Showing 342 results for karimi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Every country has different languages. Some are standard, while others are non-standard. This research looks at how often people in Iran use standard and non-standard language. It also looks at other factors like age, gender, education, occupation, and income. It also looks at how people feel about different language groups. The data were collected from 314 people in 10 Iranian ethnic groups living in Tehran. They were analyzed using SPSS software and Foucault's theories of power and discourse silence. The results show that people over 50 use their native language or dialect more because they have more social power. Men have replaced non-standard language with standard language. As education level rises, people use less non-standard language. Non-criteria type is more common among retirees than other occupations. Those with a strong financial status have replaced non-criteria type with the criterion type. Those with a weak financial status have the most non-criteria type speech silence. Speakers of languages with strong attitudes toward language use are less likely to speak up in many social situations. They often use non-standard language instead of standard language.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The purpose of the semiotics of discourse approach is to communicate between semantic layers and differentiating units of the linguistic, social and intertdiscursive conext at the macro level in order to achieve meaning with the help of cognitive tools of text and discourse. This research interprets and explains how to produce, understand and receive meaning in the context of discourse systems in "Wuthering Heights" within the framework of the semiotics of discourse approach. Discourse systems include two categories, either they are based on Speech-Action and Movement-Action (Behavior) which create cognitive discourse systems or they are based on Sense-Action which are the generators of emotional discourse systems. In this research, the representation of Speech-Action, Movement-Action (Behavior) and Sense-Action and their feedback in the participants within the text and discourse of the novel has been discussed. Discourse analysis in the text and situational context of the novel based on the semiotics of discourse approach of Greimas is rooted in cognitive perspectives, because Speech-Action and Movement-Action build the infrastructure and a platform for the motivation of Sense-Action in the audience of the discursive context. Heathcliff and Catherine are two main characters of the novel who depict the Sense-Action of love along with the behavior and Speech-Action of revenge in the textual and intertextual semantic layers. Heathcliff gains the necessary mental, physical and financial competences and performs the action by going through the first stage of Sense-Action
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Language learners find it hard to change a text’s wording and present it differently while maintaining the original meaning in the text. This research therefore examined the effect of concept mapping instruction on summarizing short stories for EFL learners. Two intact grade-eight classes were assigned to experimental (n = 20) and control (n = 18) groups randomly. They summarized a starter-level short story, Drive into danger, using a maximum of 450 words as pretest. Next, the experimental group experienced concept-mapping instruction whereas the latter group received the traditional way of teaching summarization, for six consecutive weeks. Both groups summarized the same story again, based on their instruction, into a 450-word text at a maximum as posttest. Pretest and posttest summaries were assessed in terms of content, organization, vocabulary, and language use. The experimental group positively improved on overall performance, content, and organization, marginally improved on vocabulary, but did not improve on language use. Furthermore, the participants’ feedback on the instructional treatment support the statistical results. The findings offer several instructional implications.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Over the past decades, research on language teacher engagement in action research (AR) has received a surge of interest. However, little research is available on how teachers’ experience contribute to their development of agency and professional performances through their participation in an AR program. Accordingly, this study explored the role of experience in five novice and five experienced language teachers’ development of agency and practice before, during, and after their engagement in an action research engagement program (AREP). To this end, we collected data via semi-structured interviews, reflective journals, and classroom observations. The findings revealed that novice and experienced teachers’ development of their agency and professional practice undergo similar trajectories. Moreover, the study argues that although experience affects teacher-researchers’ agentive role and performances, novice and experienced teachers go through similar paths as they engage in AR. However, the novice teachers became more oriented towards reflection-in-action during and after their engagement in AREP. Moreover, the novice teachers chose more AR tools and drew more on their AR experience which, in turn, facilitated their professional growth through tool transformation. We conclude the paper with implications for teacher education to better understand the role of AR in teachers’ agency development and professionalism.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present study aims to investigate the meanings and productivity of derivative suffix «i» in Persian language using Plag's (2003) point of view. Data collection was conducted by library method and analysis of findings was done by descriptive-analytical method. The sampling included three works from the 5th, 8th, 11th centuries, and the contemporary period. Then, the frequency of using «i» to express different meanings was investigated in each period. The findings indicate that in the 5th and 8th centuries, noun-forming «i» was more productive than adjective-forming «i». In the 11th century and the contemporary period, adjective-forming «i» was more productive than that of noun-forming «i». Also, the productivity of the adverb-forming «i» has been less than adjective-forming «i» and noun-forming «i» in all periods. Considering the different adjective-forming meanings of this suffix, the highest frequency in the 5th, 8th and contemporary periods was related to the adjective "place" and in the 11th century, it was related to the adjective "belonging to a thing". Among the different meanings of the noun-forming «i» in the 5th century, the noun "state indicator" had the highest frequency and in the 8th, 11th and contemporary periods the "simple" noun was the most frequent. Among the different meanings of the adverb-forming «i», the highest frequency was related to the adverb "state" in the 5th century, "scale, amount and size" in the 8th and 11th centuries, and "place" in the contemporary period. The paper also explains possible causes of differences in this suffix's productivity.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
Accurate analysis of bitumen behavior as a viscoelastic material and its natural phenomena such as aging are important issues in pavement engineering. Therefore, controlling the low and high temperature properties of bitumens is essential to prevent low temperature cracking and common high temperature distress in order to provide proper service throughout the pavement life. In this study, the aging phenomenon and its effects on the mechanical properties of bitumens were simulated using the Superpave method, namely the RTFOT method for short-term aging and the PAV method for long-term aging. In order to investigate the effect of repeated PAV cycles on the properties of bitumens, three types of bitumen with different penetration degrees of 40-50 (PG70-16), 60-70 (PG64-22) and 85-100 (PG58-28) were selected and three samples of each were subjected to one to three PAV aging times. The beam shear rheometer (BBR) test was performed at three temperatures from 0 to -12°C and the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) at seven temperatures from 46 to 82°C. Based on the results obtained, the high temperature performance of the bitumens increased by a maximum of three grades and their low temperature performance increased by a maximum of two grades. In other words, the grading of the triple bitumens, after three times of PAV, became 82-4, 82-10, and 70-16, respectively. Also, the relationship between the high temperature performance properties of the aged bitumens and their chemical changes at different times of aging was investigated and their changes were examined to show the correlation between these properties. The results showed that the high temperature viscoelastic properties and the chemical aging index of the different bitumens had a strong linear relationship with a coefficient of determination (R2) of more than 0.9.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
Buried concrete tanks serve as critical components of public and military infrastructure, where structural damage can trigger severe social, security, and environmental crises. Consequently, designing these tanks to withstand shock loads from explosions is of paramount importance. Additionally, the behavior of layered clay soils under such loading conditions requires detailed examination. This study investigates the influence of burial depth on the performance of concrete tanks subjected to explosive loads in layered clay soils. The analysis was conducted using AUTODYN and FLAC 2D finite element software. Concrete tanks buried at depths of 3, 6, 8, and 10 meters were analyzed under surface explosions generated by 50, 100, and 200 kg of TNT, with defined pressure and distance parameters. The soil properties, structural characteristics, and internal fluid pressure were incorporated into the model. Results indicate that increasing the burial depth significantly reduces the displacement of the tank roof and floor due to the dissipation of explosion energy in the surrounding soil. For instance, with a 50 kg TNT charge, increasing the burial depth from 3 meters to 6, 8, and 10 meters resulted in roof displacement reductions of 54%, 70%, and 78%, respectively. These findings demonstrate the critical role of burial depth in enhancing structural resilience against explosive loads and mitigating damage.
Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)
Urmia Lake and its surroundng wetlands have been severely affected by recent droughts (1998–2003) and a considerable decrease in inflow has affected lake ecosystem components. Integrated ecosystem-based management is a useful managing tool for the wise use and biodiversity conservation of wetlands. In the process of developing an integrated ecosystem-based management model for Urmia Lake, the identification of key stakeholders is of primary importance. In this research, stakeholder analysis is used as an effective tool for establishing collaborative management in the Urmia Lake catchment in terms of the following parameters and objectives: almost all stakeholders receive multiple benefits from Urmia Lake, either directly or indirectly; almost all stakeholders also cause impacts on the lake ecosystem, many of which result from activities that take place in areas located within in the Urmia catchment but far from the lake. In general, the stakeholders who receive the most benefits seem to cause the lowest impact (for example, Environmental groups), while those who receive fewer benefits may have larger impacts (for example, water resource managers). Recognizing that all stakeholders affect the lake in one way or another is an important concept that promotes the ethic that future management of the Lake should regarded as a shared responsibility between all stakeholders.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (7-2014)
Handover is the process of maintaining the active sessions of a mobile terminal as it changes its point of attachment to the access network. To reduce the Handover latency in the MIPv6, fast Handovers for the MIPv6 (FMIPv6) has been proposed in the IETF, But not acceptable in FMIPv6 Handover delays led to efforts to improve this method and therefore the existence of multiple Handover methods in the literature.
In order to select the appropriate method، in this paper, existing methods have been classified and then performance metrics are identified. Then Categories importance in calculating Handover performance metrics is investigated. Call blocking probability, Handover blocking probability, Probability of an unnecessary handover ,Duration of interruption and delay ,as the most important Handover algorithm
performance metrics are introduced. Continue using the AHP algorithm in example topology, according to the selected sound aplication, weight is given to the metrics and using Topsis methods appropriate
Handover algorithm has been specified.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)
Background: Low back pain is the most common cause of disability and absence from work among young and middle-aged people. As there is limited knowledge regarding this problem among Iranian students, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of low back pain and its ‘related socio demographic factors among students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in which 200 students of Islamic Azad University were selected purposively. Demographic questionnaire and Ronald-Morris Disability Scale were used to collect data regarding characteristics and disability caused by back pain. Data were entered SPSS16 and analyzed through descriptive and analytic statistics. Results: In total, 190 students including 78 (41%) men and 112 (59%) women were assessed. Of all studied students 113 individuals 65.9% were suffering from low back pain and 91 students
(47.8%) were suffering from pain related disability. Body mass index (BMI) was normal in most participants. There was significant negative relationship between low back pain and physical activity (P = 0.006). Conclusion: To sum up, the results of this study verified a significant relationship among low back pain and disability. Moreover, the students who were more active and were living in good socio-economic status were less probably to suffer from low back pain and disability.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
Low Intensity Magnetic Separators (LIMS) are widely used in research and industry. The design of this separator is based on drum rotation inside a tank media, so that a permanent magnets placing inside the drum as an angle form, produces a magnetic field. In this study, the behavior of magnetic and none-magnetic particles of a pulp, flowing through a magnetic field in the wet LIMS, was simulated and validated by experimental results. The magnetic field variables were calculated in an FEM based simulator (COMSOL Multiphysics); while particles’ tracking was done applying CFD numerical method, enhanced by discrete phase model (DPM). The difference between the results of the simulation and the magnetic separation experimental test (recovery of magnetic particles in the concentrate product) was 16.4%. In order to quantify the results of the simulation, magnetic separation simulation was performed by changing two variables affecting the magnetic separation process (variables of particle size of the input pulp feed particles and solid percentage of input pulp) and corresponding experiments. Comparison of laboratory and simulation results showed that the trend of simulation results is consistent with laboratory results of the weight recovery (in both variables under study), so that the maximum simulation error is related to the size of 125 microns (16.5 %) and the lowest simulation error was in 180 microns (11.4 %). Also, the lowest simulation error in the weight recovery prediction was related to the pulp feed solid percentage of 15% (equivalent to 14%) and the highest simulation error was in 30% pulp feed solid percentage (16.9 %). This proposes that FEM-DPM-CFD coupling model, can be applied for simulation, optimization, design and construct
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Concentrations of lead (Pb) were found in the shells of the oyster Saccostrea cucullata and sediments in May 2010. Samples were obtained at four sites on Qeshm Island, at three sites on Hormoz Island, and at three sites in Lengeh Port along the intertidal coast of the Persian Gulf of Iran. The levels of Pb in sediments and shells were analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer.Mean Pb concentrations in the different sampling stations varied between 613.94 and 0.06 µg g-1 in the shells of S. cucullata and 180.78 and 0.86µg g-1 in sediments. Biological effects criteria suggest that Pb concentrations in sediments in three sites from Lengeh Port were higher than ERL (effects range low), but at the all sites were lower than ERM (effects range medium). The present results support the significant differences in shell and sediments’ accumulated concentrations of Pb among sites attributed to input sources of human activities including urban, domestic, industrial, agricultural, shipping and transport, mining activities, and ports and harbors
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Introduction: Quality of life plays a considerable role in individual and social health. Low back pain is the most common musculoskeletal disorders and cause negative impacts on various aspects of life. The aim of study was to compare the quality of life of students with and without low back pain.
Methods and Materials: This was across-sectional study performed among students at the Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, and west branch in Tehran., Iran. 200 students took part in the study and the SF-36scale was used to assess the quality of life of the participants.
Findings: The mean score of overall quality of life, physical, and mental health of the participants were 67.87 ± 19.07, 72.36 ± 21.53, and 63.20 ± 21.34 respectively. There was a significant relationship between quality of life and socio-economic status (p = 0.007), physical activity (p = 0.002) and smoking (p = 0.007). About %60/3of all participants (N = 114) reported back pain history. There were significant relationship between quality of life and low back pain (p = 0.0001).
Quality of life in students with back pain was less than those without back pain.
Conclusion: Considering the underlying factors affecting the quality of life of students, this study showed low back pain could also diminish the quality of life of the students.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Amphibology, also called as equivocating, Fantasy and visualization, is accounted as one of the most worthwhile arts as well as one of the most artistic literature ornaments. In amphibology, the eloquent with employing high artistic skills generates different meaning paths in his/her verbal communication and makes some meaning expansion. Amphibology is also defined as using a language with double away and close difference meaning, in which the announcer discusses the away meaning; however, the auditors identify the close denotation. There are different types of amphibology; for instance, solitary (abstract or single) amphibology; disclosed amphibology, proportionally amphibology, antagonism amphibology, complex amphibology, double inverse proliferation amphibology, and … .
This paper tries to investigate the amphibology industry as well as the generation processes in the above mentioned different types. In same way we investigate the different amphibology classifications from eloquence point of view in Arabic and Persian languages.
Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)
This paper is an attempt to analyze the ergative constructions in Hawrami. Like other Kurdish dialects, Hawrami utilizes split ergativity only in the aorist constructions. Along with the process of Clitic Doubling, this dialect uses another mechanism for manifesting the ergative pattern. This rare mechanism is only found in Hawrami and not elsewhere in Kurdish. In the constructions, which are derived according to the second mechanism, the direct object and the subject undergo the processes of toplicalization and focusing, respectively. Hence, comparing to the other ergative constructions, which are derived on the basis of Clitic Doubling; these specific constructions bear a more marked semantic interpretation. The constituents of these marked ergative constructions follow a rigid order: the direct object appears at the beginning, the subject, which is always accompanied by Oblique case marker, gets the second position, and the final position is occupied by the past transitive verb. Making any slight change in this order would result in the ungrammaticality of the construction. The present paper, on the one hand, tries to describe the main characteristics of both marked and unmarked ergative constructions in Hawrami, and seeks to provide a theoretical account for the derivation of marked ergative constructions and their characteristics on the other. The proposed account is mainly based on the theoretical apparatus of Minimalist Program; especially the recently introduced notions of Split CP Hypothesis, Focus Phrase, and Topic Phrase.
Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)
The present paper is an attempt to investigate the methods of passivisation of Persian compound verbs on the one hand and, to introduce Jackendoff’s semantic theory; which is called Theory of Conceptual Semantics on the other. The purpose of introducing this theory is to check Persian data within the framework of this theory to see if the its foundations, as its founder claims, are universal and can justify Persian data or not. To do this, the semantic behaviors of 22 Persian compound verbs were examined when making them passive. There are two methods for the passivization of Persian compound verbs, namely syntactic and semantic. Since the Jackendoff’s semantic theory is unable to explain the unacceptability of grammatical sentences, because the approach it takes for semantic analysis is making semantic components salient, thus we will reason that if sentence is not considered as the unit of semantic analysis, the outputs of such analysis will not be correct.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2-1992)
Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)
Background: Gram-negative organisms producing Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are presented as a global problem. Klebsiella pneumoniae is considered as one of the most important microorganism of this group. The prevalence rate of K. pneumoniae species is increasing, and this increase is higher in the ESBL group, indicating the increase in antibiotic resistance. We must have sufficient knowledge about regional antibiotics resistance in order to monitor the prevalence rate and antimicrobial resistance among the isolates by appropriate treatment. In this regard, the objective of our study was to evaluate antimicrobial susceptibility among K. pneumoniae isolates by E-test method in Khatam ol Anbia hospital during 2015.
Materials and methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out during 2015. All clinical samples were collected from intensive care unit (ICU) and general wards of Khatam ol Anbia hospital. All of the K. pneumoniae strains were detected by biochemical and microscopic tests. Antimicrobial susceptibility and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were determined by disk diffusion and E-test methods. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data.
Results: About 62 K. pneumoniae strains were isolated from clinical samples of ICU and general wards during one year. Of these, 38 (61.3%) isolates were isolated from intensive care unit, and 24 (38.7%) isolates were isolated from the general wards. In this review, the least resistance was related to colistin (4.8%) and Amikacin (14.5%), respectively, and the most resistance was observed to the antibiotics of ciprofloxacin (66.1%), ceftriaxone (62.9%) and gentamicin (59.7%), respectively. Resistance to imipenem was observed in 38.7% of the isolates.
Conclusion: The current study demonstrates that antibiotic resistance pattern is changing, and resistance to imipenem and colistin is rising, so this should be considered as a serious risk for admitted patients in hospital.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2014)
The aphid species, Cinara pini (Linnaeus, 1758) reported in our previous work as a new aphid on pinus trees for Iran, was described using the classic method and through analysis of COI gene sequence. In the next step, we addressed the efficiency of the entomopathogenic fungus, Lecanicillium longisporum (Zimm.) Zare and Gams strain LRC 190, on the aphid. The fungus was administered to the second instar nymphs and adults using topical application procedure. The results indicated that the entomopathogen caused 90% mortality in adults over seven days at a concentration of 108 spores/ml, while the same control level was achieved for nymphs by 8 × 107 spores/ml. The LC50 values were obtained as 1.2 × 106 and 6.9 × 105 spores/ml for adults and nymphs, respectively. The present study suggests that the entomopathogenic fungus, L. longisporum could be considered as a potential candidate in biocontrol programs of C. pini. This is the first report on the pathogenicity of L. longisporum on C. pini.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2014)
Searching efficiency and handling time are two major components of functional response and are usually used to evaluate effectiveness of natural enemies. The effect of different foraging periods on the functional response of larval Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) (Dip.: Cecidomyiidae) feeding on third instar nymphs of Aphis craccivora was studied. The experiment was conducted in terms of time-specific (1, 2, 4, 6,12, 24 h.) functional response to varying densities (5, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80) of third instar nymphs of A.craccivora at 23 ± 1 °C, 70 ± 5% of R.H., and a photoperiod of 16:8 h (L: D). Parameter estimates for logistic regressions showed a type II functional response for 4 day-old larvae of the predator at different foraging periods to varying densities of A. craccivora. The estimated searching efficiency (a') and handling times (Th), varied with foraging periods. The searching efficiency showed a decreasing trend as the foraging periods increased. The estimated maximum rates of predation (T/Th) for the 4-day old larvae were directly related to the foraging periods increase but handling times (Th), showed a decelerating trend. In conclusion it was found that searching efficiency was a variable parameter in different foraging periods of A. aphidimyza and was lowest at the foraging periods of 24 h. It was also suggested that A. aphidimyza with type II functional response in all foraging periods, could be considered as a highly effective biological agent in suppressing A. craccivora population.