Showing 30 results for Shamsi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The aim of the present study was to examine whether Metacognitive Intervention (MI) in their first language (L1) had any significant effect on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ Working Memory (WM) in listening comprehension when they received it. In addition, it measured whether gender had any effect on EFL learners’ listening comprehension when they receive MI through L1. To this end, 60 Iranian EFL learners were selected through a Quick Placement Test and were assigned into two male and female experimental groups. These experimental groups received an eight-week intervention program, designed by the pedagogical cycle proposed by Goh and Vandergrift (2022). After the metacognitive intervention in L1, two posttests including a working memory capacity test and a listening comprehension test were administered. The findings indicated that there was a significant effect on EFL learners’ working memory in listening comprehension after they received MI in L1. It was also found that gender had a significant effect on the EFL learners’ working memory and listening comprehension when they receive MI in L1. The findings might contribute to assisting language instructors to adopt strategy-based approaches to teaching listening. Furthermore, curriculum designers and ELT policymakers might consider metacognitive intervention as an effective teaching approach and add it to EFL learners’ curriculum.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
Despite the particular importance of the subject of soil-structure interaction, unfortunately, this issue has received little attention from engineers, and seismic codes have not given much recommendation to consider its effects. Seismic wave frequencies vary continuously, and the stiffness of springs and damping of dampers connected to structural supports also vary with the loading frequency. To simplify time-domain numerical analysis, a constant target frequency can be used to keep stiffness and damping values constant. In the substructure method proposed in this study, the optimal target frequency is the one that yields results that most closely match those of a more accurate nonlinear 3D model analyzed using a direct method. A common simplification is to ignore the foundation’s non-linear response, justified by design requirements to prevent permanent deformation and the complexity of frequency-dependent soil behavior. Though not fully precise, this approach (considering soil heterogeneity and optimal target frequency) offers a forward-looking analysis and a basis for future nonlinear studies. This study presents a three-dimensional (3D) numerical model for analyzing the seismic response of soil-foundation-structure systems embedded in granular soil (with different relative densities) considering the effects of soil heterogeneity (With varying shear modulus with depth and compatible with the practical HSsmall model). The model is capable of accounting for the effects of loading frequency along with the radiation damping of the soil system and can integrate with the widely-used substructuring method considering an optimal target frequency. After verifying the proposed model, the dynamic equilibrium equations of the substructuring system were solved in the time domain using Matlab software. The target frequency was determined using i) Case 1: the fundamental frequency of the soil (or the dominant frequency of the excitations), ii) Case 2: the fundamental frequency of the structural system, iii) Case 3: the fundamental frequency of the soil-foundation-structure system; iv) Case 4: the fundamental frequency of structure with static stiffness and damping support (Case 4); and v) the fundamental frequency of fixed base structure and modified stiffness, and the results were compared together. A comparison of the impedance (dynamic stiffness and damping) of foundations situated on homogeneous and heterogeneous soil, as well as an investigation of the structural response in both cases, is another objective of this research. The analysis results demonstrated the accuracy of the proposed model and the acceptable calculation speed for estimating the dynamic response of structures located on heterogeneous soils under frequent operational earthquakes. The results also showed that with an increase in soil relative density, the seismic behavior of structures on homogeneous and heterogeneous granular soils converges. For instance, the response of the foundation on homogeneous soil bed with relative densities of 55%, 75%, and 95% is on average 23%, 19%, and 15% lower than that of heterogeneous soil, respectively. Additionally, for determining the target frequency, the use of frequency‐independent Kelvin–Voigt models (i.e., Cases 1-5) provides acceptable responses. According to the data presented in Table 4 and Figs. 9 and 10, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) The soil's fundamental frequency (Case 1) yielded the least precise results. 2) While Case 3 offered the most favorable response, closely matching the direct method, determining the soil-structure system's fundamental frequency through complex integration in numerical software is often impractical. 3) Employing the target frequency in Case 2 produced more satisfactory results than Case 1. 4) Cases 4 and 5 generated nearly identical frequencies. Compared to Case 2, these cases enhanced response accuracy, bringing them closer to the best response (i.e., Case 3). Therefore, for practical applications, it is recommended to utilize the fundamental frequency from either Case 4 or Case 5 instead of the soil-structure system's fundamental frequency (Case 3) to establish the optimal target frequency.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Aim: Tobacco use is one of the major causes of death worldwide and the most preventable risk factor of the coronary heart disease. The purpose of this study was to determine attitudes, risk perception and perceived vulnerability toward to water pipe (WP) smoking among male students in Zarandieh city of Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 400 male adolescents in 2011-2012. A multiple-stage sampling protocol was used. The participants completed a self-report questionnaire about demographics, knowledge, attitude and beliefs about WP smoking and their tobacco use background. Data were analyzed by SPSS16. Findings: The prevalence of WP smoking was 72 (18%). Also 50% of participants believed water pipe smoking is less harmful compared to cigarettes. The mean score of knowledge, attitude, and risk perception for non smokers was higher from smokers (knowledge 4.9±2.1, attitude 19.5±4.3 and risk perception 18.6±3.3 versus 3.4±1.5, 15.6±5.5 and 15.4±4.3 respectively), whereas smokers reported a fairly high level of perceived stress and depression (perceived vulnerability). Conclusion: Noticing the side effects of tobacco use and the high prevalence of incorrect perceived WP smoking beliefs among students, provision of educational programs for the correction of the beliefs of students regarding WP smoking is recommended.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Aims: The oral health is one of the most of public health problems and women with pregnancy have high risk for dental caries and need more attention. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a health education intervention based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on oral health behavior in pregnant women. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study carried out on 130 pregnant women selected with random sampling method from health centers in Arak in 2011 (case and control groups each of 65 women). Data collection with questionnaire was based on construct HBM, as well as their knowledge and performance about oral health. The women of the case group participated during the two month of intervention and again two month after، with 2 session meeting classes as the follow up after intervention. The data were collected 3 months after intervention and analyzed. Findings: Our findings indicated that mean scores of HBM Model variables, i.e susceptibility, severity, benefit and barriers perceived, were significantly increased in the case group compared to the controls after intervention. Also, oral health care (before intervention 45 ±9.2, after three months 77±9.7) improved significantly among the case group, compared to the controls (p<0/001). Conclusion: Applying the HBM Model is very effective for developing an educational program for oral health in pregnant women. Besides such programs, follow up education on controlling and monitoring is highly recommended.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)
Background: Back pain is one of difficulties in communities that has negative effect on various aspect of life. The purpose of this study is to assess the aspects of life quality and its relationship with disability due to low back pain among students.
Methods and Material: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 200 eligible students were enrolled through purposive available sampling. Data was obtained based on demographic data questionnaire, the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire and SF-36 inventory. All data were entered into SPSS version 19 and analyzed.
Results: Results of this study showed that 60.3 percent (114 people) of students were living with low back pain. Based on Roland-Morris disability questionnaire, 80 percent (91 people) of those with low back pain were suffered from disability. The chi-square test showed there was a significant relationship between quality of life (QOL) (mental health and social function) and disability due to low back pain,. It also was shown that indirect relationship between all aspects of QOL and disability due to low back pain was existed.
Conclusion: This study indicated low back pain could affect not only on students' physical aspects of quality of life but also psychological and social aspects of quality of life could be decreased. Considering these effects of low back pain among students, multidimensional interventions regarding bio- psychosocial dimensions recommended to improve the quality of life of this target group.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2014)
One of the most important proteins in gene silencing and creation of small RNA, are argonaute proteins. Most of these proteins have an endonucleolytic activity so argonaute proteins play a key role in creation of defense mechanism against certain pathogenic viruses. In current study we studied the putative argonaute genes in six medicinal plants using bioinformatic tools. Sequences of argonaute genes of six medicinal plants were retrieved from target database using Arabidopsis Argonaut blast. Sequence alignment, 3D structure, phylogenetic tree and conserved domain were generated for six medicinal plants argonautes. Results showed that studied medicinal plants have 6 to 18 argonaute proteins in the genome. There were three classes of Argonaute proteins similar to that of Arabidopsis, and each varies in length from 846 to 1187 AA, with a average of 970 AA and 108 kDa. six medicinal plants argonaute proteins had PAZ, PIWI and MID conserved domains.Our results showed that six medicinal plants have three classes of argonautes, This indicates is that the conservation of argonaute proteins in different plants.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)
Aims: Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan zoonotic disease caused by an obligate apicomplexan intracellular parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). Recently, toxoplasmosis has been suggested as a risk factor for diabetes. Thus, the present study aimed to assess the association between T. gondii infection and two types of diabetes in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
Materials & Methods: In the current cross-sectional study, 98, 95, and 94 blood samples were collected from Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic individuals, referring to Imam Sajad hospital from February to August 2018, respectively. Anti-T. gondii specific IgG and IgM antibodies were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Moreover, a structured demographic questionnaire was completed for each person.
Results: IgG antibody was found to be positive in 16.32 (16 of 98) and 57.89% (55 of 95) of patients with diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 and 17.02% (16 of 94) of nondiabetic individuals as controls, respectively. However, the prevalence of positive IgM antibody in these groups was determined as 2.04 (2 of 98), 6.32 (6 of 95), and 17.02 % (16 of 94), respectively.
Conclusion: This finding revealed that toxoplasmosis could be considered as a possible risk factor for diabetes Type 2, while no statistically significant association was found between T. gondii infection and diabetes Type 1. More research is required to be conducted in the future in order to better understand this association.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)
Today, the ethical leadership has important effect on performance of knowledge-based organizations. On the other hand, organizational identification and organizational trust as mediator variables facilitate the relationship between ethical leadership and performance of organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of ethical leadership on task performance and organizational creativity with mediating role of organizational identification and organizational trust. The participants consisted of 204 employees of Jahad Agricultural Organization of Khuzestan that were selected by stratified random sampling method. The instruments that were used in this study include: Ethical leadership questionnaire of Brown, Treviño, & Harrison (2005), job performance scale of Williams & Anderson (1991), organizational identification scale of Kreiner & Ashforth (2004), organizational trust Questionnaire of Schoorman & Ballinger (2006), and organizational creativity scale of Ganesan and Weitz (2004). Fitness of the proposed model and indirect effects was examined through structural equation modeling and bootstrap procedure. Findings indicated that the proposed model fit the data properly. The results also indicated that ethical leadership directly and with mediating role of organizational identification and organizational trust had impact on task performance, and also with mediating role of organizational identification had impact on organizational creativity. This research suggests that there need to provide conditions to promote ethical leadership, organizational identification and organizational trust to increase task performance and organizational creativity.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background: Prediction of future climate change is based on output of global climate models (GCMs). However, because of coarse spatial resolution of GCMs (tens to hundreds of kilometers), there is a need to convert GCM outputs into local meteorological and hydrological variables using a downscaling approach. Downscaling technique is a method of converting the coarse spatial resolution of GCM outputs at the regional or local scale. This study proposed a novel hybrid downscaling method based on artificial neural network (ANN) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.
Materials and Methods: Downscaling technique is implemented to assess the effect of climate change on a basin. The current study aims to explore a hybrid model to downscale monthly precipitation in the Minab basin, Iran. The model was proposed to downscale large scale climatic variables, based on a feed-forward ANN optimized by PSO. This optimization algorithm was employed to decide the initial weights of the neural network. The National Center for Environmental Prediction and National Centre for Atmospheric Research reanalysis datasets were utilized to select the potential predictors. The performance of the artificial neural network-particle swarm optimization model was compared with artificial neural network model which is trained by Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm. The reliability of the models were evaluated by using root mean square error and coefficient of determination (R2).
Results: The results showed the robustness and reliability of the ANN-PSO model for predicting the precipitation which it performed better than the ANN-LM. It was concluded that ANN-PSO is a better technique for statistically downscaling GCM outputs to monthly precipitation than ANN-LM.
Discussion and Conclusions: This method can be employed effectively to downscale large-scale climatic variables to monthly precipitation at station scale.
Tahereh Shamsi,
Volume 5, Issue 19 (Fall 2012)
As a Pioneer story writer, Jamalzadeh by bringing together Western and Eastern techniques in Yeki bud yeki nabud[1] founded a new style that became famous as “short story.” “Veylân od-Dowleh” with a different structure from the other five story of this collection poses the subject of joblessness which is similar to the “Le Vagabond,” the work of French writer, Guy de Maupassant. In these two stories, the joblessness is discussed from two different angles: voluntary joblessness, by emphasizing on the mystical observation, and involuntary unemployment. By posing this question that whether Jamalzadeh, in the writing of this story, was influenced by Maupassant or not, I investigate comparatively these two works, looking at the subject and style of expression. Accordingly, drawing on some textual examples from these two stories, I have investigated the views of the two writers about the subject of unemployment through a study of the personalities, actions, and reactions of the two protagonists struggling with the inner-self and the outside world. [1] Once Upon a Time
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2020)
An updated checklist of the scorpiofauna of Iran is presented. The checklist is based on records of scorpion species which their presence have been confirmed in Iran through field expeditions, examination of scorpion collections, literature review, and personal communications with researchers. According to the presented checklist the scorpion fauna of Iran consists of 68 valid species (41 endemic to Iran) belonging to 19 genera and four families and 6 doubtful reports (belong family Buthidae). Hemiscorpius gaillardi (Vachon, 1974) and Compsobuthus jakesi Kovařík, 2003 reported for the first time from Hormozgan province. Odontobuthus tavighiae Navidpour et al., 2013 collected for the first time from Fars province. Kraepelinia palpator (Birula, 1903) and O. tirgari Mirshamsi et al., 2013 were new record for South Khorasan province fauna. The list is dominated by members of the family Buthidae (58 species) with 85.3% of total species. The level of regional endemism exceeds 60.3%. A dichotomic identification key to the Iranian species on the basis of a DELTA database has been provided.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
Aims: Increasing the wood demands at the global level and reducing supply resources for wood industries is one of the most challenges for industrial managers. Considering the limitations of wood production resources, it is necessary to specify the wooden raw material resources by logical plans. In this study, for the first time, network analysis was used to prioritize wood supply alternatives in the Iranian wood industries.
Materials & Methods: In this study, we used Analytic Network Process (ANP) to Priority of Supplying Wood Material in Wood Factories. In the Mazandaran Wood and Paper factory, the wood materials are supplied through four methods: forest, ligniculture (wood farming), wood importation, and purchase wood from local markets. In order to conduct this research, the questionnaires were prepared and distributed among 23 specialist experts. After completing the questionnaires and organizing the model in the super decision software (version 1.6) (Analytic Network Process), the inputs and prioritization of the alternatives were done.
Findings: The most important resources for supplying wood raw materials in Mazandaran Wood and Paper Factory includes wood harvested from the forest, ligniculture, wood importation, and wood supplies from local markets. The results indicated that among the four alternatives for wood supplying, ligniculture (1.000), wood importation (0.885), forests (0.695), and supplying wood from local markets (0.419) were prioritized as the best alternatives, respectively.
Conclusion: Considering the new policies of forest organization, the best approach for wood supplying are ligniculture with fast-growing tree species and wood importation.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)
Aims: Albizia julibrissin is one of the ecologically valuable tree species in the Hyrcanian forest at the Norht of Iran that is endangered due to Fusarium wilt disease. Seeds of these trees have low germination because of their hard coat and dormancy. One of the most effective methods to improve the germination characteristics is seed irradiation during pre-sowing processes. Present study was conducted to improve seed germination characteristics.
Materials & Methods: Experiment was arranged by completely randomized design in four replications, five treatments and one control. Seeds were radiated with 60 cobalt source emitting gamma rays at the rate of 0.013 Gray/sec and different doses of gamma rays: 15, 25, 50, 100 and 150 Gray (Gy). All of the seeds were sowing in the moist stratification at 25°C.
Findings: Seed germination started simultaneously 28 days after sowing. Results showed that there is significant difference in germination characteristics between treated seeds and control (p˂0.05). The highest value of seed germination was observed in the 15 Gy (86%), the highest seed vigor index was in 15 Gy treated seeds (266.6), the highest germination speed index were in 15 and 150 Gy (12.17 and 12.32 seed number day-1 respectively) and the highest mean daily germination were in 15, 50, 100 Gy (7.46, 7.32 and 7.34 number/day respectively).
Conclusion: Increasing seed germination characteristics was observed in seeds that radiated by low dose of gamma radiation. Hence, lower dose (15 Gy) of irradiation treatment can be used to improve the Albizia julibrissin seed germination characteristics.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2024)
In this study, Latrodectus revivensis Shulov, 1948 is recorded for the first time from Iran based on female specimens. This species was previously recorded from the eastern Mediterranean region. As a result, the number of Latrodectus species recorded from Iran is raised to six. A comparative diagnosis is provided for this species and other widow spiders previously recorded from the country. Latrodectus revivensis can be easily distinguished from its congeners by colouration, genitalic characters and the shape of the nest. This record represents the easternmost distribution limit of L. revivensis. An updated distribution map of Latrodectus species is also provided.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)
Aims: Health literacy has gained increasing attention in public health. It was aimed to assess health literacy and the related determinants among mothers with children under 6 years old.
Instrument & Method: In this population-based cross-sectional study, 1483 mothers were included through stratified random sampling. The study included demographic variables and socioeconomic status based on asset variables. Data was collected through Health Literacy for Iranian Adults questionnaire. The analysis was conducted in SPSS 16.0 and STATA 12.0 software using the principal component and adjusted linear regression models
Findings: The mean age of the children was 2.1±1.5. The mean score of health literacy was 70.2±17.5 in mothers. There was a significant association between the mother’s and her husband’s permanent jobs and socioeconomic status and total health literacy (p<0.05). Minimum and maximum scores of health literacy were obtained in the appraisal and understanding subscales, respectively. Totally, 36.4% of the participants had adequate health literacy.
Conclusion: The health literacy of the mothers was relatively high.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
This article has no abstract.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Aims: This study aimed to propose an effective model for estimating soil moisture by integrating the optical trapezoid method with a deep learning Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model. The performance of the proposed model was compared with two other methods, i.e., Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression and Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) multivariate neural network.
Materials & Methods: This study combined the optical trapezoid method with deep learning models to propose an effective model for soil moisture estimation in the Maragheh watershed. A total of 499 in-situ soil moisture data were collected. Relative moisture content was calculated using the optical trapezoid method and imported into the LSTM model, along with other inputs such as spectral indices and DEM-based derived variables. The performance of the mentioned models was assessed both with and without the optical trapezoid method to evaluate its efficacy on the performance of AI models.
Findings: The results demonstrate that the combined model of deep learning LSTM and the optical trapezoid method achieves satisfactory performance, with an R2 of 0.95 and a RMSE of 1.7%. The PLS and GMDH methods performed moderately, both without the involvement of the optical trapezoid method and in the combined mode.
Conclusion: This study shows that the optical trapezoid method can improve the performance of deep-learning models in estimating soil moisture. However, considering the significant difference in computational costs among these models, choosing the appropriate model depends on the user's objectives and desired level of accuracy and precision.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (Autumn 2012 2012)
The relationship between privatization and economic growth is the main focus of this research. A system dynamics approach and theoretical relationships in macro economics to growth patterns is used to study the impact of privatization through stock market on economic growth in Iran. The output calculation is done by human capital indicators such as the cost of investment in research and development, life expectancy, the rate of education and standard of living which are regularly published by the United Nations Organization. For estimating the rate of privatization, private investment and demand for stock, the statistics are provided by the Central Bank of Iran, the Organization for Privatization and the Stock Market Organization. Using a system dynamics approach to macroeconomics and the above-mentioned indicators the interaction and relationships between privatization and economic growth is explored in this paper. This approach which was firstly introduced by Forrester in 1973 can potentially improve and reform the unsuitable monetary and fiscal policies. In this regard the VENSIM and econometrics software packages are applied to simulate the results till the year 2020. Moreover, the economy is divided into many sections as stock market, investment and production. The results indicate that the rate of privatization in the stock market has a positive effect on economic growth. Finally, it is believed that more attention to private investment can result into increase in economic growth.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2009)
Objective: In this study, the possibility of prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome with Real-Time PCR method was evaluated. In this context, optimization of a suitable method for purification of high quality DNA from amniotic fluid samples was also considered.
Materials and Methods: Pregnant women who had the high risk of having babies with Down syndrome were selected according to the biochemical and sonographic data and referred to the amniocentesis center. The DNA of total 59 amniotic fluid samples were extracted with different methods including boiling method, salting out method, Procedures of DNA extraction from Blood and Cell Culture by DNPTM Kit (CinnaGen), Procedure of DNA extraction from cells by DNA Isolation Kit for cells and tissues (Roche), Procedure of DNA extraction from Tissue by MagNa Pure DNA Isolation kit (Roche), and QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen). Then, the quality and quantity of the extracted DNA were evaluated by the NanoDrop® ND- 1000 spectrophotometer device. Real-Time PCR reaction using fluorescent dye SYBR Green I (Applied Biosystems, UK) was performed to specifically amplify DSCAM and DYRK1A2 genes and the reference gene (PMP22). Data analysis was performed using comparative cycle threshold method for the determination of the gene dosage and determining the number of copies of chromosome 21.
Results: This study showed that DNA extracted from amniotic fluid samples using QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen) has the desirable quantity and quality for Real-Time PCR. Specific proliferation of targets and reference genes was achieved and difference between normal and affected groups based on differences between their gene dosages was determined.
Conclusion: Prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome is feasible by the Real-Time PCR method using DNA samples from amniotic fluid cells extracted by QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen). The results are comparable to the corresponding results from conventional cytogenetic methods.
Volume 12, Issue 56 (May-june 2024)
Sociology has delved into different approaches, including sociology of literature, critical discourse analysis which aims to study cultural and literary works, and investigate and analyze the impact of social constructions on the aspects of human life which is reflected in cultural, artistic and literary works. Sociology of gender is one of the new branches of sociology that studies the structure of gender relations and inequalities. The present article aimed to show the mentality and culture of Kurdish regions towards women with a descriptive-analytical approach from the view of gender sociology and based on Kurdish legends. The results of the research show that despite the existence of few Kurdish legends that have a positive point of view to women's gender, the prevailing mentality in this geographical region shows gender misconceptions about women. This part of Kurdish folklore is gendered and most of the Kurdish legends that are related to women are expression of humiliation, gender discrimination, and underestimating women.