Showing 40 results for fazeli
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Ideological discourse has always challenged individuals as subjects and has always tried to use the polysemous character of language to predominate other discourses and subjects.This study attempts to answer the question of how the ideological discourse is able to carry out a semantic transformation on the discourse’s level and therefore on the conveyed message’s level, and that how the political authorities utilize linguistic structures and the means that language and the connotative modification of the language provide them to legitimize their supremacy in a schematic and schematized perspective.
To achieve this objective, this article’s authors have attempted to show the relationship between linguistic elements with power and domination by analyzing discourse of subjects in the Cannibale novel written by contemporary French writer Didier Daeninckx by relying on Pierre Zima’s sociological theories.Advocating the fight against denialism, racism, colonialism, corruption in political societies, he wrote Cannibale in 1998 in memory of the "human zoos" under the French Third Republic.It tells the story of indigenous Kanaks who were exhibited as animals at the 1931 Colonial Exhibition.Accordingly, this article examines how ideological discourse and semantic transformation are created through narratives and dialogues that occur throughout the book and lead to transforming ideological implications.Also, by describing and interpreting the nature of native Kanaks from the perspective of dominant ideological discourse, it is shown that dominant discourse uses the polysemous and multidimensional nature of language by holding the power to organize linguistic structures and defines a nature other than the original nature of the native Kanaks.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The poetries of Sheevan Foumani are various from the conceptual and functional views.These stylistic varieties in poetries represent the frequency of experience that by means of them the poet incorporates component of meaning to the linguistic community of poetries.He carries out the aim by using the symbolic units in a specific style.Since the most of his poetries are symbolic and symbols of poetries are manifested in the forms of attributes,identification,personalization,impersonalization,the current research aims at investigating the semantic components of poetries of Fokhos and Aghadar in accordance with sociolinguistics. Also, it aims at drawing discursive boundaries through the symbolic representation of social actors based on the discursive functions.Therefore, two combined models of socio-semantic of Van Leeuwan and semio-semantic of Paris have been chosen to achieve these goals.As a main purpose,this research investigates the features of the model of Van Leeuwan on poetries.Consequently,the critical approach of the semio-semantic analysis of Paris tries to explain the discursive boundaries of poetries. Primarily by implementing the model of Van Leeuwan on verses, the results of research indicated that the representation of social actors in two poetries has been mostly formed by the factor of impersonalization. Moreover, based on the saliency of impersonalization, the semio-semantic analysis of poetries is formed by instrumenting this component in the direction of creating discursive spaces and the result indicated that discursive functions of appeasement,resistance,and insistence are often organized in textual layers that are related to the subcomponents of impersonalization.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (NO. 3- 2010)
A great number of sociological studies on democratization emphasize on the role of social classes in democratic transitions and the consolidation of democracy. Some authors like Barrington Moore know bourgeoisie as the historical agent of democracy, and for the authors like Dietrich Rueschemeyer, the workers are agents of democracy. In this article, we argue for a new perspective on the role of social classes in democratization based on a comparative historical study of the experience of democracy in Iran (1941-1953), Turkey (1945-1960) and South Korea (1945-1961). We are going to show that there are no specified pre-supposed interests in democracy for any social class, but the interests are historical-situational constructs of the circumstances of period under investigation. Democracy based on such an analysis is not the function of historical action of a specified class, rather it is the consequence of power balance between the classes in a specific part of history. In addition, as a part of such a perspective, the article argues in favour of a structural explanation for democratic consolidation.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)
Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa has become the most common cause of infections in burn patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the antibiotyping and genotyping of P. aeruginosa strains isolated from burn patients in Mottahari hospital during June-October 2016.
Materials and Methods: A total of 78 P. aeruginosa strains were collected from wound infected patients. Identification of the isolates was performed by biochemical tests and confirmed by specific 16srDNA PCR. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done by disk diffusion method according to the CLSI guidelines. The isolates were then evaluated for genotyping by ERIC-PCR.
Results: From a total of 78 collected isolates, 77 isolates (98.7%) were confirmed as P. aeruginosa by specific PCR. We found 4 antibiotypes. The highest resistance was observed to imipenem and gentamicin (~100%), and the most sensitivity was shown to colistin (100%). Overall, MDR phenotype was observed in most of the isolates (98.7%). The PCR of ERIC box produced 52 different patterns and 3 main clusters. Also, 59 (83%), 2 (3%), and 9 (13%) isolates were included in Cluster A, B, and C, respectively, and Cluster A was the predominant ERIC profile.
Conclusion: The high resistance to antibiotics in our study may be due to their abundant use as the prophylactic or treatment regimen in wound infections. So appropriate use of antibiotics seems necessary, and colistin is a proper choice for treatment of burn infection. In genotyping, 3 main clusters and 52 different patterns were shown. A majority of the P. aeruginosa strains isolated from burn patients were related and belonged to Cluster A.
Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)
Work songs are readable version of emotions and passions of simple living rural people which indicate wishes, hopes, happiness, sorrows, love and loneliness. Work songs are called “Karnava” which are sang for different purposes and usually formed for describing the type of work, harmony among individuals, creating happy atmosphere in working area, and reducing the difficulties of work. These songs are divided into different subgroups: agriculture, milking, sheepherding, etc. With reviewing, analysis and meaning finding of work songs in each society, the social and cultural atmosphere of that society would easily be understood. In this article, along with reviewing aesthetic and artistic features of types of Karnavas in Talesh tribe, we analyze them in anthropological format in order to find related meaning in cultural, customs and morale of Talesh tribe society and analyze them. Research method is descriptive-analytic and data collection has been carried out in field of study and library. In this review around 20 Taleshian work songs were analyzed. Results of this study show that many of cultural, and social features, customs, beliefs, values, romances, sorrows, role of women in work and economic affairs, and importance of cooperation for Taleshi tribe have been reflected in these Karnavas .In addition, most of work songs in this region of Talesh are agricultural and pastoral ones which have romantic style.
Volume 3, Issue 12 (Winter 2023)
The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the mediating role of e-satisfaction in the relationship between the quality of e-services and repeat visits of football fans to the Persepolis club website. The statistical population of the research was formed by the fans of Persepolis Cultural Sports Football Club, and a total of 215 acceptable samples were collected. The measurement tool was a standardized questionnaire with modifications by the researchers. The content and form validity of the questionnaire was checked by 3 sports management professors and after the requested amendments, it was distributed among the studied community. Reliability, convergent validity and Discriminant validity indicated the desirability of the external model of the research, and the value of SRMR equal to 0.08 confirmed the suitability of the model. The findings of the research showed that the quality of the website's electronic services had a direct effect on satisfaction and the intention to revisit (P<0.05). Also, e-satisfaction had a partial mediating role between the quality of sports websites and revisit intention (P< 0.05). The results indicate that the higher the service quality of the website, the higher the electronic satisfaction and the desire of the fans to return to the Persepolis team website.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)
Aims: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen. The carbapenems are effective therapeutic choice for the treatment of Klebsiella pneumonia infections. Carbapenemases are a group of enzymes capable of hydrolyzing carbapenems. This study was to introduce phenotypic and genotypic methods to identify the carbapenemase-producing isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Materials & Methods: this study was to introduce phenotypic and genotypic methods to identify the carbapenemase-producing isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The Modified Hodge Test (MHT) was performed to determine the susceptibility of isolates to antibiotics. The final products of PCR were electrophoresed on agarose gel.
Findings: The highest rate of resistance were observed for piperacillin (84%) and the lowest for ertapenem (50%). The majority of MHT positive isolates was from urine (64.7%), while abdominal and cerebrospinal fluids (0%) were the lowest. In addition, the ICU wards with 47 (69.1%) and the emergency units with 4 (5.9%) samples, had the most and the least frequent cases, respectively. MHT was positive in 68 K. pneumoniae isolates, but none of them were positive for blaKPC gene.
Conclusion: The blaKPC gene has low prevalence in the Isfahan City, Iran.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2025)
Nietzsche’s symbolic and poetic language demands not only close textual analysis but also an intertextual reading. As a philosopher committed to dismantling traditional values, Nietzsche, despite his religious upbringing, can be seen as offering a comprehensive critique of Christian thought. This essay provides a line-by-line, empathetic interpretation of the "Three Metamorphoses" chapter from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, focusing on Nietzsche’s potential engagement with the New Testament. It examines his ironic phrases in dialogue with foundational Christian ideas, while piecing together fragments of his thought to reveal a coherent system. By oscillating between parts and the whole, the study aims to deepen understanding of Nietzsche’s enigmatic mind and language in this passage. Ultimately, it suggests that institutionalized Christianity within Nietzsche compels him to revolt with Christ against Christianity itself.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2014)
The contribution of internal and external factors on the operation of democracies is one of the most controversial debates in democratization studies. General rules about the role of internal and external variables on democracies, due to their distinctiveness and specific identities, are hard to be established. However, historical examination could result in analyzing effective mechanisms of the variables’ effects, and knowing that mechanisms can pave the way for providing statements that are more general. Through analyzing the effects of dependency and the world system of economy on Iran, Turkey and Korea in a historical span of 1800 to 1961, this article attempts to explain the conditions of economic instability and failure of democratic consolidation in them from 1941 to 1961. The paper shows evidences on how the operation of democracies is shaped by the historical structure of the world system, their own path of history, and the interaction of internal and external factors.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2014)
The Constitutional revolution in Iran at the late Qajarid dynasty resulted from a coalition of middle classes; however, it failed to be consolidated. This paper applies the structural-institutional approach to explain the instability of constitutional achievements and fragile coalitions between the revolutionaries. Five structural-institutional factors will be discussed as the causes of fragile coalitions. Analytical narrative is the method for explaining events. A matrix of institutional arrangements including imbalanced class structure, economic deficiencies, world-system situation, and incapacitated state were identified as the main factors that created instability. But the effect of weakly founded political institutions of constitutional period was the most important factor of the fragile coalitions, which resulted in conflicts between the political actors, loose agreements, and lack of structured system of decision making and achieving common aims.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 22), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
In this article, the emotional system of discourse in Have a Safe Journey a poem by Shafeei Kadkani, will be investigated from a discourse viewpoint and through a semio-semantics approach. Language formations are seen as an intricate process that includes a lot of semio-meaning factors. Discourse positions are important because they involve us with the discourse approach, development of relationships, and interaction between similar or different powers. Literary discourse is a dynamic flow in which interaction between the recognition and emotional types will produce meanings whose unstability and evolution meaning are due to stressful process of the discourse. This formation follows a kind of semio-semantics examination. The aim of this article is to investigate "Have a safe journey" with respect to the formation and understanding of meaning, relying on discourse separation and connection and its influence on understanding the poem's meaning. On the other hands stressful condition is a place for emergence feelings in the discourse. Therefore, we investigate some approaches like "process of meaning formation", "indexes", "discourse separation and connection", " effects of verbs", "setting landscape" and "inspiration type" to show the depth of emotions in the poem. In this way, known contrastive types change into fluctuating and transitory forms in the process of meaning formation. Use of these semio-meanings will increase emotions in conversation and the access to more impossible times and places, and consequently, cause more influence on the readers. This article is done according to the library-based method and descriptive-analytical approaches. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the dominance of emotional discourse environment is obvious in Shafeei Kadkani's poem.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2018)
The toxicity of garlic is confirmed on some agricultural pests. The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate the sensitivity of
Podisus maculiventris (Say) to garlic extract and two insect pests:
Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) and Colorado potato beetle
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). LC
50 was calculated at 8.02% for
E. kuehniella. The results showed toxic compounds in garlic extract delayed all developmental stages and reproduction parameters of
L. decemlineata. In contrast, there were no considerable negative effects on many of the biological parameters of the predatory insect,
P. maculiventris. The results suggest that garlic, as a green pesticide, could be considered an environmentally suitable alternative in pest management programs.
Behrouz Soltani, Firooz fazeli,
Volume 8, Issue 31 (Fall 2015)
It has been a few decades since the first contemporary studies about “metaphor” were carried out, and the conceptual metaphor has a special position within the different literary theories, constantly incorporating new perspectives into metaphor research in conjunction with the other fields of study. Based on the theory of cognitive metaphor, metaphors exist everywhere and essentially,it is the metaphorical structures, which affect the people’s understanding. Therefore, we encounter different questions, which include, “what’s the nature of the addressee’s relations with metaphor?”, “can metaphor be effective in persuading the people to accept or reject a certain imposed attitude?”, “which variables can increase or decrease the persuasive impact of metaphor, and what should be the features of each of these variables?” Therefore, the present essay is aimed at looking into metaphors from the view of these questions and introducing the persuasive variables of metaphor in the format of an organized model. To this end, the present study capitalizes on the literature as the theoretical backing of the model and presents the persuasive metaphor model based on Hovland’s persuasion model, exploring its variable characteristics in terms of a theoretical framework in accordance with the results of the previously done research studies. Therefore, inspired by the four variables of McGuire, Wood and Eagly, five variables have been put forward and the theoretical features of each of them have been investigated in line with the characteristics of metaphorical relationship for the persuasive communications of metaphor. These variables include a) metaphor-sender, b) metaphor-receiver, c) metaphorical structure (made of the source domain and target domain), d) communicative conduit and e) texture (location, time, etc.). In addition, we have also analyzed the interactions and exchanges of metaphor with other rhetorical strategies.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2023)
Risk assessment is utilized to prioritize preventive measures based on the probability of dispersal success of pests. A main part of the risk assessment procedure is to determine the effects of environmental variables on the current and potential geographical distributions. In the present study, the spatial distribution of the Mediterranean pine engraver, Orthotomicus erosus (Wollaston), was mapped and predicted using MaxEnt. Presence records of O. erosus (north, northeast, west and centre of Iran), environmental and topographic variables, with the lowest correlations among themselves and the highest effects on the pest distribution were used. A total of 76 presence records of O. erosus were collected. The results of the distribution prediction modelling revealed that the northern part of Iran and the areas along the Zagros are the most suitable habitats for this species. Examining environmental variable importance on the distribution of O. erosus showed that the variables related to temperature and precipitation had more contribution in the MaxEnt model, respectively than the altitude. Furthermore, the high accuracy of the model (0.928) indicated that the MaxEnt had an acceptable performance for the prediction of O. erosus distribution. These findings would provide primary and critical information about the potential distribution of O. erosus in Iran, which could be effective for the stable population regulation of this destructive pest.
Firooz fazeli, Fatemeh Taghinezhad Rudbaneh,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (Winter 2016)
The poem of "Rira"’s nima yushij is one of the best modern poems of him. Structural, metrical & lexical features of this poem were caused readers with different horizon of expectations to have sometimes different readings of it in decades. The meaning of this poem has always been concealed in ambiguity by the use of certain words, specially the word "Rira" & the use of symbol in his poems. Reception theory is studing different readings of a text which makes it to recreat every time. Reading of nima’s poetry according to reception theory reveal the difference aspects of his poetry. In this article we intend to express different readings of the "Rira"’s poem in the realms of form & technique as well as the structure of it’s content deal. And also we want to analyize the audience reception from progressive meaning of this poem, diachronically & synchronically. this study show that Nima creates his objects by providing multiple perspectives with the theme of grief and with creating gaps in the text. Meaning in this verse, formed by horizons of expectation, over time. The reader is unaware through the poem & ultimately become conscious. Horizon of expectations prevailing in the poem "Rira" is horizon of expectations And the readers by using the codes of aesthetics assets interpret poem. However, due to the inherent properties of this poem, can be presented each time a new reading of it.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2025)
Background: This research aimed to assess the antibacterial and anti-biofilm properties of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) produced using Artemisia biennis Willd through an eco-friendly approach, targeting four pathogenic bacteria.
Materials & Methods: A. biennis Willd extract with unit numbers “15.62-125” was prepared through maceration, drying, and powdering. Particle size distribution (PSD), dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) tests were used to characterize the synthesized CuNPs. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs), and sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MICs) were determined to investigate the antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities of CuNPs against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 13883.
Findings: CuNPs synthesized using A. biennis Willd extract exhibited a brown color change with particle sizes mainly 30-40 nm by PSD. DLS indicated uniform distribution and hydrodynamic synthesis of particles with a zeta potential of -37.8. XRD and FTIR confirmed copper nanoparticle biosynthesis. The MICs of CuNPs were 15.62-62.5 μg/mL, with S. aureus and K. pneumonia revealing the highest and lowest antimicrobial drug resistance, respectively. This trend was repeated for MBCs and sub-MICs, ranging from 15.62-125 and 7.8-31.25 μg/mL, respectively. Bacterial strains were unable to form biofilms at sub-MICs. The anti-biofilm effects of CuNPs were more significant on Gram-negative bacteria.
Conclusion: CuNPs synthesized using A. biennis Willd extract by a green method show promising anti-biofilm and antibacterial characteristics against bacteria, suggesting their potential for treating bacterial infections.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
Objectives: In this study, the effect of different concentrations (1-50 mg/L) of colloidal Ag-NPs investigated on the growth, fatty acids profile and biodiesel indices of N. oculata, after estimating EC50 (20.88 mg/L).
Materials and methods: In this research, N. oculata was selected owing to fast growth and its ability to synthesize lipids for biodiesel production. This microalga exposed to colloidal silver nanoparticles under marine conditions for 72 h. The optical density (OD) and fatty acid profiles were investigated using spectrophotometric analysis and gas chromatography, respectively. Statistical analysis growth data was performed using ANOVA and Duncan's multiple test at 2% probability level.
Results: The algal growth significantly decreased in N. oculata cells treated with the 5-50 mg/L of Ag-NPs. The increase of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) as well as the decrease of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) contents were also observed in response to 25 mg/L of Ag-NPs in compared to the control. The important indicators of biodiesel oxidative stability containing LCSF, CFPP and CP increased in N. oculata exposed to Ag-NPs, while the level of DU decreased. The results of this study showed that despite the toxicity of silver nanoparticles, this nanoparticle can increase the biodiesel stability produced from N. oculata.
Volume 11, Issue 53 (November and December 2023)
Folk songs have been popular among Iranian people. These songs contain beliefs, rituals, affections and historical references and are popular all over the plateau of Iran, including Guilan. The most important feature of local songs is oral transmission from generation to generation. One of the most famous popular songs in the land of Guilan, which has attracted the attention and interest of the people, is the happy and romantic song "Ranaa". Ranaa's story has always been welcomed by the readers and listeners of Gil and Daylam, but also different regions of Iran, due to the charms hidden in its narrative text. The historical references in the story of the discovery of this song and the research and supplementary clauses in it have caused various readings, in such a way that some researchers consider the foundation of Ranaa's song to be extracted from two fascinating political, social and love stories. To illustrate, they believe that the origin of the song "gradually accompanied a group of Eshkevari immigrants to some places in the plains - east of Guilan and West of Mazandaran - and in later years by groups of skilled workers in carpentry. It has been transferred to a wider area than the mentioned points, that is, from Astara to Astarabad (Gorgan) - the two important centers of the wood industry and attracting cheap human labor at that time" (Sadr Eshkevari, 2010, p. 13).
It seems that one of the most important reasons for the survival of this song is the variety in the narration and the way of expressing its events. Since many years ago, various narratives have been expressed and recorded about Ranaa's song. During the field research in the land of Eshkevar, it was found that most of the old people of this region still sing this song with special enthusiasm in expressing the sufferings and hardships of the times. The historical and social origin of Ranaa's song has received less attention and discussion over time; one of the reasons for this is the chain of double narration from the beginning of the formation of the song until today. Ranaa's song has reached today's generation with two main narratives, and distinguishing right from wrong is complicated and difficult. This issue, along with other reasons, such as the political-social atmosphere prevailing the region of its composition, the hidden protest aspect of the song, includes the conflict between the singers of the region and the view of the lord and the serf. Also, the lack of attention in knowing the elements involved in the incident has caused injustice towards its main character, "Ranaa".
Research method
The current research is the result of analyzing and verifying the written data related to Ranaa song in Eshkevar region with field research and personal observations of the authors from 2017 to 2020. Since many of the narrators of the song are no longer alive, an attempt was made to analyze the tapes and audio files remaining from the native singers of Eshkevar and they were compared with the sources and data recorded in the library to make a more realistic analysis of the problem. To have interviews and conversations with native and local researchers of Eshkevar region, another way in obtaining and collecting information about Ranaa's song was established.
There are two famous narratives about Ranaa: 1. Ranaa, the daughter of "Sargalash Hasan Khanesari" around the beginning of 1920, fell in love with a young man named Hadi from Sargalshan Surchani in the suburbs of Shuil village in the east of Guilan, but her father plans to send her to marry with a man named "Nowruz" from the people of "Kshaye Eshkevar" village. Rana is not satisfied with this forced relationship and does not agree with it. Hadi and Ranaa's affection is not far from the public eye, this issue causes conflict and chase between Nowruz and Hadi. In the meantime, the people of Nowruz's hometown (Lashkan) also support him, to the point that the conflict is extended to clans and settlements. Hadi along with his friends set fire to the wheat crop of the people of Lashkan. 2. In this group of narrations, Ranaa is nominated and represented by a Kolrodi shepherd named Nowruz. According to some Kurdish researchers, Aghjan, one of the fugitive rebels of the region, entered the village of Kolrod and, relying on his fighting abilities, provided the conditions for the formation of a group of "Ayars" who were known among the rebels and thieves of Eshkevar region. Among them is a person named "Hadi Sorchani" who is mentioned in the song as Hadi. Meanwhile, Kordaghjan accidentally falls in love with Ranaa and with the advice and help of his companion, Hadi, tries to possess Ranaa. "Therefore, Hadi, after consultation and confidential conversation, decided to steal Ranaa from her house and take her to Aghajan's residence by the order of Kurd Aghajan.
The result
In later narratives, the main focus is on the music of words, the destruction of Ranaa's personality, Kurd Aghajan and Hadi's confusion ultimately leads to the distortion of Ranaa's socio-political event in one of the historical crises. In the analysis of the main characters of the song, based on the text of the poems and first-hand narratives, a clearer and more accurate picture of the mentioned names and their role in the formation of the story was displayed. This issue invalidates the later narratives that depict the romantic and lovely side of the story with Kurd Aghajan's love relationship with Ranaa and her rivalry with Sargalash Hadi. The protest elements of Ranaa's song are closely related to the view of the masters towards the status of their subjects and subordinates. In Ranaa's past narrations, we specified how the master's control causes the collapse of pure attachments, and the destructive current, by distorting the narrative of history, erasing the story from the page or making it empty of the main aspects of the theme.
Ahmadpour Kandsar, M. (2019). Examining the content of the folk poems of East Guilan with the focus of Eshkevar Rahimabad. Master's thesis, Under the guidance of Firouz Fazeli, Guilan University.
Babakhani Leshkan, K. (2019). The bright shadows of Rana Dokhtar Eshkevar's life. Tadbir Roshan.
Payandeh Langroudi, M. (1995). Gil and Deylam’s culture. Amir Kabir.
Pourreza, F. (2018). Folkloric music of Gilan. Farhang Iliya.
Zolfaghari, H., & Ahmadi Kamarposhti, L. (2008). Typology of Iranian native songs. Literary Studies, 7 & 8, 170-143.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (spring 2024)
This research examines the role and methods of linguistic elements in the display of self-identity and self-demarcation with others in the poetry of Samih Al-Qassim in the book "Demi ala Kafi".
"Demi ala Kefi" is a collection of Samih's steadfast poems in which he has tried to defend his homeland and countrymen through poetry; A homeland whose land is the ancestral heritage of a nation and has been occupied by foreigners due to the weakness or betrayal of the leaders of the time. In this work, the poet sees poetry as a weapon that should be used to defend the oppressed and fight against the oppressor. The upcoming research tries to analyze and examine the way of demarcation between self and other in this work by examining the literary and linguistic methods used in the poem. And to answer the question of how literary and linguistic elements have played a role in demarcating insider and outsider?
And it comes to the conclusion that methods such as repetition and rotation of the pronoun have played an essential role in introducing the Palestinian identity and creating a boundary between oneself and the other.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2010)
To determine ancient seed species, 3250-3450 year-old charred seeds obtained from different Iranian archaeological sites were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and molecular analysis. SEM analysis of ancient seeds revealed that the surface of the seeds was damaged. Therefore, we could not accurately identify their species. Molecular analysis on ancient specimens was done on different samples obtained from Masjede Kabood (Tabriz), Tepe Rahmat Abad (Pasargad) and Tepe Sagz Abad (Qazvin plain). The specific primer pairs were designed based on a part of the promoter region of the High Molecular Weight (HMW) glutenin gene and a short fragment of the vrs1 gene were verified on samples of modern wheat and barley varieties, respectively. The designated primers failed to amplify ancient DNAs (aDNAs) obtained from Masjede Kabood and Tepe Rahmat Abad, but successfully amplified the aDNA obtained from Tepe Sagz Abad. This finding was expected since the latter seeds had a better morphological preservation in comparison to the former ones. The accuracy of the amplified products was further proved by cloning and sequencing.