Showing 96 results for safari
Volume 8, Issue 4 (2019 2019)
Identification debate is one of the significant issues in Iranian cities. The lack of attention to identifying factors in the cities of Iran especially in Tehran creates environments without solidarity and social engagement. This paper tries to analyze the different identity aspects of Islamic Iranian cities based on three general concepts of urban identity, Islamic urban planning and urbanscape.
Also, stating the position (Identity), meaning, and form of the Islamic Iranian cities with recognizing and ranking the components which have been created and strengthened the physical identity of urbanscape have been used. This research is a fundamental-applied research. In order to achieve the research goals, in the first step, the theoretical foundations of the subject were examined through referring to the books and articles. In the next section, the bodies of physical identity of the city of Iran were studied based on the theoretical framework of the research. These criteria were evaluated and prioritized by twenty experts in urban planning based on Hierarchical Analyzer Technique (AHP) and by expert selection analyzer. The results of this research show that identity component with 0.540 points had the highest score and the criteria of sense of place, sense of security and principles of architectural elements were respectively 0.329, 0.239, 0.283.
Volume 8, Issue 33 (9-2004)
Regarding necessity of performance evaluation an business excellence achievement, this paper is trying to present a business excellence model (BEM) through the combination of two qualitative and quantitative approach to evaluation which are the models taken from total quality management (TQM) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The model discussed covers all the advantages of the two models and reduces the defficiencies as mach as possible.
By reviewing BEMs, in this research, the appropriate crieria for performance evaluation and business excellence are identified and also applied in DEA, which by using tangible inputs and outputs evaluate the organzations.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2007)
Various basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes, grown in liquid and solid culture media, were compared for their laccase-producing ability and for the inducing effect of soil and agricultural residues on laccase production. Laccase activity in extracts of all solid media was higher than that of the liquid media. In liquid cultures, fungal laccase activity in ex-tracts of pea (Pisum sativum) straw-treated media compared with the other agricultural residue-treated media was significantly low. The laccase-producing ability of Polyporus sp. compared with the other fungi was significantly high whereas that of Trichoderma reesei was markedly low. Laccase activity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium under liquid conditions was strikingly low, however, under solid conditions it increased more than that of the other fungi. With the addition of soil to wheat and rice straw-treated solid media, fungal laccase activity increased significantly.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aims: Wheat is one of the most important crops products in Iran. Considering the role of nanotechnology in the production of crops, the study of the effect of nanoparticles on its growth processes is very important. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of silver nanoparticles on germination characteristics of wheat in in vitro situation.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, germination characteristics of 10 wheat cultivars were performed in 4 concentrations including silver nanoparticles, 10000, 5000, 1000, and zero (Control) with 4 replications in factorial design based on completely randomized design. Root and shoots length, root to shoot ratio, germination rate, percentage of germination, time average and index of germination, daily mean germination, seedling emergence and, vigor index were measured. Analysis of variance and Pearson correlation as well as SPSS 18 and Excel 2013 were used to analyze the data.
Findings: All traits had a significant correlation with each other (p<0.01). There was a significant difference between cultivars and also between different concentrations of nanosilver for all traits (p<0.01). Major decomposition and cluster analysis showed the highest level of germination at the control and further at 1000 ppm level. Also, with increasing nanoparticle concentration, the germination characteristics also showed a significant decrease (p<0.01). Orom and Parsi were the best cultivars because of the highest value of germination characteristics.
Conclusion: High concentrations of silver nanoparticles have an effect on germinating characteristics and reducing their amounts. There are variations between the wheat cultivars for the studied characteristics. Orom and Parsi cultivars are superior to other cultivars.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
Aim: the present study aimed to analyze the diameter distribution of Juniperus excelsa m.bieb stands of northeast Iran, using probability distribution functions consider to cardinal directions.
Materials & Methods: The data have been collected from 168 sample plots of 0.1ha areas in natural juniper stands of Iran. In this study, the diameter distribution of the juniper stands has been evaluated in four main geographical aspects, using various statistical distributions. Weibull (two- and three-parameter), Gamma (two- and three-parameter), Beta, Johnson, and lognormal probability distributions have been used for modeling diameter distribution.
Findings: According to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the most appropriate distribution functions in the northern, eastern, and southern slopes were the two-parameter Weibull and Johnson probability distributions western slopes, the most appropriate distribution functions were Beta and Johnson. Besides, considering Anderson-Darling’s fitting test, only lognormal distribution in the northern, eastern, and southern aspects, and lognormal and three-parameter Weibull in western aspect did not show a significant difference compared with the frequency of trees in diameter classes.
Conclusion: Generally, the results show Weibull (2p) and longermal are the most appropriate statistical distribution functions for describing the distribution of trees in the diameter classes of Juniperus excelsa in different aspects.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2007)
Iran annually exports considerable quantities of nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, pista-chios and walnuts. The fatty acid profile of these nut oils as an index of their quality was determined using gas chromatography. Results indicated that oleic acid (C18:1) was the major fatty acid in almonds (75.37%), hazelnuts (76.21%) and pistachios (60.49%) fol-lowed by linoleic acid (C18:2), whereas in walnuts, the main fatty acid was linoleic acid (49.84%) followed by oleic acid. However, in all cases palmitic acid (C16:0) was detected at a much lower level than those of oleic and linoleic acid (7.26, 5.29, 7.20, 9.23%, respec-tively).
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2020)
Objective: This paper aimed to identify and classify high-educated emloyees expectations from the organization, and deisign a model of employer brand based on their expectations.
Methods: This paper has a qualitative approach and used the grounded theory as a research method. In-depth and semi-structured interviews were used o collect data. In this regard, 25 experts who has job experience and high educationand graduated from high level universities participate in job interviews. The validity of this research was examined and approved by the interviewers, professors, and by content validity ratiowith coefficience of%62. And the reliability was %81 which obtained by using auditing result processmethodology. For data analysis, we used the continuous comparison method in three stages: open, axial, and selective coding.
Results: Results revealed that mutual expectations between employee, job and organization had significant effects on employer brand experiences. Also, it was shown that employer brand experiences with contextual conditions (organizational capabilities, employer branding executive requirements, employer branding executives and HR management subsystems), and intervening conditions (candidate’s persona, employer content marketing, employer branding challenges) had significant effects on employer brand equity strategies. Additionally, the findings indicated that the consequences of employee’s attraction and retaintion, improvement of organizational and employee performance, customer and market, business brand, brand awareness, HR and external consequences.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2021)
Citrus peel is a natural source of antioxidants and the use of its natural extracts to improve the quality of fish is increasing. The effect of orange peel extract on the chemical and sensory properties of Huso huso fillet when refrigerated (4±1 °C) was investigated. In this study, fish fillets with aqueous solutions of ethanolic extract of orange peel (w / w 5%) or (5 ml of extract in 100 ml of solvent), orange peel extract (w / w 6%) and orange peel extract (w / w 7%) were tested as natural preservatives for 30 minutes. Control samples were immersed in distilled water for 30 minutes. Control and treated samples were packed with ethanolic extract of orange peel and stored for 15 days. Samples are then taken at regular intervals for chemical properties of pH, free fatty acid (FFA), peroxide (PV), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), total volatile nitrogen bases (TVB-N) and sensory evaluation (texture, color, odor and acceptance) were studied. Analysis of the results of chemical tests and sensory evaluation showed that orange peel extract maintains good quality characteristics and increases the shelf life of fish samples during storage at refrigerator temperature. 7% orange peel extract and then 6% and 5% orange peel extract significantly (P <0.01) delayed the oxidation and hydrolysis of fat in the samples that treated with the Orange peel extract.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
Aims: One of the cancers that threaten women's health is cervical cancer. This study aimed to investigate the predictors of the behavioral intention of Pap smear testing based on the theory of protective motivation in women.
Instrument & Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study. Participants in this study were 300 women referring to public clinics in one of the selected hospitals in Tehran. In this study, a reliable and valid questionnaire based on protection motivation theory was used to collect information. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 19 as well as a correlation test and stepwise regression.
Findings: The findings revealed that the correlation coefficients of perceived sensitivity (r=0.47), perceived intensity (r=0.53), fear (r=0.46), response costs (r=0.54), response efficiency (r=0.2), self-efficacy (r=0.53), and behavioral intent were significant at a confidence level of 0.99 and in a positive direction. The ability of behavioral intention prediction for response costs (26.2%), self-efficacy (11.6%), fear (1.8%), and perceived sensitivity (3.2%) was recorded, these variables can predict about 42.8% of changes in behavioral intention for Pap smear testing.
Conclusion: The behavioral intent of having a pap smear testing can be predicted based on the theory of protective motivation in women. Therefore, designing educational programs within the framework of this theory is recommended to improve Pap smear testing.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
Aims: One of the most important regenerative medical purposes is the production of alternative tissues with proper function. Fibroblast cells are one of the most important types of cells in the repair process that also play a role in the formation of blood vessels. Stimulation of fibroblastic cells requires the appearance of external signals to begin the proliferation and recall of other cells, as well as angiogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of M13 in combination with RGD peptide on fibroblastic cells.
Materials and Methods: For this study, M13 bacteriophage was first amplified and isolated. Then RGD peptide was synthesized and purified. Then, isolated mouse fibroblastic cells were culture on surfaces coated with M13 bacteriophage, bacteriophage M13 and RGD, gelatin, and surfaces without coated as a control for 48 hours. MTT assay was used to measure the proliferation and survival of cells, and then the expression of FGF-2, TGF-β1 and VEGF-A genes was measured by real-time PCR.
Findings: The results of this study showed that the M13 and RGD bacteriophage increased cell proliferation and the fibroblast cell survival rate. In addition, expression of FGF-2, TGF-β1 and VEGF-A genes in cultured fibroblasts on the M13 and RGD bacteriophages surface increased significantly.
Conclusion: Our research showed that scaffolds of M13 bacteriophage and RGD peptide are nontoxic and bio-compatible so they can be a suitable candidate for induction of repair and angiogenesis in tissue engineering.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
Aims: Today, obesity and associated hypertension are among the main health threats and risk factors for the occurrence of many diseases in most developed and developing countries. The present study aimed to determine the predictors of physical activity among a sample of overweight male employees of Urmia offices in the light of the Health Belief Model (HBM).
Instrument & Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 467 overweight male employees of offices in Urmia City were included between November and March 2021 using simple random sampling. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire consisting of four sections: demographic features, knowledge questions, HBM constructs, and performance-related questions. Data analysis was performed by SPSS 18 using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Findings: The results showed statistically significant differences between overweight male employees who engaged in standard physical activities and those who did not, in terms of the mean score of perceived susceptibility (p<0.022), perceived severity (p<0.04), perceived barriers (p<0.001), and perceived self-efficacy (p<0.001) concerning the hypertension prevention behavior. However, this difference was not statistically significant for the perceived benefits construct (p=0.221). Logistic regression analysis results showed that perceived barriers and self-efficacy were significant predictors of physical activity.
Conclusion: The HBM constructs can predict physical activity behavior in hypertension. However, more research is needed to confirm other predictors of related behaviors in employees.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)
Aims: The present study aimed to identify the predictors of hand hygiene intention and behavior among nurses using the theory of planned behavior (TPB).
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on nurses working in a public hospital in Tehran in 2016-2017. In total, 196 nurses were enrolled in this study and selected through random sampling. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire guided by TPB. The validity of the questionnaire was measured using the opinions of 14 scholars and professors. The content validity ratio was measured based on the Lawshi method and the content validity index was measured based on Waltz and Basel method. The test-retest and internal consistency were used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software 16.0 and statistical tests, including multiple regression analysis.
Findings: The attitude toward hand hygiene (p<0.001) and perceived subjective norms (p=0.012) were correlated with nurses’ intentions to hand hygiene. This set explained 56% of the variance in intention to hand hygiene. In addition, Perceived behavioral control was found as the strongest predictor of hand hygiene behavior (p<0.001), which together with subjective norms and intention could predict individuals’ behavior (R2=0.52).
Conclusion: The constructs of the TPB have predictability regarding hand hygiene behavior.
Volume 11, Issue 52 (October and November 2023)
The literature of popular culture, based on beliefs, thoughts, and desires, has featured many adaptations and revisions of mythical epic narratives. It has been used as a model to create new stories that afford insight into the general perception and perspectives on these tales. This study aims to undertake a comparative analysis of the characters, actions, and mythical epic motifs of the story “Kor-e Asb-e Siah” in Bakhtiari culture and the story of "Siavash" in Shahnameh using document analysis. The comparative investigation encompasses an examination of their social backgrounds, physical attributes, and actions of stepmom characters, horse characteristics, and seeking asylum in another land. The results demonstrated significant similarities between these two stories; the main protagonists are princes with indeterminate maternal lineage, possessing corporeal beauty and horses that share similar qualities such as color, intelligence, and the ability to jump high. Additionally, their stepmothers are seeking for a sexual desire, both ultimately taking refuge in another land, getting married, and building a city and palace for themselves. Nevertheless, there are divergences between these stories; the story of Siavash features more politically motivated character behavior, whereas “Kor-e Asb-e Siah” emphasizes on familial matters. Hence, it could be concluded that “Kor-e Asb-e Siah” in Bakhtiari culture is a creative retelling or adaptation of the story of Siavash.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (spring 2024)
The chaste love story of Qays ibn al-Mulawwah and Laila bint Mahdi in the Umayyad era is one of the famous love stories that has been widely reflected in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Kurdish, etc. literatures. In this story, due to the excitement of love, Qays reveals the secret of his relationship with Laila, and this angers Laila's family and prevents their marriage. The story of Mam Alan is one of the Kurdish folk love stories in which Mam, the only son of the king of Yemen, loves Zin, the sister of Mir Zain al-Din, the ruler of the Jazir city, despite the wish of his parents, and the Baker devilish’s intrigues prevent them marriage. Ahmad Khani, organized this love story in his literary masterpiece entitled "Mam and Zin" and although he has been influenced by the folk tale "Mam Alan" in his poem, he completely transformed and re-created it. In this research, using the descriptive-analytical method and based on the American school of comparative literature, it is studied how the chaste love and its differences and similarities are reflected in the two mentioned works. The results of the research show that in both stories, the features of chaste love have appeared, with the difference that the end of Mam and Zin's story, unlike the story of Majnoon Laila, ends with a divine and true love. Based on this, the story of Majnoon Laila is just a love story, but Mam and Zin is a love and mystical story.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of nutritional programming on growth and hematological indices of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) during the larval stage by partial replacement of fish meal (FM) with soybean meal (S). Sterlet sturgeon with initial mean weight of 0.32 ± 0.01 g were randomly distributed into twelve circular concrete tanks (260 fish per each tank) and fed four experimental diets with substitution levels of 0 (control/FM), 15% (S15), 30% (S30) and 45% (S45) of fish meal with soybean meal during three phases in three replicates. In phase 1 (programming), fish were fed four different diets for 28 days. All the groups were then fed with FM during phases 2 (intermediate) and S45 at phase 3 (challenge) for 28 days. At the end of each phase, growth indices were measured. Hematological indices including red blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were assessed at the end of the challenge phase. The growth performance was not significantly different in either phases 1 or 2 (P > 0.05); however, final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, and average daily growth were significantly higher in S45 than FM during phase 3 (P < 0.05). Moreover, no significant difference was indicated among the groups in hematological indices (P > 0.05). According to the obtained results, early nutritional programming could effectively enhance the adaptation of sterlet sturgeon to plant-based protein later in life.
Volume 13, Issue 0 (kongore 94- 2015)
Phytases (myo-inositol 1,2,3,4,5,6 hexakis phospho-hydrolase), found in plants, animal tissues and microorganisms, are a group of phosphatases capable of hydrolyzing phytic acid, the most abundant inositiol phosphate in nature, to myo-inositol and inorganic phosphates. In this study, 68 microbial isolates from different sources were screened using submerged fermentation for the best phytase production. The results showed that isolate K46b had the highest phytase production (1.952 U/mL) among other isolates. Subsequently, the catalytic activity of phytase enzyme of isolate K46b at different conditions of temperature, pH and sodium phytate concentration was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimum conditions i.e. 56.5 ºC, pH 7.30 and 2.05 mM sodium phytate, the phytase activity increased to 4.627 U/mL which compared to the screening step, it showed a 137% increase. Moreover, the phytase showed 60-73% of its optimum activity in wide ranges of temperature (47-68 ºC), pH (6.3-8.0) and sodium phytate (1.04-2.50 mM). It can be concluded that isolate K46b phytase has potential applications in dephytinization of food ingredients such as cereals and meals in in food and animal feed industries, aquaculture and combating phosphorous pollution in the environment.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2024)
Aims: The aim of present study was production of Fatir bread fortified with rainbow trout and silver carp meats and evaluation of its quality attributes during room temperature storage.
Materials & Methods: Different concentrations of cooked rainbow trout and silver carp meat (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%) were added to the Fatir bread and sensory properties of prepared bread were measured. Then, selected treatments were stored for 9 days at room temperature and during this time the quality attributes were evaluated.
Findings: Results of initial sensory evaluations were showed that the Fatir bread containing 5% of rainbow trout and 10% of silver carp were accepted. Results also demonstrated that the protein, lipid and moisture content of the bread were increased with addition of the fish meat. Fatir bread fortified with fish meat had higher TVB-N, peroxide and total viable bacteria during room storage period. In terms of flavor index, the control Fatir bread was acceptable until the end of the storage period, however, the breads fortified with fish meat were within the acceptable range until day 5.
Conclusion: Can be concluded that although fortified breads showed higher nutritional value, they had lower shelf life than control bread. Between fortified breads, the quality changes were lower in the bread containing rainbow trout meat.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2014)
This paper proposes a new hierarchical identification method for fractional-order systems. In this method, a SISO (single input, single output) state space model has been considered in which parameters and also state variables should be estimated. By using a linear transformation and a shift operator, the system will be transformed into a form appropriate for identification of a fractional-order system. Then, the unknown parameters will be identified through a recursive least squares method and the states will be estimated using a fractional order Kalman filter. This identification method is based on the hierarchical identification principle that reduces the computational burden and is easy to implement on computer. The promising performance of the proposed method is verified using two stable fractional-order systems.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2023)
Background and Objectives: Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the memory impairment is the main prominent symptom of this disease. The hippocampus of the brain, is the first region that undergoes changes in Alzheimer’s. Systems biology tools such as high-throughput techniques, enable us to explore signature genes involved in disease initiation and advancement which can be considered as new therapeutic and diagnostic candidates in complex diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Methods: A total of 85 samples obtained from the hippocampus of the brain of healthy individuals and individuals with Alzheimer’s were selected from two datasets. Differential expression analysis was performed independently for both datasets and the results were integrated. Genes with the same expression pattern in the two datasets were used to construct a gene-gene network using the STRING database. The obtained network analysis was performed to detect key genes associated with the disease.
Results: In this study, 73 genes with the same expression pattern were found in the two datasets. The obtained network analysis led to the identification of SNAP25, UNC13A, SYN2 and AMPH as key genes connected with Alzheimer’s disease.
Conclusion: The role of the reported key genes in endocytosis, neurotransmitters release and synaptic vesicle cycle facilitate proper functioning of memory. Expressional changes and mutations in each of these genes effect other pathways and lead to Alzheimer’s. Thus, the key genes reported in this study, can be considered as potential markers in developing diagnostic and therapeutic methods for Alzheimer’s.