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Volume 5, Issue 18 (12-2017)

In Persian language, implicature has an important role in discourse and also inference by listener is of great importance. The purpose of this study is analysis of Persian data and categorizing different forms of implicature. The problem is how Persian speakers infer the intended message conveyed by the speaker. The study is based on a descriptive-analytical approach. Data of this study are the 50-hour recorded conversations of people in 13 situations in Tehran. After finding implicatures, they were classified. They were described and analyzed based on the hypotheses. It is concluded that in Persian, implicit meaning is shown by generalized conversational implicature, scalar implicature, particularized conversational implicature and conventional implicature. Moreover, grammatical structures including conditional sentences and wh.q structures can create implicit meaning with assuming special cases and resulting in impliatures. Finally we reached to the conclusion that the context of situation and culture are crucial and influential factors in analyzing the conversations. Since meaning and interpretation could be inferred in the context of situation.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)

Ferdowsi and Shakespeare in their works deal with didactic teachings. Both poets mirror nature and consider human happiness depending on respect for the moral virtues, and strive to strengthen the teaching and ethos of moral points. Shakespeare has used every opportunity to express the teachings of education. In all its tragedies he has used elements of education. Shakespeare’s human outlook towards ethical issues is clear. Some of these teachings are expressed through the plots and characters on different occasions. This paper studies the result of moral values and its educational functions. The most important doctrine of education in the ّFerdowsy and Shakespeare is condemnation of avarice and ambitions. Macbeth is a Scottish captain who kills the king in order to usurp the throne. Shakespeare shows the result of greed is the destruction of soul and its good qualities. In the end, the victory is with the good in the duality of good and evil. Both deal with two commanders who rebel against kings and bring about their own fall. Both are told by supernatural forces that they are destined to rule. their difference is that Bahram is a good commander while Macbeth turns evil.

Volume 8, Issue 33 (6-2020)

Archetypal criticism is one of the approaches of contemporary literary criticism that explores and explains the influence of myths and archetypes as well as their role in literature. Individualization is one of the most prominent archetypes of Jung's archetypal theory. In the story of Khorshid-Va-Mahpareh, Khorshid, as the hero of the story, encounters a lot of hardships and sequels to reach his beloved, including magical Arghaván, crafty Aín-balay, cannibal Negros, rival Marzbán, stormy sea, etc. In addition to the archetypal phenomena in the collection such as magic, witches, supernatural actions, and archetypal symbols, archetypes such as journey, individuality, dream, mother, hero, and so on have been used to investigate and analyze individualization from the perspective of Jung's archetypal theory. Accordingly, Khorshid, the protagonist of the story, reached out to his beloved after going through a heroic journey, overcoming shadows and negative anima, and achieved self-individuality through the help of the Old Wise Man and the essence of love, and then had a rebirthed.

Keywords: Archetypal analysis; individualization; Jung; Khorshid-Va-Mahpareh; Mirza Mohammad Saeed Tabibi Ghomi.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1861) was a famous Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded the school of analytical psychology by distancing himself from his professor, Freud. One of Jung's most important theories in the field of psychology is the discovery of the collective subconscious mind and the elements of archetypes. Jung divides the human subconscious into two parts, the individual and the collective subconscious. In his view, the collective unconscious is a deeper layer in the mind that contains exemplary forms. Jung considers examples or archetypes to be images of phenomena formed from the ancient world and the insights and reflections of our ancient ancestors, which are inherited in the subconscious mind of all human beings. Accordingly, he called these mythical and exemplary forms, which are in the collective psyche of the man and are the result of human instinctual experiences, "archangel" or "archetype." "Archetypes are subconscious images of instincts, or the patterns of instinctive behaviors" (Jung, 1397, p. 57).
Anima, Animus, Niqab, Shadow, Journey, Pyrrhic, Self-Integrity, and Individuality are some of the most important archetypes in Jungian theory. "Jung saw myths as the manifestation of collective unconscious thoughts" (Snowden, 2009, p. 11). Analyzing the archeology of literary works, including this one, we find the foundations of the myths embodied in these works.
Objectives and research questions
Examining and analyzing the texts of Persian poetry and prose from different perspectives and at the levels of meaning and structure can greatly contribute to their deeper understanding. The critique of archeology is one of these approaches. Mythical works, love poems and dreams, including the poem "Xorshid and Mahpareh" by Mohammad Saeed TabibQomi (11 AH), are the most suitable platform for the manifestation of archetypes. Thus, this research seeks to answer the following questions:
1. Which archetypes can be examined in Xorshid and Mahpareh system?
2. How have archetypes and symbols been effective in shaping the character of the hero?
3. Can Xorshid successfully go through the process of individuality through its psychological journey?
The archetype of the hero in myths, epics, and legends is one of the most prominent figures which embodies the ideals and desires of a nation. The subject of heroic hunting is usually discussed in most Iranian provinces. Accordingly, in the process of the individuality, Xorshid begins with a short trip for hunting. "Hunting is the elimination of ignorance and evil tendencies and the pursuit of God's footsteps, and this is the path that leads to the great nature" (Chevalier, 2008, p. 4-72). The following is a case in point:
When the sun saw the deer, it immediately began to hunt it (TabibQomi, 2009, p. 151).
Shadow is also one of the important archetypes of Jung's theory. Shadows block Xorshid’s path to individuality; but he overcomes these obstacles by arresting the old man and his inner foresight. Another important example of Jungian psychology is the archetype of the male anima or psyche. In the system of Xorshid and Mahpareh, the fog is an example of a positive anime, and the purple wizard is a manifestation of the negative anime that the hero destroys under the guidance of the wise old man. In this poem, "Saba" the midwife, "Mehr" the mother of Mahpareh, "Golrokh" the mother of Xorshid, and "Mahpareh" are the old examples of the mother who help the hero in difficult situations. The archetype of an exemplary mother, with her innate foresight, appears to the hero in times of distress, and helps him out, because "the mother is the manifestation of the collective unconscious and the fountain of life" (Jung, 2011, p. 104). At the beginning of the story of Xorshid and Mahpareh, a deer that appears on Xorshidin, i.e. the hunting ground, and then leads him to Anima. An excerpt from an old-fashioned old saying:
The fearless deer hunting for milk came to the spring in agility (TabibGhomi, 2009, p. 152).
Death and birth, and spring and self are also important archetypes of Jung's thought that are manifested in this system, as the loving marriage of the sun with the moon is the culmination of its ancient manifestation. Numbers in myths and religions are symbolic in nature. In the system of the sun and the moon, number seven has a variety of symbolic manifestations. First of all, after hearing the name of the sun and falling in love with it, Mehreh comes to Ray from Oman every "week" to see the sun:
He went to see his beloved every week out of love (TabibQomi, 2009, p. 149).
Number "fourteen", which is a symbol of evolution, has been used in this system to show the process of spiritual evolution of the hero.
Among the characters who have appeared to guide and arrest the hero are Saad, Sabaida, Raad and Moftah, Mahpareh (Anima), Golrokh and Mehr (archetype of his mother), Minister Bahram Shah (Pabrkhrd), among others. In the final stages of the individuality process, Mehr, as the old mother, supported by the unseen forces ¬ such as Raad and Moftah and the minister Bahram Shah in the "old house" of PirKherad - helps the hero to advance the prominent shadows. In other words, it eliminates the same evil of the sorcerer, the border guard, and the negative anime (purple). The symbols of archeology in the system of the Xorshid and Mahpareh, such as number seven, number fourteen, water and springs, form a diagram of the hero's individuality process, and show the hero's transcendence and his spiritual conflict. As a result, according to the archaeological theme, all the details, places, elements, and motifs of the system have an archaic and symbolic dimension, and indicate the depth of the myth.
  •  Chevalier, J. & Gheerbrant, A. (2008). Dictionary of symbols (translated into Farsi by Soudabeh Fazayeli). Tehran: Jeyhun.
  •  Jung, C. (2011). Psychology and alchemy (translated into Farsi by Mahmoud Behfrozi). Tehran: Jami.
  •  Jung, C. (2017). The archetypes and the collective unconscious (translated into Farsi by Farnaz Ganji and Mohammad BaqerIsmailpour). Tehran: Jami.
  •  Snowden, R. (2009). Teach yourself Jung (translated into Farsi by Nooruddin Rahmanian). Tehran: Ashian.
  •  TabibQomi, M. (2009). Xorshid and Mahpareh (edited by Hassan Zolfaghari and Jalil Asgharian Rezaei). Tehran: Cheshmeh.

Ali Noori, , , Momammad R Roozbeh,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (Winter 2016)

Phenomenology is a flow which its main purpose is reaching to the real recognition of things; a cognition which is pure and is free from presuppositions and prejudices, so that mere and true beings of creatures get the permission, to appear themselves and the interference of mind and its contents stand aside from the pure openness of beings. What is important here is achieving the real and authentic description of things with the reduction of Epoché. Nima Yoshij as a poet who could be named as epoch maker, in his 'letters' and his writings to others, continually concentrates on this point that an authentic poet must see with his eyes and they must learn to see based on concrete and genuine experiences. He also stressed on this point that poem and poetry is the connection with the being of beings and to achieve this purpose, all of the definitions around an event must be pushed away for reaching the entity of beings. Nima's letters could be assumed as his theories about poem which in it, he knows what is important is exact vision and being free from any subjectivity for composing poetry. In this paper, we will analyze this Nima's notions and will compare them with phenomenologist's attitudes.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (winter 2016)

In the present study, the New Keynesian Phillips Curve is derived for Iran using an Open Economy Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model. Due to inflation persistence in Iran, a new hybrid Keynesian Phillips curve is estimated using Central Bank of Iran dataset during 1971-2011. The findings indicate that lagged inflation is more important than expected inflation in determining current period inflation. In addition, with reference to monetary shocks, the inflationary effects are greater than real effects. In other words, a monetary shock initially affects inflation more than output. Moreover, shocks on oil revenue and technology lead to increase in both output and inflation. A reduction in the nexus between monetary base and oil revenues, investment in research and development (R & D) and monetary discipline are policy recommendations of this research.  

Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)

Inconel 625 is a nickel-base supper alloy that is widely used in power plants industry, aerospace systems, and mineral industries due to its properties such as high tensile strength, high corrosion resistance and excellent fabricability. Resistance spot welding (RSW) is one of the important joining processes for assembling supper alloy sheets, because of accuracy and high production rates. In the present research, the influences of electrode tip diameter and other RSW parameters on distribution of temperature and nugget formation are investigated by the finite element method for Inconel 625 superalloy. The process is simulated with a 2D axisymmetric coupled electro-thermal and uncoupled mechanical finite element model by using ABAQUS software package. In order to improve accuracy of simulation, material properties including physical, thermal and mechanical properties is supposed to be temperature-dependent. The diameter of computed weld nuggets is compared with experimental results and good agreement is observed. So, FE model developed in this paper provides prediction of quality and shape of the weld nuggets and temperature distributions with variation of each process parameter, suitably. The results show that increasing electrode tip diameter decreases weld nugget diameter, in constant welding current, but in general, the electrode tip diameter cannot be selected less than a distinct value.

Volume 15, Issue 82 (12-2018)

The aim of present study was therefore to investigate the effect of different duty cycles (8, 12 & 16%) at different times (2.5, 5 & 10 min) of plasma treatment on anthocyanin content, color change and microboal quality of barberry juice in comparison with thermally pasteurized (80 °C for 2 min) and untreated samples. The results showed that all plasma-treated samples possessed higher anthocyanin content as well as greater L* and a* values than thermally-treated and untreated samples (p≤0.05), regardless of duty cycles and treatment times; This superiority was, however, more pronounced (p≤0.05) for the longer plasma treatments. Likewise, the longer plasma treatment was accompanied by significant decrease in total microbial count as well as yeasts and molds count (p≤0.05) of barberry juice. It was observed that the improving effect of prolonged plasma treatment on microbial quality of barberry juice was intensified at higher duty cycles. However, the microbial quality of plasma-treated barberry juice was far lower than that of thermally pasteurized sample. The results of this study show that the barberry juice treated with cold atmospheric plasma had higher nutritional value and more desirable color than thermally pasteurized one but despite the decrease in contamination, failed to meet the requirements of ISIRI for microbial quality.

Volume 16, Issue 4 (7-2014)

It is well known that sugar beet is sensitive to salinity stress at the germination stage. Three separate experiments were conducted to study the effects of salinity on seed germination, plant establishment, and yield of sugar beet genotypes for screening purposes. These included: (a) A laboratory study using four water salinity levels (with EC values < 0.1 as the control, 16, 20, and 24 dS m-1) with 20 sugar beet genotypes, which were evaluated in a factorial completely randomized design with four replications, and seedling characteristics were measured; (b) A greenhouse experiment where the same statistical design as the lab study was used for seed germination and establishment of 19 sugar beet materials, with irrigation water EC= 3 and 16 dS m-1; and (c) A field experiment that was carried out to study the response of nine selected genotypes to irrigation waters with EC= 4 and EC= 16 dS m-1, using a split plot design with three replications. Interaction effects of salinity and genotypes were statistically significant (α= 0.01) for percentage of germination, abnormal seedling, and root and hypocotyls lengths. Indeed, sugar beet germination decreased to 35% and dead seedlings increased to 80 % under salinity stress (EC= 16 dS m-1) in the greenhouse. Genotypes were ranked from tolerant to susceptible. The results of field experiment were consistent with that obtained in the greenhouse. It can be concluded that salt stress decreased seed germination and, later on, crop establishment by increasing dead seedlings; consequently, sugar beet yield decreased. It seems that establishment is more susceptible to salinity than germination. Root length and abnormal seedling are good indexes for screening sugar beet genotypes for salinity tolerance at the primary growth stages. 

Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)

Ultrasonic waves have variety of applications in bio field. The most important applications are diagnosis and treatment of diseases, drug delivery, cell separation and cell study. Passing ultrasonic waves through tissues and organs, which creates heat, bubble, stress and vibration, can result in chemical reactions, physical and biological changes. What exacerbated the researchers' scientific activities in this area is reducing the harmful effects and increasing the usefulness of this beneficial tool. In current research, the interaction of two nonlinear phenomena, acoustic streaming due to passing ultrasonic waves through bio-fluid and non-Newtonian viscosity is studied numerically. Taking into account nonlinear effects of ultrasonic field, continuity, momentum and state equations are used. In this paper, parametric effects of wall impedance, inlet flow velocity and non-Newtonian viscosity models on acoustic streaming are investigated. Results indicate influence of inlet speed on acoustic streaming velocity magnitude and its ineffectiveness on acoustic streaming profile. By increasing wall impedance, acoustic streaming magnitude decreases. This reduction is more intensive for non-Newtonian fluid. Considering non-Newtonian viscosity model for bio-fluid leads to velocity changes near boundaries, while it has less influence at domain middle.

Volume 16, Issue 66 (3-2020)

The issue of Satan's warning and defense from him is one of the most controversial mystical issues, which is somehow linked to the story of the creation and position of Satan in the system of existence. In some Persian novels, a picture of Iblis is presented, which in some ways is reminiscent of what is stated in mystical texts. The main focus of the present study is to examine the content of Satan's warning in the novels of the Yakolia va tanhaai e u( Yeklia and her loneliness) , Malakoot( the kingdom) . Examining the manifestations of this belief in these novels and its relevance to the ideas of some Sufi books both better illustrate the themes of these novels and show the level of connection between these works and traditional literature and their effectiveness from past texts. The study found that the authors were more or less frustrated by the frustration of the socially unsatisfactory atmosphere and the inability to change and rectify the situation, as well as under the influence of ancient, deterministic texts. They have considered the distress and corruption of their time to be inevitable, and by proving the ignorance and innocence of the devil, they have considered his existence necessary for today's life. In two novels, Yaklia and his loneliness, and the kingdom the Satan's helplessness in performing his duties, his companionship in God's predetermined goal, his presence at the same time as abandonment, Satan's complaint of his destiny, his impatience to perform his duties, his nostalgia for his former position and his love to God  is worth considering and paying attention.

Volume 18, Issue 4 (7-2016)

The use of genetically engineered probiotics to express specific enzymes has been the subject of considerable attention in poultry industry because of increased nutrient availability and reduced cost of enzyme supplementation. Phytase enzyme is commonly added to poultry feed to improve digestibility and availability of phosphorus from plant sources. To construct a probiotic with potential of phytate degradation, phytase gene (appA) from E. coli was cloned and transformed into two probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus salivarius and Lactococcus lactis. The results showed plasmid instability, unable to express the gene. The expression of appA gene in L. lactis was analyzed by detecting specific RNA and zymography assay. Phytase enzyme was isolated from cellular extracts of recombinant L. lactis, showing a 46 kDa band upon the SDS-PAGE analysis. Zymogram also confirmed the phytase activity of the 46 kDa band corresponding to the enzyme. An enzyme activity of 4.9 U mL-1 was obtained in cell extracts of L. lactis. The growth of native and recombinant L. lactis was similar in the presence of two concentrations of ox bile.

Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)

Using colostrum as natural source rich in bioactive compounds is a new approach in functional food formulations. The aim of this research was to study the effect of different levels of colostrum on the quality characteristics of beverage yogurt, containing honey and the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. The treatments (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4) were prepared by adding different levels of colostrum (0, 10, 20 and 30%) to buffalo milk and then inoculated with 2% yogurt starter culture and Lactobacillus acidophilus. 5% honey was added to all treatments except control (T4). Samples were subjected to physicochemical and sensory evaluations during 21 days of storage at 4 ° C. The results showed that the effect of different levels of colostrum on the physicochemical characteristics of beverage yogurt including pH, acidity, synersis and overall acceptance was significant (p<0.05) and caused a decrease in pH (4.39 to 4.11) and an increase in acidity (95.73 to 110) during the storage. Also, increasing the level of colostrum in the treatments reduced the amount of synersis from 29.22 to 28.34. The results of sensory test showed that the overall acceptability of treatments decreased with increasing colostrum level. The viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in treatment with 30% colostrum(T3) was counted higher than the other treatments (1.67 *108). The number of probiotic bacteria decreased by one logarithmic cycle from day 14 of storage, but for 21 days it was still in the range defined for probiotic products (1.9 * 107).

Volume 19, Issue 6 (12-2019)

Rapid growth of containers in number necessitates compact storage. This fact raises new research challenges in designing, planning, and optimum operation of the whole chain in a container terminal. Therefore container storage yard, which is not only used in sea ports, but also in dry ports and other types of ports, is the target of further examinations. The main purpose of this research is to study the interaction between use of different types of equipment and the function of container storage yard. Accordingly, this paper has analyzed the optimum number of equipment and proper equipment arrangement with discrete event simulation of all activities related to operation in the storage area. Results of this research are derived from models based on changes in the number of yard cranes (Transtainers) and AGVs in the range of their permissible performance from the least to the most number in the condition of keeping other parameters fixed Which relates to simulation of Sina container storage yard, located at Shahid Rajaee port (Bandar Abbas, Iran) using the Enterprise dynamics software. Thus, it is possible to identify the appropriate arrangement by consideration of two important control factors in the project, namely time and cost for the mentioned yard. Using simulation tool in this case study shows that using a suitable strategy for transferring tasks between equipment and also proper assign them to blocks will leads to improvements include reducing the average idle time of AGVs by 15% and reducing their number from 10 to 5, at the other hand improving the performance of transtainers by 12% in efficiency of working and reducing their number from 6 to 5. Also the results of simulated different models indicate that there is a quadratic relation between reducing the operation time and increasing the number of AGVs, up to a certain number of devices (Critical point). If number of AGVs exceeds a certain number, they will have no effect on reduction of time that the main reason is traffic caused by equipment and role of transtainers as operation limiters. It should be noted that using the optimum number of equipment that used in a storage yard has a great effects on the amount of initial costs including supply and installation of equipment, and also in operating costs.

Volume 19, Issue 122 (April 2022)

Scientific evidence suggests an association between high fat intake and obesity, hardening of the arteries, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, tissue damage and certain types of cancer. The growth of pizza cheese production and consumption in the preparation of many foods from one On the other hand, the increasing growth of cardiovascular diseases as well as obesity in many developed western countries has made low-fat mozzarella cheese one of the topics studied and researched all over the world. In this study, the effects of using rice starch as a fat substitute hydrocolloid on the rheological properties of low-fat mozzarella cheese were investigated. Thus, in two concentrations of 0.05% and 0.025%, the above hydrocolloids were examined and low-fat mozzarella cheese without fat substitute was considered as a control sample. All experiments were performed in three time periods: production, 3 months after production and 6 months after production, which is the date of consumption of cheese. The results showed that the use of this hydrocolloid led to obvious differences in the rheological properties of low-fat mozzarella cheese. So that it increased the moisture content of low-fat cheese and as a result the melting of this cheese increased and caused a significant decrease in the percentage of oil level and due to the increase in moisture content and protein percentage the elasticity of the cheese increased significantly and the cheese texture. The hardness improved and the hardness decreased, resulting in a more desirable cheese-like mouthfeel.

Volume 19, Issue 130 (December 2022)

The health-conscious public demands high-quality and low-calorie products that are low in fat and sugar. The aim of this research is to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of gluten-free cup cake containing inulin. In this research, rice, white bean and chia flours are used as a partial substitute for wheat flour, respectively at the levels of 50, 40 and 10 grams, inulin as a fat mimics at the levels of 0 and 30 grams, and sucralose as a partial substitute for sugar in the cake is used at the levels of 0 and 0.05 grams. According to the results of this study, sugar substitution with sucralose and fat replacement with inulin in gluten-free prebiotic cake, reduced moisture content, brighter and yellower crust and crumb, decreased pH, increased hardness and decreased springiness and cohesiveness. 

Volume 19, Issue 133 (February 2023)

The cinnamon essential oil and extract nanoliposomes were prepared through thin layer hydration-ultrasonication technique, using lecithin and three different co-surfactants namely, glycerol, triacetin and propylene glycol, and Tween 80 as surfactant. Results showed that the propylene glycol led to production of the nanoliposomes with the smallest mean particle size (92.03 nm) with spherical-shaped and the greatest net-zeta potential value (-24.1 mV) and was selected as more suitable cosurfactant. Although antibacterial activity of cinnamon essential oil and extract were greater than those were encapsulated into nanoliposomes, both cinnamon essential oil and extract nanoliposomes exhibited high antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes bacteria strains. Results indicated that based on the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations of the prepared samples, L. monocytogenes had higher resistance to the prepared cinnamon nanoliposomes. Then, six treatments including control, extract, nano-extract, essential oil, nano-essential oil and extract- essential oil were used for investigate the effect of cinnamon extract on shelf life of ground beef. Chemical (pH, TBA and TVN) and microbial parameters were detected periodically, as well as the effect of different treatments on ground beef inoculated with Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes were examined. The results showed that the extract has an antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and the nanoencapsulation process enhances the attributes mentioned, so that bacterial spoilage and oxidation process delayed in the ground meet contains nano-extract (p <0.05). The highest value of pH (6.58), TBA (0.081MDA/kg) and TVB-N (72.5mg/100g) in the control treatment on the 9th day was observed. While, the value of pH (6.09), TBA (0.002MDA/kg) and TVB-N (11.5mg/100g) was detected on the 9th day in the nanoencapsulated essence. According to the results obtained in present study nano-liposomal cinnamon extract can be used for extending shelf-life ground beef without causing undesirable effect in terms of oxidative stability and low microbial spoilage.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

Aims: Curcumin (CUR) is a hydrophobic polyphenol compound and possesses a wide range of biological applications including cancer therapy. However, its prominent application in cancer treatment is limited due to poor solubility and bioavailability. Cyclodextrins (CDs) as natural nanocapsules are comprised of glucose units. One of the characteristics of them is to create complex with hydrophobic guest molecules in nanopores. In the current study, in order to improve the solubility, bioavailability, and efficacy of CUR, β-cyclodextrin-curcumin (β-CD-CUR) inclusion complexes were prepared and its effect on cancer and normal cells was examined.
Materials & Methods: In this study, first, β-CD-CUR complexes were prepared using freeze-drying method and the formation of these complexes was characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy. The encapsulation efficiency of CUR in β-CD was calculated for each concentration. After investigating the release of CUR from β-CD at different temperatures, the therapeutic effects of β-CD-CUR inclusion complexes for cancer and normal cell lines were evaluated by MTT assay.
Findings: The CUR encapsulation efficiency in β-CD was 33.92±1.32%. Fluorescence spectroscopic studies confirmed the formation of stable inclusion complex. The results also showed that CUR release from β-CD was higher in thermal conditions of cancer cells (42°C) than in normal cells and ambient temperatures. The results of MTT assay depicted that encapsulated CUR in β-CD has a significant inhibitory effect on proliferation of cancer cells compared to free CUR.
Conclusion: The results provided acceptable evidence for cell proliferation inhibition of β-CD-CUR complexes on cancer cells. There were no adverse effects detected for normal cells.

Volume 22, Issue 158 (April 2025)

Although many studies have demonstrated the significance of using natural plant additives and encapsulating plant extracts in meat products to mitigate the adverse effects of chemical additives, research in this area remains limited. Hence, the current study investigated the effects of sour tea extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on enhancing the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of beef sausage. The study assesed the phenolic content of hydroalcoholic extract of sour tea using the Folin-Ciocalteu method, as well as its antioxidant activity via the DPPH assay at concentrations of 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 ppm of the extract. The characteristics of the capsules containing this extract, including particle size, zeta potential, efficiency, solubility, mass density, morphology, and the physicochemical characteristics of the meat products containing these capsules including the amount of thiobarbituric acid, color, and sensory attributes were evaluated. Data analysis was conducted using one-way analysis of variance. The results indicated that the total phenolic content in sour tea extract was 174.6 mg of gallic acid per gram of extract, and the highest antioxidant activity was observed at concentrations above 1500 ppm of the extract. The particle size of the extract ranged from 108.517 to 646.369 micrometers, and physicochemical parameters such as zeta potential, efficiency, solubility, mass density, and capsule morphology were within appropriate ranges. During storage, the amount of thiobarbituric acid compound increased in the control sample, and this difference was significant compared to the sample containing 1500 ppm of sour tea extract. Additionally, with increasing storage time, the L color factor decreased, but sensory evaluation indicated that the treatments received acceptable scores. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate that sour tea extract, whether in free form or encapsulated, can serve as a natural additive to enhance the quality and improve the sensory properties of beef sausage, potentially replacing chemical preservatives.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Philip Larkin in his two poems ‘Church Going’ and ‘The Whitsun Weddings’ moves away from doubt to certainty as regards the function of the two social institutions of church and marriage. This is a shift away from doubt in the functionality of these two institutions to certainty of their functionality and usefulness for society. These poems are the poems of thought in which he starts off by looking doubtfully at church and marriage so much so that when one reads the poems one thinks that Larkin is a disbeliever but gradually Larkin confirms church and marriage as great institutions. The shift in pronoun from ‘I’ to ‘we’ and ‘my’ to ‘our’ at the end of these two poems endorses his shift from individualism to socialism and makes the poems humanist poems.

Volume 24, Issue 5 (9-2022)

The purpose of this research was to study the relationships between surface nanomechanical properties and agronomic traits in different sugar beet varieties (Beta vulgaris spp.). Agronomic traits were related to the indicators of seed germination stage and resistance to rhizomania; and in correspondence, a group of nanomechanical traits of inner testa of seeds were examined using an atomic force microscope. The results of parametric and non-parametric correlation analysis between agronomic and nanomechanical traits showed that the single bud wet weight had a significant negative and positive relationship with, respectively, lower surface friction and adhesion of the inner testa. Similarly, thousand shell weight had a negative correlation with upper surface elasticity, and also seed vigor had a positive correlation with upper surface friction. Spearman's rho correlation coefficient showed that resistance to rhizomania also had a significant positive correlation with the upper surface adhesion of the inner testa. Three canonical variables between the two groups of physiological and nanomechanical traits were significant (r1= 0.972 and DF= 66; r2= 0.924 and DF= 50; r3= 0.839 and DF= 36). These traits have a kind of cause-and-effect relationship and, therefore, have the potential to be used for breeding programs and plant systematic studies.

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