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Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Introduction: Nowadays, Tehran is the most important challenge of political management of space in Iran due to the accumulation of problems in natural and human dimensions. The most important dimensions of this challenge are population density and the lack of coordinated management to overcome this problem and its consequences. Since one cannot consider Tehran separated from far and near hinterland, the first issue is the lack of spatial/geographical justice in these hinterlands. Tehran's problems can be analyzed in three levels: physical-residential, regional, and national. This descriptive-analytical research was carried out based on library resources with the aim of analyzing spatial justice in Iran and organizing political space in Tehran.
Conclusion: The lack of spatial planning and sustainable development approach on the national, regional, and local scale in the Iranian planning system has, above all, resulted in intense centralization, institutionalized, and has led to the formation of the center of the periphery pattern in the country. The performance of development programs, before and after the revolution, has led to the imbalance of the governing pattern of the spatial structure of the country. Also, the spatial/geographical injustice in the country and consequently in Tehran province, as well as the lack of integrated management in Tehran's urban management have caused Tehran's current problems. In order to solve the problems of Tehran and its optimal administration, it should be planned based on the available resources with the fair spatial planning approach to space and in the framework of the spatial planning strategy, using the space justice in three short, medium, and long periods, in order to provide the optimal administration of Tehran.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Introduction: Spatial planning is a set of measures to organize the distribution of human and activities carried out in the geographical space. Each area should enjoy a range of economic and social activities based on its capabilities, needs, and situation. Spatial planning is the basis of organizing regional development and it is the main instrument for regional and national planning and policy making; it provides the basis for the preparation of socio-economic development plans for each area or country. Since for the fulfillment of development objectives all social resources, including human, economic, spatial, and environmental resources should be used and making use of all these elements needs planning, spatial planning is the basis of comprehensive development plans and projects and connects spatial, social, and economic planning, or as a whole in the form of comprehensive planning, in regional and national scale. Border areas have special characteristics due to their contacts with the external environments. The cross-border exchanges and spatial connections between the adjacent countries as well as the various vulnerabilities and threats posed by this issue necessitate special care to the process of development planning in these areas. The aim of the present research was to investigate the employed strategies for spatial plannig in brder areas in Five-Year economic, social, and cultural development plans of Islamic Republic of Iran (1st to 5th Plan).
Conclusion: In general, and especially in the 3rd and 4th plans, the economic strategy is more important. Also, spatial differences have not been considered in 5-year development plans; strategies ignored the differences in the various border areas of the country and looked at all areas in the same way. In addition, a special type of strategy is focused in each plan.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Introduction: With its special geographical and topographical conditions, springs, waterfalls, variety of herbals, wildlife, and historical buildings, Khur va Biabanak has a high capacity to attract tourists. Strategic planning can be a way to exploit these opportunities. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify strategic priorities of economic development with an emphasis on ecotourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.
Instrument and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical research, the data were collected, using library and field method and two groups, including 150 tourists and 30 tourism experts were selected, using available sampling method. To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as to complete the information, the specialists were referred and a list of strategies was prepared. The SWOT model was used to select economic development strategies and the data were analyzed by GIS software.
Findings: In External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), the "diversification of ecotourism attractions" with a weight of 0.069 was the first opportunity and "environmental degradation and damage to historical monuments" with a weight of 0.053 was considered as the most important threat. In the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix, the most important strength was "the variation of ecotourism attractions in the region" with a weight of 0.069 and the most important weaknesses was "physical and environmental infrastructure shortage" with a weight of 0.063. The directional strategy of this city was a competitive strategy (ST).
Conclusion: "The development of cooperation between organizations involved in managing tourist attractions, paying attention to the participation of people, increasing the advertising for the introduction of tourist attractions, and tourist attraction during the year by presenting various types of ecotourism" are the most important strategies for the economic development of tourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Background: The comparison between voluntary and automatic contraction of deep abdominal muscles in patients with Nonspecific Low Back Pain (nLBP) may the best treat for them. The aim of this case-controlled study was to compare changes in the thickness of the Transverses Abdomin is (TrA) and Internal Oblique (IO) muscles during the Abdominal Drawing-In Maneuver (ADIM) and the Active Straight-Leg Raise (ASLR) test. Methods: This study involved 30 women including 20 women with and 10 women without non-specific low back pain. The abdominal muscle thickness in the supine crook-lying, ASLR, and ADIM exercises were measured. Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used to compare the thickness ratio results between the two groups. Results: There were significant differences between the TrA (p < 0.05) and IO (p < 0.05) muscle thickness ratios during the ADIM compared to the ASLR in the neutral lumbar posture in supine lying in the healthy group; However, in the subjects with nLBP, only the TrA (p < 0.005) muscle thickness ratio was significantly higher in the ADIM rather than in the ASLR. Conclusion: These findings suggest that in both groups the deep abdominal muscles (the TrA and the IO) responded differently according to the variable type of activities such as voluntary or automatic, therefore, in training programs, in addition to a voluntary workout, automatic type of exercises should also be taught.  

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2016)

A faunistic survey was conducted in Ardabil province (North-western Iran), during spring 2013 to study the ichneumonids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) associated with grasslands in this area. Samplings were carried out by the sweeping net in natural grasslands, neighboring fields and orchards. A total of twelve ichneumonid species belonging to nine genera and five subfamilies were collected and identified. The species were identified as follow: Collyria coxator (Villers, 1789), Diadromus collaris (Gravenhorst, 1829), Diplazon laetatorius (Fabricius, 1781), Diplazon pectoratorius (Gravenhorst, 1829), Homotropus crassicornis (Thomson, 1890), Homotropus elegans (Gravenhorst, 1829), Homotropus signatus (Gravenhorst, 1829), Lysibia nana (Gravenhorst, 1829), Orthocentrus castellanus (Ceballos, 1963), Picrostigeus setiger (Brischke, 1871), Promethes sulcator (Gravenhorst, 1829) and Syrphophilus bizonarius (Gravenhorst, 1829). Homotropus crassicornis is newly recorded for the fauna of Iran. An identification key to the known species of the genus Homotropus Foerster, 1869 from Iran is presented.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

Fiber production in nanoscale prepares high surface contact for fibers and leads to the improvement of their properties with respect to other fibers. A convenient and effective method for nanofiber production with different diameters is electrospinning. Various effective parameters on electrospinning processes, including environmental, equipment, and solution variables can produce fibers with different morphologies. PVA has been used in various fields of applied research because of its high thermal stability, biocompatibility, non-toxic and solubility in water. The published reports indicated that properties of the PVA are improved with the addition of bentonite. In this research, to prepare PVA/nano-bentonite nanofiber membrane, the optimum amounts of three effective variables on the above-mentioned processes were determined. According to the obtained results, the voltage of 11 kV, the feeding rate of 0.5 mL/h and bentonite concentration of 3% w/w were optimum conditions for the process of PVA/nano-bentonite nanofiber composite production. In this condition, the average diameter of produced nanofibers was 243 nm with the standard deviation of 0.0551 and the tensile strength of 7.64 MPa. The results showed that the addition of bentonite to PVA increase intensity of nanofibers and decrease the diameter of nanofibers from 308 nm to 243nm.Therfore, the produced PVA/bentonite nanofiber composite is a good membrane for water treatment.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (spring 2022)

Aime: The healing landscape in today's turbulent, stressful and dense world that is the result of environmental crises is one of the approaches that reduce the physical, mental and social illnesses of citizens in space following today's turbulent, stressful and dense world resulting from environmental crises. Is, has come into being, becomes. Historical and contemporary architectural spaces have different effects on landscape healing according to their construction pattern.
Methods: The present research is based on the nature and scope of the subject in the field of applied and developmental research and in terms of research method is descriptive-analytical which has been done in a mixed (quantitative-qualitative) way. Qualitative analysis of the article is based on observations and indicators affecting healing and then in order to adapt the analyzed indicators to prioritize them based on the opinion of respondents who have been users of study gardens with a coefficient of variation. The statistical population includes all users of Delgsha garden space and family. The sample size is 100 people (minimum descriptive analysis threshold) who are randomly selected.
Finding: Based on the acceptable results, it was observed that a comparative study of the components affecting the landscape healing in historical and contemporary gardens can lead to a pattern of spatial construction in which the components of landscape healing are important.
conclusion: The results indicate that in the traditional garden of Delgosha, spatial clarity, selection, solitude and experience of controlling garden affairs, readability, social interaction and mobility of other indicators were more important for the subjects. While in the contemporary garden of the family, spatial mobility, social interaction, spatial diversity, green plant species and spatial resolution were more important than other indicators for the subjects.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)

Iran is geographically located in the arid climate zone of the earth, which has caused a natural shortage of water in the country. In the past, Iranians have taken some measures such as constructing qanat, dams and reservoirs in most parts of the country to cope with water shortages. Over time, population growth and the expansion of agricultural, industrial and service activities have increased the need for water use. In addition to these issues, the unbalanced distribution of activities and population in the country has often turned the natural phenomenon of water scarcity into a human and managerial phenomenon of the water crisis, as a result of which double pressure is placed on water resources. In this situation, it can be imagined that the environment and natural ecosystems are the first victims of human interventions that have led to water cuts or severe reductions in their right to water and the water crisis brings all kinds of environmental crises. The present study using a descriptive-analytic method investigates the effects and consequences of the water crisis on the country's environment. The research shows examples of this situation in different parts of the country. In a way that the water crisis in various dimensions has destroyed the environment and natural ecosystems in the country and has left irreparable consequences.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)

The subfamily Microgastrinae Foerster, 1862 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea, Braconidae) is a challenging and the most diverse groups of braconids that has significant importance in biological control programs. They are koinobiont endoparasitoids of lepidopteran larvae and generally attack and develop in early instars and exit from the host larvae to pupate. In current paper, the findings of primary taxonomic investigations on these valuable biocontrol agents is presented and for each genus, the general habitus of a represented species is illustrated. Also, the proportion of known hosts for some genera was provided. The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary information of the Microgastrinae in Iran to serve as a starting point for future studies on the group and to encourage further study of more species in other regions of Iran, on various aspects of taxonomic, ecological, host associations, conservation, DNA barcoding and bio-control.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)

The Iranian fauna of Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae) is reviewed. The new material were collected in Western (Kermanshah) and Eastern (North Khorasan, Khorasan-e Razavi, South Khorasan, Sistan-o Baluchestan) provinces during 2015–2016. In total, twenty species of Eudorylini belonging to four genera known from Iran are listed. Four species, Claraeola conjuncta (Collin, 1949), Clistoabdominalis nitidifrons (Becker, 1900), Dasydorylas discoidalis (Becker, 1897) and Eudorylas jenkinsoni Coe, 1966 are newly recorded from Iran. A brief diagnosis is presented for the newly recorded species.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)

Iran is geographically located in the dry belt of the earth and this has led to a natural shortage of water. Isfahan province in the center of the country with a long-term average annual rainfall of about 150 mm is also severely limited water resources. Regardless of this, for about half a century, due to various reasons, water consumption in this province, which is mainly due to the establishment of large national industries and their chains, as well as agricultural development and population growth and urbanization, water consumption has increased greatly and lack the appropriateness of water resources and consumption has increased over time. Out of 35 plains of the province, 27 plains are forbidden or critically forbidden. Since no effective practical action has been taken to control this situation, various consumers have tried to compensate part of this mismatch by digging deep and semi-deep wells, both legally and illegally, using underground resources. The lack of replacement of groundwater aquifers and the continuous decline of their water level have caused the phenomenon of subsidence and their permanent destruction, so that even if there are sufficient water resources, these aquifers are no longer able to hold water. This causes the destruction of the most important foundation of the life in subsidence areas, which is the water sources, to be lost forever, which has many environmental, human and political consequences. Currently, subsidence threatens many parts of the province's infrastructure, such as national communication infrastructure such as Shahreza Road near Mahyar, Meshkat Road near Kashan, Bandar Abbas-Tehran Railway near Zavareh, Isfahan-Shiraz Railway near Mahyar and Marvdasht. Isfahan airport as well as other industrial, religious and historical infrastructures such as industrial towns of the province (Jafarabad industrial town of Kashan, Aran and Bidgol); Religious and tourist places (Imamzadeh Agha Ali Abbas, Naqsh Jahan Complex, and historical stairs of the province); Public places Naghsh 11 bsidence is spreading in almost all areas of Isfahan province, which threatens the survival of the province in various dimensions and it is necessary to think of serious practical measures in this area.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Iranian species of the genus Erigorgus Forster, 1869 are taxonomically reviewed. The sampling was done using Malaise traps in Eastern provinces of Iran. Two species, Erigorgus cerinops (Gravenhorst, 1829) and Erigorgus fibulator (Gravenhorst, 1829) are reviewed, of which the second species represents occurrence of this genus in East of Iran. A brief diagnosis based on the reliable morphological characters, as well as an illustrated key to Iranian species are provided. The geographical distribution of the recorded species in the Palaearctic regions is also discussed.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background: The concept of allometry states that the relative rate of change of a system unit is a constant fraction of the relative rate of change of the entire system, or of another part of the system.This concept is stated as a nonlinear relationship and has been verified in a variety of natural systems.
Materials and Methods:The allometric relations in various phases of basin evolution in forms of static and dynamic models wasinvestigated.In order to study the dynamic allometry, a model consistingof two basins was developed.The evolution stages and the erosion changes caused by artificial rainfall and tectonic movements and also in static form (natural basins) were monitored.
Results: The existence of allometricrelations in drainage basins that are progressing toward the equilibrium (natural basins and basins affected by erosion) are significant and verifiable.This kind of relations do not exist in tectonic affected basins that were moving away from the equilibrium.
Conclusions:Allometric relations in drainage basins can define different states of system such as equilibrium. Moreover, any factor that causes the basin to move away from equilibrium needs to have an initial effect on basin relations to cause disorder in the system,and this change,in many cases,can be formulated or demonstrated by allometric model. Therefore the allometric equations could be considered an important tool in predicting the evolution of drainage basins and assessing their performance in the past and present.  

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background:The online and efficient information about the spatial distribution of wildfire susceptibility and occurrence has a major role in improving of fire prevention activities.
Materials and Methods: In this study a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach was used for modeling wildfire susceptibility in East Azerbaijan Province and a webGIS system called fire susceptibility webGIS system (FSWS) was developed to easily share and utilize data and facilities among local people and managers. The methodology was composed of three different phases. First, dependent and independent variables were produced by several methods includingimage processing technique, interpolation method and GIS analysis. Next, the wildfire susceptibility was analyzed by using a MaxEnt approach to predict the possibility of wildfire occurrence based on history of wildfire data and environmental variables (anthropogenic, topography, climate and vegetation datasets) during 2005–2015 and the model performs well in terms of accuracy, with an area under ROC curve (AUC) value of 0.909. Finally, the webGIS system was developed by up to date and proper information.
Results: This webGIS system was provided from the spatial database of variables, wildfire susceptibility map, fire occurrence layers and base maps. FSWS was set up based on ArcGIS component and provided the facilities and capabilities of a web application that would be used by any user even without any prior knowledge of the GIS field.
Conclusions: By FSWS, the environmental authorities will be able to design many operational plans to control the wildfires, supporting conservation managers in improving pre-fire management and raise the awareness among the local people.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2019)

A survey was carried out on the genus Colotrechnus Thomson, 1878 (Hym., Pteromalidae) in North Eastern (North Khorasan) and South Eastern (Kerman) provinces of Iran. Two species including Colotrechnus subcoeruleus Thomson, 1878 and Colotrechnus viridis (Masi, 1921) were found, of which the first species is newly recorded from Iran. The new findings represent distribution of this genus along a wide area in Eastern provinces of Iran. An illustrated key to known Iranian species, as well as a brief diagnosis for each species are provided. A distribution map throughout the Palaearctic region is also generated and discussed.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2020)

The genus Latibulus Gistel, 1848 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) is taxonomically reviewed in Iran. Specimens were collected using Malaise traps in the Isfahan province, during 2013–2015. Two species, Latibulus argiolus (Rossi, 1790) (spring form) and Latibulus orientalis (Horstmann, 1987) (summer form) are identified, of which L. orientalis is a new record for the fauna of Iran. In addition, L. argiolus is recorded from central part of Iran (Isfahan) for the first time. The geographical distribution of the recorded species in relation to the overall knowledge in the target area and adjacent regions is also discussed.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Competency oriented approach to human resources development is considered as one of important empowering strategies in successful organizations. In recent years, emotional and social managers’ competencies and relational competencies have been demonstrated by several research studies. The purpose of current study was to examine the impact of Emotional and Social Managers’ Competencies on improving the technical, contextual and behavioral employees’ competencies. Research method was descriptive – correlation and Employees of Fars gas organization was the research population from which 162 employees were selected based on cluster sampling method. Data was collected through two standard questionnaires, Emotional and Social Competencies (ESC) inventory by Boyatzis (2007) and employees Competencies with Based on the Eye Competency Model of the International Project Management Association (2010). Structural equation modeling (SEM) used to analyze the gathered data. Results show that that emotional and social managers’ Competencies predicts the technical, contextual and behavioral employees’ competencies.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Adolescence is a golden chance for preventing the harms caused by unhealthy behaviors and it is the time for choosing a permanent healthy lifestyle. The aim of study was to evaluate the impact of educational program on parental nutritional social support among parents' female adolescents.
Materials & Methods: The present field trial was conducted from January to May, 2016. Sixty-three female adolescents (33 persons in intervention group and 30 persons in control group) with the age range of 12 to 15 years at schools of Isfahan, Iran, were selected by multistage random sampling method as the samples of the study. Samples were randomly allocated to two groups. Adolescents’ perceived and received social support from their parents was measured, using a researcher-made questionnaire, of which the validity and reliability were approved. The intervention included 3 educational sessions (each session took 2 hours) within a one-week interval for adolescents’ parents. One month after performing the educational intervention for parents, adolescents’ received and perceived social support for having a healthy diet was measured. The data were analyzed, using SPSS 19 and independent t test, paired t test, Chi square, and Mann-Whitney test.
Findings: There was no significant difference between two groups regarding the demographic characteristics of the two groups. Also, no significant difference was observed between the two groups after the intervention regarding the mean level of their perceived and received nutritional social support.
Conclusion: Educational intervention on parents does not increase perceived and received social support in early adolescents for receiving healthy nutrients.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2020)

The genera Psilocera Walker and Stinoplus Thomson (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae, Pteromalinae) are recorded for the first time from Iran. They are represented by two species, Psilocera obscura Walker, 1833 and Stinoplus etearchus (Walker, 1848), respectively. First species was collected from central part (Isfahan Province) of Iran, by the Malaise-trap and the second was collected from North East (North Khorasan Province) by sweeping net. Brief diagnosis, with illustrations of the morphological characters are provided for each species.

Volume 6, Issue 12 (Fall & Winter 2020)

Conjunction style is one of the most widely used styles in the Arabic language, especially in the Holy Quran which prevents repetition by attaching a phrase into another phrase and results in brevity to the word. The first phrase in this style is called "subordinate word in conjunction" and the latter phrase "primary word in conjunction" which these two phrases are principally joined together. But sometimes the two phrases are separated by a phrase that belongs to both of them. Based on this research, this phenomenon has a semantic function and actually represents the difference between subordinate word in conjunction and primary word in conjunction to interact with the meaning of the common sentence (word occurrence + disjunctive phrase). With a descriptive-analytical method, the present study has investigated this phenomenon in the examples of the Holy Quran. The results indicate that the mentioned phenomenon as a semantic index phenomenon has not been recognized and interpreted by translators and has attempted to convey its meaning except in a few cases. In the meantime, that interpretive and communicative translations, which are more open-ended than literal translations, have had a better response to this phenomenon.

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