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Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

Diffusion equations such as Darcy's equation which is used to measure the permeability coefficient of concrete has a one-dimensional limitation. If the water penetrates into the concrete in a multi-dimensional way. Therefore, there is a need for equations that measure the permeability coefficient of concrete either in a multi-dimensional way or without considering things like one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Also, acute environmental conditions such as different cycles of ice and ice melting have a negative effect on concrete and especially on the surface of concrete. Therefore, in this article, according to the fractal theory, a new theoretical relationship has been presented that measures the permeability coefficient of concrete without the need for permeability dimensions. Also, the relationship between the surface resistance of concrete and its permeability coefficient in the conditions of ice and ice melting has been investigated by using pull tests from the surface and cylindrical chamber. Cylindrical chamber test is a new test invented by Mahoud Naderi. This test is very simple and has a portable device. The above test has the ability to measure the permeability of concrete in situ. Using this test, it is possible to measure the permeability of water into the concrete without breaking the concrete. To perform the above test, a steel plate must be glued on the concrete surface using epoxy resin glue. The desired adhesive must have the required compressive and shear strength so that no water leaks around it during the test. After that, the cylindrical container should be placed on the steel plate and water should be poured into it. Then, by using the handle on the device, the required pressure is applied to the water so that the water penetrates into the concrete. In the "direct tension" test to determine the surface resistance of concrete, first a metal cylinder with a diameter of 5 cm is attached to the place of the test using epoxy resin glue, then by using the "direct tension" device, the tensile force is applied to the cylinder. It is inserted to separate from the concrete surface. According to the existing relationship, the resistance value obtained by the "direct tension" method is obtained by dividing the tension force applied by the area of the cylinder. The direct tensile test can also be performed in situ. In addition, unlike the previous theories, the new theory has the ability to investigate the effect of processing time on the permeability coefficient. The obtained results show the high accuracy of the presented model for measuring the permeability coefficient of concrete. Also, the acute conditions of ice and ice melting have a negative effect on the permeability coefficient of concrete, and an inverse relationship between the permeability coefficient of concrete and the surface resistance obtained from the pull-out test was observed. With the increase in the number of acute cycles of ice and ice melting, the permeability of concrete also increases, which shows the negative effect of these conditions on concrete. Also, a great agreement between the theoretical and experimental results was observed.

Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)

The relationship between topography, soil factors, and distribution of ecological vegetation groups in the Nodoushan arid rangelands of Yazd province (Iran) was investigated. The present species were recorded in each vegetation group using a randomized-systematic sampling method. Plant cover and density were estimated quantitatively using the transect and quadrate methods, and the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), after which vegetation was classified into different groups. Soil samples were taken from 0–30 cm in each quadrat. In each vegetation group, 20 environmental variables including altitude, slope, aspect, percentage of bare rock, grazing intensity, percentage of gravel, soluble ions (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+), total nitrogen, organic matter, lime, gypsum, EC, pH, and percentage of sand, silt and clay were measured. Multivariate techniques including detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were used to analyze the collected data. The results showed that the vegetation distribution was related to elevation, slope, and soil characteristics such as texture, organic matter, gypsum, acidity, lime, and gravity percentage.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Autumn 2017)

Oil resistant o-rings on the basis of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) reinforced by nanoclay were produced via a traditional industrial method in accordance with aviation standard, AMS 7272. The production of nanocomposites comprised the compounding of nanocomposite with optimum mechanical properties and minimum contents of used carbon black and nanoclay, design and manufacturing of the required mold and finally compression molding of the oring. Mechanical and morphological properties of NBR/nanoclay compounds were optimized by introduction of proper contents of a compatibilizer containing a mixture of resorcinol and hexamethylene tetramine through using a master batch production method. The prepared nanocomposites were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, curing measurements and tensile test analysis. The XRD analysis showed that the compatibilizer facilitates the intercalation of nanoclay silicate layers with the rubber chains which leads to the increase of their basal spacing. The cure characteristics of the nanocomposites showed a decrease of scorch time and increase the cure rate index with the nanoclay loadings. Furthermore, the minimum scorch time and maximum cure rate index could be achieved through using the appropriate content of compatibilizer. The results exhibit that the nanocomposites containing the compatibilizer have higher mechanical properties especially at higher deformations compared to the corresponding uncompatibilized nanocomposites

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-1991)


Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background: Low Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most common Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Teachers are among those who are at risk for the MSDs due to their occupation. Education. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two education methods in reducing pain and functional disability in two groups of teachers.
Methods and Materials: In this experimental study two questionnaires of VAS, to measure the pain severity, and the Oswestry Disability (ODI) questionnaire for measuring functional disability were distributed among the 175 teachers with LBP as pre-test. Participants were randomly divided into three groups: one control group with 35 participants and two experimental groups with 70 participants. One of the experimental groups received education by face-to-face lecturing and the other one with a tutorial CD. Eventually, 6 weeks after the intervention, post-test was conducted.
Results: The mean value for of pain and functional disability was not significantly reduced in the control group. But in both intervention groups, there was a significant decrease in pain and functional disability. The pain intensity in face-to-face education group decreased from 5.13 ± 1.54 to 3.79 ± 1.76 and in CD education group from 5.11 ± 1.57 to 2.63 ± 1.56, indicating that the most pain reduction was in the CD e education group. The mean of functional disability was reduced in face-to-face education groups (from 29.60 ± 10.97 to 20.74 ± 10.16 and in CD education group from 33.06 ± 13.04 to 19.43 ± 12.47.
Conclusion: CD education method was more effective than face to face education in reducing back pain. Education. Therefore, considering the low cost but high effectiveness of CD education methods, it is recommended that this method be used more for teachers' education.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (11-2012)

Proper solubilization after precipitation and keeping the purified proteins in solution during the whole separation process are very critical to achieve accurate and high resolution patterns in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Chaotropes and detergents are embedded in the sample and rehydration buffers in order to prevent hydrophobic interactions between the hydrophobic protein domains and avoid loss of proteins due to aggregation and precipitation. Unfortunately, detergents used for IEF must bear no net electrical charge and only week nonionic and zwitterionic detergents may be used in this process. Because of the low solubility of proteins at or very close to their isoelectric point, it seems that choice of chaotropes and detergents can dramatically affect on2D separations, especially in the case of very hydrophobic proteomes. Considering the physico-chemical heterogeneity of tear film protein content, it is deemed that solubilization can play an important role in 2D tear proteome analysis. So herein, we investigated the effect of some various detergents and chaotropes on the solubility of tear proteome during the sample preparation and IEF process. The results illustrated a very poor performance of non-ionic detergents (Triton­X-100 and Tween­80). Zwitterionic detergents (CHAPS and SB­3-10) had a better solubilization power and provided more reliable 2D maps. Last of all a great improvement in spot number and 2D resolution is achieved using a combination of urea/Thiourea in rehydration buffer and application of SDS in the sample buffer with a modified protocol, which ensures complete removal of anionic detergent during the first step of IEF and its replacement with the zwitterionic CHAPS.  

Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) causes a wide range of nosocomial and community-acquired infections. In recent decades, K. pneumoniae has been known as the agent of community-acquired primary pyogenic liver abscess. In attempts to find the causes of this disease, researchers found a new virulence gene called magA (mucoviscosity-associated gene A). The present study was performed to determine the prevalence rate of magA gene among the extended-spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL)-positive and ESBL-negative K. pneumoniae strains.
Materials and Methods: The current cross-sectional study was conducted on 130 K. pneumoniae isolates collected from patients in Imam Reza hospital and its associated clinics in Mashhad city (Iran) from May 2011 to July 2012. The presence of K. pneumoniae species was confirmed by conventional microbio­logical methods.  Samples were tested for the production of ESBLs by the double disk diffusion (DDS) test. PCR was performed to detect magA gene. The hypermucoviscosity (HV) phenotype of Klebsiella isolates was char­acterized by the string test.
Results: magA gene was detected in 11(8.5%) out of 130 isolates of K. pneu­moniae. Of 11 isolates with positive result for magA gene, three cases were HV+, and 8 cases were HV- phe­notype. Of 130 K. pneu­moniae isolates, 56 isolates were ESBL-positive, and 74 isolates were ESBL-negative. The magA gene was detected in 4 out of 56 (7.14%) ESBL-positive, and 7 out of 74 (9.46%) ESBL-negative samples.
Conclusion: In the present study, no correlation was observed between the presence of magA gene and the production of ESBL in K. pneumoniae strains isolated from different clinical samples in Mashhad. 

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Effective IT governance guarantees alignment of IT with business in order to maximize benefits, achieving organizational goals and optimal use of IT resources. Therefore in industries such as banking industry due to the dependency of their activities on IT, appropriate IT governance is no longer a “nice to have”, it is a “must have”. To achieve effective IT governance, an organization needs to employ well-designed, well-understood, and transparent governance mechanisms. A complete list of 30 IT governance mechanisms categorized in 3 groups: decision making structures, alignment processes and relational mechanisms were synthesized through the literature review and using the Qualitative Meta-Synthesis Methodology. In the next step, a group of domain experts were requested to modify the list to the specific characteristics of Iranian banking industry and as a final outcome, a list of 26 mechanisms for effective IT governance in Iranian banking industry was obtained. Then, designed and validated questionnaire of field studies was distributed among IT managers of 25 banks. The collected data were analyzed via statistical tests. Results indicated 12 mechanisms are strongly deployed among which the existence of an IT strategy committee, IT project steering committee, IT project tracking (time and budget control) and Motivation and incentive to follow the principles of IT governance have positive impact on effective IT governance in Iranian banking industry.    

Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2014)

    Diversity and complexity of family structure and marriage in the Sassanid era is the significant and considerable topic that can be investigated. Emphasis on the continuity of generation, family ancestral and function of marriage in this world and the other world that caused this diversity and complexity, are the most important characteristics of Sassanid society. The old law limited the demand for women's community,while the new law mandates that the Sassanid era represents tangible progress in their affairs and women's rights issues.This article has studied marriage types, related laws with succession, and social – legal status of women. It seems that based on the social rules and privileges of marriage in the Sassanid era, women have accounted for the different tribal communities.However, the family publicly Sasanian society was firmly defined. However, the political and social events closer to the end of the historical period show that the improvement of the social and political status of women has been greatly promoted. On the other hand, if no descendant of the dynasty of the late sons for the succession is not considered as only reason, the increase in the understanding and promotion of political and social topics of women have been effective in their power demand.    

Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Background: The current narrative review aims to describe microbial agents causing pneumonia briefly. In addition, the ongoing review tries to introduce the diagnostic methods from biochemical to molecular tests used routinely and the promising molecular methods which will be used in near future.
Methods: PubMed was searched for all review and original articles related to the lung infection. Studies providing insights into clinical symptoms, microbiology, risk factors, and diagnosis were included.
Rasult & Conclusion: Untreated respiratory infections are one of the most common health care problems worldwide. We tried to provide a collective view of new aspects of bacteriology and diagnosis methodology of lung infection detection.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2021)

Aim: Concerning the high prevalence of chronic pain and the remarkable role of psychological empowerment in chronic pain management, identifying factors influencing psychological empowerment in chronic pain management is of high importance. Hence, the current study aimed to explore the barriers and facilitators of using psychological empowerment in chronic pain management from health care providers and patients’ viewpoints.
Method and Materials: The grounded theory approach was applied using semi-structured interviews and observation of participants as the main methods for data collection. Fifteen members of the health care providers had a greater relationship with the psychotic dimensions of chronic pain management and 6 patients with chronic pain participated with purposive and theoretical sampling methods in Ahvaz city. Sampling was continued until data saturation and data analysis were performed concurrently with data gathering based on Corbin and Strauss’s proposed method. Data validity was confirmed via Lincoln and Guba’s approach.
Findings: Two themes of “emotional dysregulation” and “negative attitude towards pain”, were identified as barriers to psychological empowerment. Emotional dysregulation consisted of two subsets of the emotional synergy of pain and the inefficiency of symptomatic therapies. Negative
attitudes toward pain also consisted of subsets of false assumptions about pain and lack of self- efficacy. Two themes of “pain acceptance” and “finding the meaning of pain” were also identified as facilitators of psychological empowerment. In this regard, the content of pain acceptance consisted of subcategories of increasing awareness, reality acceptance, and a positive attitude toward pain. Two subcategories of values and pain love also created pain meaning themes.
Conclusion: To evaluate and properly manage chronic pain, consideration of the psychological dimensions of the pain, including barriers and facilitators of the psychological empowerment process, can be beneficial in designing a comprehensive care program to improve chronic management

Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)

A total of 78 rhizobacterial strains were isolated from 48 rhizospheric soil and root samples, collected from safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. fields located in different regions of Iran. The chitinolytic activity was measured in the presence of colloidal chitin as the sole carbon source. Eleven isolates were identified as chitinolytic bacteria, based on the formation of a clearly visible zone on the growth media. Four isolates including EM9, ES41, ES7 and ER13 exhibited the highest chitin degradation activity based on a clear zone diameter of more than 10 mm. According to a ribotyping analysis, EM9, ES41, and ES7 isolates were identified as Bacillus cereus and ER13 was found to be Pantoea agglomerans. In a dual-culture assay, morphogenic changes such as severely collapsed hyphae, decreased hyphal diameter with condensation and granulation of cytoplasm and highly rolled with formation of big clamydoconida in anomalous sporodochia -like structures were also observed using light microscope. Under greenhouse conditions, the application of selected chitinolytic isolates, i.e., EM9, ES41, ES7 and ER13, on safflower seeds significantly reduced seedling damping-off caused by Fusarium solani. In addition, the results revealed that root and shoot dry weight in infected plants that were treated with EM9 isolate suspension, increased by 14 and 22%, respectively.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)

Aim: Pain is the most common mental pressure facing humans and one of the most common  complaints among fibromyalgia patients. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Positive Mindfulness Therapy (PMT) and Emotion-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral  Therapy (EFCBT) in improving pain perception and sleep quality in patients with fibromy-algia.
Method and Instruments: This study is a quasi-experimental research in which 60 referees  who visiting Red Cross affiliated physiotherapy clinics in Tehran in 2020 were selected by  convenience sampling and randomly divided into two experimental groups (positive mind- fulness therapy and emotion-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy) and a control group (N=  20 individuals per each group). . The research instruments included the Pittsburgh Sleep quality Index (PSQI) and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ). Data were analyzed using  SPSS software version 20.
Findings: The results showed that PMT produced significant improvements in pain perception (P< 0.001) and sleep quality (P= 0.013) in the patients compared to the control group. Furthermore, EFCBT was effective in improving pain perception (P< 0.001) and sleep quality (P = 0.015) in fibromyalgia patients. The results did not imply a significant difference be-tween the two treatment interventions.
Conclusions: Using PMT and EFCBT are effective in attenuating pain perception and improv-ing sleep quality in fibromyalgia patients.

Kavoos Hasanli, Siamak naderi,
Volume 6, Issue 23 (Fall 2013)

Sadegh Hedayat is one of the most famous Iranian author's. Novel, "Boof –e- Koor" is the most important posts. His historical geography and climate in various areas of studies has various Iranian cities. These studies can be clear in some of his works, including "Boof –e- Koor". The "Boof –e- Koor" Much has been written about yet. But this focus has been Descriptions similar to situations where old stories in "Boof –e- Koor" Rey, three to seven centuries AH. Applicable Ray Old Town Historical Geography descriptions "Boof –e- Koor" as documented for the first time this has been done A sign of the attention is directed at the payment and confirming the words of his novel "Boof –e- Koor", is full of techniques, and the book is accurate." Despite the complexity of the story of The "Boof –e- Koor" and innovative elements of the real world that is reflected back to the severance of the third and seventh centuries AH Ray has... In this paper descriptions of the same place, "Boof –e- Koor" with historical geography Rey, based on five main elements: the structure of the city, and Cultural characteristics of the city, City Brand Positioning, topographic features of civic, social and cultural elements that have been reviewed and adaptive recognition.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Being important both economically and in terms of protection, Luciobarbus capito is at risk of extinction. There are very few studies about the fish of Shahid Rajaee dam and the Tajan River. A significant number of Luciobarbus capitos is present in the dam and upstream. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the growth characteristics and nutritional strategies of Luciobarbus capito in reservoir behind the Shahid Rajaee dam, Sari.
Materials & Methods: The present experimental study was carried out on 180 Luciobarbus capitos in Shahid Rajaee dam, Sari during 4 seasons of 2014 to 2015. The samples were fixed in formalin 10% and the biological and nutritional factors related to growth were investigated. The data were analyzed with SYSTAT 9 and Excel 2003 software.
Findings: The sex ratio of males to females was 1.14/1. The growth pattern of this allometric species was negative (w=0.015×L2.888; b=2.888). In males, allometric was positive and in females, allometric was negative. The mean length and weight of male and female had a significant difference (p<0.05), and the relationship between length and weight in fish was progressive. This species approaches the maximum predicted length with a growth rate of 0.1; the maximum estimated length for fish was 138.6 cm. Nutritional behavior index for under 4 years group showed a herbal diet (RLG=2.4±0.1) and, after puberty, it was inclining to a whole foods diet (RLG=1.2±0.6).
Conclusion: The allometric growth pattern is a negative for Luciobarbus capito, and in all seasons, it has a whole foods diet. 


Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2016)

According to the novel achievements, nanotopography and steric geometry of the microenvironment around the cells have a drastic role on their fates. Hence, fabrication of biocompatible nanostructures as the scaffolds for the cell culture and in the next step, accurate determination of their physical and geometrical characteristics is widely considered. Despite of broad utilization of Atomic Force Microscopy to investigate topological traits of sophisticated nanopatterns; its capability to characterize electrospun nanofibers has not been studied inquiringly. In the present research, chitosan nanofibers which were successfully electrospun at the optimized conditions were then evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) respectively. The results suggested that recruitment of both of these techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. As the first noticeable issue, while the sample preparation and scanning procedure in SEM imaging may disrupt native structure of fibers, probing the sample by AFM doesn't need any pre-imaging treatment. The main application of SEM in analysis of nanofibrillar structures is the rapid survey of nanofibers shape, orientation, diameter and consistency. In the other side, three dimensional imaging by AFM makes it possible to determine whole surface roughness, roughness along fibers and woven tissue thickness. Furthermore, regarding some technical advices, AFM can be used to estimate nanofibers average diameter as well as SEM.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2007)

Due to the lack of General Practitioners (GP) in the past two decades in Iran, increasing the number of General Practitioners has been on the strategic agenda for health sector. However, this was an appropriate action for the time but, these augments unfortunately continued without scientific considerations, while these were based on the needs of society in that time. This led to some problems for all sectors in the health system. Unemployment, misemployment, underemployment were the results of these policies. Government suffered from heavy cost of educating General Practitioners. the system faced with inequality in their performance as well. Because of the importance of the subject, this research is done for avoiding such problems. It uses mathematical and economic models and techniques to estimate the number of GP from 2006 to 2011, which is believed to be essential for the health system. In this research, Cob-Douglas production function and partial adjustment model have been used for estimating GP labor demand function, then using growth rates of variables and growth mean of the period for each variable, the needed number of GP has been estimated. The future need of GP for years of 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 is respectively, 3864, 4507, 5282, 6224, 7384, and 9011. The elasticity is also calculated for the variables: (RInv), (RVA), (L). Point elasticities for the above variables are respectively 0.035, 0.041, and 0.01.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (Special Issue 2016)

The increasing rate of depositing new protein sequences and structures to biological databases such as Protein Data Bank (PDB) indicates the importance of structural comparison to explore the evolutionary relationship among different protein families, prediction of function in annotated proteins and classification of protein structure and folds. Due to the high computational cost, protein multiple structural alignment programs in comparison with the conventional multiple sequence alignment programs are slower and represent approximate answers. Therefore, designing new algorithms is an open problem. In this paper, a novel algorithm named PSNetAl for multiple structural alignments of proteins based on graph matching is introduced. PSNetAl inputs are protein structural files in PDB format. Undirected, distance-based graphs are constructed from pdb input files and multiple alignments of graphs are performed by a progressive algorithm. The largest common subgraph as the output of multiple alignment includes the common nodes among all networks. If there is any structural or evolutionary similarity among networks, it will be expected after multiple alignments structural motifs to be present in the largest common subgraph. To evaluate the functionality of PSNetAl, a dataset containing 76 protein families with 50-90% sequence identity and at least 3 members were extracted from HOMSTRAD database. The obtained results show in 67 out of 76 families more than 90% of structural motifs are observed in the largest common subgraph of the multiple alignment.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (fall 2019)

Ezuddin al-Muna'Sra, a poet and critic of the Palestinian Authority, is one of the leading scholars of comparative literature Which has a different position than comparative literature and its cultural nature. In this area, he critically examined the Western cultural imperialism during the globalization of literature in general and comparative literature studies in particular. The political-cultural approach, based on Jacques Derrida's deconstructive discourse, is a framework that has missed out on them and, with the help of the study of literary criticisms, examined the opinions of the theorists and scholars of the field of comparative literature and its hidden and purposeful angles. Findings of the research suggest that the monotony by borrowing Derrida's attitude toward the project of "redevelopment", re-thinking and thinking in comparative literature studies, the way of representing the West from the East, and the domination of supreme dominance over the domination of this type of attitude and then tracing its continuity in studies Adaptive. In this research, descriptive-analytic method, introduces and analyzes the views of Ezuddin al-Muna'Sra in comparative cultural critique.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (fall 2023)

Research subject: Aspergillus niger stands as a versatile filamentous fungus renowned for its industrial significance in producing various organic acids, notably citric acid and oxalic acid. Low sugar concentration as substrate leads to the production of oxalic acid, therefore, this article delves into the intricate metabolic machinery orchestrating the synthesis of these acids within A. niger, shedding light on the pivotal role of culture media composition and metabolic activity.
Research approach: Through a comprehensive review of A. niger metabolism, this study elucidates the pathways involved in the biosynthesis of citric acid and oxalic acid, unraveling the intricate interplay of enzymatic cascades and regulatory mechanisms governing their production. Furthermore, it explores the impact of small molecules on metabolic flux through regulatory media, offering insights into strategies for controlling metabolic flux in order to eliminate oxalic acid production and amplify the citric acid production considering low sugar content of 30 g/l.
Main results: After careful review of previous researches, key reactions and genes was found and introduced for future researches in order to control the A. niger products. Examination of small molecule as a regulator in culture media not only elucidated the importance of culture media composition but also employing them helped us to redirect flux from oxalate toward citrate. NH4, Leucine, Cysteine, NaF, Glutathione, and Metformin were all found to be effective in the elimination of oxalic acid. In this regard, employing them leads to the production of 1868, 1530, 2093, 2250, 787, and 675 mg/L oxalic acid in comparison to the control culture media in which 5560 mg/L oxalic was produced. In addition, elimination of oxalic acid in some cases leads to the production of more acids like the culture containing NH4, Cysteine and Metformin.

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