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Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)

A bench scale aerobic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was evaluated in terms of its potential to treat synthetic dairy wastewater. The 2-l plexiglass bioreactor was supplied with oxygen via a fine bubble air diffuser, fed with synthetic dairy wastewater under various operational conditions. To analyze the process, three significant independent variables — influent chemical oxygen demand (COD), mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS), and aeration time — were assessed. Three dependent process and quality parameters (as process responses) were also evaluated: total COD removal efficiency, sludge volume index (SVI) and final pH. The experiments were based on a central composite design (CCD) and analyzed using response surface methodology (RSM). The treatment was limited to the following concentration regimes: COD (1000, 3000 and 5000 mg/l), MLVSS (3000, 5000 and 7000 mg/l) and aeration time (2, 10 and 18 h). Maximum COD removal efficiency (of 96.5%) was obtained for an influent with the following characteristics: CODin: 3000 mg/l, MLVSS 5000 mg/l, and aeration time of 18 h. The study demonstrated the capability of aerobic SBRs for high COD removal from dairy industrial wastewater. Easy operation, low cost, and minimal sludge bulking condition were some of advantages of the SBR system as an option for biological treatment of medium-strength industrial wastewater. The present study provides valuable information about relationships between quality and process parameters for different values of operating variables.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (7-2021)

The subject of this article is to study the factors and criteria of urban street desirability and citizens' expectations from them. The problem of research is the lack of accurate knowledge of the components of urban street utility in its various sequences. The theoretical proposition of the research is that the existence of quality in the physical, spatial, semantic-symbolic and activity-social components leads to vitality, memory, safety and flexibility as dimensions of citizens' expectations of the urban street. . The research method of the article includes descriptive-analytical and survey methods. Data collection method Interview is an open and semi-structured questionnaire. The statistical population of citizens is three sequences from Valiasr Street.
The results of the research show that vitality and memory play an important role in meeting the expectations of citizens from the city street. The two dimensions of flexibility and safety play a lesser role than these other two dimensions. The proximity of the importance of the four components leads to greater desirability. For the desirability of an urban street, the role of physical, spatial, semantic and activity components is very different according to the nature of the street sequence, but the effectiveness of all four components in creating desirability and creating a unique street character is very important. Physical and spatial components lead to greater vitality and safety, and semantic and activity components lead to greater memory and flexibility.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)

Molecular imprinting is a novel technique for preparing specific absorbents with selective sites for binding to the target molecule. Molecularly imprinted polymers, because of their high selectivity and stability, low cost and easy methods of preparation, have been widely employed in separation procedures. In this study, we evaluated the synthesized electrospun imprinted membrane (MIM) as a specific sorbent for herbicide mecoprop (MCPP). The films were prepared using methacrylic acid (MAA) as functional monomer and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as a main part of polymeric solution and in the presence of dichloromethane (DCM) and Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as the solvents. The template was extracted through washing, results in the free specific memory sites within the films. Then, the synthesized electrospun imprinted membrane (MIM) was evaluated as a specific sorbent for herbicide mecoprop (MCPP). The results showed that the solution with 20% w/v of PET was the optimal solution for electrospinning process and at all different MCPP/MAA molar ratios (1:2, 1:4. 1:6 and 1:8), MIM had higher removal ability for template molecule (p<0.05) compared to NIM. The template/monomer ratio of 1:4 had the best binding amount. We also investigated the capability of MIM to be used as sorbent for pesticide 2,4-D, that is, the analogue of the main template molecule and diazinon, that is, the pesticide with different structure to the template. In addition, we used synthesized MIM and NIM films to extract MCPP analyte from environmental aqueous samples (bottled water and groundwater) and the results indicated successful performance of MIM compared to NIN.

Volume 2, Issue 8 (Winter 2022)

The purpose of the research was to the role of influential people in sports intentions. Descriptive-correlational research method; In terms of functional purpose, it was sectional in terms of time. The statistical population consisted of all the people who followed influential people on Instagram. Sampling was available online on social networks as a sample. Instruments for measuring information variability and social interaction from Harry Doxy and Hanson (2009), validation from Ohanin (1990), interpersonal interaction from Pierce and Rubin (1988), attractiveness from Greenwood et al. (2008), entertainment from Chao (2011), The intention to watch fitness on Instagram, the intention to exercise, the attitude towards fitness and the tendency towards fitness movies by Hsu and Line (2008). Internal and external evaluation of the model was performed based on structural equation modeling. Research findings showed; the first, second, third, fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth hypotheses were confirmed. In addition, the fifth, sixth and eleventh hypotheses were rejected. The current life is inevitably influenced by the performance of new media such as Instagram, and Iranian society is no exception. Therefore, following such a process, the fitness department is creating ideas taken from this media to guide them in the direction that is accompanied by acceptance from the audience. 

Volume 3, Issue 3 (fall 2022)

Statement of the problem: Covid-19 has had important effects on architecture and urban planning. The main problem of the research is to identify and investigate the location of industrial heritage sites in this era. It seems that the prioritization and redesign of industrial heritage sites has a special place.
Objectives: The main objective of the article is to show the importance of redesigning, modernizing and restoring industrial heritage sites in preparing them for the post-corona era.
methods: The research begins with the comparison of two categories of buildings based on the indicators of a healthy and disease-resistant city. Then, it forms a discussion group and a panel consisting of five qualified experts.
Findings: The most important part of the findings of the research is the difference between the two selected groups, including five examples of buildings that have changed use, such as Argo Museum-Gallery, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Briyank Sock Knitting Factory, Tehran Palace Museum Garden, and Iran Artists' House; And five examples of buildings that are waiting for a change of use include Tehran Tobacco Factory, Tehran Silo, Karaj Iron Smelting Factory, Ray Cement Industrial Factory, and Tehran Chit Factory.
Conclusion: The comparison of two control and sample groups shows the importance of urban management to modernize and change the use of industrial heritage sites. Returning these collections to the city will not only bring life to the city, but also help the health of the citizens and preparation for the post-corona era.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2016)

Aim: Oral health is among the important components of individual general health that affects the health of entire body. This study aims at investigating the effect of educational intervention on the primary school students' oral health.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 175 primary school students recruited randomly from different regions of Dehloran City during the school year of 2014-15. The testimonial was obtained after holding briefings for the parents. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire, which was administrated at baseline and 3 months after the intervention. The content validity was approved by the expert panel and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed by SPSS software 18, inferential statistical tests, and paired t-test. This study was supported by the HSR Council and the Ethics Committee of Ilam University of Medical Sciences.
Findings: The results indicated significant changes in the samples' knowledge (from 3.6±1.37 to 4.98± 1.57), attitude (from 28.17±5.7 to 30.98±6.35) and behavior (15.03 ±2.98 to 17.08 ±2.60) after the intervention.
Conclusion: The positive results of educational intervention indicate that the education through appropriate methods can improve students' behavior in the field of oral health. Therefore, it is suggested more emphasis on oral health education at school age.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (No.3 (Tome 24), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

Idiomatic structures are of  the  forms which have been investigated  to argue in support of some theories  in Minimalist Program . In this regard the present study investigates the syntactic structure of Persian Idiomatic Expressions (PIE) in the frame work of minimalist approach. In this study a sample of 200 Persian idioms, selected randomly, have been studied to examine their flexibility in terms of their subjects, tenses and some other structures larger than Inflectional Phrase (IP).   The study supported  the idea that a phrase is formed by merging head ''X" and its complement ,and X-bar with its Specifier  to form X-bar and XP respectively. The analyses of the idioms shows that in the smallest form of idioms  a verb is merged with its complement  to  form a  "V-bar" and a V-bar is merged with a subject to form a VP. In this way the evidences from Persian support the idea of the Subject Internal Hypothesis.   The study also shows that idioms in Persian are fixed in bottom up way in forming Phrase Structure as in   V-bar , VP, IP(TP), CP respectively in clause structure level and even in larger ones.         

Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2017)

The common pistachio psyllid, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt & Lauterer (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a key pest of pistachio trees in Iran. Both psyllid nymphs and adults directly damage pistachio; they extract large quantities of sap from tree and produce honeydew and cause deformation of leaves resulting in great economic damage. Little is known about the intraspecific variation of common pistachio psyllid in regions with stressed conditions, such as areas under high levels of pesticide application. Therefore, this study using geometric morphometrics was designed to 1) evaluate morphological differences in wing shape in populations under different levels of pesticide application in Kerman province as the main pistachio producer in the world, and 2) search for a link between the morphological data and previously studied molecular data. The populations were collected from regions with high and low pesticide applications. The results showed that wing shape (P< 0.01) and size (P< 0.01) are different between populations exposed to different chemical control programs. Based on the results, narrower wing shape was found in psyllid population in stressed environment (population with extreme chemical control programs). In spite of allometric growth, significant shape differences still remain when the data are adjusted to constant size, which showed the important role of genetic changes in the observed morphological changes. Moreover, links between morphologic and previously studied molecular data were revealed. Based on the results, it appears that an evolutionary resistance process is developing, therefore insecticide resistance management programs, in the regions under investigation, is recommended.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)

Research subject: Osmosis membrane bioreactor is one of the best industrial wastewater treatment methods. The main advantage of using osmosis process is its operation at low hydraulic pressures which has a better performance in removing pollutants and low energy consumption than other methods                        
Research approach: In this research, Nano porous Titanium dioxide powder with a specific surface area and anatase wall was synthesized through a thermal process using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as a surfactant directing agent and a pore-creating agent.Ultrafiltration nanocomposite membranes were made using modified titanium dioxide (TiO2) (MT) and polysulfone (PSf) by phase the inversion method. The morphology and structure of the prepared membranes and nanoparticles were investigated using by atomic fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy(FESEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In this research, bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as simulated wastewater for the feed solution. The fabricated ultrafiltration membranes were tested in osmosis membrane bioreactor (OMBR) system due to lower energy and fouling. 0.6 % solution of poly (sodium 4-styrene sulfonate) was used as an osmotic solution. Comparative separation performance and antifouling properties of both nanocomposites in several analyzes such as water contact angle measurement, pure water flux and filtration of different concentrations of bovine serum albumin solution. BSA and fouling resistance have been investigated

Main results:  TThe results that Due to the addition of MT nanoparticles to the polymer matrix, the hydrophilicity and surface energy of the membrane increased, which led to the improvement of the membrane performance. The membrane containing 1% titanium oxide nanoparticles showed the best result. For example, for feeding with a concentration of 200 ppm, the water flux increased from 20 to 38.5 L/ m2 h, and the percentage of returning lethal solution decreased from 19.6 to 30 g/ m2 h. The flux recovery in this membrane was 96%, which indicates the antifouling property of the modified nanocomposite membrane.                                                                

Volume 7, Issue 4 (1-2008)

The focus of this paper is on standard Markowitz mean–variance model and its traditional approach to solve portfolio selection problem (Quadratic Planning). For this goal we have applied a meta-heuristic method based on genetic algorithms (GA) in order to trace out the efficient frontier associated with the portfolio selection problem under cardinality and bounding constraints. These constraints ensure the investment in a given number of different assets and limit the amount of capital to be invested in each asset. We have presented some experimental results in two samples from Iranian stock market and overseas ones and compare the GA result with unconstrained quadratic results. Finally, we have found out which proposed GA can optimize portfolio selection problem under cardinality and bounded constrains

Volume 8, Issue 3 (3-2019)

According to importance of purchasing decision style, current research have tried to be identified and prioritized styles of purchase decision making on the basis of  Sproles and Kendall’s model. So this is an applied research which was developed to investigate to demonstrate consumer purchase style among different ages of consumer in Tehran. The statistical population of this study is composed of consumers of different age groups who buy from well-known food stores in Tehran. Based on the Cochran formula 2100 individuals have been considered as the statistical sample. For data collection the standard questionnaires were applied. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were tested and the required changed were applied. As the result show via  ANOVA indicated that there are significant differences between six buying styles of eight styles and there is not a significant difference between two styles .The results of data analysis by using Topsis technic for prioritizing styles of purchase decision making of Iranian consumers of different age groups indicated that buying styles of being perfectionistic and high quality conscious were the top priority of teenagers, youth, middle- aged and adults, and styles of being aware of prices and value of exchanged good were the top priority of elders.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)

Aims: In the Safavid era, due to the government’s approach to the issue of collective life, as well as attention to the issue of national unity and the society unity, certain changes can be observed in the type and manner of social activities. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to investigate the impacts of the Safavid government on the formation of urban spaces. It is considered the process of turning the bridges built during this period, such as the Allahverdi Khan and Khajoo Bridges, into the context of group activities and the role of the government in it.
Instruments & Methods: In this study, with the interpretive historical method, Safavid Travelogue to extract social activities has been studied. Then, by explaining the role of government in such activities, the causes of government agency in holding various social events are examined and the creation of Allah Verdi Khan and Khaju Bridges as a place of collective behavior of the people are then analyzed.
Findings: Since the legitimacy of the Safavid government relies on the national unity, the public territory, as the sphere of communication of society, has become the scene of national and religious events, and the government has been responsible for establishing and forming many social events. Hence, spaces such as Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Chaharbagh Street, as well as Allah Verdi Khan and Khaju Bridges have been formed during this period.
Conclusion: The urban bridges of Safavid era, i.e. Allah Verdi Khan and Khaju Bridges, have become the context of social activities of the people and the king, and instead of the mere function of a passage, they have formed a key collective space in the structure of Isfahan with their special architecture.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)

Aims: The impact of high-rise urban buildings on environmental conditions, including wind movement in urban valleys, is an issue that needs attention. Because wind is one of the important variables affecting the conditions of pedestrian thermal comfort as well as the scattering of urban outdoor pollution. The purpose of this study was to find the positive effects of such buildings on reducing environmental pollution.
Methods: In this study, texture around Imam Khomeini Square in Tehran was examined using Envi-met software. The tallest building in this context is a telecommunication building with 50 meters high. Therefore, in addition to the actual height of the building and examining the wind speed pattern at different altitudes of 50 meters, assuming the building has different heights (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 meters), was also simulated and the results of the wind flow distribution pattern of the different models was compared with each other.
Results: By examining the relationship between elevation and geometry of this building with the pattern of current distribution and wind speed around it, it was found that by changing the height, the patterns of air turbulence around the building change and this changes the pattern of air pollution.
Conclusion: This study shows the significant effect of building height on the wind pattern around the texture and the higher air layers and the air pollution distribution of the adjacent passages.

Majid mansouri,
Volume 10, Issue 39 (Fall 2017)

In the twenty-eighth edition of the scientific research chapter of the Shiite studies at Sistan and Baluchestan University, an article titled "The Necessity of Correction of the Amir Khosrow Dehlavi Court" (Autumn 1395: Eighth, Pages 91-106), by Dr. Gholamreza Mustaali Parsa and Hamid Reza Hafezian, has been published. Which is almost the whole of this article in a very fresh and sketchy manner from the author of the article entitled "Review of the Amir Khosrow Dehlavi Court of the Ghazlaty Based on Certain Handwritten Manuscripts" published in the University of Isfahan's Phonographic Journal (Fall 2013: Fifth, pp. 69-86), Theft Has been. Given that the editorial method of this article may be helpful for journalists of various publications, such as the editor and the judge, as well as the students' guide to professors. In this article, the method of plagiarism has been well as the students' guide to professors. In this article, the method of plagiarism has been criticized.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2022)

The present study was conducted with the aim of protein isolate production from the muscle of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and investigation of the effect of extraction pH on different properties of isolated protein. Proteins were produced by pH-shift method in two treatments including dissolution in alkaline pH (11.5), and acidic pH (3), and then evaluated in terms of nutritional value, functional properties, and structural changes. According to the results, the yield of protein production was significantly higher in alkaline conditions than in acidic conditions. The evaluation of emulsifying and foaming capacity and water absorption capacity showed that the protein obtained from alkaline pH was better than acidic treatment. Also, the extracted proteins contained all essential amino acids within the recommended limit for daily consumption of adults. The evaluation of color indices showed that the protein obtained from acidic pH had a brighter and whiter color than alkaline pH. The images obtained from the scanning electron microscope and the FTIR spectra of samples showed that the pH-shift method did not lead to extensive destruction of the protein structure and both protein isolates had all the absorption peaks related to the main bonds of the proteins structure. In general, it can be concluded that the pH-shift method is an efficient method for extracting high quality protein from grass carp tissue, and different alkaline and acidic conditions lead to the production of proteins with different characteristics that can be used based on the application that is intended for the final product.


Volume 12, Issue 1 (April & May 2021 (Articles in Persian) 2021)

Investigations show that in Persian no significant research has been done on lexical relationships of size adjectives. In this paper, near-synonymy relationship of ‘‘ziyâd and farâvân’’ size adjectives and their inflectional forms has been studied based on Behavioral Profile Analysis approach of Divjack and Gries (2006) and the data of Hamshahri 2 corpus (Alahmad and, 2009). Accordingly in this study, first, by using AntConc software (2011) the data related to ‘‘ziyâd, ziyâdi, ziyâdtar, ziyâdtarin, ziyâdtari, farâvân, farâvâni, farâvântar, farâvântarin, farâvântari’’ size adjectives were extracted from the corpus and then were annotated on the basis of the morphological, syntactic and semantic features. The result of behavioral profile approach which is acquired according to hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that the highest level of near-synonymy belongs to ‘‘ziyâdi, farâvâni’’, ‘‘ziyâdtari, farâvântari’’, ‘‘ziyâdtar, farâvântar’’, ‘‘ziyâd, farâvân’’ and ‘‘ziyâdtarin, farâvântarin’’ groups and the lowest level of near-synonymy is between ‘‘ziyâdi, farâvâni, ziyâdtari, farâvântari’’ and ‘‘ziyâd, farâvân, ziyâdtarin, farâvântarin, ziyâdtar, farâvântar’’ groups. Finally, annotation analysis based on Z-scores has specified all meaningful and meaningless ID-tags of size adjectives.
1. Introduction
Persian is one of many languages throughout the world which have a class of words whose grammar is clearly different from the others, and can be identified as adjectives. Adjectives, also, can perform some semantic tasks. For example, one major task of adjective is to show the property of things. For example, Ali's house is big, this sentence could referred to Ali's house, that it has a property of being big.
Although traditional grammarians stressed on the formal features, today, linguists typically classify adjectives according to semantic features. However, one lexical field that has received a lot of attention both in general and in corpus is adjective size, presumably because it includes two pairs of canonical antonyms and many studies have already focused on size adjectives. For example, Charles and Miller (1989) showed that big and little as well as large and small tend to occur in one and the same sentence in the Brown corpus with a probability that is much larger than chance would predict and concluded (Gries and Otani, 2010). In Persian, however, no attention has been paid to the size adjectives. Therefore, this is a motivation for us, to investigate near-synonymy of ziyâd and farâvân size adjectives and their inflectional forms according to behavioral profile analysis approach.
The body of this paper, generally, structured as follow: In section 2, we examine briefly background study of adjectives, in particular, size adjectives, synonymy and the application of behavioral profile. In section 3, we investigate behavioral profile approach. Section 4 deals with methodology of research according to corpus-based data, process of annotation and random data selection by using Kerjcie & Morgan table (1970). In section 5, we analyze statistical information acquired from the process of annotation by using SPSS software. And finally in section 6, we present the results of data.
2. Methodology
Divjak and Gries (2006) identified the following four steps for the behavioral profile approach: 1. The retrieval of (a representative random sample of) all instances of the lemmas from a corpus. 2. Manual analysis and annotation of many properties of each match in the concordance of lemmas. 3. The conversion of data into a co-occurrence table. 4. The evaluation of the table by means of exploratory and other statistical techniques. In this study to do the above steps, we first used Antconc software to retrieve all matches of the lemmas ziyâd and farâvân plus their inflectional forms from 150 million-word corpus of Hamshahri 2 AleAhmad et al (2009). Then we annotated morphological, syntactic and semantic features to lexical forms in order to identify distributional features. And finally, we utilized SPSS software to evaluate the data and acquire Hierarchical agglomerative cluster charts.
3. Discussion and Results
No considerable study has been done on lexical relationships of size adjectives in Persian and only some grammarians and linguists such as Anvari and Givi (2008), Assi (2006) and etc simply have categorized size adjectives. Consequently, it is defficult to compare the achievements of this study with previous studies on near-synonymy.
In this article, generally, determining near-synonymy is performed according to the observation and analyzing similarities and differences of distributional behaviors of size adjectives and therefore is different from previous researches such as Abdolkarimi (2014, 2016) and etc. Our findings ,also, support Gries and Otani (2010) assumption on theoretical implication of behavioral profile analysis and most corpus-based works that believe formal differences reflect functional differences. For example, formal tag levels such as active, passive, plural, singular and etc have significant role in near-synonymy of “ziyâd and farâvân’’ inflectional forms. The findings of this study, moreover, clear that size adjectives (base form) or along with “tar” inflectional suffix are always dependent of a noun or a causative or predicative verb but size adjectives plus “tarin” superlative suffix can only be dependent of a noun not a verb, because no occurrence is observed for “tarin” as dependent of verbs.
4. Conclusion
In this study, we explored the semantic field of size by analyzing the distributional behavior of lexical forms "ziyâd, ziyâdi, ziyâdtar, ziyâdtarin, ziyâdtari, farâvân, farâvâni, farâvântar, farâvântarin, farâvântari" according to behavioral profile analysis and also three variable with 61 ID tags level were annotated to find near-synonymy relationship between size adjectives inflectional forms. The analysis of hierarchical agglomerative cluster charts all ID tags signified that mentioned lexical forms in terms of tag level made sub-groups which have near-synonymy between their own members sub-group. These sub-groups include "ziyâdi, farâvâni", "ziyâdtari, farâvântari", "ziyâdtar, farâvântar", "ziyâdi, farâvân", "ziyâdtarin, farâvântarin", "ziyâdi, farâvâni, ziyâdtari, farâvântari", "ziyâd, farâvân, ziyâdtarin, farâvântarin" and "ziyâdtar, farâvântar, ziyâd, farâvân, ziyâdtarin, farâvântarin".


Volume 12, Issue 2 (summer 2012 2012)

     The main goal in this research is to survey and determine the actual structure of the demand function through the BOX-COX consumer goods demand system which includes various forms of demand functions. Using nested and non-nested methods the estimation of consumer demand function is done. Nonlinear seemingly unrelated regressions are also used for the periods of 1982- 2007 via the combined statistics of income groups in urban areas in order to calculate  uncompensated price elasticity and expenditure elasticity associated with the demand function estimate. Results of nested and non-nested tests show that the BCDS and AIDS models are near performance. The elasticity figures resulted from the BCDS and AIDS models have also revealed that food group is an essential one, social affairs (clothing, health, leisure and education) are regarded as almost luxury, and miscellaneous group (transportation and others) is quite luxury. But the group of housing (housing and furniture), in the BCDS model is almost luxury and in the AIDS model considered as essential. The elasticity of demand was confirmed by the demand law and cross elasticity of demand has also shown that the food group compared with the social affairs is considered as supplementary and to the group of housing and miscellaneous is regarded as a substitute. The social affairs group compared with the miscellaneous group is supplementary and to the housing group is a substitute and finally the miscellaneous group is considered as a substitute to the housing group.  

Volume 12, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)

Aims: Architecture as one of the ways to create a work, while using art, is a combination of thought and technology. What sets an architectural work apart from other works is that it is more valuable than providing shelter; In other words, in addition to the functional aspect, it also expresses the characteristic of beauty and higher transcendent concepts. This type of architecture, as a valuable heritage, has the ability to remain in history and the role of technology in the production of such heritage has always been one of the influential parameters. When an architectural design is formed as a special work of art, it is affected by the technology and it has become symbolic in this state. The purpose of this study is to investigate this secondary aspect of technology and its role in the production of heritage of contemporary architecture.
Methods: The research is Combined and uses a Grounded Theory. Through descriptive-analytical methods, by examining the heritage of contemporary architecture as well as the aspects of the effects of technology and its role, the factors affecting architecture have been analyzed
Findings: Examining the identity samples of contemporary architecture as a lasting heritage with different geographical distribution shows that jointly the characteristics of form, function and beauty in the areas of formal configuration, spatial organization and facade composition can be analyzed and compared.
Conclusion: The nature of the architecture of funds at the intersection of art, science, technique, depending on the time and the context has been changed and the creation of a lasting architectural heritage has depended on the level of technological advancement of its time.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)

Aims: During the Corona pandemic, many architectural design classes were held virtually, and during this time, visiting the site as one of the most important parts of preparing students for architectural design was also done virtually. The main purpose of this article is to compare and analyze the positive and negative points of virtual site visit among architecture students.
Methods: the virtual site visit is known with 360-degree model. The participants (N=14) were asked to visit the site and then invited for a post-test to examine the motivation and emotions of the participants on the one hand, and the usability of the model on the other hand.
Findings: The experience of a virtual visit to the site brought significant points, which led to conduct qualitative interviews with each participant additionally. The results show the trustworthiness of virtual site visit while show some drawbacks. The results support virtual site visit during the corona pandemic and its acceptable results.
Conclusion: The results of the research confirm the virtual visit of the site as an exploratory method of the 360 model; But it also shows many shortcomings. In examples such as the Behranz Building of the Academy on Ray Street, Tehran, in the field of tangible values, the virtual visit of the site was very successful, while the intangible values of the common industrial heritage of Iran and Germany have not been very successful, and in these cases, it can be done with an in-person visit. There is no comparison.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (summer 2013 2013)

There have been few studies working on effects of financial repression policies on Iran’s economic growth. Considering the huge share of agricultural sector, we have been trying to fill this gap by the help of time series data from 1962 to 2007 on agricultural GDP, unproductive government expenditure, human capital, industrial price index, political instability, and financial repression measures. Results show that controlling the bank reserve requirement ratio as a proxy for financial repression has negative effect on economic growth of agricultural sector. This indicates that reducing controls on this parameter will help government to achieve higher rate of growth.

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