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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)
Aim and Introduction
Inequality is a multidimensional phenomenon that affects various aspects of households' lives. The economic well-being of individuals depends not only on their income but also on other factors such as access to healthcare, education, transportation, etc. Therefore, one-dimensional methods (income-focused) are insufficient for measuring inequality. The multidimensional approach to inequality considers different aspects of individual welfare, unlike the one-dimensional approach. The concentration of population and activities in some provinces of Iran, along with macroeconomic indicators (inflation and unemployment), exacerbates inequality. These inequalities affect various dimensions of people's lives and endanger their economic welfare. The primary aim of this study is to examine the effects of inflation and unemployment on multidimensional inequality in the provinces of Iran and their reciprocal effects on each other, using a multidimensional Gini coefficient estimated from the household budget microdata of the Statistical Center of Iran for the years 2000-2021.
In this study, the multidimensional Gini coefficient by Kumar Banerjee (2010) has been estimated for 9 dimensions of welfare. Then, the effects of inflation and unemployment, along with variables such as per capita real government expenditure and per capita real financial facilities as indicators of financial development, will be analyzed using a spatial econometric model. The mathematical form of the multidimensional Gini coefficient (MGI) is as follows:
Here, the mathematical formula would be inserted) In this equation: represents the non-increasing rank of the unit under study in the individual's overall welfare vector, and represents the sample size. The range of this index fluctuates between zero (completely equal distribution) and one (completely unequal distribution). For measuring multidimensional inequality in this study, the multidimensional Gini coefficient by Kumar Banerjee (2010) has been used which is based on the microdata from the household expenditure (income) survey of the Statistical Center of Iran and involves data mining processes such as aggregating groups of beverages and tobacco, ready meals with food expenditure groups, and communications with transportation, and extracting data related to each household code in each province using R Studio 2020 software. The model is based on the spatial econometric method with spatial panel data, defined using a proximity method in which provinces sharing a border have an element of one and otherwise zero. The adjacency matrix (spatial weight) is normalized, where neighboring provinces carry the most weight, and distant provinces carry the least.
The results of estimating the multidimensional Gini coefficient for the provinces during 2000-2021 show that most provinces have experienced a high rate of inequality. Provinces such as Bushehr, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Kurdistan, Markazi, Qazvin, Qom, Semnan, Sistan and Baluchestan, West Azerbaijan, Zanjan, and Yazd are in an unfavorable condition compared to the country, and most of these provinces are border regions. Over these 22 years, Sistan and Baluchestan with 77.66% have the highest rate of multidimensional inequality, while Isfahan with 60.85% has the lowest among the provinces. Additionally, the findings indicate that inflation, unemployment, per capita real government expenditure, and per capita real disbursed financial facilities have a significant positive effect on multidimensional inequality in the provinces of Iran. The proximity of provinces has also worsened the inequality conditions in the neighboring provinces.
Discussion and Conclusion
Four variables including unemployment, inflation, per capita real government expenditure, and per capita real disbursed financial facilities have a significant positive effect on the multidimensional Gini coefficient, worsening income distribution. The most significant impact is seen with per capita real government expenditure, which is not allocated effectively to enhance welfare and improve economic conditions, thus not improving income distribution and reducing inequality. The effects of the other variables are in the following order: per capita real disbursed financial facilities, unemployment, and inflation. It is recommended to consider all welfare dimensions in the household consumption basket, create equal conditions for access to bank facilities, allocate a specific quota of facilities to lessdeveloped provinces, allocate government expenditures to expand public services and infrastructure in deprived provinces, consider the interactive effects between provinces in policymaking, and implement effective policies to improve welfare conditions and balanced income distribution across all provinces
Volume 1, Issue 1 (NO. 1- 2011)
Remarkable progresses of science and extensive development of modern technologies have led academic ability to become one of the tools of power. Accordingly, governments are trying to promote their higher education system in such a way that their position would improve on the basis of its performance. One of the most effective ways is to develop a comprehensive and integrated model for evaluation and ranking of universities and higher education institutions. Reaching such a model needs identifying factors and criteria that are related to evaluating the universities performance, choosing compatible factors with Iran’s higher education system, classification of the criteria and finally, representing them in a model. In this research, according to the literature review and expert’s point of view, eight factors were presented as the basic parts of the model as follows: educational, research, cultural, student, management and human resource, information technology, quality assurance and educational and research space factors. By using factor analysis, the extracted criteria were classified according to these eight factors and the final model was presented. The use of this model will cause integrating the system of performance evaluation of universities and higher education institutions. It will further help them to pursue their competition in such a way that consequently help the country to reach the desired scientific capability.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2013)
The effect of the antioxidant extracts on the quality indices of rainbow trout fillet stored at refrigerator (4±1ºC) for 15 days was investigated. The fillets in 3 treatments, including salted in 10% brine, salted in 10% brine plus 1% nettle leaf extract, and salted in 10% brine plus synthetic antioxidant BHT were evaluated at every 3 days interval, using the quality indices including the free fatty acids (FFA), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), peroxide (PV), moisture content, pH levels and sensory characteristics. The results showed that TBA and FFA values increased significantly (p<0/05), but PV significantly decreased in all treatments during the course of storage (p<0/05). Samples containing antioxidants had significantly lower TBA, PV and FFA values in comparison with the control sample throughout the storage. Also, the methanol extract from nettle leaves (at 1% balance) controlled the TBA, PV and FFA indices and entirely replaced the synthetic BHT antioxidants (at 1% balance). Since the sensory evaluation (smell, texture, taste and after taste elements) showed no significant differences between the two antioxidants, both are recommended to preserve the quality of rainbow trout fillet. The nettle leaf extract was found to be more efficient on shelf life extension the fillet.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)
Future increase of mobile communication subscribers will require a great capacity expansion of the cellular systems. In order to accommodate the increasing number of subscribers, the cell size will have to be much smaller than current size. Therefore, it is predictable that the location updating and paging procedures will produce a major part of signaling traffic in these networks.
This paper proposes a location management algorithm for cellular networks that dynamically extract the location and paging areas for every user, based on the user profile. The user profile contains the number of movements between cells and average duration spent in each visited cell. A mobility model is developed to simulate daily movements of the subscribers and used to compare the performance of the proposed dynamic algorithm with current strategy in GSM networks. The results of simulation indicate that the dynamic algorithms significantly outperform the static algorithm, in terms of total location management cost.
Volume 4, Issue 9 (7-2016)
The story of Bahman in Shahnameh, despite the apparent independence, isn’t an independent narration; and In fact, it is a part of the main story of Rustam and Esfandiar; but the story, independently, becomes the subject of "Bahman-Name" of Iranshah ibn Abelkhayr and "Bahman and Faramarz" of Nowshad of Abolvafa , famous Lak poet in the Safavid era. The adventure of Bahman in Shahnameh is a brief story. In this story, after Bahman's Enthronement, he has attended to his animosity of the house of Rustam. He addressed there to Bahman's enthronement, his campaign in Sistan (to vengeance of Esfandiar), captive of Zal and Faramarz war, and finally, the marriage of Bahman with Homay and his death. But narrative of "Bahman and Faramarz", is the painful tragedy and partial description about oppressed death of Faramarz. This verse book begins with a description of Faramarz's bravery; narrates Bahman's Unequal battle with him and after describing his deplorable death, describes the story of revenge of Azar borzin in a beautiful and effective narrative voice. In this paper, we are going to analyze and compare the similarities and differences between the narrative of Ferdowsi and the influence of Ferdowsi of Nowshad and also show the degree of Nowshad's independence from Ferdowsi and finally, the particular characteristics of the verse book "Bahman and Faramarz" of Nowshad. Overall, the differences between "Bahman and Faramarz" of Nowshad and Ferdowsi's narrative, are more than their similarities.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 18), (Articles in Persian) 2014)
Nafsat-al-Masdur by Shahab-al-din Mohammad Zeidary Nasavi, is one of the Persian euphemistic masterpieces. An examination of the structure of this text, from the perspective of language, reveals that the poetic and emotive functions of the text are more highlighted than the historical information. From a linguistic standpoint, a message could either be directed towards the addressor or the message itself. Therefore, the addressee is basically confronted with a literary text whose language often has an emotive function. As a result, the addressee understands the author’s soliloquy all the time. On the other hand, the author, through using his regular extra-regularity, produces numerous musical parallelisms and invigorates the internal music of a lyrical text, which is an essential component of any lyrical text. The pinnacle of lyrical language in Nafsat-o-al-Masdoor is where the author adds poetic and emotive functions to his text and makes use of a variety of parallelisms. In such cases, where the author expresses his spontaneous overflow of feelings in a given poetic and lyrical text, the prose of the book is quite simple and eloquent. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of lyrical language focusing on the structure of Nafsat-al-Masdur.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)
The Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller is one of the conventional hosts for rearing of natural enemies to be used in biological control programs. In this study, the effects of three cereal flours (wheat, corn and barley) on some biological parameters, nutritional responses, as well as proteolytic and amylolytic digestive activities of the fifth instar larvae of E. kuehniella werestudied to determine suitability of the cereals for optimum growth and reproduction of E. kuehniella. The highest rate of larval survival (0.88) and larval growth index (9.77) were obtained in larvae which fed on corn flour. The relative growth rate (9.17 ± 0.33 mg/mg/day) and the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (12.08 ± 1.11%) were the highest rate for fifth instar larvae which fed on corn flour. The highest protein concentration in midgut of larvae (63.77 ± 2.31 mg/ml) and consequentially, proteolytic activity including tryptic (0.0012 ± 0.00 Umg-1) and chymotryptic (0.543 ± 0.001 Umg-1) were observed in larvae that fed on corn flour. According to the results obtained, corn (Var. 704) was the most suitable cereal for laboratory rearing of E. kuehniella, resulting in the highest rate of biological and physiological parameters.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Nowadays most of structural engineers consider masonry infill walls as non-structural elements and only their mass is calculated during structural analysis, on the other hand, architects determine the specifications of walls without considering any of their seismic performance. In other words, during the seismic design of conventional medium rise buildings, most focuses are on structural elements and seismic performance of walls is rarely considered. While masonry infill walls are non-structural elements have the most potential to facilitate the entire collapse of buildings and damage them even in mild or moderate earthquakes. Experiences of past earthquakes show infill walls may have positive or negative effects on building›s seismic response. In recent earthquakes, numerous buildings designed by engineers were severely damaged or
even collapsed as a result of anomalies in the basic structural system induced by non-structural masonry partitions. Whereas there were weak structures without any lateral force resistant elements constructed by non-specialist people which remained stable as a result of the contribution of masonry infill walls. Therefore the research process has been defined in a way to answer the followings three main questions:
1. Which faults in design and construction will cause damage to walls in earthquakes?
2. How can non-structural walls lead to the collapse of seismic resistant buildings in earthquakes?
3. What are the effects of non-structural walls in seismic resistance of buildings?
Since there are various definitions of walls, it should be noted that this study included non-structural walls such as infill walls and partitions and excluded shear walls and load bearing walls. The main purpose of this paper is to identify weaknesses of walls and also investigate the positive and negative effects of infill walls on seismic performance of buildings in a conceptual approach for architects. Numerous studies have been carried out about the effects of infill walls on structural behavior in earthquakes by researchers from structure and earthquakes engineering with an intensive approach, but there are a few researches with a comprehensive conceptual approach considering all efficient factors on the seismic performance of walls with perceptible approach to be employed by architects. So this paper is trying to study the damage of walls in past earthquakes and evaluate their positive and negative effects on seismic performance of buildings in three main levels to determine main causes of damage. The results can be used as awareness for architects about the consequences of their decisions in design process. Considering required measures in the design phase and providing more favorable context for the seismic performance of buildings can result in the better performance of structures.
The main approach of this research is analytical and the applied method is experimental. In fact, the observed damage in past earthquakes is similar to a performed experiment in laboratory with a real scale. In this method there is no limitation in terms of scale, material properties and quality of construction in comparison with computer modeling or laboratory methods. According to the extensive approach of this paper, this method can be very helpful in understanding all efficient factors in seismic performance of walls. The main source of data in this paper is based on the damage of buildings in 1990 Manjil-Rudbar, Iran, 2002 Changureh (Avaj), Iran, 2003 Bam, Iran, 1968 Tokachi-oki, Japan, 1985 Mexico City, 1925 Santa
Barbara, California, 1971 San Fernando, California, 1994 Northridge, California, 1995 Kobe, Japan, 1998 Adana-Ceyhan, Turkey, 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey, 2001 Arequipa, Peru, 2002 Molise, Italy, 2007 Sumatra, Indonesia, 2008 Wenchuan, Chian, 2009 Abruzzo, Italy, 2011 Tohoku, Japan, 2011 Van, Turkey, 2011 Lyttelton, New Zealand earthquakes.
Based on the experiences of past earthquakes, the seismic behavior of walls can be presented in a unique graph by three levels and analyzing each of them in both positive and negative aspects. In the first level of poor performance, only wall is damaged, which is known as in-plane failure that can happen for both separate and infill walls. The weak components and connections, configuration and the size of openingsare the two main efficient factors for the occurrence of this kind of failures. In the second level, wall is damaged and there would be possibility of damage to other non-structural elements and humans› injury too. These kinds of failure are known as out-of-plane failure and can be occurred in separate and infill walls.
The three factors of weak components and connections, non-proper aspect ratio and weak connections to structural elements are effective on this level of damage. In the third level, infill walls cause damage to the structure of buildings. In this level, wall failure especially in-plane failures may occur first and then followed by structural failure. In other cases wall could remain stable but due to its form, material, connection and position causes the structural damage. Following the structural damage, the damage to non-structural elements such as walls and also human causalities are expected.
There could be imagined, three levels for satisfactory wall performance. In the first level, walls remain stable against in-plane forces. In the second level, walls also remain stable against out-of-plane forces and do not cause damage to other elements. In the third level, walls which remain stable in both two previous levels and have appropriate material, adequate connections between components, proper aspect ratio, durable connections to the structure, proper position of the openings and their arrangement in plan and elevations are desirable, can help in strengthening non-seismic resistant buildings or can provide extra potential for seismic resistant buildings.
As a final conclusion it is necessary to notice the characteristics of walls in order to achieve an ultimate seismic resistant building, besides the seismic design of structural system. A little care to the seismic performance of walls in various stages of architectural and structural design can prevent the adverse effects of walls during earthquakes and exploit their favorable performance. By this method, structural costs can be reduced and also can provide extra potential for seismic resistant of buildings with low quality construction without any increase in cost.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Vol. 2- 2015)
This paper presents the dominant perspective of the historical sociology and seeks to reveal the capabilities of this insight in analyzing the nature of social changes. For this purpose, the library method uses for extracting the content of historical sociology insights in the context of current literature in this field. Findings show that the social and intellectual area of historical sociology insight takes shape in the fields of history and sociology since the nineteenth century. Despite traditional distinction prevailing in social sciences, Frnan Braudel and Peter Burke from the fields of history, and C. Wright Mills, Anthony Giddens and Philip Abrams from sociology with different analyzes emphasized the convergence of sociology and history. Convergence result of these two groups wasthe interdisciplinary project of historical sociology in 1970s that on the one hand, is detached from history using social theory as analysis frame of empirical evidences and on the other hand, placing social action and social structure in their historical context and testing the manner of historic reopening of them demanded on the temporal nature of social life. This vision of historical sociology was used in various forms in different subjects., Theda Skocpol's generalized ,interpretive and analytical historical sociology with micro (experimental) and macro (comparative) historical sociology were two prototypes of classification of different sorts of historical sociological insights. However, the types of analyses in historical sociology, all have the function of understanding the current world, the way of its changes and the coming paths. This paper concludes that historical sociology with a critique of modernization theory of development shows the different paths of historical evolution of societies and takes the development for the special event of historical societies.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2018)
Aims: From the beginning of the modernism, when architects began to use the aesthetic characteristics of steel and concrete structures in the building, new seismic configuration problems appeared; despite the existence of seismic codes, sometimes safety level in buildings is not achieved due to lack of attention in design and implementation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of architects in the seismic performance of conventional medium-rise buildings by using the experiences of past earthquakes.
Information and methods: In the present empirical study, regarding the broad view approach of the research, an experimental laboratory was used by observing damages of RC and steel structure buildings in past earthquakes. All the analytical data in 5 areas, including soil and site conditions, geometry and configuration of architectures, geometry and configuration of structures, architectural details, and structural details were adapted with the process of study, design, and implementation through logical argumentation method. Finally, all potential damages were set as a basic control matrix for use by architects.
Findings: According to the 5-part spectral model, unlike the initial impression that only the structural engineer is responsible for seismic resistant design of RC and steel structure buildings, and contrary to the view of some other researchers who consider that the role of architects is limited to the basic design of buildings form, architects play a decisive role on a wide range of factors affecting the seismic performance of buildings in the study, design, and implementation process.
Conclusion: Architects play a decisive role on a wide range of factors affecting the seismic performance of buildings in the study, design, and implementation process.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2022)
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The monotypic genus Fulmekiola Karny of Thrips genus-group (Thripidae: Thripinae) is recorded in Iran for the first time. This is the sixth member of this group recorded from Iran after Microcephalothrips (one species), Sphaerothrips (one species), Stenchaetothrips (2 species), Stenothrips (one species) and Thrips (35 species). Diagnostic characters and the geographical distribution of the newly recorded thrips, Fulmekiola serrata (Kobus) are provided along with an updated key to genera of the Iranian Thrips-group.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)
Aims: Emerging sciences and technologies have huge potential in the field of innovation; therefore, they should be protected against large uncertainties caused by unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate biotechnology forecasting innovation pathways based on its convergence with other technologies.
Information and Methods: In this systematic review, by the future-oriented assessment of biotechnology innovation pathways, future biotechnology strategies were developed at the national level. All potential applications of the future innovation pathways of this technology were identified in the combination and convergence with nanotechnologies, information, and cognitive science and technology. The strength and weakness of the effects and barriers in all areas of biotechnology were considered in terms of the short-, mid-, and long-term; in the same timeframe, the barriers to these technologies were identified in the field of combined dual technologies and ultimately for biotechnology itself, and future strategies for biotechnology were proposed based on 4 strategies, including ignorance, investment, exploitation, and opportunism.
Findings: In the field of biotechnology- information technology- in the mid-term, the greatest impact was on improving the quality of human life, improving social outcomes, and increasing the level of innovation, and in the field of biotechnology- nanotechnology and biotechnology- cognitive science on improving the quality of human life, increasing security and defending power, and improving the positive social consequences.
Conclusion: The highest number of applications is the mid-term. The "exploitation" strategy should be used in biotechnology- cognitive science and biotechnology- nanotechnology, respectively. The "investment" strategy should be the most widely used in the common areas of biology with information technology. In the common areas of biotechnology with nanotechnology and cognitive sciences, the most application is the “opportunism" strategy.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
Aims: Nurses are a key component of the treatment team in times of crisis and are currently at the front line of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Since understanding nurses' experiences can help identify the relevant problems, this study aimed to explain nurses' experiences in the coronavirus crisis by content analysis approach.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study with a conventional content analysis approach conducted purposeful sampling in 2020. Ten nurses who were working in the COVID-19 wards of Amir Al-Momenin Hospital in Zabol were selected. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews. The data analysis process was performed according to the steps proposed by Graneheim and Lundman 2004. The trustworthiness of the data was checked by Lincoin & Guba criteria, and the research's ethical standards were observed.
Findings: Two main themes of nurses and families under the shadow of coronavirus and the dual reaction of nurses to coronavirus crisis, as well as six categories (Nurse's family challenges, Joys and Concerns of nurses, Nurses and care injuries, Nurses and conflicting thought to the profession, Dual care reactions, Dual feeling reactions) and ten subcategories, were extracted.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the individual, family, and occupational effects of the corona crisis on nurses, which can affect their care performance in addition to individual life.
Ali Noori, , , Momammad R Roozbeh,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (Winter 2016)
Phenomenology is a flow which its main purpose is reaching to the real recognition of things; a cognition which is pure and is free from presuppositions and prejudices, so that mere and true beings of creatures get the permission, to appear themselves and the interference of mind and its contents stand aside from the pure openness of beings. What is important here is achieving the real and authentic description of things with the reduction of Epoché. Nima Yoshij as a poet who could be named as epoch maker, in his 'letters' and his writings to others, continually concentrates on this point that an authentic poet must see with his eyes and they must learn to see based on concrete and genuine experiences. He also stressed on this point that poem and poetry is the connection with the being of beings and to achieve this purpose, all of the definitions around an event must be pushed away for reaching the entity of beings. Nima's letters could be assumed as his theories about poem which in it, he knows what is important is exact vision and being free from any subjectivity for composing poetry. In this paper, we will analyze this Nima's notions and will compare them with phenomenologist's attitudes.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2021)
Despite the importance of diversification and industrial development, finding a suitable way to determine homogeneity and relevance is one of the main challenges in implementing this type of strategy. For this reason, applied studies using new methods of determining homogeneity seems necessary for solving real problems in the world of policy and strategy. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify products that are homogenous with the current products of the country's parts and equipment manufacturing industry. The method used in this research is the economic complexity approach that identifies homogenous production opportunities with the current capabilities of the Iranian parts and equipment manufacturing industry, based on the export data of 669 commodity codes under the parts and equipment manufacturing industry between years 2002 to 2017. The findings of this study indicate the existence of 28 homogenous production opportunities with the current situation of Iran's parts and equipment manufacturing industry, which moving towards them will make the industry more diverse and complex. By producing these products, technological capabilities can be accumulated, and more export earnings can be achieved. Accordingly, the production of some types of turbines, engines, vehicle parts, tubes, machine parts and locomotives constitute a significant part of production opportunities in line with the Iranian parts and equipment manufacturing industry. Findings and methods used in this article can be used as a practical guide by industry policymakers and managers.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (12-2020)
In this study, cellulase enzyme production by Trichoderma reesei on three lignocellulosic substrates (corn bran, sawdust and wheat bran) and percentage of different combinations of sawdust and wheat bran by solid-state fermentation method for 6 days in scale checked out. Then, under optimal substrate component proportions obtained from Erlenmeyer-scale, the effect of aeration at three levels of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 liters per hour of initial dry substrate (l/(h.gds)) on the production of this enzyme in 0.5-Liter packed-bed bioreactor was studied. The initial substrate moisture and pH were 70 %(w/w) and 5 respectively, and the heating temperature was set at Erlenmeyer-scale and bioreactor at 30 and 28 °C, respectively. Cellulase enzyme production was evaluated based on the activity of endoglucanase and exoglucanase enzymes. The highest amount of endoglucanase and exoglucanase activity at substrate combination of 75% wheat bran and 25% sawdust in Erlenmeyer-scale at day 6 and 3 were obtained 13 and 6.4 U/gds, respectively, and in bioreactor at aeration of 1.5 (l/(h.gds)) at day 3 were attained 36 and 10 U/gds, respectively.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (Autumn 2012 2012)
Achieving a high and sustainable economic growth has always been the main target of economic plans in different countries. Proving a positive relationship between financial development and economic growth by many studies has convinced the researchers to study the effective factors on the growth and development of financial markets. Inflation is one of the main factors that have a great impact on the countries’ financial development. So, the focus in the studies has mainly been on explaining the form of relationship between inflation and financial development. In this paper, the relationship between inflation and financial market development in Iran during 1978 to 2007 for the money market and during the summer of 1999 to spring of 2008 for the capital market has been reviewed. Econometric model of this research has been specified according to Boyd, Levine and Smith model (2001). Firstly, a simple linear model is used for controlling other economic factors that may be correlated with financial market performance. Then, a threshold regression is handled for explaining the nonlinear relationship between inflation and financial market development. In this model, different thresholds that limit inflation are considered. Conditional least squares method (CLS), is applied for estimating the model. The threshold limit for inflation has been determined based on the minimum error sum of squared criterion. The results of the estimated model indicate that a negative relationship between inflation and financial development indexes of money market. This positive relationship also exists between inflation and stock market development indexes. In the same way, the output of the estimated models has shown that in the some domain of inflation, the negative relationship between inflation and financial development indexes of money market is not significant. In addition, the results of the estimated models revealed that there is no a threshold limit for the impact of inflation on the stock market.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (Spring 2025)
Aims: Land use planning based on the capacity of ecosystems plays a significant role in sustaining ecosystem service (ES) flows and the prevention of degradation. The present study aims to investigate the type and intensity of interaction between the effective criteria in evaluating the ecological capacity of rangelands using the DEMATEL-ANP approach in the Sistan region, southeastern Iran.
Methods: The criteria influencing the land suitability evaluation of rangeland development were prepared based on scientific sources and expert opinions. Subsequently, a questionnaire method was utilized to assess the interactions among the criteria and their pairwise comparisons, leveraging the insights of seven experts. The final weight of the criteria was then calculated and analyzed using the DEMATEL-ANP approach.
Findings: The findings indicated that the criteria of elevation (0.117), slope (0.132), soil type (0.069), and soil erosion (0.088) exhibited the highest weights in determining the land suitability of the rangeland. These results show the important impact of physical factors in evaluating the grazing capacity of rangelands.
Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that topographic and soil criteria are significant in the evaluation of land suitability for rangeland development in the Sistan region. Furthermore, it was ascertained that the DEMATEL-ANP approach enables the incorporation of the interactive effects of criteria in their prioritization for land suitability evaluation. This approach contributes to a more profound comprehension of the relationships between environmental criteria in evaluating land suitability for various uses.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (winter 2013 2014)
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a method for more accurately measurement of structural breaks’ impacts of money demand function using fuzzy set approach. Hence, we present a robust method in order to modeling endogenous structural breaks. To do this, first, we review the recent studies on modeling structural breaks in money demand using nonlinear transition functions and fuzzy set theory, then we examine theoretical basics of fuzzy sets, membership and transition functions. In this paper, we model the structural breaks in money demand function via fuzzy set theory by using transition function instead of membership functions. In this regard, after introducing a new transition function, we model the 1993 structural break of money demand in Iran using a binary dummy variable and various transition functions. The findings show that the AS transition function due to more flexibility provides more accurate results rather than binary dummy variable, exponential and logistic transition functions. In general, if the dependent variable of the model is stationary, use of the binary dummy variable for modeling structural breaks causes misspecification. Also, if the dependent variable is non-stationary, due to increasing shock effect, the use of binary dummy variable is wrong.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2013)
Recently, the study of nano materials in different fields of engineering science has been widely performed. In fact, the study on the behaviour of mixtures of nano material with other materials is among the new horizons in engineering research works. In this paper the impact of nanoclay on consolidation behaviour of bentonite in the presence of heavy metal contaminant is investigated. For this purpose, different percentages of nanoclay were mixed with bentonite and were additionally mixed with different concentrations of copper nitrate. Then, the odometer experiments performed on these prepared homogeneous samples in order to study the consolidation and permeability variations of samples. The results of this study show that the presence of industrial nanoclay causes an increase on the osmotic settlement of samples at the heavy metal concentrations up to 30 cmol/kg-soil of copper nitrate in comparison to the settlement of bentonite. Furthermore, the addition of industrial nano-clay to bentonite causes an increase in permeability of sample in comparison to the permeability of bentonite. This difference is more noticeable at high concentration of heavy metal. In addition, with an increase in external pressure, the permeability of bentonite sample and mixtures of bentonite/nanoclay gets closer to each others. This behaviour has been attributed to the presence of clay particles with nano dimensions in the mixtures of nanoclay-bentonite, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and specific surface area (SSA) variations of samples due to the presence of nanoclay. In other words, according to the results of this study in the process of settlement of mixtures of bentonite and nano clay in the presence and absence of heavy metals the cation exchange capacity and specific surface area have the significant role. In this regard at the low concentration of heavy metals at the effective stress less than 100 kPa, cation exchange capacity governs the soil behaviour. However, at the effective stress more than 100 kPa, specific surface area is the governing factor which controls soil consolidation performance. Once the concentration of heavy metal increases in which it overcomes the soil buffering capacity, the heavy metals will neutralize negative charge of clay particles. Therefore, the cation exchange capacity of soil will have low effect on the settlement behaviour of soil. In such a case the specific surface area governs soil settlement process. For this reason due to the larger surface area of nano clays, the possibility for the secondary consolidation of soil increases.