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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The prototype of any category is the member or set of members of a category that best represents the category as a whole. Not everything fits perfectly in a category. Categories are defined by an intersection of properties that make up their members. The language is set of different categories and we should attend to categories in language teaching. Gender and mother language are among these components that should be considered in the teaching and learning process. Research about prototype is necessity because no basic prototype study, and the impact of gender and mother language on the formation of this concept have not been made among farsi lernears. As a result, one group of forty speakers who were learning Farsi selected. Each group included 20 men and 20 women. Men from Hojjatieh school and women from the Bent-Alhoda center were selected, both under the supervision of the Almustafa international university. In the category of domestic animals, 41.17% of men chose cows, while the same percentage of women chose sheep, horses, and dogs. In the field of sports, in addition to the first choice, the second and third choices of women and men were completely different, men have chosen shooting and cricket, and women have chosen volleyball, football and walking. Also, in the category of vehicles, although both sexes chose airplane as their first choice, their next choices were different, men chose train and car while women chose bus, car and bicycle.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Spatial court in the city, management, distribution and distribution of space services and urban possibilities, special attention e-mail. In the discussion of equality and equality, none of the urban groups and classes of residents have a tendency to oppose each other and they provide equal treatment for everyone, regardless of social and economic status, for access to general urban services. For this reason, this topic, as it prevents the accumulation of possibilities and urban services in one area, the polarization of the city space and social inequalities, it makes access to the possibilities in the city for everyone. In accordance with this, the present research is aimed at assessing the spatial justice in the distribution of services and urban possibilities in the palaces of eight Shahr, Tehran.
The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library and documentation methods. The data used in this research are the data that have been extracted from urban areas. In order to analyze the information, in the first stage, using the entropy scale, balance (equality) or disequilibrium (inequality), each of the uses has been analyzed and then proceeded to rank the 13 palaces, regions. And the level of utilization of urban services and possibilities using the Cocoso model has been used for ranking the regions
Result and discussion
Since the globalization of cities and the urbanization of the world is the most prominent feature of the twenty-first century. Especially fortunately, the growth of urbanization in the majority of cities in the developing countries is more rapid. Various (housing, traffic, pollution, urban identity, commercial land, unsustainable land use, etc.) have been faced.
Land, as a limited, scarce and non-renewable commodity, in the face of rapid urban development and increasing collective demand, is transformed into an expensive and profitable commodity, as a result of which it is considered as a means of commerce for the purpose of securing profit and general welfare and improving the standard of living. Special groups are declared and cause many social, economic and environmental problems.
Based on these problems and difficulties of the current urbanization in this research with a radical and critical approach based on theories related to justice and spatial equality, after identifying and analyzing urban land use conditions, types and programs derived from them, the percentage of their realization. Reasons and forces influencing their realization or non-realization, as well as the space produced, the positive or negative spatial-spatial effects resulting from them. Perhaps the most important concern that prompted me to address this matter is the chaotic and confused situation in the suburbs of the three districts and the palaces of the third district of the eight city of Tehran in recent years.
The conditions are not improving, they are getting worse day by day. The situation of overcrowding and non-distribution of inappropriate uses, which have arisen due to major reasons, have led this region to a state of chaos. The urban land has been transformed into a bubble with the expansion of the stock market, the dimensions of which are getting bigger and bigger every day. Since the use of urban land is the core of urban planning, based on this assumption, it is possible to understand the root problems and spatial problems of the current urban area.
The results obtained indicate the imbalance in the distribution of spatial services and urban possibilities. Based on the results of the entropy method, cultural quality with a weight of 0.463 has won the first rank. Sports quality with a weight of 0.255 has won the second rank and green space quality with a weight of 0.153 has won the third rank. According to the Cocoso  model and according to the results, Kerman district has won the first rank, Fadak has won the second rank and Wahidiya has won the third rank. Therefore, the eastern region and its palaces, which are located in District 1 and part of District Two, are in a better condition than the western region, where the palaces of District Three are located.

Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 34), Fall Special, (Articles in Persian) 2016)

The present study is an attempt to determine the frequency and the role of circumstantial elements with a comparative approach between writers in both sex within the framework of Systemic Functional Grammar. In this research, data include two stories called ʻBroken Marbleʼ, written by Simin Daneshvar (2001) and ʻThe Same as it wasʼ written by Jafar Modarres Sadegi (2006)which have been analyzed according to the concepts discussed in ʻIdeational Meta functionʼ and ʻTransitivity Systemʼ. As giving details in Functional Grammar is represented in the form of circumstantial elements in the text, at the first step, all the circumstantial elements in the stories were found and then according the Functional Grammar and linguistic context were categorized. Analyzing the data showed less circumstantial elements in Daneshvar's story than Modarres Sadegi's; but the former was more versatile in using various kinds of circumstantial elements in her work. In both stories, ʻ placeʼ adjuncts have allocated the highest amount of circumstantial elements to itself. In the work of man writer, there is no guise and sourceʼ adjuncts , while woman writer has used these kinds of adjuncts. She has used all of them in the form of quotation (citation), so that, when she narrates the story from the mouth of the main character, remembers others' utterances in each situation. Also, in the story of woman, it can be seen that there are the situations which represent feelings, and she has transferred these feelings by using different kinds of adjuncts. It seems that review of literary texts from this perspective reveals new aspects of these works in fiction, literary criticism and stylistics. Introducing this category and applying it in stylistics of stories, is another objective of the present article.

Volume 8, Issue 7 (No. 7 (Tome 42), Winter Special, (Articles in Persian) 2017)

Forensic Linguistics is a new and interdisciplinary branch of applied linguistics and law that analyzes oral and written legal texts by using language tools and linguistic evidences and helps in detecting crime. The goal of present research is to obtain spoken features of robbery defendants in order to provide a unique conversation of thieves in detection of crimes. The authors are trying to describe and explain speech of robbery defendants in Semnan province judicial system from the perspective of Forensic Linguistics.The results show that the robbery defendants by using many linguistic principles such as high modality, activism deletion, infelicitous utterance, illocutionary act try to gain interrogators confidence. Investigation of lawsuits details show that robbery defendants in their defenses use linguistic principles differently. In particular, they use in their speech modality for 29%, contradictions for 16%, activism deletion for 14%, presupposition for 10%, speech acts for 3%, implicature for 1% and middle voice construction for 0/5%. The methodology of the research is descriptive-analytic and its purpose is to describe and explain the spoken features of the robbery defendants according to linguistic principles from the perspective of forensic linguistics. According to the research topic that it describes and analyzes the spoken features of the robbery defendants, we have selected four robbery cases from Semnan prosecutors. The four cases have been read in full and in rows from the initial stages of investigation to interrogations and trials and the linguistics tools examined, have been identified, extracted and analyzed.
 Also results suggest that attention to features and elegances of language like low modality, contradiction in speech, activism deletion, presupposition, implicature; middle voice construction and Gricean Cooperative Principles can help investigators and judges at crime detection.
Hossein Razavian, Vajiheh Ehsani,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (Spring 2015)

Scholars have different methods for grouping or determining the style of the literary works. So it sounds inevitable to have disagreement on how to determine the style of a work. In this paper we do not seek to confirm or reject common stylistics methods; rather we are proposing a new criterion as an indicator of style, namely, the metaphor of transitivity as a grammatical metaphor. To this end, Al-e-Ahmad’s Modir-e Madrese and Golestan’s Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jenni are studied through a descriptive-analytical method. The metaphors of transitivity from these works are extracted and compared. The frequency of such metaphor in Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jennicompared to Modir-e Madrese is much less. In Golestan these metaphors represents the conversion of mental processes to the existential ones and then the mental to the relational processes. In Modir-e Madrese, however, there is a unique employment of the metaphors of transitivity that represents the conversion of relational processes to the material ones and then the verbal processes to material.  Our study presents a model for using grammatical metaphor as a stylistic unit. In the chosen works, there is a significant difference between both the frequency and the type of metaphors of transitivity.        

Volume 14, Issue 6 (January & February 2023)

Conceptual blending is a creative application to explain concepts that go beyond simply combining structures and raw data. The present article tries to examine its effectiveness in news headlines of newspapers in different genres by referring to the theory of conceptual blending. For this purpose, 1000 news headlines from the Donyaye Eghtesad newspaper in the economic genre, 1000 news headlines from the Ebtekar newspaper in the political genre, as well as 1000 headlines from the Hadaf Varzeshi newspaper have been examined. The headlines with conceptual blending were identified in them and also their type and number were explained and drawn by drawing a grid. Out of 1000 news headlines examined in each genre, 240 in the economic genre, 160 in the political headline and 80 in the sports headline are in line with the theory of blending. According to the results, it seems that due to the intertwining of people's daily lives with the economy, the use of blending in the economic genre is more than the other two genres, and among the blending types, the single-scope type has a higher frequency than the other types in all three genres. Double-scope type blending has been observed due to its more complex structure than the lower frequency single-scope blending. It was also found that simple type blending has very low frequencies in all three genres. In the study of news headlines, due to the association-orientation mechanism of the type of mirrors, there are very few of them in each genre.

1. Introduction
Fauconnier and Turner (1998) elaborated Conceptual Blending Theory by using the theories of conceptual metaphor and mental space as tools to show the imaginative nature of conceptualization. They believe that the role of imagination in the meaning-making process, especially the creative aspects of meaning-making, is undeniable. In this way, it can be said that the news headline is one of the categories that creativity in creating meaning is one of its characteristics due to its specific coordinates, and perhaps it can be considered that the theory of conceptual blending can be a suitable platform for imagination and expression of this creativity. In this research, how this concept works as an efficient theory in analyzing linguistic data and explaining the emerging meaning in it is discussed. To achieve this goal, the authors intend to describe and analyze the news headlines of economic, political, and sports newspapers as popular topics based on the Conceptual Blending Theory to determine which genre has the least and most use of conceptual blending in the headlines. What is the reason for this little and increasing use of blending in making titles? Also, the comparison of the types of conceptual blending, the frequency of their occurrence, and the reason for the existence of different frequencies of these types in the studied genres will be discussed by presenting sufficient examples.

2. Literature Review
Fauconie and Turner proposed the theory of conceptual blending in 1998, and in 2002, they fully introduced this theory in the book The Way We Think. Other linguists and researchers presented research in linguistic and non-linguistic conceptualization of this theory. Coulson et al. (2000) studied the basics of conceptual blending as a theory for constructing meaning online and examined this theory from the perspective of linguistics, psychology, computer science, and neurobiology. Grady and Coulson (1999) introduced the mechanism of two theories of conceptual metaphor and conceptual blending. They also listed the similarities and differences of these two theories. Hedblom et al. (2016) state that image schemas are considered as fundamental cognitive patterns and the combination of two theories of conceptual blending and image schemas has a significant impact on creative thinking in humans. In the Persian language, researchers have examined the data of this language in the field of conceptual blending, including Sadeghi (2012) in his article entitled "Integration of writing and image in literary texts based on the theory of conceptual blending" and how meaning is formed in literary works. Pardel et al. (2016) in their article, which was published in the Journal of Language Inquiry, discussed how the author and the reader produce and understand emergent meanings in the white poem from the perspective of conceptual blending. In his analytical and descriptive review of a poem by Groos Abdulmalikian, he has shown that this theory is well suited to the cognitive description and explanation of how to create and read poetry.

3. Methodology
In this research, a total of 3000 economic, political, and sports titles from the newspapers of the world of economy, initiative, and sports purpose were analyzed in the summer and autumn of 2016. Of these, 240 economic titles, 160 political titles, and 80 sports titles have blended and can be described and analyzed with the Conceptual Blending Theory. After determining the presence of blending in the titles of each genre, the researchers investigated the type of blending in each title and after that, they examined the frequency of occurrence of each type to determine which is the most type of blending used in the titles and the reason for the high frequency of that type. Also, in order to be clearer and better understand the mechanism of this theory, we chose one title from each type of blending in each genre and then explained how the blending was formed. After explaining each title, we have drawn the networks related to them along with interstitial mappings.

4. Results and Conclusion
Newspaper titles in the economic genre have the highest frequency of conceptual blending compared to the political and sports genres. The reason for this should be considered in the wide range of the audience of this genre, as we know that the economy is one of the main pillars of society and is tied to people's livelihood and covers a huge part of our daily life, so it can be said that readers with interest, follow economic issues and are understandable to the general public. Another reason is that in the last decade, we have witnessed more instability in the field of economy, which provides a suitable platform for journalists to create creative titles, and journalists encourage the reader to read and follow economic issues by using blending.
In the political genre, there is less conceptual blending observed in the construction of titles compared to the economic genre. The reason for this can be found in the fact that political issues involve different individuals, parties, and factions. Journalists, to maintain job security, have limitations in using conceptual blending in title construction, which may include more figurative meaning, and prefer to use clearer titles to prevent multiple interpretations. Another reason is that political subjects require more explicitness in speech, and journalists prefer to prioritize transparency. Perhaps the use of conceptual blending in titles may distract the reader's mind from the main message, so they try to construct titles with fewer conceptual blendings.
In the analysis of data, sports genre titles have the least amount of conceptual blending. This can be attributed to the relative clarity of sports events, which do not provide much room for interpretation and critique. Additionally, a sports news article focuses more on reporting the news or presenting the outcome of a sports event, and the audience, which consists of a narrower spectrum, is mostly interested in the results of the competition rather than the details. They can even get informed about the results through other media outlets. Therefore, the sports genre includes fewer audiences compared to the political and economic genres, where the audience seeks interpretation and analysis of the news by experts.
Conceptual blending of the single-scope type has the highest frequency in all three genres because one of the rules that journalists consider for writing proper headlines is the quadrilateral rule, which includes factors such as relevance, simplicity, clarity, and attractiveness. It seems that single-scope blending has all four factors of this rule, so the writer, through creative headline construction, aims not only to convey information but also to highlight the headline and attract the reader to follow the article. Since single-scope blending only involves one of the inputs in shaping the blending, and that input is represented in the form of a concrete domain and has physical characteristics, it is easier for the reader to understand. Single-scope blending does not have the simplicity of simple blending type that only focuses on conveying information and does not have the complexity of double-scope blending type. Therefore, this type of blending has the highest frequency. Double-scope conceptual blending has a very low frequency in the headlines of all three genres. This type of blending has the highest creativity and complexity. Since both inputs play a role in shaping the blending, i.e., both the concrete or experiential domain and the abstract domain, as well as the emergent meaning that arises in the blending space, it makes the headline more complex and harder to understand, and perhaps analyzing it is beyond the patience of the reader. Therefore, journalists prefer to use this type of blending less.
According to the tables, simple concept blending has very few frequency of occurrence in news headlines. This low frequency is due to the structure of this type of blending, which includes two forms of role and value. Often in news headlines because journalists assume that the reader is aware of the roles and values of the people who are at the top of political, economic, and sports affairs, there is no need to mention both formats in the headline. Pay attention to these news headlines: a. All the president's men (in this news title, only the role format is mentioned); b) Biden's plan for regional partners (in this news headline, only the value format is mentioned). Observing these titles is proof of the claim that in many titles either the role format or the value format is used. The conceptual blending of the mirror type has rarely been observed in the titles.

Volume 15, Issue 1 (March & April (Articles in English & French) 2024)

The present study aimed to investigate vowel hiatus resolution and its relation to vowel shortening in Persian and Central Kurdish within an Optimality-Theoretic framework. The results showed that both Persian and Central Kurdish ​​use glide formation through vowel shortening to resolve hiatus in certain environments. Persian has its own way to resolve vowel hiatus. The two high vowels /i/ and /u/, as a result of glide formation through vowel shortening, are changed into a short vowel and the glides /j/ and /w/, respectively. In Central Kurdish, glide formation occurs in high vowels /iː, uː/ and mid-high vowels /ēː, ōː/. In Persian, glide formation involves a quantitative reduction in the long vowel /iː/ and a quantitative and qualitative alteration in the long vowel /uː/. On the other hand, glide formation in Central Kurdish involves only a quantitative reduction in long vowels. Based on an OT analysis, the main factor in resolving vowel hiatus in both Persian and Central Kurdish is the obligatory presence of onset in the syllable structure. In contexts in which glide formation occurs through vowel shortening, the ranking of the active constraints in Persian and Central Kurdish is: ONSET, AGREE(place) >> MAX, DEP >> IDENT(µ).

Volume 19, Issue 4 (Winter 2016)

With an increasing population growth and subsequent physical expansion of cities and their tendency toward consumerism, waste generation and disposal of solid waste have increased and this non-normative and non-professional disposal has left deleterious effects of the environment. and far to reduce the quality of the urban environment has led. In Ardebil, the current location of waste disposal is in its north, i.e. the east side of Ardebil- Meshkinshar road. The present study is an attempt to analyze land suitability of the site with its current situation using a descriptive- analytical approach. It proposes an optimal location for the disposal of solid waste. Based on library studies and field observations, the parameters affecting the subject of the research were determined and the research criteria maps were produced using the Arcgis 10.2 software. All these effective parameters were evaluated and standardized using Fuzzy membership and Fuzzy overlay functions; therefore, all Layers were combined by taking advantage of fuzzy overlapping method. After overlapping the criteria maps in the software environment, the obtained results showed that locating the current landfill has not been in compliance with the standards. Hence, the optimal place to locate the landfill was proposed at 32 km southwest of Ardebil city

Volume 22, Issue 4 (Winter 2019)

The game theory an interdependent decision-making theory in which, decision-makers have conflicting preferences and the outcome of their decisions cannot be determined by one party or actor alone. The roots of this theory is derive from the decision theory (Samsura, Van der Krabben, & Van Deemen, 2010: 565). However, there is a clear distinction i.e. the decision theory usually analyses decision-making processes from the one player’s point of view, while the game theory emphasizes its analysis through the interaction among many players. Since the game theory focuses on situations in which interactions and interdependency play a role, it can be seen as an extension of the decision theory (Samsura et al., 2010: 564). In other words, the game theory, or the so-called ‘‘interactive decision theory’’, is derived from the decision theory (Tan, Liu, Zhou, Jiao, & Tang, 2015: 17).
The term ‘game theory’ stems from the resemblance of collective decision-making situations to well-known parlor games like chess, poker, and monopoly (Aumann, 1989). Because of its focus on conflicting preferences, the game theory is often defined as a theory of conflict. Aumann has even referred it as ‘Interaction Decision Theory’, since this accurately describes the content and focus of the theory (Samsura et al., 2010: 656).
The game theory is a powerful tool in understanding the relationships that are made and broken in the course of competition and cooperation. It has been widely used in the fields of natural and social sciences, especially in economics after the 1920s, with the groundbreaking work of Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944), which is considered as ‘‘the classic work upon which the modern-day game theory is based’’(Von Neumann & Morgenstern, 2007: 14). The increased interest in the game theory among social scientists is partly due to the fact that it can solve social problems through finding out optimal solutions in a conflict situation (Tan et al., 2015: 17).
Since then, the game theory has been profoundly influencing other fields in natural sciences, such as biology, physics, and computer science, as well as social sciences, including anthropology, psychology, sociology, politics, and philosophy. The increased attention to this theory especially in social sciences is based on the idea that it can provide solid micro-foundations for the study of collective decision-making processes and structures and social change (Samsura et al., 2010: 565). Urban planning and, in particular, metropolitan and urban management is also one of the branches of social sciences in which the proposed theory is capable of playing a vital role. As such, the present study seeks to answer the following questions:
  • How is the narrative of the game between actors of urban management field producing and reproducing?
  • What are the most likely possible outcomes and remedies of the current situation?
The problem structuring methods, among new approaches to operations research, believe that the most important step in solving a problem is to identify it. As such, they try their best to investigate the problem by identifying various factors, revealing and hidden relationships between them, and avoiding simplicity and unrealization. Since the game theory is one of the most important of these methods, the present research applies it to introduce and describe the gaming in the field of metropolitan management. By completing the initial assumptions, analysis and determination of the stable status is done using the GMCR+ software.
Results and Discussion
In the first step, people active in managing metropolitan areas are identified and categorized into four main groups: state-government institutions, public-government institutions, public institutions and private sector institutions. Thereafter, alternative metropolitan management actors are listed and finalized with initial reviews and their limitations. In real terms, all theoretical situations and conditions of games (i.e. 512 games) are not possible, and limitations make it to reduce the possible status. The final step in the field of game modeling is to determine priorities and possible preferences for each actor, for which, the prioritization of alternatives was used. The model analysis is based on the stability and balance of the actors. Based on the results of 24 statuses, 4 are equilibrium and 2 statuses are semi-stable.
The results show that there are 24 statuses, 4 equilibrium statuses, and 2 semi-stable statuses among different mode of actions in the areas of metropolitan area management. Status 15 is considered as the most stable one. Based on Nash Equilibrium (R), General Metarationality (GMR), Symmetric Metarationality (SMR), Sequential Stability (SEQ), Limited-move Stability (LM), and Non- myopic Stability (NM) all actors are most beneficial. State-government actors with structural reforms, gradual changes and the necessity of reviewing laws and regulations, as well as recognizing the concept of metropolitan area with respect to political divisions of the country, can provide a structure and an effective state for managing metropolitan areas. Public-government actors can help improve the current state of affairs by facilitating and organizing structural reforms or setting up a regional metropolitan management council. This should be done by removing the weak horizontal interactions among stakeholders in metropolitan region and unhealthy competitions of cities and settlements located in the metropolitan region. People's institutions can also play an active role in managing metropolitan areas with their attempt to participate and influence the management. Furthermore, the principle of confidence as a link between social elements that makes social capital essential, and this can be achieved through decentralizing and distributing powers among all actors and stakeholders.

Volume 31, Issue 1 (1-2024)

The term “free zone” refers to designated areas in which companies are taxed very lightly and it enhances global market presence by attracting new business and foreign investments. For over a century, governments around the world have sought to boost and exploit the economic power of their particular regions and zones by designating them as “special” or “free” economic zones. The trend of establishing such zones or areas have gained momentum in the last four or five decades with countries accounting for small businesses and millions of direct or indirect jobs. The Middle East, especially the countries in the Persian Gulf, for some and other reasons, have particularly embarked on such a trend. The current paper tries to highlight benefits and challenges faced by free trade zones in Iran, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, taking into account recent global financial crises. 

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