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Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of predicting variables of quality of life (hexagonal capitals, place attachment, benefiting of governmental services) and psychological coping strategies of Iranian farmer families facing climate variability. The method this research was survey, and the current research was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The participants were all farmer families living in the villages. The data were collected with a questionnaire and a stratified random sampling method. Findings revealed that variables of the proposed model were able to explain 69% of the changes quality of life under climate variability conditions. The results demonstrated that hexagonal capitals and place attachment had a positive and significant impact on psychological coping strategies and quality of life of farmer families. The implementation of specific interventions with the aim of farmers’ capitals reinforcement, paying attention to rural infrastructures and psychological interventions in order to enhance the resistance capacity of farmer families against climate variability has been recommended.

Zahra hayati,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2009)

Structural semioticians believe that bilateral contrasts are signifying elements which shape a text’s concealed structure; while their analysis makes the interpretation and paraphrase of meaning a possible task. Binary elements, which according to linguistics, psychology, and structural anthropology are factors of cognition and comprehension, have found a variety of different expressions and manifestations in cultural texts; whether they are in written form within literary works or have appeared in the visual and auditory arts. A survey of the variety of bilateral contrasting elements that the author has used, in addition to the manner in which they are processed, show the stylistics of the work; just as the semiotic study of binary elements in the depiction and portrayal of Rumi’s poetry show that: 1) All the objective and subjective bilateral contrasts which somehow instil ascension or descent are utilized for expressing materialistic and spiritual affairs and phenomena. 2) All the bilateral contrasts are finally united in a specific point and their contradicting identity is resolved. 3) Negation of contradictory identity from bilateral contrasts occurs through rhetorical and declarative devices which once categorized, guides us towards semiotic description of Rumi’s poetry in Massnavi and Shams Poetry Book (known in Persian as “Divane Shams”)

Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2016)

Filmmakers, television programmers, experts in literature, and those with an average knowledge in literature, cinema, and television, have different standards in evaluation of adapted movies. Similarly, there are various theoretical foundations in comparative studies of adaptation. Analyzing adapted movies and comparing them with literary sources can be done with a cultural study approach of which nature is interdisciplinary depended more on cultural feedback. From this perspective, examining the relationships between cinema and television regarding One Thousand and One Nights series shows that the adaptations in which the story has been developed according to its very cultural-historical function, succeeded more. These kinds of adaptation were faithful to the structure of the work. The reason why the faithful adaptations to One Thousand and One Nights were successful is that the theme of this book emerges from its structure. Crossing out the theme pattern in adapted movies doesn’t satisfy common addressees of book and movie.

Zahra hayati, Sanaz Bauroti Bauroti, Hoda Asghari Jafari Asghari Jafari,
Volume 7, Issue 25 (Spring 2014)

There is a close relationship between stylistics and literary criticism. Many works of criticism are based on data analyses of stylistic studies, and analyzing status of the two fields—literary criticism and stylistics—couldpave the way for better classification of them.Through a content analysis of the two scholarly journals, Bahar-e Adab—proseand poetry stylistic studies—and Literary Criticism published in 2010, I have tried to show the relation between different aspects of the two fields in the previous decade in Iran. Both quantitative and qualitative indicators have been taken into consideration in this study. Quantitative indicators cover theoretical and practical domains. Qualitative indicators have been chosen according to a fewbasic questions on stylistics and literary criticism: have the articles on literary criticism transformed from descriptive nature into analytic one? Is critical thinking dominant in all studies? Do articles on stylistics consider works as representations of individuality of their author? The article concludes that, although the studies on stylistics and criticism, which in some cases follow the same academic or social discourse, seems to have correlation, there are some differences between the two fields. For example, when it comes to selecting texts, critics mostly tend to choose prose fiction while experts in stylistics prefer poetry. Impartial and independent theories and approaches are more widespread in literary criticism articles than in works of stylistics. Stylistic studies, on the other hand, are not independent. Most articles on criticism have passed descriptive mode and are closer to their expected form, i.e. analyses of the data. The number of articles on stylistics that clearly consider style as representation of the author’s personality or consider repetition of stylistic features as a deviation from standard rules is about half of the total number of the articles.
Zahra hayati,
Volume 7, Issue 27 (Fall 2014)

Comparative adaptation studies are based on comparative studies of cinematic adaptations and their literary sources. These studies can be divided to: (1) the books or theses written independently and by one author on the subject of adaptation; (2) the collection of essays which founded and published by a cultural or film foundation; (3) the studies that analyze the potentials of literary works through the lens of narrative elements, stylistic elements,or the combination of the two; (4) the works of criticism that study literature according to film studies; and finally, (5) dispersed and short commentaries in the newspapers. All of these studies can be categorized as subdivisions of literary studies because of their research methodology and conceptual paradigms.     Key words: comparative literature- cinema- criticism- adaptation The comparison between films and literary sources is the base of comparative studies in adaptation. These writings can be divided as: the books or theses wrote independently and by one author; the collection of essays which controlled by a cultural foundation or a company of cinema; the researches that analyze literary works by the view of “narrative elements”, “stylistic elements” and “stylistic & narrative elements”; the works which critic literature according to cinema criticism. Dispersed and short comments in newspapers. All of these studies are kind of literary criticism because of new conception by new methods.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

A proper and complete understanding of stakeholders is one of the main elements of strategic decision-making. Banks, as an important part of the country's economy, are confronted with various stakeholders and faced with different changes in their stakeholder structure.Recognizing and categorizing these stakeholders and adopting an appropriate strategy for engaging with them is one of the ways to improve Performance. The purpose of this study was to provide a model for managing bank interactions with strategic stakeholders.
This research in terms of gole is applied, in terms of data is qualitative, and in terms of nature and research method is Grounded .The sampling strategy was selective with snowball method. Measurement of internal validity (reliability) of the findings has been done by comparing the results with theoretical foundations and experts verification, and verifying the accuracy of the data has been approved by the members of the research, and the validity of the interview’s form has been done through content validity.
The results obtained from three phases: interviewing, Delphi technique and Brainstorming, 2 dimensions; Identification of strategic stakeholders including 4 components (power, influence, influence, interests and legitimacy) and interaction with strategic stakeholders including 6 components (policy making, Rules, regulation, organization, control and supervision, supply of resources and sales of services), which are derived from 76 indicators.

Volume 12, Issue 6 (January & February 2022 2021)

Persian poetry in the 2000s, like many literary and artistic texts, has hidden meaning and reason the enjoyment of discovery of which is met by the criticism process method. One of the methods of studying poems of this decade is to look at the mutual contradictions, which indicate some parts of meaning, because if a poet accepts the historical evaluation of contradictions, he shows his alignment with classic beliefs and if he criticizes it, he represents the intellectual and cultural changes in personal or social level. In analysis of text contradictions, one of the items to be studied is the type of relation that the author or poet connects between two sides of contradiction, and in this case, poets in the 2000s indicated many intellectual infrastructures and type of evaluations changed to them. Among 20 poets studied in this research, 7 poets (Sare Dastaran, Majid Rafati, Garous Abdolmalekian, Abbas Saffari, Sara Mohammadi Ardehali, Shahab Mogharrabin, and Hafez Mousavi) obviously introduced invalid the goodness and badness of two sides of contradiction; i.e. the positive and negative aspects or vice and virtue of parties to the contradiction. The research findings show that the poets in the 2000s make doubt on the known and general contradictions, and also include in their works the new visual fields suitable to the language and time for invalidating the vice and virtue aspects of contradictions

1. Introduction
One method of poetry study in the 2000s is the analysis of double contrasts, and originates its theoretical fundamentals from structural linguistics. Poetry criticism with this structurali view can connect to the different approaches; such as discourse analysis approach, sociological criticism, moral criticism, etc. For example, ideology governing the poetry of this period, which in fact reflects the thinking method of a special class in society, can be recognized and its formalities can be analyzed with power by discourse analysis view. Historically, the word of double contrasts was used first by Nikolai Trvbstskvy (1890-1938) but legally and formally appeared in theories of structural linguist, Ferdinan de Saussre (1857-1913) and specifically discussed in Public Linguistics (1915). Summary of Saussre's discussion is that all human behaviors are systematic, and for this purpose, the rules governing it shall be achieved to understand the language arisen from the mind and thinking function. One of such fundamental rules is the contrasts. Understanding the double contrasts indicate some parts of meaning in literary text.
2. Research Questins
The main problem of this research is: what predominant view and thinking does reflect the analysis of double contrasts in poetry of the 2000s? and what value system is indicated by the most important social and cultural criticism of poets of this period? The most significant research hypothesis is that the double contrasts in poetry of this decade indicate the diversity of beliefs and values to the previous periods, and poets of this decade reflect a type of invalidity of values by choosing or creating the contrasts and also through a relationship connected among them, deemed the values invalidity criticism. In other words, a poet of the 2000s doesn't distinguish a border between good and bad, and this one-sidedness can be his/her indirect and poetic criticism to decline of the values system in the community.
3. Research method
The research method in extraction and analysis of contrasts is that: 1- a list of text contrary couples has been extracted; 2- the contrasts based on the positive and negative poles are classified under the more common contrast; 3- ideological foundation of text has been clarified by analysis of value contrast of two poles and achievement of predominance of one party of contrasts; 4- general and fixed beliefs transferred to the audience by text are indicated by this way. Not based on the literary credit chosen based on the multidimensionality of specifications such as age and sexual learning, public and private publication, etc, regarding the presence of the past and young generations, presence of two groups of men and women, existence of two contrast ideologies (opposing and agreeing the formal discourse), presence in meetings and receiving the literary awards or quitting this movement, and relationship with public and private publisher, poets and books on study have caused the research result is an average of all intellectual and literary movements.
4. Literature Review
A list of more than 20 papers can be collected in the research background, each has analyzed a text based on the double contrasts and reached some perceptions of structure and meaning; but a collection of texts reflecting a view in a definite period with its contrasts has not been paid attention by the Persian language and literature researchers.
5. Results
The analysis of companion contrasts in Persian poetry in the 2000s indicates the poets connect a relationship between the doubles which are different to the literary traditions and classic views because there is not any direction to the value side, accepted by the public, compared to the anti-value and value sides. This adversity of classic formalities is indicated in different forms. For example, the poet sometimes knows there is no difference between positive and negative sides and their achievement is the same; sometimes believes to accept the contrary nature of doubles, so, doesn't try to solve them; sometimes negative side accepts the contrary bitterly; etc. Totally it can be said that the double contrasts in poetry of the 2000s reflect a kind of transition from traditional thinking, and is a kind of criticism to instability of value system in the minds. Based on the findings of this research, there are some contrast relationships among the companion doubles in poetry of the 2000s in the following 6 classes which are as follows according to their role: 1- removing the contrast (mostly focusing on the hidden negative side), 2- keeping the contrast (by focusing on the negative side), 3- beauty-creation by contrasts (imagination- language orientation), 4- alignment with the classic contrasts (mostly in scope of lovings), 5- creation of new contrasts or presentation of the various interpretation of the common contrasts, and 6- expression of the doubt and uncertainty to the nature of contrasts.
Zahra hayati,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (Winter 2019)

Finding similarities and differences in historical and literary writing may be defined in the interdisciplinary studies. In this research, the narrative aspects of killing places in Ashura were analyzed from viewpoint of Gerard Genette's narrative time. The object of study is Holy Ghasem. The research has descriptive- analytical method, and the following items are the considerable results of research: (1) in the field of phenomena order, non-accredited historical phenomena include the most part of Anachronies mentioned in semi-narrative killing places (historical- fictional).The most different type of anachrony is mentioned in Moharegh Algholoub which is non-diegetic traditionally remained in today eulogies; (2) in the field of phenomena duration, the most part of narrative decelerations is non-accredited historical phenomena which is the product of literary processing in word; another method of narration prorogation is the mixture of poetry and prose; then the description of details of some phenomena including accredited and non-accredited has reduced the acceleration of narration. The most dramatic scenes are mainly related to the fight scenes; (3) in the field of phenomena frequency, the most repetitive frequency is the integrated product of poetry and prose which is the repetition of prose in poetry.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2013)

  Select a support system of tunnels has an important role safety and economic status. This choice usually based on experience of designer engineers. But the question is always whether the best choice has been done?. In this study, Linear Programming for Multidimensional Analysis of Preferences (LINMAP) as one of the most important method of multiple Attribute decision making (MADM), to select optimum support system of tunnels has been used and finally to achieve a single rating for the support system integration methods are used. In this way the tunnel support system selection as a multi attribute decision making has been considered and the criteria for selection optimum support system include: support cost, safety factor, applicability, time installation, displacement and capable of mechanization. For this purpose, first, using the finite difference numerical method) FLAC2D (, various support systems based on technical parameters and stability of the tunnel has been identified. Then based on considered criteria, using the aforementioned optimum support system has been selected. The study considered eight criteria that include: Vertical displacement in the roof of the gallery (C1), vertical displacement of the gallery floor (C2), the horizontal displacement at the corner of the side wall of the gallery (C3), vertical displacement at the corner of the side wall of the gallery (C4), safety factor (C5), maintenance (C6 ), the need for human resources (C7) and ease of implementation (C8). Since the access tunnel consists of two perpendicular tunnels, and each of the two tunnels to be divided into two areas are mineralized dolomite and dolomite The storage system of choice for the four regions are considered. In the first decision, the lowest safety factor storage system, a team of specialists is recommended; Then based on the results obtained with smaller amounts of the several options are proposed, decisions are removed from the list. Displacement parameters in different parts of the walls, floors and crown of the tunnel, safety factors and system maintenance cost indices are slightly And the economic analysis and numerical modeling have been achieved. Thus, the matrix is directly related Drays these numbers will be. Indices requires human resources and facilitate the implementation of quality indicators that are qualitative terms such as very low, low, medium, high and very high, have been evaluated. Quality indicators used for quantifying the scale is bipolar. Thus, instead of words is very low, low, medium, high and very high order of the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are used. Accordingly, the final decision matrix (slightly) related to the number one and two tunnels in the area of mineralized dolomite and dolomite,   respectively. In this matrix, the indices of displacement in different parts of the walls, floors and crown of the tunnel, system maintenance costs and manpower required to have a negative aspect Safety and ease of implementation of aspect ratio and the indices are positive. Important factor in determining the indicators, the indicators were paired comparison matrix (a matrix of 6 × 6). Based on expert opinion and using the geometric mean weight of each of the indicators were. It is necessary to keep the system in selecting the weights for the two tunnels in two ranges, are the same. As was pointed out to select optimum maintenance system, the methods LINMAP as an important characteristic of decision methods have been used. As a general conclusion can be stated that in selecting a storage system for the tunnel, several indicators are considered. Way too many of the numerical method for determining the storage system, are used. Although many indicators are effective in the maintenance system But all these indices in a numerical analysis cannot be removed, Although one of the good work, behavior of the tunnel with the different options for a tunnel system is maintained. In a process of decision making using multiple indicators Evaluations to be made more scientific. In this study, eight different types of storage systems for the four different levels of access tunnels Goshfill mine was in 1565, Then consider the safety factor of at least 1.2 for access tunnels, storage systems, 2 to 5 because of the safety factor of 1.2 were excluded from the decision making process. The method according to other criteria LINMAP maintenance systems 1, 6, 7 and 8 were studied. Finally, the option 1 "to 4 meters in length and spacing of rock bolts have 1.5 m in the roof and walls." As the best system for the maintenance of the access tunnel was aligned Goshfill 1565.

Volume 13, Issue 52 (4-2016)

  The purpose of this study was prediction of thermal (effective moisture diffusivity and specific energy consumption), physical (shrinkage and color) and mechanical properties (rupture force) of terebinth fruit in a semi industrial continuous dryer using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Three effective factors on thermal, physical and mechanical properties, were air temperature, air velocity and belt linear speed as independent variables. Experiments were conducted with a semi industrial continuous dryer in temperature levels of 45, 60, 75 °C, air velocity levels of 1, 1.5 and 2 m/s and belt linear speed levels of 2.5, 6.5, 10.5 mm/s. Necessary data were collected using a the semi-industrial continuous dryer. Feed and cascade forward back propagation networks with learning algorithms of Levenberg-Marquardt and the Bayesian regulation were used to train the patterns. To predict the effective moisture diffusivity, feed forward networks with the Bayesian regulation, topology of 3-10-13-1 and 108 training cycles with R2=0.9999 was optimal arrangement. The optimal topology to predict the specific energy consumption was 3-10-1 with feed forward network, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, 117 training cycles and R2=0.9961. The best network for shrinkage prediction was feed forward network with the Bayesian regulation algorithm, topology of 3-6-4-1, 101 training cycles and R2=0.9926. To predict the total color change, feed forward networks with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, topology of 3-6-7-1, 24 training cycles and R2=0.9139 was the optimal arrangement. The best network to predict the rupture force was feed forward network trained with the Bayesian regulation, topology of 3-8-6-1, 69 training cycles and R2=0.9990.

Volume 13, Issue 60 (0-0)

β-galactosidase is one of the most important and widely used enzymes in three areas of health, Food Industry and environment, so kinetic modeling of this enzyme could be playing an important role in the optimization of its industrial production process. First, in this study kinetic of β-galactosidase production by Bacillus licheniformis bacteria in batch fermentation was evaluated during 22 hours, in the range of 20-50 g/l of initial lactose concentration as a limiting substrate, at 30 ° C. Then, with the observation of inhibition at the highest concentration of this range, logistic and Haldane kinetic models were selected to model and determine the kinetic parameters of fermentation. These models were obtained a good approximation of the experimental results of substrate utilization in all phases and microbial growth data in the exponential growth phase and the stationary phase, but minor deviations of the experimental data were observed in the decelerating growth phase. In addition, β-galactosidase activity results were in good agreement with experimental data, and the maximum deviation in this data was observed in initial concentrations 30 and 40 g/l of substrate simultaneously with the end of the exponential phase and beginning of decelerating phase of microbial growth (The fourth hours of starting inoculum). The linear regressions between experimental data and results obtained from the models, in all initial concentration of lactose and for each variable biomass concentration, substrate concentration and enzyme activity, was more than 0.95.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (3-2013)

In recent years, consumers’ concerns about environmental and health issues related to food products have risen; consequently, the demand for organically grown products has increased. In this respect, the aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting consumers’ potential willingness to pay premium prices for organic food products in Tabriz, Iran. An Ordered Logit regression model was applied to obtain the value of willingness to pay and determine the factors affecting it. Survey results showed that about 95 percent of the respondents were willing to pay a premium; while about 10 percent of them were willing to pay more than 35 percent premium for organic food products. Results revealed that factors like "individual’s income", "family dimension", “environmental concerns" and "wholesome diet", besides "the general criteria of shopping", and "consumers’ awareness of these products’ characteristics" significantly increased consumers’ willingness to pay a premium. According to the results, married respondents as well as females were willing to pay a higher premium. In addition, those who had children younger than 10 years old, elderly, or people with family members having special disease were significantly willing to pay a higher premium price for these products. More than 80 percent of the consumers mentioned "absence of certifications and organic labels", "lack of advertisement", and "higher prices" as their most important problems in purchasing organic food products.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (7-2013)

In the last few years, public awareness has been on the increase about short- and long-term effects of forest roads construction on the environment. Therefore, forest road managers have to be concerned about the negative impacts and mitigate them as much as possible. This research conducted multi-criteria analysis techniques in a useful way to define the effective criteria and propose a model for forest road network planning and assessment so that both economic and environmental costs are minimized. The model was used for evaluating the alternatives and a sensitivity analysis was then performed to verify the model. Results of sensitivity analysis showed that, there were two alternatives out of nine, with the lowest negative impacts. As a result, analytic hierarchy process and sensitivity analysis (AHP-SA) revealed that the criteria slope, soil texture and landslide susceptibility had the highest weight values, respectively, and the criteria soil texture and distance from stream networks and distance from faults were especially sensitive to the changes. In addition, the sensitivity analysis proved that the model proposed in our analysis was almost reliable and stable, and only the first and second priorities were replaced in priority levels when the weight values of criteria were changed. Results showed that the methodology was useful for identifying road networks that met environmental and cost considerations. Based on this work, the authors suggest future work in forest road planning using multi-criteria evaluation and decision making be considered in other regions and that the road planning criteria identified by the experts in this study can be useful.

Volume 16, Issue 5 (9-2014)

 In recent decades, large investments have been made to introduce soil conservation methods, but most of these efforts have had limited success in achieving the goals. As a result, attempt to identify the factors deterring or promoting adoption of soil conservation practices is important. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate factors affecting adoption of soil conservation practices by rain-fed farmers.Data were gathered from 178 farmers of Izeh County in Khuzestan Province, Iran, during 2010 crop season. An ordered Logit regression model was applied to analyze the data. The results have revealed that farmers’ perception of soil erosion and their knowledge about soil conservation practices, farms size, and grant funding have a positive effect, while farmers’ levels of academic education and number of plots have negative effects on farmers’ adoption. To promote adoption of conservation practices, awarding grants, holding targeted training/extension classes to increase farmers’ knowledge about soil erosion, and methods of coping with it are suggested.

Volume 16, Issue 5 (9-2014)

Understanding people’s ecological behaviors and the impacts of human activities on natural environment is one of the most important concepts in ecological psychology research. The purpose of this study was to investigate causal relationship between factors and maize growers’ ecological behavior concerning the application of external inputs such as water, fertilizers, chemical pesticides, and machineries based on the Comprehensive Action Determination model applied to the agricultural sector in Iran, for the first time. The ecological behavior in agriculture means cultivation with proper methods for conservation of soil, water, and other resources. Population of this study was all maize growers in Shiraz County (491 farmers). Through stratified random sampling method, 220 maize growers were selected. Results indicate that situational influences, normative processes, intentional processes, and habitual processes are effective factors on maize growers' ecological behavior. Based on the results, some recommendations are presented.

Volume 16, Issue 63 (6-2019)

The study of differences and similarities of a single story in two different media is a kind of inter-media study which can be defined under the modern comparative literature. If this comparison is done between a written story and an adapted movie, it will be considered as an adapted study. These studies can be divided into two types: traditional and modern. In traditional studies, critics compare a story theme in two media; however, in modern studies, the emphasis is on the nature of medium and its impact on the way of narration.
This research is an attempt to study the written story of Gavkhooni and the movie adapted based on it. The research question is which factors cause the writer’s and director’s method of expression will be similar or different. The research was restricted by selecting a structural element that is personality. The two core discussions of the research are the possibility of changing a written text into a cinematic one, and director’s creativity in using the signs of the guest media. The research concluded that sometimes the thematic (and less, literary) capacity of a text and the adaptor’s creativity (the cinematic aspect) have simultaneous roles (both influence and being influenced) in changing a literary text into a cinematic one. Of course, this does not mean to compliment or confirm a work but it is just a study of the kind of interaction existed between the two texts.

Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2015)

Water conflict is considered as one of the major challenges in agricultural water management. "Agricultural water conflict" is a term describing disputes and differences among water stakeholders over an access to water resources in the agricultural sector. The purpose of this paper was to investigate farmers’ viewpoints toward agricultural water conflicts. A descriptive correlation method was adopted and the study was conducted in Doroodzan dam irrigation network in Fars province, Iran. Multistage stratified random sampling was used to collect data from 294 farmers. The research tool included a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by a group of professionals. A pilot study was conducted during which the Cronbach's alpha test was calculated to determinate the reliability of data collection instrument. Findings revealed that, among the groups involved in water conflicts, the main conflict was between farmers and the government. Farmers in downstream were the main losers in water distribution. The dominant water conflict was "latent" as well. The main reasons for agricultural water conflict were "water scarcity", "drought", and "the kind of water management". Farmers' satisfaction toward water management was "low". Farmers’ age, education levels, satisfaction toward water management, and attitude toward geographical and climatic conditions had a significant relationship with agricultural water conflict.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)

In the present work, the three dimensional fluid flow inside a hydrocarbon reservoir block along with the fluid flow inside the wellbore of a production well drilled in this reservoir block is numerically simulated. To do this, the single-phase incompressible fluid flow in the hydrocarbon reservoir in terms of Darcy’s law (porous media flow) along with the fluid flow inside the wellbore in terms of Navier-Stokes equations (free flow) are simultaneously solved. The effects of boundary conditions imposed on the faces of the reservoir block, the off-centered wellbore, and the reservoir rock permeability on the fluid flow behavior inside a reservoir block are investigated. In each case, the well index is numerically approximated, using the pressure and velocity distributions in the reservoir block and the wellbore pressure, and compared with analytical well index. The numerical results indicate that the well equivalent radius and also the well index not only depend on the geometrical properties of reservoir block and well bore and the rock absolute permeability, but also depend on the boundary conditions imposed on the reservoir block faces and the well drilling location.

Volume 18, Issue 3 (10-2015)

Objective: Apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA-1) is one of the most promising blood-stage candidate antigens for production of a malaria vaccine against the Plasmodium parasite. Genetic diversity in protective antigens, which is a common phenomenon in a complex pathogen such as the Plasmodium parasite, is responsible for problems with the development of an effective malaria vaccine. This phenomenon will increase the parasite’s ability to evade immune responses. Therefore, malaria vaccine development requires the evaluation of immune responses to different allelic forms of the vaccine candidate antigens. Methods: In this investigation, the two variant forms of PvAMA-1 (PvAMA-1A and B) were expressed in an Escherichia coli M15-pQE30 system using genomic DNA from Iranian individuals with patent Plasmodium vivax infection. The IgG responses of two antigens were evaluated in BALB/c mice with the purified protein emulsified in Freund's adjuvant. In addition, the correct conformation of the recombinant proteins was evaluated by the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFA). Results: The evaluation of immunogenic responses of two variant forms of PvAMA-1 showed the presence of IgG responses in mice after three immunizations. Cross-reactions were observed. Monitoring of IgG responses showed the persistence up to one year after the last immunization. The antibodies raised against recombinant PvAMA-1s in injected mice recognized the native protein (PvAMA-1) localized on Plasmodium vivax merozoites. Conclusion: The present outcomes confirmed the presence of common epitopes in recombinant forms of the protein that corresponded to native proteins. These emulsified proteins in Freund's adjuvant were immunogenic in BALB/c mice and IgG responses persisted for up to one year. The IgG responses to two PvAMA-1 variants did not differ significantly. The presence of cross-reactive antibodies has implied that one of these two forms of protein could be used in a universal blood-stage vaccine based on the PvAMA-1 antigen.

Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

Identity is an essential concept in the field of cultural and human science studies; especially the group identity with its branches such as national identity, social identity and cultural identity reflects in all art texts. Cinema is an expression mean and appears the identity conceptions in its codes consciously or unconsciously. As a part of a major research on Bahram Beizaei's movies and screenplays, this research analyzes the movie "Bashu, The Little Stranger" with narratology approach by this presupposition that it represents the identity elements in its narrative discourse. The research method is descriptive, and its theoretical framework is Roland Barthes' findings in the field of structure of narration. He defines three levels of function, action and narration for structure of narration as the first level is critical. Analysis of functions will be possible only by understanding the reason of five heremeneutic, proairetic, semantic, symbolic and cultural codes. In narratology representation of movie "Bashu, The Little Stranger" in order to understand the meaning of Identity, it was concluded that the semantic and symbolic codes have the highest reasoning, and iterative and focal reasoning of movie is the unity of social identities under the shadow of national identity.

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