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Nasrolah Emami, Ghodrat Ghasemipour, Ghodrat zarouni,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (Summer 2017)

From past till now the formation of the ghazal have a constant form and defintions and glint in the persian literature. According to this definitions, ghazal is a form that the first hemistich have a same rime with even hemistich. in this period and simulataneously with popularity of the nimas new poetry efforts began to evolve into the field of a ancient forms including ghazal. This innovations mainly occur for dynamics of these formation and their adaptation to the changes with time. One of the most important and original course in the ghazal course is the new ghazal field that there is in the country in a literary atoosphere In this years we have seen a lot of changes in the field of content and form in ghazal. In this research basd on form transformations we try to describe the types of innovation in the form of the appearance of ghazal but the finding of this study show that the most important of them are: 1.change in the form of writing and the system of ghazal lineage. 2. Nimas ghazal formation. 3. Take ghazal visitingly. 4. Put the synonym beyt together. 5. Blending with other formation. 6.Writing the beyt regulary, 7. Bring two hemistich in one beyt, 8. Use of punctuation makes in the frame of the ghazal, 9. Divide the ghazal into several part, Finishing in ghazal technique, This is a research article to survey this techniques, aesthetic and provide examples and analyzes around them and finally a brief discussion a bout the pathology of this techniques. Different.

Volume 10, Issue 47 (December and January 2022)

One of the important characteristics of the excellence of a poem is having cultural supports, which itself consists of different subcategories. One of these subcategories is "Folk Beliefs" which every poet uses according to his studies in popular culture and communication with society. Folk beliefs are a set of beliefs, behaviors and actions. Despite the fact that in some cases, they do not have a scientific basis, they have always been the focus of people's attention. Our main goal in this research is to investigate the way of using folk beliefs and their functions in new sonnets. Also, we tried to categorize and analyze the beliefs used in the sonnet of this era using the analytical-critical method; in this way, we can reach the extent of the use of folk beliefs by the poets of new sonnet and show the role and function of these beliefs in their forms (the main representative of the emotional and romantic field of contemporary poetry). The findings of this research showed that the discussed poets have passed the folk beliefs from their lyrical mentality and have mainly used these beliefs in the service of poetry in order to have a more romantic effect on the audience in addition to the cultural richness of their poetry. Of course, the function of these beliefs in new sonnet is not only limited to poetry; rather, they have been used in the field of political, social, philosophical, etc. issues among others.

Volume 12, Issue 59 (November-Desember 2024)

Since ancient times, folk culture has been an influential element in the creation of literary works. Language, customs, traditions, and popular beliefs are all elements that poets throughout the history of Persian literature have utilized to achieve their artistic aims. With the expansion of literary criticism and theories in modern times, poets, alongside literary critics, have also expressed views on the mysteries of creating literary works, the sources of their inspiration, and the impactful elements shaping them. One of the topics discussed by prominent contemporary poets is folk culture and its role in the creation of poetry. This study aims to examine the views and perspectives of leading contemporary poets on the significance and value of folk culture and its influence on poetic creation. To achieve this goal, an analytical-descriptive method has been employed to extract, analyze, and describe the theories and viewpoints of renowned poets such as Nima Yushij, Akhavan Sales, Forough Farrokhzad, Ahmad Shamloo, and Simin Behbahani, drawn from their interviews and works. Through this approach, we aimed to clarify the role and importance of folk culture in the creation of literary works from their perspective. The findings of this study revealed that the pioneering poets of the contemporary era have not only utilized the capacities and potential of folk culture in creating their works, but have also offered significant insights regarding the importance of colloquial language, slang, the role of these languages in the translation of literary works, the potential of folk culture to expand artistic and literary imagination, and the reasons for the enduring nature of folk culture. These insights further highlight the critical role of folk culture and its subcategories in the creation of literary works.

Volume 14, Issue 12 (3-2015)

In this paper, Free Vibration analysis of truncated conical shell Reinforced with single-walled carbon nanotubes for uniformly distribution (UD), resting on Pasternak elastic foundation, based on the first order shear deformation plate theory is investigated. The rule of mixture is used to effect of the properties of nanotubes in the mentioned structure. Based on the displacement field according to the first order shear deformation theory, after determining the strain components in the curvilinear coordinates and simplifying derived relation, we compute the strain components in conical coordinate. Then, the stress components are derived by the Hook’s law. In the next stage, by computing the total potential energy of system by regarding the effect of Pasternak elastic foundation and regarding the suitable functions for displacements, by applying the Ritz method the natural frequency of system have been derived. At the end, the effect of volume fraction of nanotubes, ratio of thickness to radius of cone, elastic constants and other parameters, on the natural frequency of structure have been investigated. Also, it can be observe close agreements between present results and other papers.

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