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Volume 0, Issue 0 (9-2025)

Mayetiola destructor (Say, 1817) originated in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East and is one of the most serious pests of wheat, rye and barley and more than 16 Poaceae wild species. Here, we report the occurrence of this species as an invasive pest for the first time in Iran. It was detected in wheat fields and rye in Qüshchï Pass, Urmia environ, West Azarbaijan province (September 2020) as well as in wheat fields in Bil-e Savar, Ardabil province (July 2024). The diagnostic characters and its life history as well as the photographs of the adult male and female, larvae, puparium, male genitalia and wing venation are provided. This is the second species from the genus Mayetiola that has been reported from Iran. To prevent the spread of this destructive pest in Iran, suitable management practices are urgently needed.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2011)

Background: L-lysine is essential amino acid for human and animal nutrition. L-lysine is useful as medicament, chemical agent, food material (food industry) and feed additive (animal food). The industrial production of lysine has become an economically important industrial process. Several hundred thousands tones of L-lysine are produced annually worldwide, almost exclusively using Corynebacterium glutamicum. Study methods: To amplify LysA gene from C.glutamicum, two primers with NheI and HindIII restriction sites were designed. PCR was performed and PCR product was ligated with pTZ57R/T. Recombinant plasmid sequence was determined. LysA with sticky end was ligated with digested pET28a vector and ligation mixture was transformed in E.coli BL21(DE3). The recombinant plasmid was isolated with enzymatic digestion and sequencing. Results: LysA gene, a fragment with 1.3 kb, was cloned. PCR products and enzymatic digestion of extracted vectors with HindIII and NheI, sequencing and SDS-PAGE confirmed the authenticity of cloning. Recombinant bacterial colonies were investigated and confirmed by two methods (PCR and enzymatic digestion). Conclusion: In this study for the first time, the expression rate of Meso- diaminopimelate decarboxylase enzyme (EC in this expression vector was investigated and was increased significantly.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Background: Brucellosis is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in Iran, which is shared between humans and animals. Brucellosis is caused by Brucella  species and transmitted via unpasteurized milk or dairy products, which has been reported at least in 80 countries.The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence rate of seropositive cases of brucellosis in Yazd, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this retrospective cross sectional study, seropositivity rate of brucellosis was examined for 12258 patients. The Wright test (1.80 or higher) was used for diagnosing brucellosis. The obtained results were statistically evaluated by chi-square which is a trend analysis method.
Results: The seropositivity rate of Wright test was reported to be 178 (1.5%), which was significantly higher in the summer (43.3%) and spring (29.7%) than other seasons (P = .000). It was also significantly higher in men (53.9%) (P = .000) than in women, and in people over 40 years (41%) (P = .000) than in other age groups.
Conclusion: Brucellosis seropositive studies provide very good information in order to help us in investigating the impact of brucellosis.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (winter 2022)

Aims:One of the most important issues and challenges facing developing societies is the physical identity of buildings and urban facades. Cities, under the influence of modernity, have an identity problem, and the concept of urban identity in the process of cognition and perception presents a multi-dimensional and complex phenomenon. The physical identity of cities has become an influential category in city lifeThis article is based on the question that - How can a solution or a guideline be formulated to improve the formal identity and exterior appearance of architecture in the capital and a metropolis like Tehran, which is in line with today's tastes and intellectual level? Methods: The research method in this research is qualitative survey and research of applied type, and to answer the research question, first from the library method to examine the effective factors in the formation of physical identity, then through the questionnaire asked from the experts and professors of architecture. is placed
Findings: The statistical population consisted of 273 architecture professors, and finally, among the effective factors with the highest priority among the effective factors in the physical identity of the buildings, the combination of traditional and modern facades, the use of details and decorations in the facades, the use of sustainable materials, the spirit Nowadays, using the past model and paying attention to diversity and avoiding uniformity and homogeneity has had the greatest impact.
Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences between different respondents in their attitude towards facade parameters (mass and joint, openings, architectural details and materials). These results show the multiplicity and variety of trends in the practice of architecture for different jobs. It is also clear that the main reason for the significant difference between the averages is related to the fact that the respondents believe that these parameters had a significant impact on the continuity of the architectural identity.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Pertussis is an important vaccine preventable disease. It is still a major cause of infant morbidity and mortality in the world. Although the incidence of pertussis was successfully reduced after vaccination, the resurgence of pertussis has been reported in many countries even with high vaccination coverage. Genetic variation in virulence factors is one of the important causes for pertussis reemergence. We investigated genetic characteristics and allele types of 3 important virulence associated genes, including ptxC, tcfA, and fhaB in clinical B. pertussis isolates collected from different provinces of Iran and vaccine strains.
Materials & Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted and ptxC, tcfA, and fhaB gene regions were amplified, using specific PCR primer. DNA sequencing was performed and data were analyzed.
Findings: ptxC2, tcfA2, and fhaB1 were the dominant alleles with 87.5%, 97.5%, and 97.5% frequencies, respectively. Vaccine strains B. pertussis 134 and B. pertussis 509 contain the genotypes ptxC2- tcfA2-fhaB1 and ptxC2- tcfA2-fhaB1.
Conclusion: Results for dominant alleles in ptxC2, tcfA2, and fhaB1 genes in Iran are consistent with dominant alleles of other countries such as Netherland, Finland, and Italy. It seems that ptxC2, tcfA2, and fhaB1 are the dominant circulating alleles in many countries after vaccination period, while vaccine strains have different alleles occasionally. More reported cases in recent years despite high coverage vaccination in Iran and genetic distances between clinical and vaccine strains suggest that antigenic changes in virulence factors possibly have an important role in the survival and evolution of the bacteria.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Objectives: Bordetella pertussis is a Gram-negative coccobacillus bacterium which is the causative agent of whooping cough. In recent years, the number of whooping cough cases has been rised. This bacterium has important virulence factors such as fimbriae and pertactin. In this study, polymorphism of Serotype 2 and 3 fimbriae genes and 2 Regions of pertactin gene were surveyed.
Materials & Methods: Totally, 20 B. pertussis clinical isolates were tested. DNA was extracted using the kit. Serotypes 2 and 3 fimbriae genes and pertactin Region 1 and 2 were identified using PCR method; finally, 13 samples were randomly sequenced.
Findings: No mutation was observed in the pertactin Region 2. In relation to the region1 of pertactin, 77% and 23% of the strains had prn2 and prn1 alleles, respectively. In relation to fim2 gene, 70% and 30% of the strains had fim2-2 and fim2-1 alleles, respectively. Also, in relation to fim3 gene, 70% and 30% of the strains carried fim3B and fim3A alleles, respectively.
Conclusion: In general, the present study results were similar to those of the previous studies conducted in Iran, but there were some differences in fim2 gene polymorphism so that the dominant allele changed from fim2-1 to fim2-2. Considering the fact that vaccine strains of Bp134 and Bp509 carry fim3A allele, which is different from the dominant circulating allele (fim3B), it is suggested that strains more similar to the dominant circulating strains should be used in designing vaccines.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (summer 2024)

Objective: Among geographical regions, cities are increasingly becoming champions. Their competition to establish their reputation as the best choice for visitors, investors, and businesses is intensifying. Some cities possess unique features creating a distinct image in people’s minds. The present paper is aimed at identifying the most influential architectural components in city branding of Yazd and subsequently comparing and prioritizing them based on their impact.
Method: The research is conducted through using a questionnaire prepared for two groups: 1) a group of 35 specialists and 2) a group of 110 ordinary individuals. The snowball sampling method was used to select the sample for group 1, and random sampling method was employed for group 2.
Findings: This applied research is qualitative based on the nature of the data. All components were examined in both statistical populations using the SPSS test, revealing a significant impact on the city branding of Yazd. In terms of prioritization, the components’ degree of influence on the city branding of Yazd city differed between architects and urban planners as well as between ordinary people in two statistical populations.
Conclusion: Among ordinary individuals, the architectural texture had the greatest impact on the city branding of Yazd, whereas, among specialists, symbols and landmarks such as elements like windcatchers and awning had the most significant impact on this city’s branding.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (summer 2024)

Aims: Today, the use of artificial intelligence has grown significantly, and is developing as a new field. The main goal of this research is to know the capabilities of artificial intelligence in advancing the design and implementation process in the artificial environment. The practical goal of research is the development and application of the most important achievements of machine learning in the field of design.
Methods: The main research method is "meta-analysis" research in the paradigm of "free research" with a critical approach and basic design, which examines the general knowledge field of this field using broad techniques. Then, to consolidate the literature on the topic, through searching three reliable knowledge bases of this field, we collected articles related to machine learning in the fields of unsupervised learning methods, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning; The most important capacities and shortcomings, and strengths and weaknesses are reviewed.
Findings: Quantitative findings from the combined data indicate that supervised machine learning and directed deep learning can be the best option to recommend in the future of design. While the learning process in deep learning is gradual and slower, supervised machine learning works faster in the testing phase.
Conclusion: The research emphasizes that supervised machine learning is the best option for predicting answers in the design process. But if, in addition to prediction, the issue of creativity in design is desired, deep learning is more efficient.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Karun River, which is the largest river in Iran, represents a unique ecosystem. However, increased anthropogenic activities result in the formation of this river is seriously affected by a large range of pollutants especially the heavy metal pollutants which may be toxic to human and aquatic fauna. Therefore, there is a need for continuous monitoring of pollution levels in the river.
Materials & Methods: In this study, water, sediment, and algae samples were collected from six different stations along the course of the river in September 2015 to investigate the quality of Karun’s River in terms of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cr, and Cd) at the basin of drinking water treatment in Ahwaz and Mollasani cities. After drying and digestion of samples, heavy metal concentrations were determined using an atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin Elmer-Analyst 300).
Findings: The highest concentration of trace metals was found in sediment samples with Zn having the highest mean concentration values in all stations. The heavy metal concentrations in the downstream indicated an increase in the pollution load due to the flow of water from upstream to downstream of the river resulted in the movement and accumulation of all contaminants to the river in the downstream; hence, there was the highest concentration
of metals in basin of the Kut Abdollah treatment (downstream) and the lowest in Mollasani (upstream).
Conclusion: Comparison of the concentration of metals in the sediments with some universal standards including EPA3050 and the criterion of sediments quality standard from NOAA and Canadian Environment Agency showed that the concentration of chromium and cadmium in stations was higher than the allowable limit of EPA3050 standards and some environmental standards of Canada among all metals. Since algae samples have been able to accumulate a significant amount of heavy metals, therefore, these are suitable bio-indicators to determine the concentration of heavy metals in this aquatic ecosystems.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2018)

The sugarcane stem borer, Sesamia cretica Lederer, is one of the most economically important pests of sugarcane in Khuzestan province, southwest Iran. The egg parasitoid Telenomus busseolae Gahan significantly affect S. cretica population in the field. Host age is an important factor of host acceptance and suitability for egg parasitoids. We examined the ability of T. busseolae to parasitize and develop in S. cretica eggs of different ages. In a no choice laboratory experiment, we measured the effect of host age (12, 36, or 60h old) on parasitism rate and offspring fitness characteristics such as survival, development time, sex ratio, size, and progeny longevity and fecundity. Results revealed that the suitability of host eggs decreased as host age increased. Exposure of parasitoids to 12h old eggs resulted in higher percentage parasitism, higher acceptance, higher survival and larger body size of parasitoid progeny. Progeny that emerged from 12h old eggs had also higher longevity and fecundity than those emerged from other host ages tested.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (fall 2020)

The narrative literature in Iran has always been one of the main sources of inspiration for many arts. In the meantime, the contribution of visual arts and drama is more than other arts. Accordingly, painting and cinema create the strongest link with literature, and in a fruitful effort, they offer valuable literary materials in a new garb, tailored to the needs of the day and in the form of a new media. Undoubtedly, in this transaction, the theme is also evolving due to the capabilities and features of the destination. Such developments, if intelligently and consciously recognized by the artist and the critic, are not only not considered shortcomings, but can also be added to the original value of the theme. With such a necessity and purpose in the present research, we try to examine the developments of the media and, of course, the sign of the narrative of the "passage of Siavash of Fire" from literature to painting.
This research is descriptive-analytic and based on Prop's pattern. The results indicate that the frequency of the role of the special features of the story varies according to the characteristics of the destination media (painting). In fact, the artist painter based on his artistic taste emphasizes the consequences of the story, which is not very frequent in Ferdowsi's narrative.

Volume 8, Issue 36 (12-2020)

Folklore literature is a new field in Iran. Compared to other countries, not many studies have been conducted in this field. A number of studies that have been done both in terms of quantity and quality have a significant influence on introducing it. There are some theses written about this subject matter. If such theses are written in a correct and coherent way, they could be effective and efficient in solving many scientific problems of folklore literature field; consequently, providing scientific and useful results. The present article randomly picked and analyzed a total number of 100 theses registered in Irandoc system. The research goal is to highlight the situation of some university research in this field and criticize them in a constructive manner in order to support the research basis in this scientific field. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the data collection method is library-based with a pathological approach. The main findings of this study indicate that most of the studied theses are descriptive, thus they are not giving us new results. They are usually imitative in general section (introduction). Boring clichés can be seen in theses’ main structure. Literature review is not properly acknowledged. Authentic sources are not used, and generally, they lack a problem-based and academic approach. Of one hundred studied theses, only seventeen are problem-based and have a scientific approach. University theses being descriptive and compiled in this field indicate the primitiveness of folklore literature studies in Iran. One should realize that every research about any problem in any country begins with compilation, and then reaches to maturity and the level of analysis. It should be mentioned that although good steps are taken in recent years, this field is still in its early stages.
Research Background
In some parts of books, articles, theses, and speeches, traces of pathologies can be seen. For example, although in Analouee's thesis title (2015), it is claimed that it is about criticism of folklore works, in fact, there is no sign of criticism.
But what is directly related to our discussion is an article titled “Persian Literature and Language Theses’ Losses” by Gholaminezhad and Ghaboul. It is not free from mistakes either. For example, one of the cases is that in this article, the research method is not clearly explained. Also, it is not clear whether the obtained information from these theses is the result of reviewing the whole theses or a certain part of them, or rather their title, or the research methods of each of these theses alone. In addition, this article has not stated the approaches of these Persian literature theses, separately. Except the mentioned article, no research has ever dealt with the pathology of folklore literature’s theses exclusively.
Goals, assumptions, and questions
In recent decades, folklore literature and language has become an academic field, and students’ have gained interest towards this area as a field of study. However, the criticism against these theses are growing as well.
In order to organize and identify the strong and weak points of these folklore literature studies, the present article randomly chose and carefully analyzed a number of 100 theses. All their contents are saved in the science and information technology system of Irandoc. These theses are chosen from a total number 1100 theses, organized from the beginning of the century until the end of year 2018 on different aspects of folklore culture and literature.
This article is to investigate what the features of these 100 theses chosen from a collection of 1100 theses are. What approaches have they used for criticism? What positive characteristics do they have and could they be of any help to studies in folklore literature? What pitfalls or major criticisms they have?
Main discussion
In this section, we deal with studying one hundred submitted theses of folklore culture and literature during 60s to 90s. The theses include 93 MA theses in Persian language and literature one of which is related to specialized orientation of folk literature. Seven of them are interdisciplinary theses, most of which are related to art department and three of which are PhD dissertations.
The number of subject-oriented theses compared to all the other theses are more. These theses are merely descriptive and follow a totally data collection approach. Repetition is seen a lot in these theses.
One of the main research problems in all kinds of folklore literature studies is the lack of pathological approach and criticism. This issue is especially significant in theses. The lack of pathological and critical study is highly observed so far that it became the main idea for writing this article.
Knowing the sources that exist about the subject matter has a multiple function. They provide knowledge about research background; also, they are used in research design and data collection. Today, considering the abundance of sources about any subject, and the evaluation of identified sources are also important (Razi, 2015, p. 68). In some of these theses, we are faced with incorrect and unrelated sources. From 100 studied theses, 43 do not have source originality and the used sources in them are generally unrelated and sometimes fake.
Although we see different and exciting subjects in theses regarding folklore literature from 2000s onward, most of these theses seriously suffer from quality issues. Generally, subject choice about folklore literature is made enthusiastically and only based on the researchers’ sentiments.
Therefore, so many subjects are chosen in the format of folklore culture or literature of different regions. Some of the theses are quite stereotypical in terms of subject due to the lack of attention to the research background. The number of problem-oriented and functional subjects in these theses is low in number.
Analouee, N. (2015) The criticism and study of Iran’s folklore researches’ course from beginning to year 1390 SH. MA Thesis, Folklore Literature Field, Tarbiat Moddares University, Tehran, Iran.
Razi, A. (2015). Research methods and skills in literature and bibliography (in Farsi). Fatemi.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)

Aims:In the architecture of traditional houses, the environment used to be formed by the mutual interaction of human beings and nature. With the emergence of environmental crises in the contemporary world, the integration of natural and human processes became the most important ecological issue in the domain of sustainability. The aim of the current study is to recognize those ecological criteria of traditional houses which can be productive in the contemporary world so as to arrive at ecological solutions based on the thermal behavior of these houses in cold regions.
Methods:These factors are investigated in two traditional houses in Ardabil using descriptive methods, field observations, and quantitative analyses.
Findings:The investigation of the most critical climatic condition of the region is indicative of the thermal resistance of the rooms against temperature fluctuations. Furthermore, the analysis of the architectural features taken from physical environment (topography, climate) and structural environment (building form, spatial organization, material, landscape, infrastructure) shows that there is an optimal interaction between these components. The recognition of these architectural features can also provide ecological solutions.
Conclusion: The results of the assessment of the ecological criteria in the houses are also indicative of their conformity with the environment.In fact,these structures have overcome climatic effects via the use of natural resources in a way that rooms like shahneshin and basement which have seasonal function, have optimal performance against temperature fluctuations. For example, in a sample shahneshin room in smaller dimensions, the minimum difference between the inside and outside temperature is 13 °C

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Aims: Over the past years, more attention has been paid to the health-related needs of the elderly population as a vulnerable subgroup. This study aimed to design and implement a health-related need assessment of the elderly under a systematic review.
Information and Methods: In this study, the international databases, including Web of Sciences, Medline, Scopus, and ProQuest, were searched up to August 2021. The following keywords were used to design the search strategy: (aged OR aging OR "older adults" OR "older people" OR "older person" OR elderly) AND (need OR "needs assessment" OR "health-related needs" OR" health need assessment").
Findings: The total sample size was 10780 subjects. The mean age was 73.7±8.2 years. Six main areas of health-related needs were identified during this study as follows: 1) physical needs, 2) psychological needs, 3) social needs, 4) environmental needs, 5) health literacy needs, and 6) intelligent assistive technology.
Conclusion: It seems that achieving the goal of successful aging is possible in the framework of health needs assessment and identifying the needs of older adults in all its dimensions, which include physical health, social well-being, psychological well-being, financial security, and an older adults-friendly environment.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

Aims: The World Health Organization recommends preventive behaviors despite the approval of several vaccines to control COVID-19. Mass media and digital technologies also play an important role in addressing public health issues. This study aimed to investigate the protection motivation theory constructs by COVID-related information channels on protective behaviors against COVID-19 in southwestern Iran.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study from July to August 2021, 255 patients referred to urban health centers were included by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by SPSS 24 software using correlation and regression tests.
Findings: 32.2% of the participants received COVID-19 information through radio, TV, and satellite, and 30.6% through WhatsApp and Telegram social networks. Awareness predicted 11% of protective behavior (p<0.001; R=0.118; β=0.343). Protective motivation (behavioral intention) predicted 49.5% of behavior (p<0.001; R=0.495; R2=0.487).
Conclusion: Using protection motivation theory by information channels facilitates preventive behavior against COVID-19.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Fall 2021)

Aims: Thermal comfort is one of the main factors for the participation of people in open urban spaces. This article focuses on the planting system in Jahan Nama Garden in Shiraz. The paper seeks to achieve the goal of reaching thermal comfort, increasing the people participation and optimization the outdoor thermal comfort in Jahan Nama garden.

Methods: The research method is descriptive-analytical and in terms of qualitative methodology. It used quantitative measurement in which the Jahan Nama garden has been simulated with ENVI-met 4. By selecting eight points in Jahan Nama Garden of Shiraz, climatic variables have been analyzed at 9, 12 and 17 o'clock on the 1st of July as the hottest day of the year. By comparing these points with the thermal comfort index PET they are analyzed.

Findings: Checking the plant simulation models (trees type and canopy and their number) in their place have improved the open space thermal comfort conditions, and by passing through the garden space, the environmental conditions return to the previous state and the average rate of radiant temperature has the greatest effect on thermal comfort, which will be presented in form of bar and line diagrams.

Conclusion: In planting system, increasing the number of trees has a greater effect on the thermal comfort in garden space. It is to boost the participation rate and the reduction of thermal stress in the hot seasons. The height and the form trees have direct effect on the thermal comfort.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (Winter 2024)

This research aims to determine the mercury (Hg) in the muscle and liver tissues of Otolithes ruber species and its human health risk assessment due to its consumption.
Material & Methods: In this study thirty fish samples were taken from the Imam Khomeini port in northwest of the Persian Gulf, in July. Then, the total mercury was measured by the Mercury Advanced Analyzer (254 AMA manufactured by Leco).
Findings: The mean concentrations of Hg in the muscle of O. ruber species were 0.112± 0.015 µg.g-1 d.w that were below the limits for fish proposed by WHO, FAO, USEPA, FDA and MAFF and the mean concentrations of Hg in the liver tissues were 0.714± 0.113. µg.g-1 d.w. Value of muscle/liver ratio was about 0.16 that revealed high contamination of the region with the mercury element. EDI and EWI lower than PTDI and PTWI and THQ<1.00 showed that the consumption of the mentioned fish will not pose an acute risk to the health of the consumers. Based on CRlim and CRmm in the studied fish for different human groups, a potential human health risk was identified for children.
Conclusion: In general, the main conclusion of this work showed that there is no serious warning or prohibition against consuming this fish by adults, however it should be mentioned that the risk assessment caused by the presence of other heavy elements as well as organic pollutants in O. ruber fish can have an impact in determining the permissible limit of consumption of this species.

Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2016)

Volume 14, Issue 1 (FALL 2023)

ntroduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most important cancers and the second leading cause of cancer mortality in Iran. CRC is spread through genetic and epigenetic changes. Understanding the molecular pathways in these genetic and epigenetic changes can provide a clear perspective on cancer treatment.
Materials and Methods: This study was performed on 40 samples of intestinal tumor growths (polyps), 30 tumor samples and 40 normal tissues adjacent to the tumor. RNA and tissue DNA extraction, study of gene expression, miR-22, miR-194 LncRNA MINCR using Real time PCR was performed.
Results: In this study, the expression of MINCR LncRNA in tumor and polyp samples increased compared to the adjacent normal tissue and the expression of miR-194 miR-22 was decreased. Negative correlation coefficient was observed between miR-22, miR-194 and MINCR expression levels and also a significant relationship was observed between the expression of these lncRNAs and microRNAs.

Soolmaz Moeini, Ahmad Razi, Reza cheraghi,
Volume 14, Issue 54 (Summer 2021)

The environmental criticism that emerged in response to the environmental crisis, traces the origins of many environmental problems in its cultural roots and by bridging the gap between science and culture, seeks to halt or slow down the growing trend of the environmental crisis. This criticism has attracted the attention of Iranian researchers in the last decade, but it seems that this type of research in Iran is still far from international standards. Due to its connection with political and economic issues and many other complexities, this criticism has its own special capacities, but since less attention is paid to its contexts and fundamental issues in Iran, it has become more decorative and its various principles and dimensions have not been considered. In order to bring the principles of this criticism closer to its global meanings in Iran, this study tries to investigate and survey the problems and shortcomings of this criticism with its strengths and weaknesses by reviewing the perspectives of prominent global theorists and evaluating a number of articles published in Iran on ecological criticism. The result of the study reveals that the lack of proper understanding of the concept of ecocriticism and the environment, ignoring the value and inherent position of the non-human world regardless of the humanistic view, ignoring the interdisciplinary aspects of ecological criticism, the lack of pragmatic and practical dimension of criticisms and the wrong choice of works for this criticism are some of the problems that environmental criticism faces in Iran.
Research Background
Environmental criticism was introduced to the Iranian scientific community in 2008 with a study by Davood Emarati Moghaddam in introducing the book “Ecocriticism” by Greg Gerrard. Later on, some studies entitled “An Introduction to Ecocriticism” and “The Theory of Literary Ecocriticism – An Introduction to New Research Schools in Studying and Analyzing the Form and Content of Literary Works” by Masih Zekavat (2011), “An Interdisciplinary Movement between Environment and Literature” by Mohammad Naser Maududi (2011), “Ecocriticism, a New Approach in Literary Criticism” (2012) and the books “Ecocriticism” (2013), “About Eco-Criticism” (2013) and “Green Literature” (2015) by Zahra Parsapour introduced Ecocriticism and some of its dimensions and contexts.
Objectives, Questions, Assumptions
The history of the presence of nature in Persian and world literature is as old as literature itself and their nexus is inseparable. As a result, many researchers have analyzed this relationship based on the poet and the writer's interest in nature and their impression from the environment, but the problem is that most of these studies have been published under the title “Environmental Criticism”. Now the question is if expressing the interest and respect of a poet or writer towards nature can be considered as an environmental criticism, or whether this is a new problem that has not been addressed before. What kind of approach and perspective towards these works can place them within the sphere of environmental criticism? What is new about this criticism, and what sets it apart from the old approaches towards nature? Are the ecological studies or environmental criticism that is known in Iran correctly interpreted? What are the problems and shortcomings of addressing this criticism in research in Iran and what are the missing subjects in this field? 
This study critically examines fifteen articles published under the title of “Ecological Criticism in Iran”, and deals with the problems and shortcomings of such studies in Iran and tries to introduce this type of criticism correctly and offers suggestions for improving the situation of ecological criticism.
The basis of the problems of environmental criticism in Iran is related to the problems of translation and also a group of intellectuals’ presumptions, thinking environmental criticism is not yet a serious issue. First of all, it is required to provide a definition of environmental criticism. In addition, the necessities of environmental criticism should be taken into consideration as well.
If this criticism is a study of the relationship between human and inhuman world in literature, it is necessary to know the essence and the meaning of the inhuman world and the extent of its boundaries in ecocriticism. Ignoring it in many local and foreign studies has made it fundamentally difficult to properly understand this type of criticism. The interdisciplinary aspects of environmental criticism, the intrinsic value of nature, choosing the right work and author for an analysis and being pragmatic and practical are some of the principals that should be considered in environmental criticism.
Studying these fifteen articles published in the field of ecocriticism in Iran reveals that many of these articles have difficulty not only in providing a correct definition and an accurate knowledge of the work, but also in complying with the requirements of environmental criticism. Accepting the environment and nature as an independent entity beyond the humanistic view was not observed in the studies, and although the practical and pragmatic ideals are the two basic features of ecological criticism and a guarantee for saving the environment, they have not been reflected in Iranian environmental studies as they should have been. Translating basic texts and resources in the field of environmental criticism and combining it with indigenous cultural features in the country is essential to recognize the extensive dimension of this framework. It can also pave the way not only for solving the current problems, but also for enhancing the effectiveness of studies in protecting the environment and creating a culture to prevent its destruction.

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