Showing 51 results for Zal
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2024)
Criticism of new historicism has been formed in opposition to traditional historicism. Contrary to traditional historicism, which speaks of the one-sided influence of history on literature, new historicism believes in the mutual influence of literature and history on each other. The story of Bahram and Golandam is one of the remarkable poems in Kurdish literature, which are called "Beit". Beits are syllable-weighted folktales recited by beit readers. It can be said that there are some similarities between the stories of Bahram and Golandam and Zal and Rudabeh. Therefore, it is possible to measure these two stories with each other. In this research, relying on library and documentary studies and with an analytical-comparative approach, we have tried to give a reading of the two stories in question based on the concepts of new historicism. The findings show that although both stories are apparently romantic and the conflicts are about love and marriage; But inside the story, power and discourse interests are fundamental issues. Every discourse tries to maintain its political and social interests.
Volume 12, Issue 56 (5-2024)
Culture and worldview form the foundations of a society’s existence and knowledge, which are transformed by various external and internal factors. One of the platforms that embodies these infrastructures in every culture is folklore narratives, the analysis of which can be used to recover sources that are less visible in historical documents. According to historical evidence, matriarchy culture in Zagros was the dominant social phenomenon before the widespread presence of Aryan peoples in the Iranian Plateau. Such phenomena bring with them certain subcultures and social customs that are represented at different social and literary levels. Exogamy is one of the characteristics of matriarchal culture, which can be found in the oral literature of Kurdistan. While examining the data on exogamy based on the worldview of matriarchy by using its data, the present study analyzes the content of three popular Kurdish oral narratives in an analytical-descriptive manner and shows that action and conflict in these narratives are the result of the clash of two cultures of exogamy (ex-marriage) and endogamy (in-marriage).
, Parsa Yaghoobi Janbeh Saraee,
Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2020)
Considered as the climax of the text-narrative, the ending of a text often includes the resolution. However, depending on the dominant epistemology of the text and the status of textual subjects, the ending can also lead to other implications. Among classical Persian texts, the endings of some mystical texts, including the ghazals in Dīvān-e Šams, are distinctive. In this paper, the endings of the ghazals in Dīvān-e Šams have been interpreted in a descriptive-analytic way. The analysis showed that the narrator-lover of the ghazals, in line with the epistemology of the text, appears as the temporal subject of the text at the beginning, but rejects the role at the end and by employing silent speech acts, retracts to the prelinguistic world. In other words, in nearly most of the ghazals the narrator-lover represents the anxiety and longing for the lost unity at the beginning, but in the end, by employing two sets of silent speech acts (“silence as not speaking”, and “silence as speaking for other”), renounce to the present moment. Therefore, the studied ghazals do not come to an end and by using a circular structure, they perplex the reader-participant with an unfinished experience, allowing the reader to feel as part of the represented experience.
Volume 13, Issue 54 (8-2015)
Crucian carp (Carassiu sauratus) is one of the economic species of Anzali wetland. In recent years, the demand of high consumption was found, because of its low price and high level of catch. This study focused on accumulation of heavy metals(Cd, Pb and Zn) in the edible tissues of Crucian.Sampling were done in 3 stations (West,Center and East) of Anzali wetland in 1391. In this study 10samples were collected from each site in the standard weight by grill net, randomly. After separation of tissues, preparing of samples were conducted by using of wet digestion method and mixed acid ( HNO3/HCLO4).After filtration, the prepared samples were determined for Cd, Pb and Zn by using a flam atomic absorption spectophotmeter (AA),SHIMADZU model 680.The levels of metals were compared with the standard of American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the world Health Organization (WHO). The average concentrations of cadmium in the soft tissue of crucian were 0.07 , 0.05 and 0.05 μ g / g dry base for West, East and Center of Wetland. For Zinc, average concentrations for West,Center and East were 58.45, 46.4 and 49.7 μ g / g dw, respectively. The result showed that,there were not significant differences (P>0.05) between stations about the Cadmium, Lead and Zinc in the tissues of Crucian. Concentrations of Pb and Zn were higher than of standars levels of WHO and FDA.
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2023)
The present article aims to analysis Rumi's discourse in Shams's Ghazaliyat based on "Interpersonal Transcendence" within the framework of Halliday's role orientation. In studying and examining the texts, what is important is to understand the message and the author's main purpose of writing that text. In literary texts, the speaker's meaning is not always what it seems to the audience at first glance. Rather, concepts and layers of hidden meaning are brought behind the apparent words that contain the main purpose of the author. Reaching the author's intellectual world and worldview creates a deep and different mental space for the reader. This research answers these questions, how is Halliday's role-oriented systematic order efficient in the analysis of literary texts. In the interpersonal trans-role, how to deal with a larger structure than the text, and the possibility of analyzing the text is created. The hypothesis of the research is that the transpersonal role increases the interaction between the speaker and the audience and creates a more open space for discourse analysis. The statistical population is ghazaliyat Shams and the method used is analytical-descriptive. This research has shown that Halliday's role-oriented systematic theory is efficient in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the text, in the discourse analysis. Based on the interpersonal role, the speaker's interaction with the audience and the characteristics of Shams's ghazaliyat have been determined, and the possibility of discourse analysis has been established.
Sepide Aghababaei Roodbari, Jalil Moshayedi, Hassan Haidary, Mehrdad Akbari Gandomani,
Volume 15, Issue 57 (7-2022)
Simin Behbahani, Hossein Manzavi, and Mohammad Ali Bahmani, together forming the new Persian Ghazal (short lyric poem) triangle, made significant changes in contemporary Persian Ghazal. Iranian poetry and prose quickly incorporated symbolism into their poetry and prose as one of the essential schools of modern literature. In this study, the researchers have analyzed about 400 symbols in the new Ghazal of the mentioned poets, according to Mahmoud Fotouhi's division of symbols into three categories: micro-, macro-, and structural symbols. They include the analysis of statistics and frequency of symbols, the origins, the concepts, the factors of creation, and the analysis of samples. Among the 326 micro-symbols studied, nature with 73% is the most important source, with a frequency of 326 applications. There are about 14% human symbols and about 11% human-made structures. The Ghazals of the period make little use of macrosymbols. Nevertheless, the organic symbols that have developed into a new art form in contemporary literature appear frequently in Ghazals of Simin, appearing 69 times, making her work distinguishably different from others.
Extended Abstract
Symbolism is based on axes such as ambiguity and polysemy, and symbols are signifiers that, in addition to explicit concepts, also refer to implicit concepts. The French philosopher and writer Paul Ricoeur, in defining the symbol, says that every signifying structure, has not only the specific and direct primary and literal meaning, but also another meaning which is indirect, secondary and virtual, and this other meaning is obtained only through the primary meaning (Ricoeur, 1974/a, p. 12).
In contemporary literature, symbolism is one of the important schools that has quickly opened its place in Persian poetry and prose. New poetry has been a pioneer in this field with the initiation of Nima Yooshij, and as a result, classical poetry, including the form of ghazal and then the new ghazal, has seen such developments.
Simin Behbahani, Hossein Monzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani, as the three sides of the new ghazal’s triangle, made fundamental changes in contemporary ghazal. Among these changes, these poets approached symbolism by implicit expression of political and social issues in order to avoid the consequences of frankness and clarity of speech.
Symbols are generally divided into artistic and non-artistic ones according to the nature of their function. Rhetoricians divide symbols into different categories in terms of their innovation or circulation, the most important of which are conventional or public symbols and individual, personal or innovative symbols. Mahmoud Fotouhi considers the relation of symbol with the texture of poetry to be studied in three parts with a structural and conceptual view. In this article, the authors have analyzed the symbols in the new ghazal, according to its three categories in the book of “rhetoric of image” with the titles of micro-symbols, macro-symbols and organic symbols.
The methodology of the current study is based on the nature of data in accordance with the descriptive and analytical model and the purpose of selecting this model was to identify the symbols and then to analyze the content from statistical, stylistic, structural, aesthetic and categorical perspective.
By studying the collection of ghazals of the pioneers of new ghazal, Simin Behbahani, Hossein Manzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani, the authors have extracted about 400 symbols and analyzed them in three sections of micro-symbols, macro-symbols and organic symbols based on Mahmoud Fotouhi's categorization. And in fact, this article looks at categories that include: statistical and frequency analysis of symbols, their origins, their concepts, innovations, factors of creation, comparison and analysis of samples and data. In the study of micro-symbols, with a frequency of 326 applications, the element of nature with about 73%, has the most important origin. Human symbols with about 14% and human handicrafts with about 11% are in the next stages. Macro-symbols have been used sparingly in the ghazals of this period, but the organic symbols that have formed a new artistic form in contemporary literature, have a significant frequency in the ghazal of Simin Behbahani with a frequency of 69 items. It can be considered as one of the special features and distinct characteristics of her ghazals.
The result of this article can be divided into four categories:
1. Origin: Organic symbols have more than two origins, human and nature, but micro-symbols of this period are notable in terms of their high frequency.
a) Nature: In the study of the micro-symbols of the new ghazal, the element of nature has a more significant frequency, which has appeared respectively in Behbahani, Monzavi and Bahmani’s ghazals. Among the various elements of nature, the element of color and nature in its general meaning, and in the next stage, the element of time, are the most frequent.
b) Human: Micro-symbols with human origin of ghazals of this period are not very frequent. In this section, dominator is symbols with mythological origins and the most important reason for its emergence is the political and social content of the ghazal of this period and its goal is motivating the audience.
c) Human handicrafts: Micro-symbols of this period with the origin of human handicrafts have been found to be less frequent than other patterns. What seems remarkable in this area is the fifty percent use in Bahmani's ghazals.
2. Innovation: The micro-symbols of this period, although considered new in contemporary literature, are not personal; and symbols that are more personal, sometimes had occasional uses in the poems of others. However, in this section, the organic symbols of Simin, such as Koli, Sara, Ilkhan va Zohre, Khar haye zesht, Neyzar, etc. can be considered as personal and private symbols of the poet.
3. Concept: Symbolism in Persian poetry and literature is fundamentally different from its western version, which is based only on artistic arrangements, emphasizing on the doctrine of "art for art's sake”. In the ghazals of this period, the symbol is considered as one of the dominant artistic functions among the various forms of imagination. But of all these rhetorical techniques, none has found more anti-oppressive function.
4. Factors of creation: The factors of creating the micro-symbols of this period are mostly socio-political issues of the poet's time and artistic requirements, then intellectual, philosophical, spiritual and psychological factors. In organic symbols, domination is with socio-political factors that we sometimes see the combination of various factors in Simin's personal symbols in which both political and social issues, intellectual and philosophical ideas, even issues and psychological sufferings of this group are discussed.
Volume 16, Issue 5 (11-2016)
Aromatic aldehydes are toxic compounds present in different waste-waters coming from the chemical and petrochemical industries. Their environmental fate may end up by their occurrence in the ground water through the infiltration/deep percolation processes of rain and snow water. Therefore, this kind of substances is contained not only in various industrial wastewaters, but occasionally also in drinking water. Hence, the degradation of such compounds in water and wastewater is still of special interest for many researchers. Benzaldehyde is an aromatic aldehydes used chiefly as a precursor to other organic compounds, ranging from pharmaceuticals to plastic additives and it has been classified as a hazardous substance by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. As a result, the use of alternative treatment technologies, aiming to mineralize or transform refractory molecules into others which could be further biodegraded, is a matter of great concern. Among them, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have already been used for the treatment of water and wastewater containing recalcitrant organic compounds such as pesticides, surfactants, colouring matters, pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals. Moreover, they have been successfully used as pretreatment methods in order to reduce the concentrations of toxic organic compounds that inhibit biological wastewater treatment processes. The main mechanism of AOPs function is the generation of highly reactive free radicals. Hydroxyl radicals (HO•) are effective in destroying organic chemicals because they are reactive electrophiles (electron preferring) that react rapidly and nonselective with nearly all electron-rich organic compounds. They have an oxidation potential of 2.33 ev and exhibit faster rates of oxidation reactions comparing to conventional oxidants such as O3. The diverse methods used for generating these radicals are photo catalysis and sonochemistry methods. A new alternative sonochemistry approach offers a solution for combating the persistent water and wastewater organic pollutants. Sonochemical degradation could be used for organic pollutant removal in aqueous solutions. The advantages of using ultrasound irradiation are the simplicity of its use , the ultrasound does not require additional chemicals, and it can be used for treatment of turbid solutions. In this research, ultrasonic/H2O2 advanced oxidation process has been studied for degradation of aqueous solution of benzaldehyde. The effect of key parameters such as ultrasonic frequency, ultrasonic amplitude, time, pH of solution and initial concentration of the benzaldehyde on the removing rate of benzaldehyde are investigated. Different concentrations of benzaldehyde and H2O2 were prepared and the solutions were exposed to ultrasonic treatment (UP 400S model). The experiments was carried out in a batch reactor for 60 min and each 5 min an aliquot was taken from the solutions. Absorbance of sampling solutions was recorded by UV-Vis spectrophotometer of Hack (DR 5000-15 V model). The results show that, the removal rate increases with the increase of time, ultrasonic frequency and amplitude and decreases with the increase of solution pH, H2O2 and benzaldehyde concentrations. As data shown, the degradation of benzaldehyde in ultrasonic/ H2O2 process best fitted by pseudo first order kinetic. It can be conclude the combined of ultrasonic/ H2O2 led to 91% degradation of benzaldehyde after 60 min.
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini-Maasoum, Hamid Reza Shairi, Marjan Akbari,
Volume 16, Issue 64 (12-2023)
Passing from classical structuralist narrative semiology with a text-centered view and deterministic meanings towards semiotics is a transition from action and programming towards interaction. In classical semiology, the current of meaning is exclusively shaped through action and predetermined program and toward gaining the value object. But in semiotics, meaning is formed by creating a sensory-perceptual relationship with the phenomena, and is perceived through interaction with another person or co-subject. Such a meaning cannot be investigated only with semantic regimes of classical semiology, i.e. action and manipulation. Therefore, Landowsky proposed two complementary regimes, i.e. adjustment and accident. The present research probes to find what actions by the characters in Zal-and-Rodabe show the adherence of actors to Landowsky's regimes of interaction. It was found that when faced with challenges, some characters first follow a specific regime of interaction, but later, become inclined to other regimes. Others continue to adhere to a single regime. Examining the interactions shows the transition from the classical narrative regime based on action and program to the modern narrative based on interaction, which ultimately results in the unification of the characters towards the realization of a forbidden love.
Passing from classical structuralist narrative semiology with a text-centered view and deterministic meanings towards semiotics is a transition from action and program-centeredness towards interaction. In classical semiology, the stream of meaning is exclusively shaped through action and a predetermined program and toward gaining the value object. In fact, what is obtained is external to the actor and is the end that the actor intends to achieve. Therefore, it can be considered extrinsic and goal-oriented. Movement is also included in this regime because one place must be left and some stages must be passed so as to reach the place where the desired object is.
But with the turn of semantic studies towards phenomenology and the emergence of a new field called semiotics, we witness the introduction of new words such as "body", "perception" and "sensory-perceptual relationship" into meaning studies. In semiotics, meaning is formed by creating a sensory-perceptual relationship with the phenomena and is perceived through interaction with another person or co-subject. Such a meaning cannot be investigated only with semantic regimes of classical semiology, i.e. action and manipulation. Eric Landowsky’s introduction of the two complementary semantic regimes of adjustment and accident happened in line with this turn.
In the semantic regime of adjustment, a bilateral interaction is formed between related narrative factors as a consequence of a sensual affair. In fact, the two parties involved in the interaction feel each other and transmit this feeling to each other and sometimes to the entire narrative. In the regime of accident, which is based on luck and fortune, the interaction is realized by accident; the system is meaningless, and luck is shown in its purest form.
Linguistics provides scientific tools for the study of language and literature. Indeed, literature is a place for the manifestation of language in different forms and through the interaction of linguistics and literature, the discovery of meaning becomes possible. Therefore, re-examining ancient texts, trying to find patterns and semantic regimes, along with the use of linguistic theories facilitate the discovery of the meaning formation mechanisms.
As a classic work and a great example of an epic narrative, Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh has various micro-narratives that are the objective manifestation of this phenomenon. The formation of meaning in these micronarratives is the result of the integrated function of these four regimes. One of the most interesting of these micronarratives is the story of Zal and Rudabeh. The present research was carried out using a descriptive analytical method and samples were selected from all parts of the story.
The researchers first investigated the important and prominent parts of the story and then extracted the behaviors and reactions of the characters in the story when faced with the events. These reactions were analyzed based on Landowsky’s four semantic regimes. In this regard, the narrative was divided into three important periods in the life of the protagonist: Zal’s birth and isolation, taking him back from Simorgh (phoenix), and Zal’s love for Rudabeh. Then, the lines of the poem were anallyzed to identify the challenges and tensions of each period. The behavior of the main narrative characters against those challenges and tensions was reviewed in order to determine the degree of conformity of each performance with Landowsky's four semantic regimes. Since events in the story of Zal and Rudabeh contradict the wishes of the main actors, and because their thinking and action fail to solve these problems, the narrative stream pushes them towards adjustment and sometimes accident and thus becomes the solution to the challenge and tension.
In the present paper, an attempt is made to find manifestations of these four regimes in the behavior and reactions of the narrative characters. In more precise terms, the main problem of this research is to examine the degree of conformity of the narration and the interactions of the actors and the characters in the narrative Zal and Rudabeh with the fourfold semantic regimes proposed by Landowsky. In this research, we are trying to see which of Landowsky’s semantic regimes corresponds to the meaning-making process in Zal and Rudabeh narrative when the main characters or actors face challenges.
Using semantic regimes is one of the methods of creating meaning in narratives. These semantic systems help the narrative actor to advance narrative goals and overcome challenges and tensions. In the story of Zal and Rudabeh, two challenging tensions in the course of the story encourage each of the characters to act and apply these semantic regimes. Some of the characters of the narrative follow a specific semantic regime at the beginning, but in the middle of the story, they tend to shift to other semantic regimes. Still, some others continue to adhere to a single semantic regime. What can be raised at the end of this research is that the characters reach a consensus in order to achieve the fruit of love, which happens against the general norms of society. In fact, the course of events in the narrative has proved the ineffectiveness of action and program and reveals the necessity of creating bilateral communication and interactions in order to solve the narrative challenges. In the end, the outcome of the events in this story is towards the interactions of the actors and reaching the fusion.
This merging takes place through the actions of the actors to interact with each other, i.e. Zal’s letter to his father, Sindokht’s visit to Sam, and Sam’s letter to Manouchehrshah. In the end, this chain of communication and interactions causes feelings and sensory connections to emerge in the form of consensus towards the acceptance of a forbidden love. This finding of the research can be considered a new achievement in the criticism and analysis of the narrative of Zal and Rudabeh.
One of the most interesting points in the analysis of such narratives is the change in the structure of the narrative and the movement from the classical narrative to the modern narrative (cf. Shairi, 2019. b). Therefore, this convergence is the result of the movement from the classical narration to the modern narration. The turning of the narrative is from mere programming towards interaction and creating a sensory relationship. The actors who, in the course of the narrative, were striving to obtain value or objects in the outside world, simultaneously reveal aspects and ways of living differently and looking differently through interaction and agreement with each other.
Keywords: semiotics, narrative, regimes of interaction & meaning, Eric Landowsky, Zal and Rudabe
Volume 17, Issue 7 (12-2015)
In the present study, the effect of two species of AMF, Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices, alone and in combination, was evaluated on the growth criteria, chlorophyll content, and root rot disease caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi, on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under greenhouse conditions. Chickpea seeds were sown into pots containing 100 g of AMF inoculum (more than 1,000 propagules g-1) and, after four weeks, root of seedlings were inoculated with conidia suspension (106 conidia mL-1) of F. solani f. sp. pisi. Six weeks after pathogen inoculation, shoot and root dry weight, shoot height, chlorophyll content and mycorrhizal and Fusarium colonization were measured. Results showed that inoculation of G. mosseae was more effective than G. intraradices and dual inoculations (G. intraradices+G. mosseae) on the above criteria. Inoculation of F. solani f. sp. pisi without AMF treatments reduced shoot height, shoot and root dry weight, and chlorophyll content significantly compared with the control. In the presence of AMF, root colonization by F. solani f. sp. pisi and disease severity decreased and individual inoculation with G. mosseae was more effective than the other treatments. Inoculation of G. mosseae and G. intraradices caused a significant increase in plant height, shoot and root dry weight, and chlorophyll content of pathogen-inoculated plants compared with inoculated chickpea plants with F. solani f. sp. pisi. Based on the results, application of G. mosseae was found to be the best for reducing the root rot disease and improving plant growth parameters of chickpea, followed by G. intraradices and dual inoculations.
Volume 17, Issue 70 (5-2020)
Sultan Valad is one of the gifted Persian poets, but unfortunately, his poems have not been precisely studied. It seems that the beauty of Sultan Vald's Ghazals have been neglected in the light of radiance of his father. Like many other Persian texts, the Valda’s Divan does not yet have a reliable edition. By studying one of the existing poetry collection, we have shown that the edition of the Sultan Valad’s Divan is one of the essentials in the field of research. In this study, we have introduced two new Ghazals relying on the Afandi Collection, which we have described it in the article and two authentic manuscripts. We mentioned two Ghazals of Valad according to the old Afandi collection and manuscripts that were not in Valad's Divan up to now. Valad's Divan has edited by by Asghar Rabbani with the introduction of Saeed Nafisi. It is important to note, however, that Nafisi has not edited the Valad's Divan, but has published Rabbani’s edition in Iran. There are also many verses in this collection that have been removed from the printed Divan. Finally, under the heading "K" and "G", we have referred to the mistakes that occurred in the printed Divan, also many verses are re-edited according to authentic manuscripts. Considering the criticisms of the printed Divan of Sultan Valad's edited by Asghar Rabbani (Hamed) with the introduction of Saeed Nafisi, the necessity of re-edition of the Sultan Valad's Divan becomes more evident.
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2011)
“Naive imagination is like a dark glass that prevent the shining lights entering the heart, but when is ripe enough become a clear glass that points those lights.”
(Ghazali, the Niche of Lights, P.73)
Iranian philosopher and educator, Abu Hamid Ghazali (1058-1111 A.D.) is the author of more than seventy books and essays on philosophy, education, mysticism, ethics, jurisprudence and dialectical theology. Throughout his works, one can easily observe that among the tools of acquiring knowledge (i.e., the senses, the imagination, and the intellect), imagination has become subject of special attention due to its capacity in recalling, analyzing, and synthesizing pre-acquired images, concepts and meanings and creating new and noble ones. Because of his unequivocal attention to imagination, instead of intellect, and the great impact imaginative thinking has had on Islamic philosophy of his times, some critics have maintained that “Islam has turned against science in twelfth century.”
This article consists of two parts. The first part deals about Ghazali’s perspective the place of imaginative faculty among the other faculties; the external faculties (i.e. the senses), the internal faculties (i.e. common-sense, imagery, memory, estimation), and the intellect and hence; it is observed that the faculty of imagination itself is a part of the internal faculties and links the external faculties with the intellect as well as comprehensive and continuous interaction with other internal faculties. Upon defining imagination, tasks and types associated with it, its priority and superiority over the intellect, the relationship between (1) the internal senses and the imagination and (2) the imagination and the intellect are addressed. In the second part, the authors follow the practical implications of such imaginative thought in Ghazali’s teaching approach. To do so, and because of the comparative analysis pursued in the article (i.e., comparing Ghazali with contemporary western educational thinker Kieran Egan) about children’s education, we concentrated on the “mythic understanding” that Egan has proposed for these ages and then, contrasted it with Ghazali’s works. The results show that as Egan, but not in such a complete and detailed form, Ghazali considered the elements of play, story, binary opposites, rhyme, rhythm, images, gossip, mystery, and metaphor in his approach. But there are no clear and sufficient evidence for other elements (i.e., joke and humor) in Ghazali’s teaching approach.
Volume 18, Issue 2 (3-2016)
Grafting and mycorrhizal fungi have gained interest for the positive effects they can have on vegetable crops. The aim of this work was to study the combined effect of grafting with Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) inoculation on fruit yield and quality of mini-watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (thumb.) Matsum and Nakai]. Ungrafted plants or grafted onto rootstock RS 841 (Cucurbita maxima×C. moschata) were transplanted to the field. During cultivation, half of the plants were inoculated with a suspension of AMF. Plant growth and fruit yield and quality were evaluated. The inoculation of AMF resulted in a significant increase of root colonization both for grafted and ungrafted plants. The grafted inoculated plants had a greater vigour and productivity than ungrafted uninoculated plants. Grafting and AMF inoculation caused significant increases in yield and fruit weight. Qualitative characteristics of watermelon fruits were significantly affected mainly by grafting. The combined use of grafting with mycorrhizal inoculation may increase the yield of mini-watermelon fruit, maintaining good quality characteristics.
Volume 18, Issue 73 (10-2021)
A deep understanding of literary texts strongly depends on understanding the factors that contributed to their creation. One of these factors is how an author is inspired by the intellectual poetics of other literary figures. The present study seeks to use a functional linguistic framework to investigate the influence of Shahriar’s language and mind on Hooshang Ebtehaj’s ghazals and closely analyze the latter’s tendency towards Shahriar’s poetic style. These influences can be divided into three types: imitative (based on repetition), combined (based on repetition and intra-process change), and interpretative (based on repetition and extra-process change). Our findings suggest that Ebtehaj tends towards change and creativity instead of mere imitation. The factors contributing to Ebtehaj’s inspiration from Shahriar’s poetics include his love of Shahriar and his works, the popularity of Shahriar’s works, and the role of audience as well as the historical context.
Volume 19, Issue 75 (4-2022)
The story of Aziz and Ghazal (1914), written by Seyed Ashraf al-Din Hosseini Gilani, known as Nasim-Shomal, is a not well known romance in which is narrated the love story of two Aleppo lovers from two hostile families. The content similarity of this story with Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare's play encouraged us to review and analyze the similarities and differences between the two works by considering the adaptation theories as well as the analysis of common style and context in translations and adaptations of Qajar era. The descriptive-analytical study of this story and the many content and structural similarities between the two works assumed that Aziz and Ghazal have been a free adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy, but since there is no evidence that Seyed AShraf al-Din was fluent in English, it seems that he has achieved translations of Romeo and Juliet, then he has created Romeo and Juliet for satisfaction of Iranian readers by using the style of adaptive translations of his time such as adding poetry to prose, using proverbs and sometimes slang catchphrase and socio-cultural discourse.
Volume 19, Issue 76 (4-2022)
A deep understanding of literary texts strongly depends on understanding the factors that contributed to their creation. One of these factors is how an author is inspired by the intellectual poetics of other literary figures. The present study seeks to use a functional linguistic framework to investigate the influence of Shahriar’s language and mind on Hooshang Ebtehaj’s ghazals and closely analyze the latter’s tendency towards Shahriar’s poetic style. These influences can be divided into three types: imitative (based on repetition), combined (based on repetition and intra-process change), and interpretative (based on repetition and extra-process change). Our findings suggest that Ebtehaj tends towards change and creativity instead of mere imitation. The factors contributing to Ebtehaj’s inspiration from Shahriar’s poetics include his love of Shahriar and his works, the popularity of Shahriar’s works, and the role of audience as well as the historical context.
Volume 20, Issue 79 (4-2023)
The Igd -ul-ula' is one of the most special texts of Persian prose, which is full of Persian and Arabic words, idioms, poems and proverbs. These features have led to the need for a comprehensive description of the Igd -ul-ula'. Maryam Iranmanesh has described and analyzed this book. This description has major drawbacks in several cases. In this article, we have divided these problems into six groups: lexical problems in Persian and Arabic, grammatical errors, syntactic errors, ambiguities and inadequacies in translating Arabic poems, and not mentioning the speakers of the poems. We have tried to show how the commentator made a mistake in each of these cases and what the source of this error was by referring to Davin poets, reference books and authoritative Persian and Arabic dictionaries. Explanatory lexical errors are due to not referring to valid Persian and Arabic dictionaries and her morphological and syntactic problems are often the result of not recognizing the syntactic role of words and phrases, lack of recognition of time, roots and form of verbs and inadequacies and ambiguity due to not referring to the poet's divan, Are authentic reference books and dictionaries. In each case, after mentioning the forms of the text, we have provided the explanatory explanations, and after reviewing these explanations and showing its errors and defects, we have provided the description and explanation of our proposal from the text. We have tried to make our proposed explanations free of these slips and to be deeper and more accurate.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (11-2021)
Establishing industrial free trade zones is one of the strategies of developing countries to take advantage of global trade, without the disadvantages of free trade expanding to the country. To take advantage of the free trade zones, Iran has so far established seven zones in different regions. But one of the important questions after the establishment of free trade zones is whether the established free industrial trade zones are able to improve economic growth and development. In this study, using the Synthetic Control Approach, the answer to the mentioned question is given for the Anzali Free Zone. In other words, the effect of establishing the Anzali free zone on the growth and development of Guilan province is estimated. The results of the study show that the Anzali Free Zone has not been able to have a positive and significant effect on the growth and development of Guilan province. Of the four variables under study, the establishment of the Anzali Free Zone has negative effect on the per capita industrial value-added in Guilan province compared to the control group. Also, it has not have significant effect on the amount of agricultural value-added, services value-added, the real GDP per capita in Guilan province compared to the control group.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the establishment of the Anzali Free Zone has not been able to achieve one of its main goals, which is the development and growth of the Guilan.
Volume 26, Issue 2 (3-2024)
This study was conducted to determine whether Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) [ROOTS-novozymes endo-mycorrhiza fungus (Glomus spp.)] increase salt stress tolerance. The effects of mycorrhiza inoculation and salt on root and stem development, mineral nutrition, enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation levels in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plant was investigated. These effects were explored in pepper plants grown under greenhouse conditions in a randomized block design. Four different doses of salt (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl) were applied to the soil-filled pots, in addition to two different doses of mycorrhiza (0 and 100 spore mycorrhiza plant-1). It was found that the root and stem dry weights of pepper plants were greatly reduced in the non-mycorrhiza treatments, whereas the presence of mycorrhiza ameliorated these negative effects. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu contents of AMF treated pepper were higher than non-mycorrhizal plants. Owing to the presence of AMF colonization, nutrient uptake was increased and, consequently, the nutrient contents of stem and root tissues of mycorrhizal inoculated plants were enhanced as well. On the other hand, the root and stem enzyme activity of plants increased with salinity. AMF inoculation decreased SOD, CAT, POD and AxPOD enzymes of plant and the MDA and H2O2 contents, indicating lower oxidative damage in the inoculated plants. Our results showed that AMF can contribute to protect plants against salinity by alleviating the salt induced oxidative stress and arranging the ion balance in plant via increasing nutrient uptake in saline soils.
Volume 28, Issue 3 (9-2021)
Feelings of spiritual hollowness and fading away spirituality are characteristics of the present century. Also, the emergence of false spiritual schools has led to the collapse of spiritual life. Since the innate needs of man can be met only with true spirituality and obedience to the commands and prohibitions of the God almighty. And by obeying those commands and prohibitions, spirituality takes root in human beings and the thirst of human nature will be quenched by the refreshing spirituality hence, taking care of spiritual life is one of the essential anthropological necessities of human beings. The purpose of this research is to analyze Imam Mohammad Ghazali's views on "spiritual life" and the study of the components of this life from his perspective. To achieve this goal, there is need to examine and explain the verses of Holy Qur'an and refer to the interpretations on the one hand and explaining Ghazali's approach in the books Al-Ehya Ulom al-din and Kimiya-e- Saadat. This is done by a descriptive method and the analysis Al-Ghazali's views in the form of documents. The result of research is aimed at: promoting the knowledge of God and institutionalizing duties of worship and creating motivation for the growth of genuine religious spirituality. Among the feasible successes is the allegiance to the prophetic tradition, repentance and return to glorious God, cultivating virtues and repelling vices and fighting vile desires.
Volume 29, Issue 3 (9-2022)
Attention to child and childhood has existed throughout history as pre-sociological paradigms. The present study tries to retrospectively examine Ghazali’s views on child and childhood, and measure the importance he gave to this issue. Al-Ghazali is one of the well-known thinkers of the fifth century AH, whose views on education and divine-human thought have greatly influenced the future. This study is conducted using the documentary method. The studied documents included primary and secondary sources. The results show that Ghazali, while paying attention to child and childhood, considers the nature of children to be pure and innocent. These children are understood under the banner of two institutions of family and "high school" (school), both of which are responsible for raising and educating children. The child has characteristics such as weakness of intellect, imitation and imperfection, which are placed in the process of socialization on the one hand by adults with the power of education and discipline. Al-Ghazali considers the beginning of childhood from the time of sperm formation to the end of puberty for girls and the age of sixteen for boys, from which they can enter into married life, in other words, the world of adulthood. The findings led the researcher to conclude that al-Ghazali, despite his use of the concept of "child," focused on children-boys rather than children-girls.