Showing 26 results for Khodayar
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The historical novels The Golden Falcon and The Flares of the City of Otrar narrate the life of Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah. Unlike ancient historical texts in which the simple and predictable process of action by the central actor of the hero takes place, in these works, by creating active and anti-active characters, the actions deviated from their main stream, leading to the actions of deviation, substitution, action error and ... have become. The purpose of this research is to investigate how actions deviate within the narrative and damage such as action error, action change or even action collapse. For this purpose, the theory of action-discourse system of Greimas has been used to examine the action narratives related to the character of Jalal al-Din in the two historical novels The Golden Falcon and The Flares of the City of Otrar. In The Golden Falcon's novel, the deviation of action is seen as the transformation of action and the destruction of action by actors; A place where efforts have been made to reach Jalal al-Din's valuable object and save his life. In this novel, according to the value object "Beloved" and "Homeland" Jalal al-Din is depicted as a "lover" and "patriot". In The Flares of the City of Otrar, deviation of action can be seen as transformation of action and replacement of action. Most of the characters in the story and Jalal al-Din himself play the role of antagonists and try to distance Jalal al-Din from his valuable object and destroy him.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Mirajnamehs are narrative poetry that refer specifically to the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The creators of these poetic texts have composed their works by imitating or slightly changing the prior ones. Following the approach of Searle’s speech act and Genet’s hypertextuality, the analytical –descriptive method, and library research tools, this article explores the structural and linguistic interplay of Mirajnamehs. It was hypothesized that the poetic texts were hypertextually connected and the contemporary narrators consciously followed the prior narrators in composing their poems. Examining 26 similar sequences indicated that not only the works of Sanai and Khaqani with 17 subordinate poets were hypotexts of other texts, but also Sanai, Qawwami, Akhsikati and Molana were not subordinate to other poets; moreover, it clarified that contemporary poets had a greater tendency for the change rather than the imitation; in addition, it revealed that the quantitative generative transformation of the aesthetic expansion type as well as the applied transformation of the qualitative internal type had a higher frequency; furthermore, it showed that the most diverse speech acts were those of Helali and the most frequent ones belonged to Khajoo. All things considered, detailing, adding figures of speech and act episodes and actors, description, educational and moral discussions, creating a contrast between two concepts or characters, creating dialogues and using auxiliary characters were the reasons for the high frequency of speech acts in similar sequences.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
The exact date of coffee into Iranian territory is not known, but what has come to us from literature, show the reign of Shah Abbas Safavid and especially, in coffee houses in big cities in Iran like Isfahan flourished. The coffee houses of Safavid has cultural practice that most public places and especially the artists and poets. Because the Safavid poets of the era, such as the Board did not know about the art of poetry, the place was not in court and the other party's growing middle class in this day and age class gathered in coffee houses, poetry and literature to suit Since literature and society are constantly being traded bilaterally with elements in coffee houses in poetry and art of the period of manifestation of this age is certain. Coffee, opium and opiates are the most important elements that have been visualized in the poetry of this age. The method is a cross-sectional study and tool researched biography of the Safavid court and some of the poets of this era.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Aim: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Iranian women. Clinical nurses and midwives are supposed to be at high risk of the disease. The present study aimed at comparing the knowledge and health beliefs of Iranian nurses and midwives about breast cancer screening using Health Belief Model (HBM).
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 100 nurses and 60 midwives working in teaching hospitals affiliated to Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences (Yazd, Iran) were selected via convenience sampling. Three questionnaires were used to collect data including a demographic questionnaire, the Breast Cancer Knowledge Test, and Champion’s Revised Health Belief Model Scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS-11.0 for Windows.
Findings: According to the independent t-test results, the mean knowledge scores of the two groups were significantly different (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in mean health belief scores between the two groups (p>0.05). Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient revealed a significant direct correlation between knowledge and health beliefs in both nurses and midwives (P=0.018; r=0.18). The same test suggested knowledge to have significant direct correlation with benefits of mammography (P=0.01; r=0.2), benefits of breast self-awareness (P<0.001; r=0.4), cues to action (P=0.001; r=0.2), and self-efficacy (P<0.001; r=0.3).
Conclusion: There are some risk factors including unhealthy life-style behaviours, exposure to night light, and consequently, disruption in circadian rhythm, and that job stress can threaten the health of nurses and midwives. Thus, it is important to determine their perceived barriers of screening behaviours based on HBM.
Ebrahim Khodayar,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (Spring 2009)
The Persian works of Abdalrauf Fitrat-e Bukharaie (1886-1938) in Transoxania (mā wara` an-nahr) are of the first new prose and poetry instances of Tajiki Farsi in this region. The Monäzere (Debate) of Modarres-e Bukharaie with a European in India on the new schools, known as Monäzere (Istanbul, 1910), in addition to be the first prose and narrative work of this writer and poet of Transoxania, is the first independent Tajiki Farsi work in new Tajiki Farsi literature in this region, that describes the conflict between modernity and tradition in the form of short novel/long short story. This book is classified under thesis novels, i.e. problem novels so far as content is concerned. The present article tries to criticize and analyze the Monäzere from the view point of structure and story elements and further explore its outstanding role in founding dramatic literature and forming or establishing the new Tajiki Farsi literature in the Bukhara in the early twentieth century.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 6)- 2015)
One of the most important characteristics of Iranian paintings is their connection and unity with Persian literature, which resulted in the formation of common language and similar subjects in these two art fields. However, since the Zands Dynasty, especially their late era, a certain divergence occurred between painting and poetry due to the weakness of literature and the fact that the painters were more influenced by the European art. While focusing on the benchmarks of the poems of the return era, and the Royal Court portrait paintings, this study strives to examine the common aesthetic connection between these two fields of art through performing historical, descriptive, analytical and comparative study, and achieve the response to this question that Which factors were effective in the formation and flourishing of the literature and painting during the reign of Fath Ali Shah Qajar and how and to what extent are their common aesthetic links? The painting and poetry of this era managed to achieve flourishing thanks to the supports granted by an art-lover king, i.e. Fath Ali Shah Qajar. Due to the policies of the Shah during his 37-year reign against the arts, a suitable basis was provided for the alignment of these two fields of art in a new and different manner (notwithstanding the occurred divergence) so that the painters act independently in choosing their subjects, and do not refer to poetry so often, while trying to take benefit from poetical descriptions and literature aesthetic criteria, and represent the same through a human-oriented vision.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)
Ibrahim Khodayar, M. Jjafar Yuosofiyan, Maryam Elhamian,
Volume 4, Issue 16 (Winter 2011)
Debate is one of the literary prose types prevalent in Persian. In prose debates, two or more characters are presented in dialogue writing with each other and ultimately the authorsummarizestheir language and reaches a conclusion. The structure of these debates is mostly based on dialoguewriting. During the Constitutional era of Iran, these kinds of debates were regarded as ‘objectwriting’ or ‘theatrical writing.’ With respect to their formal structure and particularstyle of dialogue writing, it can be asked whether they can be read from a dramatic point of view. The dramatic tone and language, dialogue-based dramatic action, conflict, time and place are some of the identifiable aspects that are studied in this paper. The aim of this paper is to introduce a dialogue-based model for the study of the dramatic aspects of these debates. This model is proposed on the basis of a comparative study of dialogue in prose and drama as well as identifying commonalities between these two types of literature.
Ebrahim Khodayar,
Volume 6, Issue 23 (Fall 2013)
Ebrahim Khodayar,
Volume 7, Issue 27 (Fall 2014)
At the end of the nineteenth century, a new social movement was being formed among the Muslims of the Russian Empire. Under the influence of the innovative approach of its founder, Ismail Gasprinski, this movement was called ‘Jadidism’. In order to publicize its beliefs, this movement created fine works of modern poetry and fiction. This paper analyzes The Muslims of the Abode of Felicity [Därürrähat Müsülmänlarї] (1906)—Gasprinski’s most famous utopian work. Fitrat (1886-1938) translated this novel into Persian, Musulmänän-e Därul-rähat, in 1915. In this novel, Gasprinski presents his aspirations as the framework of the ideal Muslims community, or the utopia. The novel is here reviewed with an analytical-descriptive method and a critical approach using a special model designed for the analysis of such novels.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)
Aims: Regarding the treatment of cancer, due to the limitation in the use of high dose and resistance of cancer cells, it is necessary to use optimal methods that have high therapeutic efficacy and reduce the dose of radiation and medicine. The aim of the present research was to investigate toxicity of cisplatin under the influence of static magnetic field in susceptible and drug-resistant cell.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental study, A2780-CP resistant cell classes and susceptible to A2780 cisplatin were investigated in the field and drug-treated cell groups compared to the drug-receiving group alone, and to determine the effect of static magnetic field and concentration of drug, 10mT for 24 hours and logarithmic drug concentration (1, 10, 50, 100, and 500mcg/ml) were used. Inhibitory concentration of 50% cell growth (IC50) was obtained for the cells in the absence and presence of the magnetic field after conversion of the absorption obtained in the ELISA from the MTT test to cytotoxicity percentage. Data were analyzed with Prism software using two-way ANOVA and T-test.
Findings: In the presence of a static magnetic field and different drug concentrations, a greater reduction in the percentage of In vivo cells was observed. IC50 values for A2780 cells in the absence and presence of magnetic fields were 27.69±9.58 and 8.96±1.48μg/ml for A2780-CP, and 61.61±8.03 and 9.58±3.13μg/ml, respectively.
Conclusion: The mortality rate of the cells treated with cisplatin under the influence of the magnetic field is more in susceptible and drug-resistant cells than that of only drug use. Drug-resistance decreases in the drug-resistant cell class in the presence of a magnetic field.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (6-2021)
Organophosphates (OPs), one of the most important pesticide groups, are used worldwide to control pests. Acetylcholinesterase (EC (AChE), an enzyme from insects’ nervous systems, is the leading target site of this group of pesticides, such as Acephate. Inhibition of enzyme activity through Acephate-derived compounds can control both resistant and non-resistant pests to OPs. In this research, the toxicity of these compounds was assayed regarding the control of Xanthogaleruca luteola (Muller). Results of the in vivo screening test revealed that two derived compounds of phosphorhydrazides (PHA) (i.e., NH
2-C(O) NH-NH P(O)(OC
5) and OC
2) showed the most significant insecticidal potential. AChE was purified and isolated from the third instar larvae of elm leaf beetle,
X. luteola, using affinity chromatography. IC
50 values, inhibition mechanisms, and
inhibitory constant (
Ki) of NH
2-C(O) NH-NH P(O)(OC
5) and OC
2 as inhibitors were calculated for the purified AChE. These compounds inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and general esterases of third instar larvae of elm leaf beetle. These compounds, by mix inhibition mechanism, inhibited AChE enzyme, and K
i obtained was 1.16 and 0.88 µM
-1 min
-1 for NH2-C(O) NH-NH P(O)(OC6H5) and OC4H3-C(O)NH-NHP(S)(OCH3)2, respectively. QSAR study based on multiple linear regressions (MLR) and principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the non-descriptor net charge of the nitrogen atom influenced by the polarization of N-H group had the most significant effect on the insecticidal potential. Therefore, designing new compounds that control the N-H polarization of the nitrogen atom could be an excellent option to study insecticidal properties of Acephate-derived compounds.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Vol. 11, No. 2 (Tome 56), (Articles in Persian) 2020)
This article examines the reproduction of gender identity in Dowlatabadi’s short story “The Man” in the light of Judith Butler’s theory of Gender Performativity. It investigates the cultural function of identity and the way language discursively reflects the role of the unestablished identity in the story. It also presents new outlooks towards language performativity of the male/female dichotomy. What this article focuses on is an individual's identity, and language, exploring the concept of gender performativity.
Butler asserts that performativity is a ritualized production and a constrained reiteration of cultural intelligibility under the compulsory prohibition pressed by the power regimes. The culturally-acquired gender is crafted based on the socially recognizable standards, which form the directionality of the self-representation. A Gender is an act that requires a repeated performance in ritual and social dramas. She declares that one is not born but rather becomes a subject whose gender is a discursive construction that defines his/her body. Moreover, the gendered subjects were subordinated to the language that interpellated them, so that each individual became a linguistically stylized occasion.
Dowlatabadi’s main character in this story undergoes transfiguration from childhood to adulthood affected by the social upheavals leading him towards his crafted and gendered identity formation. His father’s roles are resignified through the reiteration and imitation of the gendered and naturalized regulations. Surveying “The Man” elucidates that gender identity is an imitation, which leads the character to resignify and recontextualize the parodic gender reproductions. Therefore, the established discourses gave the agent the feasibility to establish his intelligible social existence.
Springing from the discussion about gender performativity of Dowlatabadi’s character, the article concluded that identity is a phantasmatic construction. What an individual performes is a non-intrinsic parody of the culturally constructed regulations. It can be concluded that identity is established by the power of language that interpellates the subjects.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina L. (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), is one of the important woodboring pests whose larvae bore into twigs, branches, and trunks of various woody species, weakening and sometimes killing trees or shrubs. Recently it has caused severe losses of walnut trees in Iran. This pest overwinters as different larval instars inside trees. Overwintering larvae were collected monthly from October 2020 to March 2021 from Maragheh walnut orchards, northwestern Iran, to determine the presence of cryoprotectants and their changes during autumn and winter. Overwintering larvae accumulated sorbitol, trehalose, and myo-inositol during winter. During cold months there was approximately 11 fold and 7.5-fold increase in trehalose and sorbitol contents, respectively. Glycogen content was the highest in October and decreased significantly with decreasing ambient temperature. Our results suggest that the accumulation of sorbitol, trehalose, and myo-inositol plays an important role in the harsh-season survival of Z. pyrina.
Volume 12, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2010)
Seasonal activity and spatial distribution of Eoteranychus frosti Mcgregor, Tydeus longisetosus (ElBagouy and Momen) and Zetzellia mali Ewing were studied during 9th July to 22th October 2006 in an unsprayed apple orchard, Maragheh region, Northwest of Iran. Also the density dependence interaction between preys and predator was assessed. To estimate the spatial distribution pattern of these species, data was analyzed through Iwao's patchiness regression, Taylor's power law, Morisita's coefficient, Lloyd's mean crowding and index of dispersion. Iwao’s patchiness regressions and Taylor’s power law showed a random and Morisita’s coefficient, Lloyd's mean crowding and index of dispersion revealed an aggregated distribution pattern for E. frosti, T. longisetosus and Z. mali. The results indicated that the peak density of E. frosti and T. longisetosus occurred in mid September and in late August (2.46 and 4.4 per leaf, respectively). Regarding their predator, the peak density (10.34) occurred in early July. The linear regression between prey and predator densities indicated a density independent predation by Z. mali.
Maryam Narimi, Asghar Fahimi Far, Ebrahim Khodayar,
Volume 12, Issue 47 (Fall 2019)
Any discourse constitutes of several propositions and discursive formations that are created by focusing on the political, cultural and social conditions of each era. During the rule of Fath- Ali Shah Qajar (1772- 1834), the dominate literary review discourse; which is considered the very traditional discourse, was formed based o the perception system that was governing an era in which, the royal court was recognized as the producing institute of the mentioned discourse. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the literary discourse of return in images specific to Fath Ali Shah Qajar with regard to the political, social, epistemic contexts and the system of knowledge or spirit of the time.
If we admit that until then, Iranian painting and Persian literature have been more or less intertwined; it must be said that as the literary discourse of this period was formed, visual norms in FathAli Shah’s portraits also changed and new features emerged that were not unprecedented in past centuries. In the present study, the authors have attempted to examine how literary discourse led to the formation and influence of king's icons in court, based on Michel Foucault's theory of discourse as a methodological model and an interdisciplinary approach.Studies show that during this period poetry and poetic descriptions continued to be a source of inspiration for painters.Therefore the images of the King became more unrealistic and his aura of holiness grew larger. The king's body also became more intangible and metaphorical.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2024)
A bioassay-guided fractionation on repeated silica gel column chromatography was used to identify natural antifungal agents in the ethanol extract of Kelussia odoratissima leaves. The ethyl acetate fraction of the extract has significant inhibitory activity against Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid, whereas the water fraction showed no effect. The main compound responsible for antifungal activity was determined by NMR and Mass Spectrometry techniques and identified as (Z)-3-butylidenephthalide. It exhibited the highest mycelial growth inhibition with IC50 = 270 mg/L. Additionally, it inhibited the microsclerotia production and dark pigments formation. (Z)-ligustilide was identified as a moderately active compound with 62% inhibition. These findings revealed the crucial role of natural phthalides as sources of bioactive compounds that might be used in natural pesticide discovery.
Esmaeel Golrokh Masuleh, Ebrahim Khodayar, Seyyed Ali Ghasemzadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 56 (Winter 2021)
In this article, the critical works of Poornamdarian are analyzed and read with a philosophical hermeneutic approach. The question is whether hermeneutic philosophy has been the basis for the interpretation of literary works in this author's critical works. And if so, what hermeneutic concepts and themes form the basis of his work? Hermeneutic philosophy has penetrated in literary criticism with many of its themes and concepts. It seems that Poornamdarian has also used many of these concepts in his works, and many of the manifestations and ideas derived from this philosophy have been the basis of his works in the critique and analysis of literary works. But in utilizing these concepts, however, he has not merely placed himself in the realm of an imitative critic who has been influenced by one of the thought approaches related to philosophical hermeneutics, but, in addition to, his knowledge of the universal knowledge of critique in the field of hermeneutics, relying on the legacy of interpretation, introduces the audience to a new perspective on methodical literary criticism. The titles and layers of this article that are influenced by these concepts are: interpretation, semantic pluralism, symbol and allegory, demythologization in symbolic texts, deconstruction, grammatology, author death theory, intertextuality, ambiguity and meaninglessness (ambiguity), apostrophe and multifaceted, deconstructive and multifaceted connection with didactic and theological poetry, multifaceted and social commitment in poetry and literature. In his critical works, he has sometimes directly analyzed and studied these issues, and sometimes, as a special approach, he has absorbed and digested these concepts in his works that it could be said that .zhe has appropriated them as a discourse.
Extended abstract
Problem statement: The theoretical foundations of this research are based on "philosophical hermeneutics". Hermeneutics has a history of analyzing and interpreting the holy books of religions, including Christianity, Islam, and even surviving writings in the Persian language. Hence, interpretation, as an ancient ritual, is rooted in the belief in the "sanctity of the text." Influenced by the philosophical theories of Heidegger and Gadamer and their followers, Poornamdarian have created works in the field of literary criticism and interpretation of classical and contemporary Persian texts. One question is whether the opinions and ideas of literary criticism of critics such as the Poornamdarian, which are evident or hidden in his works, can be explained on the basis of philosophical hermeneutics. Another question is that in what fields and subjects does hermeneutics have the capacity to analyze and recognize in his system of thought - by digesting and absorbing their opinions in his works and not by following and mechanically imitating them? And can it be said that in this way he has tried to include some hermeneutical approaches in his critiques "through self-appropriation"?
Research findings
Poornamdarian considers interpretation (hermeneutics) as the search for truth to reveal the coherence of the text. The goal he pursues in interpreting the works of the Persian poems is to harmonize and create an agreement between traditional interpretation and modern hermeneutics. In this alignment, he combines three approaches of traditional and hermeneutic interpretation of Gadamerian and Eric Hersh's thinking, that is, the semantic validity of the text, and thus demonstrates his belief in the coherence of the text; However, he does not believe in a single meaning for the text; Because it does not find consistency and single inference with the situational context of multiple individuals and readers. Through the combination of these three fields of thought, he has "adopted" the hermeneutic critique approach and adopted a pluralistic approach. This discourse requires a kind of moderation in interpretation. It has an influence on the deconstruction of the text as well as on the issue of the author's death. He also equates the former with polysemy and the latter with uniqueness in terms of meaninglessness and meaning. He considers texts such as theological and didactic texts to be single-meaning or meaningful, and cryptographic texts to be meaningless and to imply a plurality of meanings. The issues of hermeneutics in his critical works have, in some cases, been directly analyzed and studied, and are sometimes so absorbed in his works that it shows that he regarded them as discourse. Another issue is that he has undergone a kind of transformation from cryptography to deconstruction in the production of his critical works; But the truth is that this metamorphosis does not have a fixed and absolute process, but rather lies in deconstructions and cryptocurrencies in his works.
The critic in this article, Poornamdarian, to achieve a moderate and coherent interpretation, without believing in a single meaning for the text, chooses an approach of harmonization and agreement between the three areas of traditional interpretation and Gadamerian hermeneutics and Eric Hersh's thinking the semantic validity of the text. And in a relative, rather than absolute, metamorphosis that governs the process of producing his critical works, he uses this moderation in most of his works.
Volume 15, Issue 11 (1-2016)
Transporting an object using several mobile robots by formation control, is an effective method in handling heavy and complicated objects either in known and unknown places. In this paper, to control the formation of three mobile robots and also to control interactive a control algorithm has been designed based on semi-active suspension system of remote center compliance (RCC). The main objective of control structure of semi-active suspension system is to control the desired formation and appropriate transportation of the object at the same time and also separating the object and other robots from effect of the errors occurred while creation of disturbance in a certain robot and preventing it from having effects on other robots. In order to terminate instability in impedance methods, multiple impedance control has been used in moving the object by cooperating robots. To follow the desired path and control of mobile robots formation, Leader follower method has been used. Simulation results indicate that the semi-active suspension control system, in order to minimize the vibrations caused by disturbance transferred to the set of robots, is more optimum and more stable compared to passive suspension control system.
Volume 16, Issue 8 (10-2016)
Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires are currently employed in robotics as actuators of prosthetic limbs and medical equipment due to advantages such as reducing the size in the application, high power-to-weight ratio and elimination of complex transmission systems. In this paper, a fuzzy control system has been designed and implemented for an artificial finger using the SMA actuators. This robotic finger has been designed and modeled with three revolute joints and three SMA wires as the tendon in order to adduction each phalange of the finger and torsional springs to restore them to their original positions. The dynamic model of the finger has been simulated in MATLAB/Simulation. Based on the simulation results, optimal choice of parameters and system features has been obtained and a prototype of finger has been built and tested. Gains of the controllers are set so that the current applied to SMA wires has minimum overshoot and the output of the system has minimal time to achieve stability. The comparison between the simulation results and the actual measured data show that the simulated model is accurate.