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Showing 2 results for Saberpour
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The use of statistical methods based on corpora in humanities and literature researches is expanding. These methods can be used in studies of stylistics, literary criticism and comparative literature. Finding the pattern of language changes in different language varieties and investigating the existence of similarities and differences of language in different linguistic contexts is very important from the point of view of linguistic knowledge. Our main problem in this research is that what are the lexical and syntactic differences between the four registers of the contemporary Persian language and how can they be analyzed and explained. For this purpose, four corpora of literary, news, scientific and legal languages were created and labeled. Counting and statistics were done with the help of software programs and quantitative results were obtained. finally, these results were examined and analyzed based on situational context. The findings of this research showed that some linguistic features have significant differences in different registers. For example, the frequency of occurrence of verbs, pronouns and adverbs in the literary register and the frequency of occurrence of adjectives in the scientific register are clearly higher than other registers. Putting these characteristic features together can be a criterion for differentiating linguistic varieties.
Zainab Saberpour,
Volume 6, Issue 23 (Fall 2013)
In this essay, the novel Raz'haye Sarzamine Man (The Mysteries of My Land) has been analyzed due to the issues of gender representation, using the critical discourse analysis methods and Simone de Beauvoir's notion of gender. This, has led to the conclusion that portraying female characters in this novel, has two significant aspects: first, the Transformation of binary opposition of Innocent Girl/Prostitute (Athiry /Lakkateh) that has been illustrated by Hedayat, into Revolutionary Mother/ Royal Prostitute in this novel; and second, the emphasize placed on the political role of women in the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the importance of this role, and the portrayal of these women as powerful, visionary and open mind characters. Here, the hidden ideology of the text, has changed the problem of women and presumptions and judgments about them into a political and class-related one and so, has effected the writer's concept of the history. It has been shown here also that the metaphor of the homeland as mother has shaded the text in the form of a mythical thought.