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Showing 1 results for mehrabi kali

, Monireh mehrabi kali,
Volume 6, Issue 23 (Fall 2013)

Multiple theories are proposed in respect of cognitive linguistics among which, "conceptual metaphor" and "image schema" have the highest importance. image schemas are some structures of cognitive process which are formed because of the physical experience of human in contact to the external world and provide the possibility for understanding and analysis of abstract concepts. Image schema have different species such as, containment¬¬ Schemas , path Schemas , force Schemas. Cycle Schemas is one of the kinds of image schemas which can be formed by natural or conventional mapping. Abstract concepts of cycle schemas in the poems of Sa’di can be placed in to three categories: 1) request; 2)complaint; 3)desertion. And the abstract concepts of cycle schemas in the poems of Hafez can be placed in to three categories: 1) request; 2)complaint; 3)submission. The cognitive analyses obtained from the cycle schemas of these poets include: 1) sa’di’s understanding of time movement is liner and Hafez’s understanding of it is circular. 2) sa’di’s liner movement understanding indicates to realization and Hafez’s circular understanding indicates to his idealization. 3) Because of liner movement understanding Sa’di is placed in to tragic human-being group and due to circular movement understanding Hafez is regarded as spic human. 4) The form of the vocabularies’application and general structure of the poems indicate to the decentralization of Sa’di and centralization of Hafez.

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