Showing 6 results for hassanli
Kavoos hassanli,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (Summer 2008)
When the elements and different components of a literary work are studied and their relation to each other and to the totality of the work is made clear,a reader can claim that she/he has had a formalistic reading of the work.Such a reading facilitates commenting on how the elements and components of the work are interrelated( vertically and horizontally).
In this paper,the form and structure of a Ghazal( sonnet) of Bidel Dehlavi are re-read, using the intratextual signs.The first line reads:
The theme of this Ghazal which is continuously repeated all through the poem is "advice to return to oneself and put under observation one’s inner self in the bed of the hastening and transitory time".The subject matters of movement,passing,transition and transformation are spread all through the Ghazal .However the link between the lines of the Ghazal is not the sort of link to create a "bodily structure",rather each line of this Ghazal is a separate bead,related to the other beads by a string( the subject matters of movement and passing of time) creating a necklace( a Ghazal).
Volume 6, Issue 22 (10-2018)
Alexander the Macedonian is a person who played a great role in Persian history and literature. He is also called a gojastack and destroyer, and also called the ideal king and prophet. In folk literature, Alexander is also a champion and a king of adventure and a prophet with the aim of promoting divine religion. One of the folk texts, partly devoted to the life of Alexander, is the Tarsusi’s Darab-Nameh. An interesting point is that Alexander has a significant difference in the Tarsusi’s Darab-Nameh, with Alexander, other Iskandar-nameh of Persian literature, such as Shahnameh, Nizami’s Iskandar-nameh, and the Pseudo-callistenes. That's mean Alexander is not a powerful king of Persian literature. Tarsusi has removed sanctity and powers from this legendary king with various techniques. The purpose of this study is to detect these techniques. In this essay, the recognition of the Characterization of Alexander in the Tarsusi’s Darab-Nameh, has been considered in order to identify the differences in the Tarsusi’s Characterization and to identify the methods of Eliminating Authority from Alexander. The results show that Trasusi has brought many adventures and incidents in his story to gradually and on the basis of Acceptable plot, the authority will be removed from Alexander. He also displayed Alexander weakly And the characters in front of Alexander Like Pourandokht, have shown strong.
Volume 7, Issue 26 (6-2019)
Among the various types of oral literature and due to their richness, tales and myths have the ability to examine the origin and effects of anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc. Some sociologists believe that their knowledge of the institution of the family in Iran's past is negligible. Therefore, history, especially folktales, can illuminate parts of social life that are far from the eyes of sociologists. The question of power is one of the subjects of interest in sociological studies in family institution. Understanding the distribution of power within the family in past periods represents a lot of social change. In this article and in order to examine the power structure within folklore tales; the structure of power, its methods of action and the type of resistance in front of power, as well as the sources of power production in family relationships, were examined in 93 kinds of folk narrative using content analysis approach. The results showed that the power structure in family is highly dominant and is represented in terms of paternity in relation to the child. In relations between men and women, in addition to domination, there is an intimate and legitimate relationship that women accept based on traditional ideologies, the power of men even in intimate relationships. The methods for exercising more power are forced, but the type of resistance, especially girls 'resistance to domination, and boys' active resistance to the father for passive reasons are evident. Gender-related beliefs, socio-economic resources and tips, such as the child's tone and hints, are among the sources of energy production in the family.
Kavoos hassanli, Siamak Naderi,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (Spring 2017)
The place is one of the story’s important elements. Point to some times of places in the parts of Hedayats “Boof-e- Koor”, but it appears that be able to paraphrase this effect, act secret that’s locality. And to cause some times to imagine mistaking that without time and place, whereas you may to see in this effect Ray and Tehran’s historical geography. This is including ancient period, Middle Ages and safavi as qagar. In this article to recover this places with help primitive map so we can to show the places in three details: origin, destination and cemetery route and out of city castle. This article is continuation to article: “Rereading Hedayats Boof – e Koor based on the socio – cultural and historical geography of Ray” for to open this cryptic effect. Rereading Hedayats Boof – e Koor based on the socio – cultural and historical geography of Ray” for to open this cryptic effect.
Zahra Pirsoufi Amlashi, Kavoos hassanli,
Volume 10, Issue 39 (Fall 2017)
Rereading the history of literary studies to evaluate quality and identify the strengths and weaknesses is one of the Important scientific measures; however, the abundance and distribution of scientific research in a specific subject, makes it difficult for researchers to identify and analyze the previous issues occasionally. As a result of those difficulties, repetitive and similar articles would be written which reduce the development and activeness of scientific fields. Researchers in each fields, can prevent similar and ordinary researches by identifying and critically examining the previous researches based on a coherent and methodical plan; moreover, by understanding the needs and gaps in those areas, they are able to do efficient researches as well. Due to the necessity of such an attitude in the field of Persian literature research, the authors of this paper have decided to introduce and review all scientific articles which are in connection with character and characterization issues. Therefore, by referring to databases storing articles, the number of Persian scientific research articles that had studied the character and characterization in contemporary fiction that contained these two words whether in topic or keywords were found. Afterwards, 73 articles have been found in terms of methodology, objectives and question the number and type of studied samples, used theories, results, references, etc. some data reviewed and analyzed statistically. According to the results, incomplete and ambiguous abstracts, some unfamiliar researchers with the correct structure, essay writing and research methods, uncoordinated research components and some repetitive issues and approaches and resources, are some of those studied articles problem. Paying attention to the new subjects and theories, cooperating with graduates in various majors, choosing the efficient theories and using the other research methods by researchers can help improving the research results and developing this issues as well.
Kavoss hassanli, Nasrin Zadehhasan,
Volume 11, Issue 44 (Winter 2018)
One of the important measutres in exploring the evolution of literary criticism in Iran is the review of critical works with the aim of identifying their stregths and weaknesses along with quality evaluation. Given the need for such an attitude in the realm of literary research, the authors resolved to evaluate the critical approach assumed by Mohammad Hoghoogi, one of the most renowned pioneers of New criticism in Iran. Hence, his critical works have been studied using content analysis and descriptive-analytical approaches and their characteristics have been explained. According to the finding, Hoghooghi is mostly concentrated on formal features and morphology of literary work and his critiques are majorly structured on three principles, namely language and diction, settings and idea, and form and structure which are commonly referred to as Hoghooghis critique traingle. Such formalistic propensity along with his interest to structure have led some of his interpretations to become roughly superficial or enthusiastic, and though approximating modern and scientific criticism, his critiques go to ex tremes in some cases and fail to demonstrate the true value of literary work.