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Volume 12, Issue 2 (June & July 2021 (Articles in Persian) 2021)

Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar analyzes text in context. Based on this theory, in the study of texts, , we are faced with three metafunctions: Ideational metafunction, Interpersonal metafunction and textual metafunction, that Ideational metafunction divided into experiential and logical ones. In experiential metafunctions the six processes, participants, and circumstances are analyzed. According to some experts, Garshasbnameh is the best heroic poem after Shahnameh among heroic texts. For this reason, in this study, the Tahmidiyehs of Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh have been selected for comparison based on Ideational metafunction of the Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar to determine how similar the Tahmidiyehs of these two works are linguistically and if we assume that Asadi has tried to write a work like Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh, how much has he achieved his goal? After the study, it was found that in both Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh, the material process has the highest percentage. According to the genre of these two works, which is epic, this result and attention to the material process is predictable. Since the nature of Tahmidiyeh is to praise God, God is the main participant in most of these processes and the percentages are almost equal. It can be acknowledged, with a little forgiveness, Asadi has been able to follow in the footsteps of Ferdowsi in composing the Tahmidiyeh of Garshasbnameh, and the Tahmidiyeh of Garshasbnameh is equal to the Tahmidiyeh of Shahnameh from the view point of Ideational metafunction.
  1.  Introduction
Tahmidiyeh means praise and glorification of God, and the term refers to the first lines or pages of prose or the first verses of poems. Writers and poets begin their work with the name and remembrance of God and the mention of His attributes, and thus bless their work with the name of God. In Tahmidiyehs, as a part of the preface of a work, in addition to paying attention to the name and remembrance of the great God, the genre for which the poet or writer writes the Tahmidiyeh should also be considered. For example, the Tahmidiyeh written for an epic work are different from Tahmidiyeh written for a lyrical work and from this point of view, literary works can be analyzed.
Among epic and heroic works, Shahnameh has a special place. Therefore, many writers over the centuries have tried to create a work like Shahnameh. According to some scholars, Asadi Tusi has tried to write a work similar to Shahnameh. In this regard, this research seeks to answer the question of how much Ferdowsi and Asadi in composing Tahmidiyehs of Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh have been able to create a Tahmidiyeh appropriate to the epic text and if we assume that Asadi in Garshasbnameh has tried to write a work as value as Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, how much has he achieved his goal?
  1.  Methodology
In this research, based on the Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar, two works of epic literature are examined in order to achieve the extent of their use of epic language. Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar examines the function of language in context: context of culture and context of situation. Halliday considers language as a social phenomenon and he considers it necessary to pay attention to social function in language analysis. In Halliday`s Systemic Functional Grammar, language depends on the community in which it is used and must be analyzed from a social perspective.
In structural linguistics, the unit of language processing is sentence, while in functional linguistics clauses are important; This is because sentences alone do not convey the meaning of the text and should be considered in conjunction with other sentences. For this reason, the text is divided into clauses and analyzed. According to Halliday, each clause as a discourse chunk must be examined from three perspectives:  field, tenor and mode of discourse. Halliday defines the metafunctions with the help of these three domains. Thus, in the structural study of each text, according to the context of its position, we are faced with three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal and textual. Each of these metafunctions is also divided into several sub-categories. From these three metafunctions, ideational metafunction has been selected for analysis in this research. Ideational metafunction itself is divided into two experiential and logical metafunctions. In experiential metafunction, the six processes (three main processes and three sub-processes), participants and circumstances are examined. But in the logical metafunction, the relations between the clauses are discussed. Processes occur in the verb and are divided into three main processes and three sub-processes. Material, mental, and relational processes are the three main processes, and behavioral, verbal, and existential processes are the three sub-processes.
  1.  Discussion and Conclusion
After determining the absolute frequency and relative frequency of ideational metafunction processes in the initial verses of Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh and putting them together, considerable results were obtained. One of the results is that in both works, the highest percentage is related to the material process. In both Shahnameh and Garshasbnameh, about 37% of all processes are related to the material process. As mentioned, the material process implies doing a work or happening an event, which according to the genre of the two works, which is epic, this amount of attention to the material process is predictable. Another process that should be considered according to the genre of the two works is the mental process. It seems that in composing an epic work, mental processes are less than genre like lyrical. The epic expresses the efforts and struggles of the heroes and pays less attention to mental issues (than material issues). In Shahnameh, about 18% and in Garshasbnameh, about 17% of the total processes are mental processes. Material and mental processes with few difference are the most similar among the types of processes and this shows that Asadi in composing Garshasbnameh has been able to be very close to Shahnameh linguistically in these two processes. The percentage of relational process in Shahnameh is higher than Garshasbnameh and this difference in verbal and existential processes in Garshasbnameh has been compensated. The percentage of the behavioral process in both works is zero, which is justifiable considering that the Tahmidiyehs of two works have been examined and have not yet entered the narrative section.
The results obtained for the participants in these processes are also significant. In Shahnameh, participant of about 31% of processes and in Garshasbnameh, participant of about 39% of processes is God. Considering that in this study, Tamhidiyehs of the two works were analyzed, assigning the highest percentage of participants to God was reasonable and predictable, and this shows the dominance and ability of the two poets.
In the end, with a little connivance, it can be acknowledged that Asadi was able to cope well with Ferdowsi in composing the Tahmidiyeh of Garshasbnameh, and the Tamhidiyeh of Garshasbnameh is equal to the Tahmidiyeh of Shahnameh based on ideational metafunction
Samane Refahi, Amir Nasri,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (Winter 2019)

Each architectural element, in a building, is designed and built for a specific purpose. Using these elements in the usual way will create comfort for users. In The Trial, Kafka tries to express his ideas with paradoxical uses of these architectural elements and with an expressionist view. The first point that appears is the concept of contradiction. In this regard, in the world of The Trial, even the window, the wall, the stairs and other elements have lost their usual uses. Another concept that Kafka expresses with the help of these components, is the concept of alienation and loneliness, which is seen in allover The Trial. It seems these architectural elements are built for others and these common uses will be lost for Josef K. in front of the others. This alienation is a reminder of various aspects of Kafka's personal life. The last but not least concept that Kafka expresses with the help of the architectural elements is being subordination that, with disappearance of the private space of Joseph K.'s life, it becomes more apparent.

Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)

Materials are often damaged during the process of detecting mass fractions by traditional methods. In this work, acoustic emission (AE) technology combined with wavelet packet analysis is used to evaluate the mass fractions of graphite/ epoxy composites. Attenuation characteristics of AE signals across the composites with different mass fractions are investigated. The AE signals are decomposed by wavelet packet technology to obtain the relationships between the energy and amplitude attenuation coefficients of feature wavelet packets and mass fractions as well. Furthermore, the relationship is validated by test samples. The results show that the lower proportion of graphite will correspond to the less attenuation. The attenuation characteristics of feature wavelet packets with the frequency range from 125 kHz to 171.85 kHz are more suitable for the detection of mass fractions than those of the original AE signal. The error of the graphite mass fraction calculated by the feature wavelet packet (1.9%) is lower than that of the original signal (4.75%). Therefore, the AE detection base on wavelet packet analysis is an ideal NDT method for evaluate mass fractions of composite.

Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)

Nowadays, the use of polymer composite materials in various industries has been increased due to their good mechanical properties, lightness, sound and thermal insulation and corrosion resistance. Over the past two decades, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials have been widely used in aerospace and automotive industries. These materials may be subjected to impact during manufacturing or service period and a lsmal impact region may be produced in them. This small defect can reduce the mechanical properties of the structure and lead to its failure. Therefore, it is necessary to use a method for defect detection in these materials. In this study, a polymer composite sample made of carbon fiber in polyester resin was made and subjected to impact test. To consider the repeatability of the defect detection process, the sample was subjected to four various impact tests and the defect areas were evaluated using penetrant-enhanced X-ray radiography and ultrasound immersion pulse-echo C-scan. The image obtained from the penetrant-enhanced X-ray method was scanned using a digital scanner, and the image of the ultrasound C-scan test was calibrated, taking into account the step of scanning.The areas of the defect region were obtained using Imagej software. The results show that these methods are able to detect and measure the impact area in the composite sample and Ultrasonic C-scan method detect impact area more accurately.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (5-2017)

In the current study, molecular typing of 50 Erwinia amylovora strains related to different regions in Iran was evaluated using multi-locus sequence analysis and variable number of tandem repeats. In the first assay, phylogenetic tree based on partial sequences of recombinase A, sigma factor S and a heat shock protein GroEL showed significant identity in studied gene sequences. A single nucleotide variation in groEL was determined in IrGh59 strain related to Crataegus spp. from Ghazvin Province. In VNTR analysis, the same fingerprinting profile similar to E. amylovora reference strain ATCC49946 was yielded for tested strains except NBQ1 and MQ1 which may reflect a unique contaminating source for this disease in Iran. In addition, the honey-bee movements with respect to blossom season probably have a considerable role in fire blight unique dispersal in our area. The NBQ1 and MQ1 strains generated different VNTR profiles, isolated from cultivars NeishabourandEsfehan of Cydonia oblonga plant, respectively. No definite assessment can be expressed in this case. However, possible entry of other infection mass from neighboring countries should be determined. Overall, VNTR profile analyses are recommended as a tool to evaluate genetic differences in E. amylovora populations. In addition, employing more strains from different known sources could be assistance to achieve more accurate results about E. amylovora genetic variation and also fire blight distribution patterns.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (March 2019)

Today, application of polymeric composites and sandwich panels has increased in the industry due to their lower weight to volume ratio and also better mechanical properties in comparison with metals used in automotive and marine industries in diverse structures. Detection of failure initiation and examination of failure mechanism in composites, especially for sandwich, panels are state of art. In this research, the Acoustic Emission (AE), as a non-destructive testing method, was applied to estimate the residual strength of the polyester/glass fiber sandwich pannel with polyurethane foam with 3 different lay-up techniques. Sandwich panels were placed in 3 different energy levels under a low velocity impact and, then, with a three-point bending test, their bending strength was evaluated using the acoustic Emission. By simultaneously analyzing the acoustic data and examining the force-displacement diagrams obtained from the bending test and their correlation, the remained strength of the sandwich panels, priorly damaged by impacts of different energy levels, is estimated. For this purpose, the accumulated acoustic energy during bending and strain energy from the force-displacement diagrams have been used to calculate the recently presented Sentry function of pre-damaged samples to compare with a virgin case without previous defect. The results show that there is a direct relationship between Sentry function data as a new indicator of residual strength and accumulated energy of acoustic data that contains the effects of various failure mechanisms. In the largest destroyed sample with fiber layout of 90 and 45 degrees with respect to bending direction containing a maximum pre-impact of 60 Jules, the highest strength drop was up to 27% compared to the virgin sample.

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