Showing 22 results for Sojoodi
Volume 1, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2010)
Volume 2, Issue 4 (, (Articles in Persian) 2011)
The present study is the analysis of the drama “Death of a Salesman” and its interlingual and intersemiotic translations into Persian. The drama has been interlingually translated into Persian and it became the basis for an intersemiotic translation, a tele-theatre. For this reason, the researcher compared the Persian translation with the English text and the tele-theatre to the Persian text to define and analyze the translation of significant ideological concepts in both translations. Then, using critical semiotics theory and extending it to translation criticism, the researcher criticized the tele-theatre from a critical semiotics viewpoint to identify which types of signs have been changed in the tele-theatre and how. Therefore, changes of ideologically significant concepts were analyzed and criticized. The results showed that there were no changes in ideologically significant concepts of the Persian text. But, in the tele-theatre, almost all of these concepts were omitted or completely transformed. In fact, the tele-theatre contains so many censorships in a way that, in some parts, it has lost its cohesion and sometimes even its meanings. In fact, the translator/director has tried to do his best to change the text according to the viewpoints of dominant culture of receiving society. Moreover, maintaining and adding their accepted ideological concepts and omitting or transforming their unaccepted ones, he has tried to represent their values and ideological positions to the receivers. As a result, he has created a text, which lacks cohesion in comparison to the original text and infers meanings, which are sometimes completely opposite to those of the original text.
Farzan Sojoodi, Hossein Zirrahi ,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2009)
The present paper intends to apply the Tense theory of Harald Weinrich to the study of tense in two Persian novels, Boofe Koor and Soveshoon. The findings show that categorization of texts into discussion and narration by Weinrich, could be applied in Persian fiction. Ayande (Future), Haal (Present) and Naqli (Perfect) construct those parts of a text that more tend to have qualities of discussion and discourse. On the other hand, past tenses like Gozashte Sadde (Simple Past), Gozashte Estemrari (Past Progressive) and Gozashte Dour / Ba'eed (Past Perfect) more tend to construct narrative parts of the texts. In addition, each group has its own past, present and future. In discussion system, Naqli plays the role of stating past, Haal is the zero point and states the present and Ayande states the future. On the other hand, in narration system, Gozashte Dour stating past and both Gozashte Sadde and Gozashte Estemrari are zero points and state the present. Moreover, we can say there is not a specific tense in Persian to state the future in this system. Finally, two tenses of Gozshte Sadde and Gozshte Estemarai play a role of foregrounding in narration system. The parts stated by Gozashte Estemrari usually are located on the background of the scene, while the main points of the narration which is stated by Gozashte Sadde are located on the foreground of the scene.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 13), (Articles in Persian) 2013)
The current paper arose from the following thought: “What are the methods and techniques used in the translation of Culture-based metaphors?” The data used in this article is the result of a comparative study on the translation of Mathnawi by Reynold Nicholson. We used Harvey 2000 model to advance the research. In accordance with the needs of the study, metaphoric significance is presented. Six different types of significations are recognized here; than a sextet significance pattern, is presented, which might be used for any two languages being source and target for translation. As the final outcome of the research, different suggestions for these different signification types have been presented, which are based on the nature of the metaphors. Having these suggestions in hand, translators have a model to follow, so that they can overcome the translatability problems they may face in translation of metaphorical expressions. In the other words, applying this newly-born significance into translation practice and, finally, presenting a model for the translation of culture-based items are two main achievements of the research.
Mojtaba Hosein Niya Kolur, Farzan Sojoodi,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (Spring 2011)
According to the usual definitions of ambiguity and amphiboly in rhetorics, the origin of amphiboly and ambiguity lies in polysemic words and position and intention of the speaker are the distinctive factors in the respect. Questioning this distinction, co-text is introduced as the criterion of differentiating amphiboly from ambiguity and as a result of such discussion a definition is formed which is the base of the arguments of this paper. The concept of multiple signification is considered equal to the application of polysemic words and the stability of semantic ambiguity resulting from multiple signification, is considered as the required condition of considering a case as amphiboly. In search of the possibility of amphiboly in theater de-contextualization of situational contexts, possibility of negation of various signifieds in any of semiotic systems in theater and impossibility of formation of various signifieds in the mind are considered to be the limiting factors.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 17), (Articles in Persian) 2014)
Three main elements of recipient, enunciator and utterance are involved in any enunciation. Studies performed on apostrophe by the Western scholars and Iranians show that how this rhetorical device targets the reciepient while Arab rhetoricians discuss that apostrophe affects both the enunciator and the utterance. The Holy Quran is the most important text in Arabic, and Arab rhetoricians refer to Quranic verses as the main evidence of their theory on apostrophe. In this article, while studying the different types of apostrophe in Quran, we will show how it affects all three elements of enunciation.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (No.3 (Tome 19), (Articles in Persian) 2014)
The current research, taking into account three standards of Beaugrande & Dressler’s textual-cognitive model i.e. cohesion, coherence, intertextuality, explains the four-fold stages of textual perception in Sohrab Sepehrie's poetic collection Zendegi-ye Khwabhâ (Dreams’ Life). The aim of the study is to find a new analytical method of the contemporary poetry that is identified through the text hence; it is a collection of identical and mental processes that gradually ring forth the method of understanding and stages of perception to readers. Based on the above model, this study elaborates on a quadric procedure, consisting of parsing, concept recovery, idea recovery and plan recovery for perceiving Sepehrie’s poetry. Here, “parsing” is achieved through collocation; “concept recovery”, through finding the schema; “idea recovery” through taking a sequence of actions and looking for background knowledge and intertextuality; and finally the “plan recovery” through attachment. In other words, a receiver arrives at sequence of actions following collocations that fills the gap in the text and discovers the poet’s schema through sharing his/her background information with instances of intertextuality. Sepehrie succeeded in expressing his metaphysical experiences in a compact way through repeating and describing a chain schema via appealing to surrealism and mysticism as elements of intertextuality.
Farzan Sojoodi,
Volume 5, Issue 19 (Fall 2012)
Metaphor is one of the most important issues in Cognitive Linguistics. This paper tests the contemporary theory of metaphor, particularly, the conceptual metaphor of “Time as Space Metaphor” in children fiction books. The research method is descriptive-analytic and data gathering has been library based. Sixty children story books have been chosen by the researchers from three different age groups: 5-7 year-olds; 7-9 year-olds; and 9-11year-old children. Then, the sentences which have the conceptual metaphor of “The Time as Space Metaphor” were chosen. This study concludes that: (1) Persian native children learn the concept of time which is spatial not only by the linear movement in the space but also by movement in different dimension; (2) Persian native children learn the concept of time which is spatial by the use of ontological metaphors; and (3) the contemporary theory of metaphor is a useful means of teaching ‘time’ to Persian native children.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (10-2015)
در این مقاله اثر ضد رگ زایی داروی آرتیمیزینین برای مقابله با رشد تومور سرطانی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است.به این منظور از رویکرد مدلسازی استفاده شده است. ابتدا یکی از مدل های موجود در ادبیات برای انطباق با نتایج تجربی، بهبود داده شده و سپس پارامتر های آن با استفاده از روش بیشترین شیب بر مبنای داده های آزمایشگاهی جمع آوری شده از موش های آزمایشگاهی استخراج شده است. سپس بر مبنای مدل استخراج شده، روش پایداری لیاپانوف برای طراحی برنامه دارو دهی مد نظر قرار گرفته و یک برنامه دارو دهی برای درمان و کنترل رشد تومور سرطانی ارائه گردیده است. با استفاده از شبیه سازی های رایانه ای نشان داده شده است که برنامه دارو دهی ارائه شده مناسب بوده و می تواند منجر به ایجاد بهبود در روند درمان و کنترل رشد تومور سرطانی گردد. در طراحی برنامه دارو دهی مقدار سمیت داروی آرتیمیزینین نیز لحاظ شده است.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (No.3 (Tome 24), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
In this study, we attempt to investigate the representation of sexuality in the images of English language teaching books (Four Corners (2) – American English File (2) – Interchange (2)) based on visual - social semiotics according to Halliday’s Functional linguistics and clearly followed by Kress and Van Leeuwen 2006 (1996).
Creating text, as an example image, is a discoursal and as a result a social action. This social action on textbooks which have been written for non-English language learners works at higher level. It works in intercultural level. As a result, there is always a constant problem: Is it possible that the central culture (English language society) creates discourse via the texts of the textbooks in which non-English speakers are considered strangers and they themselves are considered natural and familiar? This research via investigating images, texts , verbal titles and the margin of those images searches how English language teaching books portray English culture as evident, natural and inevitable and others as foreigners who only lose their alterity if they are attracted by this culture. The main goal of this research is to analyze English language teaching books and investigate their different discoursal, social and cultural outputs .Also this research tries to investigate the role of images in intercultural discoursal context. Cultural differences and their reflection in English language teaching textbooks with ideological outputs of images and modality in the images of textbooks are other marginal goals of this research.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 33), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
This research tries to study the migration Persian literature novels and analyzes the challenge of identity-makers elements in the motherland and host country in inter-discourse migration spaces. The aim of this study is to answer this main question: What challenges would build the motherland identity-makers elements relocate human subject from native Semiosphere to the host Semiosphere?
The article uses the theoretical foundations of cultural studies and the theory of Semiosphere of Juri Lotman to answer this question. This article assumes that identity-makers elements lose an important part of their power and influence after withdrawal from the sphere of their Semiosphere.
These identical signs in the host territory, since they lose the supporting powers and because of the differences and conflicts they have with identical signs of host, may be sent to margin. Or they are inflicted with change in their value. And as the result, the human subject gets many identity-makers challenges. These challenges vary from liminal identity to identity crisis and identity less.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (No. 8 (Tome 38), (Articles in Persian) 2017)
This paper examines the interaction between the visual and the verbal modes, that is, the multimodality of transferring the meaning in Persian visual poetry in terms of cognitive base of different types of integrations which occur in the brain after different sensory channels transferring the visual and verbal data. Although contemporary poetry is multimodal, the visual poetry is considered a type of poetry that has both the verbal and the visual as the dominant, mixed modes that tend to construct the poetic meaning. Different arrangement of words and images, which has a neurological ground, requires different kinds of cognitive processing and will therefore induce different feelings, impressions, and connotations. Consequently, the general meaning of a multimodal text goes beyond that of the combination of the two modes.
Drawing on cognitive semiotics, this paper demonstrates how the multimodal poem is conceptualized through embodied experience. Furthermore, it shows how various types of visual/verbal synthetization in a poetry text are differed by a number of distinctive features. Moreover, it is shown how the meaning-making process and the resulting affection become possible in each type of visual poetry. Through modifying Aarhus’s model (2005, 2012), itself based on Fauconnier and Turner’s conceptual blending theory, this research puts forward twelve different types of interaction between the verbal and visual modes, which, in this paper, are mentioned just the three super basic classified categories due to the limitation of the journal’s space. In fact, the three super categories are:
It is about the general relations among the two or more modes or media. In this kind of relation, each mode/medium comprises separable and individually coherent texts in different mode/media to improve the meaning space at the end. It is divided into two sub-groups, which are Mode-adjacency and Multimodality.
It is a kind of transformations from one medium to another. An inter-medial text could be divided into Duplicating and Iconicity (Image iconicity, Relational diagram iconicity and Structural diagram iconicity). Duplicating could not presents an indissoluble connection of diverse modes as a fusion of different modal processes, while in the second one (Iconicity), the verbal and visual modes are fused together to represent the similarity or adjacency. The Duplicating could also be based on similarity or contiguity as well, that is the whole or a part of the text could be duplicated due to similarity of the verbal mode to visual mode or the contiguity of both together.
The third and the last type of relation between verbal and visual modes is mix-modal text, which is the combination of modes in a way that the complex signs in different modes would not be coherent or self-sufficient outside of that context. It is divided into four groups which are called in this research Counter-iconicity (Counter iconicity of mis-matching and Paradox-counter iconicity), Mode-situational inclusion, Mode-overlapping and complementary relation. Cognitively, these three basic types are processed respectively as following: bottom-up, top-down and integrated processing. Furthermore, these types are based on the structure of human brain and the functions of neurological cells, to study multimodal, especially visual poetry. Since both brain and literature contain similar patterns, it is inferred that each type of verbal-visual interaction that is constructed through a particular cognitive process will necessarily form specific emotions and impressions.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (No. 2 (Tome 44), (Articles in Persian) 2018)
Nowadays different discourses compete to have the most influence on the people’s minds to change into the power discourse. The present article shows how power and counter- power metaphors are made and used. To this end, in a corpus type of study, 600 articles of two parties - conservatives (Osool- garayan) and reformists ( Eslah –talaban) - during their counter- power and power period were chosen. The metaphors were extracted and analyzed using a critical- cognitive approach in a descriptive – analytic method, according to Chartris – Black 2004 and Hart and Lukes (2007). The results show that the hegemonic discourse uses media to manipulate the personal and social sources of knowledge as well as choosing metaphors and forming the mental concepts and giving the related information. In this way they reform the cognition and experiential latitudes. They reconstruct new metaphors using ideology, culture and history to legitimate the counter- power discourse and delegitimize the power discourse in order to convince. Media repeat the desired metaphors and construct people’s concepts and finally beliefs. If a discourse has legitimacy, the counter- power discourse uses its words and metaphors. According to the findings of the research the metaphorical schemas of some concepts such as government, election, power etc. are used completely different in these two discourses and delegitimize each other.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (No. 1 (Tome 49), (Articles in Persian) 2019)
When a text is comprehended in a familiar context and enjoys a coherent whole, it is called a discourse. Reading a discourse is owed to linguistic knowledge and non-linguistic cognition. As a narrative, an autobiography has its textual world. Its reality is a result of the method used for linguistic coding. Through the linguistic relativity on the part of the author, the self and the world are actively constructed. Through an analysis of linguistic domain in autobiography, for denotative meaning and connotative meanings, the author’s worldview is known. The subject in autobiography is moving from one experience to another. It is placed on a continuum of language, adopting multiple positions arisen from connotative utterances. Performance of this self has become a postmodern norm. We should ask about the relation between language and reality in autobiography, and about aspects of cultural identity of the self-represented. This article attempts to say that in our reading of a postmodern subject in the center of autobiography, in view of language as a medium for expression, and meta-language as a language to explain the language used to represent the self, how the multiple “self” & “others” arisen from such texts could be realized in language and participate in various discourses.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2011)
According to exchange rate pass-through models, exchange rate has a great impact on the competitiveness of exports and determining the effects of exchange rate on export prices can be useful in planning for export promotion. For this purpose, in this paper it has been attempted in the theoretical framework of exchange rate pass- through models and applying ARDL approach the effects of exchange rate on non- oil exports price of Iran during 1971 to 2007 has been tested empirically. The findings show that there is a significant positive relationship between exchange rate and export price index so that by increasing exchange rate (devaluation of national currency) export price index increases significantly. Exchange rate pass- through to export prices is complete and to import prices in terms of destination currency is zero. In other words, the empirical results of this study indicate that in the Iranian economy, exporters are faced with devaluation of national currency (increase in exchange rate), which increases export prices in terms of domestic currency. Thus, the exchange rate changes have not significant effects on export prices in terms of destination currency and just affect the profits of exporters.
Volume 11, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 60), (Articles in Persian) 2020)
own self dimensions and delegitimize the others’ elements; legitimation, from the semiotic-discursive point of view, is a process that hegemonizes power through discourse articulation. The authors’ aim in this paper is to investigate and identify the way in which the legitimating mechanisms of gendered discourses function in contemporary Persian story literature. Hence, they provide a deconstructive reading of the methodology of Van Leeuwen (2007) based on Laclau and Mouffe (2001) and Derrida (1983) and take advantage of a variety of linguistic tools. Then, in order to analyze the functions of these mechanisms, they go through the “Solok” and purposefully examine some of its parts. Finally, they respond to the research question about how the legitimizing mechanisms of gendered discourses operate and introduce four structures, i.e. simple, compound, complex, and chain, in those mechanisms. Moreover, they show that after gaining and achieving the legitimacy, the gendered discourses step forward to maintain and fix the legitimacy and delegitimize the other explicitly and implicitly- by the way of recontextualization.
1. Introduction
Legitimation is a discursive mechanism that seeks to hegemonize the operation of any discourse. The purpose of this study is to investigate the function of de / legitimation mechanisms of gendered discourses in the contemporary story literature.
The importance of this research can be discussed in three dimensions. First, the researched body is story literature which benefits from the tools that make it more hegemonic than other wirtten texts such as political ones. The second is its methodology which provides a deconstructive reading of Van Leeuwen (2007) theory of legitimation. Finally, it goes beyond the description and tries to explain how discursive legitimation works in the story under study.
The main question is how gendered discourses in the Dolatabadi's
Solok try to legitimize own self dimensions and delegitimize the others’ elements. And finally, the hypothesis is that the gendered discourses in
Solok try to legitimize their dimensions by changing their articulations, creating discursive nodes, and crystallizing around those nodes, and try to de-legitimize the other by rejecting the signs’ concepts.
2. Methodology
The methodology of this study benefits from the deconstructive reading of the methodology of Van Leeuwen (2007) based on Laclau & Mouffe (2001) and Derrida (1983) and it takes advantage of a variety of linguistic tools.
Van Leeuwen (2007) identified four legitimation mechanisms - each consists of some subcategories - that operates separately or jointly to de / legitimize discourses:
- Authorization: Legitimation by reference to the authority of tradition, custom, law, and/or persons in whom institutional authority of some kind is vested. It has six types: personal authority, expert authority, role model authority, impersonal authority, the authority of tradition, and the authority of conformity.
- Moral evaluation: Legitimation by reference to value systems. It is consisted of evaluation, abstraction, and analogies.
- Rationalization: Legitimation by reference to the goals and uses of institutionalized social action and to the knowledges that society has constructed to endow them with cognitive validity. It could be instrumental or theoretical rationalization, which the former is consisted of goal, means, and effect orientation and the latter of expreintial, scientific, definition, explanation, and prediction.
- Mythopoesis: Legitimation conveyed through narratives whose outcomes reward legitimate actions and punish nonlegitimate actions. By definition, this category is consisted of moral tales, cautionary tales, single determination, and overditermination which in its turn it is of two types: inversion and symbolization.
The above is the start point of our methodology in this study. While using it as the core of the methodology, we tried to deconstruct its categorizations by the use of Derrida’s approach on deconstruction and threshold as well as Laclau & Mouffe’s explanation on the concept of discourse.
Derrida (1983) discusses about “deconstruction” in “Letter to a Japaness Friend”. He believes “Deconstruction takes place, it is an event that does not await the deliberation, consciousness, or organisation of a subject, or even of modernity. It deconstructs it-self. It can be deconstructed.”. Then, he emphasizes on the importance of “context”. While describing Derrida in detail, Nojoumian writes: “Derrida believes that the boundaries between discourses are invalid and says that discourses leak into each other” (2016: 56). Thus, the legitimation cannot remain tough and untouchable, because the discourse fixation is limited and temporary, and it collapses at the discourse boundaries - the threshold - and is placed in a paradoxical status.
Moreover, Laclau & Mouffe (2001) define the discourse as to the following:
we will call articulation any practice establishing a relation among elements such that their identity is modified as a result of the articulatory practice. The structured totality resulting from the articulatory practice, we will call discourse. The differential positions, insofar as they appear articulated within a discourse, we will call moments. By contrast, we will call element any difference that is not discursively articulated.
Following Van Leeuwen (2007) we asked the narrator “Why should I accept your narration?” and / or “Why should I accept the gendered discourses as you represented them?”. And finally, having new tools of analysis with regard to the concept of discourse, its articulation, and its unstable boundaries, i.e. the threshold, as well as the deconstructive reading of Van Leeuwen (2007), we analyized of Dolatabadi’s “Solok”.
3. Conclusion
The innovation of this research has two prominent aspects. First, the authors dealt with the story literature which uses a high degree of hegemony and the narrator benefits from a variety of linguistically narrative and aesthetic mechanisms to legitimize his omniscience and narration. Second, the authors methodologically adopted a deconstructive reading of Van Leeuwen (2007) by use of Laclau & Mouffe (2001) and Derrida (1983).
In the analysis, it has been noticed that despite the narrator’s efforts to gain, maintain, and fix the legitimacy for the intended discourses in the story, he had no way but to be caught in paradox. Hence, the research hypothesis of changing the articulation of gendered discourse in
SOLOK in order to legitimize their own nodes and simultaneously de-legitimize the other’s dimension is confirmed.
Also, the linguistic structure of de/legitimation mechanisms can be generally presented in four categories: 1) simple: a proposition de/legitimize another proposition, 2) compound: at least two propositions de/legitimize the other proposition, 3) complex (nested): a proposition that is de/legitimizing the other proposition, has a de/legitimation structure in itself. 4) chainlike: sequences of propositions that move one after the other in the direction of legitimizing, maintaining and fixing it.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2012)
Non-fragile observer design is the main problem of this paper. Using continuous frequency distribution, the stability conditions based on integer order Lyapunov theorem are derived for Lipschitz class of nonlinear fractional order systems. The proposed observer is stable beside the existence of both gain perturbation and input disturbance. For the first time, in this paper a systematic method is suggested based on linear matrix inequality to find an optimal observer gain to minimize both the effects of disturbance on the synchronization error and norm of the observer gain. A comparison has done between this observer and previous research on resilient observer design for nonlinear fractional order systems based on fractional order Lyapunov method. The comparison shows a much broader range of feasible response for the proposed method of this paper besides simpler computing. After presenting thediscussion, chaos synchronization is simulated to show the effectiveness of the proposed method in the end.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2012)
In this paper, we describe our implementation of an interior point algorithm for large scale systems. First we identify system with small and medium methods convex optimization, then we use interior point method for identification. Finally we offer an interior point method that uses nonlinear cost function and see that we achieve a good trade-off between error and CPU time. Actually, in this paper, we are looking for a method that can identify large scale systems with low model order, error and CPU time of solution of simulation. Previous articles didn’t check the order of the computed model, and the relationship between the error and CPU time. We assume that the model of our simulation is ARMA. We are going to identify a large scale system and compute the error and CPU time and compare the relationships. Examined data in this paper is related to cutaneous potential recordings of a pregnant woman. These data are pendulous and have a large standard deviation; therefore, it can’t be fitted with ordinary curve fittings, so we use the smoothing spline for computing the order of the model. Finally, we checked the influence of the number of data on error and CPU time and order of model
Volume 13, Issue 4 (September & October 2022)
Authorization is a process in narration that according which the narrator constructs her/ his own legitimation and narration using the discursive articulations. The authors’ aim in this paper is to investigate the linguistic processes of development, maintenance and fixation of authorization which the female and male narrators use in the narrations. Hence, they provided a deconstructive reading of the authorization by Van Leeuwen (2007) based on Laclau and Mouffe (2001) and Derrida (1983). Then, in order to identify the linguistic tools of development, maintenance and fixation processes of the personal authority, they went through the “Se-Ketab” by Pirzad and “Solok” by Dolatabadi and purposefully examined those parts. Finally, it was found that Pirzad and Dolatabadi try to legitimize their own dimensions by using their selves and others’ positions, creating discursive nodes, and crystallizing around them. At the same time, they try to delegitimize by rejecting the meanings of the signs from others’ narratives. Also, on a larger scale, it was revealed that the two narrators’ self-representation was different; Pirzad constituted the discursive “We” and Dolatabadi an omniscient narrator. Neither of these two narrators could escape the paradox.
Volume 14, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2015)
In this paper, a novel method for solving consensus problem in a multi agent system consisting of single link manipulators with flexible joint is presented. This method is based on linear matrix inequalities and the objective is to design a dynamic fixed order controller that can fulfill consensus by using output feedback information and Laplacian Matrix of the network of manipulators. The exact model of a single Link manipulator is assumed thus a nonlinear Lipchitz term emerges. Each manipulator as an agent in the corresponding network obtains only its neighbors output information therefore the controller is decentralized. To guarantee consensus in this method, first the multi agent system should become one augmented system. Then, based on considered conditions on nonlinear terms, using appropriate structure conversion is necessary. The unknown controller state space matrices of the closed loop system can be achieved by using Lyapunov stability theorem. Applying special conditions on symmetric positive definite matrix in Lyapunov quadratic function, results in an LMI form, thus iterative methods of solving nonlinear matrix inequalities with less accuracy is prevented. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of this algorithm and compare with similar earlier researches, a numerical example on a multi agent system consisting of three single link flexible manipulators is investigated.