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Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2017)

Hydro-mechanical deep drawing is an advanced process in metal forming in which high pressure fluid is used to form complicated parts. Conical parts are kind of complex parts in which there is a high possibility of thinning and rupture during the forming process due to low contact area between the punch head with the blank. In this paper, the Hydro-mechanical deep drawing of Al3003-IF Steel two-layer conical parts is studied using the experimental and numerical approaches. The effects of process parameters such as friction coefficient, arrangement of layers and thickness ratio of two-layer sheet on working zone are investigated. Allowable working zone in this process indicates the applicable range of chamber pressure and drawing ratio to achieve a part without rupture. The results show that with decreasing the friction between blank and blank holder, increasing the friction between blank and punch, increasing the thickness of high formable layer and setting IF steel layer as outer layer increase the limit drawing ratio and make the allowable working zone more extensive. Finally comparison of the results obtained from experimental investigation and numerical simulation shows a good agreement between the results.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (Winter 2013)

        Unforeseeable changed circumstances are one of the major problems of parties – especially those who are party to a long contract.  None of the legal systems have accepted the performance of contract in new situation. There are various theories to answer these situations. In this article, we choose two important theories, namely Hardship and Force Majeure. Hardship would be defined as a situation in which the contract would be too difficult to perform because of the change of circumstances and occurrence of unforeseeable events. The concept of Force Majeure providing for the discharge of one or both parties occurs when the performance of contract is impossible due to unforeseeable events beyond the control of the parties. The concepts of Hardship and Force Majeure seem to be related to each other, specially that they both cater to the situations of changed circumstances and both of them have some same features.  However, there are some differences between them.  Hardship occurs where the performance of the disadvantaged party has become much more burdensome, but not impossible, wheras Force majeure means that the performance of contract becomes impossible at least temporarily. Furthermore, there are some other differences such as difference in the effect of these theory. In the theories of Hardship, the contractual relationship will continue with the adaptation mechanisms; but the Theory of Force majuer grants exemption with  termination and suspension.          

Volume 17, Issue 5 (7-2017)

Butt weld friction stir welding of steel sheets with thicknesses of less than 1 mm has been known as one of the most important challenges in recent years. In this work, butt weld friction stir welding of IF (Interstitial free) steel with the thickness of 0.7 mm is studied experimentally. For this purpose the effects of rotational and travel speeds of the tool on the strength and hardness of welded joints is investigated. Mechanical strength of the joints is evaluated with uniaxial tensile test. Also, in this paper the microstructure evolutions of welded joints of IF steel sheets with the thickness of 0.7 mm are studied. The results show that with increasing in rotational speed and decreasing in travel speed of the tool, the tensile strength of welded joints will be increased. In addition, with increasing in rotational and travel speeds of the tool, the hardness of welded zone is increased. The results of microstructural investigations show that the microstructure of welded zone is improved with increasing in rotational and travel speeds of the tool. The results of EBSD analysis show that no significant changes have been occurred in the left side of stir zone in comparison to center of stir zone. Also, it is shown that the fraction of high angle grain boundaries in the center of stir zone has been increased than the left side of stir zone (from 25 % up to 48 %).

Volume 17, Issue 5 (7-2017)

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is characterized by the involuntary transurethral leakage of urine caused by an increase in abdominal pressure in the lack of an adequate bladder‎ ‎contraction that raises the vesical pressure to a level that exceeds urethral pressure‎. ‎Adult women are most commonly affected by SUI which is believed to be caused in part by‎ ‎injuries to the pelvic floor sustained during childbirth‎. ‎Despite the large number of women affected by SUI‎, ‎little is known about the mechanisms associated with the maintenance of urinary continence in women‎. ‎The work in this ‎research ‎focuses on studying the behavior of the bladder and the dynamics of the urine during an increase in abdominal pressure like a cough‎. ‎The computational model is developed by using the Finite Elements Method (FEM) and Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) techniques. ‎The results show a good accordance between the clinical data and predicted values of the computational models. ‎Simulated pressure is more accurate in the model in which non-linear material properties are utilized. The results of the computational methods indicate that by using numerical techniques and simplification of the physics of biological systems, clinical results can be reached in virtual environments in order to understand pathological mechanisms.

Volume 17, Issue 67 (12-2020)

Sociology of literature is one of the systematic and scientific efforts that helps to study literature. To examine the role of social structures in the production of literary works, Lucien Goldman chooses the method of evolutionary constructivism, which discusses the effects of creative structures. According to him, the literary text shows the links between the mental structures of literary realities and social realities. The author does not reflect the pure reflection of consciousness, but there is a strong connection between the categories raised in his work and his social consciousness. In this research, relying on the method of formative constructivism, the relationship between the characteristics of the main character of Golshiri's stories and the political, social and cultural conditions of the time of their writing is analyzed. This study shows that although Golshiri belongs to the middle class of society, by entering the privileged group of intellectuals, he has paid more attention to the issues and problems in this class, including political and reformist concerns, more than the general problems of the people. This, along with his party and political leanings, has led most of the main characters in his stories to be selected from the new, educated middle class. Therefore, political ideology is more prominent in its stories than other ideologies. In this context, Golshiri provides a vivid picture of political deceivers, expedient actions, and the fear and pessimism of political repression. In social ideology, the confrontation between poverty and wealth and its consequences and the boredom of the main characters from family and professional life are prominent. In cultural ideology, the tendency of the middle class and the intelligentsia to study socio-political works as well as the tendency of deprived and rural people to superstition and popular beliefs is evident. Finally, from the point of view of religious ideology, most of the main characters have a religious nature, and the author, by creating them, shows his critical and anti-sectarian view of this ideology.

Volume 18, Issue 2 (3-2016)

Limited data exist about the production of extruded linseed as a feed ingredient in farm animal nutrition. The objective of this study was to produce and evaluate extruded linseed mixed with alfalfa hay, pistachio by-products, and sugar beet pulp or corn grain in different proportions of linseed: alfalfa hay: pistachio by-products at ratios of 70:15:15, 70:20:10, 70:10:20, and 80:10:10 for quality parameters and in situ rumen Dry Matter (DM) degradability. Using a completely randomized design, the treatment containing alfalfa hay had higher Extrusion Effectiveness (EE), Water Holding Capacity (WHC), and Angle of Repose (AR), but lower Oil Loss (OL) and Bulk Density (BD) than other treatments (P< 0.05). There were no differences among extruded linseed products with different ratios of linseed: alfalfa: pistachio by-products for EE, WHC, and AR (P> 0.05). The treatment with an 80:10:10 ratio had the highest OL among all treatments and the treatment with a 70:15:15 ratio had lower BD than the others (P< 0.05). The DM degradability parameters of extruded products was affected by the absorbents and the treatment containing alfalfa hay had higher potential DM degradability than other treatments (P< 0.05). In conclusion, extruded treatment with alfalfa hay had the highest EE, oil retention capacity and potential rumen DM degradability compared to other treatments. In addition, extruded linseed product with an 80:10:10 ratio of linseed: alfalfa hay: pistachio by-products had higher OL than the other ratios.

Volume 18, Issue 4 (1-2015)

The more a marketing paradigm evolves, the more long-term relationship with customers gains its importance. Nowadays, most of corporations and firms in the world, including manufacturers and servicers, increasingly gain their incomes and profits through constructing and maintaining long-term relationships with the customers. The move towards a customer-centered approach to marketing, coupled with the increasingavailability of customer transaction data, has led to an interest in understanding and estimatingcustomer lifetime value (CLV). Furthermore, as marketing endeavors to be more accountable, the need of tools and models for measuring and evaluating efforts and investments that accomplish in marketing extent, is felt. The purpose of this research is CLV analysis for customer segmentation and profitability management. This dissertation we proposes a model for CLV measurement in banking industry. Our case study is one of the branches of Iranian Melli Bank. For this purpose, we selected savings (loan) accounts for 4 years, (from 2005 to 2008), in order to run our model. The study sample included 10,000 customers picked up among the accounts. After calculating the CLV of customers, we segmented the customers based on the calculated CLV. For customer segmentation, we used Clustering technique. This conceptual model is a new approach in customer segmentation context. More Customer Profitability Management based on segmented customer sections will be explained. Based on the models explained in this dissertation programs and methods will be proposed for each of introduced segments. 

Volume 18, Issue 4 (1-2015)

One of the most important functions of manufacturers and producers related to supply chain management issues and decisions is supply chain order management. However, there are several problems in this regard like (a) selection of best order portfolio between the received orders, and (b) detailed and accurate calculation of order fulfilling costs. Accordingly, in order to increase model confidence in the research, we used both mathematical optimization and system dynamics to design the order management system of an Automakers Company supply chain orders. In phase 1, using the mathematical optimization approach, we determined optimum order portfolio of the received supply chain. In phase 2, using phase 1 output and system dynamics approach, we determined the costs of order fulfillment. Both traditional and activity-based costing techniques were used to calculate cost parameters and objects. Ultimately, in order to select better costing approach, we compared the  two approaches. According to the results, ABC is better costing approach than traditional.   

Volume 18, Issue 8 (12-2018)

Due to higher demands for tailor welded blanks (TWBs) applications in transportation industry, it is worthy to understand their forming characteristics in manufacturing processes, especially the deep drawing, in order to produce products with higher qualities. Due to differences between the base materials strength as well as existence of the welding zone, the formability of TWBs is frequently less than the base metals. Comparison of weld line movement and drawing depth in TWBs designed and produced by laser welding and friction stir welding are the aims of this study. Because of creation of limited heat affected zone area and suitable keyhole, laser welding is more appropriate for TWBs production comparing to the other welding processes. The parameters of the friction stir welding process are very important due to having high influence on complicated plastic zone variation, material flow pattern and temperature distribution in TWBs sheets. In this paper, having designed the experiments, the effect of blank holder force and linear welding velocity on drawing depth and weld line displacement of TWBs have been investigated. Moreover, the harnesses of the weld zone in both processes have been examined. Results show that by increasing the linear velocity of laser welding, the amount of weld line displacement and drawing depth will be increased. Furthermore, the higher linear velocity of friction stir welding will result into the higher weld line displacement and drawing depth. Likewise, the harnesses of the laser welding zone are higher than those ones for friction stir welding zone.

Volume 18, Issue 111 (May 2021)

Oxidation of lipids in foods is one of the most important chemical events during food frying. The resulting chemical indices contribute to various diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, premature aging, respiratory distress syndrome and various liver disorders. The overall objective of this study was to investigate the chemical factors of the oils used in Fried falafels.
and then compared with the  case controlled conditions in the laboratory. This study was performed on 50 samples prepared in the shop. Peroxide, anisidine number, total oxidation value (TOTOX) and Kreis test were measured to investigate the destructive effect of falafel compounds on oil, then was compared with the case controlled samples according to the relevant standards in the laboratory. In this study, more than half of the samples could not be used and only 42% of the samples were approved. The mean and standard deviation for this values in the control sample were 4.39±0.62, 6.09±0.87 and 15.68±2.09 respectively. Also, there was a positive correlation between the values of peroxide, anisidine and TOTOX with Kreischr('39')s test. Based on the results, it was found that most of the chemical factors in the samples were above the permissible limit and used oils on the shops are unhealthy and unusable. Therefore, due to the dangers of primary and secondary oxidation on human health, implementation of training programs and application of the proper way to prepared food for the staff of these centers is essential.

Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)

Chitosan based films have several disadvantages, such as poor mechanical properties and low moisture deterioration, which limits their use in food packaging. In this study, nanomaterials such as nanoclay (M) and nanosilver (Ag) were used to improve the properties of the film whilst applying electrical current during film drying. Nanocomposite films based on chitosan, were prepared by adding four levels 0, 1, 3 and 5% silver and clay, then heat and electricity with 0, 15, 30 and 60 Voltage were simultaneously applied to dry them, finally their characteristics like including WVP, O2P, physical and mechanical properties, and microstructure were studied. The presence of nanoparticles in nanocomposite films increased the moisture, thickness, opacity, WVP, O2P and improved mechanical properties, incomparison with pure chitosan film. On the other hand, the concentration of 3% in both treatments improve the permeability and mechanical properties of the 1 and 5% levels. The application of electrical current had no significant effect on moisture content, solubility and thickness. In contrast, the use of electric current with a voltage of 30, improved mechanical properties, turbidity and WVP and a voltage of 60, improved O2P in nanocomposites. The images produced by the SEM show that the pure chitosan film has a rough surface and multiple gaps and the film surface of the nanoclay is relatively smooth and compact, which allows for increased tensile strength and inhibitory properties. The film containing nanosilver also had a more turbulent structure with a gap, turbidity and mechanical properties, and less inhibitory properties than nanoclay.

Volume 18, Issue 120 (February 2021)

The aim of this study was to produce nanoparticles of plant extract such as peppermint  in, β-Cyclodextrin by ultrasonication. This study was meant to investigate method of extract, size of  the Nano particles, physical properties of Nano particles, microbial analysis such as the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             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of Nano extract on  Ecoli O157:H7 in  doogh and sensory test. A randomized complete design (RCD) was used to characterize the factors, Factor T (variable storage temperature) in 3 levels (4,19 and 35 ° C) and a variable storage time (Z) in 3 levels (time and days of the 22,45  and  zero maintenance) was investigated. The results represent the means of three replicates. The results showed that with increasing temperature the growth of Escherichia coli will be increased. (P ≤ 0.05).  All interaction between bilateral interactions on the number of Escherichia coli were significant on Dough (p‹0.01).
E. coli bacteria decreased with increasing storage time, Escherichia coli yeast growth during the storage in Nano samples was significantly lower than control samples (P ≤ 0.05). Nano extracts with gradual release of phenolic compounds over time have inhibitory for micro-organisms. Temperature and storage were significant (p‹0.01). As well as the interaction between bilateral interaction release of phenolic compounds were significant. (p‹0.01).And the result of sensory test showed that the Nano extract sample got the highest score.

Volume 18, Issue 121 (March 2022)

The aim of this study was to produce biological silage from chicken waste based on fermentation of autogenous bacteria and to evaluate the quality characteristics of the product. In order to produce this product, sampling was performed from selected slaughterhouses in Mazandaran province and biosilage was produced in the form of a one-ton fermenter using autogenous bacteria isolated from the region (fermentation). The final product (dried biosilage powder) was evaluated qualitatively using standard methods and compared with other sources including meat powder, blood powder and kilka fish powder (produced by batch method). The results showed that the amount of protein, fat and protein digestibility in the produced biosilage was 59.09%, 21.30% and 87.41%, respectively. The product produced was in a better condition than meat powder and kilka fish powder in terms of the mentioned indicators. The produced biosilage did not show a significant difference between blood powder in terms of calcium and phosphorus and was at a lower level than kilka fish powder and meat powder. The levels of TVN, PV and TBA in biosilage were measured as 46.56, 4.46 and 2.21, respectively. These indices are in a much more favorable condition in the produced product compared to Kilka meat powder and fish powder. It was further found that the microbial parameters (mold, yeast, coliform, fecal coliform, E.coli) in the samples of meat powder, blood powder and kilka fish powder were relatively higher compared to biosilage of chicken waste. According to the results of the present study, chicken waste has the ability to be converted into biosilage with desirable characteristics that can be used in agriculture and aquaculture industries.

Volume 19, Issue 2 (February 2019)

Incremental sheet forming is one of the novel processes which is used for rapid prototyping and manufacturing of parts with complex geometries. Forming limit of sheet metal in this process is high compared to other conventional forming processes. In this paper, warm single-point incremental forming process through uniform heating to sheet along with tool heating is studied experimentally and numerically. Formability of sheet is investigated in various process condition based on the straight groove test in experimental approach and numerical simulation using finite element method. Tool heating along with uniform heating to sheet makes tool and sheet isothermal, reduces the heat loss in deformation zone and improves the deformation process. So, attainment of high forming limit is made possible. Comparison of forming limit diagrams obtained from experimental and numerical approaches shows a good agreement between the results. Effects of temperature and feed rate on the forming limit of aluminum 1050 sheet are investigated. Results show that increasing the temperature improves the formability of sheet significantly; but, the temperature is more influential on forming limit in low feed rates. Increasing the feed rate reduces the forming limit slightly; this effect is more evident in higher temperatures.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2016)

This paper has been done by the aim of identifying key factors affecting ethic marketing and their roles on improving marketing performance through the mediation influence of ethic marketing. This paper is based on a qualitative-quantitative study. Therefore at the first step, key factors affecting ethic marking were specified by a three stage-Delphi systematic interview with some marketing managers of pharmacy companies. In the next step considered factors and performance marketing of company were measured by 46 questions questionnaire and also the commitment of company to ethic marketing principles were evaluated by 30 questions questionnaire. The statistical population of this study including 385 employees of MAHBAN-DAROO Company and 341 Esfahan drugstores as their customers. The validity of this paper confirmed by content and factor validity and it reliability was proven by Cronbach's Alpha. Structural equation modeling was utilized as analyzing method by employing Amos 21. The results showed that individual, organizational, special environment and general environment factors have a direct and positive effect on ethic marketing and also ethic marketing has a positive and direct effect on marketing performance of company. Also other results revealed the mediating role of ethic marketing among key factors and marketing performance in pharmacy companies.

Volume 19, Issue 9 (September 2019)

Due to higher demands for tailor welded blanks (TWBs) applications in the transportation industry, it is important to understand their forming characteristics in manufacturing processes, especially the deep drawing, in order to produce products with higher qualities. Due to differences between the base materials strength as well as the existence of the welding zone, the formability of TWBs is frequently less than the base metals. The aim of this study is the comparison of weld line displacement and drawing depth in TWBs designed and produced by laser welding and friction stir welding. Laser welding is more appropriate for TWBs production comparing to the other welding processes because of the creation of limited heat affected zone and suitable keyhole. The parameters of the friction stir welding process are very important due to having a high influence on complicated plastic zone variation, the material flow pattern and temperature distribution in TWBs sheets. In this paper, by design experiments, the effect of blank holder force and linear welding velocity on drawing depth and weld line displacement of TWBs have been investigated. Moreover, the harnesses of the weld zone in both processes have been examined. Results show that by increasing the linear velocity of laser welding, the amount of weld line displacement and drawing depth will be increased. Furthermore, the higher linear velocity of friction stir welding will result in the higher weld line displacement and drawing depth. Likewise, the harnesses of the laser welding zone are higher than those ones for friction stir welding zone.

Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

ancient literature. In this process, the authors try to interpret the ancient literature in accordance with the spirits and mentalities of modern man. This plays an important role in enriching literary works and the relationship between cultures in different periods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the contemporaryization of ancient lyrical poems in some Persian novels(Winter 62 by Ismail Faceeh, Bamdad Khomar by Fataneh Haj Seyed Javadi, His eyes by Alavi Bozorg, Kiss God on the moon by Mustafa Mastoor, Dal Mahmoud Golabderehi, Night harmony of the wood orchestra by Reza Qasemi) is based on the documentary method. The results of the research show that the mentioned authors have mostly focused on contemporaryizing Hafez's poetry and have presented a new reading of lyrical poems according to the cultural, social and political conditions of the time and in accordance with their mental perceptions. They have used ancient lyrical poems to show the mentality of their characters and identities, and the themes of many of these novels have been conveyed through these poems or the theme of the novel is derived from the dominant thought. These poems have also played an important role in describing the place, atmosphere, creating realism and the connection between past and contemporary culture in Iran.

Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

The present study analyses the status of researchers in the field of Persian Literature with a scientometric approach based on the articles of Persian journals in the field of Persian Literature and tries to determine the importance and influence of each of the authors and research institutions in the field of Iranian academic Persian Literature, provided the possibility of evaluating the previous scientific policies of the country in this field. In this research, first, the trend of the rise and fall of the number of articles and co-authorship patterns over time has been investigated and researchers with the largest number of articles have been identified. In the following, after the formation of the co-authorship network, the relationships and importance of authors in this field have been investigated. Observations indicate that the number of articles has grown greatly since the 2000. According to the present research, despite the increase in the number of three-person articles, the collaboration of two authors in writing articles is still considered the most common pattern of co-authorship. According to the results of this study, the scientific centre of Tarbiat Modares University and Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and the scientific centre of the University of Isfahan are the most influential research centres in terms of publishing scientific articles in the field of Persian literature in Iran.

Volume 19, Issue 123 (May 2022)

Due to the concerns about the use of artificial colors in various foods, it is necessary to pay attention to sources with natural colors. One of these sources is the algae Spirulina, which contains the blue pigment phycocyanin. The aim of the present study in the first stage was to extract this pigment from the algae by enzymatic method and its nanoencapsulation. In the second stage, the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles were investigated. Finally, phycocyanin in both free and nano forms was added to the ice cream formulation and the qualitative and sensory properties of the product were evaluated in comparison with the control. The results showed that the produced nanoparticles have an average size of 397.1 nm. The encapsulation efficiency of the process was recorded 73.41%. According to the images recorded using scanning electron microscopy, the nanoparticle with different dimensions are scattered in the microscopic spread so that the particles are visible in different sizes. The release results of nanoparticles in vitro showed that at pH=1.2, the release percentage of phycocyanin is low (the first 2 hours). So that it fluctuates in the range of 7 to 13%. But after this stage (pH=7.4), the release rate increased significantly and from 35 to 71% at 3 and 4 hours, respectively. The use of pure phycocyanin in ice cream formulation improved the hardness, melting percentage, texture, hardness, crystalline intensity and coldness. But these indices were reported at a more favorable level in the treatment formulated with nanoencapsulated phycocyanin. The color index in ice cream formulated with pure phycocyanin was more desirable and more acceptable compared to the treatment with nanoencapsulated phycocyanin. Due to the properties of phycocyanin, especially the nanoencapsulated form, it can be used as a biological dye and improver the quality and sensory properties in various ice creams.

Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)

Following the concerns created in the field of using synthetic preservatives in various foods, it seems necessary to pay attention to natural compounds with preservative properties. Phycocyanin extracted from spirulina microalgae is one of these compounds. The aim of the present study was to extract (using enzymatic method) and nanoencapsulation of this pigment with maltodextrin-sodium caseinate combination coating and evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activity (against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia ruckeri and Streptococcus iniae) of nanocapsules in comparison with pure phycocyanin. The results showed that with increasing the concentration of phycocyanin (in both pure and nanoencapsulated forms), the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the treatments increased significantly (p<0.05). Comparison of the properties of the treatments on days 0 and 60 (stored at -18°C) showed that the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of pure phycocyanin was significantly reduced over time (p<0.05). But the nanoencapsulation technique prevents the mentioned properties from changing and helps to preserve them. Among gram-positive bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes was more sensitive than the other two bacteria and all concentrations used had an inhibitory effect on this bacteri. Staphylococcus aureus was resistant to two concentrations of 2.5 and 5 μg/ml and Streptococcus iniae to three concentrations of 2.5, 5 and 10 μg/ml. Among the two gram-negative bacteria, Yersinia ruckeri was more sensitive and the concentrations used, with the exception of concentrations of 2.5 and 5 μg/ml, had an inhibitory effect on both bacteria. According to the results of the dilution method, for the studied bacteria, the MIC range was between 50-500 and the MBC between 100-500 μg/ml. Also, the lowest MIC was recorded for Listeria monocytogenes and the highest MBC was recorded for Streptococcus iniae. It can be concluded from this research that first, pure phycocyanin has antioxidant and antibacterial activity; second, nanoencapsulation of this pigment with combined coating of maltodextrin-sodium caseinate improves these properties and their stability during the storage period.

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