Showing 102 results for mahmoudi
Volume 1, Issue 1 (NO. 1- 2011)
Organizational citizenship behavior, as an optional and intelligent behavior of the personnel, has a significant impression on the individual and organizational conducts and make the personnel to do their duties much better than expected and assigned by their job description. Meanwhile, self-efficacy of the personnel, relaying on their ability and talent, has a determining role in encouraging and developing organizational citizenship behavior.
This article aimed to study the correlation of the self-efficacy of the personnel with conducting organizational citizenship behavior and also the correlation of the personnel’s self-efficacy with the aspects of organizational citizenship behavior among the personnel of the Cultural Management Department of the Ministry of Science, Research & Technology (Tehran, Iran).
The required data were collected through official census of all the employees of the Cultural Management Department of that Ministry using two different questionnaires; Podsakoff et al’s questionnaire, was used to assess organizational citizenship behavior, and the researcher made questionnaire, programmed based on Bendora’s study on social-cognitive theory, was applied to assess the organizational self-efficacy. The research is a survey study and the data were analyzed using correlation coefficient calculation and its significance test (T-sample test). The results showed a direct relationship between the personnel’s self - efficacy and the outbreak of citizenship behavior. There was also a direct interrelation between the personal’s self-efficacy and every aspect of the citizenship behavior.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2011)
The adjective "sustainable” is used for worldwide explanation where both human and nature can live up to their present needs, sustain the rights of future generations and protect the environment without the existence of destructive effects. Use of natural resources accordingly to provide today’s human needs and not to become dangerous for future’s human needs is the issue that leads architects to follow the principles of sustainable development. In this investigation, improving of climatic technology and use of climatic condition and natural resources in traditional architecture of Iran and contemporary architecture will be studied. It is often forgotten and even ignored that architectural traditions are rich in content, given that they have found the right harmony between the necessities of living, the environment, material resources and ideas on the use of space. Using these criteria, contemporary architecture could take a direction where cultural continuity and adaptability not only take pride place but also provide guidelines for climate-adapted and sustainable architecture. However, during the last decades, the impact of socio-economic and cultural changes on traditional environments has become obvious. Contemporary design is increasingly depending on the mechanically controlled environments in order to maintain comfort, hence, increasing energy consumption. For achieving this goal, first, the importance of climatic traditional architecture of Iran and its principles of designing will be noticed. In other words, we will find how climatic architecture can influence sustainable development by using renewable energy resources like wind and solar energy and climatic condition. In this part, the paper focuses on the role of climatic responsive design, building situation in a site and angle of sunlight, building form, building roof, interior thermal comfort and natural air ventilation. In the second part, we will study the role of new and smart technologies in achieving sustainable development goals. As we know, time is passing and human knowledge develops every day, so it is necessary to pay attention to new and smart technologies behind the climatic responsive design until we can design buildings in respect of human comfort that are conformable with sustainable development as well. So, according to revolution have been existed by nanotechnology. It is noticed to Nano smart Technology and using of renewable energies. Undoubtedly, nanotechnology can provide many opportunities for architects and engineers for enhancing the construction material and decreasing their weak points and increasing their advantages. Buildings have the main role in balancing energy consumption. Solar energy, which is known as Photovoltaic energy can provide energy without using fossil fuels. Due to the importance of photovoltaic energy for improving of the efficiency and flexibility of solar cells, they have been widely studied. In this case, Nano- technology has made some progress in providing energy from wind and sun in micro scale. The main goal of this article is to study on climate design and usage of new technologies. Climate design refers to the principles that we follow in traditional architecture, where the materials are clay and brick. However, now that the material and construction technology have been improved; the question is how we can have a conformable architecture with sustainable development?
Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)
ارزیابی تأثیر اجرای برنامه ریزی عملیاتیدر تحقق برنامه تولید و کاهش هزینه
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Factors affecting the spatial variations of water quality of the Mazandaran coastal ecosystem was determined in summer 2012. For this purpose, water quality parameters (nutrients, temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll α and turbidity) were evaluated along 4 transects (Amirabad, Babolsar, Noshahr and Ramsar) in the depths of 5, 10, 20 and 50m, using multivariate analysis methods. Based on the cluster analysis of data, the sampling sites could be classified into 5 distinct groups, including 35-50m water layer of station 50m in all transects, 0-5m layer in station 5m in all transects, Ramsar transect and the majority of surface and bottom layers of 3 transects including Noshahr, Babolsar and Amirabad. Based on discriminant analysis, 86.40% of the sampling sites were correctly classified. Factor analysis explained 87.53% of the total variance, the five principal components of which (viz. temperature, turbidity, nitrate, silica and ammonium) were considered as the most effective parameters on the spatial variation of water quality. This study suggests that the number of sampling locations can be reduced to two transects. Thermocline, transport of nutrients (specially phosphorus and ammonium) from rivers, sea floor, cage culture and the ctenophore, M. leidyi, were the most effective sources on spatial variations of water quality. Moreover, the multivariate statistical methods were found to be useful tools to recognize the spatial variations pattern along the Mazandaran coasts in summer.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)
According to Iran’s visions "Iran is a country achieved the first position of economy, science and technology in Southwest Asia, with emphasis on the software and science." Since the base line of this vision is knowledge core, in this study is conducted in Science and Technology sectors considering being knowledge core. Therefore developing such strategic model with accordance to Iran’s 20 years period vision was perused. Knowledge core consists of three layers, humans, organization and society. Each of these layers have different dimension. For each of these dimensions, indicators has proposed and to confirm those indicators, a six steps process has conducted. Cultural, economic, social, political, scientific, financial, indicators totaling 2,100 were identified. Doing analysis, 1178 indicators were extracted and grouped in 20 categories. 313 indicators considered based on meaningfulness analysis approach and 40 of them selected using focus groups. Selected indicators ranked based on frequencies. In this research content analysis, Delphi, interview and questionnaire have been used. Collected data analyzed using statistical softwares by chi-square test. According to the results, the wise man, the wise organization and the wise community formed the main aspects of the research model.
According to Iran’s visions "Iran is a country achieved the first position of economy, science and technology in Southwest Asia, with emphasis on the software and science." Since the base line of this vision is knowledge core, in this study is conducted in Science and Technology sectors considering being knowledge core. Therefore developing such strategic model with accordance to Iran’s 20 years period vision was perused. Knowledge core consists of three layers, humans, organization and society. Each of these layers have different dimension. For each of these dimensions, indicators has proposed and to confirm those indicators, a six steps process has conducted. Cultural, economic, social, political, scientific, financial, indicators totaling 2,100 were identified. Doing analysis, 1178 indicators were extracted and grouped in 20 categories. 313 indicators considered based on meaningfulness analysis approach and 40 of them selected using focus groups. Selected indicators ranked based on frequencies. In this research content analysis, Delphi, interview and questionnaire have been used. Collected data analyzed using statistical softwares by chi-square test. According to the results, the wise man, the wise organization and the wise community formed the main aspects of the research model.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2015)
One of the main priorities of knowledge management researchers is motivating people for sharing their knowledge. Although some believes that knowledge is the power, it seems that knowledge has now power on its own but what make it powerful is that part which share among people.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of social capital and behavior control as influencing factors on tacit knowledge sharing of staff. Data was collected using a close questionnaire. According to literature, a model was designed and tested to indicate the effect of staff tacit knowledge sharing among work groups, social capital view, and behavior control. Finally, results from SEM and regression analysis showed that social capital has positive effects on tacit knowledge sharing intention through the affect based-trust, shared value, and internal control variables. Tacit knowledge sharing intention, on tacit knowledge sharing behavior is greater when external control is higher in compare with internal control.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (11-2014)
One of the largest gene families in plants is MYB which contain a DNA-binding domain regulating gene transcription. These transcription factors (TF) have various functions in a wide range of plants. For example, biosynthesis pathway of anthocyanin as secondary metabolites and responsible for coloration in different plant tissues is regulated by the above-mentioned TFs. In the current study, Using homologous genes in the species close to mulberry (Morus Alba), a fragment of a new MYB transcription factor belonging to MYB gene family was isolated from this plant. First protein sequence of 14 different genes regulating anthocyanin from the species close to mulberry family (moraceae) were selected and then aligned, subsequently the region with the highest similarity was nominated. Following this, the cDNA sequence of these genes was aligned and a location which had a high rate of similarity was considered. With regard to large polymorphism in this sequence, degererate primers were designed and used to isolate the target gene.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)
Aim: Certain Mycoplasma species, the smallest and simplest free-living bacteria which lack a rigid cell wall, are considered as important pathogenic organisms in human and recognized to have a role in rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of this study was to use molecular methods to detect Mycoplasma spp. in synovial fluid of patients with reactive arthritis in comparison with patients suffering from non-inflammatory arthritis as a control group.
Materials & Methods: Synovial fluid samples were collected from 99 patients with arthritis, all of which fulfilled the standard criteria of American College of Rheumatology for the diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis (59 patients) or non-inflammatory arthritis (40 patients). The DNA of all synovial fluid samples was extracted, and PCR was performed with a specific set of general primers for 16S rRNA of Mycoplasma genus. The PCR products were confirmed via restriction enzyme digestion using BamH1 and sequencing.
Finding: A total of 11 out of 99 (11.1%) samples of patients with reactive arthritis revealed a 270bp amplification band. Digesting the PCR product of 16S rRNA by BamH1 confirmed the PCR assay. The sequencing also confirmed the amplified products.
Conclusion: The pathophysiology of inflammatory arthritis could be attributed, at least in part, to the persistence of bacterial DNA in the joint of patients with reactive arthritis.
Fatemeh mahmoudi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (Spring 2012)
This paper tends to investigate discourse, power, and language in Behrangi’s “Olduz va kalagh-ha”[1] and “Olduz va aroosak-e sokhangoo”[2] under the light of Foucauldian new historicism to demonstrate that multiple discourses of the selected texts are inseparable from the political, social, literary, and cultural discourses of Behrangi’s era. The study also illustrates how Behrangi has portrayed the mutual relations between language and power by the use of objects and animal characters in his stories. As soon as language threatens power (stepmother), it is doomed to silence.
[1] “Olduz and Crows”
[2] “Olduz and the Talking Doll”
Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2018)
Aims: People usually experience the different ranges of mood states, and the combination of their emotional pretention is great in the same rate. The aim of this study was to compare the theory of mind and false beliefs in patients with major depression disorder, bipolar disorder I, II and healthy individuals.
Instrument & Methods: In this descriptive comparative study, 90 patients bedridden in Ostad Moharari Hospital, Shiraz, Iran, in 2013-2014, including 30 patients with major depression disorder, 30 patients with bipolar disorder I, and 30 patients with bipolar disorder II were selected by purposive sampling method. Thirty healthy individuals were also selected as a control group. "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test and “Unexpected transfer task” test were used and the data were analyzed, by SPSS 19 software, using MANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test.
Findings: The theory of mind in the studied groups was significantly different (P=0.001, F(6, 230)=7.1) in a way that it was significantly different between the major depression group and bipolar disorder I, II with the healthy group (p=0.001), But there was no significant difference among other three groups (p>0.05). The false belief showed no specific difference among 4 groups (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The score of theory of mind in the healthy group is higher than the major depression group and bipolar disorder I, II groups. However, there is no difference in the theory of mind among other three groups. Also, there is no difference in false belief among 4 groups.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Physicians are more presumptuous than patients in verbal interaction. This study was conducted to measure the ratio of physicians’ and patients’ presumptuousness, and the role of gender in order to find an appropriate model for doctor-patient interaction. One hundred and one interviews in Mazandaran Medical Sciences hospitals were studied by using Stiles coding system. The physicians were 10.4 times more presumptuous than the patients. The most presumptuousness in the physicians was in physical examination, and in the patients, it was in conclusion. The least presumptuousness in physicians and in patients was in history taking and in physical examination, respectively. There was a meaningful difference in presumptuousness between men and women in the patients (P<0.05), while there was no meaningful difference between men and women in the physicians. Among the patients, rustics, low educated ones, and the elders were more presumptuous. When the gender of physicians and patients was different, the presumptuousness increased; however, the presumptuousness decreased when the gender was the same. We can conclude that the physicians were much more presumptuous than the patients. Their presumptuousness varied from the most in physical examination to the least in the history taking, because the physicians received information during the history taking and they listened more. In physical examination, the patients were in a special situation, sometimes unrobed. It strongly affected the presumptuousness. Presumptuousness had a direct relation with social class. Social class was the main factor when there was a gender difference, and it increased the physicians’ presumptuousness. The Results showed that in the patients, politeness in lower class decreased the presumptuousness. Knowing these factors can help physicians and patients to have an appropriate outcome
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)
A total of 78 rhizobacterial strains were isolated from 48 rhizospheric soil and root samples, collected from safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. fields located in different regions of Iran. The chitinolytic activity was measured in the presence of colloidal chitin as the sole carbon source. Eleven isolates were identified as chitinolytic bacteria, based on the formation of a clearly visible zone on the growth media. Four isolates including EM9, ES41, ES7 and ER13 exhibited the highest chitin degradation activity based on a clear zone diameter of more than 10 mm. According to a ribotyping analysis, EM9, ES41, and ES7 isolates were identified as Bacillus cereus and ER13 was found to be Pantoea agglomerans. In a dual-culture assay, morphogenic changes such as severely collapsed hyphae, decreased hyphal diameter with condensation and granulation of cytoplasm and highly rolled with formation of big clamydoconida in anomalous sporodochia -like structures were also observed using light microscope. Under greenhouse conditions, the application of selected chitinolytic isolates, i.e., EM9, ES41, ES7 and ER13, on safflower seeds significantly reduced seedling damping-off caused by Fusarium solani. In addition, the results revealed that root and shoot dry weight in infected plants that were treated with EM9 isolate suspension, increased by 14 and 22%, respectively.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2017)
This study was done during 2012 to 2014 to determine the species composition of thrips on fruit trees and weeds of orchards in three counties of Qazvin Province (i.e. Buin-Zahra, Takestan and Qazvin). For each county 14 orchards were sampled. In each orchard, 10 trees and from each tree four shoots along with their leaves, flowers and fruits were selected as a sample unit. Diversity was calculated by Shannon-Wiener Index and evenness by Pielou evenness index. Species richness was estimated using the first-order jackknife richness estimator. One-way ANOVA was used to test whether there exists significant variation in species diversity, evenness and richness along the three counties. Of the 4,489 adult collected specimens from three locations, 27 species belonging to 13 genera were identified. The highest number of thrips was collected on plants of family Rosaceae, followed by Vitaceae and Moraceae, respectively. The number of collected species in Qazvin (18) and Buin-Zahra (17) counties were more than Takestan (13) county. Similar trend was observed for the total number of adult specimens collected in the three counties as more specimens were found in Qazvin and Buin-Zahra than Takestan. Results of this study showed that Thrips tabaci L. was found on all species of fruit trees and weeds. There were no significant differences among the three counties in terms of both diversity (P = 0.41) and evenness (P = 0.45). Across the counties, thrips estimated richness was higher in Qazvin county compared to Buin-Zahra and Takestan counties. Among the trees in Buin-Zahra and Takestan counties, grape had the highest thrips diversity. The highest value of diversity for Qazvin county was recorded for apricot. The polyphagous species T. tabaci was dominant in all three counties, followed by Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (in Qazvin county), Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) (in Buin-Zahra county) and Frankliniella tenuicornis (Uzel) (in Takestan county).
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2015)
A vital consideration must be implied on recognizing and investigating the Ural plannings of old and ancient cities. Old architectural Ural plannings as Iranian civil and culture symbol, are historical documents, which exhibit experiences from old Iranians. Warm regions form a major part of our country. City Ural plannings are totally based on the special warm and dry weather, which provides the responses to the people of the region. Accordingly, a similar condition is considered for all warm and dry regions in Iran. Sarayan is one of the cities located around the central desert of Iran, which contains the ancient and valuable Ural planning proportional to the condition of the region. This city is located in southern Khorasan province and the north western part of this province. Special regional properties, mountains and deserts neighborhood and being along a connective road have made Sarayan a place for residence, which caused its extension and growth. An alive spirit is exposing from past up to now according to different architectures from the Timurid to Pahlavid and six different areas inside the city, as well as distinctive architectures inside each area. This field and library research has been done in order to rebuild the urban Ural planning of Sarayan from Safavid to the first Pahlavid.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2018)
Cercospora leaf spot caused by Cercospora beticola has a great negative impact on yield and quality of sugar beet. In the present study, pathogenic and genotypic variation of 24 C. beticola isolates collected from different regions of Iran were studied using RFLP of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS-RFLP), and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR). Pathogenic variability and genotype × isolate interaction were evaluated in greenhouse experiments on five sugar beet cultivars (FD0018, HM1836, Puma, Eudora and Monatuna). All of the 24 isolates tested were found to be pathogenic on the cultivars with significant variation in disease severity. Results of RAPD analysis showed wide DNA polymorphism among the Iranian C. beticola isolates. Restriction pattern of the internal transcribed spacer of rDNA (ITS1-5.8-ITS4) was studied using three restriction endonucleases: EcoR1, Taq1, and Busr1. The length of undigested DNA fragment of all isolates was estimated to be 500bp without rDNA polymorphism after digestion with EcoR1 (280, 270 bp), Taq1 (330 bp) and Busr1 (240, 220, 90 bp). RAPD and ITS-RFLP markers showed the highest level of genetic diversity which confirms the variation in C. beticola detection.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
Aims: The goal of the present study was to assess the relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder dimensions and severity with insight into an adolescent’s population.
Materials & Methods: This study was done in Iran. The study sample included 84 adolescents with OCD according to DSM-5. The participants completed materials of Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Child Version (OCI-CV), Children Depression Questionnaire (CDQ), Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Severity Rating (CY-BOCS-SR), and Child Assessment of Belief Scale (CABS). Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics’ indices, Pearson correlation, separation coefficient, and multi-variant regression, using SPSS.
Findings: There was a strong positive relationship between the hoarding dimension and delusional insight. Also, severity, ordering, and doubting/checking were significantly correlated with insight, while this result disappeared by controlling the hoarding dimension via partial correlation. Moreover, adolescents with more symptoms of hoarding demonstrated a significantly higher score in OCI-CV, severity and delusional insight but not in the depression inventory.
Conclusion: Findings of the present study consistent with prior findings suggest a non-significant relationship between OCD clinical dimensions and insight in adolescents.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (summer 2020)
Comparative study of critical theories of contemporary Arab and Iranian poets can have a unique part in literary analysis. In general, new poetic critical theories are under the influence of the intellectual origins of contemporary German and French philosophies. Adonis and Shafiei Kadkani are two influential critic poets who have discussed poetic concepts and components in their critical articles and books with specific tact. The present study was a descriptive-analytical investigation into analyzing critical views of these two poets based on American school of comparative approach in the fields of definition of poetry, and language and music of poetry. The results of the study showed that the two critics have common intellectual foundations; therefore, they have some similar critical viewpoints. However, their critical approaches are different in terms of both methodology and intellectual depth. Compared to Shafiei Kadkani, Adonis has a deeper, more organized, and more daring view toward poetic categories and poetic language.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)
Aims: This research aimed to evaluate the spatial patterns of water quality and its controlling factors in the Mazandaran coastal ecosystem during winter using the multivariate analysis methods.
Materials and methods: Water quality parameters such as nutrients, temperature, conductivity, salinity, DO, pH, chlorophyll-a and turbidity were measured monthly in 16 stations (44 layers) along 4 transects (Amirabad, Babolsar, Noushahr and Ramsar). To evaluate the data, several multivariate statistical methods were used including discriminant function analysis, cluster and factor analysis as well as correlation test.
Findings: Results of cluster analysis showed that the sampling sites (44 layers) were classified into 4 groups. Based on discriminant analysis, 93.20% of the sampling sites correctly classified. Factor analysis extracted 4 principal components that explained 74.05% of the total variance. Based on these analyses, organic phosphorus, organic nitrogen, turbidity, chlorophyll-a and temperature were the most effective parameters on the spatial variation of water quality.
Conclusion: This study suggested that the number of sampling locations could be reduced to 3 transects including Amirabad, Babolsar and west coasts (Noushahr and Ramsar) and 2 stations (one surface layer and one deep layer). Transport of nutrients from land, sea floor and fish cage culture were the most effective factors on spatial patterns of water quality in Mazandaran coasts. Based on the results, multivariate statistical methods are also introduced as one of the useful methods for identifying the spatial pattern of water quality.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (8-2019)
Montpellier maple Acer monspessulanum L. is one of the trees in Zagros forests (Iran) which is host to several economically important thrips species. The purpose of this study was to find the fauna of thrips on Montpellier maple trees in Ilam province, western Iran, during 2015-2016. The abundance and species diversity of thrips were examined twice a month via standard sweep net and shaking flowers and leaves to white plastic tray at two location sites including Gachan and Manesht Mountains. Out of the 7062 thrips specimens that were collected, 16 thrips species were identified, which belonged to 10 genera and four families. The estimated domination coefficient showed that in both sites Taeniothrips inconsequens Uzel was eudominant and onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman was dominant species. There were 5 and 4 species classified as subdominant for Gachan and Manasht, respectively. Four predatory thrips were found on Montpellier maple trees including Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall, Scolothrips longicornis Priesner, Haplothrips flavitibia Williams and H. globiceps. Of these, A. intermedius was the most abundant predator in both collection sites, whereas others showed a low population density. According to diversity index calculations, the Shannon diversity, Pielou’s evenness and Margalef’s species richness indices were 1.83, 0.68 and 1.67 for Gachan, and 1.48, 0.62 and 1.26 for Manesht, respectively.
, Fattaneh mahmoudi,
Volume 8, Issue 32 (Winter 2015)
Dogmatic approaches interpret literary texts in definitive ways. However, literary texts do lose their supposed absolute and final meanings when approached from a poststructuralist perspective. Consequently, it is possible to have multiple readings of a text from different perspectives. Drawing on Derridean deconstruction of binary oppositions, this paper studies a miniature painting by Sultan Mohammad Naqqash based on Hafez’s poetry. Hafez’s divan is always open to various interpretations between spiritual and worldly approaches. Contrary to the classical interpretations in which a definitive meaning is sought after, “Heavenly and Earthly Inebriation” painting by Sultan Mohammad deconstructs this opposition and presents a new reading of the poem. Based on an analytic-historical method, we argue that this painting creates a new hermeneutic world by geometric composition, colors, and characterization. The painting, we conclude, maintains the poetic ambiguity of Hafez’s poetry. Accordingly, we can say that there is no final meaning in this painting because the spectators simultaneously experience both poles of this opposition and, as a result, for them there is no absolute interpretation.