Showing 129 results for Hamid Reza
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Considering EFL teachers’ identities and emotions as discursive practices through a post-structuralist lens offered by the concept of navigation of emotions, this study sought to explore EFL teachers’ emotional experience in online classes during online education to examine the way their emotional navigation helped them negotiate their identities. The participants, including 17 Iranian EFL teachers, working at universities in the West, North, and East of Iran, were chosen using purposeful sampling. To generate data, in-depth interviews and personal documents were used, which were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. The participants spoke of the experience of mixed emotions, creating the sense of ambivalence, which offered the possibility of dialectic thinking for reconciling contradictory views and questioning the existing dominant and preconceived ideas. Moreover, they navigated their emotions through emotional reflexivity and positive reframing. While emotional reflexivity, as a process of self-confrontation, consisted of relational struggles and agency, reframing, as an example of deep acting, entailed emotional resonance or a sense of aliveness and connectivity as well as a possibility for stressing the transpersonal attachment, as a novel concept to be addressed in teaching English. The role of positive emotions in enriching language learning processes, which is mainly ignored in language education, was underscored because the cultivation of positive emotions in English language learners increases their intrinsic motivation, enhances their engagement, and creates a sense of belonging to the target language.
Volume 1, Issue 1 ((Articles in Persian) 2010)
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Logistic regression (LR) was used to model urban growth between the years 1987 and 2001 in Gorgan city, north east of Iran. Three groups of variables including economic-social, land use and biophysical variables were used in the modeling practice. Using covariance of the independent variables, distance to administrative and sporting centers plus distance to cities were removed. ROC (Relative Operating Characteristic) value for LR was 0.87 that confirmed success of the modeling method. Using maps of urban growth probability predicted by the LR model, urban distribution patterns for the years 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 were created. Land use maps for the years 2001-2050 were created using urban probability pattern maps and the base land use map of the year 1987. We used landscape metrics at class and landscape levels to compare the urban growth effects on other land use types present in the area. The comparison showed that urban development influences agriculture and pasture land use types more than other land uses. Also, we found that the landscape in the study area has undergone fragmentation and will become more fragmented and heterogeneous over time. Urban growth creates higher urban patchiness and increases the number of pasture and agricultural patches. The information thus obtained is helpful in more effective management of the area.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Issue 1 (Tome 2)- 2012)
The purpose is examining factors that promote satisfaction for student in the school. This research is fundamental both quantitative and qualitative in nature. In this study, two methods have been used: a) Survey research methods (survey) b) Correlation method. For a multistage cluster sampling method was used. In order to assess the individual's perspective, creating table of contents based on studies and interviews with architects and experts, will be discussed. According to this table question naive was designed and distributed among the population. After classifying data using the software SPSS, the analysis is discussed. Five factors were extracted on patient satisfaction. These factors include: physical comfort, perceived environmental, psychological security, environmental attractiveness, sense of belonging. Operating resultant T-test analysis was located. Finally, it was found that 95% of the sample mean is greater than from average. At least 70% percent of the population had an agreement with the agent.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Soil erosion is an abstruse phenomenon which contains segregation and transmission of soil particles and runoff from rainfall and infiltration. Runoff and sediment generation was compared using rainfall simulator in grassland (St. parviflora-Br. tomentellus) and shrubland (As. parrowianus-As. gossipinus). For this purpose, vegetation map was supplied for two vegetation types four main aspects and two slope classes (12%-20% and 20%-40%) and corresponding work units were accordingly determined Three points were selected in each unit and rainfall simulator set inside them through a randomized pattern. The intensity of rainfall simulation was 1.6 mm min-1 with 10 minute duration and then runoff and sediment were measured. One soil sample (depth of 0–40 cm) was collected and assessed for pH, OM, EC, P, K, Ca, Mg and texture in the laboratory at the vicinity of the study area. The results of Duncan test and multiple regressions showed that grassland had more runoff and sediment than shrubland, but initial time of runoff in grassland was less than shrubland. Also aspects, slopes and soil characteristics (EC, Ca, Clay, P) had significant effects on runoff, sediment and initial time and they had linear correlation with runoff and sediment.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Soil compaction has become a widespread problem in the world and it is considered as one of the main factors affecting land degradation in arid and semi-arid agricultural land. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of soil compaction on soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration, physical (aggregate stability, saturated soil moisture content, bulk density, and porosity) and chemical (EC, pH, organic carbon and nitrogen) features. The treatments were applied in the form of the completely randomized block design with four independent variables and three replicates. The study treatments included: control treatment (no artificial compaction), T2 (2 times passing heavy tractor), T3 (4 times passing heavy tractor) and T4 (6 times passing heavy tractor). Toward this attempt, data was analyzed by means of the SPSS 16.0. Software package. The type of mean comparison method applied is the LSD test (at significant level of 5%). The results showed that different levels of soil compaction caused a significant effect on soil physical and chemical features. Based on the results, 6 times passing heavy tractor significantly reduced soil porosity and aggregate stability (respectively from 0.45% and 5.32 mm in control treatment to 0.255% and 3.88 mm) while this treatment (4) significantly increased soil bulk density as compared to other treatments(from 1.45 g cm-3 in the control to 1.97 g cm-3). Four and six times to-and-fro passing heavy tractor caused a significant reduction in soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration respectively from 3.26 t ha-1 and 149.62 kg ha-1 (in control) to 1.70 ton ha-1 and 48.16 kg ha-1for T3 and T4 treatments, but significantly increased EC in comparison with other treatments (changed from 0.58dS m-1 in control treatment to 0.83dS m-1 in T4). Also, all soil compaction treatments significantly increased soil pH. For example pH increased from 7.93 in control to 8.09 inT4. While soil compaction treatments resulted in significant decrease in organic carbon, total nitrogen and saturated soil moisture values.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (Winter 97 2019)
Gel treatment is one of the most promising remedy methods to improve conformance in heterogeneous reservoirs for better sweep efficiency. In this paper, new enhanced preformed particle gels (PPGs) for conformance control at the Balal reservoir are introduced. In these PPGs, three species of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic sodium salt (AMPSNa), acrylamide (AM) and N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) monomers have been used to synthesize via free radical crosslinking polymerization at room temperature using N,N-methylenebis (acrylamide) (MBA) as a cross linker. The swelling properties of the PPGs were enhanced by adding the Nano clay Montmorillonite Na+. A temperature stability agent was also used to make these special PPGs compatible with high temperature and salinity reservoir conditions. Then, PPGs were kept in Balal reservoir conditions in order to study their stability in harsh reservoir conditions. To this end, combination of 50 samples of the preformed particle gel has already been constructed by design of experiment using response surface method, and finally a new model for predicting the swelling ratio of the preformed particle gel based on the weight percentage of material and in different salinity is provided. The results of this research show that the crosslink has more influence on the swelling ratio, and PPG with the optimal formulation will able to guarantee the hard reservoir conditions (temperature 82˚C & salinity 260000ppm).
Shairi Hamid Reza,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (winter 2009)
Regarding the discursive or semiotic approach, unlike the structural studies which consider the linguistic products as external and independent objects toward theirs producers, very semiotic items influence the obscurant process of linguistic productions. The most important, meanwhile, is the discursive presence that its dynamism leads us to a discursive pointing and helps us to extent our relationships, and so the interaction between compatible and incompatible powers. Now the question is this: what helping us to transmit from a systemic relationship between the signifier and the signified to a processional? It seems that the cause arises of a substitution of a processional system instead of the fixed relationships of the signifier and the signified. But someone may ask: what traits cause that the lingual plans change the borders of meaning, and produce a semiotic process? Our purpose in this article, besides answering that question, is studying the conditions which lead us from a structural semiotics that the predetermined meanings are very important for it, to a processional semiotics which for that the meaning is a tributary to the dialogue and conflict between the plans of language. Key words: semiotics, discourse, lingual plans, process, meaning
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2014)
A 12-week feeding trial was carried out in 500 L fiberglass tanks to evaluate the effect of dietary choline at 0, 2, 4, and 8 g kg -1 levels on growth rate, body composition and total liver lipid of juvenile Acipenser baerii (37.67±0.67 g). A semi purified basal diet was formulated using vitamin free casein and wheat gluten as a protein source, a mixture of animal and plant oils as a lipid source and dextrin as a carbohydrate source. Four isonitrogenous (40% protein) and isoenergetic (18 MJ kg-1) diets were prepared and fed to the fish three times daily to apparent satiation. Weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly affected by dietary choline (p<0.05). The best growth performance was observed in fish fed diets containing 2 and 8 g kg -1 choline (p<0.05). Fish fed with 2 and 4 g kg -1 choline showed higher lipid content compared with the control diet (p<0.05), but not significantly different in body protein (p>0.05). Total lipid of liver and plasma, plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipids levels showed an increasing trend with increasing levels of dietary choline, but not significantly different among treatments (p>0.05). Based on the results, we recommend adding a 1.5 gkg-1 choline to commercial diet of juvenile Acipenser baerii.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (, (Articles in Persian) 2012)
Both intertextuality and intermediality are discursive phenomena that impact the semiotics by defamiliarization or interaction of the media and the text. Intertextuality function since its appearance could be seen only in the literature and its contrast was only with multi-media novel. In various arts, especially in the cinema, theatre and cyberspace, it seems that they could not achieve to prove the transdiscursive technical and media situation – particularly in the criticism area – until intermediality is discussed. The intermediality shows interaction of various characteristics between different mass media next to each other keeping all characteristics of its signs. It has then a transposition by which the primitive characteristics are suspended and differentiated. The most important aspect of this media conflux is to establish a material and a form of expression next to another material and form. The purpose of this research – besides studying intermediality discourse – is to consider its function in the semiotics and arts as well. That is why having the intertextuality reread, the borders between text and media and, finally, the effects produced by interaction of the media are regarded to gain a proper theory about intermediality.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Abstract The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between developmental performance appraisal and Job performance mediated by organizational commitment and organizational support in the employees. This study performed in the Gas Company of Guilan Province in 2013. A number of 217 employees were selected as the participants using classified random sampling consistent with the sample size. Participants in this research complemented following Questionnaires: developmental performance appraisal, Organizational Commitment, Organizational support, Task Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. To confirm the scale factor structure and to evaluate the suggested model, confirmative factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted. Moreover, Bootstrap Test was adopted to examine its mediation and meaningfulness effects. The results revealed that the suggested model satisfies a good fitting regarding provided data. The research findings showed that only the indirect path of developmental performance appraisal, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior was meaningful, while the other three indirect paths (developmental performance appraisal, organizational support and commitment on task performance and developmental performance appraisal, organizational support and organizational citizenship
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)
The socio-economic factors affecting land use changes in the Maraveh Tappeh region was determined from the viewpoint of beneficiaries and experts. The items of questionnaires designed as rating scale based on the five options Likert. Reliability of questionnaires was determined by Cronbach's alpha. Two sets of questionnaires were designed for beneficiaries and experts. Reliability of beneficiaries and experts questionnaires obtained 0.75 and 0.80, respectively. A total of 310 beneficiaries and 42 experts responded to the questionnaires. Mann-Whitney non-parametric test was used to compare the mean between the experts and beneficiaries. The reality amount of significant difference was obtained from the effect size. Rating average was used for each item and its priority. In ten items, significant difference at the 0.01 level between the viewpoints of beneficiaries and experts was observed. The high cost of living, low income of rural families and unemployment in rural areas were the top three priorities from the viewpoint of beneficiaries. The low income of rural household, the high cost of living and increasing the price of farmland were the most effective factors from the viewpoint of experts. Economic factors were the key priorities of land use change in viewpoint of both beneficiaries and experts, indicating that experts had the necessary experience and understanding of beneficiaries’ condition and were positive and important notes for policy making and management issues.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)
In recent decades, obesity has turned into a public health problem worldwide due to its high prevalence, costs, and negative health effects. In 2014, over 1.9 billion adults (over 18 years of age) were overweight; of these, more than 600 million were obese [1, 2]. Adulthood-related health problems come from unhealthy behavioral patterns during childhood. Obese children are more likely to have obesity in adulthood, and even disability and premature death may threat them. In addition, obese children experience breathing difficulties, increased risk of fractures, hypertension, early markers of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), insulin resistance, psychological disorders, depression and social isolation [3]. Childhood obesity is caused by excessive food consumption and drinking of high-calorie sweetened beverages, lack ofphysical activity, and genetic factors; other behavioral and environmental factors may also play a main role in this regard [4].
The rapidly rising rates of childhood obesity and subsequent increasing burden of disease and disability have grave social and economic consequences, contributing to the rising cost of health services, limiting economic growth and exacerbating health inequalities and inequities. Hence, control and prevention of childhood obesity is a vital issue, and the related interventions can guarantee these children’s health in future [5]. Obesity is preventable and solvable if people get acquainted with the disease and its consequences and perform the recommended preventive health behaviors. Although health education is the first step to change unhealthy behaviors, but health education programs merely are not sufficient. To combat obesity and its negative effects, comprehensive policies through coordinating and collaborating with other sustainable development sectors are required [6, 7].
The cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 416junior high-school students who
were selected using stratified random sampling in Khoy City, North West of Iran. The aim of the research was to evaluate the causes of obesity among children in the view of students. The data collection tool was a valid and reliable questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistical methods in the SPSS software (ver.22). The results showed that the prevalence of obesity in the studied was 19%, which is a high and alarming risk factor according to the available statistics in the world; also the main predictors of obesity were: 1) Sedentary life style due to watching screens of television and computer for more than two hours per day, 2) Eating high-fat and unhealthy foods, and 3) Drinking sweetened beverages instead of water. There was a statistically significant relationship between the above three factors and obesity in children (P<0.05).
It is required that several effective public health programs and urgent measures be utilized for the control of obesity in children. To prevent and control obesity in students, the following strategies are recommended: a) raising people’s knowledge and attitudes regarding obesity preventive lifestyle; b) limiting the consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages (sugary drinks) and choosing healthier foods (such as grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fat and protein sources) for children; c) adding health-related educational contents in the schools’ curricula; d) be a role model (parents and teachers who eat healthy foods and participate in physical activity are good examples for the children and students to more likely do the same; e) limiting the time of viewing television, computer, and “sit time”; f) encouraging physical activity (children should have 60 minutes of moderate physical activity in most days of the week); g) providing specific places for walking and bicycling in the urban environments to promote physical activity; and h) advertising and promoting healthy lifestyle for people through mass media [8, 9]. In general, obesity should be considered as a health problem with high priority by health decision makers and policymakers, and steps should be taken to control and prevent it at both individual and community levels. In this way, effective strategies should be used with regard to the capabilities of the community and in accordance with the policies of the communities.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors had the major role in the following areas: study concept and design; acquisition of data; analysis and interpretation of the data; drafting of the manuscript, critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content; statistical analysis; and administrative, technical and material support.
This study was supported by Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia/Iran
Volume 5, Issue 12 (3-2017)
To explain how lie is made from the perspective of semiotics, we first need to define icon and its function in the domain of discourse. In this regard, we show that although icon means the maximum amount of similarity between a thing and its representation, there is always the possibility of creating distance between the two that can vary from zero to infinity. This distance makes something as lying in language. According to this, icon can fluctuate from hypoicon to hypericon. Based on these explanations, we figure out that lying is a sign that loses its conformity with the object which is supposed to be represented. The article examines the causes of less or total disagreement of this icon in folk tales according to semiotic process. The main purpose of this article based on semiotic approach and iconic sign process, is to discover the causes of lacking conformity with the reality as well as the fluctuations of this icon. The main hypothesis of this theory is that the involvement and intervention of sense- perceptional and emotional processes as active factors in human behavior could change our understanding and point of view. For this reason, they prevent icon from a stable conformity with the object in time and place. As a result of this process, the discourse of lie is created.
Volume 5, Issue 16 (9-2017)
The present research focuses on the question of genuine and un genuine in literary discourse by adopting the semiotic approach which regards discourse as process-oriented phenomenon in order to create semantic structures and investigate their effects on the interactive regime of actants based on Heidegger, Austin, Baudouin, Greimas and Tarasti thoughts in the field of semiotics and discourse analysis. At this point, to explain the language correlation with genuine and un genuine, our focus of attention as the corpus will be so–called Persian folk tale “Sezaye Niki Badist” by concentrating on this question that how folk narrative can replace the process of detecting genuine and un genuine by changing the signification production process. By genuine, we mean an utterance or statement which is linguistically and semiotically speaking the best choice according to the context and situation of discourse production and speaker's ontological point of view, while, un genuine refers to every property which disturbs or damages the natural process of signification production. The goal of the current research is to detect the conditions of realization of these opposite factors in language, according to selected corpus of Persian literary folk narrative to understand the manner of formation and their resulted changes in discourse. The main question in the current article is that what kind of factors intervene in the formation of these elements in the language and how these factors strength the discursive system, change and in some cases disarrange the realization of the signification and the reliability of the process.
, S. Mostafa Mokhtabad Amrayi, Hamid Reza Shairih,
Volume 5, Issue 20 (Winter 2012)
As intertextual studies penetrated in art, the intertextual scholars attention was drawn to various mechanism of text in intertextual analysises of Gérard Genette studies. Genette presented 5 types of these relations by proposing transtextuality. These studies gradually found their way to cinema. This article aims to survey hypertextual and paratextual relations-two component of transtextuality- in Iran’s cinema.Through facing cinematic adaptation, we will realize that how a movie text excerpts from other texts in different ways, whether they are literary texts or not! One of the basic issues of this research is to recognize all kinds of cinematic adaptations and their characteristics. In paratextual relations the text is placed on the threshold of the other text and it seems that its ratio to the release time is the most important issue in this regard. The objective pursued here is to introduce a model of intertextual relations which specifies types of these adaptations and paratextual time relations in iran’s cinma. For this purpose, after rereading review of literature of intertextuality, hypertextuality and paratextuality, we will distinguish intertext from intertextuality. Finally some of the movies of Iran’s cinema in 1370s and 1380s will be observed in order to achieve hypertextual and paratextual relations.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
In this study, semiotic functions of color and light have been investigated and analyzed in “Chinese and Romans discourse on painting and portraying” chosen from the first volume of Masnavi. In this discourse, introducing his phenomenological point of view, Mowlana tries to demonstrate how democratic aspect of oriental mysticism is crystalized. Thus the main question of this study is how and under which circumstances and cultural discoursal functions, the transition from physical-actional atmosphere to symbolic and transcendental one is achievable. In fact, the purpose of this research is to study the interactive characteristics of light and color besides demonstrating the place of cultural semio-spheres in Mowlana’s discourse. Our hypothesis is that ontological and phenomenological presence of light saves the discoursal space of color from existential decadence, and places it in the transcendental position. According to this hypothesis, light and color in a colorless atmosphere cause the signification transcendence. In such circumstances, we see our self-integration with the other and the presence of existence where everything changes to a context of aesthetic music of the world spirit.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)
Aim: Exposure to ergonomic risk factors in the workplace is one of the most common causes of Work-related MusculoSkeletal Disorders (WMSDs). Since gardeners and landscaping workers are exposed to WMSDs due to the different tasks they perform, this study aims to assess the risk of WMSDs prevalence among this group.
Methods and Materials: In this study, first, the job tasks of workers were analyzed using the Hierarchical Job Analysis (HTA) method. Then, the job postures of 100 gardening and landscape workers in one of the industrial complexes of Yazd province were assessed using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method. Finally, the Nordic Questionnaire (NQ) was used to estimate the prevalence of WMSDs. SPSS software version 22 was used for data analysis.
Findings: The REBA final score for the two activities of mowing (worst posture) and leaves collection (longest posture) were 8 (high) and 4 (medium), respectively. The highest prevalence of WMSDs was in the lower back and knee areas. A significant relationship was found between aging and the prevalence of WMSDs in the neck and wrist area. Furthermore, a relationship was found between severity of WMSDs in the elbow area and the type of work activity.
Conclusion: The working conditions of these workers should be examined and corrected from the ergonomic issues point of view. It is recommended that people be trained to understand the occupational ergonomics hazards and how to reduce the risk of developing WMSDs through the proper use of ergonomic principles.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
Background: In Iran, the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 disease were detected with the death of 2 people in Qom city. Then other cases were reported in Markazi, Tehran, and Gilan provinces, and after that the disease spread to all 31 provinces of the country.
Materials and Methods: All data used in this study were collected from the reports of the National Committee on COVID-19 Epidemiology in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran. To investigate the effect of traveling between neighboring provinces, a spatial rate smoothing method was used, showing the impact of neighborhood on the disease prevalence. Also, to investigate the relationship between population density and disease prevalence, spatial regression was used at a significance level of 5%.
Findings: Based on the estimated spatial rates, the disease prevalence rates changed in many provinces compared to the raw prevalence rates. Population density was also found to be directly related to the disease prevalence, so that with increasing population density, the disease prevalence rate increased (p <.001).
Conclusion: It seems that case finding process should be done actively in all provinces of Iran regardless of administrative borders. Provinces should also be classified in terms of the disease transmission risk according to population density of patients, which may indicate the probability of contact between individuals.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2017 2018)
The physical conditions of the environment greatly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and group learning. On the other hand, it is important to recognize the physical and mental needs of students based on the achievements of humanities and education in order to fit the educational spaces and coordinate the architecture of the space with their needs. Therefore, relying on the concepts of Quran verses and jurisprudential hadiths based on the necessity and importance of critter satisfaction is during the satisfaction of people and satisfaction of the Lord; in this research, we try to identify satisfaction as one of the factors affecting the quality of school architecture and take steps to improve and improve the situation. In addition to addressing the basic needs, qualitative considerations are also addressed. The present research, from the point of view of purpose, includes basic research and in terms of the nature is quantitative-qualitative research. The survey research method is used and the information which has been collected as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used and analyzed the relationships between variables. The statistical population of this study is high school students in Tehran. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was used for sampling. In order to measure the views of individuals, the table of purpose and content has been compiled based on studies and interviews with experts in the fields of education. Achievements show that five factors affecting satisfaction: 1) flexibility and spatial dimensions, 2) readability and accessibility, 3) beauty of space (Aesthetics), 4) environmental comfort, and 5) Territory and participation of people have been extracted. So what has been achieved is that, in order to satisfy people from the educational spaces considering the mentioned factors in the design are involved. In order to realize each of these factors, there are sub factors that play main role in designing. With consideration them will ultimately have the learning environments that users spend their time relaxing and without stress and they will have high satisfaction.The physical conditions of the environment greatly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and group learning. On the other hand, it is important to recognize the physical and mental needs of students based on the achievements of humanities and education in order to fit the educational spaces and coordinate the architecture of the space with their needs. Therefore, relying on the concepts of Quran verses and jurisprudential hadiths based on the necessity and importance of critter satisfaction is during the satisfaction of people and satisfaction of the Lord; in this research, we try to identify satisfaction as one of the factors affecting the quality of school architecture and take steps to improve and improve the situation. In addition to addressing the basic needs, qualitative considerations are also addressed. The present research, from the point of view of purpose, includes basic research and in terms of the nature is quantitative-qualitative research. The survey research method is used and the information which has been collected as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used and analyzed the relationships between variables. The statistical population of this study is high school students in Tehran. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was used for sampling. In order to measure the views of individuals, the table of purpose and content has been compiled based on studies and interviews with experts in the fields of education. Achievements show that five factors affecting satisfaction: 1) flexibility and spatial dimensions, 2) readability and accessibility, 3) beauty of space (Aesthetics), 4) environmental comfort, and 5) Territory and participation of people have been extracted. So what has been achieved is that, in order to satisfy people from the educational spaces considering the mentioned factors in the design are involved. In order to realize each of these factors, there are sub factors that play main role in designing. With consideration them will ultimately have the learning environments that users spend their time relaxing and without stress and they will have high satisfaction.