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Showing 6 results for Vafai

Mahmood Fotoohi Roudmajani, Mohammad Afshin Vafai ,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2009)

Hermeneutic theory of literary history suggests the "history of readers" or "literature audience" rather than the history of the author and the text. In this approach, the literariness of a text - for example Hafiz poems - is measured according to its vividness, dynamism and ability of its conversation with different generations. Therefore the literary historian should write the "history of the effects of Hafiz poems" upon its readers rather than the biography and history of Hafiz himself.. By doing so, the historian actually writes "the life of Divan of Hafiz" and "the history of Hafiz meanings" i.e. the story of the text after its birth, and it's moving on in the history. By recognizing Hafiz readers in 15th century, the article has studied the echo of Hafiz voice in the first century after his death and according to the information obtained from sources in 15th century, classified Hafiz readers based on their types of reading. According to the biographical information and also some given titles and addresses to Hafez, his social position has been illustrated, and eventually the developing process of Hafez meanings from simplicity to complexity and from literary discourse into the sacred discourse, has been demonstrated

Volume 3, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 5)- 2015)

One of the language changes that occur at the level of words is the semantic change. The purpose of semantic transformation is transforming the first meaning while maintaining the appearance of the words. Loanwords are one of the breeding grounds in semantic transformation. What is discussed in the article is the semantic transformation of Arabic loanwords of KALILA WA DEMNA. For this purpose, initially we raised the linguists view of how semantic changes are happen. Then the semantic changes of Arabic loanwords of KALILA WA DEMNA based on these principles have been studied. This study is a longitudinal study that compares the semantic transformation of Arabic loanwords in Persian language in the sixth century (A.H.) with the previous centuries. Because this study examined the Arabic loanwords in Persian language, we can place it in the field of comparative literature. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the evolution of Persian language happens under Arabic influence over time.   

Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

The onomatopoeic suffix /-ast/ is an archaic suffix of New Persian, which has mainly occurred in the Dari manuscripts belonging to Khorâsân dialectal region. Some researchers such as Jalal Matini, Ali Ravaghi, Najib Mayel-e-Heravi and others, with reference to these manuscripts and modern Khorâsâni dialects, have known this suffix as a Khorâsâni suffix. After that, Hasan Hatami has found examples of another variety of the suffix /-ast/, i.e. /ešt/, in Kâzerouni dialect, as a non-Khorâsâni dialect, without dealing with its history or origin. Accordingly, based on new findings from Khuzestâni dialects and Persian classical texts, the writers in the present article have attempted to hypothesize over the formation of the suffix /-ast/; according to which /-ast/ has been derived from the gerund-making suffix /-išt/. It seems that at a particular period of time, the suffix /-išt/ began to occur extensively in onomatopoeias. On the other hand, a gerund-making type of /-ast/ (or perhaps /-ist/), has been seen in "Qorʼān-e Qods", an old manuscript written in southern Iran (Sīstān), which could be considered as the historical link between the Khorâsâni onomatopoeic suffix (/-ast/) and the southern one (i.e. /-ešt/). 

Volume 7, Issue 3 (fall 2023)

One of the problems related to oil recovery is water production, which reduces the production life of oil reservoirs and wells. Nowadays, the polymer gel injection method is used to control water production in the reservoir. In this study, an attempt has been made to investigate the rheological properties of xanthan-based hydrogels, considering Iran's reservoirs and also due to the existence of environmental problems in the field of synthetic polymers. The strength and stability of hydrogels can be applied by changing environmental conditions as a function of time and shear rate. For this purpose, the viscoelastic properties of hydrogels, including the elastic and viscous modulus, have been studied in relation to temperature, time and deformation rate for the gelant solution. Also, the effect of the composition of hydrogels, including the polymer concentration, the weight ratio of the crosslinking agent to the polymer, and the weight percentage of silica nanoparticles was considered in the study of rheological properties. Additionally, gelation time has been studied as one of the most important determining parameters of hydrogel during injection in porous medium. 

Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2010)

The purpose of this study is to introduce an index for calculating transaction costs in Iran over the 1984-2006 period. In order to calculate the transaction costs, Fuzzy Logic Approach is employed using MATLAB software. Based on the literature review, the determinants of the transaction costs are identified. They mainly comprise the standard deviation of the inflation rate, economic freedom, cash ratio and the ratio of public costs to GDP. Three scenarios are considered to calculate the transaction costs. Overall, the result shows that there is a cyclical trend in the transaction costs over the period considered in this study. The transaction costs decreased after the period of war - 1372-1374 - in all three scenarios considered. Following this period, however, the transaction costs has an upward trend and continued to increase until 1381 in all scenarios. After this increasing trend, the transaction costs have again decreased in the three scenarios.

Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)

Both Persian and Spanish are parts of Indo-European language family that despite the need to categorize and understand some grammatical points for learning, so far no comprehensive comparative research on the grammar of these two languages has been done. Mood of verb is a sample of the complexities of the grammar of these two languages. . In this article, after matching the structures of indicative and subjunctive moods in these two languages, We have examined the association of commonly used modal elements and indicators  in simple Spanish sentences with the verbs of these two moods and by dividing them into three groups, we have determined which mood is used with verb along with the elements of each group, therefore by systematizing them, it is easier to find the mood equivalents of the two languages and this helps the process of learning and teaching the field of research. Besides, during the research, it was found that without knowing the structure of the source and destination language, and just by emphasizing the translation of modal elements, it is impossible to transfer the exact modal meaning concept of sentences in translation.

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