Showing 278 results for rezaei
Volume 23, Issue 4 (Fall 2020)
Objective: Despite many advances in cancer treatment and control, significant deficiencies remain and the rate of cancer growth is increasing. Due to the side effects of using chemicals and radiation, the use of herbs can have fewer side effects for the patient. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential anticancer effects of alcoholic extract of Lavender on inhibition and growth of HepG2 cell lines.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the effect of alcoholic extract of lavender (10,100,1000 and 1 μg / ml) on HepG2 liver cancer cell line was studied. MTT assay was used to evaluate the toxicity of lavender extract and cell viability. Cell cycle changes were assessed using a flow cytometer.
Oxygen-free species production and membrane lipid peroxidation were also measured.
Results: Results showed that alcoholic extract of Lavender has anti-cancer effect on HepG2 cell line. After confirming the effect of lavender extract on cell cycle, the results obtained from the evaluation of membrane lipid peroxidation and production of free reactive species were also significant.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the alcoholic extract of Lavender was reported as a potential anticancer agent and is one of the therapeutic strategies in liver cancer.
Volume 23, Issue 4 (April 2023)
Pneumatic Soft bending actuators as safe and highly adaptable robots are being considered by researchers, such that they become an ideal choice for making devices that interact more with humans. These advantages come along with several disadvantages. Their great adaptability is provided by their high degrees of freedom, and consequently, it makes the modeling a significant challenge for researchers. In this paper, the modeling of a soft fiber-reinforced bending actuator that is in contact with the environment has been conducted by utilizing the finite rigid element method. This method provides a context within which the modeling theories of traditional rigid robots, such as the Denavit-Hartenberg method, become usable for a soft continuum actuator. Therefore, in the following, resorting to this theory, the static and dynamic behavior of a soft actuator under the effect of the external load has been investigated and compared with the empirical results derived from a fabricated actuator. The results show a minimum accuracy of 9 percent, although being as simple as can be used for other purposes like implementing control systems based on that.
Volume 23, Issue 6 (June 2023)
The type and material of the core piece of sandwich panels are important parameters in the mechanical behavior of these sandwich samples. In this study, the mechanical behavior of sandwich panels with two types of aluminum alloy foam core was investigated. Also, the effect of the method used to stabilize aluminum foam investigates and compares during the bending and compressive tests, for this purpose, the properties of the core of sandwich panels made with LM13 alloy aluminum foam were fabricated with calcium stabilizer and silicon carbide powder separately. The results of the X-ray diffraction test showed the presence of Al4Ca intermetallic compounds in aluminum foams containing calcium metal, and silicon carbide particles for aluminum foams containing silicon carbide powder in the cell wall. The yield strength of sandwich panels with aluminum foam core and calcium metal stabilizer was higher than that of cores with silicon carbide particle stabilizer. Also, sandwich panels with aluminum foam cores containing silicon carbide powder showed more energy absorption. In contrast, foams with silicon carbide powder stabilizer absorbed more energy under the uniaxial pressure test. Also, the results of the macrostructure analysis of how the shape of the sandwich panel changed in the three-point bending test were indicative of a reduction in force due to the weakness in the connection between the sandwich panel shell and the aluminum foam core.
Volume 23, Issue 12 (December 2023)
At the end of the forming process, when the part is removed from the mandrel and the matrix and the part is loaded, a deformation occurs in the part, and this deformation after forming is called spring back. This research was carried out in order to experimentally determine the spring return of stainless steel 316 and carbon steel ST37 with different thicknesses in C-die forming and compare it with finite element simulation. The parts with three thicknesses of 1, 1.5, and 2 mm, forming and the geometrical dimensions of the spring back of the sheets have been verified. The results showed that the experimental spring back in the finite element simulation is consistent with the test, and also by reducing the thickness, spring back increases, which is affected by perfect elastic zone and surface plastic strain and membrane and bending stress.
Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2020)
It is the ethics and commitment to morals in today’s business that are of the most important factors that shape the buyer’s thinking and manners on a growing basis. One of the main challenges ahead of businesses, especially online businesses is sellers' commitments to morals that influences different aspects of each business such as the buyer's behavioral tendencies and retailer image. The present study examined electronic retailers’ ethics and its impacts on the buyer's behavioral tendencies and retailer image. In terms of aims, the study is developmental and practical. The statistical population includes 342 customers that shop online. The quantitative data were gathered by means of questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling and through SPSS and PLS software. The model of e-retailers ethics involves five dimensions: 1. Privacy, 2. Security, 3. Reliability, 4. Non-deception, 5. Benevolence. As for the findings, e-retailers ethics positively affect the buyer's behavioral tendencies and retailer image.
Keywords: e-retailers ethics, electronic commerce, customer behavioral tendencies, retailer image.
Volume 24, Issue 3 (5-2022)
The increasing need for energy resources and the threat of shortage of available fossil fuels in the future along with the adverse environmental issues arising from consumption of these fuels, especially climate change, have led countries to pursue sustainable and eco-friendly modes of producing energy. Meanwhile, in recent years, many researchers have considered renewable energies and their related technologies.
However, the evidence indicates that social or public acceptance of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) is low and people, especially in rural areas of developing countries, are less likely to adopt and use such technologies. Accordingly, the current study was undertaken to investigate the factors influencing Iranian villagers’ intention to use RETs through two socio-psychological models with pro-self and pro-social motivations and to integrate them into one comprehensive theoretical framework. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 393 villagers in Zanjan County in northwestern Iran. The study results disclosed that personal norm, attitude, social norm, and perceived behavioral control had significant positive impacts on the intention to use RETs. Most importantly, the findings confirmed the effectiveness of the original models of Norm Activation Model (NAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in explaining the villagers' intention. However, the utility and applicability of an integrative model of TPB-NAM were superior to the original models. Additionally, the original NAM contributed considerably more to the integrative model than the original TPB. Collectively, the
pro-social orientations outweighed the pro-self motives in the case of explaining the behavioral intention regarding the use of RETs among Iranian villagers. Overall, this study's findings contribute to the theory and practice around sustainable energy development in Iran and other developing countries.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (7-2022)
Empirical studies on the concept of rural entrepreneurship are neglected in the literature. This study aimed to analyze this concept empirically through investigation of the businesses related to rural areas and distinguish them into three groups including “rural entrepreneurship”, “entrepreneurship in rural areas” and “rural business”. Two questionnaires were designed for this survey research: one general, filled by owners of businesses, and the second was specific, filled by the research group. A total of 496 Iranian businesses related to rural areas supported by Omid Entrepreneurship Fund in Fars Province were categorized into three groups of businesses. The results of ANOVA indicated that “rural entrepreneurship” and “entrepreneurship in rural areas” were statistically more entrepreneurial than “rural business”. The values created by different groups of businesses were analyzed and the results showed that “rural entrepreneurship” was the only group whose profitability was dependent on value creation for rural areas.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (7-2022)
The Tomato Leaf Miner (TLM), Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is a cosmopolitan tomato pest that has driven a renewed reliance on pesticides in tomato production, negatively affecting biological control of other pests and creating environmental and health hazards. We tested five locally important Iranian tomato cultivars (TD, Karon, Petoprid, Matin, and 8320) for constituitive resistance to TLM by comparing its biological performance and life table parameters under standardized laboratory conditions (27.5±1°C, 65±5% RH, 16 L:8 D hours photoperiod). Survival and developmental rates of immature stages varied significantly among cultivars, as did female fecundity and main parameters of the life table. Karon was most suceptible, affording 90% juvenile TLM survival, the fastest development, and the highest female fecundity, with cultivar 8320 not significantly different in these regards. By contrast, Matin ranked most resistant; i.e. only 59% of larvae survived, and female fecundity was almost halved. TD was the next most resistant, being not significantly different from Matin in these metrics. The intrinsic rates of increase (r), in descending order, were Karon (0.178), 8320 (0.169), TD (0.146), Petoprid (0.138), and Matin (0.111). Matin and TD had the highest densities of glandular trichomes on adaxial leaf surfaces. These findings indicate that the Matin, Petoprid and TD are more resistant than the other cultivars and have potential as one component of an IPM strategy to manage T. absoluta.
Volume 24, Issue 10 (October 2024)
In this study, a droplet injection system based on a piezoelectric actuator was designed and built to evaluate the system's performance in producing droplets of varying volumes. Droplet injection systems are crucial in many biological and biomedical applications. These systems contain numerous adjustable parameters, making it challenging to predict the resulting droplet volume. To analyze the influence of different input parameters and predict droplet volume, a statistical design of experiments approach was employed using response Surface methodology. Five main factors were investigated in this research, including three parameters related to the input signal (rise time, fall time, open time, and signal amplitude), back pressure, and nozzle diameter. Different levels were considered for each parameter, and their independent and interactive effects on droplet volume were analyzed. The results indicated that all factors had a p-value of less than 0.05, confirming their significant impact on the output volume. The regression model obtained, with R2 of 0.98, showed strong predictive capability for droplet volume. Furthermore, the inverse performance of the regression model was analyzed using parameter optimization, and a comparison with the experimental setup demonstrated an error of less than 5%. This model enables the optimization of design parameters and enhances the system's performance, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of such devices in targeted applications
Volume 24, Issue 10 (October 2024)
This article focuses on the design, manufacturing, and dynamic modeling of a piezoelectric pneumatic servo valve based on a compliant mechanism. The use of piezoelectric actuators in these valves, due to their fast dynamic response and high precision, significantly improves the speed of pressure control. To this end, the structure of the pneumatic servo valve and the function of its components were initially investigated. To enhance the valve's orifice opening, a rhombus type compliant mechanism was designed to amplify the displacement range of the piezoelectric actuator. Subsequently, a comprehensive dynamic model of the system was presented. After identification and validating the proposed dynamics, the results of air pressure control for both steady and time-varying reference inputs were provided. Experimental results indicate that the proposed dynamic model for the manufactured valve has a maximum error of 25%. Additionally, frequency analysis results show that the valve has a dynamic bandwidth of 90 Hz and a natural frequency of 56 Hz, highlighting its applicability for high-frequency operations. The results of pressure control demonstrate a step response time of approximately 21 milliseconds at a pressure of 2 bar, indicating its capability to respond to rapid pressure changes. Furthermore, the ability to track input pressures with varying frequencies and amplitudes was also evaluated
Volume 25, Issue 1 (12-2018)
Lorestan’s Balageriveh, is a lowland passage area, located in between two rivers, Dez and Kashkan in South Central Zagros; the area itself is divided into three parts, northern, southern and central. In previous studies in Lorestan, a form of complete shift was depicted from sedentary lifestyle to a mobile one, in transition between the Late Chalcolithic and the Middle Bronze Age. Central Balageriveh is important to be studied on this matter due to its central position among Susiana (Elam), Central Zagros, Bakhtiyari region, Posht Kouh and Mesopotamia, as well as paleoclimatology and archaeological studies conducted over there. Due to the above reasons, the present study has taken into account paleoclimatology and archaeological data, the transition process from Chalcolithic Cultures to the Bronze Age, a change in settlement patterns and the role of socio-economic and environmental changes in this pattern alteration. The findings indicated that long-time climatic change which occurred in the middle of 4th millennium B.C. in the region cannot be regarded as the cause of the complete cultural gap and the change of settlement pattern at the time. Instead, it seems that with the collapse of the Uruk System and its commercial organization, the areas like Balageriveh which were intermediary in this commercial network, lost their charm. When people like Kura-Araxes, on whom some would put the blame of the Uruk collapse as they were mobile pastoralists, settled in some areas which the previous power had lived, the commercial paths withered and Balageriveh’s intermediary role diminished and instead due to socio-political reasons, the lowland characteristics of the area became highlighted and the change in settlement pattern occurred.
Volume 25, Issue 1 (4-2021)
In the banking industry, a variety of activities have been introduced as social banking. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of social banking and identify the various approaches used in the area. The banking value chain model has been used to describe different approaches to social banking. This paper starts with a literature studying the various trends that have led to the formation of the concept of social banking, in the literature review section. In continue, social banking approaches are identified. Triangulation is used to ensure the validity of the research method; therefore, two different methods have been used to identify social banking approaches. In the first method, the grounded theory research method was used. In this process, the data obtained from the literature used, as well as conducting semi-structured interviews with subject matter experts in four different Iranian banks. In the second method, the clustering method was used and 49 global social banking experiences were clustered in terms of the type of impact on the value chain. The results of both methods led to the identification of four different approaches to social banking. Finally, these four approaches are described and it is specified how each of them affects each part of the bank’s value chain.
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2021)
The purpose of this study is to develop a store brand competitiveness model for chain stores through customers' responses to store environmental stimuli. The research is applied in terms of purpose and uses a mixed or combined method in terms of data type. For data collection, the semi-structured in-depth interview approach along with library studies was considered. The statistical population of this study was organizational experts and senior managers in the chain store industry. Purposeful sampling was used to identify experts and senior managers, during which 10 experts were interviewed due to the adequacy of the data. In the next step, 58 basic conceptual propositions of open coding, 21 categorical propositions of axial coding and 7 main categories of selective coding were obtained. Also, in the quantitative section, 160 questionnaires were distributed. According to the research results, using the qualitative method and the opinions of experts and managers in the quantitative method, led to the creation of a framework for competitiveness of the store brand of chain stores and the necessary steps to achieve a strong store brand were identified. Creating external and internal environmental stimuli in the store through an enjoyble shopping experience can create the authenticity, attachment and image of the store brand, which results in increasing market share, creating a strong brand and competitive advantage, and ultimately making the store brand competitive.
Volume 25, Issue 3 (5-2023)
Research on the rural entrepreneurial process is relatively limited. This quantitative study appraised an opportunity-based model of rural entrepreneurial process that consisted of two components including the principal stages and the important factors in each stage. Using tree analysis, the pathways passed by the rural entrepreneurs and the drivers of the process were investigated. A survey was conducted with a sample of 193 rural entrepreneurs supported by Omid Entrepreneurship Fund, Iran. Based on the results, the rural entrepreneurs passed 7 pathways to get from opportunity recognition to opportunity exploitation. Process of analyzing the regression tree indicated that the rural entrepreneurial process resulted from a complex set of various stages and drivers. The first determinant stage of the predicted value of opportunity exploitation as the dependent variable was opportunity evaluation. All rural entrepreneurs were divided into two categories of low and high opportunity evaluation. The most important drivers of this stage were prior knowledge, access to expertise, and access to financial resources. According to the results, social supports, proactiveness, and expectancy for success were the most effective drivers of the rural entrepreneurial process in which opportunity revision was the most determinant stage. Opportunity examination was another determinant stage influenced by normative environment and self-efficacy. Innovativeness and social networks were the best drivers for the rural entrepreneurs who passed the rural entrepreneurial process with high ability of opportunity recognition. According to the results, both individual and contextual factors were important, in almost all pathways. To facilitate and accelerate the rural entrepreneurial process and promote its quality, it is important to consider the rural entrepreneurs’ abilities.
Volume 25, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
Novel antiepileptic drugs (AED) are now available. However, many epileptic patients still find the condition difficult to handle. Drug therapy does not work for about one-third of the cases and not all people who will benefit from surgery. The use of electric current as a treatment option has emerged since the late twentieth century. Inhibition of synapse activity is a way that low-frequency stimulation (LFS) prevents epileptic activity. It will enhance the endocytosis of AMPA-type glutamate receptors and activate calcineurin, thereby leading to long-term depression (LTD). High-frequency stimulation (HFS) also contributes to the control of epilepsy by increasing the membrane permeability of neurons. Nonetheless, the detailed mechanisms responsible for these effects are still unknown. More research is required to fine-tune electrical stimulation parameters and yield better results in epilepsy patient care.
Volume 26, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures resulting from abnormal neuronal activity in the brain. The olfactory system is implicated in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and some areas of the olfactory system may serve as sources of seizures. TLE patients often experience olfactory sensations or auras before seizure onset, and olfactory stimulation has been shown to modulate or suppress seizure activity. The connection between the OB and certain brain areas, including the hippocampus, plays a significant role in the spread and propagation of seizure attacks. The document highlights the anatomical and functional relationship between the OB, entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus, suggesting that the olfactory system is involved in the pathogenesis of epilepsy.
Volume 26, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
This study investigates the susceptibility and resistance of H. pylori isolates recovered from gastroduodenal patients naive to clarithromycin.
To that end, H. pylori strains were isolated from antral biopsies of pretreatment patients, and antral biopsy specimens were subsequently cultured. Presumptive H. pylori colonies were also confirmed on enriched Brucella agar by biochemical tests, including catalase, oxidase, rapid urease, and the standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. The antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by standard disk diffusion methods according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines. Then, the Epsilometer test (E-test) was used to determine the minimal inhibition concentration (MIC).
Of 180 samples, 80 (44%) were positive for urease and were included for further analysis. 65 were also positive in culture base method. The sensitivity test indicated a 23% resistance rate to clarithromycin among the six clarithromycin-resistant strains: four have a common form of the A2143G mutation, and two have A2142G mutation.
The PCR indicated that the level of resistance to clarithromycin was very similar to the resistance level in Iran.
Volume 26, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by memory impairment and learning difficulties. Alzheimer's disease is recognized as the most common cause of memory loss and dementia in middle-aged and elderly individuals, and it is the fifth leading cause of death among the elderly. Extensive research is being conducted to identify the causes and pathological mechanisms involved in this disease, as a proper understanding of these mechanisms could lead to the discovery of fundamental treatments. In this article, we have looked at some of the pathological mechanisms of this disease, which result from changes in synaptic function and functional connectivity.
Volume 26, Issue 4 (7-2024)
The sugar beet crop has always been attacked by various pests and diseases. Rhizomania viral disease, which has spread in different regions of sugar beet cultivation, has become a disease of prime importance for the crop in the last three decades. Resistant cultivar usage is the only reliable way to manage rhizomania disease. In order to identify promising genotypes, eleven sugar beet genotypes with natural infection to rhizomania, in a company with three controls, were assessed in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. The experiment was conducted in six research stations of Karaj, Khoy, Kermanshah, Mashhad, Miandoab, and Shiraz for two cropping seasons (2020 and 2021). Based on the rhizomania score, all genotypes had acceptable resistance to the disease. The Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) stability analysis illustrated that the first five principal components were significant and specified 88.8% of the total genotype by environment interaction variance. Gen-7, Gen-10, Gen-11, and Gen-2 were selected as stable genotypes based on the AMMI model. Genotype plus Genotype by Environment Interaction (GGE) biplot results also confirmed the superiority of Gen-10 and Gen-11 regarding sugar yield and stability in disease-infected environments. According to the results of the Multi-Trait Stability Index (MTSI), genotypes Gen-4, Gen-1, Gen-2, and Gen-11 were identified as stable genotypes under rhizomania-infected conditions. By applying different stability measurement methods, in addition to identifying the genotypes’ adaptation to different environments, accurate decisions for future breeding or cultivar registration can be achieved.
Volume 28, Issue 3 (7-2021)
A study of hidden and obvious angles of Iranian works of art, including the discovered artifacts of the ancient Marlik region, shows the rich heritage of this land. The ancient hill of Marlik, despite its tools and utensils, and especially its clay sculptures, is still explored due to its special elegance and beauty. The aim of this study is to have a measure of fit and linear range in Marlik pottery and to get acquainted with its hidden angles. In this regard, the question arises as to how the use of golden proportions and the visual element of the line (as a range) appear in dimensions and sizes of the clay figures. In this regard, 6 index statues have been excavated from Marlik Cemetery and the results showed that 3 clay statues follow the golden ratio of √2, √3, √4 and √5. And they have a good linear range and balance, exaggeration and harmony can be seen in them. In this process, the other 3 statues are not attractive in terms of size and dimensions and do not have the elegance of construction and design. In addition, the two factors of proportionality and linear expansion are in complete unity, and the role of positive and negative space to achieve balance is obvious. The research method here is descriptive-analytical and in the data analysis, the golden proportion approach has been used, as well as the collection of information is documented.