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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

This paper deals with the object agreement phenomenon in the transcriptions written in Middle Persian language. This study is a descriptive study and is classified as a library research. The collected data from transcriptions in Middle Persian language namely as Ardā-Virāf-nāmeh, Bundahishn, Dānāk u Mainyo-ī Khard, Dēnkard Book 5, Rivāyat ī Ādurfarrōbay i Farrōkhzādān, and Vizidagiha-ye Zadesparam have been analyzed based on the theoretical background of  Dalrymple and Nikolaeva (2011). The analysis of the collected data showed that in the Middle Persian Language in some cases the verb instead of the subject, agrees with the object of the sentence in number and person features. This phenomenon happens only when the sentence has the transitive verb in the past tense and there is no object agreement for transitive verbs inflected for other tenses. Moreover, the object agreement in the Middle Persian has no relation with the animacy and definiteness characteristics of the object. A comparison between the results of this research and the findings of the Dalrymple and Nikolaeva (2011) shows that object agreement is the Middle Persian is a syntactic phenomenon based on the tenses of the sentence that just occurred when the transitive verb was in the past tense. This phenomenon can show the diachronic changes of the Persian Language for the emergence of the ergative system in the Persian Language.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

We investigated the response of Sea Buckthorn to drought in a nursery experiment that has been studied for the first time in the world for Iranian Sea Buckthorn. Biomass and physiological differences in response to drought were compared between four Elaeagnus rhamnoides seedlings inhabited in Qazvin Province origin seeds of Iran. The experimental design included four water regimes including 2, 4, 8 and 12 days irrigation and three blocks. Water Use Efficiency (WUE), Relative Water Content (RWC), Water Potential (WP), Water Saturation Deficit (WSD), Root and shoot weight of fresh leaves were determined at the end of the watering treatment (four months). We found that drought tolerance was highly related to the plant physiology in E. rhamnoides. With the extension of drought stress from 2 to 12 days, E. rhamnoides seedlings WUE was increased; between one and second treatment, also between third and fourth treatments we observed significant difference. RWC gradually was declined with decreasing water supplies. WP was decreased, while drought was increased from first to last treatment. WSD gradually was increased by accelerating drought in all treatments. WSD values did not differ significantly between treatments three and four. Significant differences at 0.05 levels were not observed between 8 and 12 days-irrigated in both of R and S weight, but in all treatments was decreased toward drought. Our results provided new clue and new insight to study the drought-tolerant mechanism for the study species.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2014)

A 12-week feeding trial was carried out in 500 L fiberglass tanks  to evaluate the effect of dietary choline at 0, 2, 4, and 8 g kg -1 levels on growth rate, body composition and total liver lipid of juvenile Acipenser baerii (37.67±0.67 g). A semi purified basal diet was formulated using vitamin free casein and wheat gluten as a protein source, a mixture of animal and plant oils as a lipid source and dextrin as a carbohydrate source. Four isonitrogenous (40% protein) and isoenergetic (18 MJ kg-1) diets were prepared and fed to the fish three times daily to apparent satiation. Weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly affected by dietary choline (p<0.05). The best growth performance was observed in fish fed diets containing 2 and 8 g kg -1 choline (p<0.05). Fish fed with 2 and 4 g kg -1 choline showed higher lipid content compared with the control diet (p<0.05), but not significantly different in body protein (p>0.05). Total lipid of liver and plasma, plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipids levels showed an increasing trend with increasing levels of dietary choline, but not significantly different among treatments (p>0.05). Based on the results, we recommend adding a 1.5 gkg-1 choline to commercial diet of juvenile Acipenser baerii.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2016)

The present study investigateeffect of different dietary macronutrient composition on fatty acids profile, body fat and pancreatic lipase enzyme activity in Siberian sturgeon. A group of 180 Siberian sturgeons juvenile (initial weight, 30 ± 5 g) were used in this experiment and fed on four isoenergetic diets. Diets were named LP-St (low protein and high carbohydrate: lipid ratio), HP-St (high protein and high carbohydrate: lipid ratio), LP-L (low protein and low carbohydrate: lipid ratio) and HP-L (high protein and low carbohydrate: lipid ratio). Fish were fed apparent satiety for 10 weeks. The samples were obtained from body carcass and juveniles intestine. In this study, the same level of fish oil and sunflower oil were used as a source of diet lipid content. The HUFAs content in HP-St and LP-L diets were showed highest and lowest value, respectively. The results showed the body fatty acidsprofiles was significantly affected by fatty acids composition in diets (P < 0.5). Diets with high protein and high carbohydrates concentrated SFA and MUFA in fish carcass. Moreover, the PUFA content increased in sturgeon fed with high lipid diet. However,the results of this study showed the body lipid content wasaffected by total lipid content of diet and lipase activity decreased in Siberian sturgeon intestine fed on LP-L diet with lowest HUFA.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used in consumer products mainly due to their antimicrobial action. The rapid increase in the use of nanoparticles has driven more attention to their possible ecotoxicological effects. In this study: first, acute effects of colloidal AgNPs during embryonic stage of Persian sturgeon and Starry sturgeon were investigated and then in Starry sturgeon, their short-term effects during early life stages (before active feeding commences) were analyzed. Based on the obtained results from the acute toxicity tests, AgNPs induced a dose-dependent toxicity in both species during early life stages. The short-term toxicity test was performed using 0, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 mg/l of colloidal AgNPs. Silver accumulation in larvae exposed to 0.1 mg/l AgNPs was recorded significantly higher than the control treatment (P<0.05). However, the obtained survival rate data did not indicate any significant differences among treatments.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (7-2021)

Research Subject: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer in the world with the highest mortality rate in women. Chemotherapy is the typical therapy for the cancer. However, it has side effects due to damage to healthy cells. Targeted drug delivery by nano carriers to the cancerous cells reduces the toxic side effects on normal cells. Serum albumin is a widely used drug carrier because of its availability, ease of preparation, and binding ability to various ligands. Attachment of iron oxide nanoparticles to albumin can control their distribution by applying an external magnetic field.
Research Approach: In this study, albumin nanoparticles attached to superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) were synthesized and loaded with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) anticancer drug by using the desolvation technique. The produced nanoparticles were characterized in terms of size, surface charge, and drug entrapment, by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic effects of 5FU-loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles and free 5FU on MCF7 cells were evaluated with the MTT assay. The internalization of nanoparticles in MCF-7 cells was confirmed by Prussian blue staining. In the end, the effects of nanoparticles on cell cycle and apoptosis were evaluated by flow cytometry using propidium iodide.
Main Results: The mean particle size and zeta potential of 5FU loaded albumin nanoparticles and albumin magnetic nanoparticles were 220 nm, -25.8 mV, and 221 nm, -28 mV respectively. Drug entrapment efficiency and drug loading efficiency were also, 20%, 1%, and 15.8%, and 0.06% for albumin nanoparticles and magnetic albumin nanoparticles in turn. The drug-loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles showed higher cytotoxicity than the free drug on MCF-7 cells. The flow cytometry cell cycle analysis showed more cytotoxicity of albumin nanoparticles in comparison with other groups. According to these results, it can be said that 5-FU loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles were more effective and deserve further studies in the cancer treatment.
Keywords: Albumin magnetic nanoparticles, 5-fluorouracil, targeted drug delivery, MCF-7 cell line

Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: In this study, the effect of dietary macronutrient composition (two levels of protein 44% and 38% with two carbohydrate/fatty ratios of 1.4 and 3) was studied during starvation and re-feeding with the aim of achieving growth, body composition, and fatty acids in the body of Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii, Brandt, 1869).
Materials & Methods: This experimental study was carried out at the International sturgeon research institute in a completely randomized design. 360 fish (with an initial weight of 30±5g) were randomly distributed in 24 tanks of 500 liters (15 fish per tank) with a volume of 350-400 liters capacity. Fish were fed on 4 different diets; protein 38% - carbohydrate: lipid ratio 3 (LP-St), protein 44% - carbohydrate: lipid ratio 3 (HP-St), protein 38% - carbohydrate: lipid ratio 1.4 (LP-L) and protein 44% - carbohydrate: lipid ratio 1.4 (HP-L), respectively. The fish were fed apparent satiation for 3 weeks, then, starved for two weeks, and, then, re-fed for 5 weeks. The results were analyzed, using SPSS 22 software by multivariate analysis of variance and Duncan's test.
Findings: Compensatory growth did not occur in any treatments. In the control group, the best growth was observed in HP-L, while after re-feeding, HP-St represented the best weight gain and feed conversion ratio
Conclusion: The dietary composition has a significant effect on the SFA, MUFA, and PUFA fatty acids, while the two weeks of starvation slightly increase only MUFA and have no significant effect on other fatty acids.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

Aims: The aim of this study was to the prediction and analysis of temporal pattern changes of runoff, maximum discharge, and Drought indexes in the Tehran-Karaj basin.
Materials & Methods: In this study, the temperature and precipitation data extracted from Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM; 2021-2050 and 2051-2080) together with observational runoff data of the Sulghan hydrometric station (1986-2015) were used as input data for IHACRES rainfall-runoff model and discharge rate, runoff volume, and maximum discharge were extracted in the desired scales. Then, drought indexes (SPEI and SRI) were investigated.
Findings: In the period of 2021-2050 and 2051-2080, the mean of annual discharge, volume of runoff and annual precipitation will be decreased. While seasonal runoff, discharge, and precipitation will rise in the winter. Moreover, the maximum predicted discharge (In most scenarios) in the return periods less than 5 and more than 50 years is less than the observation period and in the Return Periods of 5 to 50 years it will be more than the observation period. Besides, 48-month SPEI with 48-month SRI (without delay) has a maximum correlation with each other at the level of 99%.
Conclusion: In the winter season and return periods of 5 to 50 years, the floods hazards and Rivers overflow in the Future periods (2021-2080) will be more than the observation period. Also, meteorological droughts often have their effect on the drought of surface waters during the same month.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Aims: Trend analysis of climatic variables has got a great deal of notice from researchers recently. This study aimed to investigate the Spatio-temporal variability of extreme temperature indices based on the station data and gridded dataset analyses over the Bakhtegan-Maharloo basin in Iran from 1980 to 2010.
Materials & Methods: Climatic data related to the Bakhtegan-Maharloo basin was extracted from AgMERRA dataset for the study period (1980-2010) using R software. Daily temperature data were also extracted from the Meteorological Archive of meteorological stations located in the basin during the study period. Warm nights (TN90p), maximum monthly value of daily minimum temperature (TNx), cold nights (TN10p), and cold spell duration indicator (CSDI) indices had been chosen from the indices recommended by the Expert Team for Climate Change Detection Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) and calculated by RClimDex software package.
Findings: The results of AgMERRA and stations data revealed an increasing trend in warm extremes including TN90p and TNx with the trend changes ranging from 0.135 to 0.721 and 0.061 to 0.139, respectively, but a declining trend in cold extremes including TN10p and CSDI with the trend changes ranging from -0.517 to -0.125 and -0.987 to -0.167, respectively.
Conclusion: The results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of regional temperature behavior in the study area. The results indicated that the frequency and intensity of cold extremes have declined, though warm extremes increased. Due to the intensive impacts of temperature extremes on human life, it is essential to speculate the effects of these extreme climatic events in future plannings in various sections.

Volume 9, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 48), (Articles in Persian) 2018)

In this study the syntactic movement of wh-words and the existence of question particle in the wh-questions and yes-no questions of the middle Persian are studied based on the Cheng's (1991,1997) "Clausal Typing Hypothesis" and Baker's (1970) works. Based on the Clausal Typing Hypothesis of the Cheng (1991, 1997), only languages that have question particle in the clause-initial position of the yes-no questions allow the wh-word to have syntactic movement and the languages that lacks initial yes-no question particles have no syntactic wh-movement. In this study, the wh-words in the middle Persian are introduced and their distributions in different sentences are studied. This paper is done based on two questions: How is the quality of wh-movement in the middle Persian sentences based on the Cheng's (1991,1997) "Clausal Typing Hypothesis” and the  second one is about the existence and distribution of wh-words and question particles in the middle Persian sentences. Considering these questions and the works of Cheng's (1991,1997), the results of this study are in line with the "Clausal Typing Hypothesis" and show that the middle Persian have no initial yes-no particle and there is no wh-word syntactic movement in the interrogative sentences.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Aim This investigation aims to study the effect of biochar on gas exchange, water relations and photosynthetic pigments of European yew (Taxus baccata) seedling in different light intensities (LI).
Materials and Methods Two-year potted seedlings of European yew are placed in forest stands with canopies of closed (15% LI), semi-closed (45% LI) and open (75% LI). In late June 2018, biochar was added to potted soils at the levels of zero, 10, 20 and 30 and until the end of November, every 3 (or 4) days 100 mL water was given to each pot.
Findings Seedling survival at different levels of treatments was 100%. Regardless of biochar, the highest photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, relative water content, chlorophyll (chl) contents in closed canopy, and the highest leaf temperature in open canopy was observed. With increasing biochar concentration, chl b and total chl increased (28-86%, respectively) in open canopy and decreased (28 and 28%, respectively) in closed canopy. Neither biochar nor LI affected significantly electrolyte leakage and carotenoid content.
Conclusion Although yew seedlings were able to maintain their vegetative quality and health in different LI, and the measured variables responded differently to light-biochar combination, it may be best to grow yew in shade together with biochar. Since, the effect of biochar becomes more tangible over time, further research in next years can lead to more accurate findings affected by the combined light-biochar treatment.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Vol. 10, No. 2 (Tome 50), (Articles in Persian) 2019)

In this paper, the movement of constituents of sentences in the old and middle Persian is studied based on the theoretical foundations of the Minimalist Programme (Chomsky 1995). According to the Copy Theory of Movement, the moved element leaves a copy and moves to the new location in the sentence and the moved element and its copy form a chain. The formed chain has only one element to be pronounced in the PF. The deletion of all elements in the formed chain except the head of chain based on the Chain Reduction Principle proposed by Nunes (1995) prepares the appropriate condition for realization of Linearization Principle. The selection of elements for deletion is done by the Economy Principle. By considering the fact that in the formed chain, the head of the chain has less formal features compared to the other elements (copies), so the deletion of the copies is more economical. The main purpose of doing this diachronic research is to study the feasibility of applying the principles of the Copy Theory of Movement and the Chain Reduction Principle for explaining the movement of the constituents in the Old and Middle Persian sentences. Studying of the word order and the moved constituents and also their pronunciations in the sentences of the Old and Middle Persian by considering the foundation of the Minimalist programme (Chomsky 1995 and Nunes 1995) shows that these notions are capable to explain the movement of constituents. The Persian language has free word order and the constituents can move to other locations in the sentences based on topicalization or focus movement. Having uninterpretable features of [uTpoic] or [uFocus], the moved elements can have their features checked and deleted under sisterhood by moving to the topic or focus phrase in the sentence but the remained copies have their [uTpoic] or [uFocus] features unchecked. According to the Economy Principle in Language derivation and the Chain Reduction Principlesuggested by Nunes (1995), the remained copy of the moved constituent in the sentencethe Old and Middle Persian should be deleted in the PF since it has more features than the moved element. The results of this study show that the explanations provided by the Linear Axiom Principle, Copy Theory of Movement, and the notion of Chain Reduction Principle help us to explain the syntactic phenomenon of movement and linearization and phonetic realization of constituents in the sentences of Old and Middle Persian appropriately.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Aim: Caspian locust, native to Hyrcanian forests of Iran, is one of the pioneer species, which it distributed in the moist soils of these forests. So far, the response of its seedlings to permanent and temporary flooded beds has not been reported. This study was conducted with the objective to analyze the physiological responses of Caspian locust seedlings to flooding and flooding-recovery conditions.

Materials & Methods: Flooding conditions were examined for 90 days in the greenhouse of the Tarbiat Modares University. The study was carried out in a factorial experiment as a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments included: (1) continuous flooding for 90 days (F90), (2) flooding for 60 days followed by a 30-day recovery (F60+R30), (3) flooding for 45 days followed by a 45-day recovery (F45+R45), (4) flooding for 30 days followed by a 60-day recovery (F30+R60) and (5) Control.
Findings: Results showed that flooding for 90 days induced a significant decrease in net photosynthesis (-91%), stomatal conductance (-77%), transpiration (-81%), Chl a (-63%), Chl b (-67%) and Chl Tot (-64%) compared to the control (p<0.05). When flooding was removed for 30-60 days, plants were able to recover gas exchange activities from 30 to 90% and Chl content by 55-90%.
Conclusion: Based on our results, seedlings of G. caspica can survive and grow throughout a medium period of soil waterlogging. Therefore, Caspian locust appears to be a promising species for reforestation programs in the riverine areas and temporarily flooded wetlands.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)

Biosurfactants are metabolites produced by microorganisms which have potential capabilities in various industries due to abundant beneficial properties. In spite of great advantages, commercial utilization of biosurfactants especially in food industry and pharmaceuticals are limited for the reasons of technical and commercial such as low yield, high production cost, and the type of producing strain. Majority of biosurfactant producer microorganisms have ever evaluated, are pathogenic strains which are not acceptable in industrial and environmental utilization particularly in health and cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food industries. However, the present study aims to investigate high production of cell-bound biosurfactant by lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum through optimization of the main carbon source of specific culture medium. Therefore, three culture media with different amount of glucose were evaluated for biomass and biosurfactant (by surface tension reduction of phosphate buffered saline) production in shake flasks and bioreactor (controlled temperature, pH and agitating speed). The results from both shake flasks fermentation and bioreactor showed the maximum biomass concentration of 3.9 and 4.17 g/L, the minimum surface tension of 41.17 and 40.48 mN/m and subsequently the maximum biosurfactant production in culture medium including 30 g/L of glucose, respectively. Furthermore, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis indicated the biosurfactants are structurally a mixture of protein, polysaccharide and possibly phosphate group, possessing glycoprotein structure.

Seyyed Shahabeddin Sadati,
Volume 11, Issue 44 (Winter 2018)

An article related to literary criticism requires precise definitions, theory and methodology. In literary criticism, one must distance himself/herself from personal criteria and seek for objective and scientific criteria. A literary critic with knowledge and experience, by adopting an objective method, distances himself/herself from prejudice and provides a disinterested criticism. Distraction from the principles of objective and disinterested criticism leads to the destruction of criticism. But sometimes there are writings that refuse to adhere to these principles; they are based only on personal criteria or conspiracy theories. Mehdi Javid Shad has published an article, “How to Escape My Own Shadow; A Critique of “Ideology and Interpellation of Black Americans’ Community in Amiri Baraka’s “In Memory of Radio”, in Literary Criticism Quarterly (no. 42). He has refused to provide accurate and scientific definitions, hypothesis and methodology because by referring to scientific and objective definitions, the basis of his writing (the charge of plagiarism) faces serious questions. He based his argument on personal assumptions and dismissed disinterested criticism to finish his note by relying on mistakes, secrecy, and conspiracy theories. By relying on the definition of plagiarism, the views of Matthew Arnold, Michel Foucault, Jorge Luis Borges, as well as the principles and methods of research, the present research attempts to highlight the mistakes made by Javid Shad in order to shed light on the other articles of this type.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2010)

There are different methods of reconstructing hydrologic data. Depending on the conditions of the station a particular method can produce the best results. Generally, in order to estimate the lost data in a station and its surrounding stations, hydrologic, climatologic and/or physiolographic similarities are used. Recently, the fuzzy regression method has been used to reconstract the hydrologic data. In this research, the efficiency of this method in reconstructing the montly discharge data of hydrometric stations in comparison to other methods was investigated. The credited omission method was used in this investigation, then by omitting the observed data deliberately, their values were estimated using the different methods. Afterwards, by the use of the statistical index of root mean squared error (RMSE) the best method of reconstruction was determined. The results showed that the best methods of reconstructing monthly discharge data for the hydrometric stations in the great Karoon River basin in order of accuracy are artificial neural network, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, normal ratio, fuzzy regression, autoregresive and graphical methods.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)

Aims: This study compared two innovative teaching methods, including interactive online lecture-based versus online jigsaw puzzle-based instruction for surgical technology education in a virtual environment.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental pre-post single-group design was conducted on 42 undergraduate surgical technology students at Alborz University of Medical Sciences. Topics in a general surgical technology module were divided into two sections and taught using these methods. Learning and retention were assessed using 40-item multiple-choice questions in the pre- and post-test stages. Academic enthusiasm was evaluated using a standard 15-item questionnaire.
Findings: Participants’ mean age was 20.26±0.63 years, with a GPA of 16.43±0.94. The interactive online lecture-based group demonstrated significantly higher learning gains than the online jigsaw puzzle-based group (p=0.02, z=-2.20, d=3.41). No significant between-group differences emerged in retention (p=0.95, t=0.05, d=0.013). For academic enthusiasm, the interactive online lecture-based group showed higher behavioral engagement compared to the online jigsaw puzzle-based group (p=0.005, t=2.87), but no other differences were noted.
Conclusion: Interactive online lectures lead to superior learning outcomes, supporting the transition of traditional techniques online with interactivity. However, virtual jigsaw puzzles exhibit weaker educational effects, potentially due to coordination challenges.

Volume 12, Issue 6 (3-2013)

Passive walkers are robots, which perform a walking like, stable limit cycle on small slopes without any external control. This concept was published on 90’s by McGeer and there are lots of related researches going on in the past few years. Keeping in mind the novelty of the concept, investigating the effects of structural parameters on walking performance and finding their optimums, simulating the biped and establishing a trend to its optimal design and build, and finally doing experimental researches, would be of a great concern. In this research, a deployed model of biped that can be built has been considered, and then its walking performance sensitivity such as efficiency, stability and robustness on uneven trains due to variation of structural parameters and their optimum limits have been investigated. It was shown that the foot arc radius and center of mass height have the most important effect on walking performance. After comparing the results with previous researches and doing simulations in MSC.ADAMS software, an optimum design trend has been suggested. At the end based on experimental results, it was shown beside optimization of structural parameters, considering the impact condition as well would be very important to achieve optimal walking.
Seyyed Shahabeddin Sadati, ,
Volume 12, Issue 47 (Fall 2019)

Practicing Ecocriticism, this research attempts to study a movie, Pear Tree, by Dariush MehrJui, adapted from the short story by Goli Taraghi with the same name. Ecocriticism tries to highlight the interrelations between culture and nature in literary texts. This approach tends to analyze texts by studying the importance of the environment in them. In other words, the subject of this approach is surveying the importance of the space in the process of signification. In the movie Pear Tree characters have close relation with the nature or urban spaces, while in the story the main character is mostly drowned in his thoughts. In this study, we try to find the connection between the characters and the space, the conflict between the past and the present, time and space’s gender, and the function of memory. The contradiction between nature (feminine) and culture (masculine) is what actually gives meaning to both texts. The characters cannot be analyzed without considering their relation to the nature (Damavand Garden) or urban places. 

Volume 12, Issue 49 (10-2015)

Nowadays because of several problems and diseases that treat human health, considering special attention to suitable nutrition and achieving confidence about safe and rich content foods is a very important and unavoidable issue. Folic acid is one of required vitamins for our body that must be provided sufficiently. So there are numerous efforts has been done for more reliable measuring of this vitamin in foods. There are several methods available for measuring folic acid. In this research, two methods have been investigated. The main mentioned method was tri-enzyme extraction and microbiological assay which performed by α-amylase, protease, conjugase and a folate dependent microorganism which was Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Second method was High performance liquid chromatography that is performed in order to proving reliability and accuracy of the first method. Final results of this research showed that tri-enzyme extraction and microbiological assay has more accurate results comparing to high performance liquid chromatography. The reason is that the amount of folic acid detected by microbiological assay is about 50% more than those detected by High performance liquid chromatography. The main reason for existence of this difference in indicated values is due to complete extraction in microbiological assay. We concluded that tri-enzyme extraction and microbiological assay has more efficiency than High performance liquid chromatography to determine accurate amount of sensitive vitamins such as folic acid. In addition, by this method the amount of total folate can be determined.    

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