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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Examining the meaning of a word with the approach of cognitive semantics, through the radial network, analyzes the change of the meaning of the word in different contexts in the form of a systematic pattern. In this view, the word has a central meaning, which is also seen in the secondary concepts. Based on this, the secondary meanings that are proposed for the word are somehow tied with the central meaning and a semantic network is formed. Due to the fact that this theory can explain the semantic development of the word and clarify how they came about, we decided to use it to explain the semantic network of zikr in the Qur'an with a descriptive and analytical method. Dealing with the word zikr according to this theory leads us to the following conclusions: The linguistic remembrance of Allah along with the presence of the heart is the central meaning of the word zikr. This meaning is the central core of the coherent semantic network, which consists of six radial meanings based on the first meaning.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Women's writing and its difference with the language of male writers has been one of the subjects of attention of researchers. "Feminist Stylistics" is a book in which "Sarah Mills" has presented a specific model for the analysis and investigation of women's language through linguistic issues. The purpose of this research is to clarify the three levels of Mills' linguistic pattern, to find examples of this pattern and how to show its levels in the novel "Autumn is the last season of the year" by "Nasim Marashi". The present study analyzed the desired work with a descriptive-analytical method to find the characteristics of women's writing and the findings show that the author's language, influenced by his gender, imitates the Mills model in the following cases: 1- Vocabulary level: special words for women, gender and color words, Cursing and profanity, relying on emotional words, detailing with attributes and the sequence of additions, ambiguities and intensifiers. 2- Syntactic level: use of short, simple, descriptive, detail-oriented, emotional and exclamatory sentences, meta-linguistic sign of three points, questions in the form of hadith of the self, female imagination and illusion. 3- Discourse level: some story elements, women's problems, emotional relationships and love, beliefs and superstitions, patronizing tone, nostalgia, self-censorship and misogyny.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disorder necessitating a low-protein and phenylalanine diet. This study aimed to explore the feasibility of producing a low-protein pasta using potato and tapioca starches. The pasta formulation substituted semolina flour with a blend of potato and tapioca starches. Date kernel fiber and xanthan gum were incorporated as prebiotic compounds and texture enhancers, respectively. Physicochemical (moisture, fat, total ash, protein, phenylalanine, cooking loss, cooking time, color indexes, and hardness) and sensory properties (texture, flavor, color, and overall acceptability) were evaluated and compared against the control sample (based on semolina flour). The results demonstrated no significant alteration in moisture and fat content upon substitution, but a significant decrease in ash and protein content (p<0.05). Consequently, phenylalanine levels decreased from 530.58 mg/100 g in the control sample to 24.49-26.60 mg/100 g in the pasta. Replacing flour with starches increased cooking loss, reduced cooking time, and diminished pasta hardness compared to the control (p<0.05). The pasta exhibited higher L* and lower a* and b* values than the control. Sensory evaluation revealed that the pasta containing 35% potato starch and 40% tapioca starch attained the highest scores, indicating its favorable acceptability. Overall, this study suggests that the combination of potato and tapioca starches, along with date kernel fiber and xanthan gum, enables the production of and low-protein pasta suitable for PKU patients.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

Nowadays, entrepreneurship and knowledge-based companies are highly considered. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting Psychological Capital (PSyCap) in two groups of agricultural and non-agricultural knowledge-based companies from Science and Technology Park (STP) of Fars province, Iran. The population included the companies located in the STP incubators in Fars province. The data were collected from 238 participants (100 from agricultural and 138 from non-agricultural companies) as a sample through a questionnaire. Regarding the effect of services and facilites provided by STPs on the performance of companies at incubators, it is suggested that such services and facilities become more specialized and reinforced. In addition, it is emphasized to consider the necessity of educational and operational strategies in order to strengthen the entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, and PsyCap among members.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2023)

Bahaar-e-Daanesh is one of the folk and ancient Indian legends in Persian language with the theme of love,written by Inaayatullaah Kanabweh Laahoori(died 1088 AH)who authored it in the year(1061 AH)under the name of Shah Jahaan Gurkaani. This book is part of fiction literature, that is,the intersection of folk and literary stories and in the Indian storytelling style, a story within a story. Its main and long story is fictional and its theme is the love of "Bahre-Varbaanu and Jahaandaarshaah" and the theme of the main story and its main sub-stories are stories about women's tricks. In the spring of knowledge, themes such as shape-shifting, spells, magic, incarnation in a shape-shifting state, awareness of the science of dismembering the body,and the transfer of the soul from one body to another can be seen throughout the stories. In addition, the presence and conquest of Divan and ghouls,talking with magical animals, using the magic in the elements of nature,etc. are present in all the stories. In this article, the functions of magic and its helpers,objects and tools of magic and the ways of using them, magical trips and places and surreal beings,ways to achieve magic factors and nullifiers. Magic and talismans in the stories of Bahaar-e-Daanesh have been examined and analyzed to emphasize the importance of studying,knowing and preserving the cultural and social background of folk tales,which is the most important platform for the presence and manifestation of mythological and ancient themes among the masses. It is the people - to be emphasized.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

Aluminum nano-films are one of the functional elements that have various applications in different fields such as strengthening cement base materials, improving the performance and efficiency of concrete, and enhancing the mechanical and volumetric properties of clay. In this study, the mechanical responses of aluminum nano-film are investigated under uniaxial tensile and compressive tests using the molecular dynamics (MD) method. The initial configuration of the nano-film is constructed based on a 3D aluminum core—alumina shell model that provides a suitable description of surface oxidation in the nano-film. This model is useful to determine the influence of surface oxidation on the mechanical behavior of nan-film. Because of the accuracy and competency, the inter-atomic interactions are evaluated using the EAM+CTI potential, which is a hybrid potential consisting of two components, i.e., EAM and CTI potential, such that it can also take into account the electrostatic interactions between the atoms. After establishing the initial configuration, the energy minimization process is performed on the nano-film, and then its temperature and pressure are adapted to the environmental conditions through the relaxation process. The MD analysis is accomplished by the open-source LAMMPS software, and the visualization of outputs is performed by the open-source OVITO software. The periodic boundary condition is imposed on the lateral sides of the nano-film to eliminate the free surface effect of the atomistic analysis. The tensile and compressive tests are applied to the nano-film in accordance with the experimental tests, and the stress—strain curves are determined. The concept of Virial stress is employed to calculate the stress of the atomic model, which is equivalent to the conventional Cauchy stress in classical mechanics. In order to diminish the dynamic effects, deformation is incrementally applied to the nano-film, such that at each increment, a small strain is gently imposed, then the nano-film is relaxed under the deformed conditions, and finally the stress and strains are evaluated. The numerical simulations are verified by comparing them with experimental data, which demonstrates the acceptable accuracy of the obtained numerical results. The influence of various parameters such as the thickness and the percentages of oxide layers are investigated on the mechanical response and stress-strain curve of aluminum nano-film under the uniaxial tests. It is demonstrated that the thickness of the oxide layer significantly impacts the mechanical behavior, such that the hardness and energy absorption capacity of the nano-film is increased considerably by increasing the percentage of the oxide layer thickness. However, increasing the total thickness of the nano-film leads to a decrease in the Young’s modulus and elastic limit of the specimen. It is because of the decrease in the percentage of oxide layer thickness by increasing the total thickness of the nano-film. Point defects are one of the important imperfections in the crystal structures of atomic configuration that have a significant effect on the mechanical behavior of materials. In order to investigate the influence of point defects, different percentages of voids are generated by randomly omitting some atoms in the nano-film domain. The generated specimens are analyzed under the uniaxial tests, and their mechanical characteristics are evaluated. The numerical simulations demonstrate that the hardness of the nano-film is significantly reduced by increasing the point defects.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

Bars with standard hooks in tension are often used to anchor reinforcing bars where concrete dimensions element are not sufficient to provide the required development length for straight reinforcement. In previous researches, concrete breakout failure was the predominant failure mode of hooked bars. Closely-spaced hooks provide a lower strength per hooked bar than more widely-spaced hooked bars because the area of the breakout surface is reduced for the more closely-spaced bars. The effects of fy of bars, spacing, and confinement by ties or stirrups have been updated to reflect test results, in of ACI 318-19. In this formula, The confining reinforcement factor ψr is based on test results reported by Ajaam et al. (2018). Base on ACI 318-19 definition, Ath is total cross-sectional area of ties or stirrups confining hooked bars. Therefore crossties are not included in the relationship. The purpose of this study is to expand the understanding of the behavior of confinement effect of crossties on development length bars with 90 degree bent hooks in tension. In this study, 3 simulated beam-column joints were tested as a continuation of previous work by Ajaam et al. (2018). The results of this experimental study show that the ACI318-19 provisions underestimate the contribution of confinement by crossties on the development length bars with 90 degree bent hooks in tension.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Background: Various studies have reported the prevalence of low back pain in specific populations very differently. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of low back pain and related factors among the referees to health centers in Dehloran, Iran. Material and methods: In this cross sectional study, two hundred and seventy three referees to health centers in Dehloran, who aged between 20 to 45 years old and were satisfied to be studied, were entered to the study after providing signed written consent form. The data were collected using the valid/reliable researcher -made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire has been obtained by inserting the experts' views in the questionnaire and the reliability was measured through cronbach's alpha which was calculated as 78%. The data has been analyzed using SPSS16. Results: The lifetime prevalence of low back pain among the studied participants was 52.38%. There were significant relationship between low back pain and education level, residency location, hours per day working with computer and sedentary life style. (All p value was < 0.05). Conclusion: This study showed low back pain was prevalent among referees to health centers aged between 20 to 45 years old. Sedentary life style and much working with computer were related significant factors. Designing proper intervention to prevent low back pain among this target group is recommended.  

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring and Summer 2024)

Environmental differences and similarities are the driving factor of travel and tourism; The Africa will be one of the main destinations for tourists in the future, with a great variety of tourist attractions, especially natural and historical. Available statistics show this fact well. All this can be a good opportunity to develop relations between Iran and African countries; Therefore, it is necessary to identify and introduce them to formulate strategic plans. Tourism is a suitable field for the development of cooperation, and paying attention to tourism and including it in diplomatic programs and relations will help to expand relations and remove obstacles; Therefore, in diplomatic relations, serious planning for a more detailed understanding of Africa, including its tourism market, should be put on the agenda. The main purpose of this article is to introduce Africa's environmental capabilities in the field of tourism with reference to the continent's plans in this regard and to answer the question of how tourism can be an effective element in the development of relations between countries. The research method is documentary and library studies and referring to statistics and figures related to tourism to provide solutions for the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. The general result of the present research shows the absence of a written program from the I.R. Iran for the development of tourism with Africa. A special suggestion in this regard is to prioritize tourism as a phenomenon with socio-cultural, economic and even political dimensions in the macro plans.
Mahmoud rezaei Dasht Arzhaneh,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (winter 2008)

Assistant Professor Of  Persian Language and Literature Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz rn rn rn   rn rn rn According to the  intertextul approach there is no text that is self-sufficient; rather,in this approach, it is supposed that every text is an intertext from previous texts and for following texts. In this essay, first different aspects of text and intertextuality are explained and then, a tale from Marzbanname is analyzed according to this approach. At the end,it has been shown that as Barthes, Bakhtin, Keristova, Genette, Todorov and other adherents of Intertextulity approach have emphasized, there is no authentic and original text; therefore, the mentioned tale from  Marzbanname , like other texts, is a retelling of previous texts.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

The importance of the sea and its role in world economics and politics are indisputable and it is necessary to pay attention to it. The political history of the world testifies that countries that have a maritime strategy have been powerful and developed. Due to its long beaches in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea, the country has a privileged geographic location in the country, with its other neighbors. Unfortunately, the regions of eastern and southeast Iran due to geographic isolation have always been neglected in national politics. To this end, one of the best strategies for promoting development and security in the region is the connection of the eastern parts to the Chabahar port and the coast of Makran. This research tries to explore the role of the Makran coastlines and the strategic sea politics of Iran on the development of the eastern axis using a descriptive-analytical method based on library resources. Initial studies show that if the Islamic Republic of Iran adopts a maritime strategy, Iran will witness the processing of its geopolitical, geo-economical and geostrategic advantages for the country. With the realization of the maritime policy, the Makran region is considered as a transit axis for the development of the south-east. In the face of the ostracism of a sea-based strategy based on the southeastern oceanic capacity of Iran, other Indian Oceanarians will use this potential. Therefore, it is suggested that, with a realistic and operational view, more attention be paid to maritime policy

Volume 2, Issue 3 (NO. 3- 2010)

Security is a one of the most important factors of urban environments. Therefore, the necessity of security in urban spaces has caused the emersion of authentic theories like defensible spaces and crime prevention through environment design (CPTED) . In this paper, various literatures related to defensible space theories have been reviewed and the related keywords have been defined. Then the role of defensible urban spaces as a social capital in reduction of urban crimes is determined. Finally, the condition of defensible spaces in ITC with an emphasis on Isfahan city has been studied. The research methodology is based on the analysis of data and documents collected through field survey. The research results justify the precedence of defensible spaces – in design and planning- at shaping the Iranian historical cities. Secure and defensible spaces, which support social capital concept under public surveillance and collective responsibility, work as an important aspect in reducing crimes and stability of urban security. Ke

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

Cultural attraction is one of the most important factors in tourist attraction nowadays. The present study is to investigate the role of advertisement on cultural tourist attraction to Iran. Our claim in this study is that the advertisement industry in Iran has not been able to play an effective role in attracting cultural tourists. The main question of this study is that: what is the effect of Iran advertisements on cultural tourist attraction? The method of investigation was survey and the scale for gathering data was questionaire. The sample population compriseed 300 cultural tourists who entered the city of Isfahan. The data analyses were conducted both descriptively and analytically. The founding indicated that the most important tools for advertisement are: marketing (21/3), internet (19/7), books and articles (15/3). The correlation between advertiament variable and cultural tourist attraction was 0/47. Also there was no significant difference between males and females attitudes about advertisement.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Processing efficiency of rainbow trout, amounts of by-products and their nutritional value as well as some correlations between whole fish weight and products yield were evaluated. Results showed that efficiency decreased up to 87.56 ± 3.43% for gutted fish and it reached up to 56.69 ± 3.26% and 45.36 ± 2.37% for skined on and skinless fillets, respectively. The highest amounts of by-product were related to head and viscera which were 15.52 ± 2.00% and 12.62 ± 2.61% of body weight, respectively. A significant negative correlation was found between fish weight and head weight percentage (P<0.01). Also, the yield of headed and gutted product increased significantly by increase in fish weight (P<0.01). Among by-products, viscera and head were the richest sources of fat (17.4 and 13.0 % of wet weight) and skin contained the highest amount of protein (24.1% of wet weight). Moreover, a significant presence of the most important and health benficial omega-3 fatty acids was detected in both head and viscera. Viscera and bone were also found as rich source of iron mineral.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2018)

This article explains the common themes of Shahriar and Fowzi Maalouf's poems by asking what common themes of their poems about nature were. To answer this question, in the research process, a descriptive analytical method has been used based on library studies and content analysis of the data. The findings of this research indicate that Shahriyar has given some reflection on the nature of the Fowzi due to a periodic crossing of his life in relation to romantic tendencies in nature. Shahriyar's attitude toward nature is the result of his own experiences and personal acquisitions, while in Fowzi's view, nature is the source of inspiration for many concepts. The characterization of nature is more realistic in the sense that the Fowzi's poetry takes on the utopianism.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 5)- 2015)

Literature of different nations have always influenced each other mutually from the ancient time until now, and fewer people can be found that have remained unaffected of these influences. For example, we can consider two ancient countries, Iran and Greece that their relations and cultural exchanges have reflected at their literature in various forms. Research demonstrating the influence of the poets and their works on each other can be very useful to understanding the ambiguities of their works. In this paper, by analysis of Nezami's works,  it was made clear that Nezami, through the translation of Greek works into Arabic or Persian, was familiar with Greek mythology, and directly or indirectly has inspired many of his stories from Greek mythology, as some stories such as "Alexander and the Barber", "Jamshid and His Confidant Friend", "Alexander and  Noushabeh", "Senseless City", "Pastor and the Ring" and "Fetneh" have been adapted from  the Greek mythologies such as "Mydas King" "Amazons" "Maylo", and "Gyges or Zhyres".        

Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2012)

Why is state, and in a broader view, political system or government, responsible for directing and governing individuals' conduct "both in individual and species level"? And how it accomplishes this "will of governing"? The answers to these questions appear to be different based on our way of perceiving categories such as government, power, or their due relation to the subject. The perspective design of "governmentality" by Foucault could be taken as inception of a new domain in which the triplet categories of government, power and subject are interrelated. It is shown in this perspective that how government's reluctance in using mere violence and, at the meantime, willing to govern people through it will inevitably make subjectification as the sole possible answer to the particular epistemological horizon of the governmentality problematic; an answer, which in form, on the one hand, multiplicities all government arts and, appears as multiplying all government institutions on the other. The form of conceptualizing how power operates, not only explains blurring of boundaries between persuasion and consent during the governmentalization of individuals to create desired subjects, but also it denies “the participation of desire in repressing itself”.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2001)

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Varamin ) an important industrial crop of Iran, is grown in 300,000 ha, with an average seed -cotton yield of 1750 Kg.ha-1. The main obstacle in the way of increasing average cotton yield is imbalanced fertilizer use. Along with urea and triple super phosphate, cotton growers also need K, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, and B, so these elements’ critical levels should be determined in cotton fields. Field experiments were conducted in 12 different fields in 1997 to determine critical levels of Fe, Zn, and B in soil, and to study the effects of these micronutrients on the yield and quality of cotton in Varamin region. The experiment design was a randomized complete block one (RCB) with four treatments and three replications. Treatments were; NPK, NPK+Fe, NPK+Zn, and NPK+B. Iron was applied as FeEDDHA (20 kg.ha-1), Zn as zinc sulfate (40 Kg.ha-1), and B as boric acid (20 Kg. ha-1) prior to planting. Average seed cotton yield, lint yield, seed index, and boll weight increased significantly by adding Fe, Zn, and B. In a cotton field with higher soil B concentrations, cotton yield decreased with B fertilizer. Critical levels of Fe, Zn, and B were determined based on Cate-Nelson graphical and analysis of variance methods. In graphical method critical levels of Fe, Zn, and B were 4.8, 1.1, and 1.0 mg.Kg-1 soil, respectively, while on the basis of analysis of variance method, these levels were 5.5, 1.1, and 1.3 soil, respectively. In one field, boll shedding decreased by Zn and Fe treatments but was not affected by B addition. Iron to Zn ratio in cotton leaves increased at Fe treatment and decreased in Zn treatments. Boron treatment increased B content of leaves. Furthermore, zinc sulfate decreased B toxicity in the cotton leaves. In short, applying micronutrients increased quality and yield of cotton in Varamin region.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2015)

TheChah Nimeh reservoirs of Sistan is as one of the main water sources of Zabol City used for drinking, agriculture, industry and livestock purposes. This study aimed to determine the contribution of the natural and concentration factors of heavy metals such as Cd, Pb and Cu in sediment of Chah Nimeh of Sistan. The concentrations of heavy metals in surface sediments were studied in six stations during 2013. To determine the concentration of the heavy metals atomic absorption spectrometer (Contr AA 700) was used. Sequential extraction analysis  was applied based on the share of natural and concentration factor sources of heavy metals. Sequential extraction analysis showed that a considerable part of the Pb (63.67%), Cd (55.17%) and Cu (57.17%) were from natural sources. The highest concentrations of Cd and Pb were 0.81 and 5.57 mg kg-1, respectively, obtained in station one and the maximum Cu concentration was observed in station five (37.8 mg kg-1), while the lowest concentration of Cd, Pb and Cu were 0.34, 3.95 and 31.4 mg kg-1, respectively.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

This paper is based on an interpretive ethnography conducted in a public organization ("Edareh"). This paper attempts to achieve some part of the ethnography’s goal to describe how "ideal worker" is socially constructed by the different organization’s stakeholders (managers and employees), so as to stay and to be “advantaged". This goes through the light of analyzing the two key events, that is to say "management changes" and "layoff". At first, drawing on Schneider and Ingram framework, the characteristics of “ideal worker” construct from new managers’ view, their sense making of the employees with this framework and trying to move into the full realization of the construct is expressed. Then, based on social construction efforts on the part of employees, their struggles to stay, to not being fired, and even to get promoted - intended to changing and modifying the new manager’s “ideal worker” construct - is described in the form of a manifesto for staying in “Edareh”.        

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