Considered as the climax of the text-narrative, the ending of a text often includes the resolution. However, depending on the dominant epistemology of the text and the status of textual subjects, the ending can also lead to other implications. Among classical Persian texts, the endings of some mystical texts, including the ghazals in Dīvān-e Šams, are distinctive. In this paper, the endings of the ghazals in Dīvān-e Šams have been interpreted in a descriptive-analytic way. The analysis showed that the narrator-lover of the ghazals, in line with the epistemology of the text, appears as the temporal subject of the text at the beginning, but rejects the role at the end and by employing silent speech acts, retracts to the prelinguistic world. In other words, in nearly most of the ghazals the narrator-lover represents the anxiety and longing for the lost unity at the beginning, but in the end, by employing two sets of silent speech acts (“silence as not speaking”, and “silence as speaking for other”), renounce to the present moment. Therefore, the studied ghazals do not come to an end and by using a circular structure, they perplex the reader-participant with an unfinished experience, allowing the reader to feel as part of the represented experience.