Showing 278 results for rezaei
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)
This paper is based on an interpretive ethnography conducted in a public organization ("Edareh"). This paper attempts to achieve some part of the ethnography’s goal to describe how "ideal worker" is socially constructed by the different organization’s stakeholders (managers and employees), so as to stay and to be “advantaged". This goes through the light of analyzing the two key events, that is to say "management changes" and "layoff". At first, drawing on Schneider and Ingram framework, the characteristics of “ideal worker” construct from new managers’ view, their sense making of the employees with this framework and trying to move into the full realization of the construct is expressed. Then, based on social construction efforts on the part of employees, their struggles to stay, to not being fired, and even to get promoted - intended to changing and modifying the new manager’s “ideal worker” construct - is described in the form of a manifesto for staying in “Edareh”.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2014)
The toxicity of thiamethoxam and pirimicarb on Diaeretiella rapae (Mc'Intosh) as a parasitoid of Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), exposed to residues on glass vials, was investigated under laboratory conditions at 23 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 5% RH and 16:8 h (L: D). Moreover, in order to find the negative impacts of both insecticides on the efficiency of D. rapae, the functional response of the exposed parasitoids were assessed. The newly emerged parasitoids were exposed to LC25 of the insecticides and distilled water as control. Host densities of 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32 and 64 were placed on canola seedlings in a transparent cylindrical container and were offered to the treated parasitoids. Type of functional response was determined by means of logistic regression method and the parameters, attack rate (a) and handling time (Th) were calculated by nonlinear regression model using SAS software. The parasitoid exhibited type II functional response in all experiments. Attack rates in control, pirimicarb and thiamethoxam were 0.057 ± 0.01,0.059 ± 0.013 and 0.040 ± 0.01 h-1, and handling times were 1.097 ± 0.1, 1.86 ± 0.02, 2.81 ± 0.296 h, respectively. Maximum rates of parasitism (T/Th) were estimated 21.87, 12.9, 8.53 aphids, respectively. These observations suggest that pirimicarb with less harmful effects is the preferred candidate for controlling the mustard aphid.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)
According to Some Ṣadrian researchers, Suhrawardī confuses philosophical secondary intelligibles with logical ones and rejects the idea that philosophical concepts are attributes of external objects. The main supporting evidence for this claim could be divided into two categories; A) Suhrawardī’s assertions that philosophical attributes are mental, and B) his assertions that the mind ascribes philosophical attributes to external beings. But first, the evidence is not sufficient to prove their claim, and second, there is clear evidence against it. Ṣadrā himself accuses Surawardī of confusing the two types of intelligibles in another way. He reads one of Surawardī’s statements as claiming that logical attributes like “particularity” are attributes of objective beings. This objection is also unfounded since Suhrawardī employs “particularity” in a different sense referring to a philosophical concept in that context. Therefore, Suhrawardī does not confuse the two types of secondary intelligibles, in either of the two mentioned senses.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (9-2015)
One of the most beautiful aspects of Iranian oral literature is traditional melodies and songs that speakers of different regions and ethnic groups intone at work or at ceremonies or special occasions. These songs, from the very old eras till now, have been applied by human in aggregations and ceremonies. Some of these songs have arised from Iranian ancient culture, and have retained heir old roots. Sarkavir region, located in the southern border of Semnan province and adjacent to the northern edge of the central desert, has some neglected songs. Dialect of this region, with more similarities to the ancient Khorāsān dialects, has remained largely intact for various reasons, including the inaccessibility to the city. These poems, related with mourning and rejoicing customs, and songs by women in ceremonies. have maintained their strength and power in funerals and wedding ceremonies until now. In this article, we have tried to introduce "Soru" and "Ongâre" as two special wedding and funeral songs, analyze their literary and anthropological aspects, and through it, explain some features of their speakers.
Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)
Gender as a social identity, has an important role in the formation of folk poetry, especially poetry and folk Bakhtiari culture. The lyrics besides reflecting different values and beliefs about women and men are important in the internalization of these values. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gender on popular poems (The chansons of caress, Lullabies, and mourning lyrics) of Bakhtiari culture that have been analyzed using content analysis and theoretical basis of gender inequality. Gender divides these poems into two parts; male and female poetry. Home prepares the way in which the women benefit from a private atmosphere that helps them to do several activities like baking, milking and conviviality. Instead social and public activities such as to be with others in assembly, eloquence, rationality, courage and to be belligerent are those of characteristics attributed to men. Gender inequality in the tradition of Bakhtiari culture has a tender signification, in its turn, it means that women are in lower rank in comparison with men .
Volume 3, Issue 11 (Autumn 2022)
Although creating special value in professional sports teams is popular, the process of shaping the brand equity of the sports team in the sports marketing literature is still relatively unknown and not fully understood. This study provides a dual identification model to examine how to build the brand value of a sports team. This study aims to investigate the role of team identity antecedents and team brand identity in constructing the brand equity of Traktor football team fans. The research method is descriptive-correlation and is applied based on the purpose. The statistical population is all the fans of the tractor manufacturing team. The sampling method is unlikely and available. The sample size was estimated based on sample power software. Two hundred and sixty-four people participated in this study. The face validity and content of the questionnaires were confirmed by a survey of 5 sports management professors, structural validity was confirmed using convergent and divergent validity, and reliability was confirmed by using α and CR. The results showed that market characteristics (including social experience, outstanding group experience, history, and fan etiquette) and symbolic stimuli (including similarity, distinction, and brand credibility) significantly correlated with team and brand identity. In addition, identification with the team identity and brand identity of the sports team are significant predictors of the brand equity of the sports team. These findings emphasize the dual identification study's importance in forming the brand equity of the sports team for sports team managers.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2004)
In most industrial applications, including overhead cranes, two motors with equal speeds are required. To meet this, different traditional and modern methods are used. In the modern methods, work is done with more precision but the cost is remarkably high, also the maintenance of equipment needs specialized personnel. Among traditional methods, the two-motors selsyn method is noteworthy due to its considerable low cost. But this method has some problems in starting with high rotor resistance, working at nominal speed, and braking. In this paper after analyzing of selsyn methods, the stability conditions and some problems that occur in two-motor selsyn have been studied. In continuation, some solutions have been suggested and the effectiveness of the system has been validated through practical tests and simulation results.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2016)
The antibacterial and antioxidant activities of methanol and acetone extracts of three marine algae, including Hypnea hamulosa, Gracilaria corticata and Enteromorpha intestinalis wereinvestigated.Antioxidant activities were determined by means of total antioxidant capacity, total phenolic compounds, DPPH radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power. Antibacterial activity was determined using a paper disc diffusion method against pathogenic bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Acetone extract of E. intestinalis showed the highest antioxidant activity and contained the highest phenolic compounds. The highest percentage of DPPH radical scavenging activity was observed in the methanol extract of H. hamulosa (p<0.05). The highest ferric reducing antioxidant power was observed in the methanol extract of Glacilaria (p<0.05). The strongest inhibition (p<0.05) against L. monocytogenes was shown by the methanol extract of E. intestinalis and the highest inhibition against B. subtilis and E. coli was observed in the acetone extract (p<0.05). In conclusion, E. intestinalis extracts showed favorable antioxidant and antibacterial activity suggesting its application in food and pharmacological industries.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aims: Throat of a healthy individual is an environment, which is suitable for the growth of various bacteria and viruses. In patients who are under artificial ventilation, leakage around the cuff of the trachea may be the cause of pneumonia. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of herbal teas of 5% green tea and 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash on oral hygiene of patients with tracheal intubation.
Materials and Methods: This clinical trial study was conducted on 46 intubated patients admitted to ICU of Shahid Mohammadi hospital of Bandar Abbas, Iran in 2015. These patients were selected by simple random sampling method. In the first 4 days, the first group was mouthwashed with chlorhexidine solution and the second 4 days with green tea solution. The second group was first washed with green tea solution and the other 4 days with chlorhexidine solution for the first 4 days. On the first day and the end of the fourth and eighth day, the pharynx was cultured using sterilized method. The data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software using Chi-square, chi-square for trend, or Fisher’s exact test.
Findings: Patients in both intervention groups demonstrated improved oral health with respect to decreased bacterial load in pharynx. However, no significant difference was observed between the two intervention groups with respect to improved oral bacterial load (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The use of green tea and chlorhexidine mouthwashes has a similar effect on bacterial colonies in the pharynx.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2015)
The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the pH-shift process in protein recovery from whole and gutted common kilka and characteristics of the produced gel compared with muscle surimi obtained with the conventional method. Although both acidic and alkaline methods reduced total pigment (TP) in isolates obtained from the whole and gutted fish, the alkaline version was more effective and the lowest amount of TP was observed in the isolate from gutted fish using alkaline version. The last sample also contained the lowest amount of TCA soluble peptide which was significantly lower than the others. Also, gel produced from the isolate recovered form gutted kilka with the alkaline version had significantly higher water holding capacity and gel hardness but it was weaker than the sample obtained with conventional method. The results were supported with higher relative amount of actomyosin and actin in the structure of the gels produced from the gutted fish isolate and surimi from fish muscle, as reflected in SDS-PAGE. Nevertheless, the whiteness of the samples recovered with pH-shift process was quite lower than the muscle surimi which reveals the necessity of more research in this area.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (fall 2023)
Problem: In some historical periods in Iranian cities such as Tabriz, there is a physical response to the fears caused by wars and insecurity, which urban narratives are shown among the general public, especially people of age, such phenomena also exist in the mentality of the people.
Target: The purpose of the current research is to investigate the state of the architectural elements of the historical city of Tabriz, such as alleys, fences, gates, neighborhoods, residential areas, etc., in the face of urban fears.
Method: This research is of the research-fundamental theories type, and the interpretative-historical research method and the means of collecting information in the form of library, historical documents and texts and based on content analysis.
Result: Findings show that in the past, the city was built using research studies such as gate, tower and barrow, fence, moat, narrow alleys and covered alleys, houses with short doors, lower outer and inner courtyards, etc. The level of the crossing in the three areas of territory, surveillance and the appearance of the environment gave a suitable answer to the concept of urban fear. In future researches, there is a need to examine each of the elements such as the house in more detail.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2016)
The effect of ozonized ice on shelf-life of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) muscle was studied during 16 days storage period, based on chemical and microbial assessments. Chemical analysis (pH, total volatile nitrogen bases, peroxide, trimethylamine) and microbial analysis (total bacterial load and psychrophillic bacteria) was done every four days. The lowest pH, TVB-N and TMA values were observed in the ozonized ice treatment, while its PV value was higher. The ozonized ice effectively reduced the total viable count (TVC) and psychrophillic bacterial count (PTC) by 2.22 and 2.07 log10 CFU cm-2, respectively, at 12 days period. Thus, the ozonized ice protected fish quality better than the control treatment until the end of storage.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2016)
The response surface methodology was employed to optimize the effects of pH, temperature (˚C), time (min) and the ratio of enzyme to substrate (% of substrate) on the hydrolysis process of cuttlefish muscle by alcalase. Central composite rotatable design with 5 levels and 4 factors and α=2 was used for the optimization of the process to gain the highest degree of hydrolysis. pH, temperature, time, enzyme concentration, interaction of temperature-enzyme concentration, square of pH, temperature, time and enzyme concentration had significant effects on the process. The R2 = 0.95, lack of fit < 0.05 and adeq-Precision of 14.16 for the model showed that the model could explain the variability within the range of values. The optimum condition for 42.0117 % of degree of hydrolysis was determined by Design Expert as pH 8.19, temperature 50.23, time 129.62 and enzyme2.15%.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Background: Biodegradation is the metabolic ability of some microorganisms in degrading or transforming the organic and inorganic contaminants into less harmful and non-hazardous substances, which are then integrated into the natural biogeochemical cycles. Some microorganisms, mainly the members of family Actinomycetes, were found with the capability of transforming and degrading the polluting agents. In this study, three different Nocardia species with the ability to biodegrade organic and inorganic compounds were isolated from soil in Isfahan province.
Materials & Methods: The soil samples were collected from the hospital environments. Isolation process was done according to the standard methods. The identification and characterization of the isolates were based on the conventional and molecular methods, including direct sequence analysis of almost full length of 16S rRNA gene.
Results: Almost, the complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of the strains under study revealed that the isolates coded as NR6, NR17, NR18, NR25, NR26, and NR28 were the strains of N. cyriacigeorgica; NR7, NR34, and NR50 were the strains of N. coubleae; and NR4 was the strain of N. otitidiscaviarum. The relationship between the isolates under study and standard strain of Nocardia was supported by a phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA gene.
Conclusion: In this study, 10 Nocardia strains with the capability of biotransforming polluting agents were isolated from the hospital environments. It was the first study conducted on the isolation and characterization of Nocardia strains, with the capability of degrading polluting agents, from Iranian hospitals. This study can be considered as a pioneer to develop a new insight about the study of microbial diversity in Iran using an applied approach to deal with environmental challenges.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (fall 2024)
Taq-Bostan Boulevard (Shahid Shiroudi) in Kermanshah city, due to the very rich history and culture of this city, has become one of the most important tourist and recreational destinations. However, the lighting conditions in this boulevard are still not ideal in a way that can add more beauty and charm to the urban space. As a result, the intelligent lighting design of Taq-Bostan Boulevard by using neural network algorithms and providing the appropriate algorithm can improve the lighting and visual conditions of this boulevard, and add more attractiveness to the urban space of Kermanshah city. In this article, first of all, the challenges of lighting sidewalks and implementation points in the design of urban street lighting have been examined. Then, considering the two factors of citizens’ satisfaction and visual beauty as outputs, as well as color temperature, illuminance, lamp type and luminance as model inputs, the MLP neural network algorithm was used for Taq-Bostan Boulevard in Kermanshah. is to design a smart and suitable lighting system for it. The proposed design has the most optimal conditions because the MRE and MAE errors obtained from the neural which is very ideal. Therefore, the designed lighting system ,%0.035 network are less than.aims for the psychological comfort and security of the citizens.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (2015 2016)
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2017)
Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen which has high resistance for unfavorable conditions. This pathogen is able to entering Viable but non culturable (VBNC) state in harsh conditions. The present study was aimed to consider the possibility of entering this pathogen in to VBNC state in heavy brine which used for produce brined fish. For this purpose L. monocytogenesat 1.12×107 initial concentration as monitored in three treatments during 8 days: brine containing 30% salt (ES30), brine containing 10% salt (ES10) and starvation condition (DE). For considering alive cells method of gene expression of 16S rRNAby RT-PCR was used. The obtained results showed that this pathogen in ES30 and DE treatments after three days enter in to VBNC state. According to obtained results ES10 treatment entering in to VBNC state on 5 days after inoculation. The results showed that there is the possibility of L. monocytogenes entering in to VBNC state, during brined and smoked fish or every other brined food product and defect of Standard detection methods.
Volume 5, Issue 12 (3-2017)
Folkloric fictions are considered as part of cultural heritage of every nation that reflects customs, ideas, traditions, and world view of each nation. Sometimes mythical, cultural and sociological themes are placed in their deep structure. In the recent centuries with growth of technology, many of these oral fictions are going to be endangered, it is important that these fictions be recorded and analyzed before death of their narrators, as far as possible. So, in this study, some fictions of Doshman Zeyari region have collected with field study research methodology and then have analyzed based on mythical, cultural and sociological deep structure. Some mythical, cultural and sociological themes in these fictions are the woman valuable place, emergence of heroin, the battle of drought dragon with rainy year, the relation of horse and moon with fertility, existence of the universe from the cosmic egg, the growth of plant of God’s blood and revealing the secret of slain by the reed that has grown from the blood of slain. On the other hand, we can see the theme of discussed tales in other folkloric tales such as: "Girl and yellow cows "," MahPishani "," Ajah k m hoo "," Smiling flower "," The secret of the beautiful reed ","The Girls of pomegranate "and" Orange and bergamot "
Volume 5, Issue 18 (12-2017)
Folklore makes up a vast part of a society’s culture and literature. To have a fine understanding of what one is looking for beliefs, culture and civilization of any society and its folklore should precisely be studied. This also can be helpful in understanding the vague and problematic areas found in old literary texts and poetry.
Of Iranian's folklore is Ekhtelaj which is considered unintentional both in ancient and modern medicine. The early people attributed what might happen a person himself, his relatives and / or properties to Ekhtelaj and made predictions which are not justifiable based on ancient and modern medicine as well as modern psychology.
Ekhtelaj was so influencing among people and their folklore that exists in all written literary works( i.e. prose and verse).This can be found in Kelileh and Demnneh,in works of old poets (e.g Khaghani, Nizami,Kamaladin Isfahani,Sa'eb Tabrizi) as well as contemporary poets (e.g.Forough Farokhzad and Gheisar Aminpour).
To collect information, survey library methods were used. The present research deals with this leading issue in Persian literature. It has been given a try to define its literal definition, discuss its idiomatic concept, elaborate on its physiological aspect and then the most important part focuses on Ekhtelaj in folklore and its reflection in Persian Literature. The study results reveal that Ekhtelaj was a main element in ancient Iranian's folklore and its occurrence would be interpreted as a case of something good and /or something unpleasant.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 22), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
This paper aims at investigating the communicative functions of eloquent silence in Persian. It also investigates how contextual and pragmatic factors pave the way for silence to have such functions. In this regard, “A Separation” (2011), a widely known Oscar-winner Iranian movie by Asghar Farhadi was selected, and analyzed. This movie has been met with universal acclaim from film critics, and seemingly has utilized silence successfully in order to carry and convey some hidden messages. Instances of eloquent silence were collected and then analyzed based on Ephratt (2008) in an attempt to determine the communicative functions of each case. Our main argument has been that eloquent silence can convey different communicative hints in the course of linguistic exchanges in Persian. The results showed that eloquent silence usages do play a key role in communication in this movie and accordingly in Persian. These usages also have different types of function for the realization of which different contexts of situation seem to be at work. We also tried to analyze and explain the way contextual and pragmatic factors impact upon determining these communicative functions. In this regard, the study depicts that aim of communication, context of situations, target of communication, and power relations between interlocutors, as well as cultural and social norms are among the most important contextual and pragmatic factors, active in preferring silence over speech.