Showing 12 results for giti
Volume 3, Issue 4 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)
This study attempts to evaluate one of the language use differences among women and men according to the Dominance Theory. The main purpose of the study is thus to investigate speech interruption as the participatory dominance factor based on the Dominance Theory in the Persian community and three affecting factors on interruption (direct statements, subject deviation and verbs and adverbs of uncertainty). Speech interruption and three affecting factors on interruption have been evaluated in the single and cross-sex societies. The data required were obtained from 40 two-stage interviews (10 men and 10 women students in the age range of 18-24 years). The men and women of this study in single and cross-sex societies, based on speech interruption factor, showed different linguistic behaviors and the linguistic representation of gender-based attitude in the Persian community was tangible. The relationship of each affecting factor on interruption with interruption was determined. The findings suggest that the framework provided by Dominance Theory in Persian community is inefficient.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)
Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) (Diptera: Tephritidae), an extremely aggressive species infesting some of the main commercial fruit and vegetables, has been subjected to a diverse array of control approaches. In the current study, performance of various Methyl Eugenol (ME) dispensers in combination with an organophosphate insecticide, Malathion, were evaluated against B. zonata in two consecutive years (2006-2007). Treatments efficacy was studied in various months using the criterion of trapped B. zonata flies. ANOVA revealed a significant difference among various application methods in both fruit infestation rate and capture of B. zonata flies. So that impregnation of chipboard block in ME caused the lowest B. zonata infestation and the highest B. zonata capturing values in both years. Population fluctuation study revealed a major peak for B. zonata in September i.e., mango ripening time. According to our results, it could be suggested that chipboard dispenser is the best application method as attractant in bait trap which exhibits more potent and longer lasting activity.
Volume 6, Issue 6 (No.6 (Tome 27), Special Issue, (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Lieber (2004, 2009) is a decompositional approach with seven semantic features and a principle called coindexation principle. In this theory each lexical item has one semantic skeleton and one semantic body. The skeleton may consist of a hierarchical arrangement of functions and arguments and the semantic body contains two layers: the first one, like semantic skeleton, is relatively stable and can be formalized but the second layer consisting of general information and encyclopedic knowledge, varies a lot. Coindexation principle identifies the arguments of two or more lexical items and makes another item that denotes one unified lexical item. This paper studies the semantic contributions of prepositions in Persian, and then, based on semantic features, classifies them. The conclusion of the paper is that prepositions like other categories as a result of semantic skeletons and weak semantic bodies, own semantic contributions and they have some common semantic features with verbs. Lastly, based on the semantic contribution/features of prepositions, they can be classified.
Volume 6, Issue 7 (No.7 (Tome 28), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Although regular study of the story plots opened the new way into analysis in literature by the formalists’ studies, especially by Propp's findings, Structural narratologists after Propp, including Greimas, have tried to find a comprehensive pattern for the study of narration by removing some shortcomings of Propp's framework. This article tries to answer these questions by studying Joseph Story in The Quran according to Propp’s and Greimas' views: do Propp's findings conform to The Quran’s Stories? Can these three syntagmes offered by Greimas be found in The Quran’s stories? Analyzing Joseph Story as a sample of The Quran’s stories can decide which of these views is more efficient in the analysis of The Quran’s stories. The text of the twelfth surah of The Quran has been examined with a descriptive-analytic method. The findings of this study show that: 1) in spite of the fact that Propp's view is capable of analyzing a lot of stories, analyzing The Quran’s stories according to this view requires basic changes in it. 2) Due to the fact that Greimas' syntagmes are not specified for a special kind of narration, they can be found in The Quran’s stories, too. 3) Considering the analysis of Joseph Story as a sample of The Quran’s stories, it can be said that Greimas' view is more efficient in the analysis of The Quran’s stories than Propp's view.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)
Aim: Since physical performance is one of the important parts of health, proper evaluation of people's performance is so much important, as it helps rehabilitation team to choose the best methods to improve performance. Involving all the muscles and joints, jumping is an activity used to evaluate performance. The accelerometer is an instrument that has recently been considered in the field of performance evaluation for some reasons like being economical, accessible, and the ability to replace expensive tools in the health system. This article reviews some studies that use accelerometer to evaluate performance of the neuromuscular system.
Method and Materials: Keywords were searched in PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases to find studies on the reliability and validity of accelerometers in jump performance from 2010 to January 2024.
Findings: In calculating most variables including jump height, flight time, contact time, stiffness, force, power, and reactive strength index of countermovement, squat, and drop jumps, studies have revealed high validity and reliability for this device. In calculating peak power and peak velocity, accelerometer has low validity and reliability, though.
Conclusion: Under the ground of the fact that accelerometer is a valid and reliable instrument in evaluating most jump performance variables, it may be counted as a useful instrument. Rehabilitation team, physical medicine, and sports medicine specialists would use this device to evaluate musculoskeletal system performance; Therefore, they will be able to adjust, modify, and finally improve the rehabilitation program for patients or athletes and thus promote health in society.
Volume 9, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 48), (Articles in Persian) 2018)
The present article aims to investigate and compare the argumentative discourse of Abraham’s debates with Nimrod, Azar, Star-worshipers and Idolaters in the Holy Qur'an. To this end, at first, the Persian translations of Abraham argumentative discussions with the opponents have been identified and then they have been analyzed based on Pragmatic-dialectical approach.This approach is composed of two parts: the dialectical and the pragmatic section. According to this approach, each argumentative dialogue has four stages: confronting, opening, argumentative and concluding features. In fact, the protagonist goes through these stages to defend his standpoint and tries to persuade the antagonist. Considering Abraham’s debates with his opponents on the one hand, and pragma-dialectical approach other hand, two questions have been the focus of attention in this article:1. Are these four stages of pragma-dialectical approach and the ways of persuading the audience different in Abraham’s debates? 2. Are the speech acts used in these debates the same? The related hypotheses are: 1. these four stages of pragma-dialectical approach and the ways of persuading the audience are not different in Abraham debates. 2. The speech acts used in these debates are not the same.
Research methodology is descriptive- analytical. The translations of Abraham’s debates with Nimrod, Azar , Star worshipers and Idolaters in the Holy Qur'an have been extracted from Makarem (1378, 12387) and Husseini (1382) and then have been analyzed and compared. Out of 167 Ayahs that have narrated Abraham‘s story in the Holy Quran, 61 Ayahs show Abraham’s debates. According to these debates, 105 speech acts were studied in terms of argumentative stages (confronting, opening, argumentative and concluding) and also the frequency of speech acts according to Searle (1969) was identified.
The research findings showed that from 105 speech acts in the debates, 86 of them are of Abraham and 19 cases belong to the opponents. In addition, the study showed that the argumentative stages of Abraham debates vary in these debates. Abraham debate with Star worshipers is different from other debates in confronting and opening stages. In this way difference in opinion is hidden in confronting stage and gradually it becomes clear in the opening and argumentative stages. Furthermore, in confronting stage the standpoint is single sided .Convincing the idolaters and Star worshipers, Abraham has made use of a“dramatic method”. In the pragmatic section, frequency and type of speech acts used by Abraham are different in the debates. In addition, the current research showed that this approach should be appropriately modified if it aims to investigate the argumentative discourse of the prophets in the Holy Qur'an.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (fall 2020)
The trend toward sustainable development of the environment and economy has led to a large-scale debate on the use of seafood wastes. In recent years shrimp has been a major part of the food industry. The accumulated waste of shrimp without proper use has resulted in the destruction of the resources and problems of waste disposal and environmental pollution. Shrimp waste fermentation with microorganisms is a method for recovering biologically active material. Bacterial chitinase is considered as a degenerate enzyme .In this study, chitin degrading bacteria were isolated from different environment and then the most efficient strain was selected. The isolate identified by Microscopic, physiological and molecular characteristics and sequencing the 16SrRNA gene and compared with the Bacillus licheniformis strain, the highest rate of chitinase has been reported so far. The isolated strain identified as Bacillus altitudinis can ferment shrimp shell as the only sources of energy and produce high-temperature chitinase, with a 5.1 U/mL activity of over a period of 4 days, and 65.6 mg/l protein on semisolid shrimp shell. While it does not grow on the agar under normal conditions, therefore, its use can't cause pollution to the environment. As a result, the activity of chitinase, its simple and inexpensive method of concentration by heat, high enzyme resistance at high temperatures, activity in a wide range of pH and the use of cheap shrimp shell substrate show the superior functional quality of this strain in shrimp shell fermentation.
Fathi Chiman, Ramin Moharrami, Bijan Zahiri, Shahriyar giti,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (Fall 2018)
Despite the harmony and consistency in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh's with Hegel's belief in his aesthetic lessons about the features of “proper epic”, he calls Shahnameh incommensurate and lacking an independent functional center. He knows the proper epic, the manifestation of the totality of the world of a nation, which is the result of the human manifestation of incomprehensible myths. Therefore, the original epic poetry, as the first stage of the self-consciousness of the absolute soul, can be regarded as absolute art, which, by creating a kind of collective consciousness in the historical community, has the highest degree of consistency between the subject and the object. The aesthetics of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh also focuses on the actual fulfillment of mythological content, namely: "the controversy of the opposing forces. In this paper, first, using Hegel's views on proper epic, we have answered his criticism about Shahnameh, and then, relying on the categories of "Hegelian philosophy", including: the family, the system of needs, and the country or goverment, in the category of social ethics, in a comparative analysis method, we will prove that Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, like some of the world's greatest epic, unlike Hegel's views, has the most prominent features of an proper epic with the power to convey the common religious and moral understanding of the world, is a global and lasting art.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2010)
Objective: To investigate the friction of rabbit’s knee joint with designed pendulum friction tester to diagnose and evaluate different pathological and therapeutic conditions following haemarthrosis, osteoarthritis, and other joint disorders.
Materials and Methods: Friction coefficient of 10 adult male Albino rabbit’s joint (5 right and 5 left knees) weighted 1.59 ± 0.27 Kg, after designing and compiling the instrument and its processing software in the Physiotherapy department of Tarbiat Modares University were measured. Maximaum pendulum rotation, number of oscillations to reach equilibrium, coefficient of friction with Stanton’s equation, exponential and linear curve fitting, average logarithmic and linear decrement methods were measured.
Results: Maximum rotation after pendulum releasing in the left joints were higher than the right ones, P<0.001. Number of oscillations to reach equilibrium in the left knees were also greater than the right knees, P=0.005. All different friction estimation methods had the same results and showed greater friction in the right in comparison to the left side.
Conclusion: The pattern of the joints amplitude decay did not have a linear behaviour and the rabbit’s knee joint coefficient of friction with nonlinear estimations was less than linear ones. The findings revealed that selecting a separate control group in such investigation is essential and the contralateral limb could not be considered as control group. Pendulum friction tester has the capability of evaluating changes in coefficient of friction after application of different therapeutic methods. These changes have
important role in diagnosis, evaluation of joint diseases and developing techniques for treating those pathologies.
Volume 23, Issue 2 (February 2023)
These days, societies' need for energy increased due to the expansion of societies, industries, and technology. The production of electricity from renewable energy sources such as solar energy, which does not harm the environment and has little pollution, has attracted the attention of many researchers and engineers. This article will present a new plan for the dual polar axis solar tracker, its design and construction in laboratory dimensions, and the experimental evaluation of its performance using the open-loop control method. For this purpose, after examining the advantages and disadvantages of the previous designs, a new and different conceptual design for the tracker is proposed. Among the features of the proposed tracker, we can point out the ability to combine, install and operate quickly and easily, the self-locking feature, and the ability to rotate 360 degrees around both axes. This tracker has no restrictions for use in different geographical areas, including areas near the North or South Pole and in the early and late hours of the day when the direction of the sun's radiation is strongly inclined. In the following, the detailed design of the proposed detector and the presentation of the open-loop control method will be discussed. Finally, by conducting experimental tests, the production power of the proposed detector is evaluated in comparison with a fixed solar panel. Based on the results, the electricity energy produced from the proposed solar tracker is 49% more than the fixed solar panel.
Volume 23, Issue 5 (Winter 2021)
Introduction: Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is one of the most common causes of pain and disability in adults. In the present study we investigated the level of inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α and the amount of joint friction after non-traumatic model of knee osteoarthrosis in guinea pig.
Materials & Methods: Twenty-four matured albino male Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs were assigned randomly into two groups; osteoarthrosis (OA) and control (n=12 in each group). The non-traumatic OA was induced by intra-articular injection of mono iodoacetate (MIA, 3 mg/kg) in the knee joint. Joint circumstance and weight of subjects were measured initially and after thirty days of MIA injection. After scarifying the animals on day 30, the level of IL-1β and TNF-α in synovial membrane and knee joint friction were measured. Control group received no intervention and all evaluations were performed on the normal knee joint.
Results: The induction of OA caused a significant increase in the joint circumstance compared to control group (P<0.05). 30 days after induced OA, the knee joint friction in flexion and extension movement was significantly increased compared to control group. In OA group, the level of IL-1β and TNF-α showed a significant increase compared to control group (P<0.05). There was a positive correlation between IL-1β, TNF-α and knee joint friction (P<0.01).
Discussion: Non-traumatic osteoarthritis may increase the expression of inflammatory cytokines and joint friction, which in this condition the joint movement can aggravate cartilage damage.
Volume 25, Issue 1 (12-2018)
Este’areh is one of the most important poetic devices and of portraiture elements in carrying imagination in poetry to an extreme. History of this rhetorical topic dates back to Aristotle's Poetics and the topic of Este'areh in Arabic and Persian literature emanates from the same source. English equivalent of Este'areh is Metaphor. But, are these two exactly the same or they differ from each other? Here, pointing out the opinions of Sakkaki and Jorjani, the definition of Este'areh and its various types are given briefly first; then its difference from Metaphor is investigated. The result of the investigation is that although Metaphor, too, is a variation of metaphoric expression, its aim is not expression of beauty of simile, but transfer of meaning. Este'areh and Metaphor differ from each other because the former is based on simile and similarity, but the latter is based on "free association."