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Showing 28 results for Mostafavi

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Khalaj language is an endangered and independent branch of Turkic languages and is spoken in some villages in the center of Iran. According to researchers, the study of Khalaj language is very important because it preserves the linguistic features of Proto-Turkic. The present study provides an overview of encoding two grammatical case markers: comitative and instrumental, in Khalaj language based on typological approaches. The corpus of study consists of available data in Iran's linguistic atlas (ILA) which have been gathered based on the questionnaire prepared for this atlas. The data belongs to 16 villages in Qom province and 4 villages in Markazi province. The corpus of research includes 100 sentences which are analyzed based on the theoretical framework. According to the analyzed data, it is concluded that there is the same marker for encoding the different cases, i.e., comitative and Instrumental. Khalaj language employs the identity strategy for encoding this marker which is a postposition and attaches to the head of noun phrases.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2014)

Undoubtedly, understanding the Holy Qur'an and representing lingual concepts and innovation may be difficult. Thus, it is vital that the translator is proficient in the Qur'anic language. The Holy Qur'an is extremely eloquent and rhetoric literally, and there exists so beautiful styles and formats within it such as independent pronouns. Given that “independent pronoun” is important in transferring the meaning, the present study seeks to its semantic aspects in Hadad Adel’s and Safarzadeh's translations of the Holy Qur'an. The author first defines “independent pronoun”, and then studies different translations of the Holy Qur'an. Next, the proposed translations are recited. In the process of studying and criticizing Hadad Adel’s and Safarzadeh's translations, it became evident that these translations do not follow the same method in translating “independent pronouns”; for example, the pronouns in similar situation are translated differently, and sometimes the translators apply translation. Also some translations do not represent “independent pronoun”, and it has not been translated in some cases. Finally, the frequency of equivalents of “independent pronouns” in translations has been presented comparatively in a graph.  

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Background: Low back pain is the most common cause of disability and absence from work among young and middle-aged people. As there is limited knowledge regarding this problem among Iranian students, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of low back pain and its ‘related socio demographic factors among students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in which 200 students of Islamic Azad University were selected purposively. Demographic questionnaire and Ronald-Morris Disability Scale were used to collect data regarding characteristics and disability caused by back pain. Data were entered SPSS16 and analyzed through descriptive and analytic statistics. Results: In total, 190 students including 78 (41%) men and 112 (59%) women were assessed. Of all studied students 113 individuals 65.9% were suffering from low back pain and 91 students
(47.8%) were suffering from pain related disability. Body mass index (BMI) was normal in most participants. There was significant negative relationship between low back pain and physical activity (P = 0.006). Conclusion: To sum up, the results of this study verified a significant relationship among low back pain and disability. Moreover, the students who were more active and were living in good socio-economic status were less probably to suffer from low back pain and disability.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (Fall 2020)

Politics is a product of geography and tourism, which is one of the geopolitical foundations of Iran, has not been unaffected by politics and has had many vicissitudes in proportion to political developments and political relations with the world in Iran and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution. Iran, with all its historical, cultural, and natural attractions in recent years, has been able to achieve relative success in this field, and the efforts and attention of tourism industry activists, the expansion of mass communication network, government facilitation policies, and attention to infrastructure, education and welfare have been among the most important reasons. Undoubtedly, the political relations of the countries have not been ineffective in the development of tourism cooperation, and the security, welfare, educational, as well as strengthened historical, cultural, and territorial commonalities between the two countries have been effective in expanding these tourist exchanges. For this purpose, the required data for the research have been collected from the content of upstream laws and programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the documentary method. The results show that the more countries have strengthened political relations, the more they are developed in tourism. This is, of course, clear in the case of Iran and Oman, which have been studied on a case-by-case basis. At the same time, if more infrastructure, welfare, and advertising facilities are developed, they will enjoy more prosperity.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Many infectious diseases had traditionally been cured with herbal medicines. Antimicrobial agents are often produced synthetically to increase the food durability and quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the antimicrobial properties of the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Allium schoenoprasum.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, after preparation Allium schoenoprasum samples, aqueous and alcoholic extracts were prepared and their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae by micro broth dilution method. Erythromycin was used as the control.
Findings: The MIC of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of A. schoenoprasum was 16-256 and 32->256µg/ml, respectively and MBC of them were 32-256 and 64->256ug/ml, respectively. The A. schoenoprasum exhibited higher activity against S. aureus and B. cereus strains.
Conclusion: The extracts of A. schoenoprasum have antimicrobial effect on S. aureus, B. cereus, E. coli and V. cholerae strains in micro broth dilution method.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Infections by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) are increasing problems in pediatrics and are usually associated with higher hospital costs and mortality rates. The aims of this study were the statistical investigation of the worldwide prevalence and risk factors of ESBL and CPE family members among pediatric population.
Instruments and Methods: From October 1, 1995 to July 27, 2017, some keywords including “ESBLs”, “carbapenemase”, “pediatrics”, “children”, and “risk factor” were searched in the searching databases such as Google Scholar, Embase, Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science among original research articles. The univariate and multivariate analysis of the collected data was performed by Graph Pad Prism 6.1 software.
Findings: The mean percentage of ESBL production was 20.23±22.31 and the mean percentage of CPE was 1.81±2.77. E. coli (n=991) and K. pneumonia (n=627) were the predominant ESBL-producers. Nephrology (n=5005) and NICU (n=1805) were predominant hospital wards. ESBL-PE had significantly higher prevalence in the infants unit (OR=0.9832, 95% CI=12.271-19.519; p<0.001). Moreover, ICU ward was a significant and independent risk factor for CPE acquisition (OR=0.849, 95% CI=2.211-5.415; p=0.0035). ESBL-PE and CPE were significantly isolated from blood samples (OR=0.9276, 95% CI=1.508-2.433, p<0.0001) and fecal specimens (OR=0.968, 95% CI=2.829-5.133, p<0.0001), respectively.
Conclusion: Most of risk factors between ESBL-PE and CPE are similar including previous hospitalization and prolonged use of antibiotics, cephalosporins, and previous colonization. Other possible potential risk factors that should be considered include presence of catheters and travel history. Detection of risk factors provides useful information for formulation of infection control policy.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2017)

The common pistachio psyllid, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt & Lauterer (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a key pest of pistachio trees in Iran. Both psyllid nymphs and adults directly damage pistachio; they extract large quantities of sap from tree and produce honeydew and cause deformation of leaves resulting in great economic damage. Little is known about the intraspecific variation of common pistachio psyllid in regions with stressed conditions, such as areas under high levels of pesticide application. Therefore, this study using geometric morphometrics was designed to 1) evaluate morphological differences in wing shape in populations under different levels of pesticide application in Kerman province as the main pistachio producer in the world, and 2) search for a link between the morphological data and previously studied molecular data. The populations were collected from regions with high and low pesticide applications. The results showed that wing shape (P< 0.01) and size (P< 0.01) are different between populations exposed to different chemical control programs. Based on the results, narrower wing shape was found in psyllid population in stressed environment (population with extreme chemical control programs). In spite of allometric growth, significant shape differences still remain when the data are adjusted to constant size, which showed the important role of genetic changes in the observed morphological changes. Moreover, links between morphologic and previously studied molecular data were revealed. Based on the results, it appears that an evolutionary resistance process is developing, therefore insecticide resistance management programs, in the regions under investigation, is recommended.

Volume 6, Issue 7 (No.7 (Tome 28), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

 In the world languages, subject and direct object which are also called grammatical relations are distinguished by three strategies in a sentence: word order, agreement and case marking system. World languages might yield one or two of the so-called strategies or might use all of them for distinguishing grammatical relations. In this article these strategies are examined in Shushtari’s transitive clauses. Therefore a questionnaire consists of 62 sentences was prepared for this purpose and interviews were done with native speakers of Shushtari dialect. Data analysis shows that word order is neither used for distinguishing subject nor for direct object. Agreement is applied for subject and case marking system for direct object in this dialect. As Shushtari is classified in the same dialectic branch with Persian, it is considered to yield the same strategies which are confirmed through data analysis.

Volume 7, Issue 13 (Spring & Summer 2020)

Different attitudes in to the subject of translation have led to appearance of several topics in its extent, each of which has expanded the science of translation in different points of view and provided the grounds for its conversion into a separate field, entitled "translation studies". Among the many topics in this field, this article reviews the history of translation of the Holy Quran in terms of distinguishing between viewpoint and theory. In this regard, the issue of research is: what kind of view on the matter of translation is shown in the historical course of translation of the Qur'an? Studies on the evolution of the history of translations from the beginning of Islamic history to contemporary era, especially in Persian translations of the Holy Quran, shows that according to the definition of "translation theory", what happened in the history of translation of the Qur'an is more view pointing rather than a theoretical perspective. Of course, the existence of some successful theorizing in the historical course of the translation of Quran cannot and should not be ignored.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Aims: Nowadays, the importance of morning reports for discussing clinical cases and making the best-informed decision for a therapeutic process is undeniable. Therefore, this study aimed to improve clinical morning reports' information adequacy by developing a structured reporting model.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative research was conducted in three phases at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of three educational hospitals in northeastern Iran in 2018. After investigating the current status of MR sessions, the content of 120 reports was included and extracted. The items were assigned subject groups for primary structuring while their validation was getting confirmation using a two-round Delphi technique involving ten specialists. Then, the structured model of clinical MRs was developed in two formats: structured paper-based form and structured electronic format. The final evaluation was conducted comparing three practices of structured paper-based, structured electronic format, and conventional formats. Excel 2010 software was used for the analysis of the results.
Findings: All studied MR samples were found unstructured in content. From 120 collected samples, 58 items were extracted and categorized into four categories. During the first Delphi round, all existing information was preserved with varying weights. Nevertheless, the participating experts also suggested six additional items to be included. In the second round, 11 items with the lowest scores were removed. Results of the comparative evaluation showed that the SPF format scored highest on the preference of use, ease of archiving and retrieval, application in future research, and ease of reporting. The SEF format scored highest on the clear understanding of patient status and readability.
Conclusion: Using a standardized structured morning report based on the preference of local experts improves the quality of morning reports in various matters, including efficiency, adequacy, and ease.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Issue 3 (Tome 52)- 2007)

Selecting people of project team is very important because it can determine successful ness or failure of projects. In this research, a model was developed for project team selection based on fuzzy approach that presents a systematic and scientific selection process of project team. Fuzzy compatibility concept was applied for measuring relationship and suitability between the necessary skills for accomplishing project activities and the skills of candidate people. In order to select the appropriate people to the project team, two factors were considered; the degree of compatibility and cost of potential teams. To make decision about the desired team, the "SAW" method was applied. Finally the desired team was selected that satisfied both skill requirements and budget constraints.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Aims: The consumption of fruits and vegetables has a protective effect on cardiovascular disease and its associated risk factors. The present study aimed to assess the effect of educational intervention on fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as its effect on blood lipid parameters, in government employees.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted in two offices in Qaem Shahr. The data collection tool included a 31-item questionnaire on the frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption and a laboratory test to measure blood lipid parameters. The Chi-square test, t-test, paired sample t-test, and ANCOVA were used for data analysis.
Findings: The study groups significantly differed in mean fruit and vegetable consumption after the six-month intervention (p<0.001). The mean total cholesterol (p<0.001) and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C; p=0.005) levels were significantly different between the groups after the intervention. The mean difference of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol levels showed a significant relationship with the study groups and the interaction of gender and group (p<0.001). The mean difference of total cholesterol (p=0.008) and LDL-C had a significant relationship with the study groups (p=0.03).
Conclusion: Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is only effective in improving the levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C, but not in lowering triglyceride and HDL-C levels. Therefore, influencing factors, such as the duration of fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as the time required to monitor their effect on these parameters, should be more closely examined.


Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2012)

Marriage is a demographic, social and economic phenomenon and age of marriage is a good instrument for its analysis. Age pattern of marriage among women in Iran has recently changed. Mean age at first marriage increased from 19.9 years in 1986 to 22.4 years in 1996 and to 23.3 years in 2006. In this article various factors affecting age of marriage are identified. An economic approach to define and identify parameters and variables of the model and the mechanisms that affect marriage and its timing are also used. Under this approach an econometric model to identify socioeconomic factors affecting women’s marriage pattern in Iran is developed. Data is from the 2001 Socioeconomic Survey of Iranian Households and the 1996 census of Iran. Proportional Hazard Cox Regression model is used to analyze data. The application of Proportional Hazard Cox Regression technique indicates that education has a statistically significant and strong positive effect on woman’s age at the first marriage. Other significant factors include rural–urban residence, ethnic group, age group, and socioeconomic status of the household.

Volume 12, Issue 6 (January & February 2022 2021)

At first glance, “number” is considered as a very simple grammatical category. However, in fact, it is a complex matter in languages and it causes varieties in world languages. The present study aims at examining the plurality and number category in language varieties of some cities in Kerman province based on typological approach. The survey’s corpus is extracted from Iran Linguistic Atlas’s database (ILA) a project compiling in Research Center of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. The research results show that, the value of number category in the studied language varieties is just singular and plural. The singular nouns are encoded without marker and the plural nouns are marked. The plural markers attach to singular nouns in suffix form, therefore the strategy for plurality in the studied language varieties is morphology, which is the most common one in the world languages. The data analysis indicates that syntactic strategy is used for encoding the number category along with morphological one.

1. Introduction
At first glance, “number” is considered as a very simple grammatical category and it is simply considered for distinguishing between singularity and plurality. However, in fact, it is not a simple matter in languages and the analysis of number and plurality in languages may be a complex matter. The way number is expressed in languages are different. In this study, number category and the way for encoding it, is examined in the language varieties of some cities in Kerman province based on typological approach. Also, plural markers in the studied language varieties are introduced. For analyzing the data, Corbet (2004), Dryer (1998 & 2005) and Haspelmat (2005) are used as theoretical frameworks. The corpus of this study has been extracted from the Iran Language Atlas (ILA) database. ILA is a linguistic project of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT). It aims at recording the usage of words, phrases and sentences of every regional spoken dialect of Iran’s rural areas based on a questionnaire consists of 105 words and phrases and 36 sentences. Recorded data of spoken language of 30 varieties of the said province included in ILA’s database.   
Research questions:
1. What is (are) the strategy(s) of encoding the "number" category in the studied language varieties?
2. Which forms of number (singular/plural) are marked and is the presence of marker on noun obligatory?
3. What kinds of number values do exist in the studied language varieties?
2. Literature Review
According to traditional grammar, there are singular and plural number in Persian. Singular in contrast with plural refers to one person or object in real world. There are two markers for plural nouns in Persian /-hɑ/ and /ɑn/ which are attached as a suffix to the end of the singular nouns (Anvari and Ahmadi Givi 2008:85). Singular nouns are zero-marked in Persian. Lazard (2010) and Mahutian (2008) mentioned that /-hɑ/ is used in both spoken and written styles and /-ɑn/ which is changed to /-un/ in spoken language. Windfuhr and Perry (2009) believes that /-ɑn/ is less frequent, denoting animates, paired parts of body, and a few other words. Paul (2019:585-586) states that   /-ɑn/ goes back to the Middle Persian and it was used for plural nouns in oblique case. In standard modern Persian, this plural suffix denotes the plural of animate nouns. He adds that in Modern Persian /-ɑn/ is almost replaced by /-hɑ/. But sometimes the usage of /-hɑ/ instead of /-ɑn/ causes difference in meaning of words. Shaghaghi (2007:55, 71) states that the plural markers in Persian are inflectional, because they do not produce a new word. However according to Ghomeshi (2003:56-57) they are derivational as they are variants based on different registers. Roshan and Ghadiri (2015) have mentioned that the suffix /-hɑ/ in Persian with time words refers to the meaning of repetition, along with plurality. Darzi and Ghadiri (2011) have studied the quantitative features of /-hɑ/ in Persian. They believe that this suffix with some time words shows quantitative features. Jam (2020) has examined the pronunciation of /-hɑ/ in Persian based on the theory of optimality. Different semantic functions of the suffix /-hɑ/ based on typological approach are studied by Bahrami (2018). According to Givon (2001) singularity is unmarked in the world languages but plurality is morphologically marked. He believes that in some languages plural forms are used just for animated nouns. Croft (2003) has mentioned that different languages show various behaviors in plurality. In some languages singular nouns are without marker but plural ones have markers on them. In some other languages both singular and plural nouns are with different markers. Also, there are a few languages in which none of the singular and plural nouns have markers on them. Some of the Iranian scholars like Rezai Baghbidi & Mahmoodi Bakhtiari (2005), Sharifi & Akhlaghi (2012), Karimi & Fallahi (2012) and Faalhi & Karimi (2015) have studied number category in some Iranian languages. 
3. Methodology
This research is descriptive-analytical and is a field study, based on an original survey on natural linguistic data of the studied languages. Through this research, the singular nouns and their plural forms have been extracted from database and then analyzed according to the research theoretical frameworks. The data are from ILA database of Kerman province. In this study all 30 language varieties which are available in ILA database of Kerman province, are examined based on theoretical frameworks. The research corpus consists of 328 plural nouns and noun phrases.
4. Results
The Research aims at studying the “number” category in language varieties of some cities of Kerman Province based on typological approach. The data are from ILA database. Results show that the number system values are singular and plural in the whole analyzed research data. The singular nouns are zero-marked, but the plural ones have markers which are obligatory. The plural markers are in suffix forms attached to the singular nouns. The strategies of number category in all studied language varieties are morphological and syntactic ones.
Table 1.
 Plural markers in Kerman province language varieties

  Language variety Plural Marker Example Tranlation
-hɑ -ɑn/
1 Persian + + + - deræXt-ɑ
Xorus-hɑ-j-e  sijɑ
Ɂɑn  zæn-ɑn
black cocks
those women
2 Abgarmi + - - - Xorus-ɑ   sijɑ black cocks
3 Eshkur + - - - doXtær -ɑ  Xub good girls
4 Barfe + + - - Xorus-ɑ   sijɑ
Ɂu  zejfe-hɑ
black cocks
thoes women
5 Baluchi - + + - deræXt-hɑ
Ɂɑn  ʤæn-ɑn
thoes women
6 Turkic - - - + jɑXʧe Gez-lær
jɑXʧe oɣlɑn-nær
good girls
good boys
7 Heydarabadi + - - - Ɂʊ  mærd-k-ɑ those men
8 Dehaji + - - - deræXt-ɑ trees
9 Ruzbehabad + - + - morq-ɑ-j-e  sijɑ
pesær-ɑn-e  Xub
blach hens
good boys
10 Zangiabadi + - - - doXtær-u-w-ɑ   Xub good girls
11 Sohrab + - - - deræXt-ɑ trees
12 Sharikabad + - + - ɟilim-ɑ 
pesær-ɑn-e   Xub
good boys
13 Shambuie + + + - ɟilim-ɑ 
morɟ-un-e  sijɑ
black hens
14 Shamili + + + - Xorus -ɑ-j-e sijɑ
Ɂon mærd-ɑn
black cocks
those men
15 Aliabadi + - + - deræXt-ɑ
pesær-ɑn-e  Xub
good boys
16 Ghaleasgari + - - - doXtær-ɑ  Xub good girls
17 Keykhosravi + - - - ɟilim-ɑ  rugs
18 Rudbari - + + - deræXt-hɑ
Xorus-un-e  sijɑ
black cocks
19 Lalezari + - - - deræXt-ɑ trees
20 Rashki - - + - ʔɑ  zæn-un those women
21 Faryab + - + - morʁ-ɑ-j-e  sijɑ
dot-un-e  Xub
black hens
good girls
22 Kahnuji - - + - doXtær-un-e  Xub good girls
23 Maarazi - - + - dot-un-e  Xub good girls
24 Manujani - - + - ʧok-un –e  xub good boys
25 Mazare + - - - deræXt-ɑ trees
26 Mamuli + - - - deræXt-ɑ trees
27 Mehrabadi + - - - morq-ɑ  sijɑ
black hens
28 Meymand + - - - Ɂɑn  mært –ǝke-ɑ
those men
29 Medvari
+ - - - Ɂɑn  zen-ǝk-ɑ those women
30 Garmsiri - + + -  Ɂɑn  zən-un
thoes women

+ Used in this language varieties
- Not used in this language varieties
The figure 1 shows that among the plural markers used in Kerman province language varieties, the usage frequency of /-ɑ/ is the highest and /-lær/ or /-nær/ are the lowest ones. Sometimes the informants do not use the plural forms by mistakes under negative interview circumstances. The last column in figure 1 indicates its frequency.
Figure 1.
 The frequency of plural markers usage in the studied language varieties


Neda Sadat Mostafavi, Reza Ruhani,
Volume 13, Issue 50 (Summer 2020)

Molana, the great creator of Masnavi, is an intellectual mystic, who has based his intellectual foundation on peace and indulgence. He has invited all in his works to follow his manner, by employing various techniques such as simile and anecdote.  His view on indulgence, along with some other views, have been criticized. The current study has explored these criticisms in the last century by adopting an analytical-descriptive approach. The purpose of such analysis was to fully understand the basis of his view on indulgence and to introduce and study the criticisms against it. Upon analysis, it became apparent that coexistence of different religious beliefs in the society (social pluralism), based on Islamic core beliefs, played a major role in his worldview. However, religious pluralism, bearing similarities with the aforementioned view of his, is not welcomed by Molana. The analysis of Molana’s verses has also shown that calling him a pluralist is not evidence-based and therefore flawed

Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2011)

Objective: Survey of the influence of HLA-DRB1, -DQB1 alleles, genotypes and haplotypes on age at onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in an Iranian population Materials and Methods: 105 Iranian T1D patients of different ethnic group and 100 ethnically, age and sex matched individuals were selected from Tehran's hospitals and HLA-DRB, -DQB typing was performed. According to the age at onset of T1D, the patients were divided into 4 groups (1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 years). The frequency of susceptible and protective alleles, genotypes and haplotypes was calculated in each group. The data were evaluated by using fisher's exact test. Odds Ratio or relative Risk was measured for all samples. Results: The results illustrated that the frequency of the HLA-DRB1*0401 allele decreased with increasing age, whereas the frequency of the HLA-DQB1*0201 allele increased with increasing age. The HLA-DRB1*0301 and HLA-DQB1*0302 alleles demonstrated the highest frequency in the 6-11 and 1-5 years age at onset group, respectively. HLA-DRB1*0401-DQB1*0302 haplotype had the most frequency among the 1-5 years age at onset group (p: 2×10-7, OR: 69.919) and the frequency of HLA-DRB1*0301-DQB1*0201 haplotype was the highest in the 6-11 years age at onset group among others (p: 2×10-6, OR: 6.243). Conclusion: The current study indicated that HLA-DRB1, -DQB1 alleles, genotypes and haplotypes are associated with age at onset of type1 Diabetes in Iranian T1D patients. The individuals carrying alleles that are associated with younger age at onset should take care under preventive treatment.

Volume 14, Issue 6 (11-2012)

Fusarium solani wasisolated from diseased roots of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in fields which were severely infected with Fusarium root rot of bean in Markazi Province of Iran. Specific PCR primer pairs were used for the identification and verification of F. solani (Mart.) f.sp. phaseoli (Burkholder) W.C. Snyder and N.H. Hans. Spore suspensions of F. solani f.sp. phaseoli were subjected to gamma irradiation at 130 Gy using Cobalt-60, and 700 mutants were generated. All 700 mutagenized colonies were tested in the greenhouse for reduced pathogenicity. One mutant (M23) showed the best expected reduction of Fusarium root rot and was chosen to be tested as a biocontrol agent in field experiments. Different concentrations of avirulent mutant (avr-M23) were used against Fusarium root rot in the infested field and their effects on the yield of bean plants were evaluated. The biocontrol effect of avr-M23 on Fusarium root rot was significantly improved with increasing its concentration from 103 to 109 conidia ml-1. Best yields (no. of pods per plant and 100-seed weight) were obtained at concentrations of 106 and 109 conidia ml-1. This study confirms that avr-M23 can be used as a biocontrol agent to protect bean plants from Fusarium root rot under field conditions.

Volume 14, Issue 16 (Forth Special Issue 2015)

This article presents analytical and empirical studies of a micro-electromechanical package. This micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) pressure sensor package contains of a printed circuit board (PCB), the capacitance LCD. First of all, mathematical modeling and computer simulation using software COMSOL software which is based on finite element method are presented to compute the sensitivity of the MEMS pressure sensor and output voltage output. It is worth noting that an Xducer resistor type is adopted to measure the diaphragm deflection. In addition to static and modal analyses of the sensor, the effects of geometric parameters on the voltage has also been studied. Simulation results show that by changing the size and position of the resistor and also the size and thickness of the diaphragm, sensor sensitivity can be changed. Then, with the construction and placement of components on printed circuit boards, the package has been prepared and tested in a laboratory. The experimental results of the package show that the error of the devised system in measuring the pressure is less than 0.5 percent. This pressure sensor package is capable of accurately measuring the pressure up to 6 bar in which all the empirical results are presented at the end of the study. The package can be designed according to the requirements of the petrochemical industry in measuring gas pressure of storage tanks and drums in FANAVARN petrochemical company.

Volume 14, Issue 63 (6-2016)

One of the most interesting methods to develop novel rheological and textural properties in food formulation is the application of hydrocolloid blends. In this study, properties of tragacanth gum blends with qodoumeshirazi, farsi and locust bean gums were evaluated. By this purpose initially the rheological behavior of tragacanth, qodoumeshirazi, farsi and locust bean gums were evaluated individually at 0.2% total gum concentration. Further, the rheological behavior of tragacanth gum blend with the mentioned gums in ratios of 20:80, 40:60, 60:40 and 80:20 were investigated between 1.32 and 165 s-1 shear rates. Power law and Herschel-Bulkley models were used to described their rheological behavior.These results showed that all solutions had pseudoplasticbehavior. Among the individual gum solutions,qodoumeshirazi showed by itself yield stress. The consistency coefficient of tragacanth gum was considerably higher than other gums. The apparent viscosities of blend solutions of tragacanth- locust bean gums and tragacanth-farsi gums in the ratio of 20:80 were higher than individual gums, which revealed the existence of synergism between these groups of gums. Since,farsi, qodoumeshirazi and locust bean gums are cheaper than tragacanth gum; it is possible to have cheaper formulation by using them instead oftragacanth gum.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Objective: The aim of the this study was to investigate the prevalence of toxB, paa, lpf and iha adhesion genes in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) isolates lacking in two important adhesion factors, the eaeA and bfpA genes. Methods: We examined a total of 70 serologically confirmed EPEC (eaeA-, bfpA-) isolates. DNA from the isolates was extracted by the phenol-chloroform method. toxB, paa, lpf and iha adhesion genes in the EPEC isolates were detected by polymerase chain reaction. Data were analyzed by SPSS software and statistical analysis using the chi square test. P-values less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results: PCR was positive for the toxB gene in 2 (2.85%), paa in 3 (4.28%), lpf in 32 (45.71%) and iha in 15 (21.42%) of the 70 strains. Statistically, none of the toxB, paa, and lpf genes were associated with diarrhea. However, the iha gene showed a weak significant relation to diarrhea (P=0.11). Conclusion: The main mechanism of pathogenicity for EPEC is attachment and effacement. Therefore, EPEC (eaeA-, bfpA-) should have another adhesin factor, which should be investigated. EPEC strains (eaeA-, bfpA-) that possess the lpf gene are common. Further investigations of the virulence properties of these strains are necessary in order to elucidate the role of these virulence factors in diarrhea among Iranian children.

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