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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The relationship between words and their concepts is investigated in the "Semantics". "Statistical Semantics" is a sub-branch of "Computational Semantics" and in fact, a sub-branch of NLP. Determining the keywords and main concepts of a text requires time and specialized knowledge about the text, in the traditional ways.Lexical Chains” is one of the newest branches of statistical semantics that presents the main concepts of the text based on the semantic relationships between words. In this research, we aim to determine the lexical chains of the sermons No. 111 and 221 of Nahj al-Balaghah, based on the theory of "Barzilay" and "Elhadad", using the descriptive-analytical and statistical method. The results indicate that there is 78 lexical chains in the sermon No. 111, and the semantic relationship of antonymy (50%) is more used in it, and the sermon No. 221 has 87 lexical chains, which the semantic relationship of antonymy (38%), and synonymy (34%) are more used in it. In the sermon No. 111, the chain No. 53, which its words indicate leaving this world and choosing the Hereafter, and in the sermon No. 221, chains No. 31, 62, and 8, whose words, respectively, indicate silence after the ability to speak, the importance of using wisdom, fear of the Judgment Day, are the strongest chains. Also, the results show that the topic of the sermon No. 221 is "ethical, religious, scientific, intellectual", but the main concepts of the sermon No. 111 are matched by the "ethical" topic mentioned by "Dashti".

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Trissolcus vassilievi (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is one of the most important egg parasitoids of the common sunn pest (CSP), Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in Iran. In this study, the fitness of two populations of T. vassilievi was studied on two populations of hosts in terms of life history parameters. Two populations of T. vassilievi were selected: 1/ Tabriz (as a temperate area), and 2/ Varamin (as a subtropical area), as well as for CSP. Moreover, regarding that outcrossing between populations can produce progeny with superior characteristics, the progeny of reciprocal crosses between original populations also were examined on a single host. The crosses between the two populations caused 13.9-18.5% higher net fecundity than maternal populations which suggests fecundity to be a function of maternal phenotype. The intrinsic rate of increase showed minor differences among treatments which varied between 0.291±0.003 to 0.305±0.003. The partial advantage of the Varamin wasps over the Tabriz ones and the crosses over the original populations was obvious. Such differences may be used to obtain more efficient parasitoids in augmentation programs.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Background: Low back pain is the most common cause of disability and absence from work among young and middle-aged people. As there is limited knowledge regarding this problem among Iranian students, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of low back pain and its ‘related socio demographic factors among students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in which 200 students of Islamic Azad University were selected purposively. Demographic questionnaire and Ronald-Morris Disability Scale were used to collect data regarding characteristics and disability caused by back pain. Data were entered SPSS16 and analyzed through descriptive and analytic statistics. Results: In total, 190 students including 78 (41%) men and 112 (59%) women were assessed. Of all studied students 113 individuals 65.9% were suffering from low back pain and 91 students
(47.8%) were suffering from pain related disability. Body mass index (BMI) was normal in most participants. There was significant negative relationship between low back pain and physical activity (P = 0.006). Conclusion: To sum up, the results of this study verified a significant relationship among low back pain and disability. Moreover, the students who were more active and were living in good socio-economic status were less probably to suffer from low back pain and disability.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Quality of life plays a considerable role in individual and social health. Low back pain is the most common musculoskeletal disorders and cause negative impacts on various aspects of life. The aim of study was to compare the quality of life of students with and without low back pain.
Methods and Materials: This was across-sectional study performed among students at the Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, and west branch in Tehran., Iran. 200 students took part in the study and the SF-36scale was used to assess the quality of life of the participants.
Findings: The mean score of overall quality of life, physical, and mental health of the participants were 67.87 ± 19.07, 72.36 ± 21.53, and 63.20 ± 21.34 respectively. There was a significant relationship between quality of life and socio-economic status (p = 0.007), physical activity (p = 0.002) and smoking (p = 0.007). About %60/3of all participants (N = 114) reported back pain history. There were significant relationship between quality of life and low back pain (p = 0.0001).
Quality of life in students with back pain was less than those without back pain.
Conclusion: Considering the underlying factors affecting the quality of life of students, this study showed low back pain could also diminish the quality of life of the students.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2000)

To evaluate durum pasta quality traits, using international standards, a study was conducted on seven improved and local durum wheat varieties. The traits examined included grain vitreousity (I.CC. No. 129), grain hardness index (h.i.), yellow berry (y.b.(, black point (h.p.), hectoliter weight (h.l.w.), thousand kerne! weight (t.k-w.j, protein percentage (I.CC. No. 105.1), protein quality through sedimentation test (I.CC. No. 116), and wet gluten percentage. Durum wheat gluten quality can be used to detect varieties with favorable traits for pasta making:, some of these traits being: semolina percentage, pigment content, reaction to cooking and pasta disk pressure tolerance. The varieties Zardak from Kermanshah, Altar 84 from Ahwaz and Yavaros 79 from Karaj exhibited the most favorable pasta quality traits. There existed significant positive correlations (at 1% level) between protein percentage and sedimentation test, wet gluten percentage and protein, wet gluten and sedimentation test, and protein percent and dry gluten. The results indicated that protein percentage of durum wheat varieties can be used to select varieties of favorable quality for pasta making.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (winter 2021)

Aims: This research deals with the delicacies and complexities of recreating the historical cemeteries of cities. In this regard, it tries to know the obvious, hidden dimensions, layers and components in the deep levels of perception by reviewing lived experiences.
Methods: This research is qualitative and has a phenomenological approach. In this way, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted in Kusenbach's innovative method and in five axes, and also supplementary questionnaires were distributed to record, receive and analyze the meanings of the lived experiences of the landscape visitors.
Findings: The lived experiences of historical landscape cemeteries were studied in five axes: "Reference, ideal image, activity, improvement and mental dimensions" and showed that historical cemeteries have multidimensional qualities and a great variety, multiplicity and complexity in the perceptual layers.
Conclusion: If the role of the cemetery is reduced to the necessary urban infrastructure and becomes only a place for burying the bodies, then the connection between the world of the living and the dead is cut off, and turning it into a landfill for urban waste outside the city. Because of having valuable structures and elements, originality and hidden values that show the interaction of culture and nature over time, and these values preserve the identity and collective memories and historical memory of society, the protection of the historical landscape is very sensitive. Therefore, it is impossible to re-read these features in the re-creation of the cemetery without analyzing the deep perceptual layers hidden in the soul of this place.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2016)

The effect of forest roads on the extent and type of fire damage occurred in forests and rangelands of the Neka County in Mazandaran province was investigated. For this purpose, all fire spots, stand number, percentage and type of injury and damage to tree species, and average diameter at breast height (DBH) were noted with 100% inventory; area and geographic location of access roads were determined using GPS. The results showed that distance from the main access road had a significant correlation with the area of ​​fire spots, but no significant correlation existed between the distance from the strip roads, skid ways, town of Neka and the area of ​​fire spots. The factors influencing fire severity were analyzed using the stepwise regression model. Model also showed that just the distance from the main access road affected the area of ​​fire spots. For every one meter increase in the distance from the main access roads, the area of fire spot was increased by 1.545 m2. Further, the extent of fire can be controlled by reducing the distance from the main access roads.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Based on specimens collected from East Azarbaijan province during 2016–2017 as well as specimens which already had been collected during 2007–2015 and deposited at ICHMM, overall 18 species of the genus Tabanus were recognized which among them, Tabanus armenicus (Krober, 1928), Tabanus maculicornis Zettersted, 1842 and Tabanus nemoralis Meigen, 1820 are new records to the Iranian Tabanidae fauna. Diagnostic characters as well as their informative photos are given.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)

  Abstract: Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say),is the most important insect pest of potato in Iran. If local potato varieties vary in susceptibility to the pest, host plant resistance may provide management benefits to potato growers. A life table study was carried out to determine the relative suitability of four common potato varieties (Agria, Marfona, Savalan and Satina) for CPB development and reproduction in northwest Iran under laboratory conditions at 23 ± 3 ºC, 62 ± 10% RH, and natural photoperiod. Developmenttime and hence generation time was longest on Savalan (31.07 ± 0.48 d and 42.72 ± 0.71 d respectively) and shortest on Agria (27.8 ± 0.65 d and 35.99 ± 0.8 d respectively). Juvenile mortality was highest (47.5%) on Satina and lowest (22.5%) on Marfona. Intrinsic rates of increase (r) were 0.129 ± 0.005, 0.127 ± 0.005, 0.129 ± 0.006 and 0.104 ± 0.004, on Agria, Marfona, Satina and Savalan, respectively, that on Savalan being significantly lower than the others.The highest net reproductive rate was 145.26 ± 25.23 on Marfona and the lowest was 81.18 ± 2.71 on Savalan which was not significantly different among the cultivars. It seems that, among the four tested cultivars, the Savalan cultivar is less suitable to CPB, resulting in the poorest overall biological performance of the beetle, but the level of resistance did not appear sufficient to negate the need for other control methods.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Biofilter is one of key components of recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) that affect initial investment, executing cast and success or unsuccess of system. Hence in this research, performance of barley straw, wood chip, sponge (as cheap and available media) and PVC pure pipe (to compare) based biofilters was surveyed in Common carp recirculating aquaculture system. To conduct this research 12 pilot recirculating aquaculture systems designed and 50 common carp individuals (mean weight: 4/8 g) were stocked in each system. After activation period (about 1 month), waste removal efficiency of biofilters and growth performance of Common carp were surveyed. Results indicated that sponge based biofilters had the best performance. Barley straw and wood chip based biofilters showed acceptable waste removal efficiency, while PVC pure pipe biofilters had poor performance. The highest feeding and growth performance of fish were observed in systems involved barley straw based biofilter. In conclusion barley straw, wood chip and sponge because of having low cast, being available, having relatively high specific surface area and showing acceptable waste removal efficiency, can be used in RAS and semi reuse systems.

Volume 5, Issue 14 (6-2017)

various purposes. Many religious traditions recommend killing animals to avoid from disaster. In order to get rid of the evil and throw it into the blood and non-blood forms, apotropaic belief is common among the people of Bakhtiari. Based on the thaughts of the Islamic religion and the Eid al- Adha, the Bakhtiari people, sacrifice animals on mountains like sheep, goats and cattle. Another reason people kill animals is to remove evil in wedding ceremony.Among other ritual, it should mention writing pray, Damband Kardan. The aim of this study is to show how and why the tradition is held and also ways of apotropaic belief with blood via killing animals in Bakhtiari tribe.By adopting descriptive –analytical research methodology, this research shows that Bakhtiari tribe follow sacrificing traditions to obey God’s sayings, but some part of it has mythological appearance and traces; such as killing animals on the top of the mountains and ornamenting animals to be killed under tree, pouring blood on the ground and putting blood on the face and head.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of some insecticides with novel modes of action on Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and their sublethal effects on pupal mortality, pupal weight and sex ratio in adult insects. The effects of hexaflumuron, chromafenozide, chlorfluazuron, cyromazine, lufenuron + fenoxycarb and azadirachtin and chlorantraniliprole were evaluated on 1st instar larvae of L. sativae using a leaf dip method. Dose - response lines were constructed for insecticides which caused higher mortality of the larvae at field recommended doses. LC50 values for chlorantraniliprole, cyromazine, azadirachtin and hexaflumuron were 0.24, 0.49, 8.51 and 67.6 mg ai/l, respectively. A significant reduction in pupal weight and adult emergence was observed in all of the treatments except chromafenozide; but the adult sex ratio did not change significantly compared with control. Most of the insecticides used in this study are fairly new compounds with unique modes of action and had considerable lethal and sublethal effects on L. sativae. If these results also hold true in the field and commercial greenhouse conditions, these compounds could be suitable candidates in management of vegetable leafminer.

Volume 6, Issue 21 (9-2018)

Colors, in addition to their artificial meanings, express human emotions, thoughts and characteristics, for this reason, color in the general and modern sense and with respect to its functions and inherent elements shows the better understanding of the emotions and thoughts of the layers of the tales. Thus the authors by adopting a descriptive-analytical research methodology and by referring to the “Iranian Tales “compiled by Anjavi Shirazi try to classify the colors and their usage in these tales. The findings showed that the colors come into new usages in the narrative texture of tales which can further be divided into several categories: the expression of value and class beliefs, colors with the function of public interpretations and beliefs, symbolic beliefs, colors to serve the expression of details, expressing the aspirations of the public and mythological beliefs.   With reference to such usage, colors can be divided into two categories:  colors such as black, white, green, and yellow are used to express intentions, public interpretations, symbolic and value beliefs. Sometimes the colors are used with other colors to describe the details or specific functions. Golden and golden attributes of yellow are allocated to rich classes of people, and its various ranges or shads are attributed to the wishes and demands of the lower class of society.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2017)

The first performance of the home is to create shelter, a haven which provides peace for inhabitants. Village House is a safe and reliable "inner place" against "external environment" with the extent of the wild nature. Therefore, the first performance of the home is primary need of rural people. The formation of the house is affected by a variety of environmental factors of three surrounding environments which in different species are formed based on special regional and local materials of the area by natives of the area.
In fact, the most important characteristic of rural homes, especially (Gilan) is simplicity and harmony with the natural environment surrounding them, in such a way that, a building not only is not a waste element that is added to the environment, but is risen from its surroundings, and the stability is reached due to its exposure.
conditions, not only has led to a different appearance of the buildings in the area, but due to the abundant use of wood and plant fibers in the building, and special properties of these materials, methods of construction in Gilan is distinct from other parts of Iran. Studying traditional methods of construction in Gilan to identify a species of "architecture in harmony with nature", Leads us to full interaction of man and the surrounding environment, that all of them indicate Intelligent human knowledge in time with the technical limitations of construction, and the sense of respect for nature.
As architectural elements and building components, all in order to build a dynamic architecture in this particular area of the building not only by benefiting from natural curran in the summer leads to climate comfort in the spring and summer, but in winter with a layer of semi-enclosed elements, such as Faken, reduces the amount of heat exchange between indoor and the surrounding environment.
Accordingly, the logic of construction and materials are selected based on potential and natural resources in the region and leads to use the local materials, combining fences, columns, headers and wooden beams and flowers used in walls, decoration by flowers and roof with four slopes are considered as individual components of a vernacular architecture, that in the passage of time has damaged stability of the building like natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, which is considered as an effective factor among the indicator species in each region.
In Gilan geographic reach, which air humidity and rainfall is very high, rural housing should not only meet human needs related to shelter, but must include climatic comfort relatively. As such, residential building must be constructed in such a way that reduxes moisture in the environment over human tolerance to have proper temperature and humidity conditions. In this area, because of moderate temperatures in many times of the year, reduced air humidity provides comfort because discomfort in summer is felt due to high relative humidity of the air at all times a day. So, wind can move easily in order to repel moisture around the body and the human environment.
The relationship between the building and the environment is considered as the most obvious aesthetic features of Gilan rural buildings, which is rooted in geography, cultural issues and style life in Gilan. The lack of tangible boundary between inside and outside has given to it different effects compared with the central regions of Iran.
The houses of the area are generally built either in the direction of East or with a little rotation from East to South and this is due to the use of maximum sunlight and air flow. The used materials are indigenous as other rural areas of Gilan and available materials are used. The walls in this region are mainly the combination between the "Chineei" 1 "Zegali" 2 and completely Zegali. Because of the abundance of straw in the area,”Kolosh”3 is used as Zegal in the walls. In fact, all the art of living in the Gilan plain can be summarized in coping with difficult climatic conditions such as annual rainfall by almost 1280 mm, the humidity between 70 to 90 percent and temperature fluctuation between * 20 and * 37 .
In different parts of the plains of Gilan where the climatic characteristics cause a particular kind of architecture, outward-oriented architecture, regardless of the contradictions and complexities of construction technique, and variations in the utilization of local and available materials, we're seeing similarities in the scheme of this type of architecture, the majority of similarities in these buildings include:
The existence of the porch and hallway in a four-walled building that most biological environments.
Get the limited space and enclosed in the heart of the monument and surrounded by a hallway and porch for winter time.
Multi-layer being the main views and spaces with a maximum porosity in the outermost level.
The height of the residential parts of the getting off the ground.
Placement comfy wooden stairs without an intermediary style that the relationship between the grounds and the supply of housing.
The mass use of plant and wood materials and uncoated amood.
The four characteristics of the dwellings of the plain Gila can be distinguished from includes the following items:
I. The height of the Earth's surface to protect it against moisture in the ground.
II. Fans with steep slope.
III. The existence of one or more of the aisle and the porch in views.
IV. Construction of houses based on vertical plan common build dwellings that central in Iran (Making room on the horizontal inner courtyard) is different
This research seeks to analyze the body of one of the native habitat of the index and the geographical boundaries of Gilan plain areas exclusively to the analysis method - described by Sachs and method of analysis techniques - modeling Builder designed with energy simulation software to evaluate a sample of their unit. Accordingly, the use of library studies on the described manner, the morphology of Gilan and provide basic concepts on completion of organ literature as early as the theoretical basis. The use of macro and micro-scale field studies of settlements to analyze the climate and the physical samples for example in the form of software modeling background design study builder and table Sachs contributed.
At the end of these studies show, as well as comfort in Gilan native settlements for rural residents and require the passage of time has been granted, Today, the role of climate change in temperate climate and wet in macro and micro scale habitable space And general changes in consumer materials residential structures in rural areas, the use of natural energy role in natural ventilation by not using energy artifact(Cooling and heating) is not possible and the combination of the two systems, natural and artificial energy is not inevitable, even in native settlements.
Research purposes
I. Clear analysis of how the formation of a native settlement on the centrality of body structure and climate
II. Assessment components and sub a native settlement in the description of the concepts of sustainable Sachs
III. Analysis of large-scale example of architecture in warm and cold seasons the energy simulation software

Volume 7, Issue 3 (2-2000)


Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2018)

Demographic parameters such as intrinsic rate of increase estimates are of main interest in a wide range of ecological researches. Two widely used uncertainty estimate techniques are bootstrap and jackknife methods. Bootstrap estimates are time-consuming processes that are impossible to use without a computer program. Unfortunately few programs, if any, have been developed for this task. In this study a guideline was offered to prepare a program in Microsoft Excel environment to carry out time-consuming calculations of reproductive life table data in a minute or two by repeatedly pressing a shortcut key. 

Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2018)

Small walnut aphid (SWA) Chromaphis juglandicola is an economic pest of walnut trees. Population fluctuation of SWA was studied in Mamaghan walnut orchards (East Azarbaijan Province, Iran).Three factors affecting population density of SWA, including vertical divisions of canopy (upper and lower half), geographical orientations of canopy (at four levels) and elongation of branch (basal and distal ends), were investigated. Sampling unit was a cluster of five leaves. Totally 128 samples were taken weekly from all strata upon eight chosen trees, repeating 30 times during the season. Natural enemies also were counted. The first SWA individuals were observed early May, consisting of first instar larvae and alate females. A sudden population increase occurred in mid-May. Maximum 40 aphids/leaf were observed in early June with first and second instars dominant, followed by a sudden decline in late June. A small peak was observed at early October. A partial tendency was observed toward north of canopy, at basal half of downward branches. Positive linear correlation between natural enemies' and SWA populations suggests density dependence. Moreover 2-4 week delay was present between them. Trioxys pallidus (Holliday) was dominant natural enemy in the region. Contrary to previous works, overwintering stages of the SWA in the region were predominantly developed stages (third and fourth instars as well as pre-reproductive winged females).

Volume 7, Issue 3 (fall 2019)

Using of parables was common to explain and teach their aims thoughts in ancient times intentions among some ethnic groups. According to Resources, this tradition was of the Hindu principles of the Buddha's teachings and through them spread among other cultures. The parable of the" blind men and the elephant" is probably the most widely known and the most loved of all the world's parables. By far the earliest version of this parable is to be found in the Udàna, and is attributed to the Buddha (Ud.67-9). The parable's appeal is due to how well it makes its point, its striking juxtaposing of man and beast and its gentle humor. The background to the Buddha telling this parable is that referred in the article.In all cases the parable is about the "human physical senses inability to understand the facts of things,” This parable is known among Hindus as the "cell rule, blind" so as a proverb. The article, with the approach of comparative literature, allegory to the roots and origins of the Persian and Arabic texts Search. Its origin has been fund in Hindi and Buddhist sources, in a collection called "UDANA". This collection contains the words and teachings of the Buddha to the followers. This fable in the life of more than two thousand and five hundred years of its travel route has seen many changes. Poets and writers, according to his mental and cultural system, made benefit use of it and some changes on it.

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