC was recorded for Listeria monocytogenes and the highest MBC was recorded for Streptococcus iniae. It can be concluded from this research that first, pure phycocyanin has antioxidant and antibacterial activity; second, nanoencapsulation of this pigment with combined coating of maltodextrin-sodium caseinate improves these properties and their stability during the storage period.

Volume 19, Issue 132 ( February 2023)

During the current research, a traditional nomadic Iranian dairy product named Masineh was produced, which is prepared from heated yogurt drink and herbal additives including turmeric, dill seed powder and cumin. Some physicochemical and microbial characteristics of Masineh samples were investigated during 21 days of storage at 4°C. In addition, the antioxidant properties, antimicrobial effects and organoleptic properties of the product were investigated and compared with the control sample (heated yogurt drink without additives). The results showed that herbal additives significantly reduced the counts of bacteria, mold and yeast in Masineh compared to the control sample (P<0.05). In Masineh, the highest inhibitory effect was observed against Staphylococcus aureus with 30.91 mm, and the lowest inhibitory effect was observed against Escherichia coli with an average of 15.50 mm, followed by Aspergillus niger with an average of 18.12 mm. In addition, the phenolic compounds and DPPH and ABTS inhibition percentages were higher in Masineh than control sample. The pH and viscosity of Masineh were higher than that of drinks without additives, and during storage, these values decreased significantly (P<0.05). Also, the results of the sensory evaluation showed that the sensory evaluators considered the taste of the masineh to be favorable and did not report a significant difference with the control sample in terms of overall acceptance, although the color of the masineh had a lower score. Therefore, according to the obtained results, Masineh is introduced as a beneficial dairy drink, in which by the use of herbal additives, its antioxidant properties and microbiological properties are strengthed.

Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)

In the process of manufacturing, the operation of improving the quality of the surfaces is important due to the different working conditions, the resistance to corrosion and fatigue life, friction, the type of contact between the surfaces and appearance. The purpose of this research is the experimental investigation of burnishing process on the flat surface by ultrasonic vibration in order to investigate the initial surface roughness as an input variable as well as its interaction effect on the final surface roughness of aluminum Al6061-T6 alloy. Response surface methodology (RSM) was utilized to correlate the empirical relationship between input and output variables and their interaction effects. Experimental tests with a constant frequency of 20 kHz were done to find the effect of the initial maximum surface roughness, ultrasonic vibration amplitude and static load on the surface roughness. The results show that the initial surface roughness has no direct effect on the output surface roughness, but the effect of vibration amplitude and static load on the final surface roughness depends on the initial surface roughness. The higher static load is needed for the high surface roughness, and the increase of static load has decreased the effect of initial surface roughness on the surface roughness. Also, in high vibration amplitude by increasing the initial surface roughness, the surface roughness is increased and at low vibration amplitude by increasing the initial surface roughness, the surface roughness is decreased. By increasing the vibration amplitude and the static load, the surface roughness is increased. Furthermore, the amplitude of vibration, the interaction effect of static load and the initial maximum surface roughness and static load have the highest effect on the final surface roughness, respectively.

Volume 20, Issue 2 (4-2013)

Geographic information and analysis provide a wide range of data and techniques to monitor and manage natural resources. As an important case, in arid and semi-arid areas, water management is critical for both local governance and citizens. As a result, the estimation of water potential brought by snowmelt runoff and rainfalls seems to be very useful and important for these areas. Hydrological modeling needs vast knowledge about integrating all relating parameters. In this work, different data sources including the remote sensing observations, meteorological and geological data are integrated to supply spatially detailed inputs for Snowmelt Runoff Modeling in a watershed, located in Simin-Dasht basin in the northeast of Tehran, Iran. Because of high temporal frequency and suitable spatial coverage, MODIS optical images have been chosen to map snow cover. The MODIS 8-day snow map product with spatial resolution of 500m (MOD10A2.5) is used to compute the snow cover area. In addition, during the snowmelt period in 2006-2007, archived meteorological and geological data are used to provide snow runoff modeling (SRM) parameters and variables. Also Landsat ETM+ images with better spatial resolution (30m) and less temporal coverage (16 days) are used in 2007 snowmelt period to compare the model accuracy with same conditions. Evaluation of the runoff outputs in both of models reveals good agreement with real data that prove SRM capability in modeling basin’s daily and weekly runoff. Model accuracy shows better satisfactory of snow runoff modeling results within snow cover area derived from Landsat ETM+ data and MODIS snow product was less accurate in modeling. Although using MODIS model accuracy was less, but still it is recommended due to less further process and providing better temporal coverage during snowfall and snowmelt season. Future works in this criterion could be concentrated on SRM forecast improvement using fusion with other measurements or combining physical models.

Volume 20, Issue 2 (3-2018)

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) is the second most popular spice in the world and one of the important medicinal plants in Iran. Cumin seed yield is highly affected by water stress, which is one of the most important abiotic stresses affecting seed yield. So far, drought tolerance studies in cumin have been done on limited cumin ecotypes. In the present investigation, forty-nine diverse cumin ecotypes were tested under normal and water stress conditions during 2013 and 2014. The experiment was conducted under two different irrigation regimes of normal irrigation and mid/late season water stress i.e., during flowering. Each of experiments was conducted in a simple lattice design with two replications. The combined analysis of variance showed significant differences among all sources of variation. Twelve drought tolerance indices were calculated based on seed yield under drought and irrigated conditions. Yield under stress and non-stress conditions was significantly and positively correlated with Geometric Mean Productivity Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP), Stress Tolerance Index (STI), Harmonic Mean (HM), Drought Resistance Index (DI), modified Stress Tolerance Index in normal irrigation (K1STI), modified Stress Tolerance Index in stress irrigation (K2STI), Stress Non-stress Production Index (SNPI) and Stress Tolerance Score (STS). PCA and cluster analysis were followed to reveal the relationship among different indices. To visualize the GE interaction effects on cumin seed yield, the data were subjected to GGE-Biplot analysis. Finding superior ecotypes in each environment was done using GGE-Biplot. Regarding mean yield and drought tolerance indices, ecotypes from Maneh (Northern Khorasan), Shahmirzad (Semnan), and Rafsanjan (Kerman) were identified as the most favorable candidates for further research in cumin breeding programs. GC/MS analyses of elite ecotype Kerman (Rafsanjan) was also done for both conditions, the main components of essential oil were found to be γ-terpinene, β-pinene, m-cymene, and cuminic aldehyde.

Volume 20, Issue 5 (7-2018)

The present study aimed to evaluate effectiveness of Superheated Solvent Extraction (SSE) compared with instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) assisted Solvent Extraction (DIC-SE) on total phenolic, flavonoids, and anthocyanins compounds from pomegranate peels. The effects of temperature, extraction time, and water:ethanol ratio for SSE method, and temperature and heating time for DIC-SE were studied. The highest phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and extraction yields by SSE was achieved at 160˚C, ethanol: water 50:50 and 20 minutes, subsequently in the DIC-SE, the most effectiveness was approached at 150˚C for 5 seconds (P< 0.05). The SSE improved the total phenolic compounds (563.16±1.04 mg g-1), anthocyanins (285.11±1.02 mg 100 g-1), extraction yield (68.7%) and shortened the extraction times compared to DIC-SE, but flavonoid content was more in DIC-SE extract (439.07±0.05 mg g-1). Based on HPLC analyses, gallic acid was not detected in any of the obtained extracts, but the amount of ellagic acid and punicalagin A and B in DIC-SE extract was higher than SSE. The current study clearly shows that the SSE is an effective extraction method to obtain phenolic compounds and the DIC is an advantageous pretreatment for extraction of flavonoids from pomegranate peels.

Volume 20, Issue 134 (April 2023)

Nowadays, natural pigments are widely used in the food, cosmetics and sanitation industries. In recent years, numerous researches have been done on the methods of extraction and evaluation of the properties of natural pigments. The purpose of this study is comparison of enzymatic and ultrasonic extraction methods for the antioxidant properties of chlorophyll extracted from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Antioxidant activity was performed by three methods including DPPH and ABTS free radicals scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The results show that the concentration of chlorophyll a in alfalfa is higher than that of chlorophyll b and also the enzymatic method demonstrates higher yield in chlorophyll extraction. In addition, higher concentrations of alfalfa extract showed higher antioxidant activity in inhibiting DPPH free radicals and ferric reducing antioxidant power (p <0.05). Also, with increasing the extract concentration, total phenolic compounds and flavonoid compounds increase (p <0.05). Due to the better performance, the enzymatic extracted chlorophyll was used to evaluate the antioxidant properties, inhibition of free radicals DPPH and ATBS and ferric reducing antioxidant power and the result shows the higher chlorophyll concentration, the higher antioxidant properties. Due to the appropriate antioxidant effect of alfalfa chlorophyll extracted by enzymatic method, its application in food, pharmaceutical and health industries can be evaluated and industrial scale extraction systems can be designed using this technique.

Volume 21, Issue 1 (5-2017)

This paper is aimed at developing a tool for evaluating organization readiness for business process re-engineering procedures. By reviewing the literature, 16 criteria and 104 sub-criteria were identified. These criteria and sub-criteria refined and classified with respect to experts’ opinions. As a result of this process, 9 main criteria and 18 sub-criteria were selected. Using the DEMATEL method, relationship between major and minor criteria were analyzed. The result showed that “senior management” is the most effective criterion. At the next step, using Analytic Network Process (ANP) method criteria were weighted and the “human resources” criterion had the higher weight. Based on these criteria, a tool was designed in order to assess the readiness for BPR procedures in organization. Results also showed that studied organization is ready for business process reengineering implementation.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2017)

This research intends to identify and assess effect of personal factors and materiality of wrongdoing on whistle-blowing. Combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is applied and in qualitative method, Delphi technique used to identify each factor components in 4 stages applying Kenad’s coefficient which was 0/433. Then, in quantitative method, based on result of Delphi technique, a questionnaire was provided and its validity confirmed by CVI and CVR measures. Reliability confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha of 0/766. Therefore, questionnaire was distributed in target population and 274 were completed by medical staff and hospital administration in Alzahra Hospital of Isfahan. Gathered data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Results showed that goodness of fit and the model has reasonable adaption with experimental data. In appraising two factors of Personal and Materiality of Wrongdoing. Effect of Materiality of wrongdoing was accepted, but the effect of personal factors was not accepted.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)

Phylogenetic analysis of Triticum L. and Aegilops L. species was performed using the nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequences. The full length of PCR products for ITS1 and ITS2 ranged from 650 bp to 700 bp, respectively. Sequence divergences between species were estimated following aligning. The average G+C contents of the ITS regions was 60.8% for ITS2 and 61.5% for ITS1. The phylogenetic analyses were constructed using the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method based on pairwise genetic distances. The resulting NJ tree successfully separated Triticum and Aegilops species and displayed three clusters, einkorn wheats, polyploid wheats, and Aegilops. Our results confirmed that the A genome of bread wheat is more related to T. urartu than T. boeticum. In the case of the D genome, the affinity between Ae. tauschii and bread wheat was greater than other D genome-bearing species of Aegilops (Ae. crassa and Ae. cylindrica). Obtained results also revealed that Ae. speltoides was separated from Aegilops cluster and grouped with polyploid wheats. The close relationship between Ae. speltoides and polyploid wheats indicates that the former is the most likely donor of the B genomes to wheats. The present study verified the potential of ITS regions in phylogenetic studies and strongly supported the evolution of cultivated wheats, which occurred through hybridization and polyploidization between Triticum and Aegilops species.

Volume 21, Issue 4 (7-2019)

Clovers (Trifolium spp.) are one of the main forage crops in temperate regions. This research was conducted to identify water-stressed tolerance among Iranian wild annual clovers under different climatic regions. Seventeen accessions, belonging to seven species, were planted in a field in two consecutive years, at two locations (Mashhad and Urmia) in Iran, under normal and water-stressed conditions. Combined analysis of variance, Scheffe analysis, and Duncan’s new multiple range test showed significant differences in forage production among clover accessions as well as species. In addition, drought-tolerance/susceptibility indices were calculated for each accession and species. Then, these indices were applied in factor analysis. Extracted Bi-plot based on factor analysis confirmed the results of Duncan and Scheffe analyses. In water-stressed conditions, T. resupinatum (cultivated accession) produced the highest forage in Urmia with 349 mm annual rainfall, whereas in Mashhad, with 149.8 mm annual precipitation, T. purpureum and T. echinatum (both, wild species) had the highest production. The accessions as well as species were ranked based on their forage production for each location and experiment. Ultimately, this work proposed some new Trifolium species, such as T. echinatum, T. diffusum, and T. purpureum, for forage production in agronomic systems.

Volume 22, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Since about 100 years, social loafing has been studied as one of the most important factors lowering working group efficiency in organizations. Considering many employees activities are related to each other and has done in group context now days, in this research we are going to identify factors affecting social loafing in private sector employees. Our case was FANAP employees in Telecom project. This research approach is qualitative and uses analytical methods, and from data collection aspect it is survey and applied from conclusions aspect.
At the framework of this survey, cognitive mapping method is used to map individual perceptions about causes of social loafing. Analyzing methods of cognitive maps is used for complexity indexes, Domain analyses, central analyses, consequence analyses and analyses of consensus cognitive maps. Finally conclusions are grouped in four levels as personal factors, group factors, organization factors and job factors that affecting social loafing. Factors such as extrinsic motivation, job dissatisfaction, intrinsic motivation, perception lack of group cohesion were agreed more than other factors in perception of the participants of this research.

Volume 22, Issue 159 (May 2025)

Application of plant extracts in the formulation of sourdough can improve sensory characteristics and shelf-life of the produced bread. In the present study, effects of combined application of fermented sprouted wheat and garlic extract in the formulation of traditional sourdough containing yoghurt and vinegar were investigated on the quality characteristics of loaf wheat bread. Based on the results of texture analysis, among the produced breads the lowest crumb hardness was observed in the sample containing fermented sprouted wheat along with garlic extract (2.94 N), which was significantly (p<0.05) lower than those of the control sample. In addition, combined application of fermentation and sprouting increased the specific volume and reduced the gumminess of the product. Moreover, although the lowest surface growth of Aspergillus flavus was observed on breads containing yoghurt-vinegar and also garlic extract alone, there was no significant difference between the fungal growth rate on the sample containing fermented sprouted wheat along with garlic extract and bread containing calcium propionate. Bread containing fermented sprouted wheat and control sample had no significant difference in terms of overall acceptability. Accordingly, sprouted wheat sourdough containing garlic extract can be used as a biological preservative to improve the quality characteristics and shelf-life of wheat bread.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (5-2021)

The hemipteran, Macrolophus pygmaeus Rumber, is an effective biocontrol agent against many crop pests including tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta Meyrick. Sublethal effects of azadirachtin (Neem Azal®), indoxacarb (Avaunt®), and emamectin benzoate+lufenuron (Proclim Fit®) were studied on biological characteristics and functional response of the predatory bug in laboratory conditions at 25±1°C, 6 ±5% RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 hour (L:D). For this purpose, females of the predatory bug were exposed to sublethal residues (10% of field concentration) of the insecticides. Two-sex life table and Roger's model were used to investigate effects of the insecticides on biological parameters and functional response of the predator, respectively. Results indicated that sublethal residues of indoxacarb and azadirachtin had the highest and lowest side effects on life table parameters of M. pygmaeus. Whereas azadirachtin has no significant effects on the bug biological parameters, total fecundity and longevity of the bug in indoxacarb treatment were significantly lower (14.6%) and higher (6.9%) than the control. The predator showed type III functional response. The type of functional response was not affected by the insecticide residues. However, the coefficient of attack rate (b) for the indoxacarb treatment (0.1521) was significantly lower than for other treatments. However, there was no significant difference between the handling Times (Th) of the treatments. In conclusion, the experiments proved that azadirachtin is a low risk insecticide to M. pygmaeus, which can be integrated with biological control by the predator.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2023)

The decrease in access to groundwater resources and the constant drop in the water level of aquifers in different regions of the world due to the over extraction and unsustainable management of these resources have caused many environmental, economic and social problems. In the regard, lots of researches have been carried out about the groundwater market as a suitable solution for aquifers restoration. However in some cases the water market has increased the tension on water resources due to the lack of proper water market mechanism and monitoring of water withdrawals. The main purpose of this paper is to propose and evaluate a mechanism for the groundwater market in order to redistribute the water rights of groundwater resources and determine the exchange price in the market, taking into account the existing uncertainties. Therefore, proposing efficient and effective groundwater market mechanism, taking into account the institutional, economic, social and environmental components, is of great importance.  In this article, proposing and evaluating the mechanism of the smart water market, a model has been presented for the management of groundwater resources by considering the existing uncertainties. Also, remote sensing of evapotranspiration is proposed as a new approach to measure and monitor water consumption in the groundwater market. In this regard, the uncertainty resulting from the error of remotely-sensed evapotranspiration in the results of the groundwater market mechanism has been evaluated using the robust decision-making (RDM) method. Based on the uncertainty resulting from the error of the remote sensing of the evapotranspiration, the amount of allowed water rights in each season has been considered as an interval. Since the probabilistic distribution of these variables is not known, it is necessary to use non-probabilistic methods to analyze the uncertainty and reach a robust decision. In this regard, considering all possible combinations of seasonal water rights (as different market scenarios) and calculating the decision criteria for each of them, the degree of desirability of these scenarios can be determined. The methodology can be generalized for different study areas, however to evaluate its efficiency, the proposed models and algorithms are assessed using the data of Nough region in Rafsanjan plain, as one of the forbidden plains with high economic value of water in terms of pistachio production. By designing and evaluating groundwater market mechanism, taking into account the economic and social components, sustainable management of groundwater resources is expected to be promoted and farmers' livelihoods to be less affected by water restrictive policies. The results show that the proposed mechanism of the seasonal groundwater market has increased the economic efficiency of water consumption in the study area by 25%. Also, with the implementation of the water market, the redistribution of water rights has a better fit with the users’ cultivated area. Finally, using RDM method, the best scenario is determined as a decision including the allowed water rights values for four auction seasons in the year of market implementation. By choosing the allowed seasonal water rights within the range of strategies related to the best scenario, it is possible to achieve a sustainable policy of seasonal redistribution of groundwater rights in the presence of uncertainty in the market monitoring algorithm.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Construction of buildings using non-industrial traditional systems have lots of shortcoming in both quality and quantity. During recent years considerable needs to increase the efficiency in building sector has indicated the fact that using old building construction systems is not responsive to community needs and using superior technology in this field is quite inevitable. Constructing building systems with potential, for industrial and prefabricated production, can meet the quantitative and qualitative needs of the construction industry.
  In this paper, the structural behavior of precast concrete sandwich panels (PCSPs) to feasibility of their usage as slab elements in the construction industry is experimental (EXP) ­and numerical analyses studied. These panels consist of three layers: 1) a regular reinforced concrete layer as the upper face, 2) a thick lightweight concrete (LC) layer as the core, and 3) a normal concrete and tension-resistant reinforced lightweight concrete layer as the bottom face. These layers are joined via a rebar network with truss-shaped shear connectors. The structural behavior of precast concrete sandwich panels under flexure is studied. For this purpose, First, laboratory samples were made and tested for bending. Subsequently, a finite element analysis (FEA)­was performed on a sandwich panel model with the specifications and mechanical properties similar to the EXP model in the ABAQUS software. Comparing the results of the experimental and numerical studies revealed a good level of accuracy.  The effect and orientation of the shear connectors in one or two directions were also investigated. The results of experimental and numerical investigation, show a logical behaviour of load-deflection curves According to the results, the PCSPs with two concrete layers had a smaller stiffness and load capacity than those with three concrete layers, When the prefabricated sandwich panels behave as one-way slabs, placing shear connectors parallel to the x-axis (larger dimension) is sufficient to bond two concrete layers for them to act as a single unit, , and­ the ultimate strength and the composite action of desired were found to depend to a large extent upon the stiffness of the shear connector used. This sandwich panel system can constitute an effective step toward lightening regarding its high bearing capacity and ductility, industrial manufacturing capability, prefabricated nature, multi-layer nature, high quality, lightweight, high construction speed, and reduced costs. Hence, the precast concrete sandwich panels slabs with high-strength faces and LC cores can be a suitable replacement for regular slab systems in buildings Based on the economic and weight comparisons under the code dead and live loads, the proposed prefabricated sandwich composite slab system is approximately 20 percent lighter than the regular slab. Due to possibility of industrial production of precast sandwich panels under standard conditions and simplicity of construction, the introduced novel panels system can be a viable alternative for common floor systems. Besides, the novel system can save amount of material, labor, time, and cost in building construction. ­ This research aims to investigate the composite performance and influential parameters in bearing capacity and improve and develop hybrid concrete sandwich panels for structural purposes to lighten and industrialize construction, a topic of interest in structural engineering.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2024)

The Water Column Separation phenomenon is one of the transient flow regimes, which is created under conditions such as the sudden closing of the valve or the shutdown of the pump in the water supply network. Hard pressure fluctuations and damages caused by the mentioned phenomenon require identifying and providing a solution to prevent it. By this purpose, the present article investigates the possibility of Water Column Separation in a Loop Water Supply Network using Computational Fluid Dynamics method. Next, the Effect of the inlet velocity on the pressures created due to the Water Column Separation was investigated. For software validation, the Loop system provided by Wang et al. (2017) was selected. After ensuring the efficiency of the software to model the phenomenon of Water Column Separation, simulation was performed at different speeds. Checking the simulation results indicated the occurrence of Water Column Separation in the Intended Network. Also, the Results indicated that with the increase of the input Velocity, the maximum value of the Pressure in the Network increases and its minimum value decreases. In such a way that with a 12% increase in the input velocity, the maximum pressure value changes by 11.8% and the minimum value by 14.26%. In general, it can be said that by controlling the Velocity as an effective factor on the pressure fluctuations of the Water Column Separation, this phenomenon and the resulting damages are prevented.

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