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Sayed Kazem moosavy, Fatemeh Homayoon,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (winter 2009)

Passive Nihilism in “Boof e koor” By: Dr. Sayed Kazem Moosavi Fatemeh Homayoon Abstract: Nihilism in the beginning part of “boof e koor” and its similarity with Nietzsche’s nihilism is an issue that has already been explored by writers of this paper. Despite the fact that Nietzsche’s influence is not deniable in Hedayat’s work, this nihilism radically different from what Nietzsche recognizes as “active nihilism” and is realized in Zarathustra. The distinction between the Narrator and Zarathustra can be investigated in the second part of “Boof e koor”, which is in fact the practical nihilism of this book. This paper unearths the similarity and distinction dimensions between Zarathustra and the Narrator of Boof e koor and explores “passive nihilism” especially in second part of this book. The paper also argues that although the Narrator has mentally reviewed Nietzsche’s argument, he approves of it, and, in the first part, thinks about killing the celestial girl; this girl's deep influence - that is in fact a realization of the extraterrestrial world- and narrator's passion deter him from being able to practically obliterate influence of the prostitute’s presence, that is the social symbol of the celestial girl, from his life.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2007)

Different factors are impressive in foundation and development of an urban circumference that undoubtedly between them, Geographical and environment factors have the most important role. The TOUS or KASHAFROOD plain in KHORASAN in which the ruined city of TABARAN TOUS is located enjoys many of desired environmental factors such as abundant water principals; existence of springs and seasonal rivers, good weather, fertile soil, rich herbaceous cover and green pasturages has caused attraction and settlement of human groups from old times. Old stones tools discovered in this plain and KASHAFROOD borders belong to lower Paleolithic and existence of archaic caves in plain border and before historic and after historic settlement are good evidences in this connection. Further more location of TABARAN TOUS near the borders of central Asian tribes had granted a sensitive location to this town as a strategic military area in middle ages. But with development of MASHHAD city from 8th century after hijrah, city of TABARAN had lost its strategic location and with transfer of GILAS spring water to MASHHAD that one of the most important principals of safeguarding of TABARAN water, desired geographical factors differed in this region and this city abandoned for ever. In this paper I have tried to survey effect of factors on foundation and development of this city in Middle Islamic Ages and also its destruction and abandonment after 8th century after hijrah which were rooted that it caused according to geographical factors.

Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2017)

At the core of the conventional hydro cyclone, the secondary flow is created in opposite direction of the primary flow which is adjacent the wall and causes a sink pressure on the central axis of the hydro cyclone. This low pressure zone may drag fine particles to the core and escape them from the upper section of hydro cyclone. In this research by adding a sound source at the core of the hydro cyclone, the separation performance of an acoustic hydro cyclone is studied. Then the effects of the hydro cyclone’s body tilt angle with the horizon reviewed in next step. To this end, the flow simulation carried out by the appropriate turbulent and two-phase fluid flow model selection and consequently the results validated with experimental data. The result shows the optimum strength and frequency of acoustic stimulation and the performance of conventional hydro cyclone in different tilt angles, particles diameter and inlet velocities. In addition in this study, the optimum injection velocity for any diameters which use of sound source impacts greatly on increasing the separation efficiency, is introduced. Finally, by applying a genetic algorithm with two objectives function, among all the states, the model that have the highest efficiency and lowest pressure drop is selected.

Volume 19, Issue 2 (February 2019)

Inconel 718 is precipitation strengthened Ni-base superalloy that is strengthened by “γ″ precipitate with the Ni3Nb chemical composition, is widely used for medium and high temperature applications in many industries. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of pre-cold treatment on microstructure, geometry of weld, Weldability, and mechanism of HAZ liquation cracking in Inconel 718 superalloy by Nd:YAG pulsed laser welding. Microstructure was investigated, using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope and hardness test was used to investigate mechanical properties. The results of numerical calculations using Rosental relation showed that the length of different welding regions including Mushy Zone (MZ), Partially Melted Zone (PMZ), and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) decreased by 46%, 46%, and 56%, respectively. The experimental calculations also indicated that the length of PMZ and HAZ, as well as the HAZ area decreased by 2.1, 2.5, and 2.5 times, respectively. Considering that grain boundary liquation was observed in all samples, the possible mechanism for HAZ liquation cracking is constitutional liquation of Nb-rich carbides and delta precipitates that encourages the formation of liquid films in the grain boundaries and causes HAZ liquation cracking in this region. Also, the hardness profile indicates that the hardness of the weld metal increased by using pre-cold conditions.

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