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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Considering EFL teachers’ identities and emotions as discursive practices through a post-structuralist lens offered by the concept of navigation of emotions, this study sought to explore EFL teachers’ emotional experience in online classes during online education to examine the way their emotional navigation helped them negotiate their identities. The participants, including 17 Iranian EFL teachers, working at universities in the West, North, and East of Iran, were chosen using purposeful sampling. To generate data, in-depth interviews and personal documents were used, which were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. The participants spoke of the experience of mixed emotions, creating the sense of ambivalence, which offered the possibility of dialectic thinking for reconciling contradictory views and questioning the existing dominant and preconceived ideas. Moreover, they navigated their emotions through emotional reflexivity and positive reframing. While emotional reflexivity, as a process of self-confrontation, consisted of relational struggles and agency, reframing, as an example of deep acting, entailed emotional resonance or a sense of aliveness and connectivity as well as a possibility for stressing the transpersonal attachment, as a novel concept to be addressed in teaching English. The role of positive emotions in enriching language learning processes, which is mainly ignored in language education, was underscored because the cultivation of positive emotions in English language learners increases their intrinsic motivation, enhances their engagement, and creates a sense of belonging to the target language.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

    Entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae are important and effective biocontrol agents against arthropod pests. Compared to chemical insecticides, insect pests do not easily develop resistance against these fungi. In this study, the mortality and phenol-oxidase activity of the Helicoverpa armigera 3rd instar larvae were evaluated after exposure to the B. bassiana and M. anisopliae. The LC50 values for B. bassiana and M. anisopliae were 0.795 ×106, and 5.972 ×107 spore ml-1, respectively. LC30 and LC10 of either entomopathogenic fungi were injected into body of larves, then, 24 and 48 hours after injection, their hemolymph was extracted. After 24 h the highest and lowest phenol-oxidase activity was observed in LC30 of M. anisopliae, and LC10 of B. bassiana, respectively. After 48 h of infection, phenol-oxidase activity increased in all treatments. At the LC30 of M. anisopliae, the highest phenol-oxidase activity was recorded, and other treatments also showed a significant difference compared to the control. Five types of hemocytes including prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, onocytoids, and spherulocytes were identified in the hemolymph of larvae.  The highest total hemocytes count (THC) was recorded in LC30 M. anisopliae at 9 h after initial infection. Our results showed that both fungi have the ability to affect phenol-oxidase enzyme activity. These microbial insecticides exhibited high potential for controlling the pest.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (spring 2020)

Forming urban heat islands is a serious challenge of the present age and a concern of academic communities. Attention to this issue has increased tremendously in scientific articles and researches, particularly in the last decade. With regard to the importance of the issue, the aim of this study is to form a systematic review and thematic analysis of articles and other researches in this field. Moreover, the content of the key articles was analyzed and the most important factors affecting the formation of urban heat islands were represented in a diagram and each of them was analyzed separately. As examined, urban heat islands are affected by climatic and urban construction factors. The climatic factors include sunlight, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, soil moisture, air humidity, precipitation, latitude, seasonal topographic variations, and the proximity to the river and the sea. Although these factors are almost uncontrollable in the existing cities, they have enormous importance for deciding new towns location and making the decision for city development direction. The second group of factors mainly related to the design of cities is controllable. Among these factors, the most important one is the amount and quality of vegetation in the city. Other factors such as land use, urban density, type of materials used on the facade of the buildings and streets, form and geometry of the city, and also transportation mode could influence the intensity and extent of urban heat islands.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Background: Miscarriage is one of the most common pregnancy complications for which various causes have been defined, such as genetic factors, infectious, metabolic, endocrine systemmal function and immune system undesired responses. The early development of embryo occurs in oviduct and uterine tube from which some factors such as growth factors, glyco-proteins and factors those stimulate development of embryo are secreted. The ETF3 embryotrophic factor which is a complex of C3 complements and its derivatives i.e., iC3b, enhances the development of trophectodermas a consequence of which expression of relevant genes are affected embryo. There are various response elements in C3 gene promoter region such as, estrogen response regions (ERE). Steroids such as estrogen and progesterone are secreted in early steps of embryonic period along with C3 secretion and cause increase in C3 expression through interaction with regulatory elements in promoter region of this gene. In this study the polymorphism in ERE regions of C3 gene promoter was investigated in women suffering from recurrent miscarriage. Materials and methods: In this study, assuming that polymorphism in ERE regions is correlated with recurrent miscarriage during early months of pregnancy, 40 blood samples were collected from female patients admitted to an Infertility Clinic, Isfahan, Iran. DNA was extracted, amplification of regions harboring ERE with a pair of specific primer was done using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Chain Polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) for studying possible polymorphisms in this region. Results and conclusion: The results indicated a specific symptomless infertility among the women, however there was no correlation between the ERE polymorphism and symptoms in control and cases.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)

Spending leisure time under the influence of economic-social developments and global values ​​is one of people's concerns. This research aimed to compile the political relations of serious leisure with the intention of travel and mediation of place attachment among men and women trekking Tehran's Tochal Mountain. The research method was a descriptive correlation implemented in the field. The statistical population of the research is trekking tourists who stay 12 nights a year at the resorts of this mountain. PASS software was used to determine the sample size. Finally, 275 samples participated in the research. In order to collect data, the questionnaires of Gould et al. (2008), Ramkinson et al. (2013) and Zhang et al. (2016) were used. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used using SPSS version 25 and Lisrel version 8.8 software. The results showed that the two changes of serious leisure and place attachment could predict approximately 24% of the acceptance change related to travel intention. For this reason, one of the important factors for increasing people's intention to travel for leisure activities is place attachment. Also, the findings show no difference between male and female trekkers of Tochal mountain in terms of serious leisure, place attachment and travel intention score.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

 More than two-thirds of the world’s population is likely to reside in urban areas by 2050. Rapid urbanization contributes to many contemporary challenges that confront cities. Sustainable urban development (SUD) is a widespread area of investigation that can be considered from various attitudes, such as environment, economy, society, technology, culture, and so on. This paper aimed to perform a bibliometric analysis of “sustainable urban development” research during 2002-2021, considering source types, subject areas, document types, affiliations, journals, countries, authors, and keywords. Also, Social Network Anal­ysis was applied to recognize mapping trends, status, and hot spots in SUD research and to discover co-authorship relations and international collaborations among countries worldwide. The results of this study showed that the number of SUD-relat­ed publications has remarkably increased by more than sixteen times over the study period. Social sciences” (24.6%), “envi­ronmental science” (21.2%), and “engineering” (13.4%) were the three major subject areas. China, with 539 publications (20.3%), was the most productive country in terms of the num­ber of publications. The most independent rate of the publica­tions belonged to India (76.5%), while Hong Kong ranked 1st in cooperator publications (61.6%). The “Sustainability” pub­lished the most related articles, followed by “Journal of Cleaner Production” and “Sustainable Cities And Society.” Among the top ten productive institutes and organizations, five affiliations were from China. “Deep learning,” “circular economy,” “big data,” “air pollution,” “spatial analysis,” “urban resilience,” “urban heat island,” “system dynamics,” and “cultural heritage” were the most increasing keywords in recent years, based on the author keywords analysis.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Detergents are a part of human life and are consumed for different purposes, particularly hygiene. In recent years, the detergent industry has experienced significant changes as a result of environmental concerns, the availability, and cost of raw resources and energy, consumer preferences, demographic and sociological trends, as well as global economic and political factors. Several review papers have been published on detergents, but no bibliometric research has been conducted in this field. This study aims to assess the trend of detergent research and show the related hotspots by conducting a bibliometric analysis based on 37650 published articles from Scopus from 2000 to 2022. Numerous significant aspects of these articles, such as subject categories, journals, authors, countries, and keywords, were examined systematically. According to the findings, the number of detergent-related papers has increased significantly over the past two decades. The United States was the leading country in terms of both quality and quantity, followed by China and Brazil. In addition, Detmann, E. from Sweden was the most productive author. Keyword analysis suggests that current research has focused on the development of effective cleaning products that are safe for humans and the environment.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Adopted healthy lifestyle known as changing the high risk behaviors to protective behaviors regarding Knee Osteoarthritis (KO) prevention. This study aimed to evaluate the preventive behaviors of KO in women over 40 years referred to health centers in Shiraz, Iran. This cross-sectional study randomized 151 women over 40 years, who referred to the health centers in Shiraz in 2016. Data were gathered using a questionnaire including demographic questions and measures based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) constructs regarding KO. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Background: Addiction is considered as a social disease causes economic loss in family shared financial resources, increase in health care costs, and sexual dysfunctions in sexual relations. Due to the high prevalence rate and reduced age of addiction beginning, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence rate of comorbidities (psychiatric disorders, liver and neuromuscular diseases) in patients with substance abuse problems.
Methods and Material: In this descriptive study, 200 drug abusers referred to Borzouyeh clinic in Tehran, Iran were selected by convenience sampling method. Data were collected with the help of a questionnaire, liver function tests, and clinical records of the patients during 2010-2016. Data were analyzed through the analysis of Chi-square test at the significance level of P < .05.
Results: Data analysis was performed using chi-square test in SPSS software version 23. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between addiction and liver diseases, psychiatric disorders, and neuromuscular pains (p < .05). According to the results, 44.9% of the patients consuming crack had psychiatric disorders, and also 49.1% of the patients consuming opium had liver diseases. Also, neuromuscular pains were found in drug users (opium, sap, heroin and crack) and not found in hallucinogenic and stimulant drug users.
Conclusions: The correlations between opium and liver diseases, drug users and neuromuscular pains, and also crack using and psychiatric disorders were determined.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

Fiber production in nanoscale prepares high surface contact for fibers and leads to the improvement of their properties with respect to other fibers. A convenient and effective method for nanofiber production with different diameters is electrospinning. Various effective parameters on electrospinning processes, including environmental, equipment, and solution variables can produce fibers with different morphologies. PVA has been used in various fields of applied research because of its high thermal stability, biocompatibility, non-toxic and solubility in water. The published reports indicated that properties of the PVA are improved with the addition of bentonite. In this research, to prepare PVA/nano-bentonite nanofiber membrane, the optimum amounts of three effective variables on the above-mentioned processes were determined. According to the obtained results, the voltage of 11 kV, the feeding rate of 0.5 mL/h and bentonite concentration of 3% w/w were optimum conditions for the process of PVA/nano-bentonite nanofiber composite production. In this condition, the average diameter of produced nanofibers was 243 nm with the standard deviation of 0.0551 and the tensile strength of 7.64 MPa. The results showed that the addition of bentonite to PVA increase intensity of nanofibers and decrease the diameter of nanofibers from 308 nm to 243nm.Therfore, the produced PVA/bentonite nanofiber composite is a good membrane for water treatment.

Volume 2, Issue 5 (Spring 2021)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of strategic uncertainty on the business strategy through price, product, promotion, and location compatibility In Selected companies producing sports equipment. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and collecting data, a descriptive survey based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study was selected productive sport facilities companies' staff. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, divergent validity tests and convergent validity was used in Smart Pls software. Also, Cronbach's alpha test was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire; The research findings indicate that strategic uncertainty has a significant effect on the business strategy through price, product, promotion, and location adjustment (P-value = 0.05). Therefore, companies producing sports equipment can develop their business by using strategic uncertainty of techniques such as price adjustment, product adjustment, promotion adjustment, and location adjustment.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Black stem is one of the most important fungal diseases of sunflower which is caused by Phoma macdonaldii. This research was conducted to clarify the interactions between a few breeder lines and wild-type accessions of sunflower with seven isolates of Phoma macdonaldii, the causal agent, under controlled conditions. The experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Each replication consisted of 30 seedlings. Twenty micro liters of spore suspension was deposited at the intersection of the cotyledon petiole and hypocotyl of four-leaf-stage sunflower seedlings as well. Three, five and seven days after inoculation, seedlings were scored on a 1-9 scale for percentage of necrotic area. Highly significant differences were observed among genotypes, isolates and their interactions for disease severity 7 days after inoculation based on AUDPC (Area Under Disease Progress Curve) values. Two models of GGE biplot including Isolate-based and genotype-based models were used to study the pathogenicity of the isolates and susceptibility of sunflower, respectively. Isolate-focused biplot revealed that there was a considerable difference between virulence of isolates. Based on genotype-focused biplot model, accessions including 665 Iowa, 1012 Nebraska, 211 Illinois and 1016 Nebraska were more resistant to studied isolates of P. macdnaldii. Results revealed that GGE biplot approach could lead to good understanding about interactions between sunflower genotypes and Phoma macdonaldii isolates.  

Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Multidrug resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii is a growing public health concern all over the world. In the current study, the isolation and antimicrobial resistance pattern and detection of blaOXA-51 and lpxC genes by multiplex PCR method was performed.
All the isolates demonstrated high levels of resistance rates to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, meropenem, imipenem, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, and colistin. Screening of two resistance genes by multiplex PCR showed that all the isolates contained blaOXA-51 and lpxC genes. As we previously reported, nosocomial infections caused by A. baumannii isolates are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in our hospital.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2015)

Aim: Pediatric sleep problems can result in negative consequences for both mothers and children. Considering the relatively high prevalence of sleep disorders among children with ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), this study was designed to investigate the impact of a sleep hygiene intervention to promote sleep problems in children with ADHD and maternal mental health.
Methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted on 62 children aged 7-13 years with the diagnosis of ADHD and comorbid sleep disorders accompanied by their mothers. Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were completed by the children's mothers, and then the participants were allocated randomly into experimental and control groups. Mothers of the children in the experimental group received a sleep hygiene educational intervention, which was delivered through a training session and a booklet followed by two telephone calls and educational text messages. Participants in the control group received usual clinical care. The post-test was performed two months after intervention.
Findings: 56 participants (experimental group: n=28, control group: n=28) completed the survey. Data analysis showed that, compared with the control group, the experimental group had a significant reduction in mean scores of CSHQ (P=0.001) and stress subscale scores (F= 0.106, P= 0/015), after controlling pre-test. Besides, the mothers' stress was correlated with the children's CSHQ overall scores (r= 0.52, P= 0.001).
Conclusion: Implementing a sleep hygiene intervention in a sample of children with ADHD could result in improved children sleep problems and maternal well-being.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

  Performance evaluation is prerequisite for many domains of human resource, which precise implementation of which will result in efficiency and effectiveness of performance feedbacking, training and development, promotion of employees, human resource planning, etc. Accurate weighting of evaluation indicators alongside with considering synergy and interaction force of indicators can affect evaluation results. Also differences of different levels of an indicator importance should be considered according to its great significance. This paper tries to realistically weight indicators using Taguchi experimental design method and considering two aforementioned points. An eight-stage model is presented and performance evaluation indicators for a bank cash register are specified. A questionnaire is designed based on proposed Taguchi orthogonal tables. Experts in banking sector are asked to answer the questions of each dimension to determine the weight of indicators. Results of implementing proposed model as ANOVA table show that Taguchi experimental design method can be a proper method in weighting indicators and taking into account the amount of error factor and decisions can be made according to stability of obtained results.        

Volume 3, Issue 4 (Winter 2020)

Research subject: Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegnerative disorder with no treatment due to the blood brain barrier (BBB) existence. The cure for this disease is Dopamine a chemical molecule.
Research approach: This study investigates biodegradable naoparticles (NPs) carrying dopamine (DA) across the blood–brain barrier. Ion polymerization and solvent methods were used to achieve this goal. Particle size, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release behavior, at pH 7 were examined.
Main results: The empty nanoparticles and drug-loaded nanoparticles were found to be spherical in shape and fluffy exterior, with mono-modal size distribution and negative zeta-potentials of increasing average sizes 90 to 120 nm simultaneously. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra demonstrated the polymerization of nBCA monomers and encapsulation of DA inside poly (butylcyanoacrylate) (PBCA).Thermal characteristics of the copolymer were investigated by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Drug loading efficiency was around 25%.The in-vitro drug release profile of DA -loaded PBCA nanoparticles prepared from ion polymerization following solution techniques exhibited a gradual release; more than 20 ٪w/w of the drug was released after 51 h. The results showed that the DA–PBCA nanocapsules could be an effective carrier for hydrophilic agents. In this study, PBCA-NSPs were successfully generated as a delivery system for DA, providing a promising approach to improve the therapy of PDs.


Volume 4, Issue 1 (spring 2023)

Aims: One of the challenges of today's world is the crisis of spirituality, which occurred mainly due to the focus of modernism on materialism and consumerism. In the last twenty years, the ideas of thinkers about spiritual architecture and urbanism have started. The purpose of this research is to understand the dimensions of the quality of spirituality and measure it in some urban spaces of Isfahan. 
Method: A simple review method was used to review the literature, a Delphi method and a semi-structured interview with elites and an in-depth interview with citizens were used to identify the characteristics of spiritual urban spaces. Interviews analysis with thematic analysis. 
Findings: The opinions of two groups of elites and citizens in order to rank 22 selected spaces of Isfahan city based on a Likert scale were analyzed using a questionnaire and Friedman's test to rank the perception of spirituality and variance analysis has been used to compare the perception of spirituality of different groups. 
Conclusion: The results show that the spiritual urban space is formed in a context based on religious or non-religious beliefs and each of these contexts lead to the formation of social and cultural identity in the city. Such spaces have different effects on people, which include a good relationship with God, himself, others, and nature. Also, based on the scores of two groups of professors and citizens, Jame Mosque has the highest score and Hassan Abad Bazaar has the lowest score for the level of spirituality in the urban spaces of Isfahan.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (spring 2023)

Issue & Purpose: Despite the passage of about fifty years since the establishment of the urban design course at the University of Tehran and after that teaching at other universities in Iran, it still seems that the potential capacities of this course and graduates have not been used well in the profession. The purpose of this research is to identify and explain the duties, roles and potential capacities of Iranian urban designers in their profession and seeks to answer the question of what their potential duties are in their profession.
Method: The current research was formed with a qualitative approach and in order to answer the above question, it used the methods of content analysis as well as qualitative survey. The techniques used in data collection include reviewing library documents and related articles, open interviews with professors, experts and experienced professionals, as well as a structured online questionnaire, and in line with the analysis The Interpretive analysis technique was used for the data.                                                                                           
Findings: The achievement of this research is to introduce and evaluate the importance of 8 activity capacities of Iranian urban designers in their profession, which are respectively: urban management, consulting engineer's offices, NGO, education, interdisciplinary activities, supervisor (supervision of design and implementation), contractor and research. According to the findings of the research, among these eight capacities in the field of urban management, offices of consulting engineers, non-governmental organizations, and education are respectively more important from the point of view of urban design experts.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2012)

Chahar-taqi is a valuable form of Iranian architecture used in the construction of religious and other types of structures in pre-and post-Islamic periods.According to the available archaeological evidence, it has been used in pre-Islamic architecture, especially from the Median period as a plan for construction of fire altars. After a while, this form of architecture became more common, and was used in the construction of such structures as palace. The Chahar- taqi plan was also used during the Islamic period, although there are limited vestiges of its use in the first four centuries of Islamic period. However, with the rise of Seljuk dynasty, and the need to expand the architectural spaces like mosques, this construction plan was widely used in the construction of mosques, palaces and castles. Based on the archetype hypothesis by Jung, the authors set out to analyze the reasons for selecting this architecture form and its continuation from Sassanid to the Islamic period by mentioning evidences of its sacred aspect in Islamic sources. In other words, the question is whether chahar-tag (four-typed) architecture is a model derived from the common beliefs of the society or unconscious tribal mind of pre-Islamic peoples of Iran, found its way, gained ground and evolved in human mind in this land, and used in the construction of other structures such as palaces, castles, mosques and tomb monuments.    

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2015)

Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to determine the efficacy of some insecticides on the control of Sarta longhorned beetle, Aeolesthes sarta Solsky adults and larvae. In the laboratory, three pairs of mated and non-oviposited adults were released on the logs of field elm, Ulmus minor Mill that had been treated with chlorpyrifos, carbaryl, permethrin or imidacloprid. In the field experiments, artificially infested U. minor var. umbraculifera Rehd trees were treated by imidacloprid and oxydemeton-methyl through soil and trunk injection. In the laboratory test the best results were obtained from imidacloprid and permethrin applications, because of occurrence of high adult mortality after short period and also preventing egg laying. Despite a few eggs that were laid on the chlorpyrifos treated logs, there were no living larvae in the sprayed logs. Results of the field tests showed that the number of living larvae did not differ significantly between oxydemeton-methyl and control treatment, however, imidacloprid injection was effective in controlling this pest.

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