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Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of disability and pain intensity among two groups of governmental employees and sellers who suffering from chronic low back pain.
Material and Methods: This descriptive–analytic study was performed from Dec 2015 to Mar 2016among employed staff members of education ministry (N = 50) and 40 sellers with chronic low back pain who were selected through non-random sampling method. The research tool was Oswetry inventory to inspect the pain intensity and level of disability of the participants. Statistical descriptive/analytic method was used to analyze data through SPSS V16.
Results: Totally, 90 participants included 50 employees with an average age of 45.14 ± .85 years and 40 sellers with an average age of 45.42 ± 0.98 years took part in this study. The variables as age, weight, height were the same in the two groups (P > 0.05). There were significant difference between the two groups in terms of BMI2.01 (3.42-.59), pain: 0.55 (0.18-0.92), lifting disability: 0.77 (0.28 to 1.25), walking 1.03 (0.56 to 1.49), sleeping-0.26 (-0.51 -0.002), sexuality 2.07 (1.32 to 2.82), social life. 0.43 (-0.82 -. 03), mean total score of functional disability in performing activities 4.35 (1.93 to 6.77) which were better in the employed group rather than the other group.
Conclusion: This study showed the functional disability and related effective factors were different between employees and sellers. Therefore, categorizing individuals who suffering from back pain into homogeneous groups and investigating the effective factors of disability in each group of people are recommended.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)
Background: Sport and exercise therapy can be used for low back pain's prevention. This research was aimed to evaluate the level of functional disability, pain intensity difference between the two groups of patients with chronic low back pain.
Methods: this study was a cross-sectional-applied research conducted from December 2015 to March 2016 on the employed (N = 50) and nonemployee people (N = 40) suffering from chronic low back. Physical activity level and demographic properties in all subjects were measured by Baecke physical activity questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 16.
Results: Totally, two groups employees (N = 50) with an average age of 45.14 ± 0.85 years old and the non-employee (N = 40) people with an average age of 45.42 ± 0.98 years old took part in the study. No significant differences was observed between both groups on such variables as age, weight, height (P > .05). Significant difference was observed between the mean body mass indexes between two groups so that among the employed group was more than the non-employed (p < .05). Significant difference was observed about the physical activity (p < .05) and exercise (p < .05) between two mentioned groups in free time.
Conclusion: This study revealed the different groups of people who have different jobs may be different due to physical activity.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)
The Success of organizations and corporations depends heavily on the innovation and management of personnel's ideas and suggestions. The usability as a key indicator in assessing human resources and organizational systems can help managers to ensure higher level of performance. This paper offers a framework for assessing idea and suggestion management systems based on usability in 4 proposed systems. This descriptive and analytical study was carried out during 2012-2013 in Lorestan Gas Company. Data gathering was done using a researcher-made questionnaire and the validity of questionnaire was confirmed by academicians and practitioners and its reliability was verified through conducting a pre-test in 20 participants with a Correlation Coefficient of 0.92. Results indicate that the most usable suggestion systems has the highest participation rate and the least usable ones attracted the least suggestions from personnel.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2001)
A single column cation exchanger resin was used to eliminate cations from renet cheese
whey, with particular reference to the improvement of taste and flavor. Ten panelists
were convened to assess the contribution of the mineral components to the salty taste of
whey, judging on the basis of taste, flavor and color. The organoleptic characteristics of
untreated whey were arbitrarily assigned a score of zero and the best treated whey in
terms of quality, a score of 20. The use of a strong-acid cation exchange resin resulted in
the removal of 28% of the calcium and 45% of the magnesium from treated whey with a
concomitant increase in the concentration of sodium. The average score of treated whey
increased from zero, for untreated whey, to 19.7 for the first element of whey passed
through cation exchange resin.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)
Applying current quality management models is not proper for military research organizations relating different fields of human resource, strategic management, leadership, culture and organizational behavior. Application of these models organizations and may cause some issues for these organizations.
This research paper aiming at upholding current EFQM excellence model is based on a research being hold in the military research organizations, according to which the conceptual research model was designed. The research followed an applied purpose through survey data collection method. The validity of the aspects, categories and indicators of the model was strongly confirmed by the experts. The results of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique received 336.8 out of 1000 as a general score for all localized criteria. Leadership and management, having a score of 51.7, were the highest, and resource management and shareholding were at the lowest position among the enablers. In relation to increasing values for users, the score was highest and it was the lowest for shareholders.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aim: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are the main cause of occupational disorders and disabilities in the developing countries. The goal of this study was to assess the prevalence of the MSDs in steel Industry workers using Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ), and its relationship with the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) results.
Instruments & Methods: The present research was a descriptive-analytic study conducted on the Iranian steel industry in 2018. A total of 17 workstations were randomly selected and NMQ was used to explore the prevalence of the symptoms of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs). Afterwards, the workers’ postures were assessed via RULA. Finally, the results were analyzed in SPSS 22 through the chi-square test, independent t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) method.
Findings: This study showed the significant relationship between the results from the Nordic assessment of the back, knee, and neck within the past 12 months and profession type (p<0.05). However, the final assessment scores, corrective measures priority, and Nordic assessments of the back, neck, and knee of the workers showed no significant relationship with work experience (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that in order to considerably reduce the musculoskeletal disorders in the steel industry workers, immediate measures must be taken to correct the back and neck postures especially in the scrap shear operators, welders, ingot shear operators, electrical technician, tower operator, and guillotine operators.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Aim: Addiction to smoking is considered a primary challenge in human communities and has afflicted both the educated and uneducated population. Its prevalence among the educated people involved in the healthcare system of the country is of a particular significance as it negatively influences the entire system. The present research aims to investigate how smoking is correlated with the students’ general health in Bandar Abbas University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: The present cross-sectional research was conducted on 600 students affiliated with Bandar Abbas University of Medical Sciences selected through a proportionate sampling method in 2016. The data collection instrument was a standardized trip-artite questionnaire comprised of demographic information, smoking status and general health items. SPSS (ver. 16) was used to analyze the data using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage) as well as Chi-squared test and Spearman’s correlation test. The level of significance was set at p˂.05.
Findings: The mean age of the participants was 21.14±2.33 years, 51.5% of the participants aged ≤20 years while 48.5% were above 20 years of age. Statistically significant correlations were estimated between age, place of residence, sex and smoking (p˂0.001). However, no statistically significant correlation was found between the field of study and smoking (p=0.44). The same was true for marital status and smoking (p=0.318). Smoking and general health showed to be significantly correlated (p˂0.001).
Conclusion: Consideration of non-native students’ problems, providing for their welfare and convenience, the authorities’ supervision of non-dormitory residents, and adding anti-smoking content to the educational materials and formal teaching can all contribute to the reduction of smoking in this susceptible population.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)
Pepper plant Capsicum annuum L. has great nutritional value and many pharmaceutical properties but its sensitivity to pests such as Aphis gossypii Glover, especially in drought stress conditions, has limited its production. To evaluate the effect of drought stress on the population and damage rate of this pest in greenhouse condition, four moisture treatments including; full irrigation, 15, 30 and 45 percent of water deficit, and four treatments with different amounts of super absorbent polymer (SAP) containing 2, 4, 6 and 8 g per pot were separately performed in completely randomized design. Four weeks after applying drought stress, the pots were moved near the aphid sources. Density of aphids was examined after one month of infestation, and the plant growth characteristics after two months. It was found that the increase in severe drought stress (45% DI45) significantly raised the population of this pest and remarkably decreased plant growth rate and yield. However, the low stress of drought (15% DI15) not only caused relative reduction of insect’s population, but also saved water consumption and increased crop yield. However, the insect population was elevated as a result of increase in the amount of irrigation. Although the excessive use of SAP (8 g) increased the aphid population, the current experiment showed the use of 4 and 6 g of super absorbents could minimize the irrigation stress, decrease the pest population and improve yield of the plants by retaining the moisture in drought conditions.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Landsat data for 1992, 2000, and 2013 land use changes for Ekbatan Dam watershed was simulated through CA-Markov” model. Two classification methods were initially used, viz. the maximum likelihood (MAL) and support vector machine (SVM). Although both methods showed high overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient, visually MAL failed in separating land uses, particularly built up and dry lands.Therefore, the results of SVM were used for Markov Chain Model and “CA” filter to predict land use map for 2034. In order to assess the ability of “CA Markov” model, simulation for 2013was performed. Results showed that simulated map was in agreement with the existing map for2013 at 84% level. The land use map prediction showed that built up area of 0.8298 km2 in 2013 will increase to 1.02113 km2 in 2034. In contrast, irrigated agriculture will decrease from 17.33 km2 to 17.16 km2, and rain fed agriculture from 45.07 km2 to 44.49 km2. Results of this research proved the application of “CA Markov” model in simulating the land use changes.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2017)
The aim of this study was to hydrolysis of rainbow trout viscera by application of flavourzyme, papain and pepsin enzymes and compare the functional and antioxidant properties of these three types of proteins. At the same time, the maximum degree of hydrolysis and nitrogen recovery was recorded for the hydrolysate produced by flavourzyme (23.12 ± 1.05% and 55.64 ± 0.68% respectively). In all pH values tested (apart pH 8 and 10), hydrolysate produced by flavourzyme showed the highest solubility compared to other proteins (p<0.05). In addition, emulsion activity (apart from pH 4) and emulsion stability index (apart from pH 8) in this protein were higher in comparison with two other proteins (p<0.05). To compare the antioxidant properties of hydrolysate, the inhibition capability of scavenging of 2,2 diphynyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radicals and reduction capacity of iron (III), were measured. As a result, hydrolysate produced by pepsin showed highest DPPH scavenging power (83.59 ± 2.27 %) and iron (III) reduction power (0.886 ± 0.013 absorbtion in 700 nm).This study showed that the proteins produced from the substrate has favorable properties and various factors, including the type of enzyme used greatly affect these properties.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 22), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Focusing on the argument alternation of some Light Verb Constructions (LVCs) in Persian, we will show how a frame-based description of verbal polysemy may be used to answer some questions about syntactic behavior and argument structures associated with such verbs. In Persian, a number of LVCs consisting of a light verb and a preverb (PV) participate in causative alternation. The causative variant is formed with the LV ændaxtæn 'cause to fall', and the anti-causative variant is formed with oftadæn 'fall'. But in some cases, the anti-causative variant is not acceptable by native speakers of Persian, whereas the causative variant is acceptable. The peculiar behavior of these verbs in different contexts is explained in the framework of Frame Semantics (Fillmore & Atkins, 1992). We will argue that these verbs are associated with two semantic frames. Contrary to Karimi-Doostan (2005) who claims that the argument structure of LVCs is determined by PVs, and Folli, Harley & Karimi (2005) who propose that both PVs and LVs compositionally contribute to the A-structure of LVCs, using the notion of Frames (Fillmore & Baker, 2010), we propose that the whole construction including the LVC determines its A-structure.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Today, nepotism in recruitment and appointment in organizations is one of the most important problems that society is suffering it. This problem is created more sensitivity as for rising unemployment and scarcity and poverty of jobs in our society. This applied research has been done to evaluate the impact of nepotism on job satisfaction and job performance in employees of the companies of Consulting Engineers of Khuzestan. For data-gathering was used from valid and reliable questionnaires. The results of data analysis using regression & structural equation modeling showed that nepotism has a negative and significant effect on job performance; also job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on job performance, whereas the negative impact of nepotism on job satisfaction was not confirmed, but structural equation modeling confirms the negative impact of nepotism on job satisfaction.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2017)
Optimization of protein hydrolysate from head and arms of cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) was examined. For this purpose, response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to investigate the effects of different operating conditions on hydrolysis process of cuttlefish protein by the application of alcalase enzyme. A Box-Behnken design with three factors at three levels was used for hydrolysis optimization and to check any individual or interaction effects between the experimental factors. In this method, the effects of three independent variables, including temperature, pH and enzyme to substrate ratio, were investigated on hydrolysis rate as a surface response. The mathematical model showed a good fitness with experimental data. Optimum conditions for temperature, pH and enzyme quantity were determined as 54.33 ˚C, 8.49 and 1.97 %, respectively, which caused nearly 14.5 % hydrolysis degree. Based on the lack of fitness factor which was not significant, it was deduced that the resulted model was capable of prediction at different studied levels of variables. In this study, in order to confirm the conditions that proposed by mathematical equation, the hydrolyzed protein was produced accordingly at which resulted in a 16.8% hydrolysis degree. This finding was according to the aim of present trial by producing a protein hydrolysate with maximum hydrolysis degree. Then the functional properties of protein hydrolysate powder from optimized conditions were measured. Functional properties of this protein powders indicated a good solubility, but weak levels of emulsifying and foaming capacities.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2017)
Decision making about buying pieces (outsourcing) or manufacturing them by factory (insourcing) is the main challenge for manufacturing organizations and strategic issue. This study has aimed to present an appropriate methodology to solve this problem. Using combinative approach of multiple-criteria decision and zero-one multi objective linear programming, the methodology has been able to investigate the decision of manufacturing or buying to develop and increase product portfolio. In the study, primary factors and indices of decision making about manufacturing or buying have firstly been identified by investigating review of literature, and their importance have been measured by experts and the most important factors were selected as final ones. Among final factors, those that had qualitative nature along with insourcing and manufacturing options have been ranked and scored by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). According to qualitative factors, their amounts and quantitative factors, zero-one multi objective linear programming has been proposed. According to decision -making factors, mathematical model has, finally, made final decision and has selected insourcing (manufacturing inside the factory).
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) implies one’s inevitable inhale of smoke within a polluted environment. The present Study aimed to investigate the extent to which Hormozgan province residents were exposed to ETS.
Materials & Methods: In the present cross-sectional study, a sample of 3962 residents of Hormozgan province (Urban-rural) was selected through a stratified clustering method and entered the study. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire developed by the researcher which was comprised of two sections. The first section contained demographic information and also enquired about subject’s exposure to ETS as well as the smoking site. Chi-squared test and binary regression were used. The collected data were analyzed via SPSS 19.0.
Findings: 984 subjects (24.8%) were exposed to ETS and women were significantly more exposed to ETS than men (p<0.001). The most probable sites of exposure to ETS were found to be respectively home (52.6%), public places (25.5%) and workplace (21.9%). The highest degree of exposure to ETS was found in Bashagard County (69.6%) while the lowest degree showed to belong to Khamir (14.1%). A statistically significant correlation was found between exposure to ETS and age (p<0.001) and education level (p<.019).
Conclusion: Awareness raising towards the hazards of ETS, warning against smoking indoors, monitoring how anti-smoking rules are applied in public places and workplace, the formation of domestic anti-smoking campaigns, informing the youth through mass media especially women and teenagers are all suggested to cut down on exposure to ETS.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 30), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
The present research is aimed to analyze the phonological processes of Galeshi dialect such as; compensatory lengthening, deletion, lenition, raising and metathesis. The theoretical framework of the study is on optimality theory, and the dialectal data gathering has been via recording ten hours of speech together with the researcher's intuition as a native speaker. The data has been transcribed according to IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and the research method is descriptive- analytic. Accordingly, the phonological processes and compensatory deletion of /h/, /?/ in two- syllable words in CVC.CV (C) context leads to compensatory lengthening of vowel in first syllable; deletion of consonants /t/, /d/ as a second number of a consonant cluster or succession of consonants; deletion of coda voiced consonant after long vowels), lenition (change of /b/ to [v] and // to [X] ; raising (change of /e/ as a low vowel to [i] as a high vowel; metathesis (substitution of /r/ replaces /d/and /b/ in "madrese" and "kebrit" words and /s/ replaces /k/ in "taksi' word.(have been exemplified within the tables and analyzed in tableaus by the use of the constraint rankings in OT. The results depict deletion and insertion as the highest processed and metathesis as the lowest. Key words: Phonological Processes, Eshkevar Galeshi Dialect, Optimality Theory.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aims: Wastes related to the fisheries industry include 50% of the weight of fish. Using these raw materials to produce protein hydrolysate results in the production of peptides with functional properties. The aim of this study was to produce protein hydrolysate by chemical method from silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) viscera and its application as a culture media for Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Materials and Methods: The present experimental research on silver carp was conducted at the Caspian Sea Ecology Research Institute. After freeze-thawing of viscera at 4°C, acidic and alkaline hydrolysis was done at 2 pH of 3.3 and 12, and 2 temperatures of 70°C and 85°C. Peptones produced from these treatments (3 replicates for each treatment) were used as a nitrogen source of Pseudomonas aeruginosa culture media at 48 hours and compared with commercial Nutrient Broth culture media. The data were analyzed by SPSS 17, using two-way analysis of variance, Independent T-test, and Duncan test.
Findings: The lowest and the highest Degree of Hydrolysis were related to alkaline hydrolysis at 70°C and 85°C, respectively (p<0.05). Bacteria growth trend in culture media containing peptone at 85°C did not show any significant difference during 48 hours except 24 hours (p>0.05), but these treatments showed significant difference with the control at all of times (p<0.05). Treatments of culture media had no significant differences at 70°C during 48 hours (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The alkaline hydrolysis in higher temperature is better than acidic hydrolysis and growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the produced peptone can be done as well as that of commercial culture media.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
This study intends to identify the dimensions and components of the humanitarian supply chain in post-disaster of earthquake and present conceptual model to measure it. After designing the questionnaire and determine its validity and reliability, the questionnaire was distributed between managers and rescuers in partner organizations in helping in earthquakes affected areas Bam in Kerman, Varzaqan-Ahar in east Azerbaijan and Dashti in Boshehr and finally the 284 questionnaires were completed by managers and rescuers in the case studies. Confirmatory factor analysis in order to assess the content validity of the questionnaire is used first, and then to evaluate the importance and performance of these measures in relevant organizations, the one sample t-test method was conducted, and with the help of importance-performance matrix, areas for improvement of components and dimensions are identified and strategies to improve humanitarian supply chain performance in post-disaster of earthquake was presented.
Therefore, the research method is applied and in terms of gathering information tool is descriptive-correlation. The findings indicate, the components of ““supervision of custodian organizations on construction” and “Coordination between partners in rebuilding” were evaluated high importance and low performance and were located in critical area and they are in the first priority. Also, the components of “Correct assessment of damages and needed Equipment and resources for rebuilding” and “provide continuous psychological support and advice to Survivors” were evaluated in high importance and high performance and they are in the next priority.
Volume 7, Issue 14 (Fall & Winter 2021)
In Arabic language and literature, sometimes words with different meanings and parsing are used in a single meaning. Since the language of the Qur'an is also Arabic, it can be seen that some words in different verses signify one and the same meaning. Knowing the synonymy of words is very important in achieving the meaning of these words in the Qur'an, and of course this importance is very evident in the discussion of translation. In the meantime, what is necessary is to what extent the translators have been diligent in recognizing these synonymous words, in presenting their correct meanings, and of course translating correctly? Accordingly, the present study has tried to examine the four words " Khatm, Tabe, Sarf and Gholf " in a descriptive-analytical method, in conjunction with the word Ghalb, and to examine and evaluate the meaning provided by the translators in question. The findings indicate that, firstly, knowing the words with the same meaning can be of great help in providing a correct translation of these words in different verses. Secondly, in the study of the synonymy of the words " Khatm, Tabe, Sarf and Gholf " it was obtained that these words in connection with the word Ghalb express a single meaning.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)
In this study, for the first time in Iran, the effect of edible coating of sodium alginate and whey protein in combination with innclulated cultivation of Pediococcus acidilactici and Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria on rainbow trout fillets was studied. Accordingly, chemical indicators such as pH, TVB-N, TBA and microbial laod at 0, 7, 14 and 21 days of refrigeration storage at 4C were investigated. Results showed that in all samples pH, TVB-N and TBA increased over time. In terms of microbial parameters, probiotic coating could reduce the number of TVC in coated fillets on day 21 compared to control treatment. However, the TVC level in all treatments at the end of the storage period was higher than the allowable range for human consumption (P<0.05). The number of LAB also increased during the storage period and there was a significant difference in coated treatments compared to control (P<0.05). The highest changes were observed in control treatment and the lowest changes were related the coated treatments. Overall, using higher percentages of sodium alginate containing probiotic bacteria can be recommended for better preservation of the fillet during the refrigerated storage.