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Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)

The narrator is a fundamental concept in analyse of the narrative texts and Focalization as an interstitial element, from one side connecte to the story and the characters and from other sid connecte to the narrator's speech. Pari Saberis leili o majnoon in dramatic persian Literature and Ahmed Shoghis majnoon leili in Dramatic Arabic Literature Dramatic as other dramatic text consists of dialogue and scene descriptions. Saberi and Shoghi in the dialogue, hide themselves behind his personality that creates and contrast in a scene description directly speak to their readers and give them different information to better understand the interaction and to better visualize . Thus we can say that found both the External and Internal focalization in leili o majnoon and majnoon leili. in the description of the scene, the author does external focalization and in dialogue by the plays characters Internal focalization is done. However, the considerable differences in the model of internal focalization and focalized phrase of these two works connect to the modern and classic plays and playwriters ideology and gender.
Maryam Salehinia, Sarwrasa Rafiۥzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 24 (Winter 2013)

Government correspondences and related works (books, letter-writing called Tarassol) ‬ are the most important historical documents. The accuracy of authors and amanuenses in representation of the status and the definition of the relations between social agents (public and governing apparatus), made these books function of the cultural and semantic system of its time. These texts draw consciously a kind of “unequal encounter”, so that they are suitable to study the elements of power representation in discourse. This study is based on the four discursive components‬: ‬nomination, transitivity system, function of different sentences models, and modality and provides insights into the power relations. The results show that the above mentioned factors have an efficient role in the discourse of Dastur-al-katib and indicate the reciprocal role of the author in representation of the power relations. Religion and “Sharia”, as two sources of power, buttress this reciprocal discourse and at the same time had led to the emergence of hegemony in the text.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (winter 2021)

Aims: Light hierarchy is a secondary but highly influential issue in the perception of space and forming a unique experience in architecture. Light hierarchy is due to a light gradation which presents the priority of space content and leads the users into the space around him. This is a significant subject in Iranian-Islamic architecture that is considered in constructing a pleasant building in various ways.
Instruments & Methods: To identify the factors contributing to the Light hierarchy, experts in the field of Iranian-Islamic architecture were surveyed by the Delphi method to identify the factors and their role as fundamental, main or complementary factors. To be specific, experts were also asked to rate the role of factors in the creation of light hierarchies with a Likert scale of 5 degrees. Wilcoxon test was used to analyze data at the last part.
Findings: The factors were divided into three categories: “Lighting Elements” (such as normal opening and lattice opening), “Intermediate communication with outer space”, and “Decorating”.
Conclusions: Experts believed that the “normal opening” had a significant effect on the “fundamental factor” in creating a light hierarchy. In addition, “lattice opening” and “architectural spaces” were identified as the “main factor” factors controlling the light, and decorations as the “complementary factor” influence the light hierarchy.

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