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Volume 19, Issue 4 (11-2019)

In this research, the way for improve performance and also increase the discharge coefficient of curvilinear piano-key weir in plan was investigated. For this purpose, changes in the geometric shape of this type of weir have been created and the results of these changes have been investigated using the FLOW3D software. One of these changes is the deformation of the weir crown. Therefore three weir models with rectangular, triangular and elliptical crowns were designed. Results showed that weir with triangular crown had up to 60% higher discharge coefficient than the elliptical-crown weir and up to 65% more than the rectangular-crown weir. In the second part of this research, effect of existence or absence, as well as the geometric shape of the bundle, on the performance of these types of weirs was investigated. For this purpose, three weir models with cubic rectangular, half-cylindrical and prism bundles were designed and compared with a weir without bundle. The results showed that in low flow rates, the bundle improved the hydraulic performance of the weir and also among the bundles, half-cylindrical bundle had better performance than other bundles, but by increasing pass discharge, the effect of bundle operation decreased, and gradually the discharge coefficient of weir with bundle and weir without bundle approached. Finally, the impact of parapet wall on these types of weirs operation was investigated. For this purpose, a 1.3 cm high parapet wall was added to the weir crown. Results showed that this action increased the discharge coefficient by about 7%. Generally, in high flow heads, the improvement factors do not have a significant effect on weir performance.

Volume 19, Issue 5 (May 2019)

Piezoelectric bending actuators have been extensively utilized in recent years. Two major modeling methods, lumped and continuous, have been generally proposed in previous researches for these actuators. The lumped method can only express the transverse vibration of one specified point on the actuator. In addition, the effect of higher vibrational modes has been ignored. Hence, continuous dynamic models have been proposed to rectify the mentioned drawbacks. In this method, linear constitutive equations for low voltage applications are usually applied. But, the main challenge in continuous modeling of piezoelectric actuators is the hysteresis nonlinear phenomenon caused by excitation voltages. In this paper, piezoelectric nonlinear constitutive equations have been employed to carry out the continuous dynamic model for two general types of bending actuators i.e. Series and Parallel. In addition, zero dynamic analysis for nonlinear systems has been applied to clarify the effect of higher vibrational modes the actuator dynamic behavior based on the location of Experimental results show the maximum error 1.44 and 1.2% in the identification of first and second modes, respectively, and the maximum error 2.89% in the modeling of actuator nonlinear behavior by two modes. These results validate the efficiency of the proposed dynamic model to express the actuator nonlinear behavior, dynamic analysis, and its superiority over conventional models with one mode.

Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

Teaching literature to international students can be challenging. The teaching of literature has remained traditional. Studies reveal that most of the language lecturers and teachers teach literature based on their personal experience. This study attempts to provide answer to this question “what is the most efficient model for the instruction of Persian literature to non-Iranian Persian language learners?” In this investigation, after reviewing the relevant literature, the researcher developed and piloted a questionnaire. The questionnaire was randomly distributed among 52 Persian language teachers and experts to probe their perceptions concerning the most productive model for teaching Persian literature. The data analysis showed that the participants considered the integrated approach, personal growth, cultural, and linguistic models as the first, second, third, and forth models, respectively, appropriate in the teaching of both Persian poetry and prose despite with statistically significant difference. The results further indicated that the teachers did not show significant difference concerning the application of models in teaching Persian poetry and prose. The findings of this investigation might be used to upgrade the quality of teaching Persian literature to non-Iranian Persian language learners. The results could be promising in the design and development of useful educational materials in the teaching of Persian literature.

Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)

As the demand for new protein sources increases, research is needed to extract and develop protein isolates with desirable functional properties. Sesame protein can be used as a new plant protein source due to its high amino acid content. In this study, the effect of sodium chloride salt concentration (0, 18 and 22% w / v) and drying temperature (25, 45 and 180 °C) as two important parameters affecting the functional properties of protein isolates extracted from sesame were investigated. Protein solubility tests at pH 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11, foam stability and emulsion stability at pH 11 and water holding capacity (WHC) and oil holding capacity (OHC) were performed. The lowest protein solubility was observed at pH 5 and with increasing pH, protein solubility increased. With increasing temperature from 45 to 180 °C at constant salt concentration, protein solubility and foam and emulsion stability increased and WHC and OHC decreased. An increasing in salt concentration from 18 to 22 % at constant temperature caused to increase in protein solubility and decrease in WHC and OHC. Foam and emulsion stability was lowest at 18% of salt concentration. In general, drying temperature of 45 degrees Celsius and salt concentration of 18% for preparation of protein isolate with maximum water and oil holding capacity and drying temperature of 180 °C and salt concentration of 22% for production of sesame protein isolate with maximum solubility, Emulsion stability and foam stability are recommended.

Volume 19, Issue 132 ( February 2023)

Following the increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and increasing public awareness of the relationship between food and human health, several studies have been conducted to find potential antimicrobial agents. D-limonene (L) is a liquid and a colorless bioactive compound of the terpene family that has high antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Due to its low solubility, high volatility, and sensitivity to light, its applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries are limited. In this study, L was incorporated in β-cyclodextrin nanosponges (CD-NS) to overcome these limitations. For the preparation of  L-NS, different molar ratios of β-CD and Diphenyl carbonate (DPC) as cross-linker (1:4, 1:6, and 1:8 of CD: DPC) and different ratios (w/w) of L: NS (1:2, 1:4, and 1:6) were prepared. The results showed the solubility of L increased after encapsulation in the nanosponges. Encapsulated L showed higher antibacterial activity compared to free L and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration of  L  decreased 324 and 648 times after encapsulation. Our results propose that CD-NS is a suitable carrier for hydrophobic and sensitive compounds and L-NS can be used as a potential preservative with enhanced antibacterial activity in food applications. It is important to note that the results of this study were obtained in vitro and further studies related to their toxicity (in vivo) are needed for confirmation of their application in the era of nutrition and genomics.

Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)

In this study, an example of the results obtained from the combination of the vibration monitoring program and the root cause analysis approach for the electromotor roller element bearings of the cement factory’s mill fan has been presented and examined. By registering the inspectors' reports on the release of abnormal sound from the bearings, the vibration data recorded in the monitoring program were equipped and, by carefully checking the vibration trends of the machine, sensible increase in the bearing condition index (BC) have seen. By matching the fault frequency with the frequency elements of the roller bearing, predicted is failure in the bearing' cage, which will be verified by visited and reviewed. The detect of the root cause of the failure is on the agenda for this purpose, paid investigated the causes of failure in the bearings and due to the inspection history, finally specified the use of the bearing is not suitable due to the velocity factor, as well as the factors of the lubrication interval and the amount of lubrication charged can be explained by the reasons for failure in the machine.

Volume 20, Issue 2 (6-2016)

In today's competitive world where change is one of the most important features is necessary for the preservation and conservation organizations exist Looking agility to be able in the shortest time and at minimal cost to improve the quality and innovation in their products and services. This paper aims to examine the impact of organizational culture on organizational agility capabilities of the armed forces organizations with descriptive - correlation to the written survey And tries to correlate the five hypothesis "group decision-making culture", "culture of learning", "Culture power sharing", "culture of participation" and "risk tolerance" on "organizational agility" to the test. To test these hypotheses, a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 48 questions using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient using the software SPSS, 0/994, respectively. A survey by Morgan estimated 140 people who responded to the questionnaire. The results of structural equation is as follows. Between the "culture of group decision-making", "learning culture", "culture of power sharing", "culture of participation", "risk tolerance" and "organizational agility" There is a significant positive relationship.

Volume 20, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Growing the importance of environmental issue have led numerous companies to regard green marketing and purchasing behavior concepts as the main source of their strategic shift and the subsequent growing research, increasing the dispersion and explosion of information in this field, therefore the essence of a combination of research out in the matter to the systematic way and facing the researchers. This research using meta- analysis and software comprehensive meta- analysis (CMA) to analyze the research conducted between 1997 and 2015 in the field of green purchasing behavior. After reviewing the research conducted, 22 internal and external study, 39 variables and hypothesis were identified. Used to funnel charts and statistical methods Rosenthal and Orwin way to check the validity of the findings and publication bias. The results of the meta- analysis shows that Environmental concern, Social Influences, Perceived effectiveness, Perceived environmental responsibility, Concern for self- image in environmental protection, Environmental Attitude, Perceived seriousness of environmental problems and Green purchase intention most effective and different studies have been green purchase behavior.

Volume 20, Issue 3 (7-2013)

Painted rocks may be considered the oldest manifestation of art in human society. The history of this art is estimated to be more than 30 thousand years. This art has also a long history in Iran.
This article introduces one of these rock art sites i.e. Ghalat Niloo which is located in Kazeroon County, south-east of Ghalat Niloo village. The purpose of this study is to identify and determine the location, the function of concepts, the history, classification and relationship of these designs with similar samples available from other areas. These designs have been engraved on the walls of the caves and include subjects such as hunting, human on horseback with a bow in hand, animal images mostly goats and in one case a dog. They probably date back to the 1st Millennium BC.

Volume 20, Issue 3 (Fall 2016)

The human need to energy is increasing constantly and fossil energy sources is decreasing. The indiscriminate use of fossil fuels pollute the environment and threaten life on Earth. Today in addition to modifying consumption, use of renewable energy is one of the ways to solve the energy crisis. The Solar energy is one of the renewable energies. In this study the application of GIS in the Assessment of using solar energy to supply lighting systems of Highway Zanjan - Tabriz by function of Solar Analyst has been studied. In this article, the DEM ASTER satellite’s data of the study area in the Arc GIS software were used to calculate the solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface for six months (May and October).The results of this investigation showed that the study area due to variation of topography has different surface radiation and confirmed the possibility of using solar photovoltaic systems to supply lighting systems of Highway Zanjan - Tabriz. In the matter of the most important factor which affects the received radiation to surface, function of Solar Analyst has the most correlation with the height and the lowest correlation with the slope aspect.  

Volume 20, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Interaction of companies with customers in the form of customer relationship management has changed significantly. Identifying characteristics of different customers and allocating resources to them according to their value to the firm has become one of the main concerns in customer relationship management. The purpose of this paper is to provide an appropriate model for customer segmentation based on some of the most important financial and demographics characteristics influencing factors of customer lifetime value (CLV). The process proposed in this study was performed in Saman insurance company. After determining RFM model indices, which include date, frequency and monetary of purchase, AHP method used for weighting them among 180000 customers. The optimal number of clusters based on the silhouette and impact of RFM indicators was done by using Two-step algorithm and then customers classified through K-Means clustering algorithm. Results provided a platform to analyze the characteristics of customers in three main sections. Also, by prioritizing clusters based on the RFM indices, valuable customers were identified. Finally, some suggestions were presented to the company to improve its customer relationship management system.

Volume 20, Issue 6 (June 2020)

Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) are designed to overcome the main drawbacks of monolithic ceramics, especially their brittleness, in high-performance and safety-critical applications. Owing to the inherent properties of CMCs, especially heterogeneous structure, anisotropic thermal and mechanical behavior, and the hard nature of fibers or matrix, the machining process becomes extremely challenging as the generated surface suffers from undesirable quality. Taking the high hardness of ceramic matrix into account, grinding with diamond abrasives is the only efficient way for machining of CMC materials. The aim of this paper was to study the influence of grinding parameters (cutting speed, feed speed, and depth of cut) and different cooling-lubrication conditions (i.e. dry, fluid, and minimum quantity lubrication) on surface roughness, process efficiency, and tool wear. The results indicated that MQL leads to the best results in terms of surface quality and process performance. Furthermore, increasing of cutting speed and feed speed decreased and increased surface roughness, respectively, while depth of cut had an insignificant effect on the roughness value. Regarding the experimental results, four machining strategies considering quality, productivity, and efficiency criteria were developed. Eventually, the material removal mechanism was evaluated using SEM photos, indicating that brittle fracture is the dominant removal behavior of CMC materials.

Volume 20, Issue 7 (July 2020)

Electrochemical machining (ECM) has unique features and advantages which is a suitable method for machining when surface quality and residual stresses are of importance. Because of various parameters that influence this process, numerical and experimental studies play a key role in feasibility, practical utilization, and selection of optimal machining parameters in different materials and applications. On the other hand, with the high technology used in the casting of nickel-based single crystal superalloys, no grain boundaries are created in the material. Therefore, by improving the mechanical properties of this material, the traditional machining processes are not effective and economical. Also, they cause defects such as residual stresses, tool wear, and poor surface quality. The purpose of this research is to investigate numerically the electrochemical machining on this special superalloy. Comsol software is used for process modeling and numerical analysis. Firstly, the electrical current and voltage in the machining gap are determined, and finally, the workpiece displacement boundary is obtained. Then the numerical conditions of machining parameters are implemented for experimental investigation by electrochemical machining machine. About 8% error between the results of numerical simulation and experimental investigation shows the feasibility and capability of this modern machining for this particular superalloy.

Volume 20, Issue 9 (September 2020)

The isothermal forging process has the ability to produce complex industrial parts from alloys that do not have high formability, such as aluminum alloys. Eliminating the temperature difference between the part and the die in this method eliminates the problem of cooling the part due to heat transfer to the die. In this study, the hot isothermal forging of AA6061 aluminum alloy in different conditions of process including lubricant type, dimensions and size of primary ingot, temperature and rate of deformation, to produce a complex industrial part numerically and experimentally was investigated. Deform 3D software was used to simulate this process. Comparison of experimental and numerical results showed a good agreement of results. The best dimension of the primary ingot for the studied piece is cylindrical with an initial diameter of 35mm and an initial height of 32mm. Increasing the temperature, reducing the deformation rate and using the appropriate lubricant reduced the amount of required forging force. Reducing the deformation rate from 25-2.5mm/s reduced the required forging force to 1.8 times. Increasing the forging temperature from 380 to 530℃ reduced the amount of forging force about 3.5 times and reducing the hardness of the part about 20%. The results showed that due to the complexity of the forging part, different areas of the part were affected by different strain values, which changes the percentage of secondary phases such as Mg2Si phase in these areas.

Volume 20, Issue 10 (October 2020)

Nowadays, the efficient use of solar energy for optimal use in the building industry has become one of the concerns of designers and builders. Studies show that by properly designing the exterior walls of the building, the amount of solar energy absorption can be managed for the building. Ahwaz is a tropical city that needs mechanical cooling most of the year. However, it has five cold months, with 3 months of use of heating systems to provide residents with thermal comfort. Therefore, the thrombus wall has been considered in this study. The aim of this study is to investigate and compare the thermal behavior of thrombus walls with different shapes in the sunny (south) walls of corridor spaces in Ahwaz. Research method is a hybrid method that incorporates empirical research strategies, simulation, and case research. On this basis, after experimental observations and field investigations on real samples, a general pattern was obtained and numerical calculations of the simulations were performed with CTF method after validation and reliability with Energy Plus software. In this study, by studying the sunroof wall (south side) of a default corridor space, five general compositions of the thrombus wall with the same conditions have been simulated and evaluated. The results have shown that in order to manage energy absorption, the geometry of the thrombus wall is of special importance and its chess pattern performs better than other models. At the end, some suggestions have been made.

Volume 20, Issue 79 (4-2023)

The Igd -ul-ula' is one of the most special texts of Persian prose, which is full of Persian and Arabic words, idioms, poems and proverbs. These features have led to the need for a comprehensive description of the Igd -ul-ula'. Maryam Iranmanesh has described and analyzed this book. This description has major drawbacks in several cases. In this article, we have divided these problems into six groups: lexical problems in Persian and Arabic, grammatical errors, syntactic errors, ambiguities and inadequacies in translating Arabic poems, and not mentioning the speakers of the poems. We have tried to show how the commentator made a mistake in each of these cases and what the source of this error was by referring to Davin poets, reference books and authoritative Persian and Arabic dictionaries. Explanatory lexical errors are due to not referring to valid Persian and Arabic dictionaries and her morphological and syntactic problems are often the result of not recognizing the syntactic role of words and phrases, lack of recognition of time, roots and form of verbs and inadequacies and ambiguity due to not referring to the poet's divan, Are authentic reference books and dictionaries. In each case, after mentioning the forms of the text, we have provided the explanatory explanations, and after reviewing these explanations and showing its errors and defects, we have provided the description and explanation of our proposal from the text. We have tried to make our proposed explanations free of these slips and to be deeper and more accurate.


Volume 20, Issue 80 (4-2023)

Although Ferdowsi's Shahnameh contains many narrations of Iranian myths, there are myths, that Ferdowsi did not address for some reason. One of the most controversial myths that are not present in the Shahnameh is the myth of Arash Kamangir. Some scholars believe that Ferdowsi did not intentionally refer to this myth, and others believe that this myth was not in Ferdowsi's sources. However, this research tries to look at this issue from the perspective of "paradigm analysis" And show that in the Shahnameh paradigm, the natural and obvious act is choosing life over death and the act of consciously and intentionally choosing death has never occurred by the heroes. In other words, the choice of deliberate death or martyrdom is an issue that is outside the Shahnameh paradigm. And Arash's myth could not have a place in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh because it is a story in praise of martyrdom. This is the result of comparing the paradigms that govern the Shahnameh and the myth of Arash, while the deliberate choice of death is absent in the paradigm of the Shahnameh, it is emphasized and praised in the paradigm of the myth of Arash. Hence, the paradigmatic contradiction between the two texts has prevented the presence of such a myth in the Shahnameh.

Volume 20, Issue 144 (February 2024)

The aim of this study was to produce dry aloe­ vera slice by osmotic-hot air drying method and to investigate the effects of this method on texture, color, shrinkage, water re-absorption ability and water activity. The studied variables included precooking time (5, 7 and 10 minutes), drying time (8, 10 and 12 hours) and drying temperature (40, 50 and 60 ° C) using the response surface method in the form of a central composite design. It was examined with six replications at the central point. The results showed that increasing the temperature to 50°C increased the hardness of the texture, but further increasing the temperature reduced the hardness. The rate of rehydration was affected by drying temperature. With increasing temperature, the rate of rehydration in the samples increased. However, changing the pre-cooking and drying process time had no effect on the amount of this parameter. None of the studied independent variables had a significant effect on water activity. Optimization results showed that pre-cooking for 10 minutes and drying at 53.93°C for 8 hours will produce products with the best characteristics.

Volume 21, Issue 1 (1-2019)

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of Organizational Learning (OL) on the relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Organizational Performance (OP). The target population of the study comprised of all experts of Agriculture Jihad Organization (AJO) of West Azerbaijan Province in the northwest of Iran (N= 1004). Two hundred and forty subjects were selected using a stratified random sampling method based on Bartlett et al. (2001) Table. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) multivariate technique was used to analyze the data. The results showed that EO had a statistically significant positive effect on OP (P-value= 0.001, β= 0.660) and explained about 44% of its variances. Moreover, the variable OL mediated the relationship between EO and OP (P-value= 0.001, β= 0.423). After inclusion of OL as mediating variable in the model, the predictive power of the model increased by 17%. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that it is necessary for AJO to strengthen OL and its components in order to maximize the effect of EO on OP.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (3-2019)

Three different sources of Iranian wild almond (Amygdalus scoparia from Beyza, Fars Province, A. scoparia from Borazjan, Bushehr Province, and A. hausknechtii from Firouzabad, Fars Province) were evaluated for their amino acid compositions and protein nutritive quality attributes. Hydrophobic and acidic amino acids were the most abundant amino acids found in the seed protein. When compared to the (FAO/WHO)-recommended essential amino acid pattern for an adult, lysine, sulphur amino acids (methionine+cysteine) and histidine are considered the first, the second, and the third limiting amino acids, respectively, in the protein obtained from the wild almond sources. Also, the protein and energy values of the studied wild almonds were lower than those of the domestic almond. Wild almonds were also found to be rich sources of minerals; particularly calcium, zinc, and phosphorous. Wild almonds also had higher levels of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities than those of the domestic almond. Furthermore, amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside mainly found in the fruit and seeds of Rosacea family, was obtained at significantly higher levels in the wild species (6.5-7.2%, wet basis) when compared to that in the studied domestic almond (0.9%, w/w). Overall, the results of this study show that there is a great potential for the application of wild almonds in the food industry.

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