Showing 5 results for Iranzadeh
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)
Written about a variety of topics related to comparative literature emerged, but so far has not done independent research in the field of comparative literature studies course. With an overview of the work that has emerged in connection with the subject of adaptive, can be a turning point in his third decade as a comparative study. The third decade comparative studies emerged in the decades after witnessing a boom for many reasons and sometimes comparative literature studies have been declining.The author of an extensive research project for nearly two years to identify introduce and review all work is paid until the end of 1330 in relation to comparative literature in 1390 has emerged. What is discussed in this article studied the records of comparative literature is presented in tables and graphs when the subject is represented and ascending or descending research and analysis are their strengths and weaknesses.
Nematollah Iranzadeh, Mehdi Dadkhah Tehrani,
Volume 9, Issue 33 (Spring 2016)
Yeki Bud Yeki Nabud, a story collection written by Mohammad Ali Jamalzadeh (1892-1997), marks the beginning of modern short story in Iran. Along with the stories in this collection, also known as the very first attempts to write Persian short story, the foreword to this book is of prime importance in Persian literary studies and literary theory. One of the basic and yet significant concepts of this foreword is “literary democracy.” The analysis of the micro-concepts and metaphors developed in this foreword helps us analyze this particular macro-concept and hence better understand the foundation for the notion of “literary democracy.” It is also important to note to what extend this macro-concept have played a role in modern Persian literature.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2011)
The impact of climate change in the next few decades will increase risks of wheat
production under dryland conditions. Therefore, it is important to find cultivars that are
tolerant to these conditions and can provide reasonable yield under future climates.
Radiation use efficiency (RUE) is the key factor determining the crop yield and is related
to crop biomass and leaf area index (LAI). To obtain a high yield from a given cultivar
under dryland conditions, it is necessary to achieve optimum RUE. In this study, the
effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N) and plant growth retardant
(chlormequat chloride= CCC) on LAI, dry matter accumulation, biomass yield, and RUE
of four dryland wheat cultivars were examined. The field experiment was carried out
during 2006-07 and 2007-08 growing seasons at the experimental agriculture research
station of Shiraz University, Iran. The results suggested that different cultivars varied
significantly in LAI, biomass and RUE under similar conditions and demonstrated the
dependency of RUE on LAI and biomass yield. During 2006-07, the highest biomass
production (431.2 g m-2) and RUE (0.99 g MJ-1 m-2) were obtained from Nicknejad
cultivar, CCC application, and using 80kgN.ha-1. During 2007-08, the highest biomass
production (333.5 g m-2) and RUE (0.76 g MJ-1 m-2) were obtained from Azar-2 cultivar,
CCC application, and 80 kg N ha-1. Based on the results of this study, application of N and
selecting cultivars resistant to late season drought stress could be considered for
improving RUE in dryland farming.
Volume 13, Issue 6 (Number 6 - 2011)
It is suggested that cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with regulated growth and development would be able to produce higher yields under water-limited conditions, which is crucial in future food production. Water use efficiency (WUE) is worthy of exploration in this regard. In this study, the effects of nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 40 and 80 kg Nha-1) and a plant growth retardant (Chlormequat Chloride = CCC) on WUE of four dryland wheat cultivars (Agosta, Nicknejad, Azar-2 and Fin-15) were examined in a field experiment during 2006-07 and 2007-08 growing seasons at College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran. The results showed that there existed significant differences between cultivars for grain yield, biomass and WUE. In the first season, the highest grain yield and biomass production (192.4 and 431.2 gm-2, respectively) were obtained from Nicknejad cultivar, CCC application and using 80 kg Nha-1, and in the second season, from Azar-2 cultivar (121.5 and 333.5 gm-2, respectively). CCC and nitrogen had significant effects on photosynthesis rate and WUE in both seasons. Interaction of CCC and 80 kg Nha-1 on WUE were significant in both seasons (1.24 and 2.72 gm-2mm-1, respectively). It is suggested that interactive application of CCC and nitrogen fertilizer could have beneficial effects on wheat grain yield under similar agro-climatic conditions.
Volume 18, Issue 111 (May 2021)
The purpose of this research is to identify possible failures modes in the process of producing Kurdistan sugar factory. In this research, firstly, the Process map of the production process by using the IDEF0 modeling logic was extracted accurately in order to schematically analyze all the aspects and processes of sugar production from raw sugar. Then, in the form of teamwork and at various expert meetings, 49 major and potential failures were identified in all processes and activities of the sugar production process. In the following sessions, the failure severity, the probability of occurrence of failures and the probability of error detection were determined. Using the RPN (risk priority number) was extracted for each failure. In the following, the root causes of the 24 priority failures were determined by FTA, and due to the causes of the errors, suitable solutions to reduce the effects of failures were documented. Finally, the origins of process failures were analyzed.