Showing 74 results for askari
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2012)
This study was conducted to evaluate the age-specific functional response of Psyllaephagus zdeneki Noyes & Fallahzadeh (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) at different nymph densities of olive psyllid, Euphyllura pakistanica Loginova (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Due to parasitoid behaviour of feeding and parasitizing the host, both traits were separately explored on a daily functional response. Results of logistic regression revealed a type II functional response of the wasp independent of their ages. The handling time (Th) and searching efficiency (a) were estimated using the Rogers equation. The highest searching efficiency for both parasitism and feeding was observed in the first five days of the adult age. The handling time for parasitism and host feeding increased with the age of female wasp. The highest searching efficiency and shortest handling time for host attacked (Parasitism and feeding) were gained in day 5 and day 2 and maximum parasitism and host feeding in days 2 and 3 of adult female age, respectively. We conclude that P. zdeneki demonstrated a reasonable performance as a potential biocontrol agent by feeding and parasitism of E. pakistanica which gained its maximum efficiency within 2 to 5 days of its life.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)
Background: Osteoporosis is one of the most common metabolic bone diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a walking education program based on the health belief model (HBM) on osteoporosis among women. Material and Methods: In this quasi-experimental research design, 120 patients (60 experimental and 60 control),who were registered with the health centers in Fasa City of Fars Province, Iran, participated in the study in 2014. A questionnaire consisting of demographic information and HBM constructs was used at pre-intervention, immediately after their intervention, and then six months later. Bone mineral density (BMD) was recorded at the lumbar spine and femur prior to and six months post-intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS19' through 'chi-square test, independent t-test, repeated measure ANOVA at a significance level of 0.05. Results: Immediately and six months after the intervention, the experimental group showed increased in knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers perceived, self-efficacy, perceived internal cues to action and walking performance compared to the control group. Six months after the intervention, the value of lumbar spine BMD T-Score in the experimental group increased to 0.127, while in the control group it decreased to -0.043. The value of the hip BMD T Score in the intervention group increased to 0.125 and in contrast, it decreased to-0.028 in the control group. Conclusions: This study showed the increased knowledge and walking behavior regarding walking benefits could improve bone density. Therefore, HBM model can be a basic framework for designing and 'carrying out' educational interventions for women’s osteoporosis.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Aim: Investigating factors affecting the adoption of preventive behaviors in women with osteoporosis is necessary. This study aims at determining the preventive treatment of osteoporosis in women in Fasa using the Health Belief Model (HBM) during 2014. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 401 women (aged 30-50 years) covered by the health centers in Fasa city were randomly chosen. Construct of HBM and the function of feeding and walking were determined to prevent osteoporosis in women. Findings: The mean age of women was 40/9±6/2 years. The variables of perceived susceptibility (p=0.007), motivation (p=0.009) for walking behavior and variables of perceived sensitivity (p=0.020) for feeding behavior were predicted. Conclusions: This study confirmed the power of HBM in predicting feeding and walking behavior for prevention of osteoporosis. Hence, this model can be used as a framework for designing and implementing educational interventions for prevention of osteoporosis in women.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2017)
The fauna of the braconid subfamilies Euphorinae, Homolobinae, Macrocentrinae and Rogadinae were studied in Kerman province. Specimens were collected using Malaise traps and sweeping net during 2013–2014. A total of 14 species and eight genera were collected and identified. Among the collected material, Aleiodes (Chelonorhogas) ruficornis (Herrich-Schaffer, 1838) is a new record for the fauna of Iran. All species are new for the fauna of Kerman province.
Volume 3, Issue 9 (Spring 2022)
Students are the country's future makers and the university's existential philosophy. Participation in sports activities can positively affect students' liveness and vitality. The purpose of this study was to present a constructivist theory in line with student participation in sports and physical activities, which was done with a qualitative research method and a heuristic-fundamental nature. Through the purposeful sampling method and snowball sampling technique and based on interviews with 17 experts with experience in university sports, research data were collected, and data were coded and analyzed based on the theoretical foundation of data and with Charms' constructivist approach. The findings showed that four operational factors: budget allocation, management, human resources, technology, and infrastructure, and two mediators of development environment and development resources have a significant role in student growth and desire to participate in sports. As a result, a baseline theory based on medium-range data, which is the essence of the theoretical foundation of data, called " general to specific growth pattern of student in sport, "was explained aiming at changing behavior and institutionalizing a desirable habit based on the active participation in sports for students. It was found that the components of university sports become in the form of the university sports components roles, taking into account the development of stimuli through mediators and operational factors, and the development of university sports in Iran is not far away if this cycle is implemented properly.
Volume 4, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)
A survey was performed to investigate the fauna of Ichneumonidae in Fars province during 2012 to 2013. Totally, 14 species belonging to 13 genera and six subfamilies were collected and identified including: Exetastes adpressorius (Thunberg, 1822) (Banchinae); Diadegma semiclausum (Hellén, 1949) (Campopleginae); Cryptus inculcator (Linnaeus, 1758); Dichrogaster saharator (Aubert, 1964) (Cryptinae); Diplazon laetatorius (Fabricius, 1781); Enizemum ornatum (Gravenhorst, 1829); Homotropus nigritarsus (Gravenhorst, 1829); Homotropus signatus (Gravenhorst, 1829) (Diplazontinae); Colpognathus celerator (Gravenhorst, 1807); Diadromus collaris (Gravenhorst, 1829); Ichneumon sarcitorius Linnaeus, 1758; Virgichneumon callicerus (Gravenhorst, 1820) (Ichneumoninae); Orthocentrus asper (Gravenhorst, 1829); Picrostigeus setiger (Brischke, 1871) (Orthocentrinae), of which Exetastes adpressorius and Picrostigeus setiger are newly recorded for the fauna of Iran. In addition the male of the latter species is recorded for the first time and described. All species except Dichrogaster saharator are new for Fars province.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2015)
In the last decades of the 20th century, primarily economic crises -caused by security challenges in supplying energy – and many years later, understanding environmental damages due to improper use of energy, sounded the alarms for scientists, planners and governments. Since the building sector owns a large share in total energy use, it has always been in the focal point of attentions. Consequently, national regulation established to reduce energy consumption and environmental concerns and climate aligned construction became the source of inspiration in architecture and the term ‘sustainable architecture’ was coined. Energy conscious architecture encompasses different aspects and a variety of strategies, ranging from conservation in energy use to applying renewable resources of energy. Regardless of the level of technology in a building, the sun can play an effective role in the energy generation/consumption balance. The cities are growing vertically and the façades have found an undeniable importance for solar energy harvesting in buildings. Integrating solar energy devices with building elements such as walls or roofs, increases the homogeneity of the architecture and improves the overall efficiency of building regarding its life-cycle. Literature Review: The exterior shell of buildings, due to their role in energy gain/loss, has always been the subject of researches with different approaches. Mahdavinejad focused on the influence of roof’s shape on energy balance of a building. He proved that a 60-30 sloped roof, with larger surface facing the sun, shows the best performance, while a dome is the worst in the aspect of thermal behavior. Taban et al. investigated the role of brick ornaments in traditional architecture of historical parts of Dezful, Iran. The results showed that the embossed and engraved patterns made by brick work, increases the shadow cover and plays a role in keeping the wall cool. This research, focuses on the building shell as a solar collecting element. There are many reasons to employ the building envelope to collect solar energy. Limited space in buildings, high price of land, and offsetting the costs of façade construction, are just some of the benefits achieved by integrating solar energy systems with building elements. Methodology: This research focuses on different aspects of the proposed idea and evaluates the system by means of software simulation method. The collector system was modeled, simulated and optimized by TRANSOL® solar analysis program, which is based on dynamic simulation of TRNSYS® engine and uses its validated models. Also, to determine the solar coverage index, a sample room in an office building in Tehran was supposed. Thermal demand was calculated using EnergyPlus® 8.0, while its south façade supposed to be covered with the façade integrated collectors. Results and Discussions: Due to the large angle between the sun’s radiation direction and the normal vector of façades in summer, especially in cities with lower latitudes such as Tehran, a major part of radiation is reflected from the façade surface. Resultantly, if any conventional solar energy collecting solution to be installed on the façade, the efficiency drops extremely and the system may lose its economic justification. To solve this problem, this research recommends that the cover surface of the collector should be oriented toward the sun direction; and to maintain the reasonable thickness of the building shell, this can be achieved by a corrugated geometry. We suggested tubular evacuated solar collectors positioned horizontally todecrease the reflection and increase the annual efficiency of façade integrated collectors. Unlike the vertical array, the horizontal positioning passively tracks the altitude of the sun. Additionally, the proposed configuration benefits from a higher insulation level –vacuum- which results in higher solar energy yield and higher fluid temperature ranges. The higher fluid temperature, results in higher coefficient of performance (COP) of cooling systems driven by thermal resources, such as absorption, adsorption or desiccant chillers. Accordingly, the solar cooling becomes more economical and the solar façade can continue to be used even in summers, at its maximum capacity. For convenience in maintenance and replacement, the heat pipe technology was chosen to transfer heat from the absorber surface of evacuated tubular collector to the circulating fluid of solar collector system. Heat pipe as a container made from copper, contains a drop of a liquid -called working fluid. The liquid -mostly distilled water, gains heat from the lower end of the pipe, and evaporates. The evaporated liquid travels to the other end, and leases its latent heat content to the body of the pipe, and transforms to the liquid form again. For a horizontally positioned heat pipe, a wick structure is needed to return the drop to the evaporation part. This cycle provides a great heat transfer capability. A heat pipe conducts heat to the heat transfer fluid through a dry connection between condenser and manifold, so there is no need for circulating the fluid in the façade collectors; so that, the collector can be installed, repaired or replaced without any sealing requirements. A heat pipe based collector eliminates the vulnerabilities of active solar façade against physical damage risks, extensive fluid pressure drop, leakage and obstruction. The results proved that a horizontally positioned tubular evacuated collector yields much better efficiency all over the year, especially in summer, respectively equal to %62 and %65, while a conventional façade mounted flat solar collector may not show an annual efficiency of higher than %30 and a summer time efficiency of higher than %21. To segregate the effect of vacuum insulation from the impact of geometrical form of the tubular evacuated collector -for the proposed positioning and configuration, a third situation was defined, in which, the flat collector was assumed to have insulation level equal to that of the tubular evacuated collector. The comparison showed that the geometrical form (circular section profile) plays the most important role in increased efficiency during summers, because the sun rays is always perpendicular to the mentioned profile section. On the other hand, the vacuum insulation is mostly effective in winters, in which the temperature difference between the collator and the environment is extremely high, while the lower altitude of the sun rays make smaller angles with the collector surface. Conclusion: Using horizontal evacuated tubular collectors allows penetration of sunlight to the adjacent spaces, provides relative transparency and at the same time, in summers functions like a shading device to maintain thermal and optical comfort of the occupants and decrease cooling load of the building. The study showed that the system may virtually cover the whole demands during the year. Precise sizing is a requisite measure to prevent from problems that may occur due to excessive heat generation, which in turn may cause damages to the system. However, heat pipe principle benefits from an inherent thermal fuse mechanism according to its narrow range of operation temperature. Overall, the research showed that the suggested façade integrated collector can efficiently gather solar radiation and supply a major part of thermal energy demanded for heating and thermally driven cooling. Additionally, the system has other functionalities regarding ease of repair, replacement and low operation risks and costs and long life of service.
Keywords: solar façade, tubular evacuated collector, horizontal tubular collector, heat pipe, façade integration.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2016)
This study was undertaken to find out the optimum physicochemical parameters of fermentation, i.e. pH, incubation temperature and incubation time for the cellulase enzyme production of Trichoderma harzianum. The extracellular protein content was estimated by the dye binding method of Bradford. Endo-glucanase (EG), exoglucanase (or Cellobiohydrolase; CBH), β-glucosidase and total cellulase activity were investigated. The molecular weight of cellulase enzymes was studied using SDS-PAGE. To identify the predominant catalytic components in optimum conditions of enzyme production, cellulases were separated by an adapted two-dimensional electrophoresis technique. Estimated optimum conditions for cellulase enzyme were found as: pH 6.5, incubation temperature 28°C and incubation time 72 h. The SDS-PAGE profiles showed several enzyme bonds such as CBHs, EGs and BGLs. The T. harzianumhad both enzyme bonds of Cel7A (CBHI) and Cel7B (EG). Finally, the results of the 2D PAGE analysis showed that the profile of protein in optimium conditions of enzyme production had several enzymes such as CBHs, EGs and the high values of cellulose activity due to synergism that occurred between the CBH and EG.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)
Aphidiinae is one of the most important subfamilies of Braconidae, species of which play an important role in biological control of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). In this study, the effects of humidity and temperature on the density and dispersal of different species of the subfamily Aphidiinae were investigated in three different ecological areas of Bardsir (Kerman province), located in southeast Iran. Specimens were collected by a hand net on field crops in three stations (Bardsir, Lalehzar and Negar) during March to November 2013. Altogether nine species belonging to five genera (Aphidius, Praon, Diaeretiella, Trioxys and Lysiphlebus) were recorded from these areas. The results revealed that the majority of species were found in the area with temperature between 18 to 20 °C and/ or with humidity rate of 34 to 39%, 40.1 and 50.6 percent of specimens respectively. Most of the collected members of this subfamily were found in the average temperature of 18.5 ± 1.13 °C. Trioxys complanatus Quilis, 1931 was the dominant species. According to biodiversity and ecological indices, species diversity and dispersal were different in the three stations. In conclusion, temperature and humidity have great impact on species diversity and distribution pattern of Aphidiinae.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)
Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) (Diptera: Tephritidae), an extremely aggressive species infesting some of the main commercial fruit and vegetables, has been subjected to a diverse array of control approaches. In the current study, performance of various Methyl Eugenol (ME) dispensers in combination with an organophosphate insecticide, Malathion, were evaluated against B. zonata in two consecutive years (2006-2007). Treatments efficacy was studied in various months using the criterion of trapped B. zonata flies. ANOVA revealed a significant difference among various application methods in both fruit infestation rate and capture of B. zonata flies. So that impregnation of chipboard block in ME caused the lowest B. zonata infestation and the highest B. zonata capturing values in both years. Population fluctuation study revealed a major peak for B. zonata in September i.e., mango ripening time. According to our results, it could be suggested that chipboard dispenser is the best application method as attractant in bait trap which exhibits more potent and longer lasting activity.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Witches' broom disease of lime (WBDL) is a lime disease that has destroyed several citrus orchards in Oman, United Arab Emirates and Iran. WBDL is caused by a bacterium ''Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia'' which is spread through the citrus orchards by a leafhopper, Hishimonus phycitis (Distant) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Leafhoppers are associated with symbiotic microorganisms which provide them with essential amino acids lacking in their diets. Yeast-like relationships with insects are known as common and obligate symbiotic relationship. A prerequisite for the development of future strategies for the symbiotic control of insect pests and insect-vector competence is the identification of insect-associated yeast-like symbionts. In the present study, yeast-like symbionts housed in H. phycitis were investigated in insects collected from 13 districts of citrus orchards distributed in southern Iran (Hormozgan, Kerman, Sistan-Balushestan and Fars provinces). Insects were collected from infected lime trees by a D-Vac and stored at -20 ºC up to the DNA extraction. Total DNA was extracted and PCR was conducted with specific primer sets targeting 18S rRNA and 26S rRNA genes of the symbionts. Results revealed that the vector harboured two yeast symbionts, namely Yeast like symbiont of H. phycitis (Hp-YLS)and Candida pimensis,with a similarity of (98-99%) to those reported from the other Cicadellids. These results substantiate the association of these two endosymbiotic microbiota with H. phycitis which may suggest their ecological interactions. To establish any endosymbiotic relationship and probable interfering in pathogen transmission, further studies are needed.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2018)
The effect of thyme Thymus vulgaris L. androsemary Rosmarinus officinalis (L.) essential oils on life table parameters of red rose aphid Macrosiphum rosae (L.) oncut flower rose Rosa hybrida L. were investigated in laboratory conditions (27 ± 2 oC, 70 ± 5% humidity and a photoperiod of 16L:8Dh), during 2014-2015. The results on the basis of LC50 values showed that the M. rosae was significantly more sensitive to the oil of T. vulgaris (LC50 = 36621 ppm) than R. officinalis (LC50 = 57565 ppm). Also, Investigation of the thyme essential oil on life table parameters of M. rosae showed that the net reproductive rate (R0) values changed from 16.62 ± 2.31 to 29.10 ± 1.97 female offspring, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) values ranged from 0.177 ± 0.01 to 0.229 ± 0.13 day-1, the mean generation time (T) was 13.92 ± 0.22 to 15.88 ± 0.19 days, the DT values ranged from 3.01 ± 0.05 to 3.90 ± 0.007 days and the finite rate of increase (λ) values was 1.19 ± 0.003 to 1.26 ± 0.06 day-1. Also, the rosemary essential oil on life table parameters of red rose aphid revealed that the R0 values ranged from 17.87 ± 1.97 to 31.97 ± 1.98 female offspring,the r values ranged from 0.185 ± 0.02 to 0.237 ± 0.001 day-1, the mean generation time (T) was 14.45 ± 0.23 to 15.99 ± 0.21 days, the DT ranged from 2.85 ± 0.14 to 3.71 ± 0.14 days and the λ values was 1.20 ± 0.01 to 1.27 ± 0.02 day-1.The results revealed that the essential oils of rosemary and thyme used in this research had a significant difference on population parameters of rose aphid. The maximum mortality percent of M. rosae population registered 86.12 ± 1.02% and 90.21 ± 1.12% for rosemary and thyme essential oils, respectively. Hence, T. vulgaris had higher insecticidal effect than R. officinalis essential oil on rose aphid population.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2018)
Piarom is considered as one of the most important semi-dried date fruits in Iran which has been highly affected by stored pests. The current study was aimed to evaluate the effects of the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and vacuum packaging (VAP) methods on storage pests control and date quality. To do so, Piarom variety were packaged in two package systems, including passive modified atmosphere and vacuum package system. The control samples were kept unpackaged. The packages were kept under two different storage conditions; at 4 °C and 55 ± 10% RH, and 25-27 °C and 70 ± 5% RH for 30, 60, 90 and 150 days. The experiment was carried out based on a completely randomized design arranged in factorial with four replicates. The results showed that Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)and sawtoothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) are the most important storage pests with 87.5 and 12.5% contamination, respectively. The passive MAP and VAP reduced the pests infestation rate significantly compared to control. Also, they could better preserve pH (5.88 and 5.85 for MAP and VAP, respectively) than the control (5.78). Changes in water activity in MAP and VAP were almost the same at the two storage conditions i.e., ambient and at 4 °C and was significantly different from the control. The maximum water activity change was observed in control treatment.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)
Backgrounds: This research aimed to estimate the prevalence of extended-spectrum b-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) in stool samples of patients with different types of cancer.
Materials and Methods: Stool samples or deep rectal swabs were collected from cancer cases from January 2017 to December 2018. After species identification, in order to detect ESBL-PE, double-disk synergy test (DD test) was used. Disk diffusion procedure was conducted to determine the susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobials. Lastly, antibiotic resistance genes including
bla genes were characterized via polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Findings: Among 100 patients enrolled in this study, 50 (50%) were ESBL carriers.
Escherichia coli was
the most prevalent bacterium isolated (85%). Genotyping of EBSL-PE encoding genes using PCR showed that the prevalence rates of
blaCTX-M and
blaCTX-M-15 genes were 94 (47 of 50) and 90% (45 of 50), respectively, which were higher than those of
blaTEM (80%, 40 of 50) and
blaSHV genes (34%, 17of 50). There was no significant association between ESBL-PE fecal carriage and age (
p= .68), sex (
p = .49), time of diagnosis (
p= .21), antibiotic therapy for the past three months (
p= .77), and history of chemotherapy (
p= .49). Finally, it was determined that cancer type was an associated risk factor for ESBL-PE fecal carriage in cancer patients.
Conclusion: This research emphasizes regular bacterial monitoring, and that antibiotic stewardship plans ought to be performed among cancer patients to prohibit further spread of ESBL-PE with confined therapeutic options.
Volume 7, Issue 29 (12-2019)
One of the most important sectors of each culture is folklore, which consists of different dimensions. The present study, focused on the culture and literature of the Baloch people, aims to recognize in what dimensions the Baloch women have been embodied in the Baloch epics; secondly, what position they have in the society and their family? Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify and interpret the mechanism that in Baloch epics provides for a specific situation and status in relation to the Baloch women. To this aim, the qualitative and documentary methods of analysis were employed; in order to better interpret the obtained data, some feminist theories such as radical feminism, social feminism, and liberal feminism were used critically to find out whether the issues that are extracted from the data could be discussed through these frameworks. The results show that the images obtained imply some dimensions such as: adversative of peace and lasting relations between the powerful chiefs; power and wealth; intelligence; bravery, and militancy; a shelter against danger; and the adversative of the family relations by doing wrong judgments. In general, it was found that women who are mentioned in the Baloch epics have an equal value and status compared with men.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2019)
Health and environmental side effects of chemical insecticides and development of resistant population of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to pesticides have resulted in increasing demands for non-chemical control approaches against this pest. In this research, the efficacy of two biological control agents were studied under field condition. Treatments consisted of releasing Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Trichogramma evanescence Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and combination of H. hebetor + T. evanescence (HABROBRACON-TRICO). The results revealed significant differences in the number of infested tomato fruits among treatments and harvesting times. The infested fruits was the lowest (2.68 ± 0.14%) in plots treated by HABROBRACON-TRICO. Moreover, the highest (3.36 ± 0.50%) and the lowest (2.88 ± 0.22%) damaged fruits was recorded in the second and fourth harvesting times, respectively. There was significant interaction between harvesting times and treatments. Regarding the tomato yield in treatments, findings revealed significant difference among treatments in both main harvesting times. However, there was no significant differences in total yield in treatments. It could be concluded that biological control agents can be used as a promising alternative for synthetic insecticides in control of H. armigera in tomato farms without significant crop losses.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (fall 2022)
Backgrounds: The ever-increasing incidence of multidrug resistance in ESBL-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most serious public health threats. This study aimed to investigate the antibiotic resistance profile and molecular characteristics of ESBL-producing P. aeruginosa isolates.
Materials & Methods: Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed for 120 P. aeruginosa clinical isolates using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion and broth microdilution assays. Combined disk test (CDT) was applied to screen for ESBL production among P. aeruginosa isolates. PCR assays determined the presence of blaGES, blaPER, and blaVEB genes in all isolates.
Findings: The clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa showed the highest resistance to cefotaxime (86.7%) and gentamicin (65.8%). Of 120 P. aeruginosa isolates, 60.8% were MDR, and 53.3% were XDR. The prevalence of these strains was significantly higher in hospitalized patients than in out-patients (p<.001). Also, 58 P. aeruginosa strains (48.3%) were considered as phenotypic ESBL producers. Furthermore, 15, 35, and 24.2% of P. aeruginosa isolates harbored blaGES, blaVEB, and blaPER, respectively. The incidence of MDR (71.4% vs. 41.9%, p= .001) and XDR (63.6% vs. 34.9%, p= .002) was significantly higher in ESBL-producing P. aeruginosa isolates compared to non-ESBL producers. The highest incidence rate of MDR was reported in blaVEB gene-positive P. aeruginosa isolates (95.2%), followed by isolates harboring blaPER (79.3%) and blaGES (55.6%) genes.
Conclusion: This study findings show a high prevalence of MDR ESBL-producing P. aeruginosa isolates, indicating the importance of correct identification of these superbugs and judicious use of various antibiotics to prevent their spread.
Volume 8, Issue 34 (10-2020)
This article, with a descriptive-analytical method and with the aim of conducting a thematic-qualitative ethnographic analysis, seeks to study the features that are in the folklore of the Balochi people. Therefore, by describing, classifying, and extracting the features of these works, their research capacities have been evaluated in terms of theoretical and methodological aspects. Based on the findings, two categories of works can be identified in this area; first, works in which only Balochi folklore texts are collected; second, the works that scholars have attempted to provide interpretations of. These features have enriched the research capacity of these works. These capacities are grouped in four main categories as: accurate descriptions and interpretive analysis; attention to the factors and contexts of the formation of the subjects under study; looking at issues as a part of an overall mechanism in culture; the classification and presentation of categories and semantic patterns. Therefore, based on the anthropological insight, a kind of perspective was drawn that can be used to gain a deeper understanding of the mental and intellectual structures of the creators of Balochi folklore.
Research background
Various authors with different scientific specialties have studied and written about the field of folklore of the Balochi people. Some of them, for example, Jahandideh (1390), Bausani (1971), Iftikharzadeh (1388), and Baloch researchers have a literary approach and mainly focus on some important linguistic aspects such as grammar, syntax, or pronouns. Some other foreign scholars such as Leech (1838), Burton (1990) or Dames (1905), who have been sent as missionaries to the Balochistan region, have a more orientalist approach. In general, all of these works have been used as the literary background of the research in order to open a way to a kind of anthropological perspective for a better study of this field.
Research aims and questions
This study aims to answer the following questions: what are the characteristics of the existing works in the field of popular literature in Balochistan? And how can one move towards an anthropological perspective by studying the popular literature of the Balochi people? Accordingly, in this study, first, the characteristics of the works were examined, which are more accessible in libraries than other works in the field of Balochi folk. Then, it was considered how to use these works to move towards a kind of anthropological perspective in the field of folklore studies in Balochistan.
In the first part of the research, the main features of Balochistan folklore texts were categorized; in the second part, an attempt was made to draw a kind of anthropological perspective by using the characteristics of these works, which will help to better understand the works. The main categories obtained from the data are: having accurate descriptions and performing interpretive analysis; attention to the factors and contexts of formation of the subjects under study; attention to issues as part of a general mechanism in culture; classification and presentation of semantic categories and patterns. These categories show that by adopting and applying anthropological interpretive-qualitative approaches in the field of folklore of Balochi people, it is possible to better identify the original views and indigenous logic of the Baloch community. Folklore originates from the traditions of the people of each region and it is passed on to future generations through these traditions. In the meantime, what is produced and reproduced are many concepts and ideas that have found no other way for expression.
In general, if the territory of Balochistan folklore is approached from an interpretive-qualitative point of view, the indigenous rationality of Baloch popular literature will be properly understood. The studies that have been done so far, due to their methodological and theoretical capacities, will be able to answer the questions that are necessary for the folklore of Balochistan. Employing a kind of interpretive and indigenous methodology that is able to create dialectical relations and understand the diversity of mental world of the Baloch people is the most appropriate way to understand the folklore works of this region. Therefore, in a world where diverse ideas and thoughts do not always have a chance to be understood, grasping these concepts through such a strategy will contribute to Baluchi culture and its holders in a better and more effective way.
- Badalkhan, S. (1992). A glance at Balochi oral poetry.
Newsletter of Balochistan Studies, 8, 3-45.
- Bausani, A. (1971). Baluchi language and literature.
Mahfil, 7 (1-2), 43-54.
- Burton, J. (1990).
Conflict: Resolution and Prevention. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
- Dames, M. L. W. (1905).
A text book of the Balochi language. Lahore: Punjab Government Press.
- Iftikharzadeh, A. (2009).
Balochi Tales (in Farsi). Tehran: Cheshmeh Press.
- Jahandideh. A. (2011).
Epic in Balochistan (in Farsi). Tehran: Moien Press.
- Leech, R. (1838). Grammar of the Balochky Language.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,
7(2) 38-56.
- Sureniants, V. B. (2003). A story of Mir Hamza, the forefather of the Baluches. Iran and Caucasus, 7(1-2) 133-146.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (2-2020)
Despite successful lime witches'-broom (LWB) phytoplasma transmission by Hishimonus phycitis to the lime trees and Bakraee seedlings, there is no published document regarding LWB transmission by H. phycitis to lime seedlings. To study the possibility of vector-based transmission to lime seedlings, the feral leafhoppers were collected in LWB-infected lime orchards and caged on one-year old Mexican lime seedlings. Six months after inoculation, 50% of inoculated seedlings showed typical symptoms of LWB and were strongly positive in PCR assays. To our knowledge, this is the first report of transmission of Ca. P. aurantifolia to Mexican lime seedlings by H. phycitis under greenhouse condition.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Background: This study aimed to compare the diagnostic efficacy of standard culture method with multiplex quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in examining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples collected from patients with suspected meningitis.
Materials & Methods: A retrospective evaluation was conducted on 166 patients with suspected meningitis, who were treated in Vali-Asr hospital in Birjand, Iran between 2011 and 2020. Diagnosis of bacterial meningitis was based on CSF culture and multiplex qPCR results.
Findings: Among 166 patients, conventional methods identified causative pathogens in only 10.3% of cases, while multiplex qPCR detected pathogens in eight out of 25 culture-negative cases as well. The most common pathogens identified were enterovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex, Haemophilus influenzae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Conclusion: Multiplex qPCR appears to be a more effective method than conventional culture in identifying bacterial and viral pathogens that most commonly cause meningitis. The incorporation of qPCR as a routine diagnostic method for meningitis in clinical practice could significantly enhance clinical decision-making and patient care.