Showing 5 results for yaghoobi janbeh saraei
Volume 9, Issue 4 (No. 4 (Tome 46), (Articles in Persian) 2018)
Due to individual regression in ancient world, body and its components were not important identity-making elements in the semiotic system of Persian classic texts. On the other hand with the emergence of socio-cultural factors in the contemporary world, literary subjects reflection based on body and its requirements became common, and body -orientation and body knowledge were the bases of social and textual subjects-objects introduction and calling. In this study the body-oriented reflection of subjects-objects identity of Jamalzadeh’s Yeki Bud,YekiNabud is analyzed in the light of “body as a symbolic-sociological theme” based on Weblen and Bourdieu’s theories. Because Jamalzade is one of the first Iranian story-tellers who has relied on body portrayal and its component to reflect the identity of textual and inside-story subject-objects identity and to reproduce the identity of subject-objects, both directly and indirectly reflected as actions and conditions which emanate from body and contain consumption and taste signs. The conclusion showed that in realistic narration, out of the mentioned subjects, three categories have been reflected:A)The high class who by means of cultural capitals such as: literacy, language, clothing and physical distance as well as different types of apparent and real consumption flaunts its power, and simultaneously they are degraded by satire and grotesque. B)the middle class with deprived and non-ostentatious cultural capital, which can be observed in clothing, language and lack of confidence which is seen in their physical distance from others. C)another class as the removed or silent one, in these reproductions, body-orientation and body-knowledge have been mainly organized in the form of actions and behaviors such as speaking, wearing, arranging body distance and some forms of body language; and this body orientation in the form of taste and consumption or signs of flaunting consumption and some types of cultural capital, not only has portrayed class distinction due to body, but also has reflected the anxiety, anger and struggle latent in them and has impeached them. Unlike the two previous classes, they have been affected by this classification of taste and consumption. Such narration along with cultural-social texture and reflecting the individuality of the subjects based on physical function, decreases the prestige of dominant discourses on the one hand, and reminds the forgotten prestige of the silent voices on the other hand.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Vol. 11, No. 1 (Tome 55), (Articles in Persian) 2020)
In every era there is a dominant stream of thought that epistemologically all areas of knowledge of a society are more or less in tune with. This dominant stream of thought, represented by terms such as paradigm, epistemic, and so on, as an epistemic pattern, explicitly or implicitly, influences the knowledge organization of a society and the discursive articulation of the texts produced in that space. The placement of subjects in literary texts is the result of a variety of discourse articulation that is shaped by the epistemic patterns that govern each period. To better understand this, we can refer to stories that have been narrated or allegorized over several periods with distinct epistemic worlds; one of these is the story of "fish and ponds", which are independently represented in Kalila and Demna, and Rumi's Masnawi as independent narratives and in the story of the Little Black Fish. In this article, how the paradigms influence the placement of the fictional subjects from the perspective of the hero's who and why are they described in a descriptive- analytic manner. The result is that this anecdote has been represented in the classical world in the form of two inner narratives and as parables in the Kalila and Demna and the Masnawi Rumi. According to the epistemic paradigm of Holism and individualism/escapism in the classical world, the hero/ heroes are both the parables of those who have used their action to serve themselves and to become the victim of or absorbed in being or society. Of course, the holism and individualism/evasion that governs the articulation of the Kalila and Demna allegory in its own Geographical -cultural context, namely the caste of Indian foundations and Iranian political thought, seeks to legitimize and stabilize its class order. Despite the participation in the epistemic paradigm that governs the texts of Kalila and Demna and the Masnawi Rumi, the process is described in another way in the allegory of Mathnawi. In its mystical context, the universalism of the classical world, instead of consolidating social order, seeks to create ontological unity between all manifestations of being, especially between human beings and existence. In contrast to the generalism and anti-individualism/evasion that dominates the classical world and its texts, the macro-epistemic model of the contemporary world and the modern world focuses on the centrality of human subjectivity and individualism. The discourse articulation of the parable of the little black fish is arranged on the basis of this epistemic paradigm, so the placement of the subjects in it is substantially different from the preceding two parables. From the discursive point of view of the protagonist of this allegory, it is a little black fish that expresses its agency to express and establish individuality in the form of a variety of philosophical-epistemological questions to some form of symbolic body confrontation. However, the paradigm of generalism and individualism/aversion to the classical world has led to the heroic allegories of Kalila and Demna and the Masnawi of those who have used their agency to transcend themselves and maintain class order or unity with being. In contrast to contemporary humanism and individualism, it has assumed a hero who goes beyond self-expression and proving individuality, In order to awaken others and defending them in various ways interfering with social and political order; it has sought to create balance or symmetry a social interactive space.
Parsa yaghoobi janbeh saraei, Mansoor Rahimi,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (Summer 2018)
Biographical reports are a form of mystical narrativization that interpellates subjects with the aim of legitimization or delegitimization and organizes a fact or some facts in their favor or against them. A better understanding of these constructed facts requires explanation of the methods through which the plot of these reports are made from a discursive point of view. This study classifies and analyzes the discursive construction of plot in Hallaj narratives as a prototype of the two levels of legitimization and delegitimization in the biographical reports/accounts of fifthteen mystical books. To describe the process of signification and interpretation, some references are made to the concepts of Max Weber and Theo-Won Lyon for the legitimization process; some concepts by Foucault and Mary Douglas are also cited for delegitimization process. The result suggests that a group with a romantic-qalandari attitude have tried to legitimize Hallaj with the attribution of a form of authority, along with a positive moral assessment and mythologization to his narratives. Another group with an ascetic-religious attitude citing examples of religious-sharia and cultural-conventional disorder attributed to Hallaj, or his representation with an aim of removal or secrecy, have served the discourse of his exclusion and delegitimization. A third group have taken a middle standpoint. Although they have often defended Hallaj, in some cases they have raised some negative aspects of his life without any defense. Looking at these standpoints, it can be assumed that the type of stances are based on the epistemic-ideological world of the biographers...
Parsa yaghoobi janbeh saraei,
Volume 11, Issue 44 (Winter 2018)
Socio-religious discourses, based on polarist epistemology, form the epistemic world into a system of Center and the Periphery and then subject the periphery to suppression and silence. This practice has extended to most signifying systems, including literary genres. Among the literary genres, the super-genre of Iranian-Islamic mysticism, titled love mysticism displays a different account of the construction of the periphery and the binary system governing that construction. In this paper, along with introducing the construction of the margin and its examples in the dominant Socio-religious discourses, the different accounts of the mystics are classified and interpreted with the reasons for each of them. The result shows that the mystics apply a deconstructive reading, building their argument on the unitarian discourse of love mysticism, the ontological requirement of the existence and presence of margins, the necessity of a romantic relationship, the denial of mediation, and similar reasons, to take the three fixed categories of the peripheral, including humans in the general sense, the un-prostrating, and the unreasoning, from the margins of the system to its center. Then, on another level, via a dialectical reading and the suspension of the objectifying process, they go beyond the binary of the center and the periphery. The suspension of the objectifying process in mystics’ representations is the equalization of the center and the periphery, such as the equality of disbelief and belief, the world and the hereafter, and so on. Although the function of these readings in the social context is a change ...
Volume 14, Issue 2 (May & June 2023 2023)
Received: 25 July 2021
Received in revised form: 9 November 2021
Accepted: 2 December 2021
The tradition of mystic biography writing, with the writing of two forms of collective and personal identification, is the continuation of Islamic historiography, which uses the tradition of documenting and objectifying the science of hadith to validate itself and creates facts about mystics or mystics. From an epistemological point of view, the construction of the mentioned reality is the result of the selection and selection of the author-narrator or narrators who represent it based on special epistemology or ideological attachments. This point is especially noticeable in personal ID cards due to the density of events and details. One of these tazkirahs is Manaqib al-Arifin Aflaki, which was written about Mowlavi and his entourage. In this article, the narrative-discursive validity of the reality created by Aflaki in representing the events of Mowlvi's life has been implied and interpreted in a descriptive-analytical way. The theoretical basis of the research is the opinions of some experts in social semiotics and critical discourse analysis, whose implications have been explained from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The result showed that the author-narrator documents and believable from a quantitative point of view some of his created facts by using the four modality categories of numbers, emphasis, narrative frequency and narrative continuity with high causality. From a qualitative point of view, first of all, based on relying on the narrator-focusing cognitive tools, such as the sense of sight, hearing and touch, which indicate the perceiver's "here" and "now", some other events are objective and tangible. Then, with legitimizing methods such as referring to the holy system, referring to the Sunnah, rationalizing and exaggerating another part of them, it is documented and real.
1. Introduction
Mystical biography writing and recording the lives and sayings of parents and mystics is one of
the most important genres in the history of mystical literature because of its special role in our cultural and social past. History was very important for the Muslims of the early Islamic period and historiography was born in the shadow of Scholars of hadith science , which means collecting, editing and interpreting the reports related to the words and behavior of the Prophet and examining its narrators, had become the main activity and standard of Islamic scholars, and in a more general view, documents became a principle for organizing Education had become science of hadith was one of the methods of criticism that classified both hadith narrators into categories such as reliable, acceptable, and weak, as well as the text of hadith (Robinson, 2012, p. 166). Documents provide the possibility of controlling obvious forgeries and historical anomalies and verifying the authenticity and inauthenticity of hadiths. Accuracy in documents, quoting the news with credit from the compiler, allows the reader to know that what is being said is not just a story. In order to understand the emergence of the tradition of Muslim historiography, it is especially important to pay attention to the prominent story aspect of the written narrative, whether it is real or not. The two key words in this context are "hadith" and "news", the current construction of both of which means reporting. It is necessary to remember that Islamic historiography gradually freed itself from the sensitivities of the hadith scholars and the third century is the beginning of the flowering of Muslim classification.
The tradition of classification, which was popularized as a form of history writing, attracted the attention of Sufists and mystics, and under all religions, a narrative was usually formed in order to describe the early faces of the religion, the way of religion and conduct. Show the elders of the religion and set an example for the religion of Islam. The classification of mystics and mystics can be divided into two groups, collective and private, from the point of view of the degree of inclusion of the people under discussion. Collective tazkira books represent the life of a large number of mystics and mystics, and private tazkira is specifically about a Sufi or mystic. The book Manaqib al-Arifin by Shamsuddin Ahmad Aflaki (died 761 A.H.) is one of the exclusive tazkirehs in the biographies of Baha Wold, Maulana and his companions. The book is in ten chapters.
Aflaki started the book at the request of Molavi's grandson and his successor, Amir Arif in 718 AH and finished it in 754 AH.
2. Methodology
Biographies are written with different mechanisms and mystical notes play a significant role in creating the reality or realities of the life of mystics. Facts are created in tazkirehs and tazkireh reports are a form of mystical narration, the degree of objectivity and reality depends on the vision of the tazkireh writers. In this article, the narrative-discursive validity of the reality created by Molavi in Manaqib al-Arifin Aflaki has been identified and interpreted in a descriptive-analytical way and a narrative-discourse approach in the form of the following two questions: 1) Quantitative implications of validating the reality created by Aflaki Which was about Maulvi? How has the author-narrator represented them? 2) How are the levels of qualitative accreditation to the reality created by Aflaki regarding Molavi and its documentary supports arranged in the text?
3. Results
In this article, the result of narrative narrative-discourse explanation of Aflaki's constructed reality in Manaqib al-Arifin is described and analyzed from two qualitative and quantitative perspectives as follows:
The quantitative view of denotation indicates that the author-narrator tries to present the facts with high causality or majoritarianism by tending to four categories of modality or aspect such as numbers, emphasis, narrative frequency and narrative continuity. to mark vocabulary and narration to attract the audience-listener's opinion and make the reality believable for him. At the lexical level, these modalities sometimes serve to confirm and stabilize the represented reality, sometimes by mentioning precise numbers, sometimes in an approximate form representing the majority, sometimes with maximum emphatic adverbs. In addition to this, at the narrative level, the author relies on the frequency of the narrative and the repetition of the event that happened twice or more, or based on the continuity modality of the narrative, which provides a large space of time and space for the representation of the event and shows the constructed reality in a prominent way.
From a qualitative point of view, the author-narrator on the same level by mentioning the perceptive-sensual tools of the narrator-focalizer such as the sense of sight, hearing and touch which indicates his "now" and "here", shows the distance of the perceiver with the event, and some of It makes the facts tangible and objective. Then, on another level, it documents some other fabricated facts by relying on the sources of turning power into authority or legitimizing supports such as citing the holy system, referring to the Sunnah, rationalization, and splendour. With this description, the author-narrator of Manaqib al-Arifin organizes and stabilizes the validity of his created reality about Maulavi and the life around him from a narrative-discourse point of view - not necessarily moral.