Showing 20 results for Rezapour
Volume 5, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 21), (Articles in Persian) 2014)
Abstract: Scrambling has been investigated syntactically and discursively in different languages so far. The results of this research indicate that scrambling is governed by universal principles and constraints as well as language-specific characteristics (parameters). This research indicates that all kinds of scrambling, namely, short-distance scrambling, long-distance scrambling and multiple scrambling occur in Mazandarani dialect. The fundamental functions of scrambling in discourse change the distribution of theme and rheme and also the distribution of old and new information. The behavior of short-distance scrambling indicates that the movement of constituents in scrambling is subject to discourse principles and information structure, but scrambled constituents in the long-distance scrambling are dependent on syntactic factors and minimalistic principles in addition to discourse principles. In other words, we observed that there is an interface between discourse and syntax, especially minimalism, and there is congruence between the results of this research and achievements of linguists in different linguistic modules. Investigation of the syntactic and discursive behaviors of scrambling in Mazandarani dialect is the main purpose of this research.
Volume 6, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 26), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
language typology focuses on both language universals and linguistic variations. Implicational universals in typology have semantic, pragmatic, discoursal, processing and cognitive explanations. In this research, word order of Semnani language was analyzed based on Dryer’s 24 typological components. The purpose of this study is the determination of word order of Semnani language based on language typology. Research data are collected through interviewing Semnani’ speakers. The research data indicate that Semnani language has 17 components of strong verb- final languages type and 16 components of strong verb-initial languages type comparing to genera containing languages of Europe and Asia, except for southeast Asia , and this language has also 16 components of strong verb-final languages type and 14 components of strong verb-initial languages type comparing to genera containing world languages. Therefore, there is a tendency for Semnani to be one of languages of verb- final type. Of course, there is no long distance between components of strong verb-final languages type and strong verb- initial languages type of research findings and this is a sign of change in Semnani language from verb-final languages type toward verb-initial languages type. Also, there is gender agreement between subject and verb in Semnani and all infinitive verbs have a marker of perfect aspect.
Volume 6, Issue 6 (No.6 (Tome 27), Special Issue, (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Adjacency condition is one of the syntactic constraints on case assignment in many languages such as English, Dutch, Turkish and Hindi. Many linguists studied adjacency condition in some languages and some of them including Chomsky (1981) and Stowell (1981) confirmed the role of this condition in generative grammar and some linguists including Johnson (1991) rejected it in generative grammar. Opponents of this hypothesis believe that adjacency condition can be replaced by projection principle and binary branching condition. In this research, we try to investigate the role of adjacency condition in Persian. Data analysis indicates that assigning structural case to subject by inflection head and also assigning structural case to definite direct object by verb are not subject to adjacency condition. In fact, the position of definite direct object and inflection head is in the specifier of inner verb phrase core and at the end of sentence, respectively which they are not adjacent to each other. However, assigning structural case to noun phrase by preposition and also assigning structural case to indefinite direct object by verb are subject to adjacency constraints. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between adjacency condition and specificity.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
Aims: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are among the most prevalent health problems and one of the causes of occupational disability in administrative professions. This study aimed to describe the rate of skeletal disorders among Office Workers (OWs) in Khoi Health Center.
Method and Materials: In this descriptive study using convenience sampling, 100 OWs patients were selected from the Khoi Health Center under the supervision of the Khoi Faculty member of Medical Sciences. Data were collected through a demographic questionnaire in which questions were related to various MSDs, The Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale and Roland – Morris Disability Questionnaire were raised. Data were entered into SPSS 19 software and analyzed using descriptive analysis.
Findings: In total, 100 OWs participated in the study and answered the questions (100% response rate). Back pain and neck pain were the most common complaint areas of the participants, respectively (83%). Twenty participants (20%) of OWs stated that they did not pursue any pain treatment or pain management. Also, the majority of participants (N=100, 100%) believed that they have pain in different parts of the body. However, 85 participants (85%) stated that they frequently change their position to keep their back comfortable. However, the mean expression of pain by the participants was moderate, and 85 participants (85%) stated that they had difficulty sitting in a chair for several hours.
Conclusions: This study showed that most of the studied OWs suffered from some kind of chronic skeletal disorders without any treatment/pain management. Therefore, it is highly recommended to conduct further studies to confirm these results in this special target group who work in the Khoi health center and investigate the causes of pain.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (fall 2020)
Gypsies are a wandering and landless people who are commonly known around the world to represent not just nomadism but also festive dancing and singing. From what can be gathered from literary and historical sources, the Romani people first came to the land of Iran during the time of the Sasanids, and their first visit to France came about the fourteenth century. In mid-eighteenth century and during the early decades of the nineteenth century, bohemian characters were considered to be influential in French literature. In those early texts, French and Iranian writers and poets referred only to tales about the bohemian origin, past, and their arrival to these lands. But in time poets and writers began to attend to and reflect on other aspects of this community’slifeworld. Thisstudy, afterabriefsurveyofhowbohemian people emerged as a distinct community in France and Iran, will explore the representation of bohemian people in French and Iranian literatures. From among their many attributes, this study pays particular attention to salient features of their way of life, such as minstrelsy, music and song composition, and their landlessness. Finally, an attempt will be made, following an analysis of Romani people from the socio-cultural perspective, to provide an answer to the question of how French and Iranian cultures and literatures have represented and developed the image of the gypsy.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)
Aims: Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs), particularly Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP), are a growing public health concern among office workers due to sedentary work styles. This study will aim to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of WMSDs among office workers in Khoi, Iran.
Method and Materials: A descriptive study will be conducted with a convenience sample of 100 office workers at Health Centers in Khoi, Iran. Data will be collected through a selfadministered questionnaire on demographics characteristics, work-related factors of musculoskeletal disorders and musculoskeletal symptoms and finally will be analyzed through SPSS.
Conclusion: This study will provide a positional approach in order to be able to determine the situation of WMSDs and related factors among office workers in Khoi, Iran. Additionally, based of these data, the researchers could design proper interventional preventive program to improving their WMSDs and reducing related among office workers.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Vol. 11, No. 1 (Tome 55), (Articles in Persian) 2020)
Language in esse has already stablished its possession of subjectivity of the bilingual speaker. As soon as contact between language in fieri and subjectivity commences, numerous problematics, such as translation and linguistic production, emerge. To start with, language in fieri is completely affected by language in esse. This paper attempts to address how, the resulting language interferences bring about the use of or impression by signifiers available in language in esse. This process enhances translation and reduces linguistic production in language in fieri. Therefore, we should figure out in which stage of the transformation of language in fieri does the user have a shared semantic representation and in which part does he/she have an independent semantic representation. In which part of this transformation would the translation and production process would take place.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Vol. 11, No. 3 (Tome 57) (Articles in Persian) 2020)
Mazandarani is one of the Iranian languages which has many speakers in Mazandaran province in north of Iran. In the present research, one of challengeable topic ,namely, light verbs in Mazandarani language is investigated based on cognitive linguistics. Some linguists claimed that light verbs have no any core meanings, but they have metaphorical meanings. The aim of this research was to describe complex verbs in Mazandarani by cognitive approach. The main questions of research are: are there any light verbs in Mazandarani language? Can light verbs in Mazandarani contribute to develop semantic meanings? Do the light verbs produce new meaning when compounding with noun, adjective and adverb? Is compounding of preverb and light verbs a productive process? The hypotheses of research are: There are many light verbs in Mazandarani language. The light verbs in Mazandarani can develop semantic meaning and the semantic space of light verbs indicates that they can produce new meaning. Also, compounding of preverb and light verb is a productive process. The data of research are collected based on speech of some Mazandarani speakers and Tabari dictionary. Semantic space of complex verb, verb type, proverb and type of the light verb surveyed. Differences in shaping of the complex verb in Mazandarani in contrast with Farsi were compared from different aspects such as: morphology, syntax, lexical and semantic. In addition the features for identification of these verbs are used. As a result we can say that complex verbs in Mazandarani according to the cognitive approach is productive process which applies the physical aspects and social experiences of life and by applying light verbs in combination, the meaning of compound verbs figuratively expands to easily create new concepts and transferring takes place, applying these new verbs cause productivity. The compound verbs compositionally have a compositional meaning. In discussion of semantic space, a certain verb on the base of type of proverb it takes can be situated in a semantic space and creates different semantic space. There are also semantic islands. These islands are branches of light verbs construction that suggest the same concept of the verb on the base of same light verb and special verb are associated.
Volume 11, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 60), (Articles in Persian) 2020)
Linguistic variation is one of the challengeable themes in sociolinguistics. The researcher discusses linguistic variation in Persian translations The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Translated into Persian by Sadegh Hedayat and Farzaneh Taheri. The main questions in the present research are: 1) How is the role of gender in producing lexical variation in these two translations of The Metamorphosis? 2) In which parts of speech does it take place lexical variation more than others? 3) How is the role of gender in producing syntactic variation in two translation of The Metamorphosis? 4) Are there any relationships between gender and syntactic processes concerning the syntactic variations? The results of research indicate that gender has crucial role in producing linguistic variation including lexical, morphological and syntactic variations in Persian language. The results indicate that there are 505 lexical variations in two translations in which the number of verbal, nominal, adjective, and adverbial variations is 398, 51, 39, 17, respectively. The investigation of data indicates that the rate of morphological variation is less than lexical and syntactic variations. Also, the results indicate that there are relationships between gender and syntactic variables such as scrambling, adjuncts application, question particle application, grammatical metaphor of nominalization, grammatical metaphor of modality, causation, relativization, extraposition, grammatical metaphor of transitivity, and subordination shifting. One of the main implications of present research is that there is close interface between sociolinguistics and generative grammar and therefore, the results of present research confirm the opinions of sociolinguists such as Sells et al. (1996) and Barbiers(2002) about interface between sociolinguistics and generative grammar
1. Introduction
Linguistic variation is one of the challengeable themes in sociolinguistics. In the contemporary literature of sociolinguistics, one of important paradigm resulting amalgam of sociolinguistic paradigm and generative paradigm emerged. The supporters of this paradigm believe that only integrative theory of syntactic variation including generative and sociolinguistic paradigm can explain the syntactic variations. Variation theory needs formal theory for description and explanation of grammatical characterization of syntactic variations and determination of location of variation in speakers’ grammars. Generative theory and sociolinguistics are complementary in the integrative theory of syntactic variations. The task of sociolinguistics is to explain patterns of variation based on social variables such as gender, social class, age, education in the speech community and the task of generative theory is to discover the constraints of syntactic variations. The present research is one of the newest one in discussing about syntactic variations based on integrated theory in Persian texts. The researcher discusses linguistic variation in Persian translations of the book entitled as The Metamorphosis compiled by Franz Kafka that is translated by Sadegh Hedayat and Farzaneh Taheri. The main questions in the present research are: 1) How is the role of gender in producing lexical variation in these two translations of The Metamorphosis? 2) In which parts of speech does it take place lexical variation more than others? 3) How is the role of gender in producing syntactic variation in two translation of The Metamorphosis? 4) Are there any relationships between gender and syntactic processes concerning the syntactic variations? The results of research indicate that gender has vital role in producing linguistic variation including lexical, morphological and syntactic variations in Persian language. The results indicate that there are 505 lexical variations in two translations in which the number of verbal, nominal, adjective, and adverbial variations is 398, 51, 39, 17, respectively. The investigation of data indicates that the rate of morphological variation is less than lexical and syntactic variations. Also, the results indicate that there are relationships between gender and syntactic variables such as scrambling, adjuncts application, question particle application, grammatical metaphor of nominalization, grammatical metaphor of modality, causation, relativization, extraposition, grammatical metaphor of transitivity, and subordination shifting. One of the main implications of present research is that there is close interface between sociolinguistics and generative grammar and therefore, the results of present research confirm the opinions of sociolinguists such as Sells et al. (1996) and Barbiers (2002) about interface between sociolinguistics and generative grammar
Volume 12, Issue 3 (August & September 2021 (Articles in English & French) 2021)
Si nous admettons avec l’idée de la néoténie linguistique que « parler une langue c’est exister à travers elle », donc le passage obligé qui initie l’ultime étape de l’appropriation d’une nouvelle langue est le passage de la langue in fieri à la langue in esse. Dans ce passage, le locuteur-pensant étend son être dans l’accomplissement de lui-même en rapport avec sa conscience de soi qui fait partie de la subjectivité. La conscience de soi en tant qu’élément essentiel de la pensée et de la spécificité du locuteur-pensant réside différemment dans la capacité réflexive des locuteurs-pensants. L’énoncé produit par le locuteur est capable de porter la trace d’un retour sur soi grâce à la dimension réflexive alors que dans l’absence de cette dimension, nous assistons à une forme d’activité dans la subjectivité du locuteur.
Cette recherche a pour but de se focaliser sur la conscience de soi, son rôle lors de la production d’un énoncé ainsi que son rapport avec des unités de représentation via l’interprétation des philosophes ainsi que celle des linguistes. Nous tentons de voir dans certains énoncés comment elle devient une partie consubstantielle de l’identité propre du locuteur-pensant lors de la production linguistique
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2010)
The potassium pools of five major physiographic units of Urmia region in Western Azarbaijan Province were studied to investigate the distribution of K forms as a function of clay mineralogy and physiographic units. For this, soil samples from different horizons of ten pedons were selected and analyzed for physiochemical properties, mineralogy of clay fraction, and forms of K. Analyses of XRD revealed that the soils are similar in their clay mineralogy, consisting of illite, smectite, chlorite, and kaolinite, but with different in contents. Illite was higher in the Piedmont Plains (PP) followed by Plateaux (Pl), River Alluvial Plains (RAP), Colluvial Alluvial Plains (CAP), and Lowlands (LL) units, whereas a higher content of smectite was observed available in the Pl followed by PP, LL, RAP, and CAP units. Several such simultaneous processes as mineral weathering and soil forming, biocycling processes, and geomorphologic conditions had resulted in significant difference in K forms in the soils studied. A wide variation in total K (HF-extractable K) (0.54-1.1%), non-exchangeable K (280-450 mg kg-1), and exchangeable K (217-330 mg kg-1) were recorded among different physiographic units. Statistically significant differences (P≤ 0.05) were observed in the levels of mineral K, HNO3-extractable K, and non-exchangeable K in soils of high illite (30-50%) as compared with those of low illite contents (10-30%). A highly significant positive relationship was recorded between total K and illite content (r2= 0.85, P 0.001) and as well between non-exchangeable K and illite contents (r2= 0.84, P 0.001) suggesting that these pools of K are mainly released from the frayed edges and wedge zones of illite. The soils were categorized into two major groups based on the physiographic unit's assertion and soil solution K content: first group comprised of Pl and PP units while the second group of RAP, CAP, and LL units.
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)
In this paper, efficiency of defected graphene nano ribbon incorporating with additional nanoparticles on mass detection operations is studied via the Reverse Non Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (RNEMD) method. Thermal conductivity management of this structure is challenging because of imposed losses in electrical conductivity and any procedure could manage the thermal conductivity of graphene will be useful. In this paper it is observed that on the mass detection operation, due to the porosity generation in the nano ribbon surface or even creation of external nanoparticles, thermal properties of graphene change considerably. This should be noted in calibration of graphene based mass sensors. In summary, results show that the graphene’s thermal conductivity would reduce by increasing the concentration of nanoparticles and thermal conductivity of graphene is higher when porosities and impurities are at the edges. This indicates that the location of vacancies and nanoparticles influences the thermal conductivity. For a better thermal management with the help of nanoparticles, wither respect to the porosities, addition of nanoparticles decrease the thermal conductivity more and more. By increasing the cavity’s diameter from 0.5nm to 4.4nm in a specific single layer graphene, thermal conductivity was reduced from 67 W/mk to 1.43 W/mk.
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)
The slab method can predict rapidly the rolling force and torque in metal forming processes and a large amount of CPU time can be saved. Up to now, the work hardening effect has not been considered in the slab analysis for forging process of double-layer clad sheet. Evaluation of considering or eliminating the work hardening effect of material behavior in the slab analysis of three layer clad sheet forging process and investigating the subsequent effects on the process outputs are a novel subject considered in this paper. The pressure distribution as well as the forging force are investigated for both conditions. In addition, three layer clad sheet forging process is simulated entirely using ABAQUS/Explicit software. The results have showed that considering the work hardening will result into having larger stresses and forces in the process. Moreover, the results of considering the work hardening have better agreements with those from simulation. Finally, some experiments were performed on forging process of two layer Al/Cu clad sheet to evaluate the bonding quality of sheets. Therefore, forging process can be used for producing multi-layer clad sheets in various industries.
Volume 16, Issue 13 (Conference Special Issue 2017)
Ghodsieh Rezvanian, Jafar Rezapour,
Volume 16, Issue 62 (Summer 2023)
If we consider language not as a mirror reflecting struggles, but as the subject and tool of struggles, then we should use the signifier of discourse, which makes the concepts of power and language understandable in a continuous and inseparable conceptual entanglement. This article aims to analyze the text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi as one of the most influential classical texts of Persian literature with a discursive method. In other words, by placing this text in its discursive context and its dialectical relationship with power, and understanding this text as the field of conflict between powers and conflicting discourses of society, a new understanding of it can be achieved. In order to achieve this goal, Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method is used to perform micro-textual analysis, and Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory is used to perform macro-discourse analysis of Bayhaghi era. The text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, as shown, does not reflect the true struggle, but itself, is part of the struggle process. This text is influenced by the chain of ruling discourses and is used against peripheral discourses. Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, under the influence of the discourse that pulls the bipolar mind of the text to a directional representation of the flow of affairs, highlights the ruling discourses and marginalizes the peripheral discourses.
Extended Abstract
Discourse is a special way of understanding the world, a special understanding and a special way of speaking that pushes other possible ways of understanding the world to the sidelines by highlighting itself. In fact, language - which is the common thread of all different discourses - is structured in the framework of formats that are governed by ideological disciplines. These structured formats - which are discourses - are fighting in an irreconcilable way to reach the hegemonic position in the whole society. If we consider language not as a mirror reflecting struggles, but as the subject and tool of struggles, then we should use the signifier of discourse, which makes the concepts of power and language understandable in a continuous and inseparable conceptual entanglement.
This article aims to analyze the text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi as one of the most influential classical texts of Persian literature with a discursive method. In other words, by placing this text in its discursive context and its dialectical relationship with power, and understanding this text as the field of conflict between powers and conflicting discourses of society, a new understanding of it can be achieved. In order to achieve this goal, Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method is used to perform micro-textual analysis, and Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory is used to perform macro-discourse analysis of Bayhaghi era. Due to the expanse of the text of the book, and the limitation of the article, only one theoretical topic (sermon) and two historical-fictional topics (the story of Afshin and Budolaf - and the nobles of Ray's response to Sultan Masoud) have been selected for analysis.
Discussion and conclusion
The sermon presents three parables comparing: the kingdom of Alexander and Ardashir Sassanid, the rise of the Ghaznavids, not having the privilege of the Iranian race, and comparing the hierarchy of the government structure with the human body, and in all three by justifying and giving priority to the Ghaznavid rulers, it marginalizes the competing discourse. In two historical-fictional stories, the story of Afshin and Budolaf, which has a very strong narrative aspect and is therefore very influential, has been chosen to explain the bipolar mentality and highlight Us and make Them alien. "Them" in this story is a racial alienation, which is indeed Afshin, the general of army of the Caliphate, but of Iranian race. In the story of the nobles of Ray's response to Sultan Masoud and their devotion to him, the fear and ingratitude of the people make the Ghaznavid rulers and Sunnid discourse stand out and marginalize Al-e Bouyeh rulers and Shia discourse.
The text of Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, as shown, does not reflect the true struggle, but itself, is part of the struggle process. This text is influenced by the chain of ruling discourses and is used against peripheral discourses. Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, under the influence of the discourse that pulls the bipolar mind of the text to a directional representation of the flow of affairs, highlights the ruling discourses and marginalizes the peripheral discourses.
Volume 17, Issue 4 (1-2014)
Determining how to assess learners and contents of e-learning are essential activities in its processes. These activities are conducted by a professor or teaching assistant and they determine student assessment methods, such as holding an online test or periodic homework assignment. if the organizers can be aware of the effectiveness of each activity in the quality of learning,then besides saving considerable time and resources to stakeholders courses, which transfer the content useful and realistic assessment of students and will ultimately improve e-learning. In this paper, first we use unsupervised techniques of data mining for clustering and describe the present status of learners, and extract hidden rules in e-learning data using rule mining and will discover the effective contents in desired results. Next, using supervised methods we predict results of courses. Using real data of an electronic course provided and with designing four different methods for data sampling and training system, predictions were performed and the methods were validated with an accuracy rate of 92.86%. We have shown that the methods of this study can help teachers for a better understanding of learners and impact of such training activities required, such as describe characteristics of learners based on the discovery of hidden patterns in the scores of their acquired and determine the most effective learning activities and decide about real measures of learners.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (April 2019)
In this paper, heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics in a porous coil have been investigated. The characteristic of the boundary layer, distribution of velocity, pressure, and thermal field effects into a porous coil as high heat transfer resource have been analyzed. The developed Brinkman method in fluid flow and power law model of conduction heat transfer coefficient considering porosity and permeability factor is calculated for constant solar heat flux. In order to solve the problem, the COMSOL software based on finite element method with porous medium algorithm is used, using the MUMPS solver. The comparison between variation of normalized temperature at the presented model and experimental data at similar conditions shows an acceptable agreement with an error up to 3%. At constant permeability, decreasing the porosity coefficient, velocity profile is extended due to presence of pores into coil with an accelerated flow, so that the maximum velocity is equal to 2.5m/s at porosity coefficient of 0.2. In porous coil, Nusselt number increased, where the greatest difference between porous and the nonporous coil occurs at the beginning of the coil, with a value of 32%, and the smallest difference is 27%. In the porous coil, absorbing solar energy is higher and the heat transfer is improved. However, the amount of pressure drop also increases.
Volume 19, Issue 7 (July 2019)
In this article, rarefied gas flow was investigated and analyzed by the Fokker-Planck approach in different Knudsen numbers and Mach numbers at subsonic and supersonic regimes. The presented Fokker-Planck approach is used to solve the rarefied gas flows in different shear-driven micro/nano geometries like one-dimensional Couette flow and the two-dimensional cavity problem. Boltzmann's equation, and especially statistical technique of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC), are precise tools for simulating non-equilibrium flows. However, as the Knudsen number becomes small, the computational costs of the DSMC are greatly increased. In order to cope with this challenge, the Fokker-Planck approximation of the Boltzmann equation is considered in this article. The developed code replaces the molecular collisions in DSMC with a set of continuous stochastic differential equations. In this study, the Fokker-Planck method was evaluated in the Couette flow in the subsonic Mach number of 0.16 (wall velocity was 50 m/s) and in the supersonic Mach number of 3.1 (wall velocity was 1000 m/s), where Knudsen numbers range from 0.005-0.3. Also, the cavity flow with a wall Mach number of 0.93 (wall velocity was 300 m/s) in Knudsen numbers ranging from 0.05-20 was investigated. The results show that by increasing speed and Knudsen numbers, the accuracy of Fokker-Planck increases. In addition, despite using larger number of simulator particles, the rapid convergence and lower computational costs relative to other methods are the features of this method.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2018)
The 2005 Zarand earthquake occurred on February 22 at 02:25:26, according to local time in Kerman province in Iran. The main Shock measured 6.5 on moment magnitude scale. Finding causative fault properties and parameters of this earthquake to get reliable values is priority of most researchers. Earthquake source parameters serve as a noteworthy database for synthesizers in seismology and as an essential starting point for the applied theoreticians. Determination of source parameters could make feasible a new level of understanding in many seismological studies that can be used with reported earthquake locations simultaneously to demonstrate boundaries of tectonic plates. It can provide critical information for earthquake hazard assessment and for improved understanding of the earthquake process. Moving towards exact and precise determination of source parameters is essential to reduce uncertainty at other desired stages. The primary purpose of this study is to ameliorate estimation of source parameters and computer simulations of earthquakes, examine the effect of a two sets of rupture parameters on synthesized strong ground motion via forward modelling and checking that which set parameters can be used to predict very realistic source parameters confirmed with Finite fault method. Source parameters of the 2005 Zarand earthquake have already been computed using diverse studies, including seismicity, the earth’s surface deformation field, and rupture characteristics. Each of these studies proposes different mechanisms for this earthquake.
Satellite SAR data can gather different information of fault’s physical and geometric situation, because of imagery of two different geometry (ascending and descending), that this lead to optimum extraction of any causative fault parameters. InSAR has become a commonly used technique to measure surface deformation. Measurements by the SAR satellites are made obliquely below the satellite during both ascending orbits (where observations are made from the west) and descending orbits (where observations are made from the east). Two pairs of ascending and descending ENVISAT/ASAR images are available to study the coseismic deformation field of the Zarand 2005 earthquake. We can reconstruct earthquake causative fault parameters using combination of SAR observations and elastic displacement modelling (Okada, 1985). (Feigl, 2002) demonstrated the principles of obtaining earthquake causative fault parameters through elastic displacement modelling using SAR observations.
Though the source parameters are assumed completely unknown, we must set, for each parameters, a range of values between a lower and upper values. In fact, the basic premise for calculating source parameters of an earthquake using SAR observations in inversion processing will be some numbers with appropriate variation ranges.
Strong ground motion data provides researchers with very important information about the simulation of ground motion, rupture processes of earthquakes and consequently source parameters of an earthquake. Finite-fault modeling is widely used for the prediction of ground motion near the epicenters of large earthquakes. In the stochastic model, a large fault is divided into N subfaults, and each subfault is considered as a point source. A random slip distribution is assumed by using a random number as the basis to assign a relative slip to each subfault. Ground motions due to subfaults are calculated by the stochastic point-source method and are summed with an appropriate delay time to produce the motion due to the whole rupture. We have used the extended earthquake fault simulation program EXSIM (Motazedian & Atkinson, 2005) to simulate ground motion.
The study is based on data recorded by the Iranian Strong Motion Network which is run by the Building and Housing Research Center (BHRC). The data are recorded by three-component SSA-2 accelerometers with a threshold of 10 Gals at a sampling rate of 200 samples per second. This earthquake is recorded at the Zarand, Chatrud, Ravar, Horjand, Dasht-e-Khak, Davaran, Kerman1, Kerman2, Hinaman, Baghin, Tarz, Rafsanjan, Bardsir, Sirch, Kuhbanan, Shahr-e-Babak, Bayaz, Anar, Bahadoran, Bahabad, Pariz, Bafgh, Molla Esmaeil, Nayband, Mehriz, Cheshme Sabz, Saadat Abad and Darbehesht stations. In the next step, accelerograms simulation using estimated causative fault parameters in each satellite orbit is done, using stochastic finite fault method. Then results of both ascending and descending orbit are compared to observed values in each station.
Results and discussion
We use the maximum values recorded in each station and obtain results of simulated satellite data to final assessment. The results are demonstrated that the lowest difference in maximum values recorded in each orbit, belong to obtained results of satellite descending orbit data modelling with 5.36% accuracy in comparison to ascending orbit with 7.51% accuracy. Finally, the width, length, strike, dip, rake, depth, slip and coordinates of center causative fault of Zarand earthquake are 6.5 km, 15 km, 279 deg, 90 deg, 55 deg, 5 km, 2.9 m, 483333.4 easting and 3406437 northing, respectively. This procedure allows us to move forward from results with less accuracy to greater one for fault parameters.
The maximum absolute value of accelerograms is used for comparing between synthetic and observed peak ground acceleration in time series. We can say that estimated causative fault parameters for 2005 Zarand earthquake of descending orbit data is more accurate in comparison to ascending orbit data. Finally, we compare our results with Building and Housing Research Centre (BHRC) of Iran, Iranian Seismological Center(IGUT), USGS, IIEES, ISC, CMT catalogue, Talebian et al. (2006), Nicknam et al. (2007), Rouhollahi et al. (2012) reports. Our obtained depth is more similar to Talebian et al. (2006) report. The length of our fault is similar to Nicknam et al. (2007), Rouhollahi et al. (2012) reports. Our width of fault is differ from other studies. Our obtained strike is exactly similar to USGS one’s. Our dip and rake is differ from other studies. Our slip for Zarand causative fault is very similar to Rouhollahi et al. (2012) one’s.
Volume 23, Issue 5 (11-2023)
So far, various elements have been introduced for modeling concrete shear walls, which are classified into two general categories: microscopic and macroscopic. Compared to microscopic elements, macroscopic elements have less degrees of freedom and therefore require less time for analysis. This is the main advantage of these elements. In this article, a special type of macroscopic elements called Multiple-Vertical-Line-Element-Model (MVLEM) is used to model the concrete shear wall. These elements simulate the behavior of simple shear walls well, but when the opening is embedded in the wall, it does not work satisfactory. In this article, the modified MVLEM is used to model the concrete shear wall with asymmetric openings. For this purpose, an experimental concrete shear wall with asymmetric openings was selected and verified using the microscopic finite element method in Abaqus software. After validation, the shear wall was subjected to macroscopic modeling in Abaqus software. In this model, a method for macroscopic modeling of the coupling beam was proposed, which is based on the moment distribution diagram in the beam. When the wall is subjected to lateral loading, due to its geometric shape, the amount of moment on
one side of the beam is almost zero and on the other side it is maximum. In simple concrete shear walls under lateral load, the amount of moment at the top of the wall is zero and at the bottom is maximum too. Therefore, the coupling beam can be considered as a simple shear wall. In the shear wall with asymmetric openings, the coupling beams are modeled as simple shear wall whose base is connected to the main wall. After modeling the coupling beam, three different methods were proposed to connect this beam to the main body of the wall. This research includes a microscopic wall with asymmetric openings, three macroscopic walls. The main difference between the macroscopic walls is in the way of connecting the beam to the shear wall, which is based on the difference in the stiffness of the connection. In order to check the accuracy of the proposed models, macroscopic and microscopic walls were subjected to static and quasi-dynamic loading. Based on the results of the aforementioned analyses, the models showed acceptable behavior. The amount of connection stiffness caused the behavior of macroscopic models to be different from each other. Based on the results, as the stiffness of the beam to the wall increases, the bearing capacity and elastic stiffness of the model increases and the ductility decreases. The degree of stiffness of the connection also affects the cyclic behavior of the wall. In such a way that the higher the stiffness of the connection, the greater the loss of carrying capacity is observed in cyclic loading. In the model whose stiffness is higher than the other models, it experiments a large resistance drop in the ninth and tenth cycles. In the model whose stiffness is less than the others, less drop is observed and it shows a soft behavior. The model in which the connection stiffness was in the middle level showed the most accuracy compared to other models.